/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include int dst_core_exit(DstArgs args) { int32_t exitcode = 0; if (args.n > 0) { exitcode = dst_hash(args.v[0]); } exit(exitcode); return 0; } int dst_core_print(DstArgs args) { int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < args.n; ++i) { int32_t j, len; const uint8_t *vstr = dst_to_string(args.v[i]); len = dst_string_length(vstr); for (j = 0; j < len; ++j) { putc(vstr[j], stdout); } } putc('\n', stdout); return 0; } int dst_core_describe(DstArgs args) { int32_t i; DstBuffer b; dst_buffer_init(&b, 0); for (i = 0; i < args.n; ++i) { int32_t len; const uint8_t *str = dst_description(args.v[i]); len = dst_string_length(str); dst_buffer_push_bytes(&b, str, len); } *args.ret = dst_stringv(b.data, b.count); dst_buffer_deinit(&b); return 0; } int dst_core_string(DstArgs args) { int32_t i; DstBuffer b; dst_buffer_init(&b, 0); for (i = 0; i < args.n; ++i) { int32_t len; const uint8_t *str = dst_to_string(args.v[i]); len = dst_string_length(str); dst_buffer_push_bytes(&b, str, len); } *args.ret = dst_stringv(b.data, b.count); dst_buffer_deinit(&b); return 0; } int dst_core_symbol(DstArgs args) { int32_t i; DstBuffer b; dst_buffer_init(&b, 0); for (i = 0; i < args.n; ++i) { int32_t len; const uint8_t *str = dst_to_string(args.v[i]); len = dst_string_length(str); dst_buffer_push_bytes(&b, str, len); } *args.ret = dst_symbolv(b.data, b.count); dst_buffer_deinit(&b); return 0; } int dst_core_buffer(DstArgs args) { int32_t i; DstBuffer *b = dst_buffer(0); for (i = 0; i < args.n; ++i) { int32_t len; const uint8_t *str = dst_to_string(args.v[i]); len = dst_string_length(str); dst_buffer_push_bytes(b, str, len); } return dst_return(args, dst_wrap_buffer(b)); } int dst_core_tuple(DstArgs args) { return dst_return(args, dst_wrap_tuple(dst_tuple_n(args.v, args.n))); } int dst_core_array(DstArgs args) { DstArray *array = dst_array(args.n); array->count = args.n; memcpy(array->data, args.v, args.n * sizeof(Dst)); return dst_return(args, dst_wrap_array(array)); } int dst_core_table(DstArgs args) { int32_t i; DstTable *table = dst_table(args.n >> 1); if (args.n & 1) return dst_throw(args, "expected even number of arguments"); for (i = 0; i < args.n; i += 2) { dst_table_put(table, args.v[i], args.v[i + 1]); } return dst_return(args, dst_wrap_table(table)); } int dst_core_struct(DstArgs args) { int32_t i; DstKV *st = dst_struct_begin(args.n >> 1); if (args.n & 1) return dst_throw(args, "expected even number of arguments"); for (i = 0; i < args.n; i += 2) { dst_struct_put(st, args.v[i], args.v[i + 1]); } return dst_return(args, dst_wrap_struct(dst_struct_end(st))); } int dst_core_gensym(DstArgs args) { if (args.n > 1) return dst_throw(args, "expected one argument"); if (args.n == 0) { return dst_return(args, dst_wrap_symbol(dst_symbol_gen(NULL, 0))); } else { const uint8_t *s = dst_to_string(args.v[0]); return dst_return(args, dst_wrap_symbol(dst_symbol_gen(s, dst_string_length(s)))); } } int dst_core_length(DstArgs args) { if (args.n != 1) return dst_throw(args, "expected at least 1 argument"); return dst_return(args, dst_wrap_integer(dst_length(args.v[0]))); } int dst_core_get(DstArgs args) { int32_t i; Dst ds; if (args.n < 1) return dst_throw(args, "expected at least 1 argument"); ds = args.v[0]; for (i = 1; i < args.n; i++) { ds = dst_get(ds, args.v[i]); if (dst_checktype(ds, DST_NIL)) break; } return dst_return(args, ds); } int dst_core_rawget(DstArgs args) { if (args.n != 2) return dst_throw(args, "expected 2 arguments"); if (!dst_checktype(args.v[0], DST_TABLE)) return dst_throw(args, "expected