/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef JANET_AMALG #include "features.h" #include #include "compile.h" #include "emit.h" #include "vector.h" #endif static int arity1or2(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { (void) opts; int32_t arity = janet_v_count(args); return arity == 1 || arity == 2; } static int fixarity1(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { (void) opts; return janet_v_count(args) == 1; } static int maxarity1(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { (void) opts; return janet_v_count(args) <= 1; } static int minarity2(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { (void) opts; return janet_v_count(args) >= 2; } static int fixarity2(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { (void) opts; return janet_v_count(args) == 2; } static int fixarity3(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { (void) opts; return janet_v_count(args) == 3; } /* Generic handling for $A = op $B */ static JanetSlot genericSS(JanetFopts opts, int op, JanetSlot s) { JanetSlot target = janetc_gettarget(opts); janetc_emit_ss(opts.compiler, op, target, s, 1); return target; } /* Generic handling for $A = $B op I */ static JanetSlot genericSSI(JanetFopts opts, int op, JanetSlot s, int32_t imm) { JanetSlot target = janetc_gettarget(opts); janetc_emit_ssi(opts.compiler, op, target, s, imm, 1); return target; } /* Emit an insruction that implements a form by itself. */ static JanetSlot opfunction( JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args, int op, Janet defaultArg2) { JanetCompiler *c = opts.compiler; int32_t len; len = janet_v_count(args); JanetSlot t; if (len == 1) { t = janetc_gettarget(opts); janetc_emit_sss(c, op, t, args[0], janetc_cslot(defaultArg2), 1); return t; } else { /* len == 2 */ t = janetc_gettarget(opts); janetc_emit_sss(c, op, t, args[0], args[1], 1); } return t; } /* Emit a series of instructions instead of a function call to a math op */ static JanetSlot opreduce( JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args, int op, Janet nullary) { JanetCompiler *c = opts.compiler; int32_t i, len; len = janet_v_count(args); JanetSlot t; if (len == 0) { return janetc_cslot(nullary); } else if (len == 1) { t = janetc_gettarget(opts); janetc_emit_sss(c, op, t, janetc_cslot(nullary), args[0], 1); return t; } t = janetc_gettarget(opts); janetc_emit_sss(c, op, t, args[0], args[1], 1); for (i = 2; i < len; i++) janetc_emit_sss(c, op, t, t, args[i], 1); return t; } /* Function optimizers */ static JanetSlot do_propagate(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_PROPAGATE, janet_wrap_nil()); } static JanetSlot do_error(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { janetc_emit_s(opts.compiler, JOP_ERROR, args[0], 0); return janetc_cslot(janet_wrap_nil()); } static JanetSlot do_debug(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { (void)args; int32_t len = janet_v_count(args); JanetSlot t = janetc_gettarget(opts); janetc_emit_ssu(opts.compiler, JOP_SIGNAL, t, (len == 1) ? args[0] : janetc_cslot(janet_wrap_nil()), JANET_SIGNAL_DEBUG, 1); return t; } static JanetSlot do_in(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_IN, janet_wrap_nil()); } static JanetSlot do_get(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_GET, janet_wrap_nil()); } static JanetSlot do_next(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opfunction(opts, args, JOP_NEXT, janet_wrap_nil()); } static JanetSlot do_modulo(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_MODULO, janet_wrap_nil()); } static JanetSlot do_remainder(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_REMAINDER, janet_wrap_nil()); } static JanetSlot do_cmp(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_COMPARE, janet_wrap_nil()); } static JanetSlot do_put(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { if (opts.flags & JANET_FOPTS_DROP) { janetc_emit_sss(opts.compiler, JOP_PUT, args[0], args[1], args[2], 0); return janetc_cslot(janet_wrap_nil()); } else { JanetSlot t = janetc_gettarget(opts); janetc_copy(opts.compiler, t, args[0]); janetc_emit_sss(opts.compiler, JOP_PUT, t, args[1], args[2], 0); return t; } } static JanetSlot do_length(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return genericSS(opts, JOP_LENGTH, args[0]); } static JanetSlot do_yield(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { if (janet_v_count(args) == 0) { return genericSSI(opts, JOP_SIGNAL, janetc_cslot(janet_wrap_nil()), 3); } else { return genericSSI(opts, JOP_SIGNAL, args[0], 3); } } static JanetSlot do_resume(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opfunction(opts, args, JOP_RESUME, janet_wrap_nil()); } static JanetSlot do_apply(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { /* Push phase */ JanetCompiler *c = opts.compiler; int32_t i; for (i = 1; i < janet_v_count(args) - 3; i += 3) janetc_emit_sss(c, JOP_PUSH_3, args[i], args[i + 1], args[i + 2], 0); if (i == janet_v_count(args) - 3) janetc_emit_ss(c, JOP_PUSH_2, args[i], args[i + 1], 0); else if (i == janet_v_count(args) - 2) janetc_emit_s(c, JOP_PUSH, args[i], 0); /* Push array phase */ janetc_emit_s(c, JOP_PUSH_ARRAY, janet_v_last(args), 0); /* Call phase */ JanetSlot target; if (opts.flags & JANET_FOPTS_TAIL) { janetc_emit_s(c, JOP_TAILCALL, args[0], 0); target = janetc_cslot(janet_wrap_nil()); target.flags |= JANET_SLOT_RETURNED; } else { target = janetc_gettarget(opts); janetc_emit_ss(c, JOP_CALL, target, args[0], 1); } return target; } /* Variadic operators specialization */ static JanetSlot do_add(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_ADD, janet_wrap_integer(0)); } static JanetSlot do_sub(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_SUBTRACT, janet_wrap_integer(0)); } static JanetSlot do_mul(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_MULTIPLY, janet_wrap_integer(1)); } static JanetSlot do_div(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_DIVIDE, janet_wrap_integer(1)); } static JanetSlot do_band(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_BAND, janet_wrap_integer(-1)); } static JanetSlot do_bor(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_BOR, janet_wrap_integer(0)); } static JanetSlot do_bxor(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_BXOR, janet_wrap_integer(0)); } static JanetSlot do_lshift(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_SHIFT_LEFT, janet_wrap_integer(1)); } static JanetSlot do_rshift(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_SHIFT_RIGHT, janet_wrap_integer(1)); } static JanetSlot do_rshiftu(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_SHIFT_RIGHT, janet_wrap_integer(1)); } static JanetSlot do_bnot(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return genericSS(opts, JOP_BNOT, args[0]); } /* Specialization for comparators */ static JanetSlot compreduce( JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args, int op, int invert) { JanetCompiler *c = opts.compiler; int32_t i, len; len = janet_v_count(args); int32_t *labels = NULL; JanetSlot t; if (len < 2) { return invert ? janetc_cslot(janet_wrap_false()) : janetc_cslot(janet_wrap_true()); } t = janetc_gettarget(opts); for (i = 1; i < len; i++) { janetc_emit_sss(c, op, t, args[i - 1], args[i], 1); if (i != (len - 1)) { int32_t label = janetc_emit_si(c, JOP_JUMP_IF_NOT, t, 0, 1); janet_v_push(labels, label); } } int32_t end = janet_v_count(c->buffer); if (invert) { janetc_emit_si(c, JOP_JUMP_IF, t, 3, 0); janetc_emit_s(c, JOP_LOAD_TRUE, t, 1); janetc_emit(c, JOP_JUMP | (2 << 8)); janetc_emit_s(c, JOP_LOAD_FALSE, t, 1); } for (i = 0; i < janet_v_count(labels); i++) { int32_t label = labels[i]; c->buffer[label] |= ((end - label) << 16); } janet_v_free(labels); return t; } static JanetSlot do_gt(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return compreduce(opts, args, JOP_GREATER_THAN, 0); } static JanetSlot do_lt(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return compreduce(opts, args, JOP_LESS_THAN, 0); } static JanetSlot do_gte(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return compreduce(opts, args, JOP_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL, 0); } static JanetSlot do_lte(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return compreduce(opts, args, JOP_LESS_THAN_EQUAL, 0); } static JanetSlot do_eq(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return compreduce(opts, args, JOP_EQUALS, 0); } static JanetSlot do_neq(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return compreduce(opts, args, JOP_EQUALS, 1); } /* Arranged by tag */ static const JanetFunOptimizer optimizers[] = { {maxarity1, do_debug}, {fixarity1, do_error}, {minarity2, do_apply}, {maxarity1, do_yield}, {arity1or2, do_resume}, {fixarity2, do_in}, {fixarity3, do_put}, {fixarity1, do_length}, {NULL, do_add}, {NULL, do_sub}, {NULL, do_mul}, {NULL, do_div}, {NULL, do_band}, {NULL, do_bor}, {NULL, do_bxor}, {NULL, do_lshift}, {NULL, do_rshift}, {NULL, do_rshiftu}, {fixarity1, do_bnot}, {NULL, do_gt}, {NULL, do_lt}, {NULL, do_gte}, {NULL, do_lte}, {NULL, do_eq}, {NULL, do_neq}, {fixarity2, do_propagate}, {fixarity2, do_get}, {arity1or2, do_next}, {fixarity2, do_modulo}, {fixarity2, do_remainder}, {fixarity2, do_cmp}, }; const JanetFunOptimizer *janetc_funopt(uint32_t flags) { uint32_t tag = flags & JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_TAG; if (tag == 0) return NULL; uint32_t index = tag - 1; if (index >= (sizeof(optimizers) / sizeof(optimizers[0]))) return NULL; return optimizers + index; }