mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 14:27:04 +00:00
751 lines
25 KiB
751 lines
25 KiB
string help;
function<void()> help_delegate;
string buildHelpText() {
DEBB(DF_GRAPH, (debugfile,"buildHelpText\n"));
if(rogueviz::on) return rogueviz::makehelp();
string h;
h += XLAT("Welcome to HyperRogue");
h += XLAT(" for Android");
h += XLAT(" for iOS");
h += XLAT("! (version %1)\n\n", VER);
h += XLAT(
"You have been trapped in a strange, non-Euclidean world. Collect as much treasure as possible "
"before being caught by monsters. The more treasure you collect, the more "
"monsters come to hunt you, as long as you are in the same land type. The "
"Orbs of Yendor are the ultimate treasure; get at least one of them to win the game!"
h += XLAT(" (press ESC for some hints about it).");
h += "\n\n";
if(!shmup::on && !hardcore)
h += XLAT(
"You can fight most monsters by moving into their location. "
"The monster could also kill you by moving into your location, but the game "
"automatically cancels all moves which result in that.\n\n"
h += XLAT(
h += XLAT(
"There are many lands in HyperRogue. Collect 10 treasure "
"in the given land type to complete it; this enables you to "
"find the magical Orbs of this land, and in some cases "
"get access to new lands. At 25 treasures "
"this type of Orbs starts appearing in other lands as well. Press 'o' to "
"get the details of all the Lands.\n\n");
h += "\n\n";
h += XLAT(
"Usually, you move by touching somewhere on the map; you can also touch one "
"of the four buttons on the map corners to change this (to scroll the map "
"or get information about map objects). You can also touch the "
"numbers displayed to get their meanings.\n"
h += XLAT(
"Move with mouse, num pad, qweadzxc, or hjklyubn. Wait by pressing 's' or '.'. Spin the world with arrows, PageUp/Down, and Home/Space. "
"To save the game you need an Orb of Safety. Press 'v' for the main menu (configuration, special modes, etc.), ESC for the quest status.\n\n"
h += XLAT(
"You can right click any element to get more information about it.\n\n"
h += XLAT("(You can also use right Shift)\n\n");
h += XLAT("See more on the website: ")
+ "http//roguetemple.com/z/hyper/\n\n";
h += XLAT("Try the Tutorial to help with understanding the "
"geometry of HyperRogue (menu -> special modes).\n\n");
h += XLAT("Still confused? Read the FAQ on the HyperRogue website!\n\n");
return h;
string buildCredits() {
string h;
h += XLAT("game design, programming, texts and graphics by Zeno Rogue <zeno@attnam.com>\n\n");
if(lang() != 0)
h += XLAT("add credits for your translation here");
h += XLAT(
"released under GNU General Public License version 2 and thus "
"comes with absolutely no warranty; see COPYING for details\n\n"
h += XLAT(
"special thanks to the following people for their bug reports, feature requests, porting, and other help:\n\n%1\n\n",
"Konstantin Stupnik, ortoslon, chrysn, Adam Borowski, Damyan Ivanov, Ryan Farnsley, mcobit, Darren Grey, tricosahedron, Maciej Chojecki, Marek Čtrnáct, "
"wonderfullizardofoz, Piotr Migdał, tehora, Michael Heerdegen, Sprite Guard, zelda0x181e, Vipul, snowyowl0, Patashu, phenomist, Alan Malloy, Tom Fryers, Sinquetica, _monad, CtrlAltDestroy, jruderman, "
"Kojiguchi Kazuki, baconcow"
h += XLAT(
"\n\nSee sounds/credits.txt for credits for sound effects"
if(musiclicense != "") h += musiclicense;
return h;
string pushtext(stringpar p) {
string s = XLAT(
"\n\nNote: when pushing %the1 off a heptagonal cell, you can control the pushing direction "
"by clicking left or right half of the heptagon.", p);
s += XLAT(" With the keyboard, you can rotate the view for a similar effect (Page Up/Down).");
return s;
string princedesc() {
if(princessgender() == GEN_M)
