# Copyright (c) 2023 Calvin Rose # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. (import ./helper :prefix "" :exit true) (start-suite) # Peg # 83f4a11bf (defn check-match [pat text should-match] (def result (peg/match pat text)) (assert (= (not should-match) (not result)) (string "check-match " text))) # 798c88b4c (defn check-deep [pat text what] (def result (peg/match pat text)) (assert (deep= result what) (string "check-deep " text))) # Just numbers # 83f4a11bf (check-match '(* 4 -1) "abcd" true) (check-match '(* 4 -1) "abc" false) (check-match '(* 4 -1) "abcde" false) # Simple pattern # 83f4a11bf (check-match '(* (some (range "az" "AZ")) -1) "hello" true) (check-match '(* (some (range "az" "AZ")) -1) "hello world" false) (check-match '(* (some (range "az" "AZ")) -1) "1he11o" false) (check-match '(* (some (range "az" "AZ")) -1) "" false) # Pre compile # ff0d3a008 (def pegleg (peg/compile '{:item "abc" :main (* :item "," :item -1)})) (peg/match pegleg "abc,abc") # Bad Grammars # 192705113 (assert-error "peg/compile error 1" (peg/compile nil)) (assert-error "peg/compile error 2" (peg/compile @{})) (assert-error "peg/compile error 3" (peg/compile '{:a "abc" :b "def"})) (assert-error "peg/compile error 4" (peg/compile '(blarg "abc"))) (assert-error "peg/compile error 5" (peg/compile '(1 2 3))) # IP address # 40845b5c1 (def ip-address '{:d (range "09") :0-4 (range "04") :0-5 (range "05") :byte (+ (* "25" :0-5) (* "2" :0-4 :d) (* "1" :d :d) (between 1 2 :d)) :main (* :byte "." :byte "." :byte "." :byte)}) (check-match ip-address "" true) (check-match ip-address "" true) (check-match ip-address "" true) (check-match ip-address "" false) (check-match ip-address "" false) # Substitution test with peg # d7626f8c5 (def grammar '(accumulate (any (+ (/ "dog" "purple panda") (<- 1))))) (defn try-grammar [text] (assert (= (string/replace-all "dog" "purple panda" text) (0 (peg/match grammar text))) text)) (try-grammar "i have a dog called doug the dog. he is good.") (try-grammar "i have a dog called doug the dog. he is a good boy.") (try-grammar "i have a dog called doug the do") (try-grammar "i have a dog called doug the dog") (try-grammar "i have a dog called doug the dogg") (try-grammar "i have a dog called doug the doggg") (try-grammar "i have a dog called doug the dogggg") # Peg CSV test # 798c88b4c (def csv '{:field (+ (* `"` (% (any (+ (<- (if-not `"` 1)) (* (constant `"`) `""`)))) `"`) (<- (any (if-not (set ",\n") 1)))) :main (* :field (any (* "," :field)) (+ "\n" -1))}) (defn check-csv [str res] (check-deep csv str res)) (check-csv "1,2,3" @["1" "2" "3"]) (check-csv "1,\"2\",3" @["1" "2" "3"]) (check-csv ``1,"1""",3`` @["1" "1\"" "3"]) # Nested Captures # 798c88b4c (def grmr '(capture (* (capture "a") (capture 1) (capture "c")))) (check-deep grmr "abc" @["a" "b" "c" "abc"]) (check-deep grmr "acc" @["a" "c" "c" "acc"]) # Functions in grammar # 798c88b4c (def grmr-triple ~(% (any (/ (<- 1) ,(fn [x] (string x x x)))))) (check-deep grmr-triple "abc" @["aaabbbccc"]) (check-deep grmr-triple "" @[""]) (check-deep grmr-triple " " @[" "]) (def counter ~(/ (group (any (<- 1))) ,length)) (check-deep