table"); return dst_return(args, dst_table_rawget(dst_unwrap_table(args.v[0]), args.v[1])); } int dst_core_getproto(DstArgs args) { DstTable *t; if (args.n != 1) return dst_throw(args, "expected 1 argument"); if (!dst_checktype(args.v[0], DST_TABLE)) return dst_throw(args, "expected table"); t = dst_unwrap_table(args.v[0]); return dst_return(args, t->proto ? dst_wrap_table(t->proto) : dst_wrap_nil()); } int dst_core_setproto(DstArgs args) { if (args.n != 2) return dst_throw(args, "expected 2 arguments"); if (!dst_checktype(args.v[0], DST_TABLE)) return dst_throw(args, "expected table"); if (!dst_checktype(args.v[1], DST_TABLE) && !dst_checktype(args.v[1], DST_NIL)) return dst_throw(args, "expected table"); dst_unwrap_table(args.v[0])->proto = dst_checktype(args.v[1], DST_TABLE) ? dst_unwrap_table(args.v[1]) : NULL; return dst_return(args, args.v[0]); } int dst_core_put(DstArgs args) { Dst ds, key, value; DstArgs subargs = args; if (args.n < 3) return dst_throw(args, "expected at least 3 arguments"); subargs.n -= 2; if (dst_core_get(subargs)) return 1; ds = *args.ret; key = args.v[args.n - 2]; value = args.v[args.n - 1]; dst_put(ds, key, value); return 0; } int dst_core_gccollect(DstArgs args) { (void) args; dst_collect(); return 0; } int dst_core_gcsetinterval(DstArgs args) { if (args.n < 1 || !dst_checktype(args.v[0], DST_INTEGER) || dst_unwrap_integer(args.v[0]) < 0) return dst_throw(args, "expected non-negative integer"); dst_vm_gc_interval = dst_unwrap_integer(args.v[0]); return dst_return(args, dst_wrap_integer(dst_vm_gc_interval)); } int dst_core_gcinterval(DstArgs args) { return dst_return(args, dst_wrap_integer(dst_vm_gc_interval)); } int dst_core_type(DstArgs args) { if (args.n != 1) return dst_throw(args, "expected 1 argument"); if (dst_checktype(args.v[0], DST_ABSTRACT)) { return dst_return(args, dst_csymbolv(dst_abstract_type(dst_unwrap_abstract(args.v[0]))->name)); } else { return dst_return(args, dst_csymbolv(dst_type_names[dst_type(args.v[0])])); } } int dst_core_next(DstArgs args) { Dst ds; const DstKV *kv; if (args.n != 2) return dst_throw(args, "expected 2 arguments"); ds = args.v[0]; if (dst_checktype(ds, DST_TABLE)) { DstTable *t = dst_unwrap_table(ds); kv = dst_checktype(args.v[1], DST_NIL) ? NULL : dst_table_find(t, args.v[1]); } else if (dst_checktype(ds, DST_STRUCT)) { const DstKV *st = dst_unwrap_struct(ds); kv = dst_checktype(args.v[1], DST_NIL) ? NULL : dst_struct_find(st, args.v[1]); } else { return dst_throw(args, "expected table/struct"); } kv = dst_next(ds, kv); if (kv) { return dst_return(args, kv->key); } return dst_return(args, dst_wrap_nil()); } int dst_core_hash(DstArgs args) { if (args.n != 1) return dst_throw(args, "expected 1 argument"); return dst_return(args, dst_wrap_integer(dst_hash(args.v[0]))); } int dst_core_string_slice(DstArgs args) { const uint8_t *data; int32_t len, start, end; const uint8_t *ret; if (args.n < 1 || !dst_chararray_view(args.v[0], &data, &len)) return dst_throw(args, "expected buffer/string"); /* Get start */ if (args.n < 2) { start = 0; } else if (dst_checktype(args.v[1], DST_INTEGER)) { start = dst_unwrap_integer(args.v[1]); } else { return dst_throw(args, "expected integer"); } /* Get end */ if (args.n < 3) { end = -1; } else if (dst_checktype(args.v[2], DST_INTEGER)) { end = dst_unwrap_integer(args.v[2]); } else { return dst_throw(args, "expected integer"); } if (start < 0) start = len + start; if (end < 0) end = len + end + 1; if (end >= start) { ret = dst_string(data + start, end - start); } else { ret = dst_cstring(""); } return dst_return(args, dst_wrap_string(ret)); }