/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include /** * Data format * State is encoded as a string of unsigned bytes. * * Types: * * Byte 0 to 200: small integer byte - 100 * Byte 201: Nil * Byte 202: True * Byte 203: False * Byte 204: Number - double format * Byte 205: String - [u32 length]*[u8... characters] * Byte 206: Struct - [u32 length]*2*[value... kvs] * Byte 207: Buffer - [u32 capacity][u32 length]*[u8... characters] * Byte 208: Array - [u32 length]*[value... elements] * Byte 209: Tuple - [u32 length]*[value... elements] * Byte 210: Thread - [value parent][value errorParent][u8 state][u32 frames]*[[value callee][value env] * [u32 pcoffset][u32 ret][u32 args][u32 size]*[value ...stack]] * Byte 211: Table - [u32 length]*2*[value... kvs] * Byte 212: FuncDef - [u32 locals][u32 arity][u32 flags][u32 literallen]*[value... * literals][u32 bytecodelen]*[u16... bytecode] * Byte 213: FuncEnv - [value thread][u32 length]*[value ...upvalues] * (upvalues is not read if thread is a thread object) * Byte 214: Func - [value parent][value def][value env] * (nil values indicate empty) * Byte 215: LUdata - [value meta][u32 length]*[u8... bytes] * Byte 216: CFunc - [u32 length]*[u8... idstring] * Byte 217: Ref - [u32 id] * Byte 218: Integer - [i64 value] * Byte 219: Symbol - [u32 length]*[u8... characters] */ /* Error at buffer end */ static const char UEB[] = "unexpected end of buffer"; /* Read 4 bytes as an unsigned integer */ static uint32_t bytes2u32(const uint8_t *bytes) { union { uint8_t bytes[4]; uint32_t u32; } u; gst_memcpy(u.bytes, bytes, 4 * sizeof(uint8_t)); return u.u32; } /* Read 2 bytes as unsigned short */ static uint16_t bytes2u16(const uint8_t *bytes) { union { uint8_t bytes[2]; uint16_t u16; } u; gst_memcpy(u.bytes, bytes, 2 * sizeof(uint8_t)); return u.u16; } /* Read 8 bytes as a double */ static double bytes2dbl(const uint8_t *bytes) { union { uint8_t bytes[8]; double dbl; } u; gst_memcpy(u.bytes, bytes, 8 * sizeof(uint8_t)); return u.dbl; } /* Read 8 bytes as a integer */ static int64_t bytes2int(const uint8_t *bytes) { union { uint8_t bytes[8]; int64_t i; } u; gst_memcpy(u.bytes, bytes, 8 * sizeof(uint8_t)); return u.i; } /* Read a string and turn it into a gst value. Returns * an error message if there is an error message during * deserialization. If successful, the resulting value is * passed by reference. */ static const char *gst_deserialize_impl( Gst *vm, const uint8_t *data, const uint8_t *end, const uint8_t **newData, GstArray *visited, GstValue *out, int depth) { GstValue ret; ret.type = GST_NIL; GstValue *buffer; uint32_t length, i; const char *err; /* Handle errors as needed */ #define deser_error(e) return (e) /* Assertions */ #define deser_assert(c, e) do{if(!(c))deser_error(e);}while(0) /* Assert enough buffer */ #define deser_datacheck(len) do{if (end < (data + len)) deser_error(UEB);}while(0) /* Check for enough space to read uint32_t */ #define read_u32(out) do{deser_datacheck(4); (out)=bytes2u32(data); data += 4; }while(0) #define read_u16(out) do{deser_datacheck(2); (out)=bytes2u16(data); data += 2; }while(0) #define read_dbl(out) do{deser_datacheck(8); (out)=bytes2dbl(data); data += 8; }while(0) #define read_i64(out) do{deser_datacheck(8); (out)=bytes2int(data); data += 8; }while(0) /* Check if we have recursed too deeply */ if (depth++ > GST_RECURSION_GUARD) { return "deserialize recursed too deeply"; } /* Check enough buffer left to read one byte */ if (data >= end) deser_error(UEB); /* Small integer */ if (*data < 201) { ret.type = GST_INTEGER; ret.data.integer = *data - 100; *newData = data + 1; *out = ret; return NULL; } /* Main switch for types */ switch (*data++) { default: return "unable to deserialize"; case 201: /* Nil */ ret.type = GST_NIL; break; case 202: /* True */ ret.type = GST_BOOLEAN; ret.data.boolean = 1; break; case 203: /* False */ ret.type = GST_BOOLEAN; ret.data.boolean = 0; break; case 204: /* Long number (double) */ ret.type = GST_REAL; read_dbl(ret.data.real); break; case 205: /* String */ case 219: /* Symbol */ ret.type = data[-1] == 205 ? GST_STRING : GST_SYMBOL; read_u32(length); deser_datacheck(length); ret.data.string = gst_string_b(vm, data, length); data += length; gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret); break; case 206: /* Struct */ ret.type = GST_STRUCT; read_u32(length); buffer = gst_struct_begin(vm, length); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { GstValue k, v; if ((err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, &k, depth))) return err; if ((err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, &v, depth))) return err; gst_struct_put(buffer, k, v); } ret.data.st = gst_struct_end(vm, buffer); gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret); break; case 207: /* Buffer */ { uint32_t cap; ret.type = GST_BYTEBUFFER; read_u32(cap); read_u32(length); deser_datacheck(length); ret.data.buffer = gst_alloc(vm, sizeof(GstBuffer)); ret.data.buffer->data = gst_alloc(vm, cap); gst_memcpy(ret.data.buffer->data, data, length); ret.data.buffer->count = length; ret.data.buffer->capacity = cap; gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret); } break; case 208: /* Array */ ret.type = GST_ARRAY; read_u32(length); buffer = gst_alloc(vm, length * sizeof(GstValue)); ret.data.array = gst_alloc(vm, sizeof(GstArray)); ret.data.array->data = buffer; ret.data.array->count = length; ret.data.array->capacity = length; gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) if ((err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, buffer + i, depth))) return err; break; case 209: /* Tuple */ ret.type = GST_TUPLE; read_u32(length); buffer = gst_tuple_begin(vm, length); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) if ((err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, buffer + i, depth))) return err; ret.type = GST_TUPLE; ret.data.tuple = gst_tuple_end(vm, buffer); gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret); break; case 210: /* Thread */ { GstThread *t; GstValue *stack; uint16_t prevsize = 0; uint8_t statusbyte; t = gst_thread(vm, gst_wrap_nil(), 64); ret = gst_wrap_thread(t); gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret); err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, &ret, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; if (ret.type == GST_NIL) { t->parent = NULL; } else if (ret.type == GST_THREAD) { t->parent = ret.data.thread; } else { return "expected thread parent to be thread"; } err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, &ret, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; if (ret.type == GST_NIL) { t->errorParent = NULL; } else if (ret.type == GST_THREAD) { t->errorParent = ret.data.thread; } else { return "expected thread error parent to be thread"; } deser_assert(data < end, UEB); statusbyte = *data++; read_u32(length); /* Set status */ t->status = statusbyte % 4; /* Add frames */ for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { GstValue callee, env; uint32_t pcoffset; uint16_t ret, args, size, j; /* Read the stack */ err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, &callee, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, &env, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; if (env.type != GST_FUNCENV && env.type != GST_NIL) return "expected funcenv in stackframe"; /* Create a new frame */ if (i > 0) gst_thread_beginframe(vm, t, gst_wrap_nil(), 0); read_u32(pcoffset); read_u32(ret); read_u32(args); read_u32(size); /* Set up the stack */ stack = gst_thread_stack(t); if (callee.type == GST_FUNCTION) { gst_frame_pc(stack) = callee.data.function->def->byteCode + pcoffset; } gst_frame_ret(stack) = ret; gst_frame_args(stack) = args; gst_frame_size(stack) = size; gst_frame_prevsize(stack) = prevsize; gst_frame_callee(stack) = callee; if (env.type == GST_NIL) gst_frame_env(stack) = NULL; else gst_frame_env(stack) = env.data.env; prevsize = size; /* Push stack args */ for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) { GstValue temp; err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, &temp, depth); gst_thread_push(vm, t, temp); } } } break; case 211: /* Table */ read_u32(length); ret = gst_wrap_table(gst_table(vm, 2 * length)); gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { GstValue key, value; err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, &key, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, &value, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; gst_table_put(vm, ret.data.table, key, value); } break; case 212: /* Funcdef */ { GstFuncDef *def; uint32_t locals, arity, literalsLen, byteCodeLen, flags; read_u32(locals); read_u32(arity); read_u32(flags); read_u32(literalsLen); def = gst_alloc(vm, sizeof(GstFuncDef)); ret = gst_wrap_funcdef(def); gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret); def->locals = locals; def->arity = arity; def->flags = flags; def->literalsLen = literalsLen; if (literalsLen > 0) { def->literals = gst_alloc(vm, literalsLen * sizeof(GstValue)); } else { def->literals = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < literalsLen; ++i) { err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, def->literals + i, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; } read_u32(byteCodeLen); deser_datacheck(byteCodeLen * sizeof(uint16_t)); def->byteCode = gst_alloc(vm, byteCodeLen * sizeof(uint16_t)); def->byteCodeLen = byteCodeLen; for (i = 0; i < byteCodeLen; ++i) { read_u16(def->byteCode[i]); } } break; case 213: /* Funcenv */ { GstValue thread; ret.type = GST_FUNCENV; ret.data.env = gst_alloc(vm, sizeof(GstFuncEnv)); gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret); err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, &thread, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; read_u32(length); ret.data.env->stackOffset = length; if (thread.type == GST_THREAD) { ret.data.env->thread = thread.data.thread; } else { ret.data.env->thread = NULL; ret.data.env->values = gst_alloc(vm, sizeof(GstValue) * length); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { GstValue item; err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, &item, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; ret.data.env->values[i] = item; } } } break; case 214: /* Function */ { GstValue parent, def, env; ret.type = GST_FUNCTION; ret.data.function = gst_alloc(vm, sizeof(GstFunction)); gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret); err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, &parent, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, &env, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited, &def, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; if (parent.type == GST_NIL) { ret.data.function->parent = NULL; } else if (parent.type == GST_FUNCTION) { ret.data.function->parent = parent.data.function; } else { deser_error("expected function"); } deser_assert(def.type == GST_FUNCDEF, "expected funcdef"); ret.data.function->def = def.data.def; if (env.type == GST_NIL) { ret.data.function->env = NULL; } else { deser_assert(env.type == GST_FUNCENV, "expected funcenv"); ret.data.function->env = env.data.env; } } break; case 215: /* LUdata */ { /* TODO enable deserialization of userdata through registration * to names in vm. */ } break; case 216: /* C function */ { GstValue id; read_u32(length); deser_datacheck(length); id = gst_wrap_string(gst_string_b(vm, data, length)); data += length; ret = gst_table_get(vm->registry, id); if (ret.type != GST_CFUNCTION) { deser_error("unabled to deserialize c function"); } break; } break; case 217: /* Reference */ read_u32(length); deser_assert(visited->count > length, "invalid reference"); ret = visited->data[length]; break; case 218: /* Integer */ ret.type = GST_INTEGER; read_i64(ret.data.integer); break; } *out = ret; *newData = data; return NULL; } /* Load a value from data */ const char *gst_deserialize( Gst *vm, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t len, GstValue *out, const uint8_t **nextData) { GstValue ret; const char *err; GstArray *visited = gst_array(vm, 10); err = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, data + len, nextData, visited, &ret, 0); if (err != NULL) return err; *out = ret; return NULL; } /* Allow appending other types to buffers */ BUFFER_DEFINE(real, GstReal) BUFFER_DEFINE(integer, GstInteger) BUFFER_DEFINE(u32, uint32_t) BUFFER_DEFINE(u16, uint16_t) /* Serialize a value and write to a buffer. Returns possible * error messages. */ static const char *gst_serialize_impl( Gst *vm, GstBuffer *buffer, GstTable *visited, uint32_t *nextId, GstValue x, int depth) { uint32_t i, count; const char *err; GstValue check; #define write_byte(b) gst_buffer_push(vm, buffer, (b)) #define write_u32(b) gst_buffer_push_u32(vm, buffer, (b)) #define write_u16(b) gst_buffer_push_u16(vm, buffer, (b)) #define write_dbl(b) gst_buffer_push_real(vm, buffer, (b)) #define write_int(b) gst_buffer_push_integer(vm, buffer, (b)) /*printf("Type: %d\n", x.type);*/ /* Check if we have gone too deep */ if (depth++ > GST_RECURSION_GUARD) { return "serialize recursed too deeply"; } /* Check non reference types - if successful, return NULL */ switch (x.type) { case GST_USERDATA: case GST_NIL: write_byte(201); return NULL; case GST_BOOLEAN: write_byte(x.data.boolean ? 202 : 203); return NULL; case GST_REAL: write_byte(204); write_dbl(x.data.real); return NULL; case GST_INTEGER: if (x.data.integer <= 100 && x.data.integer >= -100) { write_byte(x.data.integer + 100); } else { write_byte(218); write_int(x.data.integer); } return NULL; default: break; } /* Check if already seen - if so, use reference */ check = gst_table_get(visited, x); if (check.type == GST_INTEGER) { write_byte(217); write_u32((uint32_t) check.data.integer); return NULL; } /* Check tuples and structs before other reference types. * They are immutable, and thus cannot be referenced by other values * until they are fully constructed. This creates some strange behavior * if they are treated like other reference types because they cannot * be added to the visited table before recursing into serializing their * arguments */ if (x.type == GST_STRUCT || x.type == GST_TUPLE) { if (x.type == GST_STRUCT) { const GstValue *data; write_byte(206); gst_hashtable_view(x, &data, &count); write_u32(gst_struct_length(x.data.st)); for (i = 0; i < count; i += 2) { if (data[i].type != GST_NIL) { err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, data[i], depth); if (err != NULL) return err; err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, data[i + 1], depth); if (err != NULL) return err; } } } else { write_byte(209); count = gst_tuple_length(x.data.tuple); write_u32(count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, x.data.tuple[i], depth); if (err != NULL) return err; } } /* Record reference after serialization */ gst_table_put(vm, visited, x, gst_wrap_integer(*nextId)); *nextId = *nextId + 1; return NULL; } /* Record reference before serialization */ gst_table_put(vm, visited, x, gst_wrap_integer(*nextId)); *nextId = *nextId + 1; /* Check reference types */ switch (x.type) { default: return "unable to serialize type"; case GST_STRING: case GST_SYMBOL: write_byte(x.type == GST_STRING ? 