# Copyright (c) 2023 Calvin Rose & contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. (import ./helper :prefix "" :exit true) (start-suite 10) # index-of (assert (= nil (index-of 10 [])) "index-of 1") (assert (= nil (index-of 10 [1 2 3])) "index-of 2") (assert (= 1 (index-of 2 [1 2 3])) "index-of 3") (assert (= 0 (index-of :a [:a :b :c])) "index-of 4") (assert (= nil (index-of :a {})) "index-of 5") (assert (= :a (index-of :A {:a :A :b :B})) "index-of 6") (assert (= :a (index-of :A @{:a :A :b :B})) "index-of 7") (assert (= 0 (index-of (chr "a") "abc")) "index-of 8") (assert (= nil (index-of (chr "a") "")) "index-of 9") (assert (= nil (index-of 10 @[])) "index-of 10") (assert (= nil (index-of 10 @[1 2 3])) "index-of 11") # Regression (assert (= {:x 10} (|(let [x $] ~{:x ,x}) 10)) "issue 463") # macex testing (assert (deep= (macex1 '~{1 2 3 4}) '~{1 2 3 4}) "macex1 qq struct") (assert (deep= (macex1 '~@{1 2 3 4}) '~@{1 2 3 4}) "macex1 qq table") (assert (deep= (macex1 '~(1 2 3 4)) '~[1 2 3 4]) "macex1 qq tuple") (assert (= :brackets (tuple/type (1 (macex1 '~[1 2 3 4])))) "macex1 qq bracket tuple") (assert (deep= (macex1 '~@[1 2 3 4 ,blah]) '~@[1 2 3 4 ,blah]) "macex1 qq array") # Sourcemaps in threading macros (defn check-threading [macro expansion] (def expanded (macex1 (tuple macro 0 '(x) '(y)))) (assert (= expanded expansion) (string macro " expansion value")) (def smap-x (tuple/sourcemap (get expanded 1))) (def smap-y (tuple/sourcemap expanded)) (def line first) (defn column [t] (t 1)) (assert (not= smap-x [-1 -1]) (string macro " x sourcemap existence")) (assert (not= smap-y [-1 -1]) (string macro " y sourcemap existence")) (assert (or (< (line smap-x) (line smap-y)) (and (= (line smap-x) (line smap-y)) (< (column smap-x) (column smap-y)))) (string macro " relation between x and y sourcemap"))) (check-threading '-> '(y (x 0))) (check-threading '->> '(y (x 0))) # keep-syntax (let [brak '[1 2 3] par '(1 2 3)] (tuple/setmap brak 2 1) (assert (deep= (keep-syntax brak @[1 2 3]) @[1 2 3]) "keep-syntax brackets ignore array") (assert (= (keep-syntax! brak @[1 2 3]) '[1 2 3]) "keep-syntax! brackets replace array") (assert (= (keep-syntax! par (map inc @[1 2 3])) '(2 3 4)) "keep-syntax! parens coerce array") (assert (not= (keep-syntax! brak @[1 2 3]) '(1 2 3)) "keep-syntax! brackets not parens") (assert (not= (keep-syntax! par @[1 2 3]) '[1 2 3]) "keep-syntax! parens not brackets") (assert (= (tuple/sourcemap brak) (tuple/sourcemap (keep-syntax! brak @[1 2 3]))) "keep-syntax! brackets source map") (keep-syntax par brak) (assert (not= (tuple/sourcemap brak) (tuple/sourcemap par)) "keep-syntax no mutate") (assert (= (keep-syntax 1 brak) brak) "keep-syntax brackets ignore type")) # Cancel test (def f (fiber/new (fn [&] (yield 1) (yield 2) (yield 3) 4) :yti)) (assert (= 1 (resume f)) "cancel resume 1") (assert (= 2 (resume f)) "cancel resume 2") (assert (= :hi (cancel f :hi)) "cancel resume 3") (assert (= :error (fiber/status f)) "cancel resume 4") # Curenv (assert (= (curenv) (curenv 0)) "curenv 1") (assert (= (table/getproto (curenv)) (curenv 1)) "curenv 2") (assert (= nil (curenv 1000000)) "curenv 3") (assert (= root-env (curenv 1)) "curenv 4") # Import macro test (assert-no-error "import macro 1" (macex '(import a :as b :fresh maybe))) (assert (deep= ~(,import* "a" :as "b" :fresh maybe) (macex '(import a :as b :fresh maybe))) "import macro 2") # #477 walk preserving bracket type (assert (= :brackets (tuple/type (postwalk identity '[]))) "walk square brackets 1") (assert (= :brackets (tuple/type (walk identity '[]))) "walk square brackets 2") # # off by 1 error in inttypes (assert (= (int/s64 "-0x8000_0000_0000_0000") (+ (int/s64 "0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF") 1)) "int types wrap around") # # Longstring indentation # (defn reindent "Reindent a the contents of a longstring as the Janet parser would. This include removing leading and trailing newlines." [text indent] # Detect minimum indent (var rewrite true) (each index (string/find-all "\n" text) (for i (+ index 1) (+ index indent 1) (case (get text i) nil (break) (chr "\n") (break) (chr " ") nil (set rewrite false)))) # Only re-indent if no dedented characters. (def str (if rewrite (peg/replace-all ~(* "\n" (between 0 ,indent " ")) "\n" text) text)) (def first-nl (= (chr "\n") (first str))) (def last-nl (= (chr "\n") (last str))) (string/slice str (if first-nl 1 0) (if last-nl -2))) (defn reindent-reference "Same as reindent but use parser functionality. Useful for validating conformance." [text indent] (if (empty? text) (break text)) (def source-code (string (string/repeat " " indent) "``````" text "``````")) (parse source-code)) (var indent-counter 0) (defn check-indent [text indent] (++ indent-counter) (let [a (reindent text indent) b (reindent-reference text indent)] (assert (= a b) (string "indent " indent-counter " (indent=" indent ")")))) (check-indent "" 0) (check-indent "\n" 0) (check-indent "\n" 1) (check-indent "\n\n" 0) (check-indent "\n\n" 1) (check-indent "\nHello, world!" 0) (check-indent "\nHello, world!" 1) (check-indent "Hello, world!" 0) (check-indent "Hello, world!" 1) (check-indent "\n Hello, world!" 4) (check-indent "\n Hello, world!\n" 4) (check-indent "\n Hello, world!\n " 4) (check-indent "\n Hello, world!\n " 4) (check-indent "\n Hello, world!\n dedented text\n " 4) (check-indent "\n Hello, world!\n indented text\n " 4) # String bugs (assert (deep= (string/find-all "qq" "qqq") @[0 1]) "string/find-all 1") (assert (deep= (string/find-all "q" "qqq") @[0 1 2]) "string/find-all 2") (assert (deep= (string/split "qq" "1qqqqz") @["1" "" "z"]) "string/split 1") (assert (deep= (string/split "aa" "aaa") @["" "a"]) "string/split 2") # Comparisons (assert (> 1e23 100) "less than immediate 1") (assert (> 1e23 1000) "less than immediate 2") (assert (< 100 1e23) "greater than immediate 1") (assert (< 1000 1e23) "greater than immediate 2") # os/execute with environment variables (assert (= 0 (os/execute [(dyn :executable) "-e" "(+ 1 2 3)"] :pe (merge (os/environ) {"HELLO" "WORLD"}))) "os/execute with env") # Regression #638 (compwhen (dyn 'ev/go) (assert (= [true :caught] (protect (try (do (ev/sleep 0) (with-dyns [] (ev/sleep 0) (error "oops"))) ([err] :caught)))) "regression #638")) # Struct prototypes (def x (struct/with-proto {1 2 3 4} 5 6)) (def y (-> x marshal unmarshal)) (def z {1 2 3 4}) (assert (= 2 (get x 1)) "struct get proto value 1") (assert (= 4 (get x 3)) "struct get proto value 2") (assert (= 6 (get x 5)) "struct get proto value 3") (assert (= x y) "struct proto marshal equality 1") (assert (= (getproto x) (getproto y)) "struct proto marshal equality 2") (assert (= 0 (cmp x y)) "struct proto comparison 1") (assert (= 0 (cmp (getproto x) (getproto y))) "struct proto comparison 2") (assert (not= (cmp x z) 0) "struct proto comparison 3") (assert (not= (cmp y z) 0) "struct proto comparison 4") (assert (not= x z) "struct proto comparison 5") (assert (not= y z) "struct proto comparison 6") (assert (= (x 5) 6) "struct proto get 1") (assert (= (y 5) 6) "struct proto get 1") (assert (deep= x y) "struct proto deep= 1") (assert (deep-not= x z) "struct proto deep= 2") (assert (deep-not= y z) "struct proto deep= 3") # Issue #751 (def t {:side false}) (assert (nil? (get-in t [:side :note])) "get-in with false value") (assert (= (get-in t [:side :note] "dflt") "dflt") "get-in with false value and default") (assert (= (math/gcd 462 1071) 21) "math/gcd 1") (assert (= (math/lcm 462 1071) 23562) "math/lcm 1") # Evaluate stream with `dofile` (def [r w] (os/pipe)) (:write w "(setdyn :x 10)") (:close w) (def stream-env (dofile r)) (assert (= (stream-env :x) 10) "dofile stream 1") # Issue #861 - should be valgrind clean (def step1 "(a b c d)\n") (def step2 "(a b)\n") (def p1 (parser/new)) (parser/state p1) (parser/consume p1 step1) (loop [v :iterate (parser/produce p1)]) (parser/state p1) (def p2 (parser/clone p1)) (parser/state p2) (parser/consume p2 step2) (loop [v :iterate (parser/produce p2)]) (parser/state p2) # Check missing struct proto bug. (assert (struct/getproto (struct/with-proto {:a 1} :b 2 :c nil)) "missing struct proto") # Test thaw and freeze (def table-to-freeze @{:c 22 :b [1 2 3 4] :d @"test" :e "test2"}) (def table-to-freeze-with-inline-proto @{:a @[1 2 3] :b @[1 2 3 4] :c 22 :d @"test" :e @"test2"}) (def struct-to-thaw (struct/with-proto {:a [1 2 3]} :c 22 :b [1 2 3 4] :d "test" :e "test2")) (table/setproto table-to-freeze @{:a @[1 2 3]}) (assert (deep= {:a [1 2 3] :b [1 2 3 4] :c 22 :d "test" :e "test2"} (freeze table-to-freeze))) (assert (deep= table-to-freeze-with-inline-proto (thaw table-to-freeze))) (assert (deep= table-to-freeze-with-inline-proto (thaw struct-to-thaw))) (end-suite)