/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef JANET_AMALG #include #include "emit.h" #include "vector.h" #include "regalloc.h" #endif /* Get a register */ int32_t janetc_allocfar(JanetCompiler *c) { int32_t reg = janetc_regalloc_1(&c->scope->ra); if (reg > 0xFFFF) { janetc_cerror(c, "ran out of internal registers"); } return reg; } /* Get a register less than 256 */ int32_t janetc_allocnear(JanetCompiler *c, JanetcRegisterTemp tag) { return janetc_regalloc_temp(&c->scope->ra, tag); } /* Emit a raw instruction with source mapping. */ void janetc_emit(JanetCompiler *c, uint32_t instr) { janet_v_push(c->buffer, instr); janet_v_push(c->mapbuffer, c->current_mapping); } /* Add a constant to the current scope. Return the index of the constant. */ static int32_t janetc_const(JanetCompiler *c, Janet x) { JanetScope *scope = c->scope; int32_t i, len; /* Get the topmost function scope */ while (scope) { if (scope->flags & JANET_SCOPE_FUNCTION) break; scope = scope->parent; } /* Check if already added */ len = janet_v_count(scope->consts); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (janet_equals(x, scope->consts[i])) return i; } /* Ensure not too many constants. */ if (len >= 0xFFFF) { janetc_cerror(c, "too many constants"); return 0; } janet_v_push(scope->consts, x); return len; } /* Load a constant into a local register */ static void janetc_loadconst(JanetCompiler *c, Janet k, int32_t reg) { switch (janet_type(k)) { case JANET_NIL: janetc_emit(c, (reg << 8) | JOP_LOAD_NIL); break; case JANET_BOOLEAN: janetc_emit(c, (reg << 8) | (janet_unwrap_boolean(k) ? JOP_LOAD_TRUE : JOP_LOAD_FALSE)); break; case JANET_NUMBER: { double dval = janet_unwrap_number(k); if (dval < INT16_MIN || dval > INT16_MAX) goto do_constant; int32_t i = (int32_t) dval; if (dval != i) goto do_constant; uint32_t iu = (uint32_t)i; janetc_emit(c, (iu << 16) | (reg << 8) | JOP_LOAD_INTEGER); break; } default: do_constant: { int32_t cindex = janetc_const(c, k); janetc_emit(c, (cindex << 16) | (reg << 8) | JOP_LOAD_CONSTANT); break; } } } /* Move a slot to a near register */ static void janetc_movenear(JanetCompiler *c, int32_t dest, JanetSlot src) { if (src.flags & (JANET_SLOT_CONSTANT | JANET_SLOT_REF)) { janetc_loadconst(c, src.constant, dest); /* If we also are a reference, deref the one element array */ if (src.flags & JANET_SLOT_REF) { janetc_emit(c, (dest << 16) | (dest << 8) | JOP_GET_INDEX); } } else if (src.envindex >= 0) { janetc_emit(c, ((uint32_t)(src.index) << 24) | ((uint32_t)(src.envindex) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(dest) << 8) | JOP_LOAD_UPVALUE); } else if (src.index > 0xFF || src.index != dest) { janetc_emit(c, ((uint32_t)(src.index) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(dest) << 8) | JOP_MOVE_NEAR); } } /* Move a near register to a Slot. */ static void janetc_moveback(JanetCompiler *c, JanetSlot dest, int32_t src) { if (dest.flags & JANET_SLOT_REF) { int32_t refreg = janetc_regalloc_temp(&c->scope->ra, JANETC_REGTEMP_5); janetc_loadconst(c, dest.constant, refreg); janetc_emit(c, (src << 16) | (refreg << 