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// Hyperbolic Rogue -- items, monsters, walls, lands, descriptions, etc.
// Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
/** \file classes.h
* \brief header file for content
namespace hr {
typedef unsigned color_t;
typedef unsigned long long flagtype;
#define Flag(i) (flagtype(1ull<<i))
static inline void set_flag(flagtype& f, flagtype which, bool b) {
if(b) f |= which;
else f &= ~which;
// we use CF not MF to avoid confusion with MF_ movement flags
static const flagtype CF_NOGHOST = Flag(0);
static const flagtype CF_RAIDER = Flag(1);
static const flagtype CF_PRINCESS = Flag(2);
static const flagtype CF_MIMIC = Flag(3);
static const flagtype CF_GOK = Flag(4);
static const flagtype CF_NONLIVING = Flag(5);
static const flagtype CF_METAL = Flag(6);
static const flagtype CF_STUNNABLE = Flag(7);
static const flagtype CF_HP = Flag(8);
static const flagtype CF_MOUNTABLE = Flag(9);
static const flagtype CF_FRIENDLY = Flag(10);
static const flagtype CF_PLAYER = Flag(11);
static const flagtype CF_BUG = Flag(12);
static const flagtype CF_IVY = Flag(13);
static const flagtype CF_PART = Flag(14);
static const flagtype CF_MUTANTIVY = Flag(15);
static const flagtype CF_ANYIVY = Flag(16);
static const flagtype CF_BULLET = Flag(17);
static const flagtype CF_DEMON = Flag(18);
static const flagtype CF_WORM = Flag(19);
static const flagtype CF_WITCH = Flag(20);
static const flagtype CF_BIRD = Flag(21);
static const flagtype CF_SLOWMOVER = Flag(22);
static const flagtype CF_MAGNETIC = Flag(23);
static const flagtype CF_SWITCH = Flag(24);
static const flagtype CF_GHOST = Flag(25);
static const flagtype CF_SHARK = Flag(26);
static const flagtype CF_SLIME = Flag(27);
static const flagtype CF_DRAGON = Flag(28);
static const flagtype CF_KRAKEN = Flag(29);
static const flagtype CF_NOBLOW = Flag(30);
static const flagtype CF_MULTITILE = Flag(31);
static const flagtype CF_LEADER = Flag(32);
static const flagtype CF_FLYING = Flag(33);
static const flagtype CF_ATTACK_THRU_VINE = Flag(34);
static const flagtype CF_ATTACK_NONADJACENT = Flag(35);
static const flagtype CF_NOHIGHLIGHT = Flag(36);
static const flagtype CF_INACTIVE = Flag(37);
static const flagtype CF_UNARMED = Flag(38);
static const flagtype CF_IGNORE_PLATE = Flag(39);
static const flagtype CF_BULL = Flag(40);
static const flagtype CF_TROLL = Flag(41);
static const flagtype CF_IGNORE_SMELL = Flag(42);
static const flagtype CF_RATLING = Flag(43);
static const flagtype CF_POWER = Flag(44);
static const flagtype CF_GHOSTMOVER = Flag(45);
static const flagtype CF_TECHNICAL = Flag(46);
static const flagtype CF_MOVED = Flag(47);
static const flagtype CF_FACING = Flag(48);
static const flagtype CF_FACE_UP = Flag(49);
static const flagtype CF_FACE_SIDE = Flag(50);
enum eMonster {
#define MONSTER(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) d,
#include "content.cpp"
struct monstertype {
char glyph;
color_t color;
const char *name;
flagtype flags;
enum eMonster mgroup;
const char *help;
struct genderswitch_t {
int gender;
eMonster m;
const char *name;
const char *desc;
#define NUM_GS 6
enum eOrbshape { osNone, osLove, osRanged, osOffensive, osFriend, osUtility, osDirectional, osWarping };
static const flagtype ZERO = 0;
static const flagtype IF_SHARD = Flag(0);
static const flagtype IF_FIREPROOF = Flag(1);
static const flagtype IF_PROTECTION = Flag(2);
static const flagtype IF_EMPATHY = Flag(3);
static const flagtype IF_RANGED = Flag(4);
static const flagtype IF_SHMUPLIFE = Flag(5);
