# Copyright (c) 2023 Calvin Rose # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. (import ./helper :prefix "" :exit true) (start-suite) # Regression Test #137 # affcb5b45 (def [a b c] (range 10)) (assert (= a 0) "regression #137 (1)") (assert (= b 1) "regression #137 (2)") (assert (= c 2) "regression #137 (3)") (var [x y z] (range 10)) (assert (= x 0) "regression #137 (4)") (assert (= y 1) "regression #137 (5)") (assert (= z 2) "regression #137 (6)") # Test destructuring # 23dcfb986 (do (def test-tab @{:a 1 :b 2}) (def {:a a :b b} test-tab) (assert (= a 1) "dictionary destructuring 1") (assert (= b 2) "dictionary destructuring 2")) (do (def test-tab @{'a 1 'b 2 3 4}) (def {'a a 'b b (+ 1 2) c} test-tab) (assert (= a 1) "dictionary destructuring 3") (assert (= b 2) "dictionary destructuring 4") (assert (= c 4) "dictionary destructuring 5 - expression as key")) # cb5af974a (let [test-tuple [:a :b 1 2]] (def [a b one two] test-tuple) (assert (= a :a) "tuple destructuring 1") (assert (= b :b) "tuple destructuring 2") (assert (= two 2) "tuple destructuring 3")) (let [test-tuple [:a :b 1 2]] (def [a & rest] test-tuple) (assert (= a :a) "tuple destructuring 4 - rest") (assert (= rest [:b 1 2]) "tuple destructuring 5 - rest")) (do (def [a b & rest] [:a :b nil :d]) (assert (= a :a) "tuple destructuring 6 - rest") (assert (= b :b) "tuple destructuring 7 - rest") (assert (= rest [nil :d]) "tuple destructuring 8 - rest")) # 71cffc973 (do (def [[a b] x & rest] [[1 2] :a :c :b :a]) (assert (= a 1) "tuple destructuring 9 - rest") (assert (= b 2) "tuple destructuring 10 - rest") (assert (= x :a) "tuple destructuring 11 - rest") (assert (= rest [:c :b :a]) "tuple destructuring 12 - rest")) # 651e12cfe (do (def [a b & rest] [:a :b]) (assert (= a :a) "tuple destructuring 13 - rest") (assert (= b :b) "tuple destructuring 14 - rest") (assert (= rest []) "tuple destructuring 15 - rest")) (do (def [[a b & r1] c & r2] [[:a :b 1 2] :c 3 4]) (assert (= a :a) "tuple destructuring 16 - rest") (assert (= b :b) "tuple destructuring 17 - rest") (assert (= c :c) "tuple destructuring 18 - rest") (assert (= r1 [1 2]) "tuple destructuring 19 - rest") (assert (= r2 [3 4]) "tuple destructuring 20 - rest")) # Metadata # ec2d7bf34 (def foo-with-tags :a-tag :bar) (assert (get (dyn 'foo-with-tags) :a-tag) "extra keywords in def are metadata tags") (def foo-with-meta {:baz :quux} :bar) (assert (= :quux (get (dyn 'foo-with-meta) :baz)) "extra struct in def is metadata") (defn foo-fn-with-meta {:baz :quux} "This is a function" [x] (identity x)) (assert (= :quux (get (dyn 'foo-fn-with-meta) :baz)) "extra struct in defn is metadata") (assert (= "(foo-fn-with-meta x)\n\nThis is a function" (get (dyn 'foo-fn-with-meta) :doc)) "extra string in defn is docstring") # Break # 4a111b38b (var summation 0) (for i 0 10 (+= summation i) (if (= i 7) (break))) (assert (= summation 28) "break 1") (assert (= nil ((fn [] (break) 4))) "break 2") # Break with value # 8ba112116 # Shouldn't error out (assert-no-error "break 3" (for i 0 10 (if (> i 8) (break i)))) (assert-no-error "break 4" ((fn [i] (if (> i 8) (break i))) 100)) # No useless splices # 7d57f8700 (check-compile-error '((splice [1 2 3]) 0)) (check-compile-error '(if ;[1 2] 5)) (check-compile-error '(while ;[1 2 3] (print :hi))) (check-compile-error '(def x ;[1 2 3])) (check-compile-error '(fn [x] ;[x 1 2 3])) # No splice propagation (check-compile-error '(+ 1 (do ;[2 3 4]) 5)) (check-compile-error '(+ 1 (upscope ;[2 3 4]) 5)) # compiler inlines when condition is constant, ensure that optimization # doesn't break (check-compile-error '(+ 1 (if true ;[3 4]))) (check-compile-error '(+ 1 (if false nil ;[3 4]))) # Keyword arguments # 3f137ed0b (defn myfn [x y z &keys {:a a :b b :c c}] (+ x y z a b c)) (assert (= (+ ;(range 6)) (myfn 0 1 2 :a 3 :b 4 :c 5)) "keyword args 1") (assert (= (+ ;(range 6)) (myfn 0 1 2 :a 1 :b 6 :c 5 :d 11)) "keyword args 2") # Named arguments # 87fc339 (defn named-arguments [&named bob sally joe] (+ bob sally joe)) (assert (= 15 (named-arguments :bob 3 :sally 5 :joe 7)) "named arguments 1") # a117252 (defn named-opt-arguments [&opt x &named a b c] (+ x a b c)) (assert (= 10 (named-opt-arguments 1 :a 2 :b 3 :c 4)) "named arguments 2") # # fn compilation special # # b8032ec61 (defn myfn1 [[x y z] & more] more) (defn myfn2 [head & more] more) (assert (= (myfn1 [1 2 3] 4 5 6) (myfn2 [:a :b :c] 4 5 6)) "destructuring and varargs") # Nested quasiquotation # 4199c42fe (def nested ~(a ~(b ,(+ 1 2) ,(foo ,(+ 1 3) d) e) f)) (assert (deep= nested '(a ~(b ,(+ 1 2) ,(foo 4 d) e) f)) "nested quasiquote") # Regression #400 # 7a84fc474 (assert (= nil (while (and false false) (fn []) (error "should not happen"))) "strangeloop 1") (assert (= nil (while (not= nil nil) (fn []) (error "should not happen"))) "strangeloop 2") # 919 # a097537a0 (defn test [] (var x 1) (set x ~(,x ())) x) (assert (= (test) '(1 ())) "issue #919") (end-suite)