# Copyright (c) 2021 Calvin Rose & contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. (import ./helper :prefix "" :exit true) (start-suite 9) # Subprocess (def janet (dyn :executable)) (repeat 10 (let [p (os/spawn [janet "-e" `(print "hello")`] :p {:out :pipe})] (os/proc-wait p) (def x (:read (p :out) :all)) (assert (deep= "hello" (string/trim x)) "capture stdout from os/spawn pre close.")) (let [p (os/spawn [janet "-e" `(print "hello")`] :p {:out :pipe})] (def x (:read (p :out) 1024)) (os/proc-wait p) (assert (deep= "hello" (string/trim x)) "capture stdout from os/spawn post close.")) (let [p (os/spawn [janet "-e" `(file/read stdin :line)`] :px {:in :pipe})] (:write (p :in) "hello!\n") (assert-no-error "pipe stdin to process" (os/proc-wait p)))) (let [p (os/spawn [janet "-e" `(print (file/read stdin :line))`] :px {:in :pipe :out :pipe})] (:write (p :in) "hello!\n") (def x (:read (p :out) 1024)) (assert-no-error "pipe stdin to process 2" (os/proc-wait p)) (assert (= "hello!" (string/trim x)) "round trip pipeline in process")) (let [p (os/spawn [janet "-e" `(do (ev/sleep 30) (os/exit 24)`] :p)] (os/proc-kill p) (def retval (os/proc-wait p)) (assert (not= retval 24) "Process was *not* terminated by parent")) # Parallel subprocesses (defn calc-1 "Run subprocess, read from stdout, then wait on subprocess." [code] (let [p (os/spawn [janet "-e" (string `(printf "%j" ` code `)`)] :px {:out :pipe})] (os/proc-wait p) (def output (:read (p :out) :all)) (parse output))) (assert (deep= (ev/gather (calc-1 "(+ 1 2 3 4)") (calc-1 "(+ 5 6 7 8)") (calc-1 "(+ 9 10 11 12)")) @[10 26 42]) "parallel subprocesses 1") (defn calc-2 "Run subprocess, wait on subprocess, then read from stdout. Read only up to 10 bytes instead of :all" [code] (let [p (os/spawn [janet "-e" (string `(printf "%j" ` code `)`)] :px {:out :pipe})] (def output (:read (p :out) 10)) (os/proc-wait p) (parse output))) (assert (deep= (ev/gather (calc-2 "(+ 1 2 3 4)") (calc-2 "(+ 5 6 7 8)") (calc-2 "(+ 9 10 11 12)")) @[10 26 42]) "parallel subprocesses 2") # File piping (assert-no-error "file writing 1" (with [f (file/temp)] (os/execute [janet "-e" `(repeat 20 (print :hello))`] :p {:out f}))) (assert-no-error "file writing 2" (with [f (file/open "unique.txt" :w)] (os/execute [janet "-e" `(repeat 20 (print :hello))`] :p {:out f}) (file/flush f))) # Issue #593 (assert-no-error "file writing 3" (def outfile (file/open "unique.txt" :w)) (os/execute [janet "-e" "(pp (seq [i :range (1 10)] i))"] :p {:out outfile}) (file/flush outfile) (file/close outfile) (os/rm "unique.txt")) # Ensure that the stream created by os/open works (assert-no-error "File writing 4.1" (def outstream (os/open "unique.txt" :wct)) (defer (:close outstream) (:write outstream "123\n") (:write outstream "456\n")) # Cast to string to enable comparison (assert (= "123\n456\n" (string (slurp "unique.txt"))) "File writing 4.2") (os/rm "unique.txt")) # Test that the stream created by os/open can be read from (assert-no-error "File reading 1.1" (def outstream (os/open "unique.txt" :wct)) (defer (:close outstream) (:write outstream "123\n") (:write outstream "456\n")) (def outstream (os/open "unique.txt" :r)) (defer (:close outstream) (assert (= "123\n456\n" (string (:read outstream :all))) "File reading 1.2")) (os/rm "unique.txt")) # ev/gather (assert (deep= @[1 2 3] (ev/gather 1 2 3)) "ev/gather 1") (assert (deep= @[] (ev/gather)) "ev/gather 2") (assert-error "ev/gather 3" (ev/gather 1 2 (error 3))) # Net testing (repeat 10 (defn handler "Simple handler for connections." [stream] (defer (:close stream) (def id (gensym)) (def b @"") (net/read stream 1024 b) (net/write stream b) (buffer/clear b))) (def s (net/server "" "8000" handler)) (assert s "made server 1") (defn test-echo [msg] (with [conn (net/connect "" "8000")] (net/write conn msg) (def res (net/read conn 1024)) (assert (= (string res) msg) (string "echo " msg)))) (test-echo "hello") (test-echo "world") (test-echo (string/repeat "abcd" 200)) (:close s)) (defn check-matching-names [stream] (def ln (net/localname stream)) (def pn (net/peername stream)) (def [my-ip my-port] ln) (def [remote-ip remote-port] pn) (def msg (string my-ip " " my-port " " remote-ip " " remote-port)) (def buf @"") (ev/gather (net/write stream msg) (net/read stream 1024 buf)) (def comparison (string/split " " buf)) (assert (and (= my-ip (get comparison 2)) (= (string my-port) (get comparison 3)) (= remote-ip (get comparison 0)) (= (string remote-port) (get comparison 1))) (string/format "localname should match peername: msg=%j, buf=%j" msg buf))) # Test on both server and client (defn names-handler [stream] (defer (:close stream) (check-matching-names stream))) # Test localname and peername (repeat 20 (with [s (net/server "" "8000" names-handler)] (defn test-names [] (with [conn (net/connect "" "8000")] (check-matching-names conn))) (repeat 20 (test-names))) (gccollect)) # Create pipe (var pipe-counter 0) (def chan (ev/chan 10)) (let [[reader writer] (os/pipe)] (ev/spawn (while (ev/read reader 3) (++ pipe-counter)) (assert (= 20 pipe-counter) "ev/pipe 1") (ev/give chan 1)) (for i 0 10 (ev/write writer "xxx---")) (ev/close writer) (ev/take chan)) (var result nil) (var fiber nil) (set fiber (ev/spawn (set result (protect (ev/sleep 10))) (assert (= result '(false "boop")) "ev/cancel 1"))) (ev/sleep 0) (ev/cancel fiber "boop") (assert (os/execute [janet "-e" `(+ 1 2 3)`] :xp) "os/execute self") # Test some channel (def c1 (ev/chan)) (def c2 (ev/chan)) (def arr @[]) (ev/spawn (while (def x (ev/take c1)) (array/push arr x)) (ev/chan-close c2)) (for i 0 1000 (ev/give c1 i)) (ev/chan-close c1) (ev/take c2) (assert (= (slice arr) (slice (range 1000))) "ev/chan-close 1") (def c1 (ev/chan)) (def c2 (ev/chan)) (def arr @[]) (ev/spawn (while (def x (ev/take c1)) (array/push arr x)) (ev/sleep 0.1) (ev/chan-close c2)) (for i 0 100 (ev/give c1 i)) (ev/chan-close c1) (ev/select c2) (assert (= (slice arr) (slice (range 100))) "ev/chan-close 2") (def c1 (ev/chan)) (def c2 (ev/chan)) (def arr @[]) (ev/spawn (while (def x (ev/take c1)) (array/push arr x)) (ev/chan-close c2)) (for i 0 100 (ev/give c1 i)) (ev/chan-close c1) (ev/rselect c2) (assert (= (slice arr) (slice (range 100))) "ev/chan-close 3") (end-suite)