# Generate documentation

(def- prelude
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Janet Language Documentation</title>
<meta name="description" content="API Documentation for the janet programming language.">
.docstring {
  font-family: monospace;
.binding-type {
  color: blue;
.source-map {
  color: steelblue;
  font-size: 0.8em;

(def- postlude

(def- escapes
  {10 "<br>"
   09 "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
   38 "&amp;"
   60 "&lt;"
   62 "&gt;"
   34 "&quot;"
   39 "&#39;"
   47 "&#47;"})

(defn- trim-lead
  "Trim leading newlines"
  (var i 0)
  (while (= 10 (get str i)) (++ i))
  (string/slice str i))

(defn- html-escape
  "Escape special characters for HTML encoding."
  (def buf @"")
  (loop [byte :in str]
    (if-let [rep (get escapes byte)]
      (buffer/push-string buf rep)
      (buffer/push-byte buf byte)))

(def- months '("January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June" "July" "August" "September"
                        "October" "November" "December"))
(defn nice-date
  "Get the current date nicely formatted"
  (let [date (os/date)
        M (months (date :month))
        D (+ (date :month-day) 1)
        Y (date :year)
        HH (date :hours)
        MM (date :minutes)
        SS (date :seconds)]
    (string/format "%s %d, %d at %.2d:%.2d:%.2d"
                   M D Y HH MM SS)))

(defn- make-title
  "Generate title"
  (string "<h1>Janet Core API</h1>"
          "<p>Version " janet/version "-" janet/build "</p>"
          "<p>Generated "

(defn- emit-item
  "Generate documentation for one entry."
  [key env-entry]
  (let [{:macro macro
         :value val
         :ref ref
         :source-map sm
         :doc docstring} env-entry
        html-key (html-escape key)
        binding-type (cond
                       macro :macro
                       ref (string :var " (" (type (get ref 0)) ")")
                       (type val))
        source-ref (if-let [[path start end] sm]
                     (string "<span class=\"source-map\">" path " (" start ":" end ")</span>")
    (string "<h2 class=\"binding\"><a id=\"" key "\">" html-key "</a></h2>\n"
            "<span class=\"binding-type\">" binding-type "</span>\n"
            "<p class=\"docstring\">" (trim-lead (html-escape docstring)) "</p>\n"

# Generate parts and print them to stdout
(def parts (seq [[k entry]
                 :in (sort (pairs (table/getproto (fiber/getenv (fiber/current)))))
                 :when (symbol? k)
                 :when (and (get entry :doc) (not (get entry :private)))]
                (emit-item k entry)))
  ;(interpose "<hr>\n" parts)