8) | JOP_PUT_INDEX); janetc_regalloc_freetemp(&c->scope->ra, refreg, JANETC_REGTEMP_5); } else if (dest.envindex >= 0) { janetc_emit(c, ((uint32_t)(dest.index) << 24) | ((uint32_t)(dest.envindex) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(src) << 8) | JOP_SET_UPVALUE); } else if (dest.index != src) { janetc_emit(c, ((uint32_t)(dest.index) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(src) << 8) | JOP_MOVE_FAR); } } /* Call this to release a register after emitting the instruction. */ static void janetc_free_regnear(JanetCompiler *c, JanetSlot s, int32_t reg, JanetcRegisterTemp tag) { if (reg != s.index || s.envindex >= 0 || s.flags & (JANET_SLOT_CONSTANT | JANET_SLOT_REF)) { /* We need to free the temporary slot */ janetc_regalloc_freetemp(&c->scope->ra, reg, tag); } } /* Convert a slot to a two byte register */ static int32_t janetc_regfar(JanetCompiler *c, JanetSlot s, JanetcRegisterTemp tag) { /* check if already near register */ if (s.envindex < 0 && s.index >= 0) { return s.index; } int32_t reg; int32_t nearreg = janetc_regalloc_temp(&c->scope->ra, tag); janetc_movenear(c, nearreg, s); if (nearreg >= 0xF0) { reg = janetc_allocfar(c); janetc_emit(c, JOP_MOVE_FAR | (nearreg << 8) | (reg << 16)); janetc_regalloc_freetemp(&c->scope->ra, nearreg, tag); } else { reg = nearreg; janetc_regalloc_freetemp(&c->scope->ra, nearreg, tag); janetc_regalloc_touch(&c->scope->ra, reg); } return reg; } /* Convert a slot to a temporary 1 byte register */ static int32_t janetc_regnear(JanetCompiler *c, JanetSlot s, JanetcRegisterTemp tag) { /* check if already near register */ if (s.envindex < 0 && s.index >= 0 && s.index <= 0xFF) { return s.index; } int32_t reg = janetc_regalloc_temp(&c->scope->ra, tag); janetc_movenear(c, reg, s); return reg; } /* Check if two slots are equal */ static int janetc_sequal(JanetSlot lhs, JanetSlot rhs) { if ((lhs.flags & ~JANET_SLOTTYPE_ANY) == (rhs.flags & ~JANET_SLOTTYPE_ANY) && lhs.index == rhs.index && lhs.envindex == rhs.envindex) { if (lhs.flags & (JANET_SLOT_REF | JANET_SLOT_CONSTANT)) { return janet_equals(lhs.constant, rhs.constant); } else { return 1; } } return 0; } /* Move values from one slot to another. The destination must * be writeable (not a literal). */ void janetc_copy( JanetCompiler *c, JanetSlot dest, JanetSlot src) { if (dest.flags & JANET_SLOT_CONSTANT) { janetc_cerror(c, "cannot write to constant"); return; } if (janetc_sequal(dest, src)) return; /* If dest is a near register */ if (dest.envindex < 0 && dest.index >= 0 && dest.index <= 0xFF) { janetc_movenear(c, dest.index, src); return; } /* If src is a near register */ if (src.envindex < 0 && src.index >= 0 && src.index <= 0xFF) { janetc_moveback(c, dest, src.index); return; } /* Process: src -> near -> dest */ int32_t nearreg = janetc_allocnear(c, JANETC_REGTEMP_3); janetc_movenear(c, nearreg, src); janetc_moveback(c, dest, nearreg); /* Cleanup */ janetc_regalloc_freetemp(&c->scope->ra, nearreg, JANETC_REGTEMP_3); } /* Instruction templated emitters */ static int32_t emit1s(JanetCompiler *c, uint8_t op, JanetSlot s, int32_t rest, int wr) { int32_t