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// Hyperbolic Rogue
// Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
// land generation routines
vector<cell*> buggycells;
cell *pathTowards(cell *pf, cell *pt) {
while(celldist(pt) > celldist(pf)) {
if(isNeighbor(pf, pt)) return pt;
cell *pn = NULL;
forCellEx(pn2, pt) if(celldist(pn2) < celldist(pt)) pn = pn2;
pt = pn;
if(isNeighbor(pf, pt)) return pt;
forCellEx(pn2, pt) if(celldist(pn2) < celldist(pt)) return pn2;
return NULL;
bool buildBarrierNowall(cell *c, eLand l2, bool force = false);
bool safety = false;
eLand firstland = laIce, euclidland = laIce;
bool timerghost;
eLand lastland;
int lastexplore;
bool randomPatternsMode = false;
int randompattern[landtypes];
bool chaosmode = false;
bool chaosUnlocked = false;
bool chaosAchieved = false;
eItem treasureType(eLand l) {
switch(l) {
case laIce: return itDiamond;
case laJungle: return itRuby;
case laCaves: return itGold;
case laDesert: return itSpice;
case laAlchemist: return itElixir;
case laMirror: return itShard;
case laMotion: return itFeather;
case laGraveyard: return itBone;
case laRlyeh: return itStatue;
case laDryForest: return itFernFlower;
case laHell: return itHell;
case laCocytus: return itSapphire;
case laCrossroads: return itHyperstone;
case laCrossroads2: return itHyperstone;
case laCrossroads3: return itHyperstone;
case laCrossroads4: return itHyperstone;
case laNone: return itNone;
case laBarrier: return itNone;
case laOceanWall: return itNone;
case laCanvas: return itNone;
case laEmerald: return itEmerald;
case laWineyard: return itWine;
case laHive: return itRoyalJelly;
case laDeadCaves: return itSilver;
case laPower: return itPower;
case laCamelot: return itHolyGrail;
case laTemple: return itGrimoire;
case laCaribbean: return itPirate;
case laRedRock: return itRedGem;
case laMinefield: return itBombEgg;
case laOcean: return itCoast;
case laWhirlpool: return itWhirlpool;
case laPalace: return itPalace;
case laLivefjord: return itFjord;
case laIvoryTower: return itEdge;
case laZebra: return itZebra;
case laEAir: case laEEarth: case laEWater: case laEFire:
case laElementalWall: return itElemental;
case laPrincessQuest: return itSavedPrincess;
case laStorms: return itFulgurite;
case laOvergrown: return itMutant;
case laWildWest: return itBounty;
case laClearing: return itMutant2;
case laHaunted: case laHauntedWall: case laHauntedBorder: return itLotus;
case laWhirlwind: return itWindstone;
case laRose: return itRose;
case laGridCoast: case laGridSea: return itCoral;
case laDragon: return itDragon;
case laEndorian: return itApple;
case laTortoise: return itBabyTortoise;
return itNone;
#define ORBLINES 46
struct orbinfo {
eLand l;
int lchance;
int gchance;
eItem orb;
orbinfo orbinfos[ORBLINES] = {
{laGraveyard, 200, 200,itGreenStone}, // must be first so that it does not reduce
// chance of other orbs
{laJungle, 1200, 1500,itOrbLightning},
{laIce, 2000, 1500,itOrbFlash},
{laCaves, 1800, 2000,itOrbLife},
{laAlchemist, 800, 800,itOrbSpeed},
{laDesert, 2500, 1500,itOrbShield},
{laHell, 2000, 1000,itOrbYendor},
{laRlyeh, 1500, 1500,itOrbTeleport},
{laMotion, 2000, 700, itOrbSafety},
{laIce, 1500, 0, itOrbWinter},
{laDragon, 2500, 0, itOrbWinter},
{laDryForest, 2500, 0, itOrbWinter},
{laCocytus, 1500, 1500, itOrbWinter},
{laCaves, 1200, 0, itOrbDigging},
{laDryForest, 500, 2500, itOrbThorns},
{laDeadCaves, 1800, 0, itGreenStone},
{laDeadCaves, 1800, 1500, itOrbDigging},
{laEmerald, 1500, 3500, itOrbPsi},
{laWineyard, 900, 1200, itOrbGhost},
{laHive, 800, 1200, itOrbInvis},
{laPower, 0, 3000, itOrbFire},
{laMinefield, 0, 3500, itOrbFriend},
{laTemple, 0, 3000, itOrbDragon},
{laCaribbean, 0, 3500, itOrbPreserve},
{laRedRock, 0, 2500, itOrbTelekinesis},
{laCamelot, 1000, 1500, itOrbIllusion},
{laOcean, 0, 3000, itOrbEmpathy},
{laOcean, 0, 0, itOrbAir},
{laPalace, 0, 4000, itOrbDiscord},
{laZebra, 500, 1500, itOrbFrog},
{laLivefjord, 0, 1800, itOrbFish},
{laPrincessQuest, 0, 200, itOrbLove},
{laIvoryTower, 500, 4000, itOrbMatter},
{laElementalWall, 1500, 4000, itOrbSummon},
{laStorms, 1000, 2500, itOrbStunning},
{laOvergrown, 1000, 800, itOrbLuck},
{laWhirlwind, 1250, 3000, itOrbAir},
{laHaunted, 1000, 5000, itOrbUndeath},
{laClearing, 5000, 5000, itOrbFreedom},
{laRose, 2000, 8000, itOrbSkunk},
{laGridCoast, 2000, 8000, itOrb37},
{laDragon, 500, 5000, itOrbDomination},
{laTortoise, 2500, 1500, itOrbShell},
{laEndorian, 150, 2500, itOrbEnergy},
{laEndorian, 450, 0, itOrbTeleport},
{laWhirlpool, 0, 2000, itOrbWater}, // must be last because it generates a boat
bool isElemental(eLand l);
eItem orbType(eLand l) {
if(isElemental(l)) l = laElementalWall;
if(l == laMirror) return itShard;
for(int i=0; i<ORBLINES; i++)
if(orbinfos[i].l == l && orbinfos[i].gchance)
return orbinfos[i].orb;
return itNone;
enum eOrbLandRelation {
olrForbidden, // never appears: forbidden
olrDangerous, // never appears: would be dangerous
olrUseless, // never appears: useless here
olrNoPrizes, // no prizes in this land
olrNoPrizeOrb,// orb not allowed as a prize
olrPrize25, // prize for collecting 25
olrPrize3, // prize for collecting 3
olrNative, // native orb in this land
olrNative1, // native orb in this land (1)
olrGuest, // extra orb in this land
olrPNative, // Land of Power: native
olrPBasic, // Land of Power: basic orbs
olrPPrized, // Land of Power: prized orbs
olrPNever, // Land of Power: foreign orbs
olrHub, // hub lands
olrMonster, // available from a monster
olrAlways // always available
string olrDescriptions[] = {
"forbidden to find in %the1",
"too dangerous to use in %the1",
"useless in %the1",
"only native Orbs allowed in %the1",
"this Orb is never unlocked globally (only hubs)",
"collect 25 %2 to unlock it in %the1",
"collect 3 %2 to unlock it in %the1",
"native in %the1 (collect 10 %2)",
"native in %the1 (collect 1 %2)",
"secondary in %the1 (collect 10 %3, or 25 %2)",
"the native Orb of %the1",
"this Orb appears on floors and is used by witches",
"a prized Orb, it appears only in cabinets",
"this Orb never appears in %the1",
"Hub Land: orbs appear here if unlocked in their native land",
"kill a monster, or collect 25 %2",
"always available"
eOrbLandRelation getOLR(eItem it, eLand l) {
if(l == laPower) {
if(it == itOrbFire) return olrPNative;
it == itOrbFlash || it == itOrbSpeed || it == itOrbWinter || it == itOrbGhost ||
it == itOrbLife) return olrPBasic;
it == itOrbLightning || it == itOrbThorns || it == itOrbInvis ||
it == itOrbShield || it == itOrbTeleport || it == itOrbPsi ||
it == itOrbDragon || it == itOrbIllusion || it == itOrbPreserve)
return olrPPrized;
return olrPNever;
// if(it == itOrbYendor && l == laWhirlpool) return olrUseless;
if(it == itOrbYendor && l == laWhirlwind) return olrUseless;
if(it == itOrbAir && l == laAlchemist) return olrUseless;
// if(it == itOrbShield && l == laMotion) return olrUseless;
if(it == itOrbIllusion && l == laCamelot) return olrNative1;
if(it == itOrbLove) return olrNoPrizeOrb;
if(orbType(l) == it) return olrNative;
if(it == itOrbWinter && (l == laIce || l == laDryForest))
return olrGuest;
if(it == itOrbLuck && l == laIvoryTower)
return olrUseless;
if(it == itOrbLuck && l == laEndorian)
return olrUseless;
if(it == itOrbLuck && l == laTortoise)
return olrUseless;
if(it == itOrbDigging && l == laCaves)
return olrGuest;
if(it == itOrbFrog && (l == laPalace || l == laPrincessQuest))
return olrGuest;
if(it == itOrbDragon && l == laRlyeh)
return olrMonster;
if(it == itOrbSafety && l == laWhirlpool)
return olrAlways;
if(it == itOrbWater && l == laLivefjord)
return olrMonster;
if(isCrossroads(l) || l == laOcean)
return olrHub;
if(l == laCocytus)
if(it == itOrbDragon || it == itOrbFire || it == itOrbFlash || it == itOrbLightning)
return olrDangerous;
if(it == itOrbSafety)
if(l == laCaves || l == laLivefjord || l == laRedRock || l == laCocytus || l == laHell ||
l == laDesert || l == laAlchemist || l == laDeadCaves || l == laMinefield || isHaunted(l) ||
l == laDragon)
return olrDangerous;
if(it == itOrbMatter)
if(l == laCaves || l == laEmerald || l == laAlchemist || l == laCaribbean ||
l == laMinefield || l == laCocytus) return olrUseless;
if(l == laPrincessQuest)
if(it == itOrbGhost || it == itOrbFlash || it == itOrbTeleport || it == itOrbSummon || it == itOrbFreedom)
return olrForbidden;
if(l == laTemple)
return olrNoPrizes;
if(it == itOrbDigging) {
if(l == laCaves || l == laOcean || l == laLivefjord || l == laEmerald ||
l == laDesert || l == laDeadCaves || l == laRedRock || l == laCaribbean || l == laGraveyard)
return olrPrize25;
return olrUseless;
if(it == itShard) {
if(l == laDesert || l == laIce || l == laJungle || l == laGraveyard ||
l == laRlyeh || l == laHell || l == laDryForest || l == laWineyard ||
l == laHive || l == laCamelot || l == laRedRock || l == laPalace ||
l == laLivefjord || l == laZebra || isElemental(l) || l == laPrincessQuest)
return olrPrize25;
return olrForbidden;
if(it == itOrbWater)
if(l == laMotion || l == laZebra || l == laIvoryTower || l == laEndorian)
return olrUseless;
if(it == itOrbWinter && l != laRlyeh && l != laTemple)
return olrUseless;
if(it == itOrbLife && l == laMotion)
return olrUseless;
if(it == itOrbFish && l != laOcean && l != laLivefjord && l != laWhirlpool && l != laCamelot &&
l != laTortoise)
return olrUseless;
if(it == itOrbDragon && l != laOcean && l != laRedRock && l != laDesert &&
l != laRlyeh && l != laDragon)
return olrUseless;
if(it == itOrbIllusion) return olrPrize3;
if(l == laTortoise)
if(it == itOrbFlash || it == itOrbLightning || it == itOrbFreedom ||
it == itOrbPsi || it == itOrbFriend || it == itOrbDragon)
return olrForbidden;
if(l == laEndorian)
if(it == itOrbDragon || it == itOrbFire)
return olrDangerous;
return olrPrize25;
int landMultiplier(eLand l) {
if(l == laCamelot || l == laPrincessQuest) return 10;
return 1;
// 2 = always available, 1 = highscore required, 0 = never available
int isRandland(eLand l) {
if(l == laIce || l == laDesert || l == laCaves || l == laWildWest)
return 2;
for(int i=0; i<RANDLANDS; i++) if(randlands[i] == l) return 1;
return 0;
bool landUnlocked(eLand l) {
if(randomPatternsMode) {
int i = isRandland(l);
if(i == 2) return true;
if(i == 1) return hiitemsMax(treasureType(l)) >= 10;
return false;
switch(l) {
case laOvergrown:
return gold() >= 60 && items[itRuby] >= 10;
case laStorms: case laWhirlwind:
return gold() >= 60;
case laWildWest:
return false;
case laIce: case laJungle: case laCaves: case laDesert:
case laMotion: case laCrossroads: case laAlchemist:
return true;
case laMirror: case laMinefield: case laPalace:
case laOcean: case laLivefjord:
return gold() >= 30;
case laCaribbean: case laWhirlpool:
return exploreland[0][laOcean] || items[itCoast] || items[itStatue];
case laRlyeh: case laDryForest: case laWineyard: case laCrossroads2:
return gold() >= 60;
case laDeadCaves:
return gold() >= 60 && items[itGold] >= 10;
case laGraveyard:
return tkills() >= 100;
case laHive:
return tkills() >= 100 && gold() >= 60;
case laRedRock:
return gold() >= 60 && items[itSpice] >= 10;
case laEmerald:
return (items[itFernFlower] >= 5 && items[itGold] >= 5) || kills[moVizier];
case laCamelot:
return items[itEmerald] >= 5;
case laHell: case laCrossroads3:
return hellUnlocked();
case laPower:
return items[itHell] >= 10;
case laCocytus:
return items[itHell] >= 10 && items[itDiamond] >= 10;
case laTemple:
return items[itStatue] >= 5;
case laClearing:
return items[itMutant] >= 5;
case laIvoryTower: return gold() >= 30 && items[itElixir] >= 10;
case laZebra: return gold() >= 30 && items[itFeather] >= 10;
case laEAir: case laEEarth: case laEWater: case laEFire: case laElementalWall:
return elementalUnlocked();
case laBarrier: case laNone: case laOceanWall: case laCanvas:
return false;
case laHaunted: case laHauntedWall: case laHauntedBorder:
return items[itBone] >= 10;
case laPrincessQuest: return kills[moVizier];
case laRose:
return gold() >= 60;
case laGridCoast: case laGridSea:
return gold() >= 30;
case laCrossroads4:
return gold() >= 200;
case laEndorian:
return items[itEdge] >= 10;
case laTortoise:
return tortoise::seek();
case laDragon:
return killtypes() >= 20;
return false;
int orbsUnlocked() {
int i = 0;
for(int t=0; t<ittypes; t++)
if(itemclass(eItem(t)) == IC_TREASURE && items[t] >= 10)
return i;
bool hellUnlocked() {
return orbsUnlocked() >= 9;
void countHyperstoneQuest(int& i1, int& i2) {
i1 = 0; i2 = 0;
for(int t=1; t<ittypes; t++)
if(t != itHyperstone && t != itBounty && itemclass(eItem(t)) == IC_TREASURE) {
i2++; if(items[t] >= 10) i1++;
bool hyperstonesUnlocked() {
int i1, i2;
if(tactic::on && isCrossroads(tactic::lasttactic) && !tactic::trailer) return true;
countHyperstoneQuest(i1, i2);
return i1 == i2;
// reduce c->mpdist to d; also generate the landscape
bool buggyGeneration = false;
bool checkBarriersBack(cellwalker bb, int q=5, bool cross = false);
bool checkBarriersFront(cellwalker bb, int q=5, bool cross = false) {
if(bb.c->type == 6)
return false;
if(bb.c->mpdist < BARLEV) return false;
if(bb.c->mpdist == BUGLEV) return false;
if(bb.c->bardir != NODIR) return false;
if(bb.spin == (purehepta ? 3 : 0)) {q--; if(!q) return true; }
if(!cross) for(int i=0; i<7; i++) {
cellwalker bb2 = bb;
cwspin(bb2, i); cwstep(bb2);
if(bb2.c->bardir != NODIR) return false;
if(!purehepta) {
cwspin(bb2, 4); cwstep(bb2);
if(bb2.c->bardir != NODIR) return false;
if(!purehepta) { cwspin(bb, 3); cwstep(bb); cwspin(bb, 3); cwstep(bb); }
return checkBarriersBack(bb, q);
bool checkBarriersBack(cellwalker bb, int q, bool cross) {
// printf("back, %p, s%d\n", bb.c, bb.spin);
// if(mark) { printf("mpdist = %d [%d] bardir = %d spin=%d q=%d cross=%d\n", bb.c->mpdist, BARLEV, bb.c->bardir, bb.spin, q, cross); }
if(bb.c->mpdist < BARLEV) return false;
