/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "gc.h" #include "util.h" #include "state.h" /* Begin building a string */ uint8_t *janet_string_begin(int32_t length) { char *data = janet_gcalloc(JANET_MEMORY_STRING, 2 * sizeof(int32_t) + length + 1); uint8_t *str = (uint8_t *) (data + 2 * sizeof(int32_t)); janet_string_length(str) = length; str[length] = 0; return str; } /* Finish building a string */ const uint8_t *janet_string_end(uint8_t *str) { janet_string_hash(str) = janet_string_calchash(str, janet_string_length(str)); return str; } /* Load a buffer as a string */ const uint8_t *janet_string(const uint8_t *buf, int32_t len) { int32_t hash = janet_string_calchash(buf, len); char *data = janet_gcalloc(JANET_MEMORY_STRING, 2 * sizeof(int32_t) + len + 1); uint8_t *str = (uint8_t *) (data + 2 * sizeof(int32_t)); memcpy(str, buf, len); str[len] = 0; janet_string_length(str) = len; janet_string_hash(str) = hash; return str; } /* Compare two strings */ int janet_string_compare(const uint8_t *lhs, const uint8_t *rhs) { int32_t xlen = janet_string_length(lhs); int32_t ylen = janet_string_length(rhs); int32_t len = xlen > ylen ? ylen : xlen; int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (lhs[i] == rhs[i]) { continue; } else if (lhs[i] < rhs[i]) { return -1; /* x is less than y */ } else { return 1; /* y is less than x */ } } if (xlen == ylen) { return 0; } else { return xlen < ylen ? -1 : 1; } } /* Compare a janet string with a piece of memory */ int janet_string_equalconst(const uint8_t *lhs, const uint8_t *rhs, int32_t rlen, int32_t rhash) { int32_t index; int32_t lhash = janet_string_hash(lhs); int32_t llen = janet_string_length(lhs); if (lhs == rhs) return 1; if (lhash != rhash || llen != rlen) return 0; for (index = 0; index < llen; index++) { if (lhs[index] != rhs[index]) return 0; } return 1; } /* Check if two strings are equal */ int janet_string_equal(const uint8_t *lhs, const uint8_t *rhs) { return janet_string_equalconst(lhs, rhs, janet_string_length(rhs), janet_string_hash(rhs)); } /* Load a c string */ const uint8_t *janet_cstring(const char *str) { int32_t len = 0; while (str[len]) ++len; return janet_string((const uint8_t *)str, len); } /* Temporary buffer size */ #define BUFSIZE 64 static int32_t real_to_string_impl(uint8_t *buf, double x) { int count = snprintf((char *) buf, BUFSIZE, "%.17gr", x); return (int32_t) count; } static void real_to_string_b(JanetBuffer *buffer, double x) { janet_buffer_ensure(buffer, buffer->count + BUFSIZE, 2); buffer->count += real_to_string_impl(buffer->data + buffer->count, x); } static const uint8_t *real_to_string(double x) { uint8_t buf[BUFSIZE]; return janet_string(buf, real_to_string_impl(buf, x)); } /* expects non positive x */ static int count_dig10(int32_t x) { int result = 1; for (;;) { if (x > -10) return result; if (x > -100) return result + 1; if (x > -1000) return result + 2; if (x > -10000) return result + 3; x /= 10000; result += 4; } } static int32_t integer_to_string_impl(uint8_t *buf, int32_t x) { int32_t neg = 0; int32_t len = 0; if (x == 0) { buf[0] = '0'; return 1; } else if (x > 0) { x = -x; } else { neg = 1; *buf++ = '-'; } len = count_dig10(x); buf += len; while (x) { uint8_t digit = (uint8_t) -(x % 10); *(--buf) = '0' + digit; x /= 10; } return len + neg; } static void integer_to_string_b(JanetBuffer *buffer, int32_t x) { janet_buffer_extra(buffer, BUFSIZE); buffer->count += integer_to_string_impl(buffer->data + buffer->count, x); } static const uint8_t *integer_to_string(int32_t x) { uint8_t buf[BUFSIZE]; return janet_string(buf, integer_to_string_impl(buf, x)); } #define HEX(i) (((uint8_t *) janet_base64)[(i)]) /* Returns a string description for a pointer. Truncates * title to 12 characters */ static int32_t string_description_impl(uint8_t *buf, const char *title, void *pointer) { uint8_t *c = buf; int32_t i; union { uint8_t bytes[sizeof(void *)]; void *p; } pbuf; pbuf.p = pointer; *c++ = '<'; /* Maximum of 32 bytes for abstract type name */ for (i = 0; title[i] && i < 32; ++i) *c++ = ((uint8_t *)title) [i]; *c++ = ' '; *c++ = '0'; *c++ = 'x'; #if defined(JANET_64) #define POINTSIZE 6 #else #define POINTSIZE (sizeof(void *)) #endif for (i = POINTSIZE; i > 0; --i) { uint8_t byte = pbuf.bytes[i - 1]; *c++ = HEX(byte >> 4); *c++ = HEX(byte & 0xF); } *c++ = '>'; return (int32_t) (c - buf); #undef POINTSIZE } static void string_description_b(JanetBuffer *buffer, const char *title, void *pointer) { janet_buffer_ensure(buffer, buffer->count + BUFSIZE, 2); buffer->count += string_description_impl(buffer->data + buffer->count, title, pointer); } /* Describes a pointer with a title (string_description("bork", myp) returns * a string "") */ static const uint8_t *string_description(const char *title, void *pointer) { uint8_t buf[BUFSIZE]; return janet_string(buf, string_description_impl(buf, title, pointer)); } #undef HEX #undef BUFSIZE /* TODO - add more characters to escape. * * When more escapes are added, they must correspond * to janet_escape_string_impl exactly or a buffer overrun could occur. */ static int32_t janet_escape_string_length(const uint8_t *str, int32_t slen) { int32_t len = 2; int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < slen; ++i) { switch (str[i]) { case '"': case '\n': case '\r': case '\0': case '\\': len += 2; break; default: if (str[i] < 32 || str[i] > 127) len += 4; else len += 1; break; } } return len; } static void janet_escape_string_impl(uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t *str, int32_t len) { int32_t i, j; buf[0] = '"'; for (i = 0, j = 1; i < len; ++i) { uint8_t c = str[i]; switch (c) { case '"': buf[j++] = '\\'; buf[j++] = '"'; break; case '\n': buf[j++] = '\\'; buf[j++] = 'n'; break; case '\r': buf[j++] = '\\'; buf[j++] = 'r'; break; case '\0': buf[j++] = '\\'; buf[j++] = '0'; break; case '\\': buf[j++] = '\\'; buf[j++] = '\\'; break; default: if (c < 32 || c > 127) { buf[j++] = '\\'; buf[j++] = 'x'; buf[j++] = janet_base64[(c >> 4) & 0xF]; buf[j++] = janet_base64[c & 0xF]; } else { buf[j++] = c; } break; } } buf[j++] = '"'; } void janet_escape_string_b(JanetBuffer *buffer, const uint8_t *str) { int32_t len = janet_string_length(str); int32_t elen = janet_escape_string_length(str, len); janet_buffer_extra(buffer, elen); janet_escape_string_impl(buffer->data + buffer->count, str, len); buffer->count += elen; } const uint8_t *janet_escape_string(const uint8_t *str) { int32_t len = janet_string_length(str); int32_t elen = janet_escape_string_length(str, len); uint8_t *buf = janet_string_begin(elen); janet_escape_string_impl(buf, str, len); return janet_string_end(buf); } static void janet_escape_buffer_b(JanetBuffer *buffer, JanetBuffer *bx) { int32_t elen = janet_escape_string_length(bx->data, bx->count); janet_buffer_push_u8(buffer, '@'); janet_buffer_extra(buffer, elen); janet_escape_string_impl( buffer->data + buffer->count, bx->data, bx->count); buffer->count += elen; } void janet_description_b(JanetBuffer *buffer, Janet x) { switch (janet_type(x)) { case JANET_NIL: janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, "nil"); return; case JANET_TRUE: janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, "true"); return; case JANET_FALSE: janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, "false"); return; case JANET_REAL: real_to_string_b(buffer, janet_unwrap_real(x)); return; case JANET_INTEGER: integer_to_string_b(buffer, janet_unwrap_integer(x)); return; case JANET_SYMBOL: janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, janet_unwrap_string(x), janet_string_length(janet_unwrap_string(x))); return; case JANET_STRING: janet_escape_string_b(buffer, janet_unwrap_string(x)); return; case JANET_BUFFER: janet_escape_buffer_b(buffer, janet_unwrap_buffer(x)); return; case JANET_ABSTRACT: { const char *n = janet_abstract_type(janet_unwrap_abstract(x))->name; string_description_b(buffer, n[0] == ':' ? n + 1 : n, janet_unwrap_abstract(x)); return; } case JANET_CFUNCTION: { Janet check = janet_table_get(janet_vm_registry, x); if (janet_checktype(check, JANET_SYMBOL)) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, "'); break; } goto fallthrough; } case JANET_FUNCTION: { JanetFunction *fun = janet_unwrap_function(x); JanetFuncDef *def = fun->def; if (def->name) { const uint8_t *n = def->name; janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, "'); break; } goto fallthrough; } fallthrough: default: string_description_b(buffer, janet_type_names[janet_type(x)] + 1, janet_unwrap_pointer(x)); break; } } void janet_to_string_b(JanetBuffer *buffer, Janet x) { switch (janet_type(x)) { default: janet_description_b(buffer, x); break; case JANET_BUFFER: janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, janet_unwrap_buffer(x)->data, janet_unwrap_buffer(x)->count); break; case JANET_STRING: case JANET_SYMBOL: janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, janet_unwrap_string(x), janet_string_length(janet_unwrap_string(x))); break; } } const uint8_t *janet_description(Janet x) { switch (janet_type(x)) { case JANET_NIL: return janet_cstring("nil"); case JANET_TRUE: return janet_cstring("true"); case JANET_FALSE: return janet_cstring("false"); case JANET_REAL: return real_to_string(janet_unwrap_real(x)); case JANET_INTEGER: return integer_to_string(janet_unwrap_integer(x)); case JANET_SYMBOL: return janet_unwrap_symbol(x); case JANET_STRING: return janet_escape_string(janet_unwrap_string(x)); case JANET_BUFFER: { JanetBuffer b; const uint8_t *ret; janet_buffer_init(&b, 3); janet_escape_buffer_b(&b, janet_unwrap_buffer(x)); ret = janet_string(b.data, b.count); janet_buffer_deinit(&b); return ret; } case JANET_ABSTRACT: { const char *n = janet_abstract_type(janet_unwrap_abstract(x))->name; return string_description( n[0] == ':' ? n + 1 : n, janet_unwrap_abstract(x)); } case JANET_CFUNCTION: { Janet check = janet_table_get(janet_vm_registry, x); if (janet_checktype(check, JANET_SYMBOL)) { return janet_formatc("", check); } goto fallthrough; } case JANET_FUNCTION: { JanetFunction *fun = janet_unwrap_function(x); JanetFuncDef *def = fun->def; if (def->name) { return janet_formatc("", def->name); } goto fallthrough; } fallthrough: default: return string_description(janet_type_names[janet_type(x)] + 1, janet_unwrap_pointer(x)); } } /* Convert any value to a janet string. Similar to description, but * strings, symbols, and buffers will return their content. */ const uint8_t *janet_to_string(Janet x) { switch (janet_type(x)) { default: return janet_description(x); case JANET_BUFFER: return janet_string(janet_unwrap_buffer(x)->data, janet_unwrap_buffer(x)->count); case JANET_STRING: case JANET_SYMBOL: return janet_unwrap_string(x); } } /* Hold state for pretty printer. */ struct pretty { JanetBuffer *buffer; int depth; int indent; JanetTable seen; }; static void print_newline(struct pretty *S, int just_a_space) { int i; if (just_a_space) { janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); return; } janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, '\n'); for (i = 0; i < S->indent; i++) { janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); } } /* Helper for pretty printing */ static void janet_pretty_one(struct pretty *S, Janet x) { /* Add to seen */ switch (janet_type(x)) { case JANET_NIL: case JANET_INTEGER: case JANET_REAL: case JANET_SYMBOL: case JANET_TRUE: case JANET_FALSE: break; default: { Janet seenid = janet_table_get(&S->seen, x); if (janet_checktype(seenid, JANET_INTEGER)) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "buffer, janet_unwrap_integer(x)); janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, '>'); return; } else { janet_table_put(&S->seen, x, janet_wrap_integer(S->seen.count)); break; } } } switch (janet_type(x)) { default: