/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "util.h" /* Conditionally compile this file */ #ifdef JANET_ASSEMBLER /* Definition for an instruction in the assembler */ typedef struct JanetInstructionDef JanetInstructionDef; struct JanetInstructionDef { const char *name; enum JanetOpCode opcode; }; /* Hold all state needed during assembly */ typedef struct JanetAssembler JanetAssembler; struct JanetAssembler { JanetAssembler *parent; JanetFuncDef *def; jmp_buf on_error; const uint8_t *errmessage; int32_t errindex; int32_t environments_capacity; int32_t defs_capacity; int32_t bytecode_count; /* Used for calculating labels */ Janet name; JanetTable labels; /* symbol -> bytecode index */ JanetTable constants; /* symbol -> constant index */ JanetTable slots; /* symbol -> slot index */ JanetTable envs; /* symbol -> environment index */ JanetTable defs; /* symbol -> funcdefs index */ }; /* Janet opcode descriptions in lexographic order. This * allows a binary search over the elements to find the * correct opcode given a name. This works in reasonable * time and is easier to setup statically than a hash table or * prefix tree. */ static const JanetInstructionDef janet_ops[] = { {"add", JOP_ADD}, {"addi", JOP_ADD_INTEGER}, {"addim", JOP_ADD_IMMEDIATE}, {"addr", JOP_ADD_REAL}, {"band", JOP_BAND}, {"bnot", JOP_BNOT}, {"bor", JOP_BOR}, {"bxor", JOP_BXOR}, {"call", JOP_CALL}, {"clo", JOP_CLOSURE}, {"cmp", JOP_COMPARE}, {"div", JOP_DIVIDE}, {"divi", JOP_DIVIDE_INTEGER}, {"divim", JOP_DIVIDE_IMMEDIATE}, {"divr", JOP_DIVIDE_REAL}, {"eq", JOP_EQUALS}, {"eqi", JOP_EQUALS_INTEGER}, {"eqim", JOP_EQUALS_IMMEDIATE}, {"eqn", JOP_NUMERIC_EQUAL}, {"eqr", JOP_EQUALS_REAL}, {"err", JOP_ERROR}, {"get", JOP_GET}, {"geti", JOP_GET_INDEX}, {"gt", JOP_GREATER_THAN}, {"gti", JOP_GREATER_THAN_INTEGER}, {"gtim", JOP_GREATER_THAN_IMMEDIATE}, {"gtn", JOP_NUMERIC_GREATER_THAN}, {"gtr", JOP_GREATER_THAN_REAL}, {"gten", JOP_NUMERIC_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL}, {"gter", JOP_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_REAL}, {"jmp", JOP_JUMP}, {"jmpif", JOP_JUMP_IF}, {"jmpno", JOP_JUMP_IF_NOT}, {"ldc", JOP_LOAD_CONSTANT}, {"ldf", JOP_LOAD_FALSE}, {"ldi", JOP_LOAD_INTEGER}, {"ldn", JOP_LOAD_NIL}, {"lds", JOP_LOAD_SELF}, {"ldt", JOP_LOAD_TRUE}, {"ldu", JOP_LOAD_UPVALUE}, {"len", JOP_LENGTH}, {"lt", JOP_LESS_THAN}, {"lten", JOP_NUMERIC_LESS_THAN_EQUAL}, {"lter", JOP_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_REAL}, {"lti", JOP_LESS_THAN_INTEGER}, {"ltim", JOP_LESS_THAN_IMMEDIATE}, {"ltn", JOP_NUMERIC_LESS_THAN}, {"ltr", JOP_LESS_THAN_REAL}, {"mkarr", JOP_MAKE_ARRAY}, {"mkbuf", JOP_MAKE_BUFFER}, {"mkstr", JOP_MAKE_STRING}, {"mkstu", JOP_MAKE_STRUCT}, {"mktab", JOP_MAKE_TABLE}, {"mktup", JOP_MAKE_TUPLE}, {"movf", JOP_MOVE_FAR}, {"movn", JOP_MOVE_NEAR}, {"mul", JOP_MULTIPLY}, {"muli", JOP_MULTIPLY_INTEGER}, {"mulim", JOP_MULTIPLY_IMMEDIATE}, {"mulr", JOP_MULTIPLY_REAL}, {"noop", JOP_NOOP}, {"push", JOP_PUSH}, {"push2", JOP_PUSH_2}, {"push3", JOP_PUSH_3}, {"pusha", JOP_PUSH_ARRAY}, {"put", JOP_PUT}, {"puti", JOP_PUT_INDEX}, {"res", JOP_RESUME}, {"ret", JOP_RETURN}, {"retn", JOP_RETURN_NIL}, {"setu", JOP_SET_UPVALUE}, {"sig", JOP_SIGNAL}, {"sl", JOP_SHIFT_LEFT}, {"slim", JOP_SHIFT_LEFT_IMMEDIATE}, {"sr", JOP_SHIFT_RIGHT}, {"srim", JOP_SHIFT_RIGHT_IMMEDIATE}, {"sru", JOP_SHIFT_RIGHT_UNSIGNED}, {"sruim", JOP_SHIFT_RIGHT_UNSIGNED_IMMEDIATE}, {"sub", JOP_SUBTRACT}, {"tcall", JOP_TAILCALL}, {"tchck", JOP_TYPECHECK} }; /* Typename aliases for tchck instruction */ typedef struct TypeAlias { const char *name; int32_t mask; } TypeAlias; static const TypeAlias