if(bb.c->mpdist == BUGLEV) return false;
if(bb.c->bardir != NODIR) return false;
// if(bb.spin == 0 && bb.c->mpdist == INFD) return true;
if(!cross) for(int i=0; i<7; i++) {
cellwalker bb2 = bb;
cwspin(bb2, i); cwstep(bb2);
if(bb2.c->bardir != NODIR) return false;
if(!purehepta) {
cwspin(bb2, 4); cwstep(bb2);
if(bb2.c->bardir != NODIR) return false;
cwspin(bb, 3); cwstep(bb); cwspin(bb, purehepta ? 5 : 4);
// bool create = cwstepcreates(bb);
cwstep(bb); cwspin(bb, 3);
// if(create && bb.spin == 0) return true;
return checkBarriersFront(bb, q);
const eLand NOWALLSEP = laNone;
const eLand NOWALLSEP_USED = laWhirlpool;
void setland(cell *c, eLand l);
bool checkBarriersNowall(cellwalker bb, int q, int dir, eLand l1=laNone, eLand l2=laNone) {
if(bb.c->mpdist < BARLEV && l1 == laNone) return false;
if(bb.c->bardir != NODIR && l1 == laNone) return false;
if(l1 != laNone) {
bb.c->bardir = bb.spin; bb.c->barright = l2; bb.c->barleft = NOWALLSEP;
setland(bb.c, l1);
if(q > 10) return true;
if(l1 == laNone) for(int i=0; i<bb.c->type; i++) {
cell *c1 = bb.c->mov[i];
if(!c1) continue;
for(int j=0; j<c1->type; j++) {
cell *c2 = c1->mov[j];
if(!c2) continue;
if(c2 && c2->bardir == NOBARRIERS)
return false;
if(c2 && c2->bardir != NODIR && c2->barleft != NOWALLSEP)
return false;
// note: "far crashes" between NOWALL lines are allowed
if(purehepta) {
cwspin(bb, 3*dir);
cwspin(bb, -3*dir);
else {
cwspin(bb, 2*dir);
cwspin(bb, dir);
return checkBarriersNowall(bb, q+1, -dir, l2, l1);
bool isSealand(eLand l) {
return l == laOcean || l == laCaribbean || l == laWhirlpool || l == laLivefjord ||
l == laOceanWall || l == laGridSea;
bool isElemental(eLand l) {
return l == laEAir || l == laEWater || l == laEEarth || l == laEFire ||
l == laElementalWall;
bool isHaunted(eLand l) {
return l == laHaunted || l == laHauntedBorder || l == laHauntedWall;
eWall getElementalWall(eLand l) {
if(l == laEAir) return waChasm;
if(l == laEEarth) return waStone;
if(l == laEFire) return waEternalFire;
if(l == laEWater) return waSea;
return waNone;
void setbarrier(cell *c) {
if(isSealand(c->barleft) && isSealand(c->barright)) {
c->wall = c->type == 7 ? waBarrier : waSea;
c->land = laOceanWall;
else if(isElemental(c->barleft) && isElemental(c->barright)) {
c->land = laElementalWall;
c->wall = getElementalWall(c->barleft);
else if(c->barleft == laHaunted || c->barright == laHaunted) {
c->land = laHauntedWall;
else {
c->wall = waBarrier;
c->land = laBarrier;
/*if(isHive(c->barleft) && isHive(c->barright))
c->wall = waWaxWall, c->land = c->barleft; */
int buildIvy(cell *c, int children, int minleaf) {
if(c->monst) return 0;
c->mondir = NODIR;
c->monst = moIvyRoot;
cell *child = NULL;
int leaf = 0;
int leafchild = 0;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
createMov(c, i);
if(passable(c->mov[i], c, 0) && c->mov[i]->land == c->land) {
if(children && !child)
child = c->mov[i], leafchild = buildIvy(c->mov[i], children-1, 5);
c->mov[i]->monst = (leaf++) ? moIvyWait : moIvyHead,
c->mov[i]->mondir = c->spn[i];
leaf += leafchild;
if(leaf < minleaf) {
if(child) killIvy(child);
return 0;
else return leaf;
bool grailWasFound(cell *c) {
if(euclid) return items[itHolyGrail];
return c->master->alt->alt->emeraldval & GRAIL_FOUND;
int euclidAlt(short x, short y) {
if(euclidland == laTemple || euclidland == laClearing) {
return max(int(x), x+y);
else if(euclidland == laCaribbean || euclidland == laWhirlpool) {
min(max(int(-x), -x-y) + 3,
max(int(x+y), int(y)) + 3),
max(int(x), int(-y)) + 3
else if(euclidland == laPrincessQuest)
return eudist(x-EPX, y-EPY);
else return eudist(x-20, y-10);
bool isCrossroads(eLand l) {
return l == laCrossroads || l == laCrossroads2 || l == laCrossroads3 ||
l == laCrossroads4;
bool bearsCamelot(eLand l) {
return isCrossroads(l) && l != laCrossroads2;
void buildPrizeMirror(cell *c) {
if(c->type == 7 && !purehepta) return;
if(items[itShard] < 25) return;
c->wall = hrand(2) ? waCloud : waMirror;
void placePrizeOrb(cell *c) {
eLand l = c->land;
if(isElemental(l)) l = laElementalWall;
// these two lands would have too much orbs according to normal rules
if(l == laPalace && hrand(100) >= 20) return;
if(l == laGraveyard && hrand(100) >= 15) return;
if(l == laLivefjord && hrand(100) >= 35) return;
if(l == laMinefield && hrand(100) >= 25) return;
if(l == laElementalWall && hrand(100) >= 25) return;
if(l == laPalace && princess::dist(c) < OUT_OF_PRISON)
l = laPrincessQuest;
for(int i=0; i<ORBLINES; i++) {
orbinfo& oi(orbinfos[i]);
eOrbLandRelation olr = getOLR(oi.orb, l);
if(olr != olrPrize25 && olr != olrPrize3) continue;
if(olr == olrPrize25 || olr == olrGuest || olr == olrMonster || olr == olrAlways) {
if(items[treasureType(oi.l)] < 25) continue;
else if(olr == olrPrize3) { if(items[treasureType(oi.l)] < 3) continue; }
else continue;
if(!oi.gchance) continue;
if(hrand(oi.gchance) >= 60) continue;
if(oi.orb == itOrbWater && c->land != laOcean) {
if(cellHalfvine(c)) continue;
c->item = oi.orb;
c->wall = waStrandedBoat;
c->item = oi.orb;
// printf("land: %s orb: %s\n", dnameof(l), dnameof(c->item));
void placeLocalOrbs(cell *c) {
eLand l = c->land;
if(l == laZebra && c->wall == waTrapdoor) return;
if(isGravityLand(l) && cellEdgeUnstable(c)) return;
if(isElemental(l)) l = laElementalWall;
for(int i=0; i<ORBLINES; i++) {
orbinfo& oi(orbinfos[i]);
if(oi.l != l) continue;
if(yendor::on && (oi.orb == itOrbSafety || oi.orb == itOrbYendor))
if(!oi.lchance) continue;
int ch = hrand(oi.lchance);
if(tactic::trailer && ch < 5) ch = 0;
if(ch == 0 && items[treasureType(oi.l)] * landMultiplier(oi.l) >= 10) {
// printf("local orb\n");
c->item = oi.orb;
if(oi.orb == itOrbWater && c->land != laOcean) c->wall = waStrandedBoat;
else if(oi.gchance && ch == 1 && getOLR(itShard, l) == olrPrize25 && l != laRedRock && l != laWhirlwind)
else if(oi.gchance && (ch >= 2 && ch < 2+PRIZEMUL))
void placeCrossroadOrbs(cell *c) {
for(int i=0; i<ORBLINES; i++) {
orbinfo& oi(orbinfos[i]);
if(!oi.gchance) continue;
if(tactic::on && isCrossroads(tactic::lasttactic)) {
if(oi.orb == itOrbYendor || oi.orb == itOrbSummon || oi.orb == itOrbFish || oi.orb == itOrbDigging || oi.orb == itOrbLove)
else {
if(items[treasureType(oi.l)] * landMultiplier(oi.l) < 10) continue;
if(hrand(oi.gchance)) continue;
if(hrand(50+items[itHyperstone]) >= 50) continue;
c->item = oi.orb;
if(oi.orb == itOrbWater && c->land != laOcean) c->wall = waStrandedBoat;
void placeOceanOrbs(cell *c) {
for(int i=0; i<ORBLINES; i++) {
orbinfo& oi(orbinfos[i]);
if(items[treasureType(oi.l)] * landMultiplier(oi.l) < 10) continue;
if(!oi.gchance) continue;
if(hrand(oi.gchance) >= 20) continue;
c->item = oi.orb;
bool errorReported = false;
void describeCell(cell *c) {
if(!c) { printf("NULL\n"); return; }
printf("describe %p: ", c);
printf("%-15s", linf[c->land].name);
printf("%-15s", winf[c->wall].name);
printf("%-15s", iinf[c->item].name);
printf("%-15s", minf[c->monst].name);
printf("%3d", c->landparam);
printf("%3d", c->mpdist);
printf("%3d", c->mondir);
void raiseBuggyGeneration(cell *c, const char *s) {
printf("procgen error in: %s\n", s);
if(!errorReported) {
addMessage(string("something strange happened in: ") + s);
errorReported = true;
// return;
#ifdef LOCAL
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) describeCell(c->mov[i]);
buggyGeneration = true; buggycells.push_back(c);
c->item = itBuggy;
void setland(cell *c, eLand l) {
if(c->land != l)
c->landparam = 0;
if(l == laNone) {
printf("setland\n"); // NONEDEBUG
c->land = l;
void extendBarrierFront(cell *c) {
int ht = c->landparam;
cellwalker bb(c, c->bardir); setbarrier(bb.c);
if(!purehepta) {
bb.c->barleft = c->barleft;
bb.c->barright = c->barright;
bb.c->landparam = (ht-4);
//printf("[A heat %d]\n", ht-4);
cwspin(bb, 2); cwstep(bb); setland(bb.c, c->barleft); cwstep(bb);
cwspin(bb, 2); cwstep(bb); setland(bb.c, c->barright); cwstep(bb);
cwspin(bb, 2);
cwspin(bb, 3); cwstep(bb);
bb.c->landparam = (ht-4)^2;
//printf("[B heat %d]\n", (ht-4)^2);
bb.c->barleft = c->barright;
bb.c->barright = c->barleft;
cwspin(bb, 3); cwstep(bb);
bb.c->landparam = ht ^ 2;
//printf("[C heat %d]\n", (ht)^2);
bb.c->bardir = bb.spin;
bb.c->barleft = c->barright;
bb.c->barright = c->barleft;
// printf("#1\n");
for(int a=-3; a<=3; a++) if(a) {
bb.c = c; bb.spin = c->bardir; cwspin(bb, purehepta?-a:a); cwstep(bb);
setland(bb.c, a > 0 ? c->barright : c->barleft);
void extendBarrierBack(cell *c) {
int ht = c->landparam;
cellwalker bb(c, c->bardir); setbarrier(bb.c);
cwspin(bb, 3); cwstep(bb); cwspin(bb, purehepta?5:4); setland(bb.c, purehepta ? c->barleft : c->barright); cwstep(bb); cwspin(bb, 3);
bb.c->bardir = bb.spin;
bb.c->barleft = c->barright;
bb.c->barright = c->barleft;
bb.c->landparam = ht ^ 11;
//printf("[D heat %d]\n", (ht^11));
// needed for CR2 to work
if(!purehepta) {
bb.c->barleft = c->barright;
bb.c->barright = c->barleft;
bb.c->landparam = (ht^11)-4;
//printf("[E heat %d]\n", (ht^11));
// printf("#2\n");
eLand oppositeElement(eLand l) {
if(l == laEFire) return laEWater;
if(l == laEWater) return laEFire;
if(l == laEAir) return laEEarth;
if(l == laEEarth) return laEAir;
return l;
void extendNowall(cell *c) {
c->barleft = NOWALLSEP_USED;
cellwalker cw(c, c->bardir);
if(!purehepta) {
setland(cw.c, c->barright);
for(int i=-1; i<2; i+=2) {
if(purehepta) {
cwspin(cw, 3*i);
cwspin(cw, -3*i);
else {
cwspin(cw, 2*i);
setland(cw.c, c->barright);
if(cw.c->barleft != NOWALLSEP_USED) {
cw.c->barleft = NOWALLSEP;
cw.c->barright = c->land;
if(c->barright == laNone) {
cw.c->land = c->barright;
if(!purehepta) cwspin(cw, i);
cw.c->bardir = cw.spin;
if(!purehepta) cwspin(cw, -i);
if(purehepta) {
cwspin(cw, 3*i);
cwspin(cw, -3*i);
else {
cwspin(cw, -2*i);
void extendBarrier(cell *c) {
if(buggyGeneration) return;
if(c->barleft == NOWALLSEP_USED) return;
// printf("build barrier at %p", c);
if(c->wall == waBarrier || c->land == laElementalWall || c->land == laHauntedWall) {
// printf("-> ready\n");
// if(c->wall == waWaxWall) return;
if(c->mpdist > BARLEV) {
// printf("-> too far\n");
return; // == INFD) return;
if(c->barleft == NOWALLSEP) {
if(((c->barleft == laCrossroads3 || c->barright == laCrossroads3) && hrand(100) < 66) ||
(isElemental(c->barleft) && isElemental(c->barright) && hrand(100) < 25)) {
cellwalker cw(c, c->bardir);
if(purehepta) {
cwstep(cw); if(cw.c->wall == waBarrier || cw.c->land == laElementalWall) {
cwstep(cw); cwspin(cw, 3); cwstep(cw); cwspin(cw, -1); cwstep(cw);
bool b = buildBarrier4(cw.c, cw.spin, 2, oppositeElement(c->barleft), c->barright);
if(b) return;
else {
bool b = buildBarrier4(c, c->bardir, 1, c->barleft, c->barright);
if(b) return;
else {
cwspin(cw, 3); cwstep(cw);
cell *cp = cwpeek(cw, 4);
if(cp->wall != waBarrier && cp->land != laElementalWall) {
cwspin(cw, 2); cwstep(cw);
bool b = buildBarrier4(cw.c, cw.spin, 2, oppositeElement(c->barleft), c->barright);
if(b) return;
else {
bool b = buildBarrier4(c, c->bardir, 1, c->barleft, c->barright);
if(b) return;
void chasmify(cell *c) {
c->wall = waChasm; c->item = itNone;
int q = 0;
cell *c2[10];
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->mpdist > c->mpdist && cellUnstable(c->mov[i]))
c2[q++] = c->mov[i];
if(q) {
cell *c3 = c2[hrand(q)];
c3->wall = waChasmD;
void chasmifyEarth(cell *c) {
int q = 0;
int d2[10];
for(int i=2; i<=c->type-2; i++) {
int j = (i+c->mondir)%c->type;
cell *c2 = c->mov[j];
if(c2 && c2->mpdist > c->mpdist && (
c2->wall == waDeadfloor || c2->wall == waDeadwall ||
c2->wall == waDeadfloor2))
d2[q++] = j;
if(!q) printf("no further move!\n");
if(q) {
int d = d2[hrand(q)];
cell *c3 = c->mov[d];
c3->wall = waEarthD;
for(int i=0; i<c3->type; i++) {
cell *c4 = createMov(c3, i);
c3->mondir = c->spn[d];
earthWall(c); c->item = itNone;
void chasmifyElemental(cell *c) {
int q = 0;
int d2[10];
for(int i=2; i<=c->type-2; i++) {
int j = (i+c->mondir)%c->type;
cell *c2 = c->mov[j];
if(c2 && c2->mpdist > c->mpdist && c2->land == c->land)
d2[q++] = j;
if(q) {
int d = d2[hrand(q)];
cell *c3 = c->mov[d];
if(!c3->monst) {
c3->wall = waElementalD;
for(int i=0; i<c3->type; i++) {
cell *c4 = createMov(c3, i);
if(c4->wall != waBarrier) c4->wall = waNone;
c3->mondir = c->spn[d];
c->wall = getElementalWall(c->land);
c->wparam = 100; c->item = itNone;
bool incompatible1(eLand l1, eLand l2) {
if(isCrossroads(l1) && isCrossroads(l2)) return true;
if(l1 == laJungle && l2 == laMotion) return true;
if(l1 == laMirror && l2 == laMotion) return true;
if(l1 == laPower && l2 == laWineyard) return true;
if(l1 == laPower && l2 == laDryForest) return true;
if(l1 == laDragon && l2 == laDryForest) return true;
if(l1 == laEFire && l2 == laWineyard) return true;
if(l1 == laEFire && l2 == laDryForest) return true;
if(l1 == laGraveyard && l2 == laDryForest) return true;
if(l1 == laGraveyard && l2 == laRedRock) return true;
if(l1 == laGraveyard && l2 == laEmerald) return true;
if(l1 == laDeadCaves && l2 == laEmerald) return true;
if(l1 == laDeadCaves && l2 == laCaves) return true;
if(isElemental(l1) && isElemental(l2)) return true;
return false;
eLand randomElementalLand() {
int i = hrand(4);
eLand t[4] = { laEFire, laEWater, laEAir, laEEarth };
return t[i];
int elementalKills() {
kills[moAirElemental] + kills[moWaterElemental] + kills[moEarthElemental] + kills[moFireElemental];
bool elementalUnlocked() {
kills[moAirElemental] && kills[moWaterElemental] && kills[moEarthElemental] && kills[moFireElemental];
eLand randomElementalLandWeighted() {
int i = hrand(elementalKills());
i -= kills[moAirElemental]; if(i<0) return laEAir;
i -= kills[moWaterElemental]; if(i<0) return laEWater;
i -= kills[moEarthElemental]; if(i<0) return laEEarth;
i -= kills[moFireElemental]; if(i<0) return laEFire;
printf("elemental bug\n");
return laElementalWall;
bool incompatible(eLand nw, eLand old) {