janet_description_b(S->buffer, x); break; case JANET_ARRAY: case JANET_TUPLE: { int isarray = janet_checktype(x, JANET_ARRAY); janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, isarray ? "@[" : "("); S->depth--; S->indent += 2; if (S->depth == 0) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "..."); } else { int32_t i, len; const Janet *arr; janet_indexed_view(x, &arr, &len); if (!isarray && len >= 5) janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i) print_newline(S, len < 5); janet_pretty_one(S, arr[i]); } } S->indent -= 2; S->depth++; janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, isarray ? ']' : ')'); break; } case JANET_STRUCT: case JANET_TABLE: { int istable = janet_checktype(x, JANET_TABLE); janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, istable ? "@{" : "{"); S->depth--; S->indent += 2; if (S->depth == 0) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "..."); } else { int32_t i, len, cap; int first_kv_pair = 1; const JanetKV *kvs; janet_dictionary_view(x, &kvs, &len, &cap); if (!istable && len >= 4) janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); for (i = 0; i < cap; i++) { if (!janet_checktype(kvs[i].key, JANET_NIL)) { if (first_kv_pair) { first_kv_pair = 0; } else { print_newline(S, len < 4); } janet_pretty_one(S, kvs[i].key); janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); janet_pretty_one(S, kvs[i].value); } } } S->indent -= 2; S->depth++; janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, '}'); break; } } /* Remove from seen */ janet_table_remove(&S->seen, x); return; } /* Helper for printing a janet value in a pretty form. Not meant to be used * for serialization or anything like that. */ JanetBuffer *janet_pretty(JanetBuffer *buffer, int depth, Janet x) { struct pretty S; if (NULL == buffer) { buffer = janet_buffer(0); } S.buffer = buffer; S.depth = depth; S.indent = 0; janet_table_init(&S.seen, 10); janet_pretty_one(&S, x); janet_table_deinit(&S.seen); return S.buffer; } /* Helper function for formatting strings. Useful for generating error messages and the like. * Similiar to printf, but specialized for operating with janet. */ const uint8_t *janet_formatc(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; int32_t len = 0; int32_t i; const uint8_t *ret; JanetBuffer buffer; JanetBuffer *bufp = &buffer; /* Calculate length */ while (format[len]) len++; /* Initialize buffer */ janet_buffer_init(bufp, len); /* Start args */ va_start(args, format); /* Iterate length */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint8_t c = format[i]; switch (c) { default: janet_buffer_push_u8(bufp, c); break; case '%': { if (i + 1 >= len) break; switch (format[++i]) { default: janet_buffer_push_u8(bufp, format[i]); break; case 'f': real_to_string_b(bufp, va_arg(args, double)); break; case 'd': integer_to_string_b(bufp, va_arg(args, int32_t)); break; case 'S': { const uint8_t *str = va_arg(args, const uint8_t *); janet_buffer_push_bytes(bufp, str, janet_string_length(str)); break; } case 's': janet_buffer_push_cstring(bufp, va_arg(args, const char *)); break; case 'c': janet_buffer_push_u8(bufp, (uint8_t) va_arg(args, long)); break; case 'q': { const uint8_t *str = va_arg(args, const uint8_t *); janet_escape_string_b(bufp, str); break; } case 't': { janet_buffer_push_cstring(bufp, janet_type_names[va_arg(args, JanetType)] + 1); break; } case 'V': { janet_to_string_b(bufp, va_arg(args, Janet)); break; } case 'v': { janet_description_b(bufp, va_arg(args, Janet)); break; } case 'p': { janet_pretty(bufp, 4, va_arg(args, Janet)); } } } } } va_end(args); ret = janet_string(buffer.data, buffer.count); janet_buffer_deinit(&buffer); return ret; } /* Print string to stdout */ void janet_puts(const uint8_t *str) { int32_t i; int32_t len = janet_string_length(str); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { putc(str[i], stdout); } } /* Knuth Morris Pratt Algorithm */ struct