counter "abcdefg" @[7]) # Capture Backtracking # ff0d3a008 (check-deep '(+ (* (capture "c") "d") "ce") "ce" @[]) # Matchtime capture # 192705113 (def scanner (peg/compile ~(cmt (capture (some 1)) ,scan-number))) (check-deep scanner "123" @[123]) (check-deep scanner "0x86" @[0x86]) (check-deep scanner "-1.3e-7" @[-1.3e-7]) (check-deep scanner "123A" nil) # Recursive grammars # 170e785b7 (def g '{:main (+ (* "a" :main "b") "c")}) (check-match g "c" true) (check-match g "acb" true) (check-match g "aacbb" true) (check-match g "aadbb" false) # Back reference # d0ec89c7c (def wrapped-string ~{:pad (any "=") :open (* "[" (<- :pad :n) "[") :close (* "]" (cmt (* (-> :n) (<- :pad)) ,=) "]") :main (* :open (any (if-not :close 1)) :close -1)}) (check-match wrapped-string "[[]]" true) (check-match wrapped-string "[==[a]==]" true) (check-match wrapped-string "[==[]===]" false) (check-match wrapped-string "[[blark]]" true) (check-match wrapped-string "[[bl[ark]]" true) (check-match wrapped-string "[[bl]rk]]" true) (check-match wrapped-string "[[bl]rk]] " false) (check-match wrapped-string "[=[bl]]rk]=] " false) (check-match wrapped-string "[=[bl]==]rk]=] " false) (check-match wrapped-string "[===[]==]===]" true) (def janet-longstring ~{:delim (some "`") :open (capture :delim :n) :close (cmt (* (not (> -1 "`")) (-> :n) (<- (backmatch :n))) ,=) :main (* :open (any (if-not :close 1)) :close -1)}) (check-match janet-longstring "`john" false) (check-match janet-longstring "abc" false) (check-match janet-longstring "` `" true) (check-match janet-longstring "` `" true) (check-match janet-longstring "`` ``" true) (check-match janet-longstring "``` `` ```" true) (check-match janet-longstring "`` ```" false) (check-match janet-longstring "`a``b`" false) # Line and column capture # 776ce586b (def line-col (peg/compile '(any (* (line) (column) 1)))) (check-deep line-col "abcd" @[1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4]) (check-deep line-col "" @[]) (check-deep line-col "abcd\n" @[1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5]) (check-deep line-col "abcd\nz" @[1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 1]) # Backmatch # 711fe64a5 (def backmatcher-1 '(* (capture (any "x") :1) "y" (backmatch :1) -1)) (check-match backmatcher-1 "y" true) (check-match backmatcher-1 "xyx" true) (check-match backmatcher-1 "xxxxxxxyxxxxxxx" true) (check-match backmatcher-1 "xyxx" false) (check-match backmatcher-1 (string (string/repeat "x" 73) "y") false) (check-match backmatcher-1 (string (string/repeat "x" 10000) "y") false) (check-match backmatcher-1 (string (string/repeat "x" 10000) "y" (string/repeat "x" 10000)) true) (def backmatcher-2 '(* '(any "x") "y" (backmatch) -1)) (check-match backmatcher-2 "y" true) (check-match backmatcher-2 "xyx" true) (check-match backmatcher-2 "xxxxxxxyxxxxxxx" true) (check-match backmatcher-2 "xyxx" false) (check-match backmatcher-2 (string (string/repeat "x" 73) "y") false) (check-match backmatcher-2 (string (string/repeat "x" 10000) "y") false) (check-match backmatcher-2 (string (string/repeat "x" 10000) "y" (string/repeat "x" 10000)) true) (def longstring-2 '(* '(some "`") (some (if-not (backmatch) 1)) (backmatch) -1)) (check-match longstring-2 "`john" false) (check-match longstring-2 "abc" false) (check-match longstring-2 "` `" true) (check-match longstring-2 "` `" true) (check-match longstring-2 "`` ``" true) (check-match longstring-2 "``` `` ```" true) (check-match longstring-2 "`` ```" false) # Optional # 4eeadd746 (check-match '(* (opt "hi") -1) "" true) (check-match '(* (opt "hi") -1) "hi" true) (check-match '(* (opt "hi") -1) "no" false) (check-match '(* (? "hi") -1) "" true) (check-match '(* (? "hi") -1) "hi" true) (check-match '(* (? "hi") -1) "no" false) # Drop # b4934cedd (check-deep '(drop '"hello") "hello" @[]) (check-deep '(drop "hello") "hello" @[]) # Add bytecode verification for peg unmarshaling # e88a9af2f # This should be valgrind clean. (var pegi 3) (defn marshpeg [p] (assert (-> p peg/compile marshal unmarshal) (string "peg marshal " (++ pegi)))) (marshpeg '(* 1 2 (set "abcd") "asdasd" (+ "." 3))) (marshpeg '(% (* (+ 1 2 3) (* "drop" "bear") '"hi"))) (marshpeg '(> 123 "abcd")) (marshpeg '{:main (* 1 "hello" :main)}) (marshpeg '(range "AZ")) (marshpeg '(if-not "abcdf" 123)) (marshpeg '(error ($))) (marshpeg '(* "abcd" (constant :hi))) (marshpeg ~(/ "abc" ,identity)) (marshpeg '(if-not "abcdf" 123)) (marshpeg ~(cmt "abcdf" ,identity)) (marshpeg '(group "abc")) (marshpeg '(sub "abcdf" "abc")) (marshpeg '(* (sub 1 1))) (marshpeg '(split "," (+ "a" "b" "c"))) # Peg swallowing errors # 159651117 (assert (try (peg/match ~(/ '1 ,(fn [x] (nil x))) "x") ([err] err)) "errors should not be swallowed") (assert (try ((fn [x] (nil x))) ([err] err)) "errors should not be swallowed 2") # Check for bad memoization (+ :a) should mean different things in # different contexts # 8bc8709d0 (def redef-a ~{:a "abc" :c (+ :a) :main (* :c {:a "def" :main (+ :a)} -1)}) (check-match redef-a "abcdef" true) (check-match redef-a "abcabc" false) (check-match redef-a "defdef" false) # 54a04b589 (def redef-b ~{:pork {:pork "beef" :main (+ -1 (* 1 :pork))} :main :pork}) (check-match redef-b "abeef" true) (check-match redef-b "aabeef" false) (check-match redef-b "aaaaaa" false) # Integer parsing # 45feb5548 (check-deep '(int 1) "a" @[(chr "a")]) (check-deep '(uint 1) "a" @[(chr "a")]) (check-deep '(int-be 1) "a" @[(chr "a")]) (check-deep '(uint-be 1) "a" @[(chr "a")]) (check-deep '(int 1) "\xFF" @[-1]) (check-deep '(uint 1) "\xFF" @[255]) (check-deep '(int-be 1) "\xFF" @[-1]) (check-deep '(uint-be 1) "\xFF" @[255]) (check-deep '(int 2) "\xFF\x7f" @[0x7fff]) (check-deep '(int-be 2) "\x7f\xff" @[0x7fff]) (check-deep '(uint 2) "\xff\x7f" @[0x7fff]) (check-deep '(uint-be 2) "\x7f\xff" @[0x7fff]) (check-deep '(uint-be 2) "\x7f\xff" @[0x7fff]) (when-let [u64 int/u64 i64 int/s64] (check-deep '(uint 8) "\xff\x7f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" @[(u64 0x7fff)]) (check-deep '(int 8) "\xff\x7f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" @[(i64 0x7fff)]) (check-deep '(uint 7) "\xff\x7f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" @[(u64 0x7fff)]) (check-deep '(int 7) "\xff\x7f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" @[(i64 