return (nw == old) || incompatible1(nw, old) || incompatible1(old, nw);
#define HAUNTED_RADIUS (purehepta?5:7)
extern bool generatingEquidistant;
bool rlyehComplete() {
if(chaosmode) return items[itStatue] >= 1;
return items[itStatue] >= 10 || items[itGrimoire] >= 10;
bool lchance(eLand l) {
if(tactic::on || yendor::on) return true;
if(chaosmode) return hrand(100) < 25;
return hrand(100) >= 40 * kills[elementalOf(l)] / (elementalKills()+1);
eLand pickLandRPM(eLand old) {
while(true) {
eLand n = randlands[hrand(RANDLANDS)];
if(incompatible(n, old)) continue;
if(isRandland(n) == 2) return n;
if(hiitemsMax(treasureType(n)) < 10)
return n;
eLand pickluck(eLand l1, eLand l2) {
int t1 = items[treasureType(l1)];
int t2 = items[treasureType(l2)];
if(t1 < t2) return l1;
if(t2 < t1) return l2;
if(isCrossroads(l1)) return l1;
return l2;
#define LIKELY for(int u=0; u<5; u++)
template<class T> T pick(T x, T y) { return hrand(2) ? x : y; }
template<class T> T pick(T x, T y, T z) { switch(hrand(3)) { case 0: return x; case 1: return y; case 2: return z; } return x; }
template<class T> T pick(T x, T y, T z, T v) { switch(hrand(4)) { case 0: return x; case 1: return y; case 2: return z; case 3: return v; } return x; }
bool noChaos(eLand l) {
if(l == laOcean || l == laTemple) return false;
isCrossroads(l) || isCyclic(l) || isHaunted(l) ||
l == laCaribbean || isGravityLand(l) || l == laPrincessQuest;
eLand getNewSealand(eLand old) {
while(true) {
eLand p = pick(laOcean, pick(laCaribbean, laLivefjord, laGridSea));
if(p == old) continue;
if(chaosmode && noChaos(p)) continue;
return p;
bool doEndorian = false;
eLand getNewLand(eLand old) {
#ifdef LOCAL
extern bool doAutoplay;
return pick(laOcean, laLivefjord, laGridSea, laGridCoast);
if(items[itEdge] == 12345) return laEndorian;
if(old == laTortoise) return laDragon;
if(yendor::on && chaosmode) {
while(true) {
eLand n = eLand(hrand(landtypes));
if(n == old) continue;
if(incompatible(n,old)) continue;
if(noChaos(n)) continue;
if(n == laElementalWall || isTechnicalLand(n)) continue;
if(n == laWildWest) continue;
if(isElemental(n) && hrand(100) >= 25) continue;
return n;
if(markOrb(itOrbLuck)) {
int i = items[itOrbLuck];
items[itOrbLuck] = 0;
eLand l1 = getNewLand(old);
for(int i=1; i<3; i++)
l1 = pickluck(l1, getNewLand(old));
items[itOrbLuck] = i;
return l1;
if(randomPatternsMode) return pickLandRPM(old);
if(old == laEEarth && lchance(old)) return hrand(2) ? laEWater : laEFire;
if(old == laEAir && lchance(old)) return hrand(2) ? laEWater : laEFire;
if(old == laEWater && lchance(old)) return hrand(2) ? laEEarth : laEAir;
if(old == laEFire && lchance(old)) return hrand(2) ? laEEarth : laEAir;
if(tactic::on && !(tactic::trailer && old == firstland)) return firstland;
if(yendor::on && (yendor::clev().flags & YF_WALLS)) {
if(old != yendor::clev().l) return yendor::clev().l;
if(yendor::on && yendor::nexttostart) {
eLand l = yendor::nexttostart;
if(!(yendor::clev().flags & YF_REPEAT))
yendor::nexttostart = laNone;
return l;
if(old == laDragon && tortoise::seek() && hrand(100) < 50)
return laTortoise;
if(isWarped(old) && (hrand(100) < 25) && chaosmode) return eLand(old ^ laGridCoast ^ laGridSea);
if(old == laGridSea || old == laCaribbean ||
(old == laLivefjord && hrand(2)) ||
(old == laOcean && (chaosmode ? hrand(2) : !generatingEquidistant)))
return getNewSealand(old);
if(old == laGraveyard && generatingEquidistant)
return laHaunted;
if(old == laOcean && gold() >= 60 && hrand(100) < 75 && !rlyehComplete())
return laRlyeh;
if(old == laRlyeh && !rlyehComplete())
return laOcean;
eLand tab[256];
int cnt = 0;
/* if(isHive(old) && hrand(100) < 90) {
eLand n = old;
while(n == old) n = eLand(laHive0 + hrand(3));
return n;
} */
// return (hrand(2)) ? laMotion : laJungle;
// the basic lands, always available
tab[cnt++] = laCrossroads;
tab[cnt++] = laIce;
tab[cnt++] = laDesert;
tab[cnt++] = laJungle;
tab[cnt++] = laMotion;
tab[cnt++] = laAlchemist;
if(old != laDeadCaves) tab[cnt++] = laCaves;
// the intermediate lands
if(gold() >= 30) {
tab[cnt++] = laCrossroads;
tab[cnt++] = laMirror;
tab[cnt++] = laOcean;
tab[cnt++] = laLivefjord;
tab[cnt++] = laMinefield;
tab[cnt++] = laPalace;
if(kills[moVizier]) tab[cnt++] = laEmerald;
if(items[itFeather] >= 10) tab[cnt++] = laZebra;
tab[cnt++] = laGridCoast;
if(euclid) tab[cnt++] = laGridSea;
// Ivory Tower tends to crash while generating equidistant
if(items[itElixir] >= 10 && !generatingEquidistant) tab[cnt++] = laIvoryTower;
if(items[itEdge] >= 10 && !generatingEquidistant) tab[cnt++] = laEndorian;
// the advanced lands
if(gold() >= 60) {
tab[cnt++] = laStorms;
tab[cnt++] = laWhirlwind;
tab[cnt++] = laCrossroads;
if(!generatingEquidistant) tab[cnt++] = laCrossroads2;
if(items[itRuby] >= 10) {
tab[cnt++] = laOvergrown;
if(old == laJungle) LIKELY tab[cnt++] = laOvergrown;
if(rlyehComplete()) tab[cnt++] = laRlyeh;
else if(chaosmode && (old == laGridCoast || old == laLivefjord || old == laOcean))
tab[cnt++] = laRlyeh;
if(items[itStatue] >= 5 && chaosmode)
tab[cnt++] = laTemple;
if(old == laCrossroads || old == laCrossroads2) tab[cnt++] = laOcean;
if(old == laOcean) tab[cnt++] = laCrossroads;
if(items[itGold] >= 5 && items[itFernFlower] >= 5 && !kills[moVizier])
tab[cnt++] = laEmerald;
tab[cnt++] = laDryForest;
tab[cnt++] = laWineyard;
if(items[itGold] >= 10) tab[cnt++] = laDeadCaves;
// tab[cnt++] = laCaribbean;
if(items[itSpice] >= 10) {
tab[cnt++] = laRedRock;
if(old == laDesert) LIKELY tab[cnt++] = laRedRock;
if(old == laRedRock) LIKELY tab[cnt++] = laDesert;
if(old == laOvergrown) LIKELY tab[cnt++] = laJungle;
tab[cnt++] = laRose;
if(tkills() >= 100) {
tab[cnt++] = laGraveyard;
if(gold() >= 60) tab[cnt++] = laHive;
if(killtypes() >= 20)
tab[cnt++] = laDragon;
tab[cnt++] = randomElementalLandWeighted();
if(hellUnlocked()) {
if(!generatingEquidistant) tab[cnt++] = laCrossroads3;
tab[cnt++] = laHell;
if(items[itHell] >= 10) {
if(items[itDiamond] >= 10) {
tab[cnt++] = laCocytus;
if(old == laHell || old == laIce) LIKELY tab[cnt++] = laCocytus;
if(old == laCocytus) LIKELY { tab[cnt++] = laIce; tab[cnt++] = laHell; }
tab[cnt++] = laPower;
if(old == laCrossroads || old == laCrossroads2) tab[cnt++] = laOcean;
if(old == laOcean) tab[cnt++] = laCrossroads2;
// for(int i=0; i<20; i++) tab[cnt++] = laRedRock;
// for(int i=0; i<20; i++) tab[cnt++] = laCaribbean;
// for(int i=0; i<20; i++) tab[cnt++] = laCocytus;
// for(int i=0; i<20; i++) tab[cnt++] = laCrossroads;
eLand n = old;
while(incompatible(n, old) || (chaosmode && noChaos(n))) n = tab[hrand(cnt)];
return n;
bool notDippingFor(eItem i) {
int v = items[i] - currentLocalTreasure;
if(v <= 10) return true;
if(v >= 20) return false;
return v >= hrand(10) + 10;
bool notDippingForExtra(eItem i, eItem x) {
int v = items[i] - min(items[x], currentLocalTreasure);
if(v <= 10) return true;
if(v >= 20) return false;
return v >= hrand(10) + 10;
eLand euland[65536];
eLand switchable(eLand nearland, eLand farland, eucoord c) {
if(euclidland == laCrossroads4) {
if(hrand(15) == 0)
return getNewLand(nearland);
return nearland;
else if(nearland == laCrossroads) {
if(hrand(4) == 0 && (short(c)%3==0))
return laBarrier;
return laCrossroads;
else if(nearland == laBarrier) {
return getNewLand(farland);
else {
if(hrand(20) == 0 && (short(c)%3==0))
return laBarrier;
return nearland;
eLand getEuclidLand(eucoord c) {
if(euland[c]) return euland[c];
if(c == 0 || c == eucoord(-1) || c == 1)
return euland[c] = euclidland;
if(euland[eucoord(c-2)] && ! euland[eucoord(c-1)]) getEuclidLand(c-1);
if(euland[eucoord(c+2)] && ! euland[eucoord(c+1)]) getEuclidLand(c+1);
if(euland[eucoord(c-1)]) return
euland[c] = switchable(euland[c-1], euland[eucoord(c-2)], c);
if(euland[eucoord(c+1)]) return
euland[c] = switchable(euland[c+1], euland[eucoord(c+2)], c);
return euland[c] = laCrossroads;
int newRoundTableRadius() {
return 28 + 2 * items[itHolyGrail];
int getAnthraxData(cell *c, bool b) {
int d = celldistAlt(c);
int rad = 28 + 3 * anthraxBonus;
while(d < -rad) {
d += rad + 12;
rad += 3;
while(d >= 12) {
if(rad > 5) rad -= 3;
else if(rad) rad--;
d -= rad + 12;
if(b) return rad;
return d;
int roundTableRadius(cell *c) {
if(euclid) return 28;
if(tactic::on) return getAnthraxData(c, true);
return c->master->alt->alt->emeraldval & GRAIL_RADIUS_MASK;
int celldistAltRelative(cell *c) {
if(tactic::on) return getAnthraxData(c, false);
return celldistAlt(c) - roundTableRadius(c);
void buildCamelotWall(cell *c) {
c->wall = waCamelot;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = createMov(c, i);
if(c2->wall == waNone && (euclid || (c2->master->alt && c->master->alt)) && celldistAlt(c2) > celldistAlt(c) && c2->monst == moNone)
c2->wall = waCamelotMoat;
eLand showlist[10] = {
laHell, laRlyeh, laAlchemist, laGraveyard, laCaves, laDesert, laIce, laJungle, laMotion, laMirror
void buildBarrier(cell *c, int d, eLand l) {
d %= 7;
cellwalker bb(c, d);
if(checkBarriersFront(bb) && checkBarriersBack(bb)) {
c->bardir = d;
eLand oldland = c->land;
eLand newland = l ? l : getNewLand(oldland);
if(showoff) newland = showlist[(showid++) % 10];
if(d == 5) c->barleft = oldland, c->barright = newland;
else c->barleft = newland, c->barright = oldland;
c->landparam = 40;
bool buildBarrier4(cell *c, int d, int mode, eLand ll, eLand lr) {
d %= 7;
cellwalker b1(c, d);
cellwalker b2(c, d);
if(purehepta) cwstep(b2);
else { cwstep(b2); cwspin(b2, 3); cwstep(b2); cwspin(b2, 3); cwstep(b2); }
cellwalker b3(c, d);
if(purehepta) {
cwspin(b3, -1); cwstep(b3); cwspin(b3, 3);
else {
cwstep(b3); cwspin(b3, 4); cwstep(b3); cwspin(b3, 4);
cellwalker b4(c, d);
if(purehepta) {
cwspin(b4, 1); cwstep(b4); cwspin(b4, -3);
else {
cwstep(b4); cwspin(b4, -4); cwstep(b4); cwspin(b4, -4);
if(mode == 0) {
if(!((checkBarriersBack(b1) && checkBarriersBack(b2)))) return false;
if(!((checkBarriersFront(b3) && checkBarriersFront(b4)))) return false;
if(mode == 1) {
if(!(checkBarriersFront(b3, 5, true) && checkBarriersFront(b4, 5, true)))
return false;
if(mode == 2) {
if(!((checkBarriersBack(b1, 5, true) && checkBarriersBack(b2, 5, true))))
return false;
eLand xl = oppositeElement(ll);
eLand xr = oppositeElement(lr);
c->bardir = d, c->barleft = ll, c->barright = lr; extendBarrierBack(c);
c= b2.c; d=b2.spin;
c->bardir = d, c->barleft = xl, c->barright = xr; extendBarrierBack(c);
c= b3.c; d=b3.spin;
c->bardir = d, c->barleft = xl, c->barright = lr; extendBarrierFront(c);
c= b4.c; d=b4.spin;
c->bardir = d, c->barleft = ll, c->barright = xr; extendBarrierFront(c);
if(!purehepta) for(int a=-3; a<=3; a++) if(a) {
setland(cwpeek(b1, a), a > 0 ? lr : ll);
setland(cwpeek(b2, a), a > 0 ? xr : xl);
setland(cwpeek(b3, a), a > 0 ? lr : xl);
setland(cwpeek(b4, a), a > 0 ? xr : ll);
if(purehepta) setbarrier(b1.c), setbarrier(b2.c), setbarrier(b3.c), setbarrier(b4.c);
if(!purehepta) {
cell *cp;
cp = cwpeek(b1, 0);
cp->barleft = ll; cp->barright = lr; setbarrier(cp);
cp = cwpeek(b2, 0);
cp->barleft = xl; cp->barright = xr; setbarrier(cp);
return true;
void buildBarrierStrong(cell *c, int d, bool oldleft) {
d %= 7;
cellwalker bb(c, d);
c->bardir = d;
eLand oldland = c->land;
eLand newland = getNewLand(oldland);
if(showoff) newland = showlist[(showid++) % 10];
if(oldleft) c->barleft = oldland, c->barright = newland;
else c->barleft = newland, c->barright = oldland;
void buildCrossroads2(cell *c) {
if(buggyGeneration) return;
if(!c) return;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++)
if(c->mov[i] && !c->mov[i]->landparam && c->mov[i]->mpdist < c->mpdist)
if(c->bardir != NODIR && c->bardir != NOBARRIERS)
if(c->land != laCrossroads2) return;
if(!c->landparam) {
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = createMov(c, i);
if(c2 && c2->landparam && (c2->land == laCrossroads2 || c2->land == laBarrier)) {
for(int j=0; j<c2->type; j++) {
createMov(c2, j);
cell *c3 = c2->mov[j];
if(c3 && c3->landparam && (c3->land == laCrossroads2 || c3->land == laBarrier)) {
int h2 = c2->landparam;
int h3 = c3->landparam;
// ambiguous
if(h2/4 == 1 && h3/4 == 3) continue;
if(h2/4 == 3 && h3/4 == 1) continue;
for(int d=0; d<c2->type; d++)
if(emeraldtable[h2][d] == h3) {
int nh = emeraldtable[h2][(42+d + c->spn[i] - j) % c2->type];
if(c->landparam>0 && c->landparam != nh) {
raiseBuggyGeneration(c, "CONFLICT");
c->landparam = nh;
if(c->landparam == 0)
printf("H2 = %d H3=%d\n", c2->landparam, c3->landparam);
if(c->landparam == 0) {
printf("H2 = %d\n", c2->landparam);
for(int i=0; i<c2->type; i++) describeCell(c2->mov[i]);
// halted = true;
// c->heat = -1;
raiseBuggyGeneration(c, "buildCrossroads2x");
if(c->landparam) {
// for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
// cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
// buildCrossroads2(c2);
// }
else {
raiseBuggyGeneration(c, "buildCrossroads2");
int h = c->landparam;
if(h/4 >= 8 && h/4 <= 11) {
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
createMov(c, i)->land = laCrossroads2;
if(!c->mov[i]->landparam) buildCrossroads2(c->mov[i]);
if(h/4 == 8 || h/4 == 10)
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->landparam == h-4) {
bool oldleft = true;
for(int j=1; j<=3; j++)
if(c->mov[(i+j)%7] && c->mov[(i+j)%7]->mpdist < c->mpdist)
oldleft = false;
buildBarrierStrong(c, i, oldleft);
c->landparam = h;
extern bool bugtrack;
bool generatingEquidistant = false;
void buildAnotherEquidistant(cell *c) {
//printf("building another coast\n");
if(yendor::on) return;
int gdir = -1;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->mpdist < c->mpdist) gdir = i;
if(gdir == -1) return;
generatingEquidistant = true;
int radius = c->land == laOcean ? 30 : HAUNTED_RADIUS + 5;
cellwalker cw(c, (gdir+3) % c->type);
vector<cell*> coastpath;
while(size(coastpath) < radius || cw.c->type != 7) {
// this leads to bugs for some reason!