return XLAT("Apparently a prince is kept locked somewhere, but you won't ever find him in this hyperbolic palace. ");
return XLAT("Apparently a princess is kept locked somewhere, but you won't ever find her in this hyperbolic palace. ");
string helptitle(string s, int col) {
return "@" + its(col) + "\t" + s + "\n";
string princessReviveHelp() {
if(inv::on) return "";
string h = "\n\n" +
XLAT("Killed %1 can be revived with Orb of the Love, after you collect 20 more $$$.", moPrincess);
h += "\n\n" +
XLAT("%The1 will be revivable at %2 $$$", moPrincess, its(princess::reviveAt));
return h;
void describeOrb(string& help, const orbinfo& oi) {
if(inv::on) return;
eOrbLandRelation olr = getOLR(oi.orb, getPrizeLand());
eItem tr = treasureType(oi.l);
help += "\n\n" + XLAT(olrDescriptions[olr], cwt.c->land, tr, treasureType(cwt.c->land));
int t = items[tr] * landMultiplier(oi.l);
if(t >= 25)
if(olr == olrPrize25 || olr == olrPrize3 || olr == olrGuest || olr == olrMonster || olr == olrAlways) {
help += XLAT("\nSpawn rate (as prize Orb): %1%/%2\n",
its(int(.5 + 100 * orbprizefun(t))),
if(t >= 10)
if(olr == olrHub) {
help += XLAT("\nSpawn rate (in Hubs): %1%/%2\n",
its(int(.5 + 100 * orbcrossfun(t))),
string generateHelpForItem(eItem it) {
string help = helptitle(XLATN(iinf[it].name), iinf[it].color);
help += XLAT(iinf[it].help);
if(it == itSavedPrincess || it == itOrbLove) if(!inv::on)
help += princessReviveHelp();
if(it == itTrollEgg)
help += XLAT("\n\nAfter the Trolls leave, you have 750 turns to collect %the1, or it gets stolen.", it);
if(it == itIvory || it == itAmethyst || it == itLotus || it == itMutant) {
help += XLAT(
"\n\nEasy %1 might disappear when you collect more of its kind.", it);
if(it != itMutant) help += XLAT(
" You need to go deep to collect lots of them.");
if(it == itOrbSafety)
help += XLAT("This might be very useful for devices with limited memory.");
if(it == itOrbSafety)
help += XLAT("Thus, it is potentially useful for extremely long games, which would eat all the memory on your system otherwise.\n");
if(isRangedOrb(it)) {
help += XLAT("\nThis is a ranged Orb. ");
help += XLAT("\nRanged Orbs can be targeted by long touching the desired location.");
help += XLAT("\nRanged Orbs can be targeted by touching the desired location.");
help += XLAT("\nRanged Orbs can be targeted by shift-clicking the desired location. ");
help += XLAT("\nRanged Orbs can be targeted by clicking the desired location. ");
help += XLAT("You can also scroll to the desired location and then press 't'.");
help += XLAT("\nYou can never target cells which are adjacent to the player character, or ones out of the sight range.");
if(it == itGreenStone)
help += XLAT("You can touch the Dead Orb in your inventory to drop it.");
if(it == itGreenStone)
help += XLAT("You can press 'g' or click them in the list to drop a Dead Orb.");
if(it == itOrbLightning || it == itOrbFlash)
help += XLAT("\n\nThis Orb is triggered on your first attack or illegal move.");
if(it == itOrbShield)
help += XLAT("\n\nThis Orb protects you from attacks, scents, and insulates you "
"from electricity. It does not let you go through deadly terrain, but "
"if you are attacked with fire, it lets you stay in place in it.");
if(it == itOrbEmpathy) {
int cnt = 0;
for(int i=0; i<ittypes; i++) {
eItem it2 = eItem(i);
if(isEmpathyOrb(it2)) {
help += XLAT(cnt ? ", %1" : " %1", it2);
if(inv::on) {
if(it == itOrbYendor || it == itHell) {
help += XLAT(
"\n\nIn the Orb Strategy Mode, Orbs of Yendor appear in Hell after "
"you collect 25 Demon Daisies in Hell, in Crossroads/Ocean after you collect 50, "
"and everywhere after you collect 100.");
/* if(it == itBone || it == itGreenStone) {
help += XLAT(
"\n\nIn the Orb Strategy Mode, dead orbs are available once you collect "
"10 Necromancer Totems in the Graveyard."
