#!/usr/bin/env janet # CLI tool for building janet projects. Wraps cook. (import cook) (def- argpeg (peg/compile '(* "--" '(some (if-not "=" 1)) "=" '(any 1)))) (defn- help [] (print "usage: jpm [targets]... --key=value ...") (print "Available targets are:") (each k (sort (keys (dyn :rules @{}))) (print " " k)) (print ` Keys are: --modpath : The directory to install modules to. Defaults to $JANET_MODPATH or module/*syspath* --headerpath : The directory containing janet headers. Defaults to $JANET_HEADERPATH or module/*headerpath* --binpath : The directory to install binaries and scripts. Defaults to $JANET_BINPATH. --optimize : Optimization level for natives. Defaults to $OPTIMIZE or 2. --compiler : C compiler to use for natives. Defaults to $COMPILER or cc. --linker : C linker to use for linking natives. Defaults to $LINKER or cc. --cflags : Extra compiler flags for native modules. Defaults to $CFLAGS if set. --lflags : Extra linker flags for native modules. Defaults to $LFLAGS if set. `)) (def args (tuple/slice process/args 2)) (def todo @[]) (each arg args (if (string/has-prefix? "--" arg) (let [[key value] (peg/match argpeg arg)] (setdyn (keyword key) value)) (array/push todo arg))) (cook/import-rules "./project.janet") (if (empty? todo) (help)) (each rule todo (cook/do-rule rule))