# Copyright (C) Calvin Rose 2019 # The bootstrap script is used to produce the source file for # embedding the core image. # Tool to dump a marshalled version of the janet core to stdout. The # image should eventually allow janet to be started from a pre-compiled # image rather than recompiled every time from the embedded source. More # work will go into shrinking the image (it isn't currently that large but # could be smaller), creating the mechanism to load the image, and modifying # the build process to compile janet with a built image rather than # embedded source. # Get image. This image contains as much of the core library and documentation that # can be written to an image (no cfunctions, no abstracts (stdout, stdin, stderr)), # everything else goes. Cfunctions and abstracts will be referenced from a registry # table which will be generated on janet startup. (do (def image (let [env-pairs (pairs (env-lookup *env*)) essential-pairs (filter (fn [[k v]] (or (cfunction? v) (abstract? v))) env-pairs) lookup (table ;(mapcat identity essential-pairs)) reverse-lookup (invert lookup)] (marshal *env* reverse-lookup))) # Create C source file that contains images a uint8_t buffer. This # can be compiled and linked statically into the main janet library # and example client. (def chunks (string/bytes image)) (def image-file (file/open "build/core_image.c" :w)) (file/write image-file "#ifndef JANET_AMALG\n" "#include \n" "#endif\n" "static const unsigned char janet_core_image_bytes[] = {\n") (loop [line :in (partition 10 chunks)] (def str (string ;(interpose ", " (map (partial string/format "0x%.2X") line)))) (file/write image-file " " str ",\n")) (file/write image-file " 0\n};\n\n" "const unsigned char *janet_core_image = janet_core_image_bytes;\n" "size_t janet_core_image_size = sizeof(janet_core_image_bytes);\n") (file/close image-file))