static const flagtype IF_REVIVAL = Flag(6);
// 0 = basic treasure, 1 = other item, 2 = power orb, 3 = not an item
#define IC_TREASURE 0
#define IC_OTHER 1
#define IC_ORB 2
#define IC_NAI 3
struct itemtype {
char glyph;
color_t color;
const char *name;
int itemclass;
flagtype flags;
eOrbshape orbshape;
const char *help;
enum eItem {
#define ITEM(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) d,
#include "content.cpp"
enum eSlimegroup { sgNone, sgCave, sgWater, sgFloorA, sgFloorB, sgVine, sgTree };
static const flagtype WF_WATER = Flag(0);
static const flagtype WF_BOAT = Flag(1);
static const flagtype WF_CHASM = Flag(2);
static const flagtype WF_NOFLIGHT = Flag(3);
static const flagtype WF_FIRE = Flag(4);
static const flagtype WF_THUMPER = Flag(5);
static const flagtype WF_ACTIVABLE = Flag(6);
static const flagtype WF_ALCHEMY = Flag(7);
static const flagtype WF_RED = Flag(8);
static const flagtype WF_WALL = Flag(9);
static const flagtype WF_PUSHABLE = Flag(10);
static const flagtype WF_CONE = Flag(11);
static const flagtype WF_STDTREE = Flag(12);
static const flagtype WF_GRAVE = Flag(13);
static const flagtype WF_REPTILE = Flag(14);
static const flagtype WF_HEATCOLOR = Flag(15);
static const flagtype WF_HIGHWALL = Flag(16);
static const flagtype WF_THORNY = Flag(17);
static const flagtype WF_TIMEOUT = Flag(18);
static const flagtype WF_CISLAND = Flag(19);
static const flagtype WF_SULPHURIC = Flag(20);
static const flagtype WF_HALFVINE = Flag(21);
struct walltype {
char glyph;
color_t color;
const char *name;
flagtype flags;
int snakelevel;
eSlimegroup sg;
const char *help;
enum eWall {
#define WALL(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) d,
#include "content.cpp"
static const flagtype LF_GENERATE_ALL = Flag(0);
static const flagtype LF_ICY = Flag(1);
static const flagtype LF_GRAVITY = Flag(2);
static const flagtype LF_EQUI = Flag(3);
static const flagtype LF_WARPED = Flag(4);
static const flagtype LF_CYCLIC = Flag(5);
static const flagtype LF_TECHNICAL = Flag(6);
static const flagtype LF_MIRROR = Flag(7);
static const flagtype LF_SEA = Flag(8);
static const flagtype LF_COASTAL = Flag(9);
static const flagtype LF_PURESEA = Flag(10);
static const flagtype LF_ELEMENTAL = Flag(11);
static const flagtype LF_HAUNTED = Flag(12);
static const flagtype LF_TROLL = Flag(13);
static const flagtype LF_INMIRROR = Flag(14);
static const flagtype LF_INMIRRORORWALL = Flag(15);
struct landtype {
color_t color;
const char *name;
flagtype flags;
eItem treasure;
const char *help;
enum eLand {
#define LAND(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) c,
#include "content.cpp"
enum eGeometry {
gNormal, gEuclid, gSphere, gElliptic, gZebraQuotient, gFieldQuotient, gTorus, gOctagon, g45, g46, g47, gSmallSphere, gTinySphere, gEuclidSquare, gSmallElliptic,
gKleinQuartic, gBolza, gBolza2, gMinimal, gBinaryTiling, gArchimedean,
gMacbeath, gBring, gSchmutzM2, gSchmutzM3, gCrystal, gOctahedron,
gBinary3, gCubeTiling, gCell120, gECell120, gRhombic3, gBitrunc3,
gSpace534, gSpace435,
gCell8, gECell8,
gCell16, gECell16,
gCell24, gECell24,
gCell600, gECell600,
gHoroTris, gHoroRec, gHoroHex,
gField435, gField534,
gBinary4, gSol,
gKiteDart2, gKiteDart3, gNil, gProduct, gRotSpace,
gTernary, gNIH, gSolN, gInfOrder, gSpace336, gSpace344, gCrystal344,
enum eGeometryClass { gcHyperbolic, gcEuclid, gcSphere, gcSolNIH, gcNil, gcProduct, gcSL2 };
enum class eVariation { bitruncated, pure, goldberg, irregular, dual };
typedef flagtype modecode_t;
/** only the actual geometry */
