/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef JANET_AMALG #include "features.h" #include #include "util.h" #endif #include #include #ifndef JANET_WINDOWS #include #include #include #endif static int cfun_io_gc(void *p, size_t len); static int io_file_get(void *p, Janet key, Janet *out); static void io_file_marshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx); static void *io_file_unmarshal(JanetMarshalContext *ctx); static Janet io_file_next(void *p, Janet key); const JanetAbstractType janet_file_type = { "core/file", cfun_io_gc, NULL, io_file_get, NULL, io_file_marshal, io_file_unmarshal, NULL, /* tostring */ NULL, /* compare */ NULL, /* hash */ io_file_next, JANET_ATEND_NEXT }; /* Check arguments to fopen */ static int32_t checkflags(const uint8_t *str) { int32_t flags = 0; int32_t i; int32_t len = janet_string_length(str); if (!len || len > 10) janet_panic("file mode must have a length between 1 and 10"); switch (*str) { default: janet_panicf("invalid flag %c, expected w, a, or r", *str); break; case 'w': flags |= JANET_FILE_WRITE; break; case 'a': flags |= JANET_FILE_APPEND; break; case 'r': flags |= JANET_FILE_READ; break; } for (i = 1; i < len; i++) { switch (str[i]) { default: janet_panicf("invalid flag %c, expected +, b, or n", str[i]); break; case '+': if (flags & JANET_FILE_UPDATE) return -1; flags |= JANET_FILE_UPDATE; break; case 'b': if (flags & JANET_FILE_BINARY) return -1; flags |= JANET_FILE_BINARY; break; case 'n': if (flags & JANET_FILE_NONIL) return -1; flags |= JANET_FILE_NONIL; break; } } return flags; } static void *makef(FILE *f, int32_t flags) { JanetFile *iof = (JanetFile *) janet_abstract(&janet_file_type, sizeof(JanetFile)); iof->file = f; iof->flags = flags; #ifndef JANET_WINDOWS /* While we would like fopen to set cloexec by default (like O_CLOEXEC) with the e flag, that is * not standard. */ if (!(flags & JANET_FILE_NOT_CLOSEABLE)) fcntl(fileno(f), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); #endif return iof; } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_temp, "(file/temp)", "Open an anonymous temporary file that is removed on close. " "Raises an error on failure.") { (void)argv; janet_fixarity(argc, 0); // XXX use mkostemp when we can to avoid CLOEXEC race. FILE *tmp = tmpfile(); if (!tmp) janet_panicf("unable to create temporary file - %s", strerror(errno)); return janet_makefile(tmp, JANET_FILE_WRITE | JANET_FILE_READ | JANET_FILE_BINARY); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_fopen, "(file/open path &opt mode)", "Open a file. `path` is an absolute or relative path, and " "`mode` is a set of flags indicating the mode to open the file in. " "`mode` is a keyword where each character represents a flag. If the file " "cannot be opened, returns nil, otherwise returns the new file handle. " "Mode flags:\n\n" "* r - allow reading from the file\n\n" "* w - allow writing to the file\n\n" "* a - append to the file\n\n" "Following one of the initial flags, 0 or more of the following flags can be appended:\n\n" "* b - open the file in binary mode (rather than text mode)\n\n" "* + - append to the file instead of overwriting it\n\n" "* n - error if the file cannot be opened instead of returning nil") { janet_arity(argc, 1, 2); const uint8_t *fname = janet_getstring(argv, 0); const uint8_t *fmode; int32_t flags; if (argc == 2) { fmode = janet_getkeyword(argv, 1); flags = checkflags(fmode); } else { fmode = (const uint8_t *)"r"; flags = JANET_FILE_READ; } FILE *f = fopen((const char *)fname, (const char *)fmode); return f ? janet_makefile(f, flags) : (flags & JANET_FILE_NONIL) ? (janet_panicf("failed to open file %s: %s", fname, strerror(errno)), janet_wrap_nil()) : janet_wrap_nil(); } /* Read up to n bytes into buffer. */ static void read_chunk(JanetFile *iof, JanetBuffer *buffer, int32_t nBytesMax) { if (!