# SQLite bindings There are some sqlite3 bindings in the directory natives/sqlite3 bundled with the janet source code. They serve mostly as a proof of concept external c library. To use, first compile the module with Make. ```sh make natives ``` Next, enter the repl and create a database and a table. ``` janet:1:> (import natives/sqlite3 :as sql) nil janet:2:> (def db (sql/open "test.db")) janet:3:> (sql/eval db `CREATE TABLE customers(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT);`) @[] janet:4:> (sql/eval db `INSERT INTO customers VALUES(:id, :name);` {:name "John" :id 12345}) @[] janet:5:> (sql/eval db `SELECT * FROM customers;`) @[{"id" 12345 "name" "John"}] ``` Finally, close the database connection when done with it. ``` janet:6:> (sql/close db) nil ```