kmp_state { int32_t i; int32_t j; int32_t textlen; int32_t patlen; int32_t *lookup; const uint8_t *text; const uint8_t *pat; }; static void kmp_init( struct kmp_state *s, const uint8_t *text, int32_t textlen, const uint8_t *pat, int32_t patlen) { int32_t *lookup = calloc(patlen, sizeof(int32_t)); if (!lookup) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } s->lookup = lookup; s->i = 0; s->j = 0; s->text = text; s->pat = pat; s->textlen = textlen; s->patlen = patlen; /* Init state machine */ { int32_t i, j; for (i = 1, j = 0; i < patlen; i++) { while (j && pat[j] != pat[i]) j = lookup[j - 1]; if (pat[j] == pat[i]) j++; lookup[i] = j; } } } static void kmp_deinit(struct kmp_state *state) { free(state->lookup); } static void kmp_seti(struct kmp_state *state, int32_t i) { state->i = i; state->j = 0; } static int32_t kmp_next(struct kmp_state *state) { int32_t i = state->i; int32_t j = state->j; int32_t textlen = state->textlen; int32_t patlen = state->patlen; const uint8_t *text = state->text; const uint8_t *pat = state->pat; int32_t *lookup = state->lookup; while (i < textlen) { if (text[i] == pat[j]) { if (j == patlen - 1) { state->i = i + 1; state->j = lookup[j]; return i - j; } else { i++; j++; } } else { if (j > 0) { j = lookup[j - 1]; } else { i++; } } } return -1; } /* CFuns */ static int cfun_slice(JanetArgs args) { const uint8_t *data; int32_t len, start, end; const uint8_t *ret; JANET_MINARITY(args, 1); JANET_MAXARITY(args, 3); JANET_ARG_BYTES(data, len, args, 0); /* Get start */ if (args.n < 2) { start = 0; } else if (janet_checktype(args.v[1], JANET_INTEGER)) { start = janet_unwrap_integer(args.v[1]); } else { JANET_THROW(args, "expected integer"); } /* Get end */ if (args.n < 3) { end = -1; } else if (janet_checktype(args.v[2], JANET_INTEGER)) { end = janet_unwrap_integer(args.v[2]); } else { JANET_THROW(args, "expected integer"); } if (start < 0) start = len + start; if (end < 0) end = len + end + 1; if (end < 0 || start < 0 || end > len || start > len) JANET_THROW(args, "slice range out of bounds"); if (end >= start) { ret = janet_string(data + start, end - start); } else { ret = janet_cstring(""); } JANET_RETURN_STRING(args, ret); } static int cfun_repeat(JanetArgs args) { const uint8_t *data; uint8_t *newbuf, *p, *end; int32_t len, rep; int64_t mulres; JANET_FIXARITY(args, 2); JANET_ARG_BYTES(data, len, args, 0); JANET_ARG_INTEGER(rep, args, 1); if (rep < 0) { JANET_THROW(args, "expected non-negative number of repetitions"); } else if (rep == 0) { JANET_RETURN_CSTRING(args, ""); } mulres = (int64_t) rep * len; if (mulres > INT32_MAX) { JANET_THROW(args, "result string is too long"); } newbuf = janet_string_begin((int32_t) mulres); end = newbuf + mulres; for (p = newbuf; p < end; p += len) { memcpy(p, data, len); } JANET_RETURN_STRING(args, janet_string_end(newbuf)); } static int cfun_bytes(JanetArgs args) { const uint8_t *str; int32_t strlen, i; Janet *tup; JANET_FIXARITY(args, 1); JANET_ARG_BYTES(str, strlen, args, 0); tup = janet_tuple_begin(strlen); for (i = 0; i < strlen; i++) { tup[i] = janet_wrap_integer((int32_t) str[i]); } JANET_RETURN_TUPLE(args, janet_tuple_end(tup)); } static int cfun_frombytes(JanetArgs args) { int32_t i; uint8_t *buf; for (i = 0; i < args.n; i++) { JANET_CHECK(args, i, JANET_INTEGER); } buf = janet_string_begin(args.n); for (i = 0; i < args.n; i++) { int32_t c; JANET_ARG_INTEGER(c, args, i); buf[i] = c & 0xFF; } JANET_RETURN_STRING(args, janet_string_end(buf)); } static int cfun_asciilower(JanetArgs args) { const uint8_t *str; uint8_t *buf; int32_t len, i; JANET_FIXARITY(args, 1); JANET_ARG_BYTES(str, len, args, 0); buf = janet_string_begin(len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint8_t c = str[i]; if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) { buf[i] = c + 32; } else { buf[i] = c; } } JANET_RETURN_STRING(args, janet_string_end(buf)); } static int cfun_asciiupper(JanetArgs