# dst [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/bakpakin/dst.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/bakpakin/dst) [![Appveyor Status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/32r7s2skrgm9ubva?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/bakpakin/dst) Dst is a functional and imperative programming language and bytecode interpreter. It is a modern lisp, but lists are replaced by other data structures with better utility and performance (arrays, tables, structs, tuples). The language can also easily bridge to native code written in C, and supports abstract datatypes for interfacing with C. Also support meta programming with macros, and bytecode assembly for the dst abstract machine. The bytecode vm is a register based vm loosely inspired by the LuaJIT bytecode format, but simpler and safer (bytecode can be verified by the assembler). There is a repl for trying out the language, as well as the ability to run script files. This client program is separate from the core runtime, so dst could be embedded into other programs. Implemented in mostly standard C99, dst runs on Windows, Linux and macOS. The few features that are not standard C (dynamic library loading, compiler specific optimizations), are fairly straight forward. Dst can be easily ported to new platforms. There is not much in the way of documentation yet because it is still a "personal project" and I don't want to freeze features prematurely. You can look in the examples directory, the test directory, or the file `src/core/core.dst` to get a sense of what dst code looks like. For syntax highlighting, there is some preliminary vim syntax highlighting in [dst.vim](https://github.com/bakpakin/dst.vim). Generic lisp syntax highlighting should, however, provide good results. ## Features * First class closures * Garbage collection * First class green threads (continuations) * Mutable and immutable arrays (array/tuple) * Mutable and immutable hashtables (table/struct) * Mutable and immutable strings (buffer/string) * Lisp Macros * Byte code interpreter with an assembly interface, as well as bytecode verification * Proper tail calls. * Direct interop with C via abstract types and C functions * Dynamically load C libraries * Functional and imperative standard library * Lexical scoping * Imperative programming as well as functional * REPL * Interactive environment with detailed stack traces * SQLite bindings ## Documentation API documentation and design documents can be found in the [wiki](https://github.com/bakpakin/dst/wiki). Not at all complete. ## Usage A repl is launched when the binary is invoked with no arguments. Pass the -h flag to display the usage information. Individual scripts can be run with `./dst myscript.dst` If you are looking to explore, you can print a list of all available macros, functions, and constants by entering the command `(all-symbols)` into the repl. ``` $ ./dst Dst 0.0.0 alpha Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Calvin Rose dst:1:> (+ 1 2 3) 6 dst:2:> (print "Hello, World!") Hello, World! nil dst:3:> (os.exit) $ ./dst -h usage: ./dst [options] scripts... Options are: -h Show this help -v Print the version string -s Use raw stdin instead of getline like functionality -e Execute a string of dst -r Enter the repl after running all scripts -p Keep on executing if there is a top level error (persistent) -- Stop handling option $ ``` ## Compiling and Running Dst only uses Make and batch files to compile on Posix and windows respectively. To configure dst, edit the header file src/include/dst/dst.h before compilation. ### Posix On most platforms, use Make to build dst. To ```sh cd somewhere/my/projects/dst make make test ``` ### Windows 1. Install [Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/thank-you-downloading-visual-studio/?sku=Community&rel=15#) or [Visual Studio Build Tools](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/thank-you-downloading-visual-studio/?sku=BuildTools&rel=15#) 2. Run a Visual Studio Command Prompt (cl.exe and link.exe need to be on the PATH) and cd to the directory with dst. 3. Run `build` to compile dst. 4. Run `build test` to make sure everything is working. ```sh cd somewhere/my/projects/dst mkdir -p build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make make test ``` The repl can also be run with the CMake run target. ```sh make run ``` ## Examples See the examples directory for some example dst code. ## SQLite bindings There are some sqlite3 bindings in the directory natives/sqlite3. They serve mostly as a proof of concept external c library. To use, first compile the module with Make. ```sh make natives ``` Next, enter the repl and create a database and a table. ``` dst:1:> (import natives.sqlite3 :as sql) nil dst:2:> (def db (sql.open "test.db")) dst:3:> (sql.eval db `CREATE TABLE customers(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT);`) @[] dst:4:> (sql.eval db `INSERT INTO customers VALUES(:id, :name);` {:name "John" :id 12345}) @[] dst:5:> (sql.eval db `SELECT * FROM customers;`) @[{"id" 12345 "name" "John"}] ``` Finally, close the database connection when done with it. ``` dst:6:> (sql.close db) nil ```