From c87a0910d0476438b8442544f48106ef132deff1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Calvin Rose <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2020 09:42:16 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Add some flags to creating threads for more control.

Allow lightweight/heavyweight threads, and make default lightweight.
This means multithreaded programs can save lots of memory by default.
 src/core/thread.c | 71 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 64 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/core/thread.c b/src/core/thread.c
index a6c552bd..fd57232c 100644
--- a/src/core/thread.c
+++ b/src/core/thread.c
@@ -66,9 +66,15 @@ struct JanetMailbox {
     JanetBuffer messages[];
+static const char janet_thread_flags[] = "hac";
 typedef struct {
     JanetMailbox *original;
     JanetMailbox *newbox;
+    int flags;
 } JanetMailboxPair;
 static JANET_THREAD_LOCAL JanetMailbox *janet_vm_mailbox = NULL;
@@ -175,7 +181,7 @@ static int thread_mark(void *p, size_t size) {
     return 0;
-static JanetMailboxPair *make_mailbox_pair(JanetMailbox *original) {
+static JanetMailboxPair *make_mailbox_pair(JanetMailbox *original, int flags) {
     JanetMailboxPair *pair = malloc(sizeof(JanetMailboxPair));
     if (NULL == pair) {
@@ -183,6 +189,7 @@ static JanetMailboxPair *make_mailbox_pair(JanetMailbox *original) {
     pair->original = original;
     janet_mailbox_ref(original, 1);
     pair->newbox = janet_mailbox_create(1, 16);
+    pair->flags = flags;
     return pair;
@@ -442,16 +449,44 @@ static int thread_worker(JanetMailboxPair *pair) {
     /* Get dictionaries for default encode/decode */
-    JanetTable *encode = janet_get_core_table("make-image-dict");
+    JanetTable *encode;
+    if (pair->flags & JANET_THREAD_HEAVYWEIGHT) {
+        encode = janet_get_core_table("make-image-dict");
+    } else {
+        encode = NULL;
+        janet_vm_thread_decode = janet_table(0);
+        janet_gcroot(janet_wrap_table(janet_vm_thread_decode));
+    }
     /* Create parent thread */
     JanetThread *parent = janet_make_thread(pair->original, encode);
     Janet parentv = janet_wrap_abstract(parent);
+    /* Unmarshal the abstract registry */
+    if (pair->flags & JANET_THREAD_ABSTRACTS) {
+        Janet reg;
+        int status = janet_thread_receive(&reg, INFINITY);
+        if (status) goto error;
+        if (!janet_checktype(reg, JANET_TABLE)) goto error;
+        janet_gcunroot(janet_wrap_table(janet_vm_abstract_registry));
+        janet_vm_abstract_registry = janet_unwrap_table(reg);
+        janet_gcroot(janet_wrap_table(janet_vm_abstract_registry));
+    }
+    /* Unmarshal the normal registry */
+    if (pair->flags & JANET_THREAD_CFUNCTIONS) {
+        Janet reg;
+        int status = janet_thread_receive(&reg, INFINITY);
+        if (status) goto error;
+        if (!janet_checktype(reg, JANET_TABLE)) goto error;
+        janet_gcunroot(janet_wrap_table(janet_vm_registry));
+        janet_vm_registry = janet_unwrap_table(reg);
+        janet_gcroot(janet_wrap_table(janet_vm_registry));
+    }
     /* Unmarshal the function */
     Janet funcv;
     int status = janet_thread_receive(&funcv, INFINITY);
     if (status) goto error;
     if (!janet_checktype(funcv, JANET_FUNCTION)) goto error;
     JanetFunction *func = janet_unwrap_function(funcv);
@@ -558,22 +593,40 @@ static Janet cfun_thread_current(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
 static Janet cfun_thread_new(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
-    janet_arity(argc, 1, 2);
+    janet_arity(argc, 1, 3);
     /* Just type checking */
     janet_getfunction(argv, 0);
     int32_t cap = janet_optinteger(argv, argc, 1, 10);
     if (cap < 1 || cap > UINT16_MAX) {
         janet_panicf("bad slot #1, expected integer in range [1, 65535], got %d", cap);
-    JanetTable *encode = janet_get_core_table("make-image-dict");
+    int flags = argc >= 3 ? janet_getflags(argv, 2, janet_thread_flags) : JANET_THREAD_ABSTRACTS;
+    JanetTable *encode;
+    if (flags & JANET_THREAD_HEAVYWEIGHT) {
+        encode = janet_get_core_table("make-image-dict");
+    } else {
+        encode = NULL;
+    }
-    JanetMailboxPair *pair = make_mailbox_pair(janet_vm_mailbox);
+    JanetMailboxPair *pair = make_mailbox_pair(janet_vm_mailbox, flags);
     JanetThread *thread = janet_make_thread(pair->newbox, encode);
     if (janet_thread_start_child(pair)) {
         janet_panic("could not start thread");
+    if (flags & JANET_THREAD_ABSTRACTS) {
+        if (janet_thread_send(thread, janet_wrap_table(janet_vm_abstract_registry), INFINITY)) {
+            janet_panic("could not send abstract registry to thread");
+        }
+    }
+    if (flags & JANET_THREAD_CFUNCTIONS) {
+        if (janet_thread_send(thread, janet_wrap_table(janet_vm_registry), INFINITY)) {
+            janet_panic("could not send registry to thread");
+        }
+    }
     /* If thread started, send the worker function. */
     if (janet_thread_send(thread, argv[0], INFINITY)) {
         janet_panicf("could not send worker function %v to thread", argv[0]);
@@ -638,10 +691,14 @@ static const JanetReg threadlib_cfuns[] = {
         "thread/new", cfun_thread_new,
-        JDOC("(thread/new func &opt capacity)\n\n"
+        JDOC("(thread/new func &opt capacity flags)\n\n"
              "Start a new thread that will start immediately. "
              "If capacity is provided, that is how many messages can be stored in the thread's mailbox before blocking senders. "
              "The capacity must be between 1 and 65535 inclusive, and defaults to 10. "
+             "Can optionally provide flags to the new thread - supported flags are:\n"
+             "\t:h - Start a heavyweight thread. This loads the core environment by default, so may use more memory initially. Messages may compress better, though.\n"
+             "\t:a - Allow sending over registered abstract types to the new thread\n"
+             "\t:c - Send over cfunction information to the new thread.\n"
              "Returns a handle to the new thread.")