args) { const uint8_t *str; uint8_t *buf; int32_t len, i; JANET_FIXARITY(args, 1); JANET_ARG_BYTES(str, len, args, 0); buf = janet_string_begin(len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint8_t c = str[i]; if (c >= 97 && c <= 122) { buf[i] = c - 32; } else { buf[i] = c; } } JANET_RETURN_STRING(args, janet_string_end(buf)); } static int cfun_reverse(JanetArgs args) { const uint8_t *str; uint8_t *buf; int32_t len, i, j; JANET_FIXARITY(args, 1); JANET_ARG_BYTES(str, len, args, 0); buf = janet_string_begin(len); for (i = 0, j = len - 1; i < len; i++, j--) { buf[i] = str[j]; } JANET_RETURN_STRING(args, janet_string_end(buf)); } static int findsetup(JanetArgs args, struct kmp_state *s, int32_t extra) { const uint8_t *text, *pat; int32_t textlen, patlen, start; JANET_MINARITY(args, 2); JANET_MAXARITY(args, 3 + extra); JANET_ARG_BYTES(pat, patlen, args, 0); JANET_ARG_BYTES(text, textlen, args, 1); if (args.n >= 3) { JANET_ARG_INTEGER(start, args, 2); if (start < 0) { JANET_THROW(args, "expected non-negative start index"); } } else { start = 0; } kmp_init(s, text, textlen, pat, patlen); s->i = start; return JANET_SIGNAL_OK; } static int cfun_find(JanetArgs args) { int32_t result; struct kmp_state state; int status = findsetup(args, &state, 0); if (status) return status; result = kmp_next(&state); kmp_deinit(&state); JANET_RETURN(args, result < 0 ? janet_wrap_nil() : janet_wrap_integer(result)); } static int cfun_findall(JanetArgs args) { int32_t result; JanetArray *array; struct kmp_state state; int status = findsetup(args, &state, 0); if (status) return status; array = janet_array(0); while ((result = kmp_next(&state)) >= 0) { janet_array_push(array, janet_wrap_integer(result)); } kmp_deinit(&state); JANET_RETURN_ARRAY(args, array); } struct replace_state { struct kmp_state kmp; const uint8_t *subst; int32_t substlen; }; static int replacesetup(JanetArgs args, struct replace_state *s) { const uint8_t *text, *pat, *subst; int32_t textlen, patlen, substlen, start; JANET_MINARITY(args, 3); JANET_MAXARITY(args, 4); JANET_ARG_BYTES(pat, patlen, args, 0); JANET_ARG_BYTES(subst, substlen, args, 1); JANET_ARG_BYTES(text, textlen, args, 2); if (args.n == 4) { JANET_ARG_INTEGER(start, args, 3); if (start < 0) { JANET_THROW(args, "expected non-negative start index"); } } else { start = 0; } kmp_init(&s->kmp, text, textlen, pat, patlen); s->kmp.i = start; s->subst = subst; s->substlen = substlen; return JANET_SIGNAL_OK; } static int cfun_replace(JanetArgs args) { int32_t result; struct replace_state s; uint8_t *buf; int status = replacesetup(args, &s); if (status) return status; result = kmp_next(&s.kmp); if (result < 0) { kmp_deinit(&s.kmp); JANET_RETURN_STRING(args, janet_string(s.kmp.text, s.kmp.textlen)); } buf = janet_string_begin(s.kmp.textlen - s.kmp.patlen + s.substlen); memcpy(buf, s.kmp.text, result); memcpy(buf + result, s.subst, s.substlen); memcpy(buf + result + s.substlen, s.kmp.text + result + s.kmp.patlen, s.kmp.textlen - result - s.kmp.patlen); kmp_deinit(&s.kmp); JANET_RETURN_STRING(args, janet_string_end(buf)); } static int cfun_replaceall(JanetArgs args) { int32_t result; struct replace_state s; JanetBuffer b; const uint8_t *ret; int32_t lastindex = 0; int status = replacesetup(args, &s); if (status) return status; janet_buffer_init(&b, s.kmp.textlen); while ((result = kmp_next(&s.kmp)) >= 0) { janet_buffer_push_bytes(&b, s.kmp.text + lastindex, result - lastindex); janet_buffer_push_bytes(&b, s.subst, s.substlen); lastindex = result + s.kmp.patlen; kmp_seti(&s.kmp, lastindex); } janet_buffer_push_bytes(&b, s.kmp.text + lastindex, s.kmp.textlen - lastindex); ret = janet_string(b.data, b.count); janet_buffer_deinit(&b); kmp_deinit(&s.kmp); JANET_RETURN_STRING(args, ret); } static int cfun_split(JanetArgs args) { int32_t result; JanetArray *array; struct kmp_state state; int32_t limit = -1, lastindex = 0; if (args.n == 4) { JANET_ARG_INTEGER(limit, args, 