(iof->flags & (JANET_FILE_READ | JANET_FILE_UPDATE))) janet_panic("file is not readable"); janet_buffer_extra(buffer, nBytesMax); size_t ntoread = nBytesMax; size_t nread = fread((char *)(buffer->data + buffer->count), 1, ntoread, iof->file); if (nread != ntoread && ferror(iof->file)) janet_panic("could not read file"); buffer->count += (int32_t) nread; } /* Read a certain number of bytes into memory */ JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_fread, "(file/read f what &opt buf)", "Read a number of bytes from a file `f` into a buffer. A buffer `buf` can " "be provided as an optional third argument, otherwise a new buffer " "is created. `what` can either be an integer or a keyword. Returns the " "buffer with file contents. " "Values for `what`:\n\n" "* :all - read the whole file\n\n" "* :line - read up to and including the next newline character\n\n" "* n (integer) - read up to n bytes from the file") { janet_arity(argc, 2, 3); JanetFile *iof = janet_getabstract(argv, 0, &janet_file_type); if (iof->flags & JANET_FILE_CLOSED) janet_panic("file is closed"); JanetBuffer *buffer; if (argc == 2) { buffer = janet_buffer(0); } else { buffer = janet_getbuffer(argv, 2); } int32_t bufstart = buffer->count; if (janet_checktype(argv[1], JANET_KEYWORD)) { const uint8_t *sym = janet_unwrap_keyword(argv[1]); if (!janet_cstrcmp(sym, "all")) { int32_t sizeBefore; do { sizeBefore = buffer->count; read_chunk(iof, buffer, 4096); } while (sizeBefore < buffer->count); /* Never return nil for :all */ return janet_wrap_buffer(buffer); } else if (!janet_cstrcmp(sym, "line")) { for (;;) { int x = fgetc(iof->file); if (x != EOF) janet_buffer_push_u8(buffer, (uint8_t)x); if (x == EOF || x == '\n') break; } } else { janet_panicf("expected one of :all, :line, got %v", argv[1]); } } else { int32_t len = janet_getinteger(argv, 1); if (len < 0) janet_panic("expected positive integer"); read_chunk(iof, buffer, len); } if (bufstart == buffer->count) return janet_wrap_nil(); return janet_wrap_buffer(buffer); } /* Write bytes to a file */ JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_fwrite, "(file/write f bytes)", "Writes to a file. 'bytes' must be string, buffer, or symbol. Returns the " "file.") { janet_arity(argc, 1, -1); JanetFile *iof = janet_getabstract(argv, 0, &janet_file_type); if (iof->flags & JANET_FILE_CLOSED) janet_panic("file is closed"); if (!(iof->flags & (JANET_FILE_WRITE | JANET_FILE_APPEND | JANET_FILE_UPDATE))) janet_panic("file is not writeable"); int32_t i; /* Verify all arguments before writing to file */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) janet_getbytes(argv, i); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { JanetByteView view = janet_getbytes(argv, i); if (view.len) { if (!fwrite(view.bytes, view.len, 1, iof->file)) { janet_panic("error writing to file"); } } } return argv[0]; } /* Flush the bytes in the file */ JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_fflush, "(file/flush f)", "Flush any buffered bytes to the file system. In most files, writes are " "buffered for efficiency reasons. Returns the file handle.") { janet_fixarity(argc, 1); JanetFile *iof = janet_getabstract(argv, 0, &janet_file_type); if (iof->flags & JANET_FILE_CLOSED) janet_panic("file is closed"); if (!(iof->flags & (JANET_FILE_WRITE | JANET_FILE_APPEND | JANET_FILE_UPDATE))) janet_panic("file is not writeable"); if (fflush(iof->file)) janet_panic("could not flush file"); return argv[0]; } #ifdef JANET_WINDOWS #define WEXITSTATUS(x) x #endif /* For closing files from C API */ int janet_file_close(JanetFile *file) { int ret = 0; if (!