type_aliases[] = { {":abstract", JANET_TFLAG_ABSTRACT}, {":array", JANET_TFLAG_ARRAY}, {":boolean", JANET_TFLAG_BOOLEAN}, {":buffer", JANET_TFLAG_BUFFER}, {":callable", JANET_TFLAG_CALLABLE}, {":cfunction", JANET_TFLAG_CFUNCTION}, {":dictionary", JANET_TFLAG_DICTIONARY}, {":false", JANET_TFLAG_FALSE}, {":fiber", JANET_TFLAG_FIBER}, {":function", JANET_TFLAG_FUNCTION}, {":indexed", JANET_TFLAG_INDEXED}, {":integer", JANET_TFLAG_INTEGER}, {":nil", JANET_TFLAG_NIL}, {":number", JANET_TFLAG_NUMBER}, {":real", JANET_TFLAG_REAL}, {":string", JANET_TFLAG_STRING}, {":struct", JANET_TFLAG_STRUCT}, {":symbol", JANET_TFLAG_SYMBOL}, {":table", JANET_TFLAG_BOOLEAN}, {":true", JANET_TFLAG_TRUE}, {":tuple", JANET_TFLAG_BOOLEAN} }; /* Deinitialize an Assembler. Does not deinitialize the parents. */ static void janet_asm_deinit(JanetAssembler *a) { janet_table_deinit(&a->slots); janet_table_deinit(&a->labels); janet_table_deinit(&a->envs); janet_table_deinit(&a->constants); janet_table_deinit(&a->defs); } /* Throw some kind of assembly error */ static void janet_asm_error(JanetAssembler *a, const char *message) { a->errmessage = janet_formatc("%s, instruction %d", message, a->errindex); longjmp(a->on_error, 1); } #define janet_asm_assert(a, c, m) do { if (!(c)) janet_asm_error((a), (m)); } while (0) /* Throw some kind of assembly error */ static void janet_asm_errorv(JanetAssembler *a, const uint8_t *m) { a->errmessage = m; longjmp(a->on_error, 1); } /* Add a closure environment to the assembler. Sub funcdefs may need * to reference outer function environments, and may change the outer environment. * Returns the index of the environment in the assembler's environments, or -1 * if not found. */ static int32_t janet_asm_addenv(JanetAssembler *a, Janet envname) { Janet check; JanetFuncDef *def = a->def; int32_t envindex; int32_t res; if (janet_equals(a->name, envname)) { return -1; } /* Check for memoized value */ check = janet_table_get(&a->envs, envname); if (janet_checktype(check, JANET_INTEGER)) { return janet_unwrap_integer(check); } if (NULL == a->parent) return -2; res = janet_asm_addenv(a->parent, envname); if (res < -1) { return res; } envindex = def->environments_length; janet_table_put(&a->envs, envname, janet_wrap_integer(envindex)); if (envindex >= a->environments_capacity) { int32_t newcap = 2 * envindex; def->environments = realloc(def->environments, newcap * sizeof(int32_t)); if (NULL == def->environments) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } a->environments_capacity = newcap; } def->environments[envindex] = (int32_t) res; def->environments_length = envindex + 1; return envindex; } /* Parse an argument to an assembly instruction, and return the result as an * integer. This integer will need to be bounds checked. */ static int32_t doarg_1( JanetAssembler *a, enum JanetOpArgType argtype, Janet x) { int32_t ret = -1; JanetTable *c; switch (argtype) { default: c = NULL; break; case JANET_OAT_SLOT: c = &a->slots; break; case JANET_OAT_ENVIRONMENT: c = &a->envs; break; case JANET_OAT_CONSTANT: c = &a->constants; break; case JANET_OAT_LABEL: c = &a->labels; break; case JANET_OAT_FUNCDEF: c = &a->defs; break; } switch (janet_type(x)) { default: goto error; break; case JANET_INTEGER: ret = janet_unwrap_integer(x); break; case JANET_TUPLE: { const Janet *t = janet_unwrap_tuple(x); if (argtype == JANET_OAT_TYPE) { int32_t i = 0; ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < janet_tuple_length(t); i++) { ret |= doarg_1(a, JANET_OAT_SIMPLETYPE, t[i]); } } else { goto error; } break; } case JANET_SYMBOL: { if (NULL != c) { Janet result = janet_table_get(c, x); if (janet_checktype(result, JANET_INTEGER)) { if (argtype == JANET_OAT_LABEL) { ret = janet_unwrap_integer(result) - a->bytecode_count; } else { ret = janet_unwrap_integer(result); } } else { janet_asm_errorv(a, janet_formatc("unknown name %v", x)); } } else if (argtype == JANET_OAT_TYPE || argtype == JANET_OAT_SIMPLETYPE) { const