# Copyright (c) 2019 Calvin Rose and contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. project('janet', 'c', default_options : ['c_std=c99', 'b_lundef=false', 'default_library=both'], version : '1.0.0-dev') # Global settings janet_path = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libdir'), 'janet') header_path = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('includedir'), 'janet') # Link math library on all systems cc = meson.get_compiler('c') m_dep = cc.find_library('m', required : false) dl_dep = cc.find_library('dl', required : false) # Link options if build_machine.system() != 'windows' add_project_link_arguments('-rdynamic', language : 'c') endif # Generate custom janetconf.h conf = configuration_data() version_parts = meson.project_version().split('.') last_parts = version_parts[2].split('-') if last_parts.length() > 1 conf.set_quoted('JANET_VERSION_EXTRA', '-' + last_parts[1]) else conf.set_quoted('JANET_VERSION_EXTRA', '') endif conf.set('JANET_VERSION_MAJOR', version_parts[0].to_int()) conf.set('JANET_VERSION_MINOR', version_parts[1].to_int()) conf.set('JANET_VERSION_PATCH', last_parts[0].to_int()) conf.set_quoted('JANET_VERSION', meson.project_version()) # Use options conf.set_quoted('JANET_BUILD', get_option('git_hash')) conf.set('JANET_NO_NANBOX', not get_option('nanbox')) conf.set('JANET_SINGLE_THREADED', not get_option('single_threaded')) conf.set('JANET_NO_DYNAMIC_MODULES', not get_option('dynamic_modules')) conf.set('JANET_NO_DOCSTRINGS', not get_option('docstrings')) conf.set('JANET_NO_SOURCEMAPS', not get_option('sourcemaps')) conf.set('JANET_NO_ASSEMBLER', not get_option('assembler')) conf.set('JANET_NO_PEG', not get_option('peg')) conf.set('JANET_REDUCED_OS', get_option('reduced_os')) conf.set('JANET_NO_TYPED_ARRAY', not get_option('typed_array')) conf.set('JANET_NO_INT_TYPES', not get_option('int_types')) conf.set('JANET_RECURSION_GUARD', get_option('recursion_guard')) conf.set('JANET_MAX_PROTO_DEPTH', get_option('max_proto_depth')) conf.set('JANET_MAX_MACRO_EXPAND', get_option('max_macro_expand')) conf.set('JANET_STACK_MAX', get_option('stack_max')) jconf = configure_file(output : 'janetconf.h', configuration : conf) # Include directories incdir = include_directories(['src/include', '.']) # Building generated sources xxd = executable('xxd', 'tools/xxd.c', native : true) gen = generator(xxd, output : '@BASENAME@.gen.c', arguments : ['@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', '@EXTRA_ARGS@']) boot_gen = gen.process('src/boot/boot.janet', extra_args: 'janet_gen_boot') init_gen = gen.process('src/mainclient/init.janet', extra_args: 'janet_gen_init') # Order is important here, as some headers # depend on other headers for the amalg target core_headers = [ 'src/core/util.h', 'src/core/state.h', 'src/core/gc.h', 'src/core/vector.h', 'src/core/fiber.h', 'src/core/regalloc.h', 'src/core/compile.h', 'src/core/emit.h', 'src/core/symcache.h' ] core_src = [ 'src/core/abstract.c', 'src/core/array.c', 'src/core/asm.c', 'src/core/buffer.c', 'src/core/bytecode.c', 'src/core/capi.c', 'src/core/cfuns.c', 'src/core/compile.c', 'src/core/corelib.c', 'src/core/debug.c', 'src/core/emit.c', 'src/core/fiber.c', 'src/core/gc.c', 'src/core/inttypes.c', 'src/core/io.c', 'src/core/marsh.c', 'src/core/math.c', 'src/core/os.c', 'src/core/parse.c', 'src/core/peg.c', 'src/core/pp.c', 'src/core/regalloc.c', 'src/core/run.c', 'src/core/specials.c', 'src/core/string.c', 'src/core/strtod.c', 'src/core/struct.c', 'src/core/symcache.c', 'src/core/table.c', 'src/core/tuple.c', 'src/core/typedarray.c', 'src/core/util.c', 'src/core/value.c', 'src/core/vector.c', 'src/core/vm.c', 'src/core/wrap.c' ] boot_src = [ 'src/boot/array_test.c', 'src/boot/boot.c', 'src/boot/buffer_test.c', 'src/boot/number_test.c', 'src/boot/system_test.c', 'src/boot/table_test.c', ] mainclient_src = [ 'src/mainclient/line.c', 'src/mainclient/main.c' ] # Build boot binary janet_boot = executable('janet-boot', core_src, boot_src, boot_gen, include_directories : incdir, c_args : '-DJANET_BOOTSTRAP', dependencies : [m_dep, dl_dep], native : true) # Build core image core_image = custom_target('core_image', input : [janet_boot], output : 'core_image.gen.c', command : [janet_boot, '@OUTPUT@', 'JANET_PATH', janet_path, 'JANET_HEADERPATH', header_path]) libjanet = library('janet', core_src, core_image, include_directories : incdir, dependencies : [m_dep, dl_dep], install : true) janet_mainclient = executable('janet', core_src, core_image, init_gen, mainclient_src, include_directories : incdir, dependencies : [m_dep, dl_dep], install : true) if meson.is_cross_build() janet_nativeclient = executable('janet-native', core_src, core_image, init_gen, mainclient_src, include_directories : incdir, dependencies : [m_dep, dl_dep], native : true) else janet_nativeclient = janet_mainclient endif # Documentation docs = custom_target('docs', input : ['tools/gendoc.janet'], output : ['doc.html'], capture : true, command : [janet_nativeclient, '@INPUT@']) # Amalgamated source amalg = custom_target('amalg', input : ['tools/amalg.janet', core_headers, core_src, core_image], output : ['janet.c'], capture : true, command : [janet_nativeclient, '@INPUT@']) # Amalgamated client janet_amalgclient = executable('janet-amalg', amalg, init_gen, mainclient_src, include_directories : incdir, dependencies : [m_dep, dl_dep], build_by_default : false) # Tests test_files = [ 'test/suite0.janet', 'test/suite1.janet', 'test/suite2.janet', 'test/suite3.janet', 'test/suite4.janet', 'test/suite5.janet', 'test/suite6.janet' ] foreach t : test_files test(t, janet_nativeclient, args : files([t]), workdir : meson.current_source_dir()) endforeach # Repl run_target('repl', command : [janet_nativeclient]) # For use as meson subproject (wrap) janet_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories : incdir, link_with : libjanet) # Installation install_man('janet.1') install_headers(['src/include/janet.h', jconf], subdir: 'janet') janet_libs = [ 'auxlib/cook.janet', 'auxlib/path.janet' ] janet_binscripts = [ 'auxbin/jpm' ] install_data(sources : janet_libs, install_dir : janet_path) install_data(sources : janet_binscripts, install_dir : 'bin')