struct geometryinfo1 {
/** geometry class */
eGeometryClass kind;
/** dimension of the gameplay (2 for crystal) */
int gameplay_dimension;
/** dimension of the graphics, may be greater than gameplay_dimension with vid.always3 on */
int graphical_dimension;
/** dimension of the homogeneous vector space used, usually graphical_dimension+1, but 3 in product */
int homogeneous_dimension;
/** signature of the scalar product used */
int sig[4];
struct geometryinfo {
std::string tiling_name;
std::string quotient_name;
const char* menu_displayed_name;
const char* shortname;
int sides;
int vertex;
flagtype flags;
geometryinfo1 g;
modecode_t xcode;
std::array<int,2> distlimit; // bitrunc, non-bitrunc
eVariation default_variation;
static const flagtype qBOUNDED = 1;
static const flagtype qANYQ = 2;
static const flagtype qNONORIENTABLE = 4;
static const flagtype qSMALL = 8;
static const flagtype qFIELD = 16;
static const flagtype qDOCKS = 32;
static const flagtype qZEBRA = 64;
static const flagtype qELLIPTIC = 128;
static const flagtype qBINARY = 256;
static const flagtype qPENROSE = 512;
static const flagtype qREGULAR = 1024; /* not set! */
static const flagtype qARCHI = 2048;
static const flagtype qHYBRID = 4096;
static const flagtype qCRYSTAL = 8192;
static const flagtype qSOL = 16384;
static const flagtype qEXPERIMENTAL = 32768;
static const flagtype qNIH = 65536;
static const flagtype qIDEAL = 131072;
// note: dnext assumes that x&7 equals 7
static const int SEE_ALL = 50;
static const int FORBIDDEN = -1;
extern eGeometry geometry;
extern eVariation variation;
extern std::vector<geometryinfo> ginf;
extern monstertype minf[motypes];
extern itemtype iinf[ittypes];
extern const landtype linf[landtypes];
extern color_t floorcolors[landtypes];
extern walltype winf[walltypes];
enum cpatterntype {
cpFootball, cpThree, cpChess, cpSingle, cpSingleSym, cpOddEven, cpLarge, cpZebra, cpUnknown
struct landtacinfo { eLand l; int tries, multiplier; };
enum eModel {
mdDisk, mdHalfplane, mdBand, mdPolygonal, mdFormula,
// 5..8.
mdEquidistant, mdEquiarea, mdBall, mdHyperboloid,
// 9..13
mdHemisphere, mdBandEquidistant, mdBandEquiarea, mdSinusoidal, mdTwoPoint,
// 14..16
mdFisheye, mdJoukowsky, mdJoukowskyInverted,
// 17..19
mdRotatedHyperboles, mdSpiral, mdPerspective,
// 20..24
mdEquivolume, mdCentralInversion, mdSimulatedPerspective, mdTwoHybrid, mdGeodesic,
// 25
mdMollweide, mdCentralCyl, mdCollignon,
// 26..
mdGUARD, mdPixel, mdHyperboloidFlat, mdPolynomial, mdManual
typedef unsigned long long flagtype;
namespace mf {
static const flagtype azimuthal = 1;
static const flagtype cylindrical = 2;
static const flagtype equiarea = 4;
static const flagtype equidistant = 8;
static const flagtype conformal = 16;
static const flagtype euc_boring = 32;
static const flagtype space = 64;
static const flagtype hyper_only = 128;
static const flagtype hyper_or_torus = 256;
static const flagtype pseudocylindrical = 512; /* includes cylindrical */
static const flagtype equivolume = 1024;
static const flagtype twopoint = 2048;
static const flagtype uses_bandshift = 4096;
static const flagtype band = (cylindrical | pseudocylindrical | uses_bandshift);
static const flagtype pseudoband = (pseudocylindrical | uses_bandshift);
struct modelinfo {
const char *name_hyperbolic;
const char *name_euclidean;
const char *name_spherical;
flagtype flags;
int is_azimuthal;
int is_band;
int is_equiarea;
int is_equidistant;
int is_conformal;
const char* name;
extern std::vector<modelinfo> mdinf;
static const int OINF = 100;