TypeAlias *alias = janet_strbinsearch( &type_aliases, sizeof(type_aliases)/sizeof(TypeAlias), sizeof(TypeAlias), janet_unwrap_symbol(x)); if (alias) { ret = alias->mask; } else { janet_asm_errorv(a, janet_formatc("unknown type %v", x)); } } else { goto error; } if (argtype == JANET_OAT_ENVIRONMENT && ret == -1) { /* Add a new env */ ret = janet_asm_addenv(a, x); if (ret < -1) { janet_asm_errorv(a, janet_formatc("unknown environment %v", x)); } } break; } } if (argtype == JANET_OAT_SLOT && ret >= a->def->slotcount) a->def->slotcount = (int32_t) ret + 1; return ret; error: janet_asm_errorv(a, janet_formatc("error parsing instruction argument %v", x)); return 0; } /* Parse a single argument to an instruction. Trims it as well as * try to convert arguments to bit patterns */ static uint32_t doarg( JanetAssembler *a, enum JanetOpArgType argtype, int nth, int nbytes, int hassign, Janet x) { int32_t arg = doarg_1(a, argtype, x); /* Calculate the min and max values that can be stored given * nbytes, and whether or not the storage is signed */ int32_t max = (1 << ((nbytes << 3) - hassign)) - 1; int32_t min = hassign ? -max - 1 : 0; if (arg < min) janet_asm_errorv(a, janet_formatc("instruction argument %v is too small, must be %d byte%s", x, nbytes, nbytes > 1 ? "s" : "")); if (arg > max) janet_asm_errorv(a, janet_formatc("instruction argument %v is too large, must be %d byte%s", x, nbytes, nbytes > 1 ? "s" : "")); return ((uint32_t) arg) << (nth << 3); } /* Provide parsing methods for the different kinds of arguments */ static uint32_t read_instruction( JanetAssembler *a, const JanetInstructionDef *idef, const Janet *argt) { uint32_t instr = idef->opcode; enum JanetInstructionType type = janet_instructions[idef->opcode]; switch (type) { case JINT_0: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 1) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 0 arguments: (op)"); break; } case JINT_S: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 2) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 1 argument: (op, slot)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 2, 0, argt[1]); break; } case JINT_L: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 2) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 1 argument: (op, label)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_LABEL, 1, 3, 1, argt[1]); break; } case JINT_SS: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 3) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 2 arguments: (op, slot, slot)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 2, 2, 0, argt[2]); break; } case JINT_SL: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 3) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 2 arguments: (op, slot, label)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_LABEL, 2, 2, 1, argt[2]); break; } case JINT_ST: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 3) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 2 arguments: (op, slot, type)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_TYPE, 2, 2, 0, argt[2]); break; } case JINT_SI: case JINT_SU: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 3) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 2 arguments: (op, slot, integer)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_INTEGER, 2, 2, type == JINT_SI, argt[2]); break; } case JINT_SD: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 3) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 2 arguments: (op, slot, funcdef)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_FUNCDEF, 2, 2, 0, argt[2]); break; } case JINT_SSS: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 4) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 3 arguments: (op, slot, slot, slot)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 2, 1, 0, argt[2]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 3, 1, 0, argt[3]); break; } case JINT_SSI: case JINT_SSU: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 4) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 3 arguments: (op, slot, slot, integer)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 2, 1, 0, argt[2]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_INTEGER, 3, 1, type == JINT_SSI, argt[3]); break; } case JINT_SES: { JanetAssembler *b = a; uint32_t env; if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 4) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 3 arguments: (op, slot, environment, envslot)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); env = doarg(a, JANET_OAT_ENVIRONMENT, 0, 1, 0, argt[2]); instr |= env << 16; for (env += 1; env > 0; env--) { b = b->parent; if (NULL == b) janet_asm_error(a, "invalid environment index"); } instr |= doarg(b, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 3, 1, 0, argt[3]); break; } case JINT_SC: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 3) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 2 arguments: (op, slot, constant)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_CONSTANT, 2, 2, 0, argt[2]); break; } } return instr; } /* Helper to get from a structure */ static Janet janet_get(Janet ds, Janet key) { switch (janet_type(ds)) { default: return janet_wrap_nil(); case JANET_TABLE: return janet_table_get(janet_unwrap_table(ds), key); case JANET_STRUCT: return janet_struct_get(janet_unwrap_struct(ds), key); } } /* Helper to assembly. Return the assembly result */ static JanetAssembleResult janet_asm1(JanetAssembler *parent, Janet source, int flags) { JanetAssembleResult result; JanetAssembler a; Janet s = source; JanetFuncDef *def; int32_t count, i; const Janet *arr; Janet x; (void) flags; /* Initialize funcdef */ def = janet_funcdef_alloc(); /* Initialize Assembler */ a.def = def; a.parent = parent; a.errmessage = NULL; a.errindex = 0; a.environments_capacity = 0; a.bytecode_count = 0; a.defs_capacity = 0; a.name = janet_wrap_nil(); janet_table_init(&a.labels, 0); janet_table_init(&a.constants, 0); janet_table_init(&a.slots, 0); janet_table_init(&a.envs, 0); janet_table_init(&a.defs, 0); /* Set error jump */ if (setjmp(a.on_error)) { if (NULL != a.parent) { janet_asm_deinit(&a); longjmp(a.parent->on_error, 1); } result.funcdef = NULL; result.error = a.errmessage; result.status = JANET_ASSEMBLE_ERROR; janet_asm_deinit(&a); return result; } janet_asm_assert(&a, janet_checktype(s, JANET_STRUCT) || janet_checktype(s, JANET_TABLE), "expected struct or table for assembly source"); /* Check for function name */ a.name = janet_get(s, janet_csymbolv("name")); if (!janet_checktype(a.name, JANET_NIL)) { def->name = janet_to_string(a.name); } /* Set function arity */ x = janet_get(s, janet_csymbolv("arity")); def->arity = janet_checktype(x, JANET_INTEGER) ? janet_unwrap_integer(x) : 0; /* Check vararg */ x = janet_get(s, janet_csymbolv("vararg")); if (janet_truthy(x)) def->flags |= JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_VARARG; /* Check strict arity */ x = janet_get(s, janet_csymbolv("fix-arity")); if (janet_truthy(x)) def->flags |= JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_FIXARITY; /* Check source */ x = janet_get(s, janet_csymbolv("source")); if (janet_checktype(x, JANET_STRING)) def->source = janet_unwrap_string(x); /* Create slot aliases */ x = janet_get(s, janet_csymbolv("slots")); if (janet_indexed_view(x, &arr, &count)) { for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { Janet v = arr[i]; if (janet_checktype(v, JANET_TUPLE)) { const Janet *t = janet_unwrap_tuple(v); int32_t j; for (j = 0; j < janet_tuple_length(t); j++) { if (!janet_checktype(t[j], JANET_SYMBOL)) janet_asm_error(&a, "slot names must be symbols"); janet_table_put(&a.slots, t[j], janet_wrap_integer(i)); } } else if (janet_checktype(v, JANET_SYMBOL)) { janet_table_put(&a.slots, v, janet_wrap_integer(i)); } else { janet_asm_error(&a, "slot names must be symbols or tuple of symbols"); } } } /* Parse constants */ x = janet_get(s, janet_csymbolv("constants")); if (janet_indexed_view(x, &arr, &count)) { def->constants_length = count; def->constants = malloc(sizeof(Janet) * count); if (NULL == def->constants) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { Janet ct = arr[i]; if (janet_checktype(ct, JANET_TUPLE) && janet_tuple_length(janet_unwrap_tuple(ct)) > 1 && janet_checktype(janet_unwrap_tuple(ct)[0], JANET_SYMBOL)) { const Janet *t = janet_unwrap_tuple(ct); int32_t tcount = janet_tuple_length(t); const uint8_t *macro = janet_unwrap_symbol(t[0]); if (0 == janet_cstrcmp(macro, "quote")) { def->constants[i] = t[1]; } else if (tcount == 3 && janet_checktype(t[1], JANET_SYMBOL) && 0 == janet_cstrcmp(macro, "def")) { def->constants[i] = t[2]; janet_table_put(&a.constants, t[1], janet_wrap_integer(i)); } else { janet_asm_errorv(&a, janet_formatc("could not parse constant \"%v\"", ct)); } } else { def->constants[i] = ct; } } } else { def->constants = NULL; def->constants_length = 0; } /* Parse sub funcdefs */ x = janet_get(s, janet_csymbolv("closures")); if (janet_indexed_view(x, &arr, &count)) { int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { JanetAssembleResult subres; Janet subname; int32_t newlen; subres = janet_asm1(&a, arr[i], flags); if (subres.status != JANET_ASSEMBLE_OK) { janet_asm_errorv(&a, subres.error); } subname = janet_get(arr[i], janet_csymbolv("name")); if (!janet_checktype(subname, JANET_NIL)) { janet_table_put(&a.defs, subname, janet_wrap_integer(def->defs_length)); } newlen = def->defs_length + 1; if (a.defs_capacity < newlen) { int32_t newcap = newlen; def->defs = realloc(def->defs, newcap * sizeof(JanetFuncDef *)); if (NULL == def->defs) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } a.defs_capacity = newcap; } def->defs[def->defs_length] = subres.funcdef; def->defs_length = newlen; } } /* Parse bytecode and labels */ x = janet_get(s, janet_csymbolv("bytecode")); if (janet_indexed_view(x, &arr, &count)) { /* Do labels and find length */ int32_t blength = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Janet instr = arr[i]; if (janet_checktype(instr, JANET_SYMBOL)) { janet_table_put(&a.labels, instr, janet_wrap_integer(blength)); } else if (janet_checktype(instr, JANET_TUPLE)) { blength++; } else { a.errindex = i; janet_asm_error(&a, "expected assembly instruction"); } } /* Allocate bytecode array */ def->bytecode_length = blength; def->bytecode = malloc(sizeof(int32_t) * blength); if (NULL == def->bytecode) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } /* Do bytecode */ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Janet instr = arr[i]; if (janet_checktype(instr, JANET_SYMBOL)) { continue; } else { uint32_t op; const JanetInstructionDef *idef; const Janet *t; a.errindex = i; janet_asm_assert(&a, janet_checktype(instr, JANET_TUPLE), "expected tuple"); t = janet_unwrap_tuple(instr); if (janet_tuple_length(t) == 0) { op = 0; } else { janet_asm_assert(&a, janet_checktype(t[0], JANET_SYMBOL), "expected symbol in assembly instruction"); idef = janet_strbinsearch( &janet_ops, sizeof(janet_ops)/sizeof(JanetInstructionDef), sizeof(JanetInstructionDef), janet_unwrap_symbol(t[0])); if (NULL == idef) janet_asm_errorv(&a, janet_formatc("unknown instruction %v", t[0])); op = read_instruction(&a, idef, t); } def->bytecode[a.bytecode_count++] = op; } } } else { janet_asm_error(&a, "bytecode expected"); } a.errindex = -1; /* Check