# Copyright (c) 2023 Calvin Rose # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. (import ./helper :prefix "" :exit true) (start-suite) # Marshal # 98f2c6f (def um-lookup (env-lookup (fiber/getenv (fiber/current)))) (def m-lookup (invert um-lookup)) # 0cf10946b (defn testmarsh [x msg] (def marshx (marshal x m-lookup)) (def out (marshal (unmarshal marshx um-lookup) m-lookup)) (assert (= (string marshx) (string out)) msg)) (testmarsh nil "marshal nil") (testmarsh false "marshal false") (testmarsh true "marshal true") (testmarsh 1 "marshal small integers") (testmarsh -1 "marshal integers (-1)") (testmarsh 199 "marshal small integers (199)") (testmarsh 5000 "marshal medium integers (5000)") (testmarsh -5000 "marshal small integers (-5000)") (testmarsh 10000 "marshal large integers (10000)") (testmarsh -10000 "marshal large integers (-10000)") (testmarsh 1.0 "marshal double") (testmarsh "doctordolittle" "marshal string") (testmarsh :chickenshwarma "marshal symbol") (testmarsh @"oldmcdonald" "marshal buffer") (testmarsh @[1 2 3 4 5] "marshal array") (testmarsh [tuple 1 2 3 4 5] "marshal tuple") (testmarsh @{1 2 3 4} "marshal table") (testmarsh {1 2 3 4} "marshal struct") (testmarsh (fn [x] x) "marshal function 0") (testmarsh (fn name [x] x) "marshal function 1") (testmarsh (fn [x] (+ 10 x 2)) "marshal function 2") (testmarsh (fn thing [x] (+ 11 x x 30)) "marshal function 3") (testmarsh map "marshal function 4") (testmarsh reduce "marshal function 5") (testmarsh (fiber/new (fn [] (yield 1) 2)) "marshal simple fiber 1") (testmarsh (fiber/new (fn [&] (yield 1) 2)) "marshal simple fiber 2") # issue #53 - 1147482e6 (def strct {:a @[nil]}) (put (strct :a) 0 strct) (testmarsh strct "cyclic struct") # More marshalling code # issue #53 - 1147482e6 (defn check-image "Run a marshaling test using the make-image and load-image functions." [x msg] (def im (make-image x)) # (printf "\nimage-hash: %d" (-> im string hash)) (assert-no-error msg (load-image im))) (check-image (fn [] (fn [] 1)) "marshal nested functions") (check-image (fiber/new (fn [] (fn [] 1))) "marshal nested functions in fiber") (check-image (fiber/new (fn [] (fiber/new (fn [] 1)))) "marshal nested fibers") # issue #53 - f4908ebc4 (def issue-53-x (fiber/new (fn [] (var y (fiber/new (fn [] (print "1") (yield) (print "2"))))))) (check-image issue-53-x "issue 53 regression") # Marshal closure over non resumable fiber # issue #317 - 7c4ffe9b9 (do (defn f1 [a] (defn f1 [] (++ (a 0))) (defn f2 [] (++ (a 0))) (error [f1 f2])) (def [_ tup] (protect (f1 @[0]))) (def [f1 f2] (unmarshal (marshal tup make-image-dict) load-image-dict)) (assert (= 1 (f1)) "marshal-non-resumable-closure 1") (assert (= 2 (f2)) "marshal-non-resumable-closure 2")) # Marshal closure over currently alive fiber # issue #317 - 7c4ffe9b9 (do (defn f1 [a] (defn f1 [] (++ (a 0))) (defn f2 [] (++ (a 0))) (marshal [f1 f2] make-image-dict)) (def [f1 f2] (unmarshal (f1 @[0]) load-image-dict)) (assert (= 1 (f1)) "marshal-live-closure 1") (assert (= 2 (f2)) "marshal-live-closure 2")) (do (var a 1) (defn b [x] (+ a x)) (def c (unmarshal (marshal b))) (assert (= 2 (c 1)) "marshal-on-stack-closure 1")) # Issue #336 cases - don't segfault # b145d4786 (assert-error "unmarshal errors 1" (unmarshal @"\xd6\xb9\xb9")) (assert-error "unmarshal errors 2" (unmarshal @"\xd7bc")) # 5bbd50785 (assert-error "unmarshal errors 3" (unmarshal "\xd3\x01\xd9\x01\x62\xcf\x03\x78\x79\x7a" load-image-dict)) # fcc610f53 (assert-error "unmarshal errors 4" (unmarshal @"\xD7\xCD\0e/p\x98\0\0\x03\x01\x01\x01\x02\0\0\x04\0\xCEe/p../tools \0\0\0/afl\0\0\x01\0erate\xDE\xDE\xDE\xDE\xDE\xDE\xDE\xDE\xDE\xDE \xA8\xDE\xDE\xDE\xDE\xDE\xDE\0\0\0\xDE\xDE_unmarshal_testcase3.ja neldb\0\0\0\xD8\x05printG\x01\0\xDE\xDE\xDE'\x03\0marshal_tes/\x02 \0\0\0\0\0*\xFE\x01\04\x02\0\0'\x03\0\r\0\r\0\r\0\r" load-image-dict)) # XXX: still needed? see 72beeeea (gccollect) # ev/chan marshalling (compwhen (dyn 'ev/chan) (def chan (ev/chan 10)) (ev/give chan chan) (def newchan (unmarshal (marshal chan))) (def item (ev/take newchan)) (assert (= item newchan) "ev/chan marshalling")) # Issue #1488 - marshalling weak values (testmarsh (array/weak 10) "marsh array/weak") (testmarsh (table/weak-keys 10) "marsh table/weak-keys") (testmarsh (table/weak-values 10) "marsh table/weak-values") (testmarsh (table/weak 10) "marsh table/weak") # Now check that gc works with weak containers after marshalling # Turn off automatic GC for testing weak references (gcsetinterval 0x7FFFFFFF) # array (def a (array/weak 1)) (array/push a @"") (assert (= 1 (length a)) "array/weak marsh 1") (def aclone (-> a marshal unmarshal)) (assert (= 1 (length aclone)) "array/weak marsh 2") (gccollect) (assert (= 1 (length aclone)) "array/weak marsh 3") (assert (= 1 (length a)) "array/weak marsh 4") (assert (= nil (get a 0)) "array/weak marsh 5") (assert (= nil (get aclone 0)) "array/weak marsh 6") (assert (deep= a aclone) "array/weak marsh 7") # table weak keys and values (def t (table/weak 1)) (def keep-key :key) (def keep-value :value) (put t :abc @"") (put t :key :value) (assert (= 2 (length t)) "table/weak marsh 1") (def tclone (-> t marshal unmarshal)) (assert (= 2 (length tclone)) "table/weak marsh 2") (gccollect) (assert (= 1 (length tclone)) "table/weak marsh 3") (assert (= 1 (length t)) "table/weak marsh 4") (assert (= keep-value (get t keep-key)) "table/weak marsh 5") (assert (= keep-value (get tclone keep-key)) "table/weak marsh 6") (assert (deep= t tclone) "table/weak marsh 7") # table weak keys (def t (table/weak-keys 1)) (put t @"" keep-value) (put t :key @"") (assert (= 2 (length t)) "table/weak-keys marsh 1") (def tclone (-> t marshal unmarshal)) (assert (= 2 (length tclone)) "table/weak-keys marsh 2") (gccollect) (assert (= 1 (length tclone)) "table/weak-keys marsh 3") (assert (= 1 (length t)) "table/weak-keys marsh 4") (assert (deep= t tclone) "table/weak-keys marsh 5") # table weak values (def t (table/weak-values 1)) (put t @"" keep-value) (put t :key @"") (assert (= 2 (length t)) "table/weak-values marsh 1") (def tclone (-> t marshal unmarshal)) (assert (= 2 (length tclone)) "table/weak-values marsh 2") (gccollect) (assert (= 1 (length t)) "table/weak-value marsh 3") (assert (deep= t tclone) "table/weak-values marsh 4") # tables with prototypes (def t (table/weak-values 1)) (table/setproto t @{:abc 123}) (put t @"" keep-value) (put t :key @"") (assert (= 2 (length t)) "marsh weak tables with prototypes 1") (def tclone (-> t marshal unmarshal)) (assert (= 2 (length tclone)) "marsh weak tables with prototypes 2") (gccollect) (assert (= 1 (length t)) "marsh weak tables with prototypes 3") (assert (deep= t tclone) "marsh weak tables with prototypes 4") (assert (deep= (getproto t) (getproto tclone)) "marsh weak tables with prototypes 5") (end-suite)