#include #include #include #include #include "datatypes.h" #include "ds.h" #include "parse.h" #include "value.h" #include "vm.h" static const char UNEXPECTED_CLOSING_DELIM[] = "Unexpected closing delimiter"; /* The type of a ParseState */ typedef enum ParseType { PTYPE_ROOT, PTYPE_FORM, PTYPE_STRING, PTYPE_TOKEN } ParseType; /* Contain a parse state that goes on the parse stack */ struct ParseState { ParseType type; union { struct { uint8_t endDelimiter; Array * array; } form; struct { Buffer * buffer; enum { STRING_STATE_BASE, STRING_STATE_ESCAPE, STRING_STATE_ESCAPE_UNICODE, STRING_STATE_ESCAPE_HEX } state; } string; } buf; }; /* Handle error in parsing */ #define PError(p, e) ((p)->error = (e), (p)->status = PARSER_ERROR) /* Get the top ParseState in the parse stack */ static ParseState * ParserPeek(Parser * p) { if (!p->count) { PError(p, "Parser stack underflow. (Peek)"); return NULL; } return p->data + p->count - 1; } /* Remove the top state from the ParseStack */ static ParseState * ParserPop(Parser * p) { if (!p->count) { PError(p, "Parser stack underflow. (Pop)"); return NULL; } return p->data + --p->count; } /* Add a new, empty ParseState to the ParseStack. */ static void ParserPush(Parser *p, ParseType type, uint8_t character) { ParseState * top; if (p->count >= p->cap) { uint32_t newCap = 2 * p->count; ParseState * data = VMAlloc(p->vm, newCap); p->data = data; p->cap = newCap; } ++p->count; top = ParserPeek(p); if (!top) return; top->type = type; switch (type) { case PTYPE_ROOT: break; case PTYPE_STRING: top->buf.string.state = STRING_STATE_BASE; case PTYPE_TOKEN: top->buf.string.buffer = BufferNew(p->vm, 10); break; case PTYPE_FORM: top->buf.form.array = ArrayNew(p->vm, 10); if (character == '(') top->buf.form.endDelimiter = ')'; if (character == '[') { top->buf.form.endDelimiter = ']'; ArrayPush(p->vm, top->buf.form.array, ValueLoadCString(p->vm, "array")); } if (character == '{') { top->buf.form.endDelimiter = '}'; ArrayPush(p->vm, top->buf.form.array, ValueLoadCString(p->vm, "dict")); } break; } } /* Append a value to the top-most state in the Parser's stack. */ static void ParserTopAppend(Parser * p, Value x) { ParseState * top = ParserPeek(p); if (!top) return; switch (top->type) { case PTYPE_ROOT: p->value = x; p->status = PARSER_FULL; break; case PTYPE_FORM: ArrayPush(p->vm, top->buf.form.array, x); break; default: PError(p, "Expected container type."); break; } } /* Check if a character is whitespace */ static int isWhitespace(uint8_t c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\0' || c == ','; } /* Check if a character is a valid symbol character */ static int isSymbolChar(uint8_t c) { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return 1; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return 1; if (c >= '0' && c <= ':') return 1; if (c >= '<' && c <= '@') return 1; if (c >= '*' && c <= '/') return 1; if (c >= '#' && c <= '&') return 1; if (c == '_') return 1; if (c == '^') return 1; if (c == '!') return 1; return 0; } /* Get an integer power of 10 */ static double exp10(int power) { if (power == 0) return 1; if (power > 0) { double result = 10; int currentPower = 1; while (currentPower * 2 <= power) { result = result * result; currentPower *= 2; } return result * exp10(power - currentPower); } else { return 1 / exp10(-power); } } /* Read a number from a string */ static int ParseReadNumber(const uint8_t * string, const uint8_t * end, double * ret, int forceInt) { int sign = 1, x = 0; double accum = 0, exp = 1, place = 1; if (*string == '-') { sign = -1; ++string; } else if (*string == '+') { ++string; } if (string >= end) return 0; while (string < end) { if (*string == '.' && !forceInt) { place = 0.1; } else if (!forceInt && (*string == 'e' || *string == 'E')) { ++string; if (!ParseReadNumber(string, end, &exp, 1)) return 0; exp = exp10(exp); break; } else { x = *string; if (x < '0' || x > '9') return 0; x -= '0'; if (place < 1) { accum += x * place; place *= 0.1; } else { accum *= 10; accum += x; } } ++string; } *ret = accum * sign * exp; return 1; } /* Checks if a string slice is equal to a string constant */ static int checkStrConst(const char * ref, const uint8_t * start, const uint8_t * end) { while (*ref && start < end) { if (*ref != *(char *)start) return 0; ++ref; ++start; } return !