mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2024-06-18 11:19:59 +00:00
Arthur O'Dwyer dae6b9e3d3 Consistently use "space" for the "pop this menu" option in all submenus.
The "pop this menu" option's *text* is still highly variable among all
the different menus, which could make it hard to navigate, but at least
if you're using the keyboard it's now easy to "go back".

Plus, the rogueviz menu incorrectly reported "(v) exit menu" when actually
`v` was already in use by an earlier option. This is now fixed.
2017-10-30 18:48:14 -07:00

348 lines
9.9 KiB

namespace scores {
vector<score> scores;
score *currentgame;
int scoresort = 2;
int scoredisplay = 1;
int scorefrom = 0;
bool scorerev = false;
bool scorecompare(const score& s1, const score &s2) {
return s1.box[scoresort] > s2.box[scoresort];
bool fakescore() {
return fakebox[scoredisplay];
string csub(const string& str, int q) {
int i = 0;
for(int j=0; j<q && i<size(str); j++) getnext(str.c_str(), i);
return str.substr(0, i);
int colwidth() {
if(scoredisplay == 0) return 5;
if(scoredisplay == 1) return 16;
if(scoredisplay == 5) return 8;
if(scoredisplay == POSSCORE) return 8;
return 4;
bool isHardcore(score *S) {
return S->box[117] && S->box[118] < PUREHARDCORE_LEVEL;
int modediff(score *S) {
int diff = 0;
eGeometry g = (eGeometry) S->box[116];
if(S->box[306] != inv::on) diff += 4;
if(S->box[238]) g = gSphere;
if(S->box[239]) g = gElliptic;
if(max(S->box[197], 1) != multi::players) diff += 8;
if(S->box[186] != purehepta) diff += 16;
if(S->box[196] != chaosmode) diff += 32;
if(S->box[119] != shmup::on) diff += 64;
if(pureHardcore() && !isHardcore(S)) diff += 128;
if(g != gNormal && S->box[120] != specialland)
diff += 256;
if(g != geometry) {
diff += 512;
return -diff;
string modedesc(score *S) {
eGeometry g = (eGeometry) S->box[116];
if(S->box[238]) g = gSphere;
if(S->box[239]) g = gElliptic;
string s = geometrynames_short[g];
if(g != gNormal) s += " " + csub(XLATT1((eLand) S->box[120]), 3);
if(S->box[186]) s += "/7";
if(S->box[196]) s += "/C";
if(S->box[119]) s += "/s";
if(S->box[197] > 1) s += "/P" + its(S->box[197]);
if(S->box[306]) s += "/i";
if(isHardcore(S)) s += "/h";
return s;
string displayfor(score* S, bool shorten = false) {
// printf("S=%p, scoredisplay = %d\n", S, scoredisplay);
if(S == NULL) {
if(scoredisplay == POSSCORE) return "mode";
string str = XLATN(boxname[scoredisplay]);
if(!shorten) return str;
if(scoredisplay == 0 || scoredisplay == 65) return XLAT("time");
if(scoredisplay == 2) return "$$$";
if(scoredisplay == 3) return XLAT("kills");
if(scoredisplay == 4) return XLAT("turns");
if(scoredisplay == 5) return XLAT("cells");
if(scoredisplay == 67) return XLAT("cheats");
if(scoredisplay == 66) return XLAT("saves");
if(scoredisplay == 197) return XLAT("players");
return csub(str, 5);
if(scoredisplay == 0 || scoredisplay == 65) {
char buf[20];
int t = S->box[0];
if(t >= 3600)
snprintf(buf, 20, "%d:%02d:%02d", t/3600, (t/60)%60, t%60);
snprintf(buf, 20, "%d:%02d", t/60, t%60);
return buf;
if(scoredisplay == POSSCORE) return modedesc(S);
if(scoredisplay == 1) {
time_t tim = S->box[1];
char buf[128]; strftime(buf, 128, "%c", localtime(&tim));
return buf;
return its(S->box[scoredisplay]);
vector<pair<string, int> > pickscore_options;
void sortScores() {
if(scorerev) reverse(scores.begin(), scores.end());
else {
scorerev = true;
scoresort = scoredisplay;
stable_sort(scores.begin(), scores.end(), scorecompare);
int curcol;
vector<int> columns;
bool monsterpage = false;
void showPickScores() {
int d = scoredisplay = columns[curcol];
scorerev = false;
for(int i=0; i<=POSSCORE; i++) {
scoredisplay = i;
if(!fakescore()) {
string s = displayfor(NULL);
if(monsbox[scoredisplay] == monsterpage)
pickscore_options.push_back(make_pair(s, i));
sort(pickscore_options.begin(), pickscore_options.end());
int q = (int) pickscore_options.size();
int percolumn = vid.yres / (vid.fsize+3) - 4;
int qcolumns = 1 + (q-1) / percolumn;
for(int i=0; i<q; i++) {
int x = 16 + (vid.xres * (i/percolumn)) / qcolumns;
int y = (vid.fsize+3) * (i % percolumn) + vid.fsize*2;
scoredisplay = pickscore_options[i].second;
if(q <= 9)
pickscore_options[i].first = pickscore_options[i].first + " [" + its(i+1) + "]";
displayButton(x, y, pickscore_options[i].first, 1000+i, 0);
displayButton(vid.xres/2, vid.yres - vid.fsize*2, "kills", '/', 8);
scoredisplay = d;
mouseovers = mapeditor::infix;
keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) {
