/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include static const char UNEXPECTED_CLOSING_DELIM[] = "unexpected closing delimiter"; /* Handle error in parsing */ #define p_error(p, e) ((p)->error = (e), (p)->status = GST_PARSER_ERROR) /* Get the top ParseState in the parse stack */ static GstParseState *parser_peek(GstParser *p) { if (!p->count) { return NULL; } return p->data + (p->count - 1); } /* Remove the top state from the ParseStack */ static GstParseState *parser_pop(GstParser * p) { if (!p->count) { p_error(p, "parser stack underflow"); return NULL; } return p->data + --p->count; } /* Quote a value */ static GstValue quote(GstParser *p, GstValue x) { GstValue *tuple = gst_tuple_begin(p->vm, 2); tuple[0] = gst_string_cvs(p->vm, "quote"); tuple[1] = x; return gst_wrap_tuple(gst_tuple_end(p->vm, tuple)); } /* Add a new, empty ParseState to the ParseStack. */ static void parser_push(GstParser *p, ParseType type, uint8_t character) { GstParseState *top; if (p->count >= p->cap) { uint32_t newCap = 2 * p->count + 2; GstParseState *data = gst_alloc(p->vm, newCap * sizeof(GstParseState)); gst_memcpy(data, p->data, p->cap * sizeof(GstParseState)); p->data = data; p->cap = newCap; } ++p->count; top = parser_peek(p); if (!top) return; top->type = type; top->quoteCount = p->quoteCount; p->quoteCount = 0; switch (type) { case PTYPE_STRING: top->buf.string.state = STRING_STATE_BASE; top->buf.string.buffer = gst_buffer(p->vm, 10); break; case PTYPE_TOKEN: top->buf.string.buffer = gst_buffer(p->vm, 10); break; case PTYPE_FORM: top->buf.form.array = gst_array(p->vm, 10); if (character == '(') top->buf.form.endDelimiter = ')'; if (character == '[') top->buf.form.endDelimiter = ']'; if (character == '{') top->buf.form.endDelimiter = '}'; break; } } /* Append a value to the top-most state in the Parser's stack. */ static void parser_append(GstParser *p, GstValue x) { GstParseState *oldtop = parser_pop(p); GstParseState *top = parser_peek(p); while (oldtop->quoteCount--) x = quote(p, x); if (!top) { p->value = x; p->status = GST_PARSER_FULL; return; } switch (top->type) { case PTYPE_FORM: gst_array_push(p->vm, top->buf.form.array, x); break; default: p_error(p, "expected container type"); break; } } /* Check if a character is whitespace */ static int is_whitespace(uint8_t c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\0' || c == ','; } /* Check if a character is a valid symbol character */ static int is_symbol_char(uint8_t c) { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return 1; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return 1; if (c >= '0' && c <= ':') return 1; if (c >= '<' && c <= '@') return 1; if (c >= '*' && c <= '/') return 1; if (c >= '#' && c <= '&') return 1; if (c == '_') return 1; if (c == '^') return 1; if (c == '!') return 1; return 0; } /* Checks if a string slice is equal to a string constant */ static int check_str_const(const char *ref, const uint8_t *start, const uint8_t *end) { while (*ref && start < end) { if (*ref != *(char *)start) return 0; ++ref; ++start; } return !*ref && start == end; } /* Build from the token buffer */ static GstValue build_token(GstParser *p, GstBuffer *buf) { GstValue x; GstReal real; GstInteger integer; uint8_t *data = buf->data; uint8_t *back = data + buf->count; if (gst_read_integer(data, back, &integer)) { x.type = GST_INTEGER; x.data.integer = integer; } else if (gst_read_real(data, back, &real, 0)) { x.type = GST_REAL; x.data.real = real; } else if (check_str_const("nil", data, back)) { x.type = GST_NIL; x.data.boolean = 0; } else if (check_str_const("false", data, back)) { x.type = GST_BOOLEAN; x.data.boolean = 0; } else if (check_str_const("true", data, back)) { x.type = GST_BOOLEAN; x.data.boolean = 1; } else { if (buf->data[0] >= '0' && buf->data[0] <= '9') { p_error(p, "symbols cannot start with digits"); x.type = GST_NIL; } else { if (buf->data[0] == ':' && buf->count >= 2) { x.type = GST_STRING; x.data.string = gst_string_b(p->vm, buf->data + 1, buf->count - 1); } else { x.type = GST_SYMBOL; x.data.string = gst_buffer_to_string(p->vm, buf); } } } return x; } /* Handle parsing a token */ static int token_state(GstParser *p, uint8_t c) { GstParseState *top = parser_peek(p); GstBuffer *buf = top->buf.string.buffer; if (is_whitespace(c) || c == ')' || c == ']' || c == '}') { parser_append(p, build_token(p, buf)); return !