(file->flags & (JANET_FILE_NOT_CLOSEABLE | JANET_FILE_CLOSED))) { ret = fclose(file->file); file->flags |= JANET_FILE_CLOSED; return ret; } return 0; } /* Cleanup a file */ static int cfun_io_gc(void *p, size_t len) { (void) len; JanetFile *iof = (JanetFile *)p; janet_file_close(iof); return 0; } /* Close a file */ JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_fclose, "(file/close f)", "Close a file and release all related resources. When you are " "done reading a file, close it to prevent a resource leak and let " "other processes read the file.") { janet_fixarity(argc, 1); JanetFile *iof = janet_getabstract(argv, 0, &janet_file_type); if (iof->flags & JANET_FILE_CLOSED) return janet_wrap_nil(); if (iof->flags & (JANET_FILE_NOT_CLOSEABLE)) janet_panic("file not closable"); if (fclose(iof->file)) { iof->flags |= JANET_FILE_NOT_CLOSEABLE; janet_panic("could not close file"); } iof->flags |= JANET_FILE_CLOSED; return janet_wrap_nil(); } /* Seek a file */ JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_fseek, "(file/seek f &opt whence n)", "Jump to a relative location in the file `f`. `whence` must be one of:\n\n" "* :cur - jump relative to the current file location\n\n" "* :set - jump relative to the beginning of the file\n\n" "* :end - jump relative to the end of the file\n\n" "By default, `whence` is :cur. Optionally a value `n` may be passed " "for the relative number of bytes to seek in the file. `n` may be a real " "number to handle large files of more than 4GB. Returns the file handle.") { janet_arity(argc, 2, 3); JanetFile *iof = janet_getabstract(argv, 0, &janet_file_type); if (iof->flags & JANET_FILE_CLOSED) janet_panic("file is closed"); long int offset = 0; int whence = SEEK_CUR; if (argc >= 2) { const uint8_t *whence_sym = janet_getkeyword(argv, 1); if (!janet_cstrcmp(whence_sym, "cur")) { whence = SEEK_CUR; } else if (!janet_cstrcmp(whence_sym, "set")) { whence = SEEK_SET; } else if (!janet_cstrcmp(whence_sym, "end")) { whence = SEEK_END; } else { janet_panicf("expected one of :cur, :set, :end, got %v", argv[1]); } if (argc == 3) { offset = (long) janet_getinteger64(argv, 2); } } if (fseek(iof->file, offset, whence)) janet_panic("error seeking file"); return argv[0]; } static JanetMethod io_file_methods[] = { {"close", cfun_io_fclose}, {"flush", cfun_io_fflush}, {"read", cfun_io_fread}, {"seek", cfun_io_fseek}, {"write", cfun_io_fwrite}, {NULL, NULL} }; static int io_file_get(void *p, Janet key, Janet *out) { (void) p; if (!janet_checktype(key, JANET_KEYWORD)) return 0; return janet_getmethod(janet_unwrap_keyword(key), io_file_methods, out); } static Janet io_file_next(void *p, Janet key) { (void) p; return janet_nextmethod(io_file_methods, key); } static void io_file_marshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) { JanetFile *iof = (JanetFile *)p; if (ctx->flags & JANET_MARSHAL_UNSAFE) { janet_marshal_abstract(ctx, p); #ifdef JANET_WINDOWS janet_marshal_int(ctx, _fileno(iof->file)); #else janet_marshal_int(ctx, fileno(iof->file)); #endif janet_marshal_int(ctx, iof->flags); } else { janet_panic("cannot marshal file in safe mode"); } } static void *io_file_unmarshal(JanetMarshalContext *ctx) { if (ctx->flags & JANET_MARSHAL_UNSAFE) { JanetFile *iof = janet_unmarshal_abstract(ctx, sizeof(JanetFile)); int32_t fd = janet_unmarshal_int(ctx); int32_t flags = janet_unmarshal_int(ctx); char fmt[4] = {0}; int index = 0; if (flags & JANET_FILE_READ) fmt[index++] = 'r'; if (flags & JANET_FILE_APPEND) { fmt[index++] = 'a'; } else if (flags & JANET_FILE_WRITE) { fmt[index++] = 'w'; } #ifdef JANET_WINDOWS iof->file = _fdopen(fd, fmt); #else iof->file = fdopen(fd, fmt); #endif if (iof->file == NULL) { iof->flags = JANET_FILE_CLOSED; } else { iof->flags = flags; } return iof; } else { janet_panic("cannot