205 : 219); count = gst_string_length(x.data.string); write_u32(count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { write_byte(x.data.string[i]); } break; case GST_CFUNCTION: write_byte(216); { GstValue id = gst_table_get(vm->registry, x); count = gst_string_length(id.data.string); write_u32(count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { write_byte(id.data.string[i]); } } break; case GST_TABLE: { const GstValue *data; write_byte(211); gst_hashtable_view(x, &data, &count); write_u32(x.data.table->count); for (i = 0; i < count; i += 2) { if (data[i].type != GST_NIL) { err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, data[i], depth); if (err != NULL) return err; err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, data[i + 1], depth); if (err != NULL) return err; } } } break; case GST_BYTEBUFFER: write_byte(207); count = x.data.buffer->count; write_u32(x.data.buffer->capacity); write_u32(count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { write_byte(x.data.buffer->data[i]); } break; case GST_ARRAY: write_byte(208); count = x.data.array->count; write_u32(count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, x.data.array->data[i], depth); if (err != NULL) return err; } break; case GST_THREAD: { GstThread *t = x.data.thread; const GstValue *stack = t->data + GST_FRAME_SIZE; uint32_t framecount = gst_thread_countframes(t); uint32_t i; write_byte(210); if (t->parent) err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, gst_wrap_thread(t->parent), depth); else err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, gst_wrap_nil(), depth); if (t->errorParent) err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, gst_wrap_thread(t->errorParent), depth); else err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, gst_wrap_nil(), depth); if (err != NULL) return err; /* Write the status byte */ write_byte(t->status); /* Write number of stack frames */ write_u32(framecount); /* Write stack frames */ for (i = 0; i < framecount; ++i) { uint32_t j, size; GstValue callee = gst_frame_callee(stack); GstFuncEnv *env = gst_frame_env(stack); err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, callee, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; if (env) err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, gst_wrap_funcenv(env), depth); else err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, gst_wrap_nil(), depth); if (err != NULL) return err; if (callee.type == GST_FUNCTION) { write_u32(gst_frame_pc(stack) - callee.data.function->def->byteCode); } else { write_u32(0); } write_u32(gst_frame_ret(stack)); write_u32(gst_frame_args(stack)); size = gst_frame_size(stack); write_u32(size); for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) { err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, stack[j], depth); if (err != NULL) return err; } /* Next stack frame */ stack += size + GST_FRAME_SIZE; } } break; case GST_FUNCDEF: /* Funcdef */ { GstFuncDef *def = x.data.def; write_byte(212); write_u32(def->locals); write_u32(def->arity); write_u32(def->flags); write_u32(def->literalsLen); for (i = 0; i < def->literalsLen; ++i) { err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, def->literals[i], depth); if (err != NULL) return err; } write_u32(def->byteCodeLen); for (i = 0; i < def->byteCodeLen; ++i) { write_u16(def->byteCode[i]); } } break; case GST_FUNCENV: /* Funcenv */ { GstFuncEnv *env = x.data.env; write_byte(213); if (env->thread) { err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, gst_wrap_thread(env->thread), depth); if (err != NULL) return err; write_u32(env->stackOffset); } else { write_byte(201); /* Write nil */ write_u32(env->stackOffset); for (i = 0; i < env->stackOffset; ++i) { err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, env->values[i], depth); if (err != NULL) return err; } } } break; case GST_FUNCTION: /* Function */ { GstValue pv, ev, dv; GstFunction *fn = x.data.function; write_byte(214); pv = fn->parent ? gst_wrap_function(fn->parent) : gst_wrap_nil(); dv = gst_wrap_funcdef(fn->def); ev = fn->env ? gst_wrap_funcenv(fn->env) : gst_wrap_nil(); err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, pv, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, ev, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, nextId, dv, depth); if (err != NULL) return err; } break; } /* Return success */ return NULL; } /* Serialize an object */ const char *gst_serialize(Gst *vm, GstBuffer *buffer, GstValue x) { uint32_t nextId = 0; uint32_t oldCount = buffer->count; const char *err; GstTable *visited = gst_table(vm, 10); err = gst_serialize_impl(vm, buffer, visited, &nextId, x, 0); if (err != NULL) { buffer->count = oldCount; } return err; }