(c == ')' || c == ']' || c == '}'); } else if (is_symbol_char(c)) { gst_buffer_push(p->vm, buf, c); return 1; } else { p_error(p, "expected symbol character"); return 1; } } /* Get hex digit from a letter */ static int to_hex(uint8_t c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return c - '0'; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { return 10 + c - 'a'; } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { return 10 + c - 'A'; } else { return -1; } } /* Handle parsing a string literal */ static int string_state(GstParser *p, uint8_t c) { int digit; GstParseState *top = parser_peek(p); switch (top->buf.string.state) { case STRING_STATE_BASE: if (c == '\\') { top->buf.string.state = STRING_STATE_ESCAPE; } else if (c == '"') { GstValue x; x.type = GST_STRING; x.data.string = gst_buffer_to_string(p->vm, top->buf.string.buffer); parser_append(p, x); } else { gst_buffer_push(p->vm, top->buf.string.buffer, c); } break; case STRING_STATE_ESCAPE: { uint8_t next; switch (c) { case 'n': next = '\n'; break; case 'r': next = '\r'; break; case 't': next = '\t'; break; case 'f': next = '\f'; break; case '0': next = '\0'; break; case '"': next = '"'; break; case '\'': next = '\''; break; case 'z': next = '\0'; break; case 'e': next = 27; break; case 'h': top->buf.string.state = STRING_STATE_ESCAPE_HEX; top->buf.string.count = 0; top->buf.string.accum = 0; return 1; case 'u': top->buf.string.state = STRING_STATE_ESCAPE_HEX; top->buf.string.count = 0; top->buf.string.accum = 0; return 1; default: p_error(p, "unknown string escape sequence"); return 1; } gst_buffer_push(p->vm, top->buf.string.buffer, next); top->buf.string.state = STRING_STATE_BASE; } break; case STRING_STATE_ESCAPE_HEX: digit = to_hex(c); if (digit < 0) { p_error(p, "invalid hexidecimal digit"); return 1; } else { top->buf.string.accum *= 16; top->buf.string.accum += digit; } top->buf.string.accum += digit; if (++top->buf.string.count == 2) { gst_buffer_push(p->vm, top->buf.string.buffer, top->buf.string.accum); top->buf.string.state = STRING_STATE_BASE; } break; case STRING_STATE_ESCAPE_UNICODE: break; } return 1; } /* Root state of the parser */ static int root_state(GstParser *p, uint8_t c) { if (is_whitespace(c)) return 1; p->status = GST_PARSER_PENDING; if (c == ']' || c == ')' || c == '}') { p_error(p, UNEXPECTED_CLOSING_DELIM); return 1; } if (c == '(' || c == '[' || c == '{') { parser_push(p, PTYPE_FORM, c); return 1; } if (c == '"') { parser_push(p, PTYPE_STRING, c); return 1; } if (c == '\'') { p->quoteCount++; return 1; } if (is_symbol_char(c)) { parser_push(p, PTYPE_TOKEN, c); return 0; } p_error(p, "unexpected character"); return 1; } /* Handle parsing a form */ static int form_state(GstParser *p, uint8_t c) { GstParseState *top = parser_peek(p); if (c == top->buf.form.endDelimiter) { GstArray *array = top->buf.form.array; GstValue x; if (c == ']') { x.type = GST_ARRAY; x.data.array = array; } else if (c == ')') { GstValue *tup; tup = gst_tuple_begin(p->vm, array->count); gst_memcpy(tup, array->data, array->count * sizeof(GstValue)); x.type = GST_TUPLE; x.data.tuple = gst_tuple_end(p->vm, tup); } else { /* c == '{' */ uint32_t i; if (array->count % 2 != 0) { p_error(p, "table literal must have even number of elements"); return 1; } x.type = GST_TABLE; x.data.table = gst_table(p->vm, array->count); for (i = 0; i < array->count; i += 2) { gst_table_put(p->vm, x.data.table, array->data[i], array->data[i + 1]); } } parser_append(p, x); return 1; } return root_state(p, c); } /* Handle a character */ void gst_parse_byte(GstParser *p, uint8_t c) { int done = 0; /* Update position in source */ if (c == '\n') { p->line++; p->index = 0; p->comment = GST_PCOMMENT_EXPECTING; } else { ++p->index; } /* Check comments */ switch (p->comment) { case GST_PCOMMENT_NOT: break; case GST_PCOMMENT_EXPECTING: if (c == '#') { p->comment = GST_PCOMMENT_INSIDE; return; } else if (!is_whitespace(c)) { p->comment = GST_PCOMMENT_NOT; } break; case GST_PCOMMENT_INSIDE: return; } /* Dispatch character to state */ while (!done) { GstParseState *top = parser_peek(p); if (!top) { done = root_state(p, c); } else { switch (top->type) { case PTYPE_TOKEN: done = token_state(p, c); break; case PTYPE_FORM: done = form_state(p, c); break; case PTYPE_STRING: done = string_state(p, c); break; } } } } /* Parse a C style string. The first value encountered when parsed is put * in p->value. The string variable is then updated to the next char that * was not read. Returns 1 if any values were read, otherwise returns 0. * Returns the number of bytes read. */ int gst_parse_cstring(GstParser *p, const char *string) { int bytesRead = 0; if (!string) return 0; while ((p->status == GST_PARSER_PENDING || p->status == GST_PARSER_ROOT) && (string[bytesRead] != '\0')) { gst_parse_byte(p, string[bytesRead++]); } return bytesRead; } /* Parse a gst string */ int gst_parse_string(GstParser *p, const uint8_t *string) { uint32_t i; if (!string) return 0; for (i = 0; i < gst_string_length(string); ++i) { if (p->status != GST_PARSER_PENDING && p->status != GST_PARSER_ROOT) break; gst_parse_byte(p, string[i]); } return i; } /* Check if a parser has a value that needs to be handled. If * so, the parser will not parse any more input until that value * is consumed. */ int gst_parse_hasvalue(GstParser *p) { return p->status == GST_PARSER_FULL; } /* Gets a value from the parser */ GstValue gst_parse_consume(GstParser *p) { p->status = GST_PARSER_ROOT; return p->value; } /* Parser initialization (memory allocation) */ void gst_parser(GstParser *p, Gst *vm) { p->vm = vm; GstParseState *data = gst_alloc(vm, sizeof(GstParseState) * 10); p->cap = 10; p->data = data; p->count = 0; p->index = 0; p->line = 1; p->quoteCount = 0; p->error = NULL; p->status = GST_PARSER_ROOT; p->value.type = GST_NIL; p->comment = GST_PCOMMENT_EXPECTING; }