# Copyright (c) 2020 Calvin Rose & contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. (import ./helper :prefix "" :exit true) (start-suite 6) # some tests for bigint (def i64 int/s64) (def u64 int/u64) (assert-no-error "create some uint64 bigints" (do # from number (def a (u64 10)) # max double we can convert to int (2^53) (def b (u64 0x1fffffffffffff)) (def b (u64 (math/pow 2 53))) # from string (def c (u64 "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff")) (def c (u64 "32rvv_vv_vv_vv")) (def d (u64 "123456789")))) (assert-no-error "create some int64 bigints" (do # from number (def a (i64 -10)) # max double we can convert to int (2^53) (def b (i64 0x1fffffffffffff)) (def b (i64 (math/pow 2 53))) # from string (def c (i64 "0x7fff_ffff_ffff_ffff")) (def d (i64 "123456789")))) (assert-error "bad initializers" (do # double to big to be converted to uint64 without truncation (2^53 + 1) (def b (u64 (+ 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ff 1))) (def b (u64 (+ (math/pow 2 53) 1))) # out of range 65 bits (def c (u64 "0x1ffffffffffffffff")) # just to big (def d (u64 "123456789123456789123456789")))) (assert (= (:/ (u64 "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff") 8 2) (u64 "0xfffffffffffffff")) "bigint operations 1") (assert (let [a (u64 0xff)] (= (:+ a a a a) (:* a 2 2))) "bigint operations 2") (assert (= (string (i64 -123)) "-123") "i64 prints reasonably") (assert (= (string (u64 123)) "123") "u64 prints reasonably") (assert-error "trap INT64_MIN / -1" (:/ (int/s64 "-0x8000_0000_0000_0000") -1)) # Dynamic bindings (setdyn :a 10) (assert (= 40 (with-dyns [:a 25 :b 15] (+ (dyn :a) (dyn :b)))) "dyn usage 1") (assert (= 10 (dyn :a)) "dyn usage 2") (assert (= nil (dyn :b)) "dyn usage 3") (setdyn :a 100) (assert (= 100 (dyn :a)) "dyn usage 4") # Keyword arguments (defn myfn [x y z &keys {:a a :b b :c c}] (+ x y z a b c)) (assert (= (+ ;(range 6)) (myfn 0 1 2 :a 3 :b 4 :c 5)) "keyword args 1") (assert (= (+ ;(range 6)) (myfn 0 1 2 :a 1 :b 6 :c 5 :d 11)) "keyword args 2") # Comment macro (comment 1) (comment 1 2) (comment 1 2 3) (comment 1 2 3 4) # Parser clone (def p (parser/new)) (assert (= 7 (parser/consume p "(1 2 3 ")) "parser 1") (def p2 (parser/clone p)) (parser/consume p2 ") 1 ") (parser/consume p ") 1 ") (assert (deep= (parser/status p) (parser/status p2)) "parser 2") (assert (deep= (parser/state p) (parser/state p2)) "parser 3") # Parser errors (defn parse-error [input] (def p (parser/new)) (parser/consume p input) (parser/error p)) # Invalid utf-8 sequences (assert (not= nil (parse-error @"\xc3\x28")) "reject invalid utf-8 symbol") (assert (not= nil (parse-error @":\xc3\x28")) "reject invalid utf-8 keyword") # Parser line and column numbers (defn parser-location [input &opt location] (def p (parser/new)) (parser/consume p input) (if location (parser/where p ;location) (parser/where p))) (assert (= [1 7] (parser-location @"(+ 1 2)")) "parser location 1") (assert (= [5 7] (parser-location @"(+ 1 2)" [5])) "parser location 2") (assert (= [10 10] (parser-location @"(+ 1 2)" [10 10])) "parser location 3") # String check-set (assert (string/check-set "abc" "a") "string/check-set 1") (assert (not (string/check-set "abc" "z")) "string/check-set 2") (assert (string/check-set "abc" "abc") "string/check-set 3") (assert (string/check-set "abc" "") "string/check-set 4") (assert (not (string/check-set "" "aabc")) "string/check-set 5") (assert (not (string/check-set "abc" "abcdefg")) "string/check-set 6") # Marshal and unmarshal pegs (def p (-> "abcd" peg/compile marshal unmarshal)) (assert (peg/match p "abcd") "peg marshal 1") (assert (peg/match p "abcdefg") "peg marshal 2") (assert (not (peg/match p "zabcdefg")) "peg marshal 3") # This should be valgrind clean. (var pegi 3) (defn marshpeg [p] (assert (-> p peg/compile marshal unmarshal) (string "peg marshal " (++ pegi)))) (marshpeg '(* 1 2 (set "abcd") "asdasd" (+ "." 3))) (marshpeg '(% (* (+ 1 2 3) (* "drop" "bear") '"hi"))) (marshpeg '(> 123 "abcd")) (marshpeg '{:main (* 1 "hello" :main)}) (marshpeg '(range "AZ")) (marshpeg '(if-not "abcdf" 123)) (marshpeg '(error ($))) (marshpeg '(* "abcd" (constant :hi))) (marshpeg ~(/ "abc" ,identity)) (marshpeg '(if-not "abcdf" 123)) (marshpeg ~(cmt "abcdf" ,identity)) (marshpeg '(group "abc")) # Module path expansion (setdyn :current-file "some-dir/some-file") (defn test-expand [path temp] (string (module/expand-path path temp))) # Right hand operators (assert (= (int/s64 (sum (range 10))) (sum (map int/s64 (range 10)))) "right hand operators 1") (assert (= (int/s64 (product (range 1 10))) (product (map int/s64 (range 1 10)))) "right hand operators 2") (assert (= (int/s64 15) (bor 10 (int/s64 5)) (bor (int/s64 10) 5)) "right hand operators 3") (assert (= (test-expand "abc" ":cur:/:all:") "some-dir/abc") "module/expand-path 1") (assert (= (test-expand "./abc" ":cur:/:all:") "some-dir/abc") "module/expand-path 2") (assert (= (test-expand "abc/def.txt" ":cur:/:name:") "some-dir/def.txt") "module/expand-path 3") (assert (= (test-expand "abc/def.txt" ":cur:/:dir:/sub/:name:") "some-dir/abc/sub/def.txt") "module/expand-path 4") (assert (= (test-expand "/abc/../def.txt" ":all:") "/def.txt") "module/expand-path 5") (assert (= (test-expand "abc/../def.txt" ":all:") "def.txt") "module/expand-path 6") (assert (= (test-expand "../def.txt" ":all:") "../def.txt") "module/expand-path 7") (assert (= (test-expand "../././././abcd/../def.txt" ":all:") "../def.txt") "module/expand-path 8") # Integer type checks (assert (compare= 0 (- (int/u64 "1000") 1000)) "subtract from int/u64") (assert (odd? (int/u64 "1001")) "odd? 1") (assert (not (odd? (int/u64 "1000"))) "odd? 2") (assert (odd? (int/s64 "1001")) "odd? 3") (assert (not (odd? (int/s64 "1000"))) "odd? 4") (assert (odd? (int/s64 "-1001")) "odd? 5") (assert (not (odd? (int/s64 "-1000"))) "odd? 6") (assert (even? (int/u64 "1000")) "even? 1") (assert (not (even? (int/u64 "1001"))) "even? 2") (assert (even? (int/s64 "1000")) "even? 3") (assert (not (even? (int/s64 "1001"))) "even? 4") (assert (even? (int/s64 "-1000")) "even? 5") (assert (not (even? (int/s64 "-1001"))) "even? 6") # integer type operations (defn modcheck [x y] (assert (= (string (mod x y)) (string (mod (int/s64 x) y))) (string "int/s64 (mod " x " " y ") expected " (mod x y) ", got " (mod (int/s64 x) y))) (assert (= (string (% x y)) (string (% (int/s64 x) y))) (string "int/s64 (% " x " " y ") expected " (% x y) ", got " (% (int/s64 x) y)))) (modcheck 1 2) (modcheck 1 3) (modcheck 4 2) (modcheck 4 1) (modcheck 10 3) (modcheck 10 -3) (modcheck -10 3) (modcheck -10 -3) (end-suite)