# Copyright (c) 2023 Calvin Rose & contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. (import ./helper :prefix "" :exit true) (start-suite) # some tests for bigint # 319575c (def i64 int/s64) (def u64 int/u64) (assert-no-error "create some uint64 bigints" (do # from number (def a (u64 10)) # max double we can convert to int (2^53) (def b (u64 0x1fffffffffffff)) (def b (u64 (math/pow 2 53))) # from string (def c (u64 "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff")) (def c (u64 "32rvv_vv_vv_vv")) (def d (u64 "123456789")))) # Conversion back to an int32 # 88db9751d (assert (= (int/to-number (u64 0xFaFa)) 0xFaFa)) (assert (= (int/to-number (i64 0xFaFa)) 0xFaFa)) (assert (= (int/to-number (u64 9007199254740991)) 9007199254740991)) (assert (= (int/to-number (i64 9007199254740991)) 9007199254740991)) (assert (= (int/to-number (i64 -9007199254740991)) -9007199254740991)) # New parser (assert (= (u64 "123") 123:u) "u64 parsing") (assert (= (u64 "0") 0:u) "u64 parsing") (assert (= (u64 "0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF") 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF:u) "u64 parsing") (assert (= (i64 "123") 123:s) "s64 parsing") (assert (= (i64 "-123") -123:s) "s64 parsing") (assert (= (i64 "0") 0:s) "s64 parsing") (assert-error "u64 out of bounds for safe integer" (int/to-number (u64 "9007199254740993")) (assert-error "s64 out of bounds for safe integer" (int/to-number (i64 "-9007199254740993")))) (assert-error "int/to-number fails on non-abstract types" (int/to-number 1)) (assert-no-error "create some int64 bigints" (do # from number (def a (i64 -10)) # max double we can convert to int (2^53) (def b (i64 0x1fffffffffffff)) (def b (i64 (math/pow 2 53))) # from string (def c (i64 "0x7fff_ffff_ffff_ffff")) (def d (i64 "123456789")))) (assert-error "bad initializers" (do # double to big to be converted to uint64 without truncation (2^53 + 1) (def b (u64 (+ 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ff 1))) (def b (u64 (+ (math/pow 2 53) 1))) # out of range 65 bits (def c (u64 "0x1ffffffffffffffff")) # just to big (def d (u64 "123456789123456789123456789")))) (assert (= (:/ (u64 "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff") 8 2) (u64 "0xfffffffffffffff")) "bigint operations 1") (assert (let [a (u64 0xff)] (= (:+ a a a a) (:* a 2 2))) "bigint operations 2") # 5ae520a2c (assert (= (string (i64 -123)) "-123") "i64 prints reasonably") (assert (= (string (u64 123)) "123") "u64 prints reasonably") # 1db6d0e0b (assert-error "trap INT64_MIN / -1" (:/ (int/s64 "-0x8000_0000_0000_0000") -1)) # int/s64 and int/u64 serialization # 6aea7c7f7 (assert (deep= (int/to-bytes (u64 0)) @"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00")) (assert (deep= (int/to-bytes (i64 1) :le) @"\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00")) (assert (deep= (int/to-bytes (i64 1) :be) @"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01")) (assert (deep= (int/to-bytes (i64 -1)) @"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF")) (assert (deep= (int/to-bytes (i64 -5) :be) @"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFB")) (assert (deep= (int/to-bytes (u64 1) :le) @"\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00")) (assert (deep= (int/to-bytes (u64 1) :be) @"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01")) (assert (deep= (int/to-bytes (u64 300) :be) @"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x2C")) # int/s64 int/u64 to existing buffer # bbb3e16fd (let [buf1 @"" buf2 @"abcd"] (assert (deep= (int/to-bytes (i64 1) :le buf1) @"\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00")) (assert (deep= buf1 @"\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00")) (assert (deep= (int/to-bytes (u64 300) :be buf2) @"abcd\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x2C"))) # int/s64 and int/u64 parameter type checking # 6aea7c7f7 (assert-error "bad value passed to int/to-bytes" (int/to-bytes 1)) # 6aea7c7f7 (assert-error "invalid endianness passed to int/to-bytes" (int/to-bytes (u64 0) :little)) # bbb3e16fd (assert-error "invalid buffer passed to int/to-bytes" (int/to-bytes (u64 0) :little :buffer)) # Right hand operators # 4fe005e3c (assert (= (int/s64 (sum (range 10))) (sum (map int/s64 (range 10)))) "right hand operators 1") (assert (= (int/s64 (product (range 1 10))) (product (map int/s64 (range 1 10)))) "right hand operators 2") (assert (= (int/s64 15) (bor 10 (int/s64 5)) (bor (int/s64 10) 5)) "right hand operators 3") # Integer type checks # 11067d7a5 (assert (compare= 0 (- (int/u64 "1000") 1000)) "subtract from int/u64") (assert (odd? (int/u64 "1001")) "odd? 1") (assert (not (odd? (int/u64 "1000"))) "odd? 2") (assert (odd? (int/s64 "1001")) "odd? 3") (assert (not (odd? (int/s64 "1000"))) "odd? 4") (assert (odd? (int/s64 "-1001")) "odd? 5") (assert (not (odd? (int/s64 "-1000"))) "odd? 6") (assert (even? (int/u64 "1000")) "even? 1") (assert (not (even? (int/u64 "1001"))) "even? 2") (assert (even? (int/s64 "1000")) "even? 3") (assert (not (even? (int/s64 "1001"))) "even? 4") (assert (even? (int/s64 "-1000")) "even? 5") (assert (not (even? (int/s64 "-1001"))) "even? 6") # integer type operations (defn opcheck [int x y] (each op [mod % div] (assert (compare= (op x y) (op (int x) y)) (string int " (" op " " x " " y ") expected " (op x y) ", got " (op (int x) y))) (assert (compare= (op x y) (op x (int y))) (string int " (" op " " x " " y ") expected " (op x y) ", got " (op x (int y)))) (assert (compare= (op x y) (op (int x) (int y))) (string int " (" op " " x " " y ") expected " (op x y) ", got " (op (int x) (int y)))))) (loop [x :in [-5 -3 0 3 5] y :in [-4 -3 3 4]] (opcheck int/s64 x y) (if (and (>= x 0) (>= y 0)) (opcheck int/u64 x y))) (each int [int/s64 int/u64] (each op [% / div] (assert-error "division by zero" (op (int 7) 0)) (assert-error "division by zero" (op 7 (int 0))) (assert-error "division by zero" (op (int 7) (int 0))))) (each int [int/s64 int/u64] (loop [x :in [-5 -3 0 3 5] :when (or (pos? x) (= int int/s64))] # skip check when comparing negative values with unsigned integers. (assert (= (int x) (mod (int x) 0)) (string int " mod 0")) (assert (= (int x) (mod x (int 0))) (string int " mod 0")) (assert (= (int x) (mod (int x) (int 0))) (string int " mod 0")))) (loop [x :in [-5 -3 0 3 5]] (assert (compare= (bnot x) (bnot (int/s64 x))) "int/s64 bnot")) (loop [x :range [0 10]] (assert (= (int/u64 "0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF") (bxor (int/u64 x) (bnot (int/u64 x)))) "int/u64 bnot")) # Check for issue #1130 # 7e65c2bda (var d (int/s64 7)) (mod 0 d) (var d (int/s64 7)) (def result (seq [n :in (range -21 0)] (mod n d))) (assert (deep= result (map int/s64 @[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6])) "issue #1130") # issue #272 - 81d301a42 (let [MAX_INT_64_STRING "9223372036854775807" MAX_UINT_64_STRING "18446744073709551615" MAX_INT_IN_DBL_STRING "9007199254740991" NAN (math/log -1) INF (/ 1 0) MINUS_INF (/ -1 0) compare-poly-tests [[(int/s64 3) (int/u64 3) 0] [(int/s64 -3) (int/u64 3) -1] [(int/s64 3) (int/u64 2) 1] [(int/s64 3) 3 0] [(int/s64 3) 4 -1] [(int/s64 3) -9 1] [(int/u64 3) 3 0] [(int/u64 3) 4 -1] [(int/u64 3) -9 1] [3 (int/s64 3) 0] [3 (int/s64 4) -1] [3 (int/s64 -5) 1] [3 (int/u64 3) 0] [3 (int/u64 4) -1] [3 (int/u64 2) 1] [(int/s64 MAX_INT_64_STRING) (int/u64 MAX_UINT_64_STRING) -1] [(int/s64 MAX_INT_IN_DBL_STRING) (scan-number MAX_INT_IN_DBL_STRING) 0] [(int/u64 MAX_INT_IN_DBL_STRING) (scan-number MAX_INT_IN_DBL_STRING) 0] [(+ 1 (int/u64 MAX_INT_IN_DBL_STRING)) (scan-number MAX_INT_IN_DBL_STRING) 1] [(int/s64 0) INF -1] [(int/u64 0) INF -1] [MINUS_INF (int/u64 0) -1] [MINUS_INF (int/s64 0) -1] [(int/s64 1) NAN 0] [NAN (int/u64 1) 0]]] (each [x y c] compare-poly-tests (assert (= c (compare x y)) (string/format "compare polymorphic %q %q %d" x y c)))) # marshal (def m1 (u64 3141592654)) (def m2 (unmarshal (marshal m1))) (assert (= m1 m2) "marshal/unmarshal") # compare u64/u64 (assert (= (compare (u64 1) (u64 2)) -1) "compare 1") (assert (= (compare (u64 1) (u64 1)) 0) "compare 2") (assert (= (compare (u64 2) (u64 1)) +1) "compare 3") # compare i64/i64 (assert (= (compare (i64 -1) (i64 +1)) -1) "compare 4") (assert (= (compare (i64 +1) (i64 +1)) 0) "compare 5") (assert (= (compare (i64 +1) (i64 -1)) +1) "compare 6") # compare u64/i64 (assert (= (compare (u64 1) (i64 2)) -1) "compare 7") (assert (= (compare (u64 1) (i64 -1)) +1) "compare 8") (assert (= (compare (u64 0) (i64 -1)) +1) "compare 9") # compare i64/u64 (assert (= (compare (i64 1) (u64 2)) -1) "compare 10") (assert (= (compare (i64 -1) (u64 1)) -1) "compare 11") (assert (= (compare (i64 -1) (u64 0)) -1) "compare 12") # off by 1 error in inttypes # a3e812b86 (assert (= (int/s64 "-0x8000_0000_0000_0000") (+ (int/s64 "0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF") 1)) "int types wrap around") (assert (= (int/s64 "0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF") (- (int/s64 "-0x8000_0000_0000_0000") 1)) "int types wrap around") # Issue #1217 (assert (= (- (int/u64 "0xFFFFFFFF") 1) (int/u64 "0xFFFFFFFE")) "u64 subtract") (end-suite)