0x7fff)])) (check-deep '(* (int 2) -1) "123" nil) # to/thru bug # issue #640 - 742469a8b (check-deep '(to -1) "aaaa" @[]) (check-deep '(thru -1) "aaaa" @[]) (check-deep ''(to -1) "aaaa" @["aaaa"]) (check-deep ''(thru -1) "aaaa" @["aaaa"]) (check-deep '(to "b") "aaaa" nil) (check-deep '(thru "b") "aaaa" nil) # unref # 96513665d (def grammar (peg/compile ~{:main (* :tagged -1) :tagged (unref (replace (* :open-tag :value :close-tag) ,struct)) :open-tag (* (constant :tag) "<" (capture :w+ :tag-name) ">") :value (* (constant :value) (group (any (+ :tagged :untagged)))) :close-tag (* "") :untagged (capture (any (if-not "<" 1)))})) (check-deep grammar "


" @[{:tag "p" :value @[{:tag "em" :value @["foobar"]}]}]) (check-deep grammar "


" @[{:tag "p" :value @["foobar"]}]) # Using a large test grammar # cf05ff610 (def- specials {'fn true 'var true 'do true 'while true 'def true 'splice true 'set true 'unquote true 'quasiquote true 'quote true 'if true}) (defn- check-number [text] (and (scan-number text) text)) (defn capture-sym [text] (def sym (symbol text)) [(if (or (root-env sym) (specials sym)) :coresym :symbol) text]) (def grammar ~{:ws (set " \v\t\r\f\n\0") :readermac (set "';~,") :symchars (+ (range "09" "AZ" "az" "\x80\xFF") (set "!$%&*+-./:@^_|")) :token (some :symchars) :hex (range "09" "af" "AF") :escape (* "\\" (+ (set `"'0?\abefnrtvz`) (* "x" :hex :hex) (error (constant "bad hex escape")))) :comment (/ '(* "#" (any (if-not (+ "\n" -1) 1))) (constant :comment)) :symbol (/ ':token ,capture-sym) :keyword (/ '(* ":" (any :symchars)) (constant :keyword)) :constant (/ '(+ "true" "false" "nil") (constant :constant)) :bytes (* "\"" (any (+ :escape (if-not "\"" 1))) "\"") :string (/ ':bytes (constant :string)) :buffer (/ '(* "@" :bytes) (constant :string)) :long-bytes {:delim (some "`") :open (capture :delim :n) :close (cmt (* (not (> -1 "`")) (-> :n) '(backmatch :n)) ,=) :main (drop (* :open (any (if-not :close 1)) :close))} :long-string (/ ':long-bytes (constant :string)) :long-buffer (/ '(* "@" :long-bytes) (constant :string)) :number (/ (cmt ':token ,check-number) (constant :number)) :raw-value (+ :comment :constant :number :keyword :string :buffer :long-string :long-buffer :parray :barray :ptuple :btuple :struct :dict :symbol) :value (* (? '(some (+ :ws :readermac))) :raw-value '(any :ws)) :root (any :value) :root2 (any (* :value :value)) :ptuple (* '"(" :root (+ '")" (error ""))) :btuple (* '"[" :root (+ '"]" (error ""))) :struct (* '"{" :root2 (+ '"}" (error ""))) :parray (* '"@" :ptuple) :barray (* '"@" :btuple) :dict (* '"@" :struct) :main (+ :root (error ""))}) (def p (peg/compile grammar)) # Just make sure is valgrind clean. (def p (-> p make-image load-image)) (assert (peg/match p "abc") "complex peg grammar 1") (assert (peg/match p "[1 2 3 4]") "complex peg grammar 2") ### ### Compiling brainfuck to Janet. ### # 20d5d560f (def- bf-peg "Peg for compiling brainfuck into a Janet source ast." (peg/compile ~{:+ (/ '(some "+") ,(fn [x] ~(+= (DATA POS) ,(length x)))) :- (/ '(some "-") ,(fn [x] ~(-= (DATA POS) ,(length x)))) :> (/ '(some ">") ,(fn [x] ~(+= POS ,(length x)))) :< (/ '(some "<") ,(fn [x] ~(-= POS ,(length x)))) :. (* "." (constant (prinf "%c" (get DATA POS)))) :loop (/ (* "[" :main "]") ,(fn [& captures] ~(while (not= (get DATA POS) 0) ,;captures))) :main (any (+ :s :loop :+ :- :> :< :.))