reg = janetc_regnear(c, s, JANETC_REGTEMP_0); int32_t label = janet_v_count(c->buffer); janetc_emit(c, op | (reg << 8) | ((uint32_t)rest << 16)); if (wr) janetc_moveback(c, s, reg); janetc_free_regnear(c, s, reg, JANETC_REGTEMP_0); return label; } int32_t janetc_emit_s(JanetCompiler *c, uint8_t op, JanetSlot s, int wr) { int32_t reg = janetc_regfar(c, s, JANETC_REGTEMP_0); int32_t label = janet_v_count(c->buffer); janetc_emit(c, op | (reg << 8)); if (wr) janetc_moveback(c, s, reg); janetc_free_regnear(c, s, reg, JANETC_REGTEMP_0); return label; } int32_t janetc_emit_sl(JanetCompiler *c, uint8_t op, JanetSlot s, int32_t label) { int32_t current = janet_v_count(c->buffer) - 1; int32_t jump = label - current; if (jump < INT16_MIN || jump > INT16_MAX) { janetc_cerror(c, "jump is too far"); } return emit1s(c, op, s, jump, 0); } int32_t janetc_emit_st(JanetCompiler *c, uint8_t op, JanetSlot s, int32_t tflags) { return emit1s(c, op, s, tflags, 0); } int32_t janetc_emit_si(JanetCompiler *c, uint8_t op, JanetSlot s, int16_t immediate, int wr) { return emit1s(c, op, s, immediate, wr); } int32_t janetc_emit_su(JanetCompiler *c, uint8_t op, JanetSlot s, uint16_t immediate, int wr) { return emit1s(c, op, s, (int32_t) immediate, wr); } static int32_t emit2s(JanetCompiler *c, uint8_t op, JanetSlot s1, JanetSlot s2, int32_t rest, int wr) { int32_t reg1 = janetc_regnear(c, s1, JANETC_REGTEMP_0); int32_t reg2 = janetc_regnear(c, s2, JANETC_REGTEMP_1); int32_t label = janet_v_count(c->buffer); janetc_emit(c, op | (reg1 << 8) | (reg2 << 16) | ((uint32_t)rest << 24)); janetc_free_regnear(c, s2, reg2, JANETC_REGTEMP_1); if (wr) janetc_moveback(c, s1, reg1); janetc_free_regnear(c, s1, reg1, JANETC_REGTEMP_0); return label; } int32_t janetc_emit_ss(JanetCompiler *c, uint8_t op, JanetSlot s1, JanetSlot s2, int wr) { int32_t reg1 = janetc_regnear(c, s1, JANETC_REGTEMP_0); int32_t reg2 = janetc_regfar(c, s2, JANETC_REGTEMP_1); int32_t label = janet_v_count(c->buffer); janetc_emit(c, op | (reg1 << 8) | (reg2 << 16)); janetc_free_regnear(c, s2, reg2, JANETC_REGTEMP_1); if (wr) janetc_moveback(c, s1, reg1); janetc_free_regnear(c, s1, reg1, JANETC_REGTEMP_0); return label; } int32_t janetc_emit_ssi(JanetCompiler *c, uint8_t op, JanetSlot s1, JanetSlot s2, int8_t immediate, int wr) { return emit2s(c, op, s1, s2, immediate, wr); } int32_t janetc_emit_ssu(JanetCompiler *c, uint8_t op, JanetSlot s1, JanetSlot s2, uint8_t immediate, int wr) { return emit2s(c, op, s1, s2, (int32_t) immediate, wr); } int32_t janetc_emit_sss(JanetCompiler *c, uint8_t op, JanetSlot s1, JanetSlot s2, JanetSlot s3, int wr) { int32_t reg1 = janetc_regnear(c, s1, JANETC_REGTEMP_0); int32_t reg2 = janetc_regnear(c, s2, JANETC_REGTEMP_1); int32_t reg3 = janetc_regnear(c, s3, JANETC_REGTEMP_2); int32_t label = janet_v_count(c->buffer); janetc_emit(c, op | (reg1 << 8) | (reg2 << 16) | ((uint32_t)reg3 << 24)); janetc_free_regnear(c, s2, reg2, JANETC_REGTEMP_1); janetc_free_regnear(c, s3, reg3, JANETC_REGTEMP_2); if (wr) janetc_moveback(c, s1, reg1); janetc_free_regnear(c, s1, reg1, JANETC_REGTEMP_0); return label; }