# Copyright (c) 2025 Calvin Rose # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. (import ./helper :prefix "" :exit true) (start-suite) # 7e46ead2f (assert (not false) "false literal") (assert true "true literal") (assert (not nil) "nil literal") (assert (= '(1 2 3) (quote (1 2 3)) (tuple 1 2 3)) "quote shorthand") # String literals # 45f8db0 (assert (= "abcd" "\x61\x62\x63\x64") "hex escapes") (assert (= "\e" "\x1B") "escape character") (assert (= "\x09" "\t") "tab character") # Long strings # 7e6342720 (assert (= "hello, world" `hello, world`) "simple long string") (assert (= "hello, \"world\"" `hello, "world"`) "long string with embedded quotes") (assert (= "hello, \\\\\\ \"world\"" `hello, \\\ "world"`) "long string with embedded quotes and backslashes") # # Longstring indentation # # 7aa4241 (defn reindent "Reindent the contents of a longstring as the Janet parser would. This include removing leading and trailing newlines." [text indent] # Detect minimum indent (var rewrite true) (each index (string/find-all "\n" text) (for i (+ index 1) (+ index indent 1) (case (get text i) nil (break) (chr "\r") (if-not (= (chr "\n") (get text (inc i))) (set rewrite false)) (chr "\n") (break) (chr " ") nil (set rewrite false)))) # Only re-indent if no dedented characters. (def str (if rewrite (peg/replace-all ~(* '(* (? "\r") "\n") (between 0 ,indent " ")) (fn [mtch eol] eol) text) text)) (def first-eol (cond (string/has-prefix? "\r\n" str) :crlf (string/has-prefix? "\n" str) :lf)) (def last-eol (cond (string/has-suffix? "\r\n" str) :crlf (string/has-suffix? "\n" str) :lf)) (string/slice str (case first-eol :crlf 2 :lf 1 0) (case last-eol :crlf -3 :lf -2))) (defn reindent-reference "Same as reindent but use parser functionality. Useful for validating conformance." [text indent] (if (empty? text) (break text)) (def source-code (string (string/repeat " " indent) "``````" text "``````")) (parse source-code)) (var indent-counter 0) (defn check-indent [text indent] (++ indent-counter) (let [a (reindent text indent) b (reindent-reference text indent)] (assert (= a b) (string/format "reindent: %q, parse: %q (indent-test #%d with indent of %d)" a b indent-counter indent) ))) # Unix EOLs (check-indent "" 0) (check-indent "\n" 0) (check-indent "\n" 1) (check-indent "\n\n" 0) (check-indent "\n\n" 1) (check-indent "\nHello, world!" 0) (check-indent "\nHello, world!" 1) (check-indent "Hello, world!" 0) (check-indent "Hello, world!" 1) (check-indent "\n Hello, world!" 4) (check-indent "\n Hello, world!\n" 4) (check-indent "\n Hello, world!\n " 4) (check-indent "\n Hello, world!\n " 4) (check-indent "\n Hello, world!\n dedented text\n " 4) (check-indent "\n Hello, world!\n indented text\n " 4) # Windows EOLs (check-indent "\r\n" 0) (check-indent "\r\n" 1) (check-indent "\r\n\r\n" 0) (check-indent "\r\n\r\n" 1) (check-indent "\r\nHello, world!" 0) (check-indent "\r\nHello, world!" 1) (check-indent "\r\n Hello, world!\r\n " 4) (check-indent "\r\n Hello, world!\r\n " 4) (check-indent "\r\n Hello, world!\r\n dedented text\r\n " 4) (check-indent "\r\n Hello, world!\r\n indented text\r\n " 4) # Symbols with @ character # d68eae9 (def @ 1) (assert (= @ 1) "@ symbol") (def @-- 2) (assert (= @-- 2) "@-- symbol") (def @hey 3) (assert (= @hey 3) "@hey symbol") # Parser clone # 43520ac67 (def p (parser/new)) (assert (= 7 (parser/consume p "(1 2 3 ")) "parser 1") (def p2 (parser/clone p)) (parser/consume p2 ") 1 ") (parser/consume p ") 1 ") (assert (deep= (parser/status p) (parser/status p2)) "parser 2") (assert (deep= (parser/state p) (parser/state p2)) "parser 3") # Parser errors # 976dfc719 (defn parse-error [input] (def p (parser/new)) (parser/consume p input) (parser/error p)) # Invalid utf-8 sequences (assert (not= nil (parse-error @"\xc3\x28")) "reject invalid utf-8 symbol") (assert (not= nil (parse-error @":\xc3\x28")) "reject invalid utf-8 keyword") # Parser line and column numbers # 77b79e989 (defn parser-location [input &opt location] (def p (parser/new)) (parser/consume p input) (if location (parser/where p ;location) (parser/where p))) (assert (= [1 7] (parser-location @"(+ 1 2)")) "parser location 1") (assert (= [5 7] (parser-location @"(+ 1 2)" [5])) "parser location 2") (assert (= [10 10] (parser-location @"(+ 1 2)" [10 10])) "parser location 3") # Issue #861 - should be valgrind clean # 39c6be7cb (def step1 "(a b c d)\n") (def step2 "(a b)\n") (def p1 (parser/new)) (parser/state p1) (parser/consume p1 step1) (loop [v :iterate (parser/produce p1)]) (parser/state p1) (def p2 (parser/clone p1)) (parser/state p2) (parser/consume p2 step2) (loop [v :iterate (parser/produce p2)]) (parser/state p2) # parser delimiter errors (defn test-error [delim fmt] (def p (parser/new)) (parser/consume p delim) (parser/eof p) (def msg (string/format fmt delim)) (assert (= (parser/error p) msg) "delimiter error")) (each c [ "(" "{" "[" "\"" "``" ] (test-error c "unexpected end of source, %s opened at line 1, column 1")) # parser/insert (def p (parser/new)) (parser/consume p "(") (parser/insert p "hello") (parser/consume p ")") (assert (= (parser/produce p) ["hello"])) (def p (parser/new)) (parser/consume p `("hel`) (parser/insert p `lo`) (parser/consume p `")`) (assert (= (parser/produce p) ["hello"])) # Hex floats (assert (= math/pi +0x1.921fb54442d18p+0001)) (assert (= math/int-max +0x1.ffff_ffff_ffff_ffp+0052)) (assert (= math/int-min -0x1.ffff_ffff_ffff_ffp+0052)) (assert (= 1 0x1P0)) (assert (= 2 0x1P1)) (assert (= -2 -0x1p1)) (assert (= -0.5 -0x1p-1)) (end-suite)