} */
if(it == itFeather || it == itOrbSafety) {
help += XLAT(
"\n\nIn the Orb Strategy Mode, Orbs of Safety can be gained by "
"collecting Phoenix Feathers in the Land of Eternal Motion. "
"You can also find unlimited Orbs of Safety in the Crossroads "
"and the Ocean (after collecting 25 Phoenix Feathers) "
"and in the Prairie."
if(it == itOrbYendor || it == itHolyGrail)
help += XLAT(
"\n\nCollect %the1 to gain an extra Orb of the Mirror. "
"You can gain further Orbs of the Mirror by collecting 2, 4, 8..."
if(it == itOrbLuck)
help += XLAT(
"\n\nIn the Orb Strategy Mode, the Orb of Luck also "
"significantly increases the frequency of Great Walls, Crossroads IV, "
"and sub-lands."
if(it == itBone)
help += XLAT(
"\n\nIn the Orb Strategy Mode, each 25 Necromancer's Totems "
"you are given a random offensive Orb."
if(itemclass(it) == IC_ORB || it == itGreenStone || it == itOrbYendor) {
for(int i=0; i<ORBLINES; i++) {
const orbinfo& oi(orbinfos[i]);
if(oi.orb == it) describeOrb(help, oi);
if(itemclass(it) == IC_TREASURE) {
for(int i=0; i<ORBLINES; i++) {
const orbinfo& oi(orbinfos[i]);
if(treasureType(oi.l) == it) {
if(oi.gchance > 0) {
help += XLAT("\n\nOrb unlocked: %1", oi.orb);
describeOrb(help, oi);
else if(oi.l == cwt.c->land || inv::on) {
help += XLAT("\n\nSecondary orb: %1", oi.orb);
describeOrb(help, oi);
return help;
void addMinefieldExplanation(string& s) {
s += XLAT(
"\n\nOnce you collect 10 Bomberbird Eggs, "
"stepping on a cell with no adjacent mines also reveals the adjacent cells. "
"Collecting even more Eggs will increase the radius. Additionally, collecting "
"25 Bomberbird Eggs will reveal adjacent cells even in your future games."
s += "\n\n";
s += XLAT("Known mines may be marked by pressing 'm'. Your allies won't step on marked mines.");
s += XLAT("Known mines may be marked by touching while in drag mode. Your allies won't step on marked mines.");
string generateHelpForWall(eWall w) {
string s = helptitle(XLATN(winf[w].name), winf[w].color);
s += XLAT(winf[w].help);
if(w == waMineMine || w == waMineUnknown || w == waMineOpen)
if(isThumper(w)) s += pushtext(w);
if((w == waClosePlate || w == waOpenPlate) && purehepta)
s += "\n\n(For the heptagonal mode, the radius has been reduced to 2 for closing plates.)";
return s;
void buteol(string& s, int current, int req) {
int siz = size(s);
if(s[siz-1] == '\n') s.resize(siz-1);
char buf[100]; sprintf(buf, " (%d/%d)", current, req);
s += buf; s += "\n";
string generateHelpForMonster(eMonster m) {
string s = helptitle(XLATN(minf[m].name), minf[m].color);
if(m == moPlayer) {
if(tour::on || peace::on)
return s+XLAT(
"A tourist from another world. They mutter something about the 'tutorial', "
"and claim that they are here just to learn, and to leave without any treasures. "
"Do not kill them!"