})) (defn bf "Run brainfuck." [text] (eval ~(let [DATA (array/new-filled 100 0)] (var POS 50) ,;(peg/match bf-peg text)))) (defn test-bf "Test some bf for expected output." [input output] (def b @"") (with-dyns [:out b] (bf input)) (assert (= (string output) (string b)) (string "bf input '" input "' failed, expected " (describe output) ", got " (describe (string b)) "."))) (test-bf (string "++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]" ">>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------" ".>>+.>++.") "Hello World!\n") (test-bf (string ">++++++++" "[-<+++++++++>]<.>>+>-[+]++>++>+++[>[->+++<<+++>]<<]" ">-----.>->+++..+++.>-.<<+[>[+>+]>>]<--------------" ".>>.+++.------.--------.>+.>+.") "Hello World!\n") (test-bf (string "+[+[<<<+>>>>]+<-<-<<<+<++]<<.<++.<++..+++.<<++.<---" ".>>.>.+++.------.>-.>>--.") "Hello, World!") # Regression test # issue #300 - 714bd61d5 # Just don't segfault (assert (peg/match '{:main (replace "S" {"S" :spade})} "S7") "regression #300") # Lenprefix rule # 8b5bcaee3 (def peg (peg/compile ~(* (lenprefix (/ (* '(any (if-not ":" 1)) ":") ,scan-number) 1) -1))) (assert (peg/match peg "5:abcde") "lenprefix 1") (assert (not (peg/match peg "5:abcdef")) "lenprefix 2") (assert (not (peg/match peg "5:abcd")) "lenprefix 3") # Packet capture # 8b5bcaee3 (def peg2 (peg/compile ~{# capture packet length in tag :header-len :packet-header (* (/ ':d+ ,scan-number :header-len) ":") # capture n bytes from a backref :header-len :packet-body '(lenprefix (-> :header-len) 1) # header, followed by body, and drop the :header-len capture :packet (/ (* :packet-header :packet-body) ,|$1) # any exact sequence of packets (no extra characters) :main (* (any :packet) -1)})) (assert (deep= @["a" "bb" "ccc"] (peg/match peg2 "1:a2:bb3:ccc")) "lenprefix 4") (assert (deep= @["a" "bb" "cccccc"] (peg/match peg2 "1:a2:bb6:cccccc")) "lenprefix 5") (assert (= nil (peg/match peg2 "1:a2:bb:5:cccccc")) "lenprefix 6") (assert (= nil (peg/match peg2 "1:a2:bb:7:cccccc")) "lenprefix 7") # Issue #412 # 677737d34 (assert (peg/match '(* "a" (> -1 "a") "b") "abc") "lookhead does not move cursor") # 6d096551f (def peg3 ~{:main (* "(" (thru ")"))}) (def peg4 (peg/compile ~(* (thru "(") '(to ")")))) (assert (peg/match peg3 "(12345)") "peg thru 1") (assert (not (peg/match peg3 " (12345)")) "peg thru 2") (assert (not (peg/match peg3 "(12345")) "peg thru 3") (assert (= "abc" (0 (peg/match peg4 "123(abc)"))) "peg thru/to 1") (assert (= "abc" (0 (peg/match peg4 "(abc)"))) "peg thru/to 2") (assert (not (peg/match peg4 "123(abc")) "peg thru/to 3") # 86e12369b (def peg5 (peg/compile [3 "abc"])) (assert (:match peg5 "abcabcabc") "repeat alias 1") (assert (:match peg5 "abcabcabcac") "repeat alias 2") (assert (not (:match peg5 "abcabc")) "repeat alias 3") # Peg find and find-all # c26f57362 (def p "/usr/local/bin/janet") (assert (= (peg/find '"n/" p) 13) "peg find 1") (assert (not (peg/find '"t/" p)) "peg