if(cw.c->land == laCrossroads2) {
if(doAutoplay) printf("avoiding the Crossroads II\n"); // todo
generatingEquidistant = false;
if(cw.c->land == laNone && cw.c->mpdist <= 7) {
raiseBuggyGeneration(cw.c, "landNone 1");
for(int i=0; i<size(coastpath); i++) coastpath[i]->item = itPirate;
cwstep(cw); cwspin(cw, 3);
if(cw.c->type == 7 && hrand(2) == 0) cwspin(cw, 1);
int mpd[10];
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) mpd[i] = coastpath[i]->mpdist;
// printf("setdists\n");
for(int i=1; i<size(coastpath) - 1; i++) {
if(coastpath[i-1]->land == laNone) {
raiseBuggyGeneration(cwt.c, "landNone 3");
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) printf("%d ", mpd[i]); printf("\n");
for(int i=0; i<size(coastpath); i++) coastpath[i]->item = itPirate;
setdist(coastpath[i], BARLEV, coastpath[i-1]);
setdist(coastpath[i], BARLEV-1, coastpath[i-1]);
//printf("building barrier\n");
cell *c2 = coastpath[coastpath.size() - 1];
int bd = 2 + (hrand(2)) * 3;
bool nowall = false;
if(c2->land == laNone) {
raiseBuggyGeneration(c2, "landNone 2");
for(int i=0; i<size(coastpath); i++) coastpath[i]->item = itPirate;
// else if(c->type == 7 && hrand(10000) < 20 && !isCrossroads(c->land) && gold() >= 200)
if(c2->type == 7 && gold() >= 200 && hrand(10) < 2 && buildBarrierNowall(c2, laCrossroads4, true)) {
nowall = true;
// raiseBuggyGeneration(c2, "check");
// return;
else buildBarrier(c2, bd);
//printf("building barrier II\n");
if(c2->bardir != NODIR && c2->bardir != NOBARRIERS)
for(int i=size(coastpath)-(nowall?1:2); i>=0; i--) {
for(int j=BARLEV; j>=6; j--)
setdist(coastpath[i], j, NULL);
generatingEquidistant = false;
bool bugtrack = false, bugfound = false;
#define UNKNOWN 65535
int coastval(cell *c, eLand base) {
if(!c) return UNKNOWN;
if(c->land == laNone) return UNKNOWN;
if(base == laGraveyard) {
if(c->land == laHaunted || c->land == laHauntedWall)
return 0;
if(c->land != laGraveyard && c->land != laHauntedBorder) return 30;
else {
if(c->land == laOceanWall || c->land == laCaribbean || c->land == laWhirlpool ||
c->land == laLivefjord || c->land == laGridSea)
return 30;
if(c->land != laOcean && !isGravityLand(c->land) && c->land != laHaunted) {
return 0;
if(!c->landparam) return UNKNOWN;
return c->landparam;
eMonster crossroadsMonster() {
static eMonster weak[9] = {
moYeti, moGoblin, moRanger, moOrangeDog, moRunDog, moMonkey, moZombie,
moDesertman, moCultist
if(hrand(10) == 0) return weak[hrand(9)];
static eMonster m[24] = {
moWorm, moTentacle,
moTroll, moEagle,
moLesser, moGreater, moPyroCultist, moGhost,
moFireFairy, moIvyRoot, moHedge,
moLancer, moFlailer, moVineBeast,
moBomberbird, moAlbatross, moRedTroll,
moWaterElemental, moAirElemental, moFireElemental,
moFatGuard, moMiner, moPalace, moVizier
return m[hrand(24)];
eMonster wanderingCrossroadsMonster() {
while(true) {
eMonster m = crossroadsMonster();
if(!isIvy(m) && m != moTentacle) return m;
bool checkInTree(cell *c, int maxv) {
if(c->landparam <= 3) return false;
if(!maxv) return false;
if(c->landflags) return true;
for(int t=0; t<c->type; t++)
if(c->mov[t] && c->mov[t]->landparam < c->landparam && checkInTree(c->mov[t], maxv-1))
return true;
return false;
void buildEquidistant(cell *c) {
if(!c) return;
if(c->landparam) return;
if(chaosmode) return;
eLand b = c->land;
if(!b) {
printf("land missing at %p\n", c);
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(c->mov[i])
// buggycells.push_back(c);
if(b == laHauntedBorder) b = laGraveyard;
int mcv = UNKNOWN;
// find the lowest coastval
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
int cv = coastval(createMov(c,i), b);
if(cv < mcv) mcv = cv;
int mcv2 = 0;
if(bugfound) { mcv = 1; c->landparam = 10; }
else if(mcv == 0) {
// if(generatingEquidistant) printf("mcv=0\n");
c->landparam = 1;
else {
// if it appears twice, increase it
int qcv = 0;
int sid = 0;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++)
if(coastval(c->mov[i], b) == mcv)
qcv++, sid = i;
// if(generatingEquidistant) printf("qcv=%d mcv=%d\n", qcv, mcv);
if(qcv >= 2) c->landparam = mcv+1;
else {
// if(qcv != 1) { printf("qcv = %d\n", qcv); exit(1); }
cell *c2 = c->mov[sid];
int bsid = c->spn[sid];
for(int j=0; j<7; j++) {
int q = (bsid+j+42) % c2->type;
cell *c3 = c2->mov[q];
if(coastval(c3, b) < mcv) {
cell *c4 = createMovR(c2, bsid+1);
if(c4->land == laNone && c2->mpdist <= BARLEV) setdist(c4, BARLEV, c2);
mcv2 = coastval(c4, b);
q = (bsid-j+42) % c2->type;
c3 = c2->mov[q];
if(coastval(c3, b) < mcv) {
cell *c4 = createMovR(c2, bsid-1);
if(c4->land == laNone && c2->mpdist <= BARLEV) setdist(c4, BARLEV, c2);
mcv2 = coastval(c4, b);
if(bugfound) c->item = itSapphire;
if(mcv2 > mcv) mcv2 = mcv;
if(mcv2 == 0) mcv2 = mcv;
c->landparam = mcv2+1;
/* if(c->heat < 3)
raiseBuggyGeneration(c, "low heat"); */
if(!c->landparam) {
// int z = int(c->heat);
if(c->item || c->monst)
printf("building coast over %s/%s, mpdist = %d\n", iinf[c->item].name, minf[c->monst].name,
if(c->land == laOcean) c->wall = waSea;
if(c->land == laEndorian) {
if(c->landparam == 1 && c->type == 7) {
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) {
int i1 = (i+1) % 7;
if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->land != laEndorian && c->mov[i]->land != laNone)
if(c->mov[i1] && c->mov[i1]->land != laEndorian && c->mov[i1]->land != laNone) {
c->landflags = 2;
c->wall = waTrunk;
else if(c->landparam == 1 && c->type == 6) {
for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
int i1 = (i+1) % 6;
int i2 = (i+2) % 6;
int i4 = (i+4) % 6;
int i5 = (i+5) % 6;
if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->land == laBarrier && c->mov[i]->type == 7)
if(c->mov[i1] && c->mov[i1]->land != laBarrier)
if(c->mov[i2] && c->mov[i2]->land != laBarrier)
if(c->mov[i4] && c->mov[i4]->land != laBarrier)
if(c->mov[i5] && c->mov[i5]->land != laBarrier) {
c->landflags = 2;
c->wall = waTrunk;
if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->land != laEndorian && c->mov[i]->land != laNone && c->mov[i]->type == 7)
if(c->mov[i1] && c->mov[i1]->land != laEndorian && c->mov[i1]->land != laNone)
if(c->mov[i5] && c->mov[i5]->land != laEndorian && c->mov[i5]->land != laNone) {
c->landflags = 3;
c->wall = waTrunk;
else if(c->landparam > 1) {
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
if(c2 && c2->landparam < c->landparam && c2->landflags) {
bool ok = false;
if(c2->landflags == 3)
ok = true;
else if(c2->landflags == 2) {
ok = c->mov[(i+1)%c->type]->landparam != c->landparam-1
&& c->mov[(i+c->type-1)%c->type]->landparam != c->landparam-1;
else for(int j=0; j<c2->type; j++) {
cell *c3 = c2->mov[j];
if(c3 && c3->landparam < c2->landparam && c3->landflags)
if(c->spn[i] == (j+3)%c2->type || c->spn[i] == (j+c2->type-3)%c2->type)
ok = true;
if(ok) {
c->wall = waTrunk;
c->landflags = 1;
if(c2 && c2->landparam < c->landparam && c2->landflags == 1 && c->type == 7) {
cell *c3 = c->mov[(i+1)%7];
if(c3 && c3->landparam < c->landparam && c3->landflags == 1) {
c->wall = waTrunk;
c->landflags = 2;
if(!c->landflags && checkInTree(c, 5)) {
int lev = hrand(100);
if(lev < 10) c->wall = waSolidBranch;
else if(lev < 20) c->wall = waWeakBranch;
else c->wall = waCanopy;
if(c->landparam > 30 && b == laOcean && !generatingEquidistant && hrand(10) < 5)
if(c->landparam > HAUNTED_RADIUS+5 && b == laGraveyard && !generatingEquidistant && hrand(100) < (purehepta?25:5) && items[itBone] >= 10)
void beCIsland(cell *c) {
int i = hrand(3);
if(i == 0) c->wall = waCIsland;
if(i == 1) c->wall = waCIsland2;
if(i == 2) c->wall = waCTree;
void generateTreasureIsland(cell *c) {
if(!euclid) generateAlts(c->master);
if(isOnCIsland(c)) return;
bool src = hrand(100) < 10;
if(src) {
if(c->wall == waCTree) return;
cell* ctab[7];
int qc = 0, qlo, qhi;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = createMov(c, i);
if(!euclid) generateAlts(c2->master);
if((euclid || (c->master->alt && c2->master->alt)) && celldistAlt(c2) < celldistAlt(c)) {
ctab[qc++] = c2;
qlo = i; qhi = i;
while(true) {
c2 = createMovR(c, qlo);
if(!euclid && !c2->master->alt) break;
if(celldistAlt(c2) >= celldistAlt(c)) break;
ctab[qc++] = c2;
while(true) {
c2 = createMovR(c, qhi);
if(!euclid && !c2->master->alt) break;
if(celldistAlt(c2) >= celldistAlt(c)) break;
ctab[qc++] = c2;
if(!qc) {
printf("NO QC\n"); c->wall = waSea;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) printf("%d ", celldistAlt(c->mov[i]));
printf("vs %d\n", celldistAlt(c));
cell* c2 = createMovR(c, (qlo+qhi)/2);
if(!src) {
c->wall = c2->wall;
if(c->wall != waCTree && hrand(100) < 15)
c->wall = (c->wall == waCIsland ? waCIsland2 : waCIsland);
if(src && c2->wall == waCTree && (euclid||c->master->alt) && celldistAlt(c) <= -10) {
bool end = true;
for(int i=0; i<qc; i++) {
if(ctab[i]->wall != waCTree)
end = false;
// printf("%p: end=%d, qc=%d, dist=%d\n", c, end, qc, celldistAlt(c));
if(end) c->item = itPirate;
else c->item = itCompass;
void buildRedWall(cell *c, int gemchance) {
if(c->monst) return;
int ki = PT(kills[moHexSnake] + kills[moRedTroll], 50);
c->wall = waRed3;
if(hrand(100+ki) < gemchance + ki)
c->item = itRedGem;
if(items[itRedGem] >= 10 && hrand(18000) < gemchance)
c->item = itOrbTelekinesis;
int palaceHP() {
if(tactic::on && isCrossroads(firstland))
return 4;
if(items[itPalace] < 3) // 1+2
return 2;
else if(items[itPalace] < 10) // 1+2+3+4
return 3;
else if(items[itPalace] < 21) // 1+2+3+4+5+6
return 4;
else if(items[itPalace] < 35)
return 5;
else if(items[itPalace] < 50)
return 6;
else return 7;
cell *randomDown(cell *c) {
cell *tab[7];
int q=0;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++)
if(c->mov[i] && coastval(c->mov[i], laIvoryTower) < coastval(c, laIvoryTower))
tab[q++] = c->mov[i];
if(!q) return NULL;
if(q==1) return tab[0];
return tab[hrand(q)];
// which=1 => right, which=-1 => left
// set which=1,bonus=1 to get right neighbor on level
typedef int cellfunction(cell*);
cell *chosenDown(cell *c, int which, int bonus, cellfunction* cf) {
int d = (*cf)(c)-1;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
if(!c->mov[i]) createMov(c, i);
if(c->mov[i]->mpdist > BARLEV && cf == coastvalEdge) setdist(c->mov[i], BARLEV, c);
if((*cf)(c->mov[i]) == d) {
int i2 = (i+which+42)%c->type;
createMov(c, i2);
if((*cf)(c->mov[i2]) == d)
return createMovR(c, i2+bonus);
else return createMovR(c, i+bonus);
// printf("nothing down here\n");
return NULL;
int edgeDepth(cell *c) {
if(c->land == laIvoryTower || c->land == laEndorian) return coastvalEdge(c);
else if(c->land != laBarrier) {
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->land == laBarrier)
return -20+c->cpdist;
return 0;
int getHauntedDepth(cell *c) {
if((tactic::on || euclid) && c->land == laHaunted) return celldist(c);
if(c->land == laHaunted) return c->landparam;
if(c->land == laHauntedWall) return 0;
if(c->land == laHauntedBorder || c->land == laGraveyard) return -c->landparam;
return -100;
int compassDist(cell *c) {
if(c->master->alt) return celldistAlt(c);
if(isHaunted(c->land) || c->land == laGraveyard) return getHauntedDepth(c);
return 500;
int towerval(cell *c, cellfunction* cf) {
// if(c->land != laEdge) return 0;
cell *cp1 = chosenDown(c, 1, 1, cf);
if(!cp1) return 0;
/* cell *cp2 = chosenDown(cp1, 1, 1);
if(!cp2) return 0;
cell *cm1 = chosenDown(c, -1, -1);
if(!cm1) return 0;
cell *cm2 = chosenDown(cm1, -1, -1);
if(!cm2) return 0; */
/* return
+ 2*(cp1->type-6) + 4*(cp2->type-6)
+ 8*(cm1->type-6) +16*(cm2->type-6); */
int under = 0;
int cfc = (*cf)(c);
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
if(c->mov[i] && (*cf)(c->mov[i]) < cfc)
return (c->type-6) + 2*(cp1->type-6) + 4*under;
int hivehard() {
return items[itRoyalJelly] + yendor::hardness() * (yendor::hardness() * 3/5 - 2);
// 0, 5, 40, 135
eMonster randomHyperbug() {
int h = hivehard();
if(hrand(200) < h)
return moBug2;
return eMonster(moBug0 + hrand(BUGCOLORS));
// 50: 25/25/50
// 100:
#define RANDPATC(c) (randpattern(c,randompattern[c->land]))
#define RANDPAT (randpattern(c,randompattern[c->land]))
#define RANDPAT3(i) (randpatternMajority(c,i,RANDITER))
#define RANDPATV(x) (randpattern(c,randompattern[x]))
bool buildBarrierNowall(cell *c, eLand l2, bool force) {
int dtab[3] = {0,1,6};
if(c->land == laNone) {
raiseBuggyGeneration(c, "barrier nowall!");
return false;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
int d = dtab[i];
if(force) d=1;
cellwalker cw(c, d);
if(force || (checkBarriersNowall(cw, 0, -1) && checkBarriersNowall(cw, 0, 1))) {
eLand l1 = c->land;
checkBarriersNowall(cw, 0, -1, l1, l2);
checkBarriersNowall(cw, 0, 1, l1, l2);
return true;
return false;
void setLandEuclid(cell *c) {
c->land = euclidland;
if(euclidland == laCrossroads) {
eucoord x, y;
decodeMaster(c->master, x, y);
c->land = getEuclidLand(y+2*x);
if(euclidland == laCrossroads4) {
eucoord x, y;
decodeMaster(c->master, x, y);
c->land = getEuclidLand(y);
if(euclidland == laWhirlpool) {
c->land = laOcean;
c->landparam = 99;
if(euclidland == laPrincessQuest)
c->land = laPalace;
if(euclidland == laOcean) {
eucoord x, y;
decodeMaster(c->master, x, y);
int y0 = y; if(y>50000) y0 -= 65536; y0 += 10;
if(y0 == 0)
{c->land = laBarrier; if(ishept(c)) c->land = laRlyeh; }
else if(y0<0) c->land = laRlyeh;
else c->landparam = y0;
if(euclidland == laIvoryTower) {
eucoord x, y;
decodeMaster(c->master, x, y);
int y0 = y; if(y>50000) y0 -= 65536; y0 = -y0; y0 -= 5;
if(y0 == 0)
{c->land = laBarrier; if(ishept(c)) c->land = laAlchemist; }
else if(y0<0) c->land = laAlchemist;
else {
c->landparam = y0;
if(euclidland == laElementalWall) {
eucoord x, y;
decodeMaster(c->master, x, y);
int y0 = y; if(y>32768) y0 -= 65536;
int x0 = x +y/2;
int id = 0;
if(y0&16) id += 2;
if(x0&16) id += 1;
x0 += 8; y0 += 8;
y0--; x0++;
int id2 = 0;
if(y0&16) id2 += 2;
if(x0&16) id2 += 1;
c->land = eLand(laEFire + id);
if(((y0&15) == 15 && (x0&1)) || ((x0&15) == 0 && ((y0+1)&1))) {
if(c->land == laEFire) c->wall = waEternalFire;
if(c->land == laEWater) c->wall = waSea;
if(c->land == laEAir) c->wall = waChasm;
if(c->land == laEEarth) c->wall = waStone;
c->barright = c->land;
c->barleft = eLand(laEFire+id2);
c->land = laElementalWall;
if(euclidland == laCrossroads3) {
eucoord x, y;
decodeMaster(c->master, x, y);
int y0 = y; if(y>32768) y0 -= 65536;
int x0 = x +y/2;
x0 += 24; y0 += 8;
int id = 0;
if(y0&16) id ^= 1;
if(x0&16) id ^= 1;
c->land = id ? laCrossroads3 : laDesert;
if(((y0&15) == 15 && (x0&1)) || ((x0&15) == 0 && ((y0+1)&1))) {
c->wall = waBarrier;
c->land = laBarrier;
if(euclidland == laGridCoast) {
eucoord x, y;
decodeMaster(c->master, x, y);
int zz = 2*short(x)+short(y) + 10;
zz %= 30; if(zz<0) zz += 30;
if(zz >= 15)
c->land = laGridSea;
c->land = laGridCoast;
void buildBigStuff(cell *c, cell *from) {
bool deepOcean = false;
if(c->land == laOcean) {
if(!from) deepOcean = true;
else for(int i=0; i<from->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = from->mov[i];
if(c2 && c2->landparam > 30)
deepOcean = true;
if(c->land == laGraveyard) {
if(!from) deepOcean = true;
else for(int i=0; i<from->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = from->mov[i];
if(c2 && c2->landparam > HAUNTED_RADIUS+5)
deepOcean = true;
if(generatingEquidistant) deepOcean = false;
// buildgreatwalls
if(chaosmode) {
