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[![builds.sr.ht status](https://builds.sr.ht/~bakpakin/janet/meson_min.yml.svg)](https://builds.sr.ht/~bakpakin/janet/commits/meson_min.yml?) <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/janet-lang/janet/master/assets/janet-w200.png" alt="Janet logo" width=200 align="left"> **Janet** is a functional and imperative programming language and bytecode interpreter. It is a lisp-like language, but lists are replaced by other data structures (arrays, tables (hash table), struct (immutable hash table), tuples). The language also supports bridging to native code written in C, meta-programming with macros, and bytecode assembly. There is a repl for trying out the language, as well as the ability to run script files. This client program is separate from the core runtime, so Janet can be embedded into other programs. Try Janet in your browser at [https://janet-lang.org](https://janet-lang.org). <br> ## Use Cases Janet makes a good system scripting language, or a language to embed in other programs. It's like Lua and Guile in that regard. It has more built-in functionality and a richer core language than Lua, but smaller than GNU Guile or Python. ## Features * Minimal setup - one binary and you are good to go! * First class closures * Garbage collection * First class green threads (continuations) * Python style generators (implemented as a plain macro) * Mutable and immutable arrays (array/tuple) * Mutable and immutable hashtables (table/struct) * Mutable and immutable strings (buffer/string) * Macros * Byte code interpreter with an assembly interface, as well as bytecode verification * Tailcall Optimization * Direct interop with C via abstract types and C functions * Dynamically load C libraries * Functional and imperative standard library * Lexical scoping * Imperative programming as well as functional * REPL * Parsing Expression Grammars built in to the core library * 400+ functions and macros in the core library * Embedding Janet in other programs * Interactive environment with detailed stack traces ## Documentation * For a quick tutorial, see [the introduction](https://janet-lang.org/docs/index.html) for more details. * For the full API for all functions in the core library, see [the core API doc](https://janet-lang.org/api/index.html) Documentation is also available locally in the repl. Use the `(doc symbol-name)` macro to get API documentation for symbols in the core library. For example, ``` (doc doc) ``` Shows documentation for the doc macro. To get a list of all bindings in the default environment, use the `(all-bindings)` function. You can also use the `(doc)` macro with no arguments if you are in the repl to show bound symbols. ## Source You can get the source on [GitHub](https://github.com/janet-lang/janet) or [SourceHut](https://git.sr.ht/~bakpakin/janet). While the GitHub repo is the official repo, the SourceHut mirror is actively maintained. ## Building ### macOS and Unix-like The Makefile is non-portable and requires GNU-flavored make. ``` cd somewhere/my/projects/janet make make test make repl ``` Find out more about the available make targets by running `make help`. ### 32-bit Haiku 32-bit Haiku build instructions are the same as the unix-like build instructions, but you need to specify an alternative compiler, such as `gcc-x86`. ``` cd somewhere/my/projects/janet make CC=gcc-x86 make test make repl ``` ### FreeBSD FreeBSD build instructions are the same as the unix-like build instuctions, but you need `gmake` to compile. Alternatively, install directly from packages, using `pkg install lang/janet`. ``` cd somewhere/my/projects/janet gmake gmake test gmake repl ``` ### Windows 1. Install [Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/thank-you-downloading-visual-studio/?sku=Community&rel=15#) or [Visual Studio Build Tools](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/thank-you-downloading-visual-studio/?sku=BuildTools&rel=15#) 2. Run a Visual Studio Command Prompt (cl.exe and link.exe need to be on the PATH) and cd to the directory with janet. 3. Run `build_win` to compile janet. 4. Run `build_win test` to make sure everything is working. To build an `.msi` installer executable, in addition to the above steps, you will have to: 5. Install, or otherwise add to your PATH the [WiX 3.11 Toolset](https://github.com/wixtoolset/wix3/releases) 6. run `build_win dist` Now you should have an `.msi`. You can run `build_win install` to install the `.msi`, or execute the file itself. ### Meson Janet also has a build file for [Meson](https://mesonbuild.com/), a cross platform build system. Although Meson has a python dependency, Meson is a very complete build system that is maybe more convenient and flexible for integrating into existing pipelines. Meson also provides much better IDE integration than Make or batch files, as well as support for cross compilation. For the impatient, building with Meson is as follows. The options provided to `meson setup` below emulate Janet's Makefile. ```sh git clone https://github.com/janet-lang/janet.git cd janet meson setup build \ --buildtype release \ --optimization 2 \ --libdir /usr/local/lib \ -Dgit_hash=$(git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1) ninja -C build # Run the binary build/janet # Installation ninja -C build install ``` ## Development Janet can be hacked on with pretty much any environment you like, but for IDE lovers, [Gnome Builder](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Builder) is probably the best option, as it has excellent meson integration. It also offers code completion for Janet's C API right out of the box, which is very useful for exploring. VSCode, Vim, Emacs, and Atom will have syntax packages for the Janet language, though. ## Installation See [the Introduction](https://janet-lang.org/introduction.html) for more details. If you just want to try out the language, you don't need to install anything. You can also move the `janet` executable wherever you want on your system and run it. ## Usage A repl is launched when the binary is invoked with no arguments. Pass the -h flag to display the usage information. Individual scripts can be run with `./janet myscript.janet` If you are looking to explore, you can print a list of all available macros, functions, and constants by entering the command `(all-bindings)` into the repl. ``` $ janet Janet 1.7.1-dev-951e10f Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Calvin Rose janet:1:> (+ 1 2 3) 6 janet:2:> (print "Hello, World!") Hello, World! nil janet:3:> (os/exit) $ janet -h usage: build/janet [options] script args... Options are: -h : Show this help -v : Print the version string -s : Use raw stdin instead of getline like functionality -e code : Execute a string of janet -r : Enter the repl after running all scripts -p : Keep on executing if there is a top level error (persistent) -q : Hide prompt, logo, and repl output (quiet) -k : Compile scripts but do not execute (flycheck) -m syspath : Set system path for loading global modules -c source output : Compile janet source code into an image -n : Disable ANSI color output in the repl -l path : Execute code in a file before running the main script -- : Stop handling options ``` If installed, you can also run `man janet` and `man jpm` to get usage information. ## Embedding Janet can be embedded in a host program very easily. The normal build will create a file `build/janet.c`, which is a single C file that contains all the source to Janet. This file, along with `src/include/janet.h` and `src/conf/janetconf.h` can be dragged into any C project and compiled into the project. Janet should be compiled with `-std=c99` on most compilers, and will need to be linked to the math library, `-lm`, and the dynamic linker, `-ldl`, if one wants to be able to load dynamic modules. If there is no need for dynamic modules, add the define `-DJANET_NO_DYNAMIC_MODULES` to the compiler options. See the [Embedding Section](https://janet-lang.org/capi/embedding.html) on the website for more information. ## Examples See the examples directory for some example janet code. ## Discussion Feel free to ask questions and join discussion on the [Janet Gitter Channel](https://gitter.im/janet-language/community). Alternatively, check out [the #janet channel on Freenode](https://webchat.freenode.net/) ## FAQ ### Why is my terminal spitting out junk when I run the repl? Make sure your terminal supports ANSI escape codes. Most modern terminals will support these, but some older terminals, Windows consoles, or embedded terminals will not. If your terminal does not support ANSI escape codes, run the repl with the `-n` flag, which disables color output. You can also try the `-s` if further issues ensue. ## Why Janet Janet is named after the almost omniscient and friendly artificial being in [The Good Place](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Good_Place). <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/janet-lang/janet/master/assets/janet-the-good-place.gif" alt="Janet logo" width="115px" align="left">