3); } int status = findsetup(args, &state, 1); if (status) return status; array = janet_array(0); while ((result = kmp_next(&state)) >= 0 && limit--) { const uint8_t *slice = janet_string(state.text + lastindex, result - lastindex); janet_array_push(array, janet_wrap_string(slice)); lastindex = result + state.patlen; } { const uint8_t *slice = janet_string(state.text + lastindex, state.textlen - lastindex); janet_array_push(array, janet_wrap_string(slice)); } kmp_deinit(&state); JANET_RETURN_ARRAY(args, array); } static int cfun_checkset(JanetArgs args) { const uint8_t *set, *str; int32_t setlen, strlen, i; uint32_t bitset[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; JANET_MINARITY(args, 2); JANET_MAXARITY(args, 3); JANET_ARG_BYTES(set, setlen, args, 0); JANET_ARG_BYTES(str, strlen, args, 1); /* Populate set */ for (i = 0; i < setlen; i++) { int index = set[i] >> 5; uint32_t mask = 1 << (set[i] & 7); bitset[index] |= mask; } if (args.n == 3) { int invert; JANET_ARG_BOOLEAN(invert, args, 2); if (invert) { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) bitset[i] = ~bitset[i]; } } /* Check set */ for (i = 0; i < strlen; i++) { int index = str[i] >> 5; uint32_t mask = 1 << (str[i] & 7); if (!(bitset[index] & mask)) { JANET_RETURN_FALSE(args); } } JANET_RETURN_TRUE(args); } static int cfun_join(JanetArgs args) { const Janet *parts; const uint8_t *joiner; uint8_t *buf, *out; int32_t joinerlen, partslen, finallen, i; JANET_MINARITY(args, 1); JANET_MAXARITY(args, 2); JANET_ARG_INDEXED(parts, partslen, args, 0); if (args.n == 2) { JANET_ARG_BYTES(joiner, joinerlen, args, 1); } else { joiner = NULL; joinerlen = 0; } /* Check args */ finallen = 0; for (i = 0; i < partslen; i++) { const uint8_t *chunk; int32_t chunklen = 0; if (!janet_bytes_view(parts[i], &chunk, &chunklen)) { JANET_THROW(args, "expected string|symbol|buffer"); } if (i) finallen += joinerlen; finallen += chunklen; } out = buf = janet_string_begin(finallen); for (i = 0; i < partslen; i++) { const uint8_t *chunk = NULL; int32_t chunklen = 0; if (i) { memcpy(out, joiner, joinerlen); out += joinerlen; } janet_bytes_view(parts[i], &chunk, &chunklen); memcpy(out, chunk, chunklen); out += chunklen; } JANET_RETURN_STRING(args, janet_string_end(buf)); } static struct formatter { const char *lead; const char *f1; const char *f2; } formatters[] = { {":g", "%g", "%.*g"}, {":G", "%G", "%.*G"}, {":e", "%e", "%.*e"}, {":E", "%E", "%.*E"}, {":f", "%f", "%.*f"}, {":F", "%F", "%.*F"} }; static int cfun_number(JanetArgs args) { struct formatter fmter = formatters[0]; char buf[100]; double x; int formatNargs = 1; int32_t precision = 0; JANET_MINARITY(args, 1); JANET_MAXARITY(args, 4); JANET_ARG_NUMBER(x, args, 0); if (args.n >= 2) { const uint8_t *flag; JANET_ARG_SYMBOL(flag, args, 1); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { struct formatter fmttest = formatters[i]; if (!janet_cstrcmp(flag, fmttest.lead)) { fmter = fmttest; break; } } } if (args.n >= 3) { JANET_ARG_INTEGER(precision, args, 2); formatNargs++; } if (formatNargs == 1) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmter.f1, x); } else if (formatNargs == 2) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmter.f2, precision, x); } JANET_RETURN_CSTRING(args, buf); } static int cfun_pretty(JanetArgs args) { JanetBuffer *buffer = NULL; int32_t depth = 4; JANET_MINARITY(args, 1); JANET_MAXARITY(args, 3); if (args.n > 1) JANET_ARG_INTEGER(depth, args, 1); if (args.n > 2) JANET_ARG_BUFFER(buffer, args, 2); buffer = janet_pretty(buffer, depth, args.v[0]); JANET_RETURN_BUFFER(args, buffer); } static const JanetReg cfuns[] = { {"string.slice", cfun_slice, "(string.slice bytes [,start=0 [,end=(length str)]])\n\n" "Returns a substring from a byte sequence. The substring is from " "index start inclusive to index end exclusive. All indexing " "is from 0. 