if(c->type == 7 && hrand(10000) < 9000 && buildBarrierNowall(c, getNewLand(c->land)))
else if(c->type == 7 && isWarped(c->land) && hrand(10000) < 3000 &&
buildBarrierNowall(c, eLand(c->land ^ laGridSea ^ laGridCoast))) ;
else if(c->type == 7 && c->land == laCrossroads4 && hrand(10000) < 7000 &&
buildBarrierNowall(c, getNewLand(laCrossroads4))) ;
else if(c->type == 7 && hrand(10000) < 20 && !generatingEquidistant && !yendor::on && !tactic::on && !isCrossroads(c->land) && gold() >= 200 &&
!isSealand(c->land) && !isHaunted(c->land) && !isGravityLand(c->land) &&
c->land != laTortoise &&
!(c->land == laGraveyard && !deepOcean)
buildBarrierNowall(c, laCrossroads4) ;
else if(c->land == laCrossroads2 && !purehepta)
else if(c->type == 7 && hrand(10000) < (
showoff ? (cwt.c->mpdist > 7 ? 0 : 10000) :
isGravityLand(c->land) ? 0 :
generatingEquidistant ? 0 :
(yendor::on && yendor::nexttostart) ? 10000 :
princess::challenge ? 0 :
isElemental(c->land) ? 4000 :
(yendor::on && (yendor::generating || !(yendor::clev().flags & YF_WALLS))) ? 0 :
c->land == laCrossroads3 ? 10000 :
c->land == laCrossroads ? 5000 :
c->land == laCrossroads2 ? 10000 :
c->land == laCrossroads4 ? 0 :
(tactic::on && !tactic::trailer) ? 0 :
c->land == laCaribbean ? 500 :
(c->land == laGridSea || c->land == laGridCoast) ? 500 :
c->land == laStorms ? 250 :
c->land == laCanvas ? 0 :
c->land == laHaunted ? 0 :
(c->land == laGraveyard && !deepOcean) ? 0 :
(c->land == laGraveyard && items[itBone] >= 10) ? 120 :
c->land == laOcean ? (deepOcean ? (purehepta ? 250 : 2000) : 0) :
c->land == laDragon ? 120 :
int bd = 2 + hrand(2) * 3;
buildBarrier(c, bd);
/* int bd = 2;
buildBarrier4(c, bd, 0, getNewLand(c->land), c->land); */
if((!chaosmode) && bearsCamelot(c->land) && c->type == 7 && hrand(2000) < 200 && items[itEmerald] >= 5 && !tactic::on) {
int rtr = newRoundTableRadius();
heptagon *alt = createAlternateMap(c, rtr+14, hsOrigin);
if(alt) {
alt->emeraldval = rtr;
alt->fiftyval = c->land;
if(!chaosmode) {
// buildbigstuff
if(c->land == laRlyeh && c->type == 7 && hrand(2000) < 100 &&
items[itStatue] >= 5 && !randomPatternsMode &&
!tactic::on && !yendor::on)
createAlternateMap(c, 2, hsA);
if(c->land == laOvergrown && c->type == 7 && hrand(2000) < 25 &&
!randomPatternsMode && items[itMutant] >= 5 &&
!tactic::on && !yendor::on) {
heptagon *h = createAlternateMap(c, 2, hsA);
if(h) clearing::bpdata[h].root = NULL;
if(c->land == laStorms && c->type == 7 && hrand(2000) < 1000 && !randomPatternsMode) {
heptagon *h = createAlternateMap(c, 2, hsA);
if(h) h->alt->emeraldval = hrand(2);
if(c->land == laOcean && c->type == 7 && hrand(2000) < (purehepta ? 500 : 1000) && deepOcean && !tactic::on && !yendor::on && !generatingEquidistant)
createAlternateMap(c, 2, hsA);
if(c->land == laCaribbean && c->type == 7)
createAlternateMap(c, 2, hsA);
if(c->land == laPalace && c->type == 7 && !princess::generating && !shmup::on &&
(princess::forceMouse ? (from && from->pathdist != INF) : (hrand(2000) < 20)) &&
!c->master->alt &&
(princess::challenge || kills[moVizier]) && !tactic::on && !yendor::on)
createAlternateMap(c, 141, hsOrigin, waPalace);
if(c->bardir != NODIR && c->bardir != NOBARRIERS)
void buildIvoryTower(cell *c) {
/* if(int(c->landparam) % 5 == 0)
c->wall = waCamelot;
if(euclid) {
eucoord x, y;
decodeMaster(c->master, x, y);
string tab[] = {
int y0 = y; if(y>32768) y0 -= 65536;
y0 += 5; y0 %= 12; if(y0<0) y0+=12;
if(y0 >= 6) { y0 -= 6; x += 4; }
char ch = tab[y0][(x+(y+1)/2)&7];
if(ch == '#')
c->wall = waPlatform;
else if(ch == 'L')
c->wall = waLadder;
else if(true) {
cell *c2 = c;
cell *c3 = c;
bool rdepths[5];
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
if(coastvalEdge(c2) == 0) {
rdepths[i] = false;
else {
cell *c4 = c2;
if(c2 != c3 && !isNeighbor(c2, c3)) {
for(int i=0; i<c2->type; i++) if(c2->mov[i] && isNeighbor(c2->mov[i], c3))
c4 = c2->mov[i];
rdepths[i] = c2 && c3 && c4 && (c2->landflags == 3 || c3->landflags == 3 || c4->landflags == 3);
c2 = chosenDown(c2, 1, 0); // if(!c2) break;
c3 = chosenDown(c3, -1, 0);
if(!c2) { raiseBuggyGeneration(c, "ivory c2"); return; }
if(!c3) { raiseBuggyGeneration(c, "ivory c3"); return; }
if(rdepths[3]) {
c->wall = waPlatform;
// if(!c4->item) c4->item = itPalace;
else if(!rdepths[2] && !rdepths[4] && !rdepths[1]) {
c2 = c;
c3 = c;
cell *c4 = chosenDown(c, 1, 1);
cell *c5 = chosenDown(c, -1, -1);
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
if(coastvalEdge(c2) == 0) break;
if(c2 && c4 && c4->landflags == 3 && c2->landflags != 3 && c4 == chosenDown(c2, 1, 1))
c->wall = waLadder;
if(c3 && c5 && c5->landflags == 3 && c3->landflags != 3 && c5 == chosenDown(c3, -1, -1))
c->wall = waLadder;
buildEquidistant(c4); buildEquidistant(c5);
if(c2) c2 = chosenDown(c2, 1, 0);
if(c3) c3 = chosenDown(c3, -1, 0);
if(c4) c4 = chosenDown(c4, 1, 0);
if(c5) c5 = chosenDown(c5, -1, 0);
else c->wall = waCIsland;
// This function generates all lands. Warning: it's very long!
void setdist(cell *c, int d, cell *from) {
if(signed(c->mpdist) <= d) return;
if(c->mpdist > d+1 && d != BARLEV) setdist(c, d+1, from);
c->mpdist = d;
if(d <= 3) lastexplore = shmup::on ? shmup::curtime : turncount;
if(buggyGeneration) {
if(d < BARLEV) for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
setdist(createMov(c, i), d+(purehepta?2:1), c);
if(d >= BARLEV) c->item = itBuggy2;
if(d >= BARLEV) {
if(!c->land && from->land != laElementalWall && from->land != laHauntedWall) c->land = from->land;
if(c->land == laTemple && !tactic::on && !chaosmode) c->land = laRlyeh;
if(c->land == laClearing && !tactic::on) c->land = laOvergrown;
if(c->land == laWhirlpool && !tactic::on && !yendor::on) c->land = laOcean;
if(c->land == laCamelot && !tactic::on) c->land = laCrossroads;
if(euclid) setLandEuclid(c);
// if(chaosmode) c->land = getCLand(c);
#ifndef MOBILE
if(d == BARLEV && c->land == laCanvas) {
c->landparam = mapeditor::generateCanvas(c);
int hard = yendor::hardness();
if(d == BARLEV && !euclid && c != cwt.c)
buildBigStuff(c, from);
if(d < 10) {
if(d < BARLEV) for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
setdist(createMov(c, i), d+(purehepta && d>=3 && d<7?2:1), c);
if(buggyGeneration) return;
if(d == BARLEV-2 && c->land == laOcean)
if(d == BARLEV-2 && (c->land == laGraveyard || c->land == laHauntedBorder || c->land == laHaunted))
if(d <= 7 && (c->land == laGraveyard || c->land == laHauntedBorder)) {
c->land = (c->landparam >= 1 && c->landparam <= HAUNTED_RADIUS) ? laHauntedBorder : laGraveyard;
if(d == 8 && isGravityLand(c->land)) {
if(d == 8 && c->land == laIvoryTower && !euclid) {
if(hrand(1000) < 75 && // chosenDown(c, 1, 0)->landflags != 3 && chosenDown(c,-1,0)->landflags != 3 &&
(c->landparam&1) ) {
c->landflags = 3;
else c->landflags = 0;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laIvoryTower) buildIvoryTower(c);
if(d == 9 && c->land == laPalace) {
if(cdist50(c) == 3 && polarb50(c) == 1)
c->wall = waPalace;
if(d == 8 && c->land == laPalace) {
// note: Princess Challenge brings back the normal Palace generation
bool lookingForPrincess = !euclid && c->master->alt && !princess::challenge;
bool pgate = false;
if(purehepta) {
int i = fiftyval049(c);
if(i >= 8 && i <= 14 && !polarb50(c)) pgate = true;
if(pgate) {
switch(princess::generating ? 0 : hrand(2)) {
case 0:
c->wall = waClosedGate;
case 1:
c->wall = waOpenGate;
for(int s=0; s<7; s++) if(c->mov[s] &&
(c->mov[s]->wall == waClosedGate || c->mov[s]->wall == waOpenGate))
c->wall = c->mov[s]->wall;
else if(cdist50(c) == 3 && polarb50(c) == 1) {
int q = 0, s = 0;
if(!ishept(c)) for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
if(cdist50(c->mov[i]) == 3 && polarb50(c->mov[i]) == 1 && !ishept(c->mov[i]))
q++, s += i;
if(q == 1 && c->mov[s]->land == laPalace) {
switch(princess::generating ? 0 : hrand(2)) {
case 0:
c->wall = waClosedGate;
c->mov[s]->wall = waClosedGate;
case 1:
c->wall = waOpenGate;
c->mov[s]->wall = waOpenGate;
else if((hrand(100) < (lookingForPrincess ? (purehepta ? 11 : 7) : 5) && cdist50(c)) ||
(cdist50(c) == 0 && polarb50(c) && hrand(100) < 60)) {
c->wall = hrand(100) < (lookingForPrincess ? (purehepta ? 25 : 30):50) ? waClosePlate : waOpenPlate;
else if(hrand(100) < (lookingForPrincess ? 3 : 5))
c->wall = waTrapdoor;
if(cdist50(c) == 0 && yendor::path) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[hrand(c->type)];
if(c2->wall == waNone) c2->wall = waTrapdoor;
if(d==8 && c->land == laEmerald) {
c->wall = RANDPAT3(0) ? waCavewall : waCavefloor;
else if(euclid) {
eucoord x, y;
decodeMaster(c->master, x, y);
if(((y-2)&7) < 4) c->wall = waCavewall;
else c->wall = waCavefloor;
else if(purehepta) {
c->wall = waCavewall;
else c->wall = waCavefloor;
else {
int v = emeraldval(c);
if((v&3) >= 2)
c->wall = waCavewall;
else c->wall = waCavefloor;
if(d == 8 && isIcyLand(c)) c->landparam = 0;
if(d == 8 && c->land == laDryForest) c->landparam = 0;
if(d==8 && c->land == laPower) {
int v;
v = RANDPAT ? 24 : 0;
else if(euclid) {
eucoord x, y;
decodeMaster(c->master, x, y);
int y0 = ((short)y) % 6;
if(y0<0) y0+=6;
if(y0 == 3 || y0 == 4) v=24; else v=0;
else v = emeraldval(c);
v &= ~3;
if((v == 24 || v == 32 || v == 56))
c->wall = waEternalFire;
else if(hrand(100) < 10) {
c->wall = waGlass;
eItem protectedItems[18] = {
itPower, itPower, itPower, itPower, itPower, itPower,
itOrbLightning, itOrbLightning, itOrbThorns, itOrbThorns,
itOrbInvis, itOrbInvis,
itOrbShield, itOrbTeleport, itOrbPsi,
itOrbDragon, itOrbIllusion, itOrbPreserve
c->item = protectedItems[hrand(18)];
if(d==8 && c->land == laZebra) {
if(euclid) {
eucoord x, y;
decodeMaster(c->master, x, y);
if(y&1) c->wall = waTrapdoor;
else c->wall = waNone;
c->wall = (randomPatternsMode ? RANDPAT : (zebra40(c)&2)) ? waTrapdoor : waNone;
if(d==8 && isElemental(c->land)) {
if(hrand(c->land == laEAir ? 6 : 25) == 0) {
if(c->land == laEFire) c->wall = waEternalFire;
else if(c->land == laEWater) c->wall = waSea;
else if(c->land == laEAir) c->wall = waChasm;
else if(c->land == laEEarth) c->wall = waStone;
if(d==8 && c->land == laWineyard) {
if(euclid) {
eucoord x, y;
decodeMaster(c->master, x, y);
int dy = ((short)y)%3; if(dy<0) dy += 3;
if(dy == 1) c->wall = waVinePlant;
else {
int v = emeraldval(c);
int w = v / 4;
if(randomPatternsMode) c->wall = RANDPAT ? waVinePlant : waNone;
else if(w == 9 || w == 10 || w == 7 || w == 8) {
c->wall = waVinePlant;
else if(v == 24 || v == 58 || v == 26 || v == 56)
c->wall = waVineHalfA;
else if(v == 25 || v == 59 || v == 27 || v == 57)
c->wall = waVineHalfB;
else c->wall = waNone;
if(d == 7 && cellHalfvine(c)) {
int i = -1;
for(int k=0; k<c->type; k++) if(c->mov[k] && c->mov[k]->wall == c->wall)
i = 0;
if(i == -1) c->wall = waNone;
// 24-58
// 26-56
if(d == 9) {
// mapgen9
if(isWarped(c->land) && randomPatternsMode)
c->land = RANDPAT ? laGridCoast : laGridSea;
// if(c->land == laIce && ((celldist(c) % 10) + 10) % 10 == 5)
// c->wall = waColumn;
if(c->land == laIce) {
if(randomPatternsMode) c->wall = RANDPAT ? waIcewall : waNone;
else if(hrand(100) < 5 && c->wall != waBarrier) {
c->wall = waIcewall;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(hrand(100) < 50) {
cell *c2 = createMov(c, i);
setdist(c2, d+1, c);
if(c2->wall == waBarrier || c2->land != laIce) continue;
c2->wall = waIcewall;
for(int j=0; j<c2->type; j++) if(hrand(100) < 20) {
cell *c3 = createMov(c2, j);
setdist(c->mov[i], d+2, c);
if(c3->wall == waBarrier || c3->land != laIce) continue;
c3->wall = waIcewall;
if(c->land == laIce || c->land == laCocytus) if(c->wall == waIcewall && items[itDiamond] >= 5 && hrand(200) == 1)
c->wall = waBonfireOff;
if(c->land == laDragon) {
int cd = getCdata(c, 3);
cd &= 31;
if(cd >= 6 && cd<12) c->wall = waChasm;
else if(hrand(1000) == 0) c->wall = waEternalFire;
if(c->land == laCaves)
c->wall = (randomPatternsMode ? RANDPAT3(1) : hrand(100) < 55) ? waCavewall : waCavefloor;
if(c->land == laLivefjord) {
int die = (randomPatternsMode ? (RANDPAT3(2)?100:0) : hrand(100));
if(die < 50)
c->wall = waSea;
c->wall = waNone;
if(c->land == laDeadCaves) {
int die = (randomPatternsMode ? (RANDPAT?100:0) : hrand(100));
if(die<50) c->wall = waDeadwall;
else if(die<55) c->wall = waDeadfloor2;
else c->wall = waDeadfloor;
if(c->land == laAlchemist)
c->wall = (randomPatternsMode ? RANDPAT : hrand(2)) ? waFloorA : waFloorB;
if(c->land == laDryForest) {
c->wall = RANDPAT ? waNone : RANDPATV(laHell) ? waBigTree : waSmallTree;
c->wall =
(hrand(100) < 50) ? (hrand(100) < 50 ? waBigTree : waSmallTree) : waNone;
if(c->land == laOvergrown) {
// 0: 60%
// 10: 50%
c->wall = RANDPAT ? waNone : RANDPATV(laWineyard) ? waBigTree : waSmallTree;
c->wall =
(hrand(50+items[itMutant]/2+hard) < 30) ? (hrand(100) < 50 ? waBigTree : waSmallTree) : waNone;
if(c->land == laWildWest) {
c->wall = RANDPAT ? waNone : waSaloon;
else if(cdist50(c) <= 2) c->wall = waSaloon;
/*if(i == 3 && polarb50(c) == 1) {
for(int j=0; j<c->type; j++) if(c->mov[j] && polarb50(c->mov[j]) == 0)
c->wall = waFloorA;
} */
if(c->land == laWhirlwind) {
if(!euclid && zebra3(c) == 0) c->wall = waFan;
else if(pseudohept(c) && hrand(2000) < 150)
c->wall = waChasm;
else if(d == 7 && hrand(1000) == 0)
/* bool edge = false;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++)
if(zebra3(c->mov[i]) != z)
edge = true; */
// if(edge && hrand(100) < 5)
// c->wall = waSaloon;
if(c->land == laStorms) {
if(euclid) {
eucoord x, y;
decodeMaster(c->master, x, y);
if(short(x+1)%3 == 0 && short(y)%3 == 0) {
if(hrand(100) < 50)
c->wall = hrand(2) ? waCharged : waGrounded;
else if(ishept(c)) {
bool sand = false;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
createMov(c, i);
decodeMaster(c->mov[i]->master, x, y);
if(short(x+1)%3 == 0 && short(y)%3 == 0) sand = true;
if(sand && hrand(100) < 20)
c->wall = waSandstone;
else if(purehepta) {
int i = zebra40(c);
if((i == 5 || i == 8) && hrand(100) < 20) c->wall = hrand(2) ? waCharged : waGrounded;
else if(i == 15) c->wall = waSandstone;
else {
int i = zebra40(c);
if(i >= 40 && hrand(100) < 50)
c->wall = hrand(2) ? waCharged : waGrounded;
else if(ishept(c) && hrand(100) < 20)
c->wall = waSandstone;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++)
if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->land != laStorms && c->mov[i]->land != laNone)
c->wall = waNone;
if(c->land == laGraveyard) {
c->wall = RANDPAT ? ((RANDPATV(laCrossroads) || RANDPATV(laCrossroads2)) ? waAncientGrave : waFreshGrave) : waNone;
else if(pseudohept(c))
c->wall = hrand(5) ? waAncientGrave : waFreshGrave;
if(c->land == laRlyeh) {
if(randomPatternsMode) {
c->wall = RANDPAT ? waColumn : waNone;
else {
if(hrand(500) < 5) {
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = createMov(c, i);
setdist(c2, d+1, c);
if(c2 && c2->land == laRlyeh)
c2->wall = waColumn;
for(int j=0; j<2; j++) {
int i = hrand(c->type);
if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->land == laRlyeh)
c->mov[i]->wall = waNone;
if(pseudohept(c) && hrand(2)) c->wall = waColumn;
if(c->land == laHell) {
if(hrand(1000) < 36 && celldist(c) >= 3) {
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = createMov(c, i);
setdist(c2, d+1, c);
if(c2 && c2->land == laHell)
if(c2->wall != waSulphurC)
c2->wall = waSulphur;
c->wall = waSulphurC;
if(c->land == laCocytus) {