for source mapping */ x = janet_get(s, janet_csymbolv("sourcemap")); if (janet_indexed_view(x, &arr, &count)) { janet_asm_assert(&a, count == def->bytecode_length, "sourcemap must have the same length as the bytecode"); def->sourcemap = malloc(sizeof(JanetSourceMapping) * count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { const Janet *tup; Janet entry = arr[i]; JanetSourceMapping mapping; if (!janet_checktype(entry, JANET_TUPLE)) { janet_asm_error(&a, "expected tuple"); } tup = janet_unwrap_tuple(entry); if (!janet_checktype(tup[0], JANET_INTEGER)) { janet_asm_error(&a, "expected integer"); } if (!janet_checktype(tup[1], JANET_INTEGER)) { janet_asm_error(&a, "expected integer"); } mapping.line = janet_unwrap_integer(tup[0]); mapping.column = janet_unwrap_integer(tup[1]); def->sourcemap[i] = mapping; } } /* Set environments */ def->environments = realloc(def->environments, def->environments_length * sizeof(int32_t)); /* Verify the func def */ if (janet_verify(def)) { janet_asm_error(&a, "invalid assembly"); } /* Finish everything and return funcdef */ janet_asm_deinit(&a); result.error = NULL; result.funcdef = def; result.status = JANET_ASSEMBLE_OK; return result; } /* Assemble a function */ JanetAssembleResult janet_asm(Janet source, int flags) { return janet_asm1(NULL, source, flags); } /* Disassembly */ /* Find the deinfintion of an instruction given the instruction word. Return * NULL if not found. */ static const JanetInstructionDef *janet_asm_reverse_lookup(uint32_t instr) { size_t i; uint32_t opcode = instr & 0x7F; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(janet_ops)/sizeof(JanetInstructionDef); i++) { const JanetInstructionDef *def = janet_ops + i; if (def->opcode == opcode) return def; } return NULL; } /* Create some constant sized tuples */ static Janet tup1(Janet x) { Janet *tup = janet_tuple_begin(1); tup[0] = x; return janet_wrap_tuple(janet_tuple_end(tup)); } static Janet tup2(Janet x, Janet y) { Janet *tup = janet_tuple_begin(2); tup[0] = x; tup[1] = y; return janet_wrap_tuple(janet_tuple_end(tup)); } static Janet tup3(Janet x, Janet y, Janet z) { Janet *tup = janet_tuple_begin(3); tup[0] = x; tup[1] = y; tup[2] = z; return janet_wrap_tuple(janet_tuple_end(tup)); } static Janet tup4(Janet w, Janet x, Janet y, Janet z) { Janet *tup = janet_tuple_begin(4); tup[0] = w; tup[1] = x; tup[2] = y; tup[3] = z; return janet_wrap_tuple(janet_tuple_end(tup)); } /* Given an argument, convert it to the appriate integer or symbol */ Janet janet_asm_decode_instruction(uint32_t instr) { const JanetInstructionDef *def = janet_asm_reverse_lookup(instr); Janet name; if (NULL == def) { return janet_wrap_integer((int32_t)instr); } name = janet_csymbolv(def->name); #define oparg(shift, mask) ((instr >> ((shift) << 3)) & (mask)) switch (janet_instructions[def->opcode]) { case JINT_0: return tup1(name); case JINT_S: return tup2(name, janet_wrap_integer(oparg(1, 0xFFFFFF))); case JINT_L: return tup2(name, janet_wrap_integer((int32_t)instr >> 8)); case JINT_SS: case JINT_ST: case JINT_SC: case JINT_SU: case JINT_SD: return tup3(name, janet_wrap_integer(oparg(1, 0xFF)), janet_wrap_integer(oparg(2, 0xFFFF))); case JINT_SI: case JINT_SL: return tup3(name, janet_wrap_integer(oparg(1, 0xFF)), janet_wrap_integer((int32_t)instr >> 16)); case JINT_SSS: case JINT_SES: case JINT_SSU: return tup4(name, janet_wrap_integer(oparg(1, 0xFF)), janet_wrap_integer(oparg(2, 0xFF)), janet_wrap_integer(oparg(3, 0xFF))); case JINT_SSI: return tup4(name, janet_wrap_integer(oparg(1, 0xFF)), janet_wrap_integer(oparg(2, 0xFF)), janet_wrap_integer((int32_t)instr >> 24)); } #undef oparg return janet_wrap_nil(); } Janet janet_disasm(JanetFuncDef *def) { int32_t i; JanetArray *bcode = janet_array(def->bytecode_length); JanetArray *constants; JanetTable *ret = janet_table(10); janet_table_put(ret, janet_csymbolv("arity"), janet_wrap_integer(def->arity)); janet_table_put(ret, janet_csymbolv("bytecode"), janet_wrap_array(bcode)); if (NULL != def->source) { janet_table_put(ret, janet_csymbolv("source"), janet_wrap_string(def->source)); } if (def->flags & JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_VARARG) { janet_table_put(ret, janet_csymbolv("vararg"), janet_wrap_true()); } if (def->flags & JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_FIXARITY) { janet_table_put(ret, janet_csymbolv("fix-arity"), janet_wrap_true()); } if (NULL != def->name) { janet_table_put(ret, janet_csymbolv("name"), janet_wrap_string(def->name)); } /* Add constants */ if (def->constants_length > 0) { constants = janet_array(def->constants_length); janet_table_put(ret, janet_csymbolv("constants"), janet_wrap_array(constants)); for (i = 0; i < def->constants_length; i++) { Janet src = def->constants[i]; Janet dest; if (janet_checktype(src, JANET_TUPLE)) { dest = tup2(janet_csymbolv("quote"), src); } else { dest = src; } constants->data[i] = dest; } constants->count = def->constants_length; } /* Add bytecode */ for (i = 0; i < def->bytecode_length; i++) { bcode->data[i] = janet_asm_decode_instruction(def->bytecode[i]); } bcode->count = def->bytecode_length; /* Add source map */ if (NULL != def->sourcemap) { JanetArray *sourcemap = janet_array(def->bytecode_length); for (i = 0; i < def->bytecode_length; i++) { Janet *t = janet_tuple_begin(2); JanetSourceMapping mapping = def->sourcemap[i]; t[0] = janet_wrap_integer(mapping.line); t[1] = janet_wrap_integer(mapping.column); sourcemap->data[i] = janet_wrap_tuple(janet_tuple_end(t)); } sourcemap->count = def->bytecode_length; janet_table_put(ret, janet_csymbolv("sourcemap"), janet_wrap_array(sourcemap)); } /* Add environments */ if (NULL != def->environments) { JanetArray *envs = janet_array(def->environments_length); for (i = 0; i < def->environments_length; i++) { envs->data[i] = janet_wrap_integer(def->environments[i]); } envs->count = def->environments_length; janet_table_put(ret, janet_csymbolv("environments"), janet_wrap_array(envs)); } /* Add closures */ /* Funcdefs cannot be recursive */ if (NULL != def->defs) { JanetArray *defs = janet_array(def->defs_length); for (i = 0; i < def->defs_length; i++) { defs->data[i] = janet_disasm(def->defs[i]); } defs->count = def->defs_length; janet_table_put(ret, janet_csymbolv("defs"), janet_wrap_array(defs)); } /* Add slotcount */ janet_table_put(ret, janet_csymbolv("slotcount"), janet_wrap_integer(def->slotcount)); return janet_wrap_struct(janet_table_to_struct(ret)); } /* C Function for assembly */ static int cfun_asm(JanetArgs args) { JanetAssembleResult res; JANET_FIXARITY(args, 1); res = janet_asm(args.v[0], 0); if (res.status == JANET_ASSEMBLE_OK) { JANET_RETURN_FUNCTION(args, janet_thunk(res.funcdef)); } else { JANET_THROWV(args, janet_wrap_string(res.error)); } } static int cfun_disasm(JanetArgs args) { JanetFunction *f; JANET_FIXARITY(args, 1); JANET_ARG_FUNCTION(f, args, 0); JANET_RETURN(args, janet_disasm(f->def)); } static const JanetReg cfuns[] = { {"asm", cfun_asm, "(asm assembly)\n\n" "Returns a new function that is the compiled result of the assembly.\n" "The syntax for the assembly can be found on the janet wiki. Will throw an\n" "error on invalid assembly." }, {"disasm", cfun_disasm, "(disasm func)\n\n" "Returns assembly that could be used be compile the given function.\n" "func must be a function, not a c function. Will throw on error on a badly\n" "typed argument." }, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* Load the library */ int janet_lib_asm(JanetArgs args) { JanetTable *env = janet_env(args); janet_cfuns(env, NULL, cfuns); return 0; } #endif