unmarshal file in safe mode"); } } FILE *janet_dynfile(const char *name, FILE *def) { Janet x = janet_dyn(name); if (!janet_checktype(x, JANET_ABSTRACT)) return def; void *abstract = janet_unwrap_abstract(x); if (janet_abstract_type(abstract) != &janet_file_type) return def; JanetFile *iofile = abstract; return iofile->file; } static Janet cfun_io_print_impl_x(int32_t argc, Janet *argv, int newline, FILE *dflt_file, int32_t offset, Janet x) { FILE *f; switch (janet_type(x)) { default: janet_panicf("cannot print to %v", x); case JANET_BUFFER: { /* Special case buffer */ JanetBuffer *buf = janet_unwrap_buffer(x); for (int32_t i = offset; i < argc; ++i) { janet_to_string_b(buf, argv[i]); } if (newline) janet_buffer_push_u8(buf, '\n'); return janet_wrap_nil(); } case JANET_FUNCTION: { /* Special case function */ JanetFunction *fun = janet_unwrap_function(x); JanetBuffer *buf = janet_buffer(0); for (int32_t i = offset; i < argc; ++i) { janet_to_string_b(buf, argv[i]); } if (newline) janet_buffer_push_u8(buf, '\n'); Janet args[1] = { janet_wrap_buffer(buf) }; janet_call(fun, 1, args); return janet_wrap_nil(); } case JANET_NIL: f = dflt_file; if (f == NULL) janet_panic("cannot print to nil"); break; case JANET_ABSTRACT: { void *abstract = janet_unwrap_abstract(x); if (janet_abstract_type(abstract) != &janet_file_type) return janet_wrap_nil(); JanetFile *iofile = abstract; f = iofile->file; break; } } for (int32_t i = offset; i < argc; ++i) { int32_t len; const uint8_t *vstr; if (janet_checktype(argv[i], JANET_BUFFER)) { JanetBuffer *b = janet_unwrap_buffer(argv[i]); vstr = b->data; len = b->count; } else { vstr = janet_to_string(argv[i]); len = janet_string_length(vstr); } if (len) { if (1 != fwrite(vstr, len, 1, f)) { if (f == dflt_file) { janet_panicf("cannot print %d bytes", len); } else { janet_panicf("cannot print %d bytes to %v", len, x); } } } } if (newline) putc('\n', f); return janet_wrap_nil(); } static Janet cfun_io_print_impl(int32_t argc, Janet *argv, int newline, const char *name, FILE *dflt_file) { Janet x = janet_dyn(name); return cfun_io_print_impl_x(argc, argv, newline, dflt_file, 0, x); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_print, "(print & xs)", "Print values to the console (standard out). Value are converted " "to strings if they are not already. After printing all values, a " "newline character is printed. Use the value of `(dyn :out stdout)` to determine " "what to push characters to. Expects `(dyn :out stdout)` to be either a core/file or " "a buffer. Returns nil.") { return cfun_io_print_impl(argc, argv, 1, "out", stdout); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_prin, "(prin & xs)", "Same as `print`, but does not add trailing newline.") { return cfun_io_print_impl(argc, argv, 0, "out", stdout); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_eprint, "(eprint & xs)", "Same as `print`, but uses `(dyn :err stderr)` instead of `(dyn :out stdout)`.") { return cfun_io_print_impl(argc, argv, 1, "err", stderr); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_eprin, "(eprin & xs)", "Same as `prin`, but uses `(dyn :err stderr)` instead of `(dyn :out stdout)`.") { return cfun_io_print_impl(argc, argv, 0, "err", stderr); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_xprint, "(xprint to & xs)", "Print to a file or other value explicitly (no dynamic bindings) with a trailing " "newline character. The value to print " "to is the first argument, and is otherwise the same as `print`. Returns nil.") { janet_arity(argc, 1, -1); return cfun_io_print_impl_x(argc, argv, 1, NULL, 1, argv[0]); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_xprin, "(xprin to & xs)", "Print to a file or other value explicitly (no dynamic bindings). The value to