s += XLAT(
"This monster has come from another world, presumably to steal our treasures. "
"Not as fast as an Eagle, not as resilient as the guards from the Palace, "
"and not as huge as the Mutant Ivy from the Clearing; however, "
"they are very dangerous because of their intelligence, "
"and access to magical powers.\n\n");
s += XLAT("Actually, their powers appear god-like...\n\n");
else if(!hardcore)
s += XLAT(
"Rogues will never make moves which result in their immediate death. "
"Even when cornered, they are able to instantly teleport back to their "
"home world at any moment, taking the treasures forever... but "
"at least they will not steal anything further!\n\n"
s += XLAT(
"Despite this intelligence, Rogues appear extremely surprised "
"by the most basic facts about geometry. They must come from "
"some really strange world.\n\n"
s += XLAT("In the Shoot'em Up mode, you are armed with thrown Knives.");
return s;
s += XLAT(minf[m].help);
if(m == moPalace || m == moSkeleton)
s += pushtext(m);
if(m == moTroll) s += XLAT(trollhelp2);
s += XLAT("\n\nThis is a part of a monster. It does not count for your total kills.", m);
s += XLAT("\n\nThis is a friendly being. It does not count for your total kills.", m);
if(m == moTortoise)
s += XLAT("\n\nTortoises are not monsters! They are just annoyed. They do not count for your total kills.", m);
s += XLAT("\n\nA Ghost never moves to a cell which is adjacent to another Ghost of the same kind.", m);
if(m == moBat || m == moEagle)
s += XLAT("\n\nFast flying creatures may attack or go against gravity only in their first move.", m);
return s;
string generateHelpForLand(eLand l) {
string s = helptitle(XLATN(linf[l].name), linf[l].color);
if(l == laPalace) s += princedesc();
s += XLAT(linf[l].help);
if(l == laMinefield) addMinefieldExplanation(s);
s += "\n\n";
if(l == laIce || l == laCaves || l == laDesert || l == laMotion || l == laJungle ||
l == laCrossroads || l == laAlchemist)
s += XLAT("Always available.\n");
#define ACCONLY(z) s += XLAT("Accessible only from %the1.\n", z);
#define ACCONLY2(z,x) s += XLAT("Accessible only from %the1 or %the2.\n", z, x);
#define ACCONLYF(z) s += XLAT("Accessible only from %the1 (until finished).\n", z);
#define TREQ(z) { s += XLAT("Treasure required: %1 $$$.\n", its(z)); buteol(s, gold(), z); }
#define TREQ2(z,x) { s += XLAT("Treasure required: %1 x %2.\n", its(z), x); buteol(s, items[x], z); }
if(l == laMirror || l == laMinefield || l == laPalace ||
l == laOcean || l == laLivefjord || l == laZebra || l == laWarpCoast || l == laWarpSea ||
l == laReptile || l == laIvoryTower)
s += XLAT("Coastal region -- connects inland and aquatic regions.\n");
s += XLAT("Aquatic region -- accessible only from coastal regions and other aquatic regions.\n");
if(l == laWhirlpool) ACCONLY(laOcean)
if(l == laRlyeh) ACCONLYF(laOcean)
if(l == laTemple) ACCONLY(laRlyeh)
if(l == laClearing) ACCONLY(laOvergrown)
if(l == laHaunted) ACCONLY(laGraveyard)
if(l == laPrincessQuest) ACCONLY(laPalace)
if(l == laMountain) ACCONLY(laJungle)
if(l == laCamelot) ACCONLY2(laCrossroads, laCrossroads3)
if(l == laDryForest || l == laWineyard || l == laDeadCaves || l == laHive || l == laRedRock ||
l == laOvergrown || l == laStorms || l == laWhirlwind || l == laRose ||
l == laCrossroads2 || l == laRlyeh)
if(l == laReptile) TREQ2(U10, itElixir)