if(uni == '/' && mapeditor::infix == "") monsterpage = !monsterpage; else
if(uni >= '1' && uni <= '9') uni = uni + 1000 - '1';
else if(uni >= 1000 && uni < 1000 + size(pickscore_options)) {
scoredisplay = pickscore_options[uni - 1000].second;
for(int i=0; i<=POSSCORE; i++)
if(columns[i] == scoredisplay) swap(columns[i], columns[curcol]);
else if(mapeditor::editInfix(uni)) ;
else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) popScreen();
void show() {
if(columns.size() == 0) {
for(int i=0; i<POSSCORE; i++) columns.push_back(i);
int y = vid.fsize * 5/2;
int bx = vid.fsize;
getcstat = 0;
displaystr(bx*4, vid.fsize, 0, vid.fsize, "#", forecolor, 16);
displaystr(bx*8, vid.fsize, 0, vid.fsize, XLAT("ver"), forecolor, 16);
int at = 9;
for(int i=0; i<=POSSCORE; i++) {
scoredisplay = columns[i];
if(bx*at > vid.xres) break;
if(displaystr(bx*at, vid.fsize, 0, vid.fsize, displayfor(NULL, true), i == curcol ? 0xFFD500 : forecolor, 0))
getcstat = 1000+i;
at += colwidth();
if(scorefrom < 0) scorefrom = 0;
int id = 0;
int omit = scorefrom;
int rank = 0;
while(y < (ISMOBILE ? vid.yres - 5*vid.fsize : vid.yres - 2 * vid.fsize)) {
if(id >= size(scores)) break;
score& S(scores[id]);
if(omit) { omit--; rank++; id++; continue; }
bool cur = S.box[MAXBOX-1];
if(cur) {
for(int i=0; i<POSSCORE; i++) S.box[i] = savebox[i];
S.box[0] = S.box[65];
int col = cur ? 0xFFD500 : 0xC0C0C0;
displaystr(bx*4, y, 0, vid.fsize, its(rank), col, 16);
displaystr(bx*8, y, 0, vid.fsize, S.ver, col, 16);
int at = 9;
for(int i=0; i<=POSSCORE; i++) {
scoredisplay = columns[i];
if(bx*at > vid.xres) break;
at += colwidth();
if(displaystr(bx*(at-1), y, 0, vid.fsize, displayfor(&S), col, 16))
getcstat = 1000+i;
y += vid.fsize*5/4; id++;
int i0 = vid.yres - vid.fsize;
int xr = vid.xres / 80;
displayButton(xr*10, i0, IFM("s - ") + XLAT("sort"), 's', 8);
displayButton(xr*30, i0, IFM("t - ") + XLAT("choose"), 't', 8);
displayButton(xr*50, i0, IFM(dialog::keyname(' ') + " - ") + XLAT("play"), '0', 8);
keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) {
if(sym == SDLK_LEFT || sym == SDLK_KP4 || sym == 'h' || sym == 'a') {
if(curcol > 0) curcol--;
else if(sym == SDLK_RIGHT || sym == SDLK_KP6 || sym == 'l' || sym == 'd') {
if(curcol < POSSCORE) curcol++;
else if(sym >= 1000 && sym <= 1000+POSSCORE)
curcol = sym - 1000;
else if(sym == 't') { mapeditor::infix = ""; pushScreen(showPickScores); }
else if(sym == SDLK_UP || sym == 'k' || sym == 'w')
scorefrom -= 5;
else if(sym == SDLK_DOWN || sym == 'j' || sym == 'x')
scorefrom += 5;
else if(sym == PSEUDOKEY_WHEELUP)
else if(sym == 's') sortScores();
else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) popScreen();
static int scoredragy;
static bool lclicked;
if(mousepressed) {
if(!lclicked) {
// scoredragx = mousex;
scoredragy = mousey;
else {
while(mousey > scoredragy + vid.fsize) scoredragy += vid.fsize, scorefrom--;
while(mousey < scoredragy - vid.fsize) scoredragy -= vid.fsize, scorefrom++;
lclicked = mousepressed;
void load() {
FILE *f = fopen(scorefile, "rt");
if(!f) {
printf("Could not open the score file '%s'!\n", scorefile);
addMessage(s0 + "Could not open the score file: " + scorefile);
while(!feof(f)) {
char buf[120];
if(fgets(buf, 120, f) == NULL) break;
if(buf[0] == 'H' && buf[1] == 'y') {
score sc; bool ok = true;
sc.box[MAXBOX-1] = 0;
{if(fscanf(f, "%s", buf) <= 0) break;} sc.ver = buf;
for(int i=0; i<MAXBOX; i++) {
if(fscanf(f, "%d", &sc.box[i]) <= 0) { boxid = i; break; }
for(int i=boxid; i<MAXBOX; i++) sc.box[i] = 0;
if(!verless(sc.ver, "4.4")) {
sc.box[0] = sc.box[65];
// the first executable on Steam included a corruption
if(sc.box[65] > 1420000000 && sc.box[65] < 1430000000) {
sc.box[0] = sc.box[65] - sc.box[1];
sc.box[65] = sc.box[0];
// do not include saves
if(sc.box[65 + 4 + itOrbSafety - itOrbLightning]) ok = false;
sc.box[0] = sc.box[1] - sc.box[0]; // could not save then
if(sc.box[2] == 0) continue; // do not list zero scores
sc.box[POSSCORE] = modediff(&sc);
if(ok && boxid > 20) scores.push_back(sc);
score sc;
for(int i=0; i<POSSCORE; i++) sc.box[i] = savebox[i];
sc.box[POSSCORE] = 0;
sc.box[MAXBOX-1] = 1; sc.ver = "NOW";
// addMessage(its(size(scores))+" games have been recorded in "+scorefile);
boxid = 0; applyBoxes();
reverse(scores.begin(), scores.end());
scorefrom = 0;
scoresort = 2; stable_sort(scores.begin(), scores.end(), scorecompare);
scoresort = POSSCORE; stable_sort(scores.begin(), scores.end(), scorecompare);