*ref && start == end; } /* Build from the token buffer */ static Value ParserBuildTokenBuffer(Parser * p, Buffer * buf) { Value x; Number number; uint8_t * data = buf->data; uint8_t * back = data + buf->count; if (ParseReadNumber(data, back, &number, 0)) { x.type = TYPE_NUMBER; x.data.number = number; } else if (checkStrConst("nil", data, back)) { x.type = TYPE_NIL; x.data.boolean = 0; } else if (checkStrConst("false", data, back)) { x.type = TYPE_BOOLEAN; x.data.boolean = 0; } else if (checkStrConst("true", data, back)) { x.type = TYPE_BOOLEAN; x.data.boolean = 1; } else { if (buf->data[0] >= '0' && buf->data[0] <= '9') { PError(p, "Symbols cannot start with digits."); x.type = TYPE_NIL; } else { x.type = TYPE_STRING; x.data.string = BufferToString(p->vm, buf); } } return x; } /* Handle parsing a token */ static int ParserTokenState(Parser * p, uint8_t c) { ParseState * top = ParserPeek(p); Buffer * buf = top->buf.string.buffer; if (isWhitespace(c) || c == ')' || c == ']' || c == '}') { ParserPop(p); ParserTopAppend(p, ParserBuildTokenBuffer(p, buf)); return !(c == ')' || c == ']' || c == '}'); } else if (isSymbolChar(c)) { BufferPush(p->vm, buf, c); return 1; } else { PError(p, "Expected symbol character."); return 1; } } /* Handle parsing a string literal */ static int ParserStringState(Parser * p, uint8_t c) { ParseState * top = ParserPeek(p); switch (top->buf.string.state) { case STRING_STATE_BASE: if (c == '\\') { top->buf.string.state = STRING_STATE_ESCAPE; } else if (c == '"') { /* Load a quote form to get the string literal */ Value x, array; x.type = TYPE_STRING; x.data.string = BufferToString(p->vm, top->buf.string.buffer); array.type = TYPE_ARRAY; array.data.array = ArrayNew(p->vm, 2); ArrayPush(p->vm, array.data.array, ValueLoadCString(p->vm, "quote")); ArrayPush(p->vm, array.data.array, x); ParserPop(p); ParserTopAppend(p, array); } else { BufferPush(p->vm, top->buf.string.buffer, c); } break; case STRING_STATE_ESCAPE: { uint8_t next; switch (c) { case 'n': next = '\n'; break; case 'r': next = '\r'; break; case 't': next = '\t'; break; case 'f': next = '\f'; break; case '0': next = '\0'; break; case '"': next = '"'; break; case '\'': next = '\''; break; case 'z': next = '\0'; break; default: PError(p, "Unknown string escape sequence."); return 1; } BufferPush(p->vm, top->buf.string.buffer, next); top->buf.string.state = STRING_STATE_BASE; } break; case STRING_STATE_ESCAPE_HEX: break; case STRING_STATE_ESCAPE_UNICODE: break; } return 1; } /* Root state of the parser */ static int ParserRootState(Parser * p, uint8_t c) { if (c == ']' || c == ')' || c == '}') { PError(p, UNEXPECTED_CLOSING_DELIM); return 1; } if (c == '(' || c == '[' || c == '{') { ParserPush(p, PTYPE_FORM, c); return 1; } if (c == '"') { ParserPush(p, PTYPE_STRING, c); return 1; } if (isWhitespace(c)) return 1; if (isSymbolChar(c)) { ParserPush(p, PTYPE_TOKEN, c); return 0; } PError(p, "Unexpected character."); return 1; } /* Handle parsing a form */ static int ParserFormState(Parser * p, uint8_t c) { ParseState * top = ParserPeek(p); if (c == top->buf.form.endDelimiter) { Array * array = top->buf.form.array; Value x; x.type = TYPE_ARRAY; x.data.array = array; ParserPop(p); ParserTopAppend(p, x); return 1; } return ParserRootState(p, c); } /* Handle a character */ static int ParserDispatchChar(Parser * p, uint8_t c) { int done = 0; while (!done && p->status == PARSER_PENDING) { ParseState * top = ParserPeek(p); switch (top->type) { case PTYPE_ROOT: done = ParserRootState(p, c); break; case PTYPE_TOKEN: done = ParserTokenState(p, c); break; case PTYPE_FORM: done = ParserFormState(p, c); break; case PTYPE_STRING: done = ParserStringState(p, c); break; } } ++p->index; return !done; } /* Parse a C style string. The first value encountered when parsed is put * in p->value. The string variable is then updated to the next char that * was not read. Returns 1 if any values were read, otherwise returns 0. * Returns the number of bytes read. */ int ParserParseCString(Parser * p, const char * string) { int bytesRead = 0; p->status = PARSER_PENDING; while ((p->status == PARSER_PENDING) && (string[bytesRead] != '\0')) { ParserDispatchChar(p, string[bytesRead++]); } return bytesRead; } /* Parser initialization (memory allocation) */ void ParserInit(Parser * p, VM * vm) { p->vm = vm; ParseState * data = VMAlloc(vm, sizeof(ParseState) * 10); p->data = data; p->count = 0; p->cap = 10; p->index = 0; p->error = NULL; p->status = PARSER_PENDING; p->value.type = TYPE_NIL; ParserPush(p, PTYPE_ROOT, ' '); }