# Copyright (c) 2023 Calvin Rose # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. (import ./helper :prefix "" :exit true) (start-suite 1) (assert (= 400 (math/sqrt 160000)) "sqrt(160000)=400") (def test-struct {'def 1 'bork 2 'sam 3 'a 'b 'het @[1 2 3 4 5]}) (assert (= (get test-struct 'def) 1) "struct get") (assert (= (get test-struct 'bork) 2) "struct get") (assert (= (get test-struct 'sam) 3) "struct get") (assert (= (get test-struct 'a) 'b) "struct get") (assert (= :array (type (get test-struct 'het))) "struct get") (defn myfun [x] (var a 10) (set a (do (def y x) (if x 8 9)))) (assert (= (myfun true) 8) "check do form regression") (assert (= (myfun false) 9) "check do form regression") (defn assert-many [f n e] (var good true) (loop [i :range [0 n]] (if (not (f)) (set good false))) (assert good e)) (assert-many (fn [] (>= 1 (math/random) 0)) 200 "(random) between 0 and 1") ## Table prototypes (def roottab @{ :parentprop 123 }) (def childtab @{ :childprop 456 }) (table/setproto childtab roottab) (assert (= 123 (get roottab :parentprop)) "table get 1") (assert (= 123 (get childtab :parentprop)) "table get proto") (assert (= nil (get roottab :childprop)) "table get 2") (assert (= 456 (get childtab :childprop)) "proto no effect") # Long strings (assert (= "hello, world" `hello, world`) "simple long string") (assert (= "hello, \"world\"" `hello, "world"`) "long string with embedded quotes") (assert (= "hello, \\\\\\ \"world\"" `hello, \\\ "world"`) "long string with embedded quotes and backslashes") # More fiber semantics (var myvar 0) (defn fiberstuff [&] (++ myvar) (def f (fiber/new (fn [&] (++ myvar) (debug) (++ myvar)))) (resume f) (++ myvar)) (def myfiber (fiber/new fiberstuff :dey)) (assert (= myvar 0) "fiber creation does not call fiber function") (resume myfiber) (assert (= myvar 2) "fiber debug statement breaks at proper point") (assert (= (fiber/status myfiber) :debug) "fiber enters debug state") (resume myfiber) (assert (= myvar 4) "fiber resumes properly from debug state") (assert (= (fiber/status myfiber) :dead) "fiber properly dies from debug state") # Test max triangle program # Find the maximum path from the top (root) # of the triangle to the leaves of the triangle. (defn myfold [xs ys] (let [xs1 [;xs 0] xs2 [0 ;xs] m1 (map + xs1 ys) m2 (map + xs2 ys)] (map max m1 m2))) (defn maxpath [t] (extreme > (reduce myfold () t))) # Test it # Maximum path is 3 -> 10 -> 3 -> 9 for a total of 25 (def triangle '[ [3] [7 10] [4 3 7] [8 9 1 3] ]) (assert (= (maxpath triangle) 25) `max triangle`) (assert (= (string/join @["one" "two" "three"]) "onetwothree") "string/join 1 argument") (assert (= (string/join @["one" "two" "three"] ", ") "one, two, three") "string/join 2 arguments") (assert (= (string/join @[] ", ") "") "string/join empty array") (assert (= (string/find "123" "abc123def") 3) "string/find positive") (assert (= (string/find "1234" "abc123def") nil) "string/find negative") # Test destructuring (do (def test-tab @{:a 1 :b 2}) (def {:a a :b b} test-tab) (assert (= a 1) "dictionary destructuring 1") (assert (= b 2) "dictionary destructuring 2")) (do (def test-tab @{'a 1 'b 2 3 4}) (def {'a a 'b b (+ 1 2) c} test-tab) (assert (= a 1) "dictionary destructuring 3") (assert (= b 2) "dictionary destructuring 4") (assert (= c 4) "dictionary destructuring 5 - expression as key")) (let [test-tuple [:a :b 1 2]] (def [a b one two] test-tuple) (assert (= a :a) "tuple destructuring 1") (assert (= b :b) "tuple destructuring 2") (assert (= two 2) "tuple destructuring 3")) (let [test-tuple [:a :b 1 2]] (def [a & rest] test-tuple) (assert (= a :a) "tuple destructuring 4 - rest") (assert (= rest [:b 1 2]) "tuple destructuring 5 - rest")) (do (def [a b & rest] [:a :b nil :d]) (assert (= a :a) "tuple destructuring 6 - rest") (assert (= b :b) "tuple destructuring 7 - rest") (assert (= rest [nil :d]) "tuple destructuring 8 - rest")) (do (def [[a b] x & rest] [[1 2] :a :c :b :a]) (assert (= a 1) "tuple destructuring 9 - rest") (assert (= b 2) "tuple destructuring 10 - rest") (assert (= x :a) "tuple destructuring 11 - rest") (assert (= rest [:c :b :a]) "tuple destructuring 12 - rest")) (do (def [a b & rest] [:a :b]) (assert (= a :a) "tuple destructuring 13 - rest") (assert (= b :b) "tuple destructuring 14 - rest") (assert (= rest []) "tuple destructuring 15 - rest")) (do (def [[a b & r1] c & r2] [[:a :b 1 2] :c 3 4]) (assert (= a :a) "tuple destructuring 16 - rest") (assert (= b :b) "tuple destructuring 17 - rest") (assert (= c :c) "tuple destructuring 18 - rest") (assert (= r1 [1 2]) "tuple destructuring 19 - rest") (assert (= r2 [3 4]) "tuple destructuring 20 - rest")) # Marshal (def um-lookup (env-lookup (fiber/getenv (fiber/current)))) (def m-lookup (invert um-lookup)) (defn testmarsh [x msg] (def marshx (marshal x m-lookup)) (def out (marshal (unmarshal marshx um-lookup) m-lookup)) (assert (= (string marshx) (string out)) msg)) (testmarsh nil "marshal nil") (testmarsh false "marshal false") (testmarsh true "marshal true") (testmarsh 1 "marshal small integers") (testmarsh -1 "marshal integers (-1)") (testmarsh 199 "marshal small integers (199)") (testmarsh 5000 "marshal medium integers (5000)") (testmarsh -5000 "marshal small integers (-5000)") (testmarsh 10000 "marshal large integers (10000)") (testmarsh -10000 "marshal large integers (-10000)") (testmarsh 1.0 "marshal double") (testmarsh "doctordolittle" "marshal string") (testmarsh :chickenshwarma "marshal symbol") (testmarsh @"oldmcdonald" "marshal buffer") (testmarsh @[1 2 3 4 5] "marshal array") (testmarsh [tuple 1 2 3 4 5] "marshal tuple") (testmarsh @{1 2 3 4} "marshal table") (testmarsh {1 2 3 4} "marshal struct") (testmarsh (fn [x] x) "marshal function 0") (testmarsh (fn name [x] x) "marshal function 1") (testmarsh (fn [x] (+ 10 x 2)) "marshal function 2") (testmarsh (fn thing [x] (+ 11 x x 30)) "marshal function 3") (testmarsh map "marshal function 4") (testmarsh reduce "marshal function 5") (testmarsh (fiber/new (fn [] (yield 1) 2)) "marshal simple fiber 1") (testmarsh (fiber/new (fn [&] (yield 1) 2)) "marshal simple fiber 2") (def strct {:a @[nil]}) (put (strct :a) 0 strct) (testmarsh strct "cyclic struct") # Large functions (def manydefs (seq [i :range [0 300]] (tuple 'def (gensym) (string "value_" i)))) (array/push manydefs (tuple * 10000 3 5 7 9)) (def f (compile ['do ;manydefs] (fiber/getenv (fiber/current)))) (assert (= (f) (* 10000 3 5 7 9)) "long function compilation") # Some higher order functions and macros (def my-array @[1 2 3 4 5 6]) (def x (if-let [x (get my-array 5)] x)) (assert (= x 6) "if-let") (def x (if-let [y (get @{} :key)] 10 nil)) (assert (not x) "if-let 2") (assert (= 14 (sum (map inc @[1 2 3 4]))) "sum map") (def myfun (juxt + - * /)) (assert (= [2 -2 2 0.5] (myfun 2)) "juxt") # Case statements (assert (= :six (case (+ 1 2 3) 1 :one 2 :two 3 :three 4 :four 5 :five 6 :six 7 :seven 8 :eight 9 :nine)) "case macro") (assert (= 7 (case :a :b 5 :c 6 :u 10 7)) "case with default") # Testing the loop and seq macros (def xs (apply tuple (seq [x :range [0 10] :when (even? x)] (tuple (/ x 2) x)))) (assert (= xs '((0 0) (1 2) (2 4) (3 6) (4 8))) "seq macro 1") (def xs (apply tuple (seq [x :down [8 -2] :when (even? x)] (tuple (/ x 2) x)))) (assert (= xs '((4 8) (3 6) (2 4) (1 2) (0 0))) "seq macro 2") (def xs (catseq [x :range [0 3]] [x x])) (assert (deep= xs @[0 0 1 1 2 2]) "catseq") # :range-to and :down-to (assert (deep= (seq [x :range-to [0 10]] x) (seq [x :range [0 11]] x)) "loop :range-to") (assert (deep= (seq [x :down-to [10 0]] x) (seq [x :down [10 -1]] x)) "loop :down-to") # Some testing for not= (assert (not= 1 1 0) "not= 1") (assert (not= 0 1 1) "not= 2") # Closure in while loop (def closures (seq [i :range [0 5]] (fn [] i))) (assert (= 0 ((get closures 0))) "closure in loop 0") (assert (= 1 ((get closures 1))) "closure in loop 1") (assert (= 2 ((get closures 2))) "closure in loop 2") (assert (= 3 ((get closures 3))) "closure in loop 3") (assert (= 4 ((get closures 4))) "closure in loop 4") # More numerical tests (assert (= 1 1.0) "numerical equal 1") (assert (= 0 0.0) "numerical equal 2") (assert (= 0 -0.0) "numerical equal 3") (assert (= 2_147_483_647 2_147_483_647.0) "numerical equal 4") (assert (= -2_147_483_648 -2_147_483_648.0) "numerical equal 5") # Array tests (defn array= "Check if two arrays are equal in an element by element comparison" [a b] (if (and (array? a) (array? b)) (= (apply tuple a) (apply tuple b)))) (assert (= (apply tuple @[1 2 3 4 5]) (tuple 1 2 3 4 5)) "array to tuple") (def arr (array)) (array/push arr :hello) (array/push arr :world) (assert (array= arr @[:hello :world]) "array comparison") (assert (array= @[1 2 3 4 5] @[1 2 3 4 5]) "array comparison 2") (assert (array= @[:one :two :three :four :five] @[:one :two :three :four :five]) "array comparison 3") (assert (array= (array/slice @[1 2 3] 0 2) @[1 2]) "array/slice 1") (assert (array= (array/slice @[0 7 3 9 1 4] 2 -2) @[3 9 1]) "array/slice 2") # Even and odd (assert (odd? 9) "odd? 1") (assert (odd? -9) "odd? 2") (assert (not (odd? 10)) "odd? 3") (assert (not (odd? 0)) "odd? 4") (assert (not (odd? -10)) "odd? 5") (assert (not (odd? 1.1)) "odd? 6") (assert (not (odd? -0.1)) "odd? 7") (assert (not (odd? -1.1)) "odd? 8") (assert (not (odd? -1.6)) "odd? 9") (assert (even? 10) "even? 1") (assert (even? -10) "even? 2") (assert (even? 0) "even? 3") (assert (not (even? 9)) "even? 4") (assert (not (even? -9)) "even? 5") (assert (not (even? 0.1)) "even? 6") (assert (not (even? -0.1)) "even? 7") (assert (not (even? -10.1)) "even? 8") (assert (not (even? -10.6)) "even? 9") # Map arities (assert (deep= (map inc [1 2 3]) @[2 3 4])) (assert (deep= (map + [1 2 3] [10 20 30]) @[11 22 33])) (assert (deep= (map + [1 2 3] [10 20 30] [100 200 300]) @[111 222 333])) (assert (deep= (map + [1 2 3] [10 20 30] [100 200 300] [1000 2000 3000]) @[1111 2222 3333])) (assert (deep= (map + [1 2 3] [10 20 30] [100 200 300] [1000 2000 3000] [10000 20000 30000]) @[11111 22222 33333])) # Mapping uses the shortest sequence (assert (deep= (map + [1 2 3 4] [10 20 30]) @[11 22 33])) (assert (deep= (map + [1 2 3 4] [10 20 30] [100 200]) @[111 222])) (assert (deep= (map + [1 2 3 4] [10 20 30] [100 200] [1000]) @[1111])) # Sort function (assert (deep= (range 99) (sort (mapcat (fn [[x y z]] [z y x]) (partition 3 (range 99))))) "sort 5") (assert (<= ;(sort (map (fn [x] (math/random)) (range 1000)))) "sort 6") # And and or (assert (= (and true true) true) "and true true") (assert (= (and true false) false) "and true false") (assert (= (and false true) false) "and false true") (assert (= (and true true true) true) "and true true true") (assert (= (and 0 1 2) 2) "and 0 1 2") (assert (= (and 0 1 nil) nil) "and 0 1 nil") (assert (= (and 1) 1) "and 1") (assert (= (and) true) "and with no arguments") (assert (= (or true true) true) "or true true") (assert (= (or true false) true) "or true false") (assert (= (or false true) true) "or false true") (assert (= (or false false) false) "or false true") (assert (= (or true true false) true) "or true true false") (assert (= (or 0 1 2) 0) "or 0 1 2") (assert (= (or nil 1 2) 1) "or nil 1 2") (assert (= (or 1) 1) "or 1") (assert (= (or) nil) "or with no arguments") (end-suite)