if(l == laEndorian) TREQ2(U10, itIvory)
if(l == laKraken) TREQ2(U10, itFjord)
if(l == laBurial) TREQ2(U10, itKraken)
if(l == laDungeon) TREQ2(U5, itIvory)
if(l == laDungeon) TREQ2(U5, itPalace)
if(l == laMountain) TREQ2(U5, itIvory)
if(l == laMountain) TREQ2(U5, itRuby)
if(l == laPrairie) TREQ(R90)
if(l == laBull) TREQ(R90)
if(l == laCrossroads4) TREQ(R200)
if(l == laCrossroads5) TREQ(R300)
if(l == laGraveyard || l == laHive) {
s += XLAT("Kills required: %1.\n", "100");
buteol(s, tkills(), R100);
if(l == laDragon) {
s += XLAT("Different kills required: %1.\n", "20");
buteol(s, killtypes(), R20);
if(l == laTortoise) ACCONLY(laDragon)
if(l == laTortoise) s += XLAT("Find a %1 in %the2.", itBabyTortoise, laDragon);
if(l == laHell || l == laCrossroads3) {
s += XLAT("Finished lands required: %1 (collect %2 treasure)\n", "9", its(R10));
buteol(s, orbsUnlocked(), 9);
if(l == laCocytus || l == laPower) TREQ2(U10, itHell)
if(l == laRedRock) TREQ2(U10, itSpice)
if(l == laOvergrown) TREQ2(U10, itRuby)
if(l == laClearing) TREQ2(U5, itMutant)
if(l == laCocytus) TREQ2(U10, itDiamond)
if(l == laDeadCaves) TREQ2(U10, itGold)
if(l == laTemple) TREQ2(U5, itStatue)
if(l == laHaunted) TREQ2(U10, itBone)
if(l == laCamelot) TREQ2(U5, itEmerald)
if(l == laEmerald) {
TREQ2(5, itFernFlower) TREQ2(5, itGold)
s += XLAT("Alternatively: kill a %1 in %the2.\n", moVizier, laPalace);
buteol(s, kills[moVizier], 1);
#define KILLREQ(who, where) { s += XLAT("Kills required: %1 (%2).\n", who, where); buteol(s, kills[who], 1); }
if(l == laPrincessQuest)
KILLREQ(moVizier, laPalace);
if(l == laElementalWall) {
KILLREQ(moFireElemental, laDragon);
KILLREQ(moEarthElemental, laDeadCaves);
KILLREQ(moWaterElemental, laLivefjord);
KILLREQ(moAirElemental, laWhirlwind);
if(l == laTrollheim) {
KILLREQ(moTroll, laCaves);
KILLREQ(moFjordTroll, laLivefjord);
KILLREQ(moDarkTroll, laDeadCaves);
KILLREQ(moStormTroll, laStorms);
KILLREQ(moForestTroll, laOvergrown);
KILLREQ(moRedTroll, laRedRock);
if(l == laZebra) TREQ2(U10, itFeather)
if(l == laCamelot || l == laPrincessQuest)
s += XLAT("Completing the quest in this land is not necessary for the Hyperstone Quest.");
int rl = isRandland(l);
if(rl == 2)
s += XLAT("Variants of %the1 are always available in the Random Pattern Mode.", l);
else if(rl == 1)
s += XLAT(
"Variants of %the1 are available in the Random Pattern Mode after "
"getting a highscore of at least 10 %2.", l, treasureType(l));
if(l == laPrincessQuest) {
s += XLAT("Unavailable in the shmup mode.\n");
s += XLAT("Unavailable in the multiplayer mode.\n");
s += XLAT("Unavailable in the Chaos mode.\n");
if(l == laWildWest)
s += XLAT("Bonus land, available only in some special modes.\n");
if(l == laWhirlpool)
s += XLAT("Orbs of Safety always appear here, and may be used to escape.\n");
/* if(isHaunted(l) || l == laDungeon)
s += XLAT("You may be unable to leave %the1 if you are not careful!\n", l); */
if(l == laStorms) {
if(elec::lightningfast == 0) s += XLAT("\nSpecial conduct (still valid)\n");
else s += XLAT("\nSpecial conduct failed:\n");
s += XLAT(
"Avoid escaping from a discharge (\"That was close\").");
if(isHaunted(l)) {
if(survivalist) s += XLAT("\nSpecial conduct (still valid)\n");
else s += XLAT("\nSpecial conduct failed:\n");
s += XLAT(
"Avoid chopping trees, using Orbs, and non-graveyard monsters in the Haunted Woods."