if(c->wall == waNone) c->wall = waFrozenLake;
if(hrand(100) < 5 && !safety && celldist(c) >= 3) {
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = createMov(c, i);
setdist(c2, d+1, c);
if(c2 && c2->land == laCocytus)
c2->wall = waLake;
c->wall = waLake;
if(hrand(500) < 100 + 2 * (items[itSapphire] + hard))
c->monst = moShark;
if(isHive(c->land) && hrand(2000) < (chaosmode ? 1000 : purehepta?200:2) && !safety)
// landbigstuff
if(c->land == laPalace && !euclid && c->master->alt) {
int d = celldistAlt(c);
if(d <= 150) generateAlts(c->master);
if((bearsCamelot(c->land) && !euclid) || c->land == laCamelot)
if(euclid || c->master->alt) {
int d = celldistAltRelative(c);
if(tactic::on || (d <= 14 && roundTableRadius(c) > 20)) {
if(!euclid) generateAlts(c->master);
c->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
if(d == 10) {
if(pseudohept(c)) buildCamelotWall(c);
else {
if(!euclid) for(int i=0; i<7; i++) generateAlts(c->master->move[i]);
int q = 0;
for(int t=0; t<6; t++) {
createMov(c, t);
if(celldistAltRelative(c->mov[t]) == 10 && !pseudohept(c->mov[t])) q++;
if(q == 1) buildCamelotWall(c);
// towers of Camelot
if(q == 0 && !purehepta) {
c->monst = moKnight;
for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(celldistAltRelative(c->mov[i]) < d)
c->mondir = i;
if(d == 0) c->wall = waRoundTable;
if(celldistAlt(c) == 0 && !tactic::on) c->item = itHolyGrail;
if(d < 0 && hrand(7000) <= 10 + items[itHolyGrail] * 5) {
eMonster m[3] = { moHedge, moLancer, moFlailer };
c->monst = m[hrand(3)];
if(d == 1) {
// roughly as many knights as table cells
if(hrand(purehepta ? 2618 : 1720) < 1000)
c->monst = moKnight;
if(!euclid) for(int i=0; i<7; i++) generateAlts(c->master->move[i]);
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++)
if(c->mov[i] && celldistAltRelative(c->mov[i]) < d)
c->mondir = (i+3) % 6;
if(tactic::on && d >= 2 && d <= 8 && hrand(1000) < 10)
c->item = itOrbSafety;
if(d == 5 && tactic::on)
c->item = itGreenStone;
if(d <= 10) c->land = laCamelot;
if(d > 10 && !euclid && !tactic::on) {
c->land = eLand(c->master->alt->alt->fiftyval);
if(c->land == laNone) printf("Camelot\n"); // NONEDEBUG
if((c->land == laStorms && !euclid)) {
if(c->master->alt && c->master->alt->distance <= 2) {
c->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
int d = celldistAlt(c);
if(d <= -2) {
c->wall = (c->master->alt->alt->emeraldval & 1) ? waCharged : waGrounded;
c->item = itNone;
c->monst = moNone;
else if(d <= -1)
c->wall = (hrand(100) < 20) ? waSandstone : waNone;
else if(d <= 0)
c->wall = waNone;
if(chaosmode && c->land == laTemple) {
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++)
if(pseudohept(c) && c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->land != laTemple)
c->wall = waColumn;
else if((c->land == laRlyeh && !euclid) || c->land == laTemple) {
if(euclid || (c->master->alt && (tactic::on || c->master->alt->distance <= 2))) {
if(!euclid && !chaosmode) generateAlts(c->master);
c->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
int d = celldistAlt(c);
if(d <= 0) {
c->land = laTemple, c->wall = waNone, c->monst = moNone, c->item = itNone;
if(d % TEMPLE_EACH==0) {
c->wall = waColumn;
else {
if(!euclid) for(int i=0; i<7; i++) generateAlts(c->master->move[i]);
int q = 0;
for(int t=0; t<6; t++) {
createMov(c, t);
if(celldistAlt(c->mov[t]) % TEMPLE_EACH == 0 && !ishept(c->mov[t])) q++;
if(q == 2) c->wall = waColumn;
if((c->land == laOvergrown && !euclid) || c->land == laClearing) {
if(euclid || (c->master->alt && (tactic::on || c->master->alt->distance <= 2))) {
if(!euclid) generateAlts(c->master);
c->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
int d = celldistAlt(c);
if(d <= 0) {
c->land = laClearing, c->wall = waNone; // , c->monst = moNone, c->item = itNone;
else if(d == 1 && !tactic::on)
c->wall = waSmallTree, c->monst = moNone, c->item = itNone;
if(c->land == laOcean || c->land == laWhirlpool) {
bool fullwhirlpool = false;
if(tactic::on && tactic::lasttactic == laWhirlpool)
fullwhirlpool = true;
if(yendor::on && yendor::clev().l == laWhirlpool)
fullwhirlpool = true;
if(euclid || (c->master->alt && (fullwhirlpool || c->master->alt->distance <= 2))) {
if(!euclid) generateAlts(c->master);
c->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
int dd = celldistAlt(c);
if(dd <= 0 || fullwhirlpool) {
c->land = laWhirlpool, c->wall = waSea, c->monst = moNone, c->item = itNone;
if(c->land == laCaribbean) {
if(!euclid) {
if(c->master->alt && c->master->alt->distance <= 2) {
if(!euclid) generateAlts(c->master);
c->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
int d = celldistAlt(c);
if(d <= 0)
// c->wall = waChasm;
c->wall = waSea;
else c->wall = waSea;
else {
int d = celldistAlt(c);
if(d <= 0)
c->wall = waSea;
if(c->land == laTortoise) {
using namespace tortoise;
int f = hrand(30);
if(f < 21 && ((getBits(c)>>f) & 1)) {
tflag tf = tflag(f);
// long neck and saddleback shell help with big trees
#define PSH(x,y) if(tf == x || tf == y) tf = pseudohept(c) ? x : y;
PSH(tfLongNeck, tfShell)
if(tf == tfLongNeck) c->wall = waBigTree;
if(tf == tfShell) c->wall = waBigTree;
// brown body elements help with (small) trees
PSH(tfShellHue, tfScuteHue)
if(tf == tfShellHue) c->wall = waSmallTree;
if(tf == tfScuteHue) c->wall = waSmallTree;
if(tf == tfSkinHue) c->wall = waSmallTree;
// long legs help with rocks
PSH(tfFront, tfRear)
if(tf == tfFront) c->wall = waStone;
if(tf == tfRear) c->wall = waStone;
// broad tail and desaturated shell helps with water
PSH(tfTail, tfShellSat)
if(tf == tfTail) c->wall = waSea;
if(tf == tfShellSat) c->wall = waSea;
#undef PSH
if(isHive(c->land) && hrand(2000) < 100 && !c->wall && !c->item && !c->monst) {
int nww = 0;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->wall == waWaxWall)
if(nww == 0) {
c->wall = waWaxWall;
c->monst = moNone;
c->landparam = hrand(0xFFFFFF + 1);
/* for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
if(hrand(6) < 5) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
c2->wall = waWaxWall;
c2->monst = moNone;
} */
if(c->land == laDesert) {
c->wall = RANDPAT ? waDune : waNone;
else {
if(hrand(100) < 5) {
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = createMov(c, i);
setdist(c2, d+1, c);
if(c2 && c2->land == laDesert)
c2->wall = waDune;
for(int j=0; j<2; j++) {
int i = hrand(c->type);
if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->land == laDesert)
c->mov[i]->wall = waNone;
if(hrand(300) == 1 && items[itSpice] >= 5) c->wall = waThumperOff;
if(c->land == laRedRock) {
if(randomPatternsMode) {
c->wall = waNone;
if(!ishept(c)) { if(RANDPAT) buildRedWall(c, 20); }
else {
int k = 0;
for(int i=0; i<20; i++)
if(RANDPATC(c->mov[i%7]) && !RANDPATC(c->mov[(i+1)%7]))
if(k>=4) buildRedWall(c, 20);
else if(ishept(c) && hrand(100) < 8 && !c->monst) {
buildRedWall(c, 80);
int i = hrand(7);
buildRedWall(createMovR(c, i), 33);
if(hrand(2) == 0)
buildRedWall(createMovR(createMovR(c, i), c->spn[i]+(hrand(2)?2:4)), 20);
i += 3 + hrand(2);
if(hrand(6) < 4)
buildRedWall(createMovR(c, i), 33);
if(hrand(2) == 0)
buildRedWall(createMovR(createMovR(c, i), c->spn[i]+(hrand(2)?2:4)), 20);
if(d == 8) {
if(c->land == laGridCoast) {
if(hrand(1000) < 150 && celldist(c) >= 3 && !pseudohept(c))
c->wall = waSmallTree;
int q = 0;
if(!purehepta && !chaosmode) for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++)
if(c->mov[i] && !isWarped(c->mov[i]->land) && c->mov[i]->land != laCrossroads4)
if(q == 1) c->wall = waWarpGate;
if(c->land == laGridSea) {
c->wall = waSea;
int q = 0;
if(!purehepta && !chaosmode) for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++)
if(c->mov[i] && !isWarped(c->mov[i]->land)) q++;
if(q == 1) c->wall = waWarpGate;
if(d == 8 && c->land == laOvergrown) {
if(hrand(15000) < 20 + (2 * items[itMutant] + hard) && !safety) {
c->item = itMutant;
c->landparam = items[itMutant] + 5 + hrand(11);
c->wall = waNone;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++)
if(c->mov[i] && (c->mov[i]->wall == waBigTree || c->mov[i]->wall == waSmallTree))
c->mov[i]->wall = waNone;
else if(hrand(15000) < 20 + (2 * items[itMutant] + hard) && !safety) {
// for the Yendor Challenge, use only Mutants
if(!(yendor::on && yendor::clev().l == laMirror)) {
c->monst = moForestTroll;
c->wall = waNone;
if(d == 7 && c->item == itMutant) {
if(c->monst != moMutant && isMultitile(c->monst))
c->item = itNone;
else {
c->stuntime = mutantphase;
c->monst = moMutant;
c->mondir = NODIR;
if(d == 8 && c->land == laCaribbean && !euclid) {
int mindist = 9;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
if((euclid || c2->master->alt) && celldistAlt(c2) < mindist)
mindist = celldistAlt(c2);
if(mindist == 0) beCIsland(c);
if(d == 7 && isHaunted(c->land)) {
c->wall = waNone;
c->item = itNone; c->monst = moNone;
if(hrand(100) < 25)
c->wall = hrand(2) ? waBigTree : waSmallTree;
else if(hrand(500) < 2 && ishept(c))
c->wall = hrand(10) < 3 ? waFreshGrave : waAncientGrave;
else {
if(hrand(5000) < 30)
c->item = itGreenStone;
if(hrand(4000) < 10 + items[itLotus] && !safety)
c->monst = moGhost;
int depth = getHauntedDepth(c);
if(hrand(500 + depth) < depth - items[itLotus] && !safety)
c->item = itLotus;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laRedRock && c->wall == waNone && hrand(1000) == 0)
if(d == 8 && c->land == laRose && hrand(2000) < 100 && !c->wall && !c->item && !c->monst) {
int nww = 0;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
if(c2 && c2->wall == waRose) nww++;
for(int j=0; j<c2->type; j++) {
cell *c3 = c2->mov[j];
// note: c3->land is required for Android --
// not strictly equivalent since another land there might be not yet generated
if(c3 && c3->land != laRose && c3->land) nww++;
if(nww == 0) {
c->wall = waRose;
c->monst = moNone;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laCaribbean && c->wall == waSea) {
bool coast = false;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
if(passable(c2, c, 0) && c2->wall != waBoat) coast = true;
if(coast && hrand(10) < 5) {
c->wall = waBoat;
if(items[itPirate] >= 10 && hrand(100) < 2 && !safety)
c->item = itOrbPreserve;
else if(hrand(100) < 2*PRIZEMUL && !safety)
if(d == 7 && c->land == laCaves && c->wall == waCavewall && hrand(5000) < items[itGold] + hard && !safety)
c->monst = moSeep;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laLivefjord && c->wall == waSea && hrand(5000) < 15 + items[itFjord] + hard && !safety) {
if(items[itFjord] >= 5 && hrand(100) < 20)
c->monst = moWaterElemental;
else {
c->monst = moViking;
c->wall = waBoat;
else if(d == 7 && c->land == laLivefjord && yendor::path && c->wall == waSea && hrand(5000) < 20) {
c->monst = moViking;
c->wall = waBoat;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laLivefjord && hrand(2000) < PT(50 + kills[moViking], 100) && notDippingFor(itFjord) && !safety) {
c->item = itFjord;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laLivefjord && items[itFjord] >= 10 && hrand(2000) < 2)
c->item = itOrbFish;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laLivefjord && hrand(2000) < 2*PRIZEMUL)
if(d == 7 && c->land == laLivefjord && hrand(2000) < 2)
if(d == 7 && c->land == laEmerald && c->wall == waCavewall && hrand(5000) < items[itEmerald] + hard && !safety)
c->monst = moSeep;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laDeadCaves && c->wall == waDeadwall && hrand(1000) < items[itSilver] + hard && !safety)
c->monst = moSeep;
if(d == 7 && c->wall == waVinePlant && hrand(100) < (randomPatternsMode ? 2 : 10))
c->monst = moVineSpirit;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laOcean && !safety) {
if((c->landparam >= 1 && c->landparam <= 25) || chaosmode) {
if(hrand(1000) < 5)
c->wall = waBoat;
if(hrand(1000) < PT(50 + kills[moAlbatross]/2, 150))
c->item = itCoast;
if(hrand(15000) < 10 + 2 * items[itCoast] + 2 * hard)
c->monst = moAlbatross;
if(items[itCoast] >= 10 && hrand(10000) < 5)
c->item = itOrbAir;
else if(items[itCoast] >= 10 && hrand(10000) < 6)
c->item = itOrbEmpathy;
if(hrand(10000) < 5*PRIZEMUL)
if(hrand(10000) < 5)
else if(c->landparam > 25) {
int amberbonus = items[itCoast] - 50;
// 50 => 10
if(hrand(15000) < 10 + amberbonus + 2 * hard)
c->monst = moAlbatross;
if(hrand(30000) < 20 + 2 * hard) {
c->wall = waBoat;
c->monst = moPirate;
// orbs are possible!
else if(hrand(30000) < 10 + 2 * hard)
c->monst = moCShark;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laGridSea && c->wall == waSea && !safety) {
if(hrand(12000) < 30 + 2 * items[itCoral] + hard) {
c->wall = waBoat;
c->monst = moRatling;
else if(hrand(6000) < PT(120 + min(kills[moRatling], 250), 240) && notDippingFor(itCoral)) {
c->wall = waBoat;
c->item = itCoral;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laCaribbean && c->wall == waSea && hrand(10000) < 20 + items[itPirate] + 2 * hard && !safety)
c->monst = moCShark;
if(d == 7 && c->wall == waCTree && hrand(5000) < 100 + items[itPirate] + hard)
c->monst = moParrot;
// repair the buggy walls flowing in from another land, like ice walls flowing into the Caves
if(d == 7 && c->land == laCaves && c->wall != waCavewall && c->wall != waCavefloor)
c->wall = waCavefloor;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laDeadCaves && c->wall != waDeadwall &&
c->wall != waDeadfloor && c->wall != waDeadfloor2 && c->wall != waEarthD)
c->wall = waDeadfloor2;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laCocytus && c->wall != waFrozenLake && c->wall != waLake && c->wall != waIcewall)
c->wall = waFrozenLake;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laAlchemist && c->wall != waFloorA && c->wall != waFloorB)
c->wall = waFloorA;
if(d == 3 && c->land == laMinefield && safety && (c->wall == waMineMine || c->wall == waMineUnknown))
c->wall = waMineOpen;
if(c->land == laCamelot && tactic::on && d == 0) {
int r = roundTableRadius(c);
if(r > 28 + 3 * items[itHolyGrail])
if(d == 7 && c->land == laMinefield) {
c->wall = waMineUnknown;
// 250: rare mines
// 1250: at 25
int minefreq = 0;
int treas = items[itBombEgg];
if(treas <= 10) minefreq = 250 + 30 * treas;
if(treas <= 110) minefreq = 550 + 10 * (treas-10);
else minefreq = 1550 + (treas - 110);
// experimentation says that 600 is slightly too hard to find the Orb of Yendor
if(yendor::generating || yendor::path)
if(minefreq < 550)
minefreq = 550;
int tfreq =
treas < 10 ? 50 + 5 * treas :
treas < 25 ? 100 + (treas-10) * 2:
treas < 50 ? 150 + (treas-25) :
if(hrand(5000) < minefreq)
c->wall = waMineMine;
else if(hrand(5000) < tfreq && !safety) {
c->item = itBombEgg;
c->landparam = items[itBombEgg] + 5 + hrand(11);
else if(hrand(5000) < treas - 20 + yendor::hardness() && !safety)
c->monst = moBomberbird;
else if(treas >= 10 && hrand(5000) < 10 && !safety)
c->item = itOrbFriend;
else if(hrand(5000) < 10*PRIZEMUL && !safety)
if(d == 7 && c->wall == waIcewall && c->land != laIce && c->land != laCocytus)
c->wall = waNone;
if(d == 7 && c->wall == waRed3 && c->land != laRedRock)
c->wall = waNone;
if(d == 7 && c->item == itRedGem && c->land != laRedRock)
c->item = itNone;
if(d == 7 && c->item == itRose && c->land != laRose)
c->item = itNone;
if(d == 7 && c->wall == waChasmD) {
if(d == 7 && c->wall == waEarthD) {
if(d == 7 && c->wall == waElementalD) {
// seal entrances to the Land of Power.