'start' and 'end' can also be negative to indicate indexing " "from the end of the string." }, {"string.repeat", cfun_repeat, "(string.repeat bytes n)\n\n" "Returns a string that is n copies of bytes concatenated." }, {"string.bytes", cfun_bytes, "(string.bytes str)\n\n" "Returns an array of integers that are the byte values of the string." }, {"string.from-bytes", cfun_frombytes, "(string.from-bytes byte-array)\n\n" "Creates a string from an array of integers with byte values. All integers " "will be coerced to the range of 1 byte 0-255." }, {"string.ascii-lower", cfun_asciilower, "(string.ascii-lower str)\n\n" "Returns a new string where all bytes are replaced with the " "lowercase version of themselves in ascii. Does only a very simple " "case check, meaning no unicode support." }, {"string.ascii-upper", cfun_asciiupper, "(string.ascii-upper str)\n\n" "Returns a new string where all bytes are replaced with the " "uppercase version of themselves in ascii. Does only a very simple " "case check, meaning no unicode support." }, {"string.reverse", cfun_reverse, "(string.reverse str)\n\n" "Returns a string that is the reversed version of str." }, {"string.find", cfun_find, "(string.find patt str)\n\n" "Searches for the first instance of pattern patt in string " "str. Returns the index of the first character in patt if found, " "otherwise returns nil." }, {"string.find-all", cfun_findall, "(string.find patt str)\n\n" "Searches for all instances of pattern patt in string " "str. Returns an array of all indices of found patterns. Overlapping " "instances of the pattern are not counted, meaning a byte in string " "will only contribute to finding at most on occurrence of pattern. If no " "occurrences are found, will return an empty array." }, {"string.replace", cfun_replace, "(string.replace patt subst str)\n\n" "Replace the first occurrence of patt with subst in the the string str. " "Will return the new string if patt is found, otherwise returns str." }, {"string.replace-all", cfun_replaceall, "(string.replace-all patt subst str)\n\n" "Replace all instances of patt with subst in the string str. " "Will return the new string if patt is found, otherwise returns str." }, {"string.split", cfun_split, "(string.split delim str)\n\n" "Splits a string str with delimiter delim and returns an array of " "substrings. The substrings will not contain the delimiter delim. If delim " "is not found, the returned array will have one element." }, {"string.check-set", cfun_checkset, "(string.check-set set str)\n\n" "Checks if any of the bytes in the string set appear in the string str. " "Returns true if some bytes in set do appear in str, false if no bytes do." }, {"string.join", cfun_join, "(string.join parts [,sep])\n\n" "Joins an array of strings into one string, optionally separated by " "a separator string sep." }, {"string.number", cfun_number, "(string.number x [,format [,maxlen [,precision]]])\n\n" "Formats a number as string. The format parameter indicates how " "to display the number, either as floating point, scientific, or " "whichever representation is shorter. format can be:\n\n" "\t:g - (default) shortest representation with lowercase e.\n" "\t:G - shortest representation with uppercase E.\n" "\t:e - scientific with lowercase e.\n" "\t:E - scientific with uppercase E.\n" "\t:f - floating point representation.\n" "\t:F - same as :f\n\n" "The programmer can also specify the max length of the output string " "and the precision (number of places after decimal) in the output number. " "Returns a string representation of x." }, {"string.pretty", cfun_pretty, "(string.pretty x [,depth=4 [,buffer=@\"\"]])\n\n" "Pretty prints a value to a buffer. Optionally allwos setting max " "recursion depth, as well as writing to a buffer. Returns the buffer." }, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* Module entry point */ int janet_lib_string(JanetArgs args) { JanetTable *env = janet_env(args); janet_cfuns(env, NULL, cfuns); return 0; }