if(l == laCA)
s += XLAT("\n\nHint: use 'm' to toggle cells quickly");
return s;
bool instat;
string turnstring(int i) {
if(i == 1) return XLAT("1 turn");
else return XLAT("%1 turns", its(i));
void describeMouseover() {
DEBB(DF_GRAPH, (debugfile,"describeMouseover\n"));
cell *c = mousing ? mouseover : playermoved ? NULL : centerover;
string& out = mouseovers;
if(!c || instat || getcstat != '-') { }
else if(c->wall != waInvisibleFloor) {
out = XLAT1(linf[c->land].name);
help = generateHelpForLand(c->land);
if(c->land == laIce || c->land == laCocytus)
out += " (" + fts(heat::celsius(c)) + " °C)";
if(c->land == laDryForest && c->landparam)
out += " (" + its(c->landparam)+"/10)";
if(c->land == laOcean && chaosmode)
out += " (" + its(c->CHAOSPARAM)+"S"+its(c->SEADIST)+"L"+its(c->LANDDIST)+")";
else if(c->land == laOcean && c->landparam <= 25) {
out += " (" + its(c->landparam)+")";
else {
bool b = c->landparam >= tide[(turncount-1) % tidalsize];
int t = 1;
for(; t < 1000 && b == (c->landparam >= tide[(turncount+t-1) % tidalsize]); t++) ;
out += " (" + turnstring(t) + XLAT(" to surface") + ")";
out += " (" + turnstring(t) + XLAT(" to submerge") + ")";
if(c->land == laTortoise && tortoise::seek()) out += " " + tortoise::measure(getBits(c));
if(buggyGeneration) {
char buf[80]; sprintf(buf, " %p H=%d M=%d", c, c->landparam, c->mpdist); out += buf;
out += " " + describeRPM(c->land);
if(euclid && cheater) {
if(torus) {
out += " ("+its(decodeId(c->master))+")";
else {
eucoord x, y;
decodeMaster(c->master, x, y);
out += " ("+its(short(x))+","+its(short(y))+")";
if(c->wall &&
!((c->wall == waFloorA || c->wall == waFloorB || c->wall == waFloorC || c->wall == waFloorD) && c->item)) {
out += ", "; out += XLAT1(winf[c->wall].name);
if(c->wall == waRose) out += " (" + its(7-rosephase) + ")";
if((c->wall == waBigTree || c->wall == waSmallTree) && c->land != laDryForest)
help =
"Trees in this forest can be chopped down. Big trees take two turns to chop down.";
else if(c->wall != waSea && c->wall != waPalace)
if(!((c->wall == waCavefloor || c->wall == waCavewall) && c->land == laEmerald))
help = generateHelpForWall(c->wall);
if(isActivable(c)) out += XLAT(" (touch to activate)");
if(hasTimeout(c)) out += " [" + turnstring(c->wparam) + "]";
out += " [" + turnstring((unsigned char) c->wparam) + "]";
if(c->monst) {
out += ", "; out += XLAT1(minf[c->monst].name);
out += " (" + its(c->hitpoints)+" HP)";
out += " (" + its((c->stuntime - mutantphase) & 15) + "*)";
else if(c->stuntime)
out += " (" + its(c->stuntime) + "*)";
if(c->monst == moTortoise && tortoise::seek())
out += " " + tortoise::measure(tortoise::getb(c));
help = generateHelpForMonster(c->monst);
if(c->item && !itemHiddenFromSight(c)) {
out += ", ";
out += XLAT1(iinf[c->item].name);
if(c->item == itBarrow) out += " (x" + its(c->landparam) + ")";
if(c->item == itBabyTortoise && tortoise::seek())
out += " " + tortoise::measure(tortoise::babymap[c]);
if(!c->monst) help = generateHelpForItem(c->item);
if(isPlayerOn(c) && !shmup::on) out += XLAT(", you"), help = generateHelpForMonster(moPlayer);
if(rosedist(c) == 1)
out += ", wave of scent (front)";
if(rosedist(c) == 2)
out += ", wave of scent (back)";
if(sword::at(c)) out += ", Energy Sword";
if(rosedist(c) || c->land == laRose || c->wall == waRose)
help += s0 + "\n\n" + rosedesc;
if(isWarped(c) && !isWarped(c->land))
out += ", warped";
help += s0 + "\n\n" + warpdesc;
if(mousey < vid.fsize * 3/2) getcstat = SDLK_F1;
void showHelp() {
cmode = sm::HELP | sm::DOTOUR;
getcstat = SDLK_ESCAPE;
if(help == "HELPFUN") {
if(help == "@") help = buildHelpText();
string help2;
if(help[0] == '@') {
int iv = help.find("\t");
int id = help.find("\n");
dialog::init(help.substr(iv+1, id-iv-1), atoi(help.c_str()+1), 120, 100);
else {
dialog::init("help", forecolor, 120, 100);
if(help == buildHelpText()) dialog::addItem("credits", 'c');
keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) {
dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni);
if(sym == SDLK_F1 && help != "@")
help = "@";
else if(uni == 'c')
help = buildCredits();
else if(doexiton(sym, uni))
void gotoHelp(const string& h) {
help = h;