print " "to is the first argument, and is otherwise the same as `prin`. Returns nil.") { janet_arity(argc, 1, -1); return cfun_io_print_impl_x(argc, argv, 0, NULL, 1, argv[0]); } static Janet cfun_io_printf_impl_x(int32_t argc, Janet *argv, int newline, FILE *dflt_file, int32_t offset, Janet x) { FILE *f; const char *fmt = janet_getcstring(argv, offset); switch (janet_type(x)) { default: janet_panicf("cannot print to %v", x); case JANET_BUFFER: { /* Special case buffer */ JanetBuffer *buf = janet_unwrap_buffer(x); janet_buffer_format(buf, fmt, offset, argc, argv); if (newline) janet_buffer_push_u8(buf, '\n'); return janet_wrap_nil(); } case JANET_FUNCTION: { /* Special case function */ JanetFunction *fun = janet_unwrap_function(x); JanetBuffer *buf = janet_buffer(0); janet_buffer_format(buf, fmt, offset, argc, argv); if (newline) janet_buffer_push_u8(buf, '\n'); Janet args[1] = { janet_wrap_buffer(buf) }; janet_call(fun, 1, args); return janet_wrap_nil(); } case JANET_NIL: f = dflt_file; if (f == NULL) janet_panic("cannot print to nil"); break; case JANET_ABSTRACT: { void *abstract = janet_unwrap_abstract(x); if (janet_abstract_type(abstract) != &janet_file_type) return janet_wrap_nil(); JanetFile *iofile = abstract; f = iofile->file; break; } } JanetBuffer *buf = janet_buffer(10); janet_buffer_format(buf, fmt, offset, argc, argv); if (newline) janet_buffer_push_u8(buf, '\n'); if (buf->count) { if (1 != fwrite(buf->data, buf->count, 1, f)) { janet_panicf("could not print %d bytes to file", buf->count); } } /* Clear buffer to make things easier for GC */ buf->count = 0; buf->capacity = 0; janet_free(buf->data); buf->data = NULL; return janet_wrap_nil(); } static Janet cfun_io_printf_impl(int32_t argc, Janet *argv, int newline, const char *name, FILE *dflt_file) { janet_arity(argc, 1, -1); Janet x = janet_dyn(name); return cfun_io_printf_impl_x(argc, argv, newline, dflt_file, 0, x); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_printf, "(printf fmt & xs)", "Prints output formatted as if with `(string/format fmt ;xs)` to `(dyn :out stdout)` with a trailing newline.") { return cfun_io_printf_impl(argc, argv, 1, "out", stdout); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_prinf, "(prinf fmt & xs)", "Like `printf` but with no trailing newline.") { return cfun_io_printf_impl(argc, argv, 0, "out", stdout); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_eprintf, "(eprintf fmt & xs)", "Prints output formatted as if with `(string/format fmt ;xs)` to `(dyn :err stderr)` with a trailing newline.") { return cfun_io_printf_impl(argc, argv, 1, "err", stderr); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_eprinf, "(eprinf fmt & xs)", "Like `eprintf` but with no trailing newline.") { return cfun_io_printf_impl(argc, argv, 0, "err", stderr); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_xprintf, "(xprintf to fmt & xs)", "Like `printf` but prints to an explicit file or value `to`. Returns nil.") { janet_arity(argc, 2, -1); return cfun_io_printf_impl_x(argc, argv, 1, NULL, 1, argv[0]); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_xprinf, "(xprinf to fmt & xs)", "Like `prinf` but prints to an explicit file or value `to`. Returns nil.") { janet_arity(argc, 2, -1); return cfun_io_printf_impl_x(argc, argv, 0, NULL, 1, argv[0]); } static void janet_flusher(const char *name, FILE *dflt_file) { Janet x = janet_dyn(name); switch (janet_type(x)) { default: break; case JANET_NIL: fflush(dflt_file); break; case JANET_ABSTRACT: { void *abstract = janet_unwrap_abstract(x); if (janet_abstract_type(abstract) != &janet_file_type) break; JanetFile *iofile = abstract; fflush(iofile->file); break; } } } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_flush, "(flush)", "Flush `(dyn :out stdout)` if it is a file, otherwise do nothing.") { janet_fixarity(argc, 0); (void) argv; janet_flusher("out", stdout); return janet_wrap_nil(); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_io_eflush, "(eflush)", "Flush `(dyn :err stderr)` if it is a file, otherwise do nothing.") { janet_fixarity(argc, 0); (void) argv; janet_flusher("err", stderr); return janet_wrap_nil(); } void janet_dynprintf(const char *name, FILE *dflt_file, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); Janet x = janet_dyn(name); JanetType xtype = janet_type(x); switch (xtype) { default: /* Other values simply do nothing */ break; case JANET_NIL: case JANET_ABSTRACT: { FILE *f = dflt_file; JanetBuffer buffer; int32_t len = 0; while (format[len]) len++; janet_buffer_init(&buffer, len); janet_formatbv(&buffer, format, args); if (xtype == JANET_ABSTRACT) { void *abstract = janet_unwrap_abstract(x); if (janet_abstract_type(abstract) != &janet_file_type) break; JanetFile *iofile = abstract; f = iofile->file; } fwrite(buffer.data, buffer.count, 1, f); janet_buffer_deinit(&buffer); break; } case JANET_FUNCTION: { JanetFunction *fun = janet_unwrap_function(x); int32_t len = 0; while (format[len]) len++; JanetBuffer *buf = janet_buffer(len); janet_formatbv(buf, format, args); Janet args[1] = { janet_wrap_buffer(buf) }; janet_call(fun, 1, args); break; } case JANET_BUFFER: janet_formatbv(janet_unwrap_buffer(x), format, args); break; } va_end(args); return; } /* C API */ JanetFile *janet_getjfile(const Janet *argv, int32_t n) { return janet_getabstract(argv, n, &janet_file_type); } FILE *janet_getfile(const Janet *argv, int32_t n, int32_t *flags) { JanetFile *iof = janet_getabstract(argv, n, &janet_file_type); if (NULL != flags) *flags = iof->flags; return iof->file; } JanetFile *janet_makejfile(FILE *f, int32_t flags) { return makef(f, flags); } Janet janet_makefile(FILE *f, int32_t flags) { return janet_wrap_abstract(makef(f, flags)); } JanetAbstract janet_checkfile(Janet j) { return janet_checkabstract(j, &janet_file_type); } FILE *janet_unwrapfile(Janet j, int32_t *flags) { JanetFile *iof = janet_unwrap_abstract(j); if (NULL != flags) *flags = iof->flags; return iof->file; } /* Module entry point */ void janet_lib_io(JanetTable *env) { JanetRegExt io_cfuns[] = { JANET_CORE_REG("print", cfun_io_print), JANET_CORE_REG("prin", cfun_io_prin), JANET_CORE_REG("printf", cfun_io_printf), JANET_CORE_REG("prinf", cfun_io_prinf), JANET_CORE_REG("eprin", cfun_io_eprin), JANET_CORE_REG("eprint", cfun_io_eprint), JANET_CORE_REG("eprintf", cfun_io_eprintf), JANET_CORE_REG("eprinf", cfun_io_eprinf), JANET_CORE_REG("xprint", cfun_io_xprint), JANET_CORE_REG("xprin", cfun_io_xprin), JANET_CORE_REG("xprintf", cfun_io_xprintf), JANET_CORE_REG("xprinf", cfun_io_xprinf), JANET_CORE_REG("flush", cfun_io_flush), JANET_CORE_REG("eflush", cfun_io_eflush), JANET_CORE_REG("file/temp", cfun_io_temp), JANET_CORE_REG("file/open", cfun_io_fopen), JANET_CORE_REG("file/close", cfun_io_fclose), JANET_CORE_REG("file/read", cfun_io_fread), JANET_CORE_REG("file/write", cfun_io_fwrite), JANET_CORE_REG("file/flush", cfun_io_fflush), JANET_CORE_REG("file/seek", cfun_io_fseek), JANET_REG_END }; janet_core_cfuns_ext(env, NULL, io_cfuns); janet_register_abstract_type(&janet_file_type); int default_flags = JANET_FILE_NOT_CLOSEABLE | JANET_FILE_SERIALIZABLE; /* stdout */ JANET_CORE_DEF(env, "stdout", janet_makefile(stdout, JANET_FILE_APPEND | default_flags), "The standard output file."); /* stderr */ JANET_CORE_DEF(env, "stderr", janet_makefile(stderr, JANET_FILE_APPEND | default_flags), "The standard error file."); /* stdin */ JANET_CORE_DEF(env, "stdin", janet_makefile(stdin, JANET_FILE_READ | default_flags), "The standard input file."); }