@rem Build janet on windows @rem @rem Open a "Windows SDK Command Shell" and cd to the janet directory @rem Then run this script with no arguments to build the executable @echo off @rem Ensure correct command prompt @if not defined INCLUDE goto :BADCMD @rem Sub commands @if "%1"=="help" goto HELP @if "%1"=="clean" goto CLEAN @if "%1"=="test" goto TEST @if "%1"=="dist" goto DIST @if "%1"=="install" goto INSTALL @if "%1"=="test-install" goto TESTINSTALL @if "%1"=="all" goto ALL @rem Set compile and link options here @setlocal @set JANET_COMPILE=cl /nologo /Isrc\include /Isrc\conf /c /O2 /W3 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS @set JANET_LINK=link /nologo @set JANET_LINK_STATIC=lib /nologo @rem Add janet build tag if not "%JANET_BUILD%" == "" ( @set JANET_COMPILE=%JANET_COMPILE% /DJANET_BUILD="\"%JANET_BUILD%\"" ) mkdir build mkdir build\core mkdir build\mainclient mkdir build\boot @rem Build the xxd tool for generating sources cl /nologo /c tools/xxd.c /Fobuild\xxd.obj @if errorlevel 1 goto :BUILDFAIL link /nologo /out:build\xxd.exe build\xxd.obj @if errorlevel 1 goto :BUILDFAIL @rem Generate the embedded sources build\xxd.exe src\mainclient\init.janet build\init.gen.c janet_gen_init @if errorlevel 1 goto :BUILDFAIL build\xxd.exe src\boot\boot.janet build\boot.gen.c janet_gen_boot @if errorlevel 1 goto :BUILDFAIL @rem Build the generated sources %JANET_COMPILE% /Fobuild\mainclient\init.gen.obj build\init.gen.c @if errorlevel 1 goto :BUILDFAIL %JANET_COMPILE% /Fobuild\boot\boot.gen.obj build\boot.gen.c @if errorlevel 1 goto :BUILDFAIL @rem Build the bootstrap interpreter for %%f in (src\core\*.c) do ( %JANET_COMPILE% /DJANET_BOOTSTRAP /Fobuild\boot\%%~nf.obj %%f @if errorlevel 1 goto :BUILDFAIL ) for %%f in (src\boot\*.c) do ( %JANET_COMPILE% /DJANET_BOOTSTRAP /Fobuild\boot\%%~nf.obj %%f @if errorlevel 1 goto :BUILDFAIL ) %JANET_LINK% /out:build\janet_boot.exe build\boot\*.obj @if errorlevel 1 goto :BUILDFAIL build\janet_boot build\core_image.c @rem Build the core image %JANET_COMPILE% /Fobuild\core_image.obj build\core_image.c @if errorlevel 1 goto :BUILDFAIL @rem Build the sources for %%f in (src\core\*.c) do ( %JANET_COMPILE% /Fobuild\core\%%~nf.obj %%f @if errorlevel 1 goto :BUILDFAIL ) @rem Build the resources rc /nologo /fobuild\janet_win.res janet_win.rc @rem Build the main client for %%f in (src\mainclient\*.c) do ( %JANET_COMPILE% /Fobuild\mainclient\%%~nf.obj %%f @if errorlevel 1 goto :BUILDFAIL ) @rem Link everything to main client %JANET_LINK% /out:janet.exe build\core\*.obj build\mainclient\*.obj build\core_image.obj build\janet_win.res @if errorlevel 1 goto :BUILDFAIL @rem Build static library (libjanet.a) %JANET_LINK_STATIC% /out:build\libjanet.lib build\core\*.obj build\core_image.obj @if errorlevel 1 goto :BUILDFAIL @rem Gen amlag setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set "amalg_files=" for %%f in (src\core\*.c) do ( set "amalg_files=!amalg_files! %%f" ) janet.exe tools\amalg.janet src\core\util.h src\core\state.h src\core\gc.h src\core\vector.h src\core\fiber.h src\core\regalloc.h src\core\compile.h src\core\emit.h src\core\symcache.h %amalg_files% build\core_image.c > build\janet.c echo === Successfully built janet.exe for Windows === echo === Run 'build_win test' to run tests. == echo === Run 'build_win clean' to delete build artifacts. === exit /b 0 @rem Not using correct command line :BADCMD @echo You must open a "Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt" to run this script exit /b 1 @rem Show help :HELP @echo. @echo Usage: build_windows [subcommand=clean,help,test,dist] @echo. @echo Script to build janet on windows. Must be run from the Visual Studio @echo command prompt. exit /b 0 @rem Clean build artifacts :CLEAN del *.exe *.lib *.exp rd /s /q build rd /s /q dist exit /b 0 @rem Run tests :TEST for %%f in (test/suite*.janet) do ( janet.exe test\%%f @if errorlevel 1 goto TESTFAIL ) exit /b 0 @rem Build a dist directory :DIST mkdir dist janet.exe tools\gendoc.janet > dist\doc.html copy build\janet.c dist\janet.c copy janet.exe dist\janet.exe copy LICENSE dist\LICENSE copy README.md dist\README.md copy janet.lib dist\janet.lib copy janet.exp dist\janet.exp copy src\include\janet.h dist\janet.h copy src\conf\janetconf.h dist\janetconf.h copy build\libjanet.lib dist\libjanet.lib copy auxlib\cook.janet dist\cook.janet copy auxlib\path.janet dist\path.janet copy auxbin\jpm dist\jpm copy tools\jpm.bat dist\jpm.bat @rem Create installer "C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\makensis.exe" janet-installer.nsi exit /b 0 @rem Run the installer. (Installs to the local user with default settings) :INSTALL @echo Running Installer... FOR %%a in (janet-*-windows-installer.exe) DO ( %%a /S /CurrentUser ) exit /b 0 @rem Test the installation. :TESTINSTALL pushd test\install call jpm clean @if errorlevel 1 goto :TESTFAIL call jpm test @if errorlevel 1 goto :TESTFAIL popd exit /b 0 @rem build, test, dist, install. Useful for local dev. :ALL call %0 build @if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 call %0 test @if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 call %0 dist @if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 call %0 install @if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 @echo Done! exit /b 0 :TESTFAIL @echo. @echo ******************************************************* @echo *** Tests FAILED -- Please check the error messages *** @echo ******************************************************* exit /b 1 @rem Build failed :BUILDFAIL @echo. @echo ******************************************************* @echo *** Build FAILED -- Please check the error messages *** @echo ******************************************************* exit /b 1