if(d == 7 && c->land == laPower && c->type == 7) {
bool onwall = false;
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->land == laBarrier)
onwall = true;
if(!onwall) for(int i=0; i<7; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
if(!c2) continue;
cell *c3 = c2->mov[(c->spn[i] + 3) % 6];
if(c3->land != laPower && c3->land != laBarrier)
if(c2->wall != waFire && c2->wall != waGlass) {
if(isFire(c)) c->monst = moWitchWinter;
else if(c->wall == waGlass) c->monst = moWitchGhost;
else c->monst = moEvilGolem;
if(d == 7 && passable(c, NULL, 0)) {
if(c->land == laBarrier) c->wall = waBarrier;
if(c->land == laOceanWall)
c->wall = c->type == 7 ? waBarrier : waSea;
if(d == 7 && c->land == laWhirlpool)
if(c->land == laPalace && princess::generating) {
// no Opening Plates nearby
if(d <= 7 && c->wall == waOpenPlate && !purehepta)
c->wall = waNone;
if(d <= 7 && c->wall == waClosePlate && purehepta)
c->wall = waOpenPlate;
// no monsters nearby
if(d>0) c->monst = moNone;
// no Plates or Trapdoors in the Princess cell
if(d < 3 && (c->wall == waClosePlate || c->wall == waOpenPlate || c->wall == waTrapdoor))
c->wall = waNone;
if(d > 1) c->item = itNone;
// the Princess herself
if(d == 0) {
c->monst = moPrincess;
c->hitpoints = palaceHP();
c->wall = waGiantRug;
cell *c2 = NULL;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cellwalker cw(c, i);
cwspin(cw, 4);
cwspin(cw, 2);
cwspin(cw, 4);
cwspin(cw, 2 + hrand(3));
if(!c2) c2 = cw.c;
else if(celldist(cw.c) > celldist(c2)) c2 = cw.c;
cw.c->monst = moMouse;
c2->wall = waOpenPlate;
if(d == 7 && passable(c, NULL, 0) && !safety) {
if(c->land == laIvoryTower) {
if(hrand(20000) < 20 + items[itEdge] + hard) {
c->monst = moGargoyle;
c->monst = moEdgeMonkey;
else if(c->landparam >= 14 && hrand(2000) < PT(50+kills[moGargoyle]+kills[moEdgeMonkey], 150) && !cellEdgeUnstable(c) ) {
c->item = itEdge;
if(c->land == laEndorian) {
if(c->wall == waNone && coastval(c, laEndorian) >= 10 && hrand(5000) < 10 + 2 * (items[itApple] + hard))
c->monst = moKestrel;
else if(c->wall != waNone && hrand(5000) < 10 + 2 * (items[itApple] + hard))
c->monst = moLemur;
else if(c->wall == waCanopy && !checkInTree(c, 3) && hrand(5000) < PT(300 + 5 * (kills[moKestrel] + kills[moLemur]), 750))
c->item = itApple;
if(c->land == laIce) {
if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moYeti] + kills[moWolf]), 200) && notDippingFor(itDiamond))
c->item = itDiamond;
if(hrand(8000) < 2 * (items[itDiamond] + hard))
c->monst = hrand(2) ? moYeti : moWolf;
if(c->land == laTortoise) {
if(hrand(4000) < 50 + items[itBabyTortoise]*2 && !safety) {
c->monst = moTortoise;
c->hitpoints = 3;
if((tactic::on || euclid) && hrand(4000) < 50 + items[itBabyTortoise]*2 && !safety) {
c->item = itBabyTortoise;
tortoise::babymap[c] = getBits(c) ^ tortoise::getRandomBits();
if(c->land == laPalace) {
bool lookingForPrincess0 = !euclid && c->master->alt;
bool lookingForPrincess = lookingForPrincess0 && !princess::challenge;
int hardness = lookingForPrincess ? 5 : items[itPalace] + hard;
if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moPalace] + kills[moFatGuard] + kills[moVizier] + kills[moSkeleton]), 200) && notDippingFor(itPalace) &&
c->wall != waOpenGate && !lookingForPrincess0)
c->item = itPalace;
if(items[itPalace] >= 10 && hrand(5000) < 16 && c->wall != waOpenGate)
c->item = hrand(100) < 80 ? itOrbFrog : itOrbDiscord;
if(hrand(5000) < 20*PRIZEMUL && c->wall != waOpenGate)
if(hrand(5000) < 20 && c->wall == waNone)
if(c->land == laPalace && (euclid || c->master->alt) && celldistAlt(c) <= 150 && !havemouse && !princess::generating &&
princess::getPrisonInfo(c) &&
(euclid || (princess::getPrisonInfo(c)->bestdist < 6 && princess::getPrisonInfo(c)->princess))) {
c->monst = moMouse;
addMessage(XLAT("You hear a distant squeak!"));
/* {
cell *c2= c;
c2->item = itPirate;
printf("AT %p\n", c2);
for(int i=0; i<c2->type; i++) if(c2->mov[i] && c2->mov[i]->mpdist < c2->mpdist) {
c2 = c2->mov[i];
goto z;
} */
havemouse = true;
else if(hrand(15000) < 10 + hardness) {
c->monst = moPalace;
c->hitpoints = palaceHP();
if(hrand(10 + items[itPalace] + yendor::hardness()) >= 14 && !lookingForPrincess)
c->monst = moSkeleton;
else if(hrand(20000) < hardness) {
c->monst = moFatGuard;
c->hitpoints = palaceHP();
else if(hrand(20000) < hardness - 7) {
c->monst = moVizier;
c->hitpoints = palaceHP();
else if(princess::forceVizier && from->pathdist != INF) {
c->monst = moVizier;
c->hitpoints = palaceHP();
princess::forceVizier = false;
if(c->land == laCaves) {
if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * min(kills[moTroll] + kills[moGoblin], 150), 200) && notDippingFor(itGold))
c->item = itGold;
if(hrand(8000) < 10 + 2 * (items[itGold] + hard))
c->monst = hrand(2) ? moTroll : moGoblin;
if(c->land == laLivefjord) {
if(hrand(16000) < 10 + 2 * (items[itFjord] + hard) + (yendor::path ? 90:0))
c->monst = moFjordTroll;
if(c->land == laDeadCaves) {
if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moDarkTroll] + kills[moEarthElemental]), 200) && notDippingFor(itSilver))
c->item = itSilver;
if(hrand(16000) < (items[itSilver] + hard)) {
c->monst = moEarthElemental;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(c->mov[i]->mpdist < c->mpdist) c->mondir = i;
chasmifyEarth(c); c->wall = waDeadfloor2;
else if(hrand(8000) < 60 + 8 * (items[itSilver] + hard)) {
if(hrand(100) < 25) {
else c->monst = hrand(2) ? moDarkTroll : moGoblin;
if(c->land == laDesert) {
if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moWorm] + kills[moDesertman]), 200) && notDippingFor(itSpice))
c->item = itSpice;
if(hrand(8000) < 10 + 2 * (items[itSpice] + hard) && !c->monst)
c->monst = hrand(2) ? moWorm : moDesertman,
c->mondir = NODIR;
if(c->land == laRedRock) {
if(hrand(16000) < 30+items[itRedGem]+hard && !pseudohept(c) && !c->monst && !c->wall) {
int i = -1;
for(int t=0; t<6; t++) if(c->mov[t]->mpdist > c->mpdist && !pseudohept(c->mov[t]))
i = t;
if(i != -1) {
c->monst = moHexSnake;
c->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
int len = purehepta ? 2 : ROCKSNAKELENGTH;
cell *c2 = c;
vector<cell*> rocksnake;
while(--len) {
c2->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
c2->mondir = i;
createMov(c2, i);
int j = c2->spn[i];
cell *c3 = c2->mov[i];
if(c3->monst || c3->bardir != NODIR || c3->wall) break;
c2 = c3;
c2->monst = moHexSnakeTail;
i = (j + (len%2 ? 2 : 4)) % 6;
if(size(rocksnake) < ROCKSNAKELENGTH/2 && !purehepta) {
for(int i=0; i<size(rocksnake); i++)
rocksnake[i]->monst = moNone;
else c2->mondir = NODIR;
else if(hrand(16000) < 50+items[itRedGem]+hard && (purehepta?hrand(10)<3:!ishept(c)) && !c->monst)
c->monst = moRedTroll,
c->mondir = NODIR;
if(c->land == laDragon) {
// 40 is the usual rate of dragon generation
int dchance = 40;
// but it grows to 400 if no Dragons in sight, to make it faster
if(cwt.c->land == laDragon && !havedragon)
dchance = 400;
// also, don't generate additional Dragons for newbies
else if(havedragon && items[itDragon] < 10)
dchance = 5;
if(hrand(150000) < dchance && !c->monst && (!c->wall || c->wall == waChasm)) {
havedragon = true;
// printf("dragon generated with dchance = %d\n", dchance);
vector<int> possi;
for(int t=0; t<6; t++) if(c->mov[t]->mpdist > c->mpdist) possi.push_back(t);
if(size(possi)) {
int i = possi[hrand(size(possi))];
int dragonlength = 6 + items[itDragon] / 2;
c->monst = moDragonHead; c->hitpoints = 1;
c->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
cell *c2 = c;
int len = dragonlength;
vector<cell*> dragon;
while(--len) {
c2->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
c2->mondir = i;
createMov(c2, i);
int j = c2->spn[i];
cell *c3 = c2->mov[i];
if(c3->monst || c3->bardir != NODIR || c3->wall || c3->mpdist <= 7) break;
c2 = c3;
c2->monst = moDragonTail;
c2->hitpoints = 1;
i = j + 2 + hrand(c2->type-3);
i %= c2->type;
if(size(dragon) < 5 || size(dragon) < dragonlength / 2) {
for(int i=0; i<size(dragon); i++)
dragon[i]->monst = moNone;
else c2->mondir = NODIR;
if(!c->monst && !tactic::on && !yendor::on && !euclid && hrand(4000) < 10 && !safety) {
c->item = itBabyTortoise;
tortoise::babymap[c] = getBits(c) ^ tortoise::getRandomBits();
if(c->land == laWineyard) {
if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moVineBeast] + kills[moVineSpirit]), 200) && notDippingFor(itWine))
c->item = itWine;
if(hrand(8000) < 12 * (items[itWine] + hard))
c->monst = moVineBeast;
if(c->land == laZebra) {
if(c->wall == waNone && hrand(2500) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moOrangeDog]), 300) && notDippingFor(itZebra))
c->item = itZebra;
if(hrand(10000) < 40 + 2*(items[itZebra] + hard))
c->monst = moOrangeDog;
if(isElemental(c->land) && c->land != laElementalWall) {
eItem localshard = eItem(itFireShard + (c->land - laEFire));
int danger = 5 * items[localshard] * items[localshard];
eMonster elof = elementalOf(c->land);
int elkills = PT(kills[elof], 25);
if(hrand(8000) < 12 + (items[itElemental] + danger + hard)) {
c->monst = elof;
if(c->land != laEAir) chasmifyElemental(c);
c->wall = waNone;
if(c->land == laEWater) c->wall = waSea;
else if(hrand(5000) < 100 + elkills*3 && notDippingFor(itElemental))
c->item = localshard;
else if(hrand(5000) < 10 && items[itElemental] >= 10)
c->item = itOrbSummon;
else if(hrand(5000) < 10*PRIZEMUL)
if(c->land == laEmerald) {
if(hrand(purehepta?400:1000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moMiner] + kills[moLancer] + kills[moFlailer]), 200) && notDippingFor(itEmerald)) {
// do not destroy walls!
bool ok = true;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(c->mov[i]->wall == waCavewall) ok = false;
if(ok) c->item = itEmerald;
if(hrand(8000) < 50 + 10 * (items[itEmerald] + hard)) {
static eMonster emeraldmonsters[4] = { moHedge, moLancer, moFlailer, moMiner };
c->monst = emeraldmonsters[hrand(4)];
if(c->land == laJungle) {
if(hrand(5000) < PT(25 + 2 * (kills[moIvyRoot] + kills[moMonkey]), 40) && notDippingFor(itRuby))
c->item = itRuby;
if(hrand(15000) < 5 + 1 * (items[itRuby] + hard))
c->monst = moMonkey;
else if(hrand(80000) < 5 + items[itRuby] + hard)
c->monst = moEagle;
else if(ishept(c) && c != origin.c7 && hrand(4000) < 300 + items[itRuby] && !c->monst) {
int hardchance = items[itRuby] + hard;
if(hardchance > 25) hardchance = 25;
bool hardivy = hrand(100) < hardchance;
if(hardivy ? buildIvy(c, 1, 9) : buildIvy(c, 0, c->type))
c->item = itRuby;
if(c->land == laWhirlwind) {
if(hrand(4500) < items[itWindstone] + hard)
c->monst = moWindCrow;
if(hrand(30000) < items[itWindstone] + hard - 5)
c->monst = moAirElemental;
if(c->land == laStorms) {
if(hrand(7500) < 25 + (items[itFulgurite] + hard))
c->monst = (hrand(5) ? moMetalBeast : moMetalBeast2),
c->hitpoints = 3;
if(hrand(10000) < 20 + (items[itFulgurite] + hard) && !ishept(c)) {
c->monst = moStormTroll;
if(c->land == laWildWest) {
if(hrand(25000) < 2 + (2 * items[itBounty] + hard) + (items[itRevolver] ? 150:0))
c->monst = moOutlaw;
if(hrand(1000) < PT(20 + kills[moOutlaw], 40))
c->item = itRevolver;
if(c->land == laAlchemist) {
if(hrand(5000) < PT(25 + min(kills[moSlime], 200), 100) && notDippingFor(itElixir))
c->item = itElixir;
else if(hrand(3500) < 10 + items[itElixir] + hard)
c->monst = moSlime;
if(c->land == laRose) {
if(hrand(2000) < PT(25 + min(kills[moFalsePrincess] + kills[moRoseBeauty] + kills[moRoseLady], 200), 100) && notDippingFor(itRose)) {
for(int t=0; t<c->type; t++) if(c->mov[t] && c->mov[t]->wall == waRose)
c->item = itRose;
else {
int p = hrand(10000);
if(p >= 10 + items[itRose] + hard) ;
else if(p < 10) c->monst = moFalsePrincess;
else if(p < 13) c->monst = moRoseBeauty;
else if(p < 18) c->monst = moRoseLady;
else if(p < 20) c->monst = moRoseBeauty;
else if(p < 30) c->monst = moFalsePrincess;
else if(p < 35) c->monst = moRoseLady;
else if(p < 60) c->monst = moFalsePrincess;
else if(p < 65) c->monst = moRoseBeauty;
else c->monst = moFalsePrincess;
if(c->land == laPower) {
if(hrand(5000+50*items[itPower]) < 1200) {
eItem powerorbs[6] = {
itOrbFlash, itOrbSpeed, itOrbFire, itOrbWinter, itOrbGhost, itOrbLife};
c->item = powerorbs[hrand(6)];
else if(c->type == 6 && hrand(5000) < 10)
c->wall = hrand(2) ? waMirror : waCloud;
else if(hrand(1000) < 10 + (items[itPower] ? 10:0) + (items[itPower] + hard))
c->monst = eMonster(moWitch + hrand(NUMWITCH));
if(isCrossroads(c->land)) {
if(c->type == 6 && hrand(8000) < 120 && (tactic::on && (isCrossroads(tactic::lasttactic) || items[itShard] >= 10)))
c->wall = hrand(2) ? waMirror : waCloud;
else if(c->land == laCrossroads4 && hrand(24000) < 10 && tactic::on)
c->wall = waRose;
else {
if(hyperstonesUnlocked() && hrand(25000) < PT(tkills(), 2000) && notDippingFor(itHyperstone))
c->item = itHyperstone;
if(hrand(4000) < items[itHyperstone] + 2 * items[itHolyGrail] && !c->monst) {
// only interesting monsters here!