find 2") (assert (deep= (peg/find-all '"/" p) @[0 4 10 14]) "peg find-all") # Peg replace and replace-all # e548e1f6e (defn check-replacer [x y z] (assert (= (string/replace x y z) (string (peg/replace x y z))) "replacer test replace") (assert (= (string/replace-all x y z) (string (peg/replace-all x y z))) "replacer test replace-all")) (check-replacer "abc" "Z" "abcabcabcabasciabsabc") (check-replacer "abc" "Z" "") (check-replacer "aba" "ZZZZZZ" "ababababababa") (check-replacer "aba" "" "ababababababa") # 485099fd6 (check-replacer "aba" string/ascii-upper "ababababababa") (check-replacer "aba" 123 "ababababababa") (assert (= (string (peg/replace-all ~(set "ab") string/ascii-upper "abcaa")) "ABcAA") "peg/replace-all cfunction") (assert (= (string (peg/replace-all ~(set "ab") |$ "abcaa")) "abcaa") "peg/replace-all function") # 9dc7e8ed3 (defn peg-test [name f peg subst text expected] (assert (= (string (f peg subst text)) expected) name)) (peg-test "peg/replace has access to captures" peg/replace ~(sequence "." (capture (set "ab"))) (fn [str char] (string/format "%s -> %s, " str (string/ascii-upper char))) ".a.b.c" ".a -> A, .b.c") (peg-test "peg/replace-all has access to captures" peg/replace-all ~(sequence "." (capture (set "ab"))) (fn [str char] (string/format "%s -> %s, " str (string/ascii-upper char))) ".a.b.c" ".a -> A, .b -> B, .c") # Peg bug # eab5f67c5 (assert (deep= @[] (peg/match '(any 1) @"")) "peg empty pattern 1") (assert (deep= @[] (peg/match '(any 1) (buffer))) "peg empty pattern 2") (assert (deep= @[] (peg/match '(any 1) "")) "peg empty pattern 3") (assert (deep= @[] (peg/match '(any 1) (string))) "peg empty pattern 4") (assert (deep= @[] (peg/match '(* "test" (any 1)) @"test")) "peg empty pattern 5") (assert (deep= @[] (peg/match '(* "test" (any 1)) (buffer "test"))) "peg empty pattern 6") # number pattern # cccbdc164 (assert (deep= @[111] (peg/match '(number :d+) "111")) "simple number capture 1") (assert (deep= @[255] (peg/match '(number :w+) "0xff")) "simple number capture 2") # Marshal and unmarshal pegs # 446ab037b (def p (-> "abcd" peg/compile marshal unmarshal)) (assert (peg/match p "abcd") "peg marshal 1") (assert (peg/match p "abcdefg") "peg marshal 2") (assert (not (peg/match p "zabcdefg")) "peg marshal 3") # to/thru bug # issue #971 - a895219d2 (def pattern (peg/compile '{:dd (sequence :d :d) :sep (set "/-") :date (sequence :dd :sep :dd) :wsep (some (set " \t")) :entry (group (sequence (capture :date) :wsep (capture :date))) :main (some (thru :entry))})) (def alt-pattern (peg/compile '{:dd (sequence :d :d) :sep (set "/-") :date (sequence :dd :sep :dd) :wsep (some (set " \t")) :entry (group (sequence (capture :date) :wsep (capture :date))) :main (some (choice :entry 1))})) (def text "1800-10-818-9-818 16/12\n17/12 19/12\n20/12 11/01") (assert (deep= (peg/match pattern text) (peg/match alt-pattern text)) "to/thru bug #971") # 14657a7 (def- sym-prefix-peg (peg/compile ~{:symchar (+ (range "\x80\xff" "AZ" "az" "09") (set "!