# Copyright (c) 2023 Calvin Rose # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. (import ./helper :prefix "" :exit true) (start-suite) # Set global variables to prevent some possible compiler optimizations # that defeat point of the test # 2771171 (var zero 0) (var one 1) (var two 2) (var three 3) (var plus +) (assert (= 22 (plus one (plus 1 2 two) (plus 8 (plus zero 1) 4 three))) "nested function calls") # McCarthy's 91 function # 2771171 (var f91 nil) (set f91 (fn [n] (if (> n 100) (- n 10) (f91 (f91 (+ n 11)))))) (assert (= 91 (f91 10)) "f91(10) = 91") (assert (= 91 (f91 11)) "f91(11) = 91") (assert (= 91 (f91 20)) "f91(20) = 91") (assert (= 91 (f91 31)) "f91(31) = 91") (assert (= 91 (f91 100)) "f91(100) = 91") (assert (= 91 (f91 101)) "f91(101) = 91") (assert (= 92 (f91 102)) "f91(102) = 92") (assert (= 93 (f91 103)) "f91(103) = 93") (assert (= 94 (f91 104)) "f91(104) = 94") # Fibonacci # 23196ff (def fib (do (var fib nil) (set fib (fn [n] (if (< n 2) n (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))))) (def fib2 (fn fib2 [n] (if (< n 2) n (+ (fib2 (- n 1)) (fib2 (- n 2)))))) (assert (= (fib 0) (fib2 0) 0) "fib(0)") (assert (= (fib 1) (fib2 1) 1) "fib(1)") (assert (= (fib 2) (fib2 2) 1) "fib(2)") (assert (= (fib 3) (fib2 3) 2) "fib(3)") (assert (= (fib 4) (fib2 4) 3) "fib(4)") (assert (= (fib 5) (fib2 5) 5) "fib(5)") (assert (= (fib 6) (fib2 6) 8) "fib(6)") (assert (= (fib 7) (fib2 7) 13) "fib(7)") (assert (= (fib 8) (fib2 8) 21) "fib(8)") (assert (= (fib 9) (fib2 9) 34) "fib(9)") (assert (= (fib 10) (fib2 10) 55) "fib(10)") # Closure in non function scope # 911b0b1 (def outerfun (fn [x y] (def c (do (def someval (+ 10 y)) (def ctemp (if x (fn [] someval) (fn [] y))) ctemp )) (+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) c)) (assert (= ((outerfun 1 2)) 12) "inner closure 1") (assert (= ((outerfun nil 2)) 2) "inner closure 2") (assert (= ((outerfun false 3)) 3) "inner closure 3") # d6967a5 ((fn [] (var accum 1) (var counter 0) (while (< counter 16) (set accum (blshift accum 1)) (set counter (+ 1 counter))) (assert (= accum 65536) "loop in closure"))) (var accum 1) (var counter 0) (while (< counter 16) (set accum (blshift accum 1)) (set counter (+ 1 counter))) (assert (= accum 65536) "loop globally") # Fiber tests # 21bd960 (def afiber (fiber/new (fn [] (def x (yield)) (error (string "hello, " x))) :ye)) (resume afiber) # first resume to prime (def afiber-result (resume afiber "world!")) (assert (= afiber-result "hello, world!") "fiber error result") (assert (= (fiber/status afiber) :error) "fiber error status") # Var arg tests # f054586 (def vargf (fn [more] (apply + more))) (assert (= 0 (vargf @[])) "var arg no arguments") (assert (= 1 (vargf @[1])) "var arg no packed arguments") (assert (= 3 (vargf @[1 2])) "var arg tuple size 1") (assert (= 10 (vargf @[1 2 3 4])) "var arg tuple size 2, 2 normal args") (assert (= 110 (vargf @[1 2 3 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10])) "var arg large tuple") # Higher order functions # d9f24ef (def compose (fn [f g] (fn [& xs] (f (apply g xs))))) (def -+ (compose - +)) (def +- (compose + -)) (assert (= (-+ 1 2 3 4) -10) "compose - +") (assert (= (+- 1 2 3 4) -8) "compose + -") (assert (= ((compose -+ +-) 1 2 3 4) 8) "compose -+ +-") (assert (= ((compose +- -+) 1 2 3 4) 10) "compose +- -+") # UTF-8 # d9f24ef #🐙🐙🐙🐙 (defn foo [Θa Θb Θc] 0) (def 🦊 :fox) (def 🐮 :cow) (assert (= (string "🐼" 🦊 🐮) "🐼foxcow") "emojis 🙉 :)") (assert (not= 🦊 "🦊") "utf8 strings are not symbols and vice versa") (assert (= "\U01F637" "😷") "unicode escape 1") (assert (= "\u2623" "\U002623" "☣") "unicode escape 2") (assert (= "\u24c2" "\U0024c2" "Ⓜ") "unicode escape 3") (assert (= "\u0061" "a") "unicode escape 4") # Test max triangle program # c0e373f # Find the maximum path from the top (root) # of the triangle to the leaves of the triangle. (defn myfold [xs ys] (let [xs1 [;xs 0] xs2 [0 ;xs] m1 (map + xs1 ys) m2 (map + xs2 ys)] (map max m1 m2))) (defn maxpath [t] (extreme > (reduce myfold () t))) # Test it # Maximum path is 3 -> 10 -> 3 -> 9 for a total of 25 (def triangle '[ [3] [7 10] [4 3 7] [8 9 1 3] ]) (assert (= (maxpath triangle) 25) `max triangle`) # Large functions # 6822400 (def manydefs (seq [i :range [0 300]] (tuple 'def (gensym) (string "value_" i)))) (array/push manydefs (tuple * 10000 3 5 7 9)) (def f (compile ['do ;manydefs] (fiber/getenv (fiber/current)))) (assert (= (f) (* 10000 3 5 7 9)) "long function compilation") # Closure in while loop # abe7d59 (def closures (seq [i :range [0 5]] (fn [] i))) (assert (= 0 ((get closures 0))) "closure in loop 0") (assert (= 1 ((get closures 1))) "closure in loop 1") (assert (= 2 ((get closures 2))) "closure in loop 2") (assert (= 3 ((get closures 3))) "closure in loop 3") (assert (= 4 ((get closures 4))) "closure in loop 4") # Another regression test - no segfaults # 6b4824c (defn afn [x] x) (var afn-var afn) (var identity-var identity) (var map-var map) (var not-var not) (assert (= 1 (try (afn-var) ([err] 1))) "bad arity 1") (assert (= 4 (try ((fn [x y] (+ x y)) 1) ([_] 4))) "bad arity 2") (assert (= 1 (try (identity-var) ([err] 1))) "bad arity 3") (assert (= 1 (try (map-var) ([err] 1))) "bad arity 4") (assert (= 1 (try (not-var) ([err] 1))) "bad arity 5") # Detaching closure over non resumable fiber # issue #317 - 7c4ffe9b9 (do (defn f1 [a] (defn f1 [] (++ (a 0))) (defn f2 [] (++ (a 0))) (error [f1 f2])) (def [_ [f1 f2]] (protect (f1 @[0]))) # At time of writing, mark phase can detach closure envs. (gccollect) (assert (= 1 (f1)) "detach-non-resumable-closure 1") (assert (= 2 (f2)) "detach-non-resumable-closure 2")) # Dynamic defs # ec65f03 (def staticdef1 0) (defn staticdef1-inc [] (+ 1 staticdef1)) (assert (= 1 (staticdef1-inc)) "before redefinition without :redef") (def staticdef1 1) (assert (= 1 (staticdef1-inc)) "after redefinition without :redef") (setdyn :redef true) (def dynamicdef2 0) (defn dynamicdef2-inc [] (+ 1 dynamicdef2)) (assert (= 1 (dynamicdef2-inc)) "before redefinition with dyn :redef") (def dynamicdef2 1) (assert (= 2 (dynamicdef2-inc)) "after redefinition with dyn :redef") (setdyn :redef nil) # missing symbols # issue #914 - 1eb34989d (defn lookup-symbol [sym] (defglobal sym 10) (dyn sym)) (setdyn :missing-symbol lookup-symbol) (assert (= (eval-string "(+ a 5)") 15) "lookup missing symbol") (setdyn :missing-symbol nil) (setdyn 'a nil) (assert-error "compile error" (eval-string "(+ a 5)")) # 88813c4 (assert (deep= (in (disasm (defn a [] (def x 10) x)) :symbolmap) @[[0 2 0 'a] [0 2 1 'x]]) "symbolmap when *debug* is true") (defn a [arg] (def x 10) (do (def y 20) (def z 30) (+ x y z))) (def symbolslots (in (disasm a) :symbolslots)) (def f (asm (disasm a))) (assert (deep= (in (disasm f) :symbolslots) symbolslots) "symbolslots survive disasm/asm") (comment (setdyn *debug* true) (setdyn :pretty-format "%.40M") (def f (fn [x] (fn [y] (+ x y)))) (assert (deep= (map last (in (disasm (f 10)) :symbolmap)) @['x 'y]) "symbolmap upvalues")) (assert (deep= (in (disasm (defn a [arg] (def x 10) (do (def y 20) (def z 30) (+ x y z)))) :symbolmap) @[[0 6 0 'arg] [0 6 1 'a] [0 6 2 'x] [1 6 3 'y] [2 6 4 'z]]) "arg & inner symbolmap") (end-suite)