eMonster cm = crossroadsMonster();
if(cm == moIvyRoot) buildIvy(c, 0, c->type);
else c->monst = cm;
if(cm == moWorm || cm == moTentacle)
c->mondir = NODIR;
c->hitpoints = palaceHP();
if(c->land == laMirror) {
if((purehepta?pseudohept(c):!ishept(c)) && hrand(5000) < 120 && notDippingFor(itShard))
c->wall = hrand(2) ? waMirror : waCloud;
else if(ishept(c) && hrand(5000) < 10 * PRIZEMUL)
else if(hrand(12000) < 8 + items[itShard] + hard)
c->monst = moRanger;
else if(hrand(60000) < 8 + items[itShard] + hard)
c->monst = moEagle;
if(c->land == laGraveyard) {
if(hrand(5000) < PT(30 + 2 * (kills[moZombie] + kills[moGhost] + kills[moNecromancer]), 120) && notDippingFor(itBone))
c->item = itBone;
if(hrand(20000) < 10 + items[itBone] + hard) {
eMonster grm[6] = { moZombie, moZombie, moZombie, moGhost, moGhost, moNecromancer};
c->monst = grm[hrand(6)];
if(c->land == laRlyeh) {
if(hrand(5000) < PT(30 + 2 * (kills[moCultist] + kills[moTentacle] + kills[moPyroCultist]), 100) && notDippingFor(itStatue))
c->item = itStatue;
if(hrand(8000) < 5 + items[itStatue] + hard && !c->monst)
c->monst = moTentacle, c->item = itStatue, c->mondir = NODIR;
else if(hrand(12000) < 5 + items[itStatue] + hard)
c->monst = hrand(3) ? ((hrand(40) < items[itStatue]-25) ? moCultistLeader : moCultist) : moPyroCultist;
else if(hrand(8000) < 5 + items[itStatue] + hard && c->type == 6 && !(yendor::on && (yendor::clev().flags & YF_NEAR_TENT)) && celldist(c)>=3) {
for(int t=0; t<c->type; t++) {
if(c->mov[t] && c->mov[t]->monst == moNone && (c->wall == waNone || c->wall == waColumn))
c->mov[t]->wall = ishept(c->mov[t]) ? waColumn : waNone;
if(c->mov[t]->wall == waColumn)
c->mov[t]->item = itNone;
if(buildIvy(c, 0, 3)) c->item = itStatue;
if(c->land == laTemple) {
// depth!
int d =
chaosmode ? -15 * items[itGrimoire]:
(euclid || c->master->alt) ? celldistAlt(c) : 10;
// remember: d is negative
if(chaosmode ? hrand(100) < 25 : d % TEMPLE_EACH == 0) {
if(hrand(5000) < 20 - 2*d && !c->monst)
c->monst = moTentacle, c->mondir = NODIR;
else {
// int d0 = d % TEMPLE_EACH;
// if(d0<0) d0=-d0;
if(hrand(100) < 30) // && d0 != 1 && d0 != TEMPLE_EACH-1)
c->wall = waBigStatue;
else if(hrand(20000) < -d)
c->monst = hrand(3) ? moCultist : moPyroCultist;
else if(hrand(100000) < -d)
c->monst = moCultistLeader;
else if(hrand(5000) < 250)
c->item = itGrimoire;
else if(hrand(5000) < 10 && -d > TEMPLE_EACH * 10)
c->item = itOrbDragon;
if(c->land == laClearing) {
if(pseudohept(c)) {
int d = -celldistAlt(c);
if(hrand(2500) < items[itMutant2] + hard - 10)
c->monst = moRedFox;
else if(hrand(100 + d) < d)
c->item = itMutant2;
if(c->land == laDryForest) {
if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moFireFairy]*2 + kills[moHedge]), 160) && notDippingFor(itFernFlower))
c->item = itFernFlower;
if(hrand(4000) < 40 + items[itFernFlower] + hard)
c->monst = moHedge;
else if(hrand(8000) < 2 * items[itFernFlower] + hard)
c->monst = moFireFairy;
if(c->land == laHell) {
if(hrand(6000) < PT(120 + (kills[moLesser]), 240) && notDippingFor(itHell))
c->item = itHell;
if(hrand(8000) < 40 + items[itHell] * (chaosmode?4:1) + hard)
c->monst = moLesser;
else if(hrand(24000) < 40 + items[itHell] * (chaosmode?4:1) + hard)
c->monst = moGreater;
if(c->land == laGridCoast) {
if(hrand(12000) < 20 + 2 * items[itCoral] + hard) {
c->monst = moRatling;
c->stuntime = hrand(2);
if(c->land == laCocytus) {
if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moShark] + kills[moGreaterShark] + kills[moCrystalSage]), 200) && notDippingFor(itSapphire))
c->item = itSapphire;
if(hrand(5000) < 2 * (items[itSapphire] + hard)) {
eMonster ms[3] = { moYeti, moGreaterShark, moCrystalSage };
c->monst = ms[hrand(3)];
if(c->monst == moGreaterShark) c->wall = waLake;
if(c->land == laMotion) {
if(hrand(1500) < PT(30 + kills[moRunDog], 100) && notDippingFor(itFeather))
c->item = itFeather;
if(hrand(20000) < 25 + items[itFeather] + hard) {
c->monst = moRunDog;
// preset the movement direction
// this will make the dog go in the direction of the center,
// if the player is unreachable/invisible
for(int d=0; d<c->type; d++) if(c->mov[d] == from) {
c->mondir = (d+3) % c->type;
c->wall = shmup::on ? waNone : waChasm;
if(c->land == laHive) {
if(isHive(c->land) && hrand(6000) < (hivehard() - 15))
c->monst = randomHyperbug();
/* if(hrand(1500) < 30 + (kills[moBug0] + kills[moBug1] + kills[moBug2]) && notDippingFor(itRoyalJelly))
c->item = itRoyalJelly; */
/* if(hrand(2000) < 2)
c->monst = eMonster(moBug0 + hrand(3)); */
if(c->land == laCaribbean) {
// if(hrand(1500) < 60 && celldistAlt(c) <= -5)
// c->item = itCompass;
if(hrand(16000) < 40 + (items[itPirate] + hard))
c->monst = moPirate;
if(!c->item && c->wall != waCloud && c->wall != waMirror) {
#ifndef MOBILE
if(d >= 7 && mapeditor::whichPattern)
bool wchance(int a, int of) {
of *= 10;
a += yendor::hardness() + items[itHolyGrail] + 1;
a+= items[itHyperstone] * 10;
//if(cwt.c->land == laWhirlwind && !nowhirl) a += items[itWindstone] * 3;
for(int i=0; i<ittypes; i++) if(itemclass(eItem(i)) == IC_TREASURE)
a = max(a, (items[i]-10) / 10);
return hrand(a+of) < a;
void wanderingZebra(cell *start) {
cell *c = start, *c2 = start;
for(int it=0; it<100; it++) {
if(c->cpdist == getDistLimit()) {
c->monst = moOrangeDog;
c->stuntime = 0;
int q = 0;
cell *ctab[8];
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c3 = c->mov[i];
if(c3 && c3 != c2 && c3->land == laZebra && c3->wall == waNone)
ctab[q++] = c3;
if(!q) break;
c2 = c; c = ctab[hrand(q)];
int getGhostTimer() {
return shmup::on ? (shmup::curtime - lastexplore) / 350 : turncount - lastexplore;
int getGhostcount() {
int t = getGhostTimer();
int ghostcount = 0;
if(t > 80) ghostcount = (t-80 + hrand(20)) / 20;
return ghostcount;
int getSeepcount() {
int t = getGhostTimer();
int seepcount = 0;
if(t > 40) seepcount = (t-40 + hrand(20)) / 20;
return seepcount;
bool canReachPlayer(cell *cf, eMonster m) {
vector<cell*> v;
v.push_back(cf); cf->aitmp = sval;
for(int i=0; i<size(v); i++) {
cell *c = v[i];
for(int j=0; j<c->type; j++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[j];
if(!c2) continue;
if(eq(c2->aitmp, sval)) continue;
if(!passable_for(m, c2, c, P_MONSTER | P_ONPLAYER | P_CHAIN)) continue;
if(isPlayerOn(c2)) return true;
c2->aitmp = sval; v.push_back(c2);
return false;
void wandering() {
if(!canmove) return;
int seepcount = getSeepcount();
int ghostcount = getGhostcount();
if(cwt.c->land == laZebra && cwt.c->wall == waNone && wchance(items[itZebra], 20))
while(first7 < size(dcal)) {
int i = first7 + hrand(size(dcal) - first7);
cell *c = dcal[i];
if(!c->monst) c->stuntime = 0;
if(timerghost) {
// wandering seeps & ghosts
if(seepcount && c->wall == waCavewall && !c->monst && canReachPlayer(c, moSlime)) {
c->monst = moSeep;
if(ghostcount && !c->monst) {
c->monst = moGhost;
if((c->wall == waCavewall || c->wall == waDeadwall) && !c->monst &&
wchance(items[treasureType(c->land)], 10) && canReachPlayer(c, moSlime)) {
c->monst = moSeep;
else if(c->wall == waCTree && !c->monst && wchance(items[itPirate], 15) && canReachPlayer(c, moSlime)) {
c->monst = moParrot;
else if(c->land == laEndorian && c->wall == waNone && wchance(items[itApple], 50)) {
c->monst = moKestrel;
else if(c->wall == waSea && !c->monst) {
if(c->land == laCaribbean && wchance(items[itPirate], 15) && canReachPlayer(c, moPirate)) {
c->monst = moCShark;
if(c->land == laGridSea && avengers && canReachPlayer(c, moPirate)) {
c->monst = moRatlingAvenger;
c->wall = waBoat;
if(cheater) printf("avenger comes\n");
if(c->land == laGridSea && wchance(items[itCoral], 25) && canReachPlayer(c, moPirate)) {
c->monst = moRatling;
c->wall = waBoat;
if(c->land == laOcean && (items[itCoast] > 50 || (cwt.c->landparam < 25 && c->landparam < 25)) && wchance(items[itCoast], 25) && canReachPlayer(c, moEagle)) {
c->monst = moAlbatross;
if(c->land == laLivefjord && wchance(items[itFjord], 80) && items[itFjord] >= 10 && canReachPlayer(c, moWaterElemental)) {
c->monst = moWaterElemental;
else if(c->monst || c->pathdist == INFD) break;
else if(c->land == laClearing && wchance(items[itMutant2], 150) && items[itMutant2] >= 15 && !c->monst && c->type == 7)
c->monst = moRedFox;
else if(hrand(50) < statuecount * statuecount)
c->monst = moCultistLeader;
else if(c->land == laIce && wchance(items[itDiamond], 10))
c->monst = hrand(2) ? moWolf : moYeti;
else if(c->land == laDesert && wchance(items[itSpice], 10))
c->monst = hrand(10) ? moDesertman : moWorm;
else if(c->land == laDragon && (items[itDragon] >= 8 || items[itOrbYendor]) && wchance(items[itDragon], 20))
c->monst = moFireElemental;
else if(c->land == laRedRock && wchance(items[itRedGem], 10))
c->monst = hrand(10) ? moRedTroll : moHexSnake;
else if(c->land == laCaves && wchance(items[itGold], 5))
c->monst = hrand(3) ? moTroll : moGoblin;
else if(c->land == laHive && wchance(hivehard(), 25))
c->monst = randomHyperbug();
else if(c->land == laDeadCaves && wchance(items[itSilver], 5))
c->monst = hrand(20) ? (hrand(3) ? moDarkTroll : moGoblin) : moEarthElemental;
else if(c->land == laJungle && wchance(items[itRuby], 40))
c->monst = hrand(10) ? moMonkey : moEagle;
else if(c->land == laMirror && wchance(items[itShard], 15))
c->monst = hrand(10) ? moRanger : moEagle;
else if(c->land == laGridCoast && wchance(items[itCoral], 40))
c->monst = moRatling;
else if(c->land == laRose && wchance(items[itRose], 25))
c->monst = moFalsePrincess;
else if(c->land == laHell && wchance(items[itHell], 20))
c->monst = hrand(3) ? moLesser : moGreater;
else if(c->land == laStorms && wchance(items[itFulgurite], 30)) {
c->monst = hrand(3) ? moMetalBeast : moStormTroll;
c->hitpoints = 3;
else if(c->land == laWhirlwind && wchance(items[itWindstone], 30))
c->monst = hrand(5) ? moWindCrow : moAirElemental;
else if(c->land == laWildWest && wchance(items[itBounty], 30))
c->monst = moOutlaw;
else if(c->land == laEndorian && c->wall == waTrunk && wchance(items[itApple], 30))
c->monst = moLemur;
else if(c->land == laOvergrown && wchance(items[itMutant], 50))
c->monst = moForestTroll;
else if(c->land == laCaribbean && wchance(items[itPirate], 30))
c->monst = moPirate;
else if(c->land == laRlyeh && wchance(items[itStatue], 15))
c->monst = hrand(3) ? moPyroCultist :
(hrand(40) < items[itStatue]-25) ? moCultistLeader : moCultist;
else if(c->land == laGraveyard && wchance(items[itBone], 15))
c->monst = hrand(5) ? moGhost : moNecromancer;
else if(isHaunted(c->land) && wchance(items[itLotus], 15))
c->monst = moGhost;
else if(c->land == laDryForest && wchance(items[itFernFlower], 5))
c->monst = hrand(5) ? moHedge : moFireFairy;
else if(c->land == laCocytus && wchance(items[itSapphire], 45))
c->monst = moCrystalSage;
else if(c->land == laAlchemist && wchance(items[itElixir], 3) && canReachPlayer(c, moSlime) && c->item == itNone)
c->monst = moSlime; // ?
else if(isElemental(c->land) && wchance(items[itElemental], 20))
c->monst = elementalOf(c->land);
else if(c->land == laIvoryTower && wchance(items[itEdge], 20))
c->monst = moGargoyle;
else if(c->land == laIvoryTower && wchance(items[itApple], 20))
c->monst = c->wall == waTrunk ? moLemur : moGargoyle;
else if(c->land == laMinefield && wchance(items[itBombEgg]-20, 400))
c->monst = moBomberbird;
else if(c->land == laEmerald && wchance(items[itEmerald], 5)) {
static eMonster m[4] = {moHedge, moLancer, moMiner, moFlailer};
c->monst = m[hrand(4)];
else if(c->land == laWineyard && wchance(items[itWine], 10)) {
c->monst = moVineBeast;
else if(c->land == laPalace && wchance(items[itPalace], 50)) {
if(princess::dist(c) < OUT_OF_PRISON && !princess::challenge) break;
if(items[itPalace] >= 15 && hrand(100) < 10)
c->monst = moVizier;
else if(items[itPalace] >= 5 && hrand(100) < 50)
c->monst = hrand(2) ? moFatGuard : moSkeleton;
else c->monst = moPalace;
c->hitpoints = palaceHP();
else if(c->land == laLivefjord && wchance(items[itFjord], 10)) {
c->monst = moViking;
else if(c->land == laOcean && wchance(items[itCoast], 100)) {
c->monst = moAlbatross;
else if(c->land == laPower && wchance(items[itPower], 10)) {
c->monst = eMonster(moWitch + hrand(NUMWITCH));
else if(c->land == laCamelot && hrand(30) == 0 && (euclid || c->master->alt) && celldistAltRelative(c) < 0) {
eMonster m[3] = { moHedge, moLancer, moFlailer };
c->monst = m[hrand(3)];
else if(isCrossroads(c->land) && items[itHyperstone] && wchance(items[itHyperstone], 20)) {
c->monst = wanderingCrossroadsMonster();
c->hitpoints = palaceHP();
else break;
if(c->monst == moWorm || c->monst == moHexSnake) c->mondir = NODIR;
// laMotion -> no respawn!
void generateAlts(heptagon *h) {
if(!h->alt) return;
h->c7->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) if(h->c7->mov[i])
h->c7->mov[i]->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
for(int i=0; i<7; i++)
createStep(h->alt, i)->alt = h->alt->alt;
int relspin = -4; // for horocycles it must go the other way
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) for(int j=0; j<7; j++) {
createStep(h, i);
if(h->move[i]->alt == h->alt->move[j])
relspin = (i-j+7) % 7;
if(relspin == -4) {
if(h->alt != h->alt->alt) {
printf("relspin {%p:%p}\n", h->alt, h->alt->alt);
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) printf("%p ", h->alt->move[i]); printf(" ALT\n");
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) printf("%p ", h->move[i]); printf(" REAL\n");
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) printf("%p ", h->move[i]->alt); printf(" REAL ALT\n");
relspin = 3;
// h[relspin] matches alt[0]
//printf("{%d~%d}\n", h->distance, h->alt->distance);
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) {
int ir = (7+i-relspin)%7;
heptagon *hm = h->alt->move[ir];
heptagon *ho = createStep(h, i);
// printf("[%p:%d ~ %p:%d] %p ~ %p\n",
// h, i, h->alt, ir,
// ho, hm);
if(ho->alt && ho->alt != hm) {
if(ho->alt->alt == hm->alt) {
printf("ERROR: alt cross! [%d -> %d]\n", ho->alt->distance, hm->distance);
// exit(1);
ho->alt = hm;
heptagon *createAlternateMap(cell *c, int rad, hstate firststate, int special) {
// check for direction
int gdir = -1;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->mpdist < c->mpdist) gdir = i;
if(gdir < 0) return NULL;
// check for non-crossing
int bd = 2;
cellwalker bb(c, bd);
if(!(checkBarriersFront(bb) && checkBarriersBack(bb))) {
return NULL;
// okay, let's go then!
cellwalker bf(c, gdir);
cell *cx[rad+1];
for(int i=0; i<rad; i++) {
cx[i] = bf.c;
if(bf.c->type == 6)
cwspin(bf, 3);
cwspin(bf, 3 + hrand(2));
cx[rad] = bf.c;
heptagon *h = bf.c->master;
if(special == waPalace) {
// type 7 is ensured
cell *c = bf.c;
if(cdist50(c) != 0) return NULL;
if(polarb50(c) != 1) return NULL;
heptagon *alt = new heptagon;
//printf("new alt {%p}\n", alt);
alt->s = firststate;
alt->emeraldval = 0;
alt->zebraval = 0;
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) alt->move[i] = NULL;
alt->distance = 0;
alt->c7 = NULL;
alt->alt = alt;
h->alt = alt;
for(int d=rad; d>=0; d--) {
cx[d]->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
if(special == waPalace) {
cell *c = bf.c;
princess::generating = true;
c->land = laPalace;
for(int j=BARLEV; j>=0; j--)
setdist(c, j, NULL);
princess::generating = false;
princess::forceMouse = false;
if(princess::gotoPrincess && cheater) princess::gotoPrincess=false, cwt.c = c;
return alt;
//for(int d=rad; d>=0; d--) printf("%3d. %p {%d}\n", d, cx[d]->master, cx[d]->master->alt->distance);