$%&*+-./:@^_")) :anchor (drop (cmt ($) ,|(= $ 0))) :cap (* (+ (> -1 (not :symchar)) :anchor) (* ($) '(some :symchar))) :recur (+ :cap (> -1 :recur)) :main (> -1 :recur)})) (assert (deep= (peg/match sym-prefix-peg @"123" 3) @[0 "123"]) "peg lookback") (assert (deep= (peg/match sym-prefix-peg @"1234" 4) @[0 "1234"]) "peg lookback 2") # issue #1027 - 356b39c6f (assert (deep= (peg/replace-all '(* (<- 1) 1 (backmatch)) "xxx" "aba cdc efa") @"xxx xxx efa") "peg replace-all 1") # issue #1026 - 9341081a4 (assert (deep= (peg/match '(not (* (constant 7) "a")) "hello") @[]) "peg not") (assert (deep= (peg/match '(if-not (* (constant 7) "a") "hello") "hello") @[]) "peg if-not") (assert (deep= (peg/match '(if-not (drop (* (constant 7) "a")) "hello") "hello") @[]) "peg if-not drop") (assert (deep= (peg/match '(if (not (* (constant 7) "a")) "hello") "hello") @[]) "peg if not") (defn test [name peg input expected] (assert-no-error "compile peg" (peg/compile peg)) (assert-no-error "marshal/unmarshal peg" (-> peg marshal unmarshal)) (assert (deep= (peg/match peg input) expected) name)) (test "sub: matches the same input twice" ~(sub "abcd" "abc") "abcdef" @[]) (test "sub: second pattern cannot match more than the first pattern" ~(sub "abcd" "abcde") "abcdef" nil) (test "sub: fails if first pattern fails" ~(sub "x" "abc") "abcdef" nil) (test "sub: fails if second pattern fails" ~(sub "abc" "x") "abcdef" nil) (test "sub: keeps captures from both patterns" ~(sub '"abcd" '"abc") "abcdef" @["abcd" "abc"]) (test "sub: second pattern can reference captures from first" ~(* (constant 5 :tag) (sub (capture "abc" :tag) (backref :tag))) "abcdef" @[5 "abc" "abc"]) (test "sub: second pattern can't see past what the first pattern matches" ~(sub "abc" (* "abc" -1)) "abcdef" @[]) (test "sub: positions inside second match are still relative to the entire input" ~(* "one\ntw" (sub "o" (* ($) (line) (column)))) "one\ntwo\nthree\n" @[6 2 3]) (test "sub: advances to the end of the first pattern's match" ~(* (sub "abc" "ab") "d") "abcdef" @[]) (test "split: basic functionality" ~(split "," '1) "a,b,c" @["a" "b" "c"]) (test "split: drops captures from separator pattern" ~(split '"," '1) "a,b,c" @["a" "b" "c"]) (test "split: can match empty subpatterns" ~(split "," ':w*) ",a,,bar,,,c,," @["" "a" "" "bar" "" "" "c" "" ""]) (test "split: subpattern is limited to only text before the separator" ~(split "," '(to -1)) "a,,bar,c" @["a" "" "bar" "c"]) (test "split: fails if any subpattern fails" ~(split "," '"a") "a,a,b" nil) (test "split: separator does not have to match anything" ~(split "x" '(to -1)) "a,a,b" @["a,a,b"]) (test "split: always consumes entire input" ~(split 1 '"") "abc" @["" "" "" ""]) (test "split: separator can be an arbitrary PEG" ~(split :s+ '(to -1)) "a b c" @["a" "b" "c"]) (test "split: does not advance past the end of the input" ~(* (split "," ':w+) 0) "a,b,c" @["a" "b" "c"]) (test "nth 1" ~{:prefix (number :d+ nil :n) :word '(lenprefix (-> :n) :w) :main (some (nth 1 (* :prefix ":" :word)))} "5:apple6:banana6:cherry" @["apple" "banana" "cherry"]) (test "only-tags 1" ~{:prefix (number :d+ nil :n) :word (capture (lenprefix (-> :n) :w) :W) :main (some (* (only-tags (* :prefix ":" :word)) (-> :W)))} "5:apple6:banana6:cherry" @["apple" "banana" "cherry"]) (end-suite)