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// Hyperbolic Rogue -- hyperbolic graphics
// Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
/** \file hypgraph.cpp
* \brief mapping hyperpoints to the screen, and related functions
#include "hyper.h"
namespace hr {
hyperpoint ghxy, ghgxy, ghpm = C0;
#if HDR
inline bool sphereflipped() { return sphere && pconf.alpha > 1.1 && GDIM == 3; }
void ghcheck(hyperpoint &ret, const hyperpoint &H) {
if(hypot_d(2, ret-ghxy) < hypot_d(2, ghgxy-ghxy)) {
ghpm = H; ghgxy = ret;
EX void camrotate(ld& hx, ld& hy) {
ld cam = pconf.camera_angle * degree;
GLfloat cc = cos(cam);
GLfloat ss = sin(cam);
ld ux = hx, uy = hy * cc + ss, uz = cc - ss * hy;
hx = ux / uz, hy = uy / uz;
EX bool non_spatial_model() {
if(among(pmodel, mdRotatedHyperboles, mdJoukowsky, mdJoukowskyInverted, mdPolygonal, mdPolynomial))
return true;
if(pmodel == mdSpiral && euclid)
return true;
#if CAP_GL
return pmodel && vid.consider_shader_projection && (get_shader_flags() & SF_DIRECT);
return false;
EX hyperpoint perspective_to_space(hyperpoint h, ld alpha IS(pconf.alpha), eGeometryClass gc IS(ginf[geometry].cclass)) {
ld hx = h[0], hy = h[1];
if(gc == gcEuclid)
return hpxy(hx * (1 + alpha), hy * (1 + alpha));
ld hr = hx*hx+hy*hy;
if(LDIM == 3) hr += h[2]*h[2];
if(hr > .9999 && gc == gcHyperbolic) return Hypc;
ld A, B, C;
ld curv = gc == gcSphere ? 1 : -1;
A = 1+curv*hr;
B = 2*hr*alpha*-curv;
C = 1 - curv*hr*alpha*alpha;
B /= A; C /= A;
ld rootsign = 1;
// if(gc == gcSphere && pconf.alpha > 1) rootsign = -1;
ld hz = B / 2 + rootsign * sqrt(C + B*B/4);
hyperpoint H;
H[0] = hx * (hz+alpha);
H[1] = hy * (hz+alpha);
if(LDIM == 3) H[2] = h[2] * (hz + alpha);
H[LDIM] = hz;
return H;
EX hyperpoint space_to_perspective(hyperpoint z, ld alpha IS(pconf.alpha)) {
ld s = 1 / (alpha + z[LDIM]);
z[0] *= s;
z[1] *= s;
if(GDIM == 3) {
z[2] *= s;
z[3] = 0;
z[2] = 0;
return z;
EX hyperpoint gethyper(ld x, ld y) {
ld hx = (x - current_display->xcenter) / current_display->radius;
ld hy = (y - current_display->ycenter) / current_display->radius / pconf.stretch;
hyperpoint hxy = point3(hx, hy, 0);
if(pmodel) {
ghxy = hxy;
transmatrix T = rgpushxto0(ghpm);
auto distance_at = [&] (const transmatrix& T1) {
hyperpoint h1;
applymodel(tC0(T1), h1);
return sqhypot_d(2, hxy - h1);
ld best = distance_at(T);
for(int it=0; it<50; it++)
for(int s=0; s<4; s++) {
transmatrix T1 = T * spin(s * quarter_circle) * xpush(pow(1.2, -it));
ld dist = distance_at(T1);
if(dist < best) best = dist, T = T1;
if(mdBandAny()) {
band_shift += 2 * M_PI;
dist = distance_at(T1);
if(dist < best) best = dist, T = T1;
band_shift -= 4 * M_PI;
dist = distance_at(T1);
if(dist < best) best = dist, T = T1;
band_shift += 2 * M_PI;
return tC0(T);
if(pconf.camera_angle) camrotate(hx, hy);
return perspective_to_space(hpxyz(hx, hy, 0));
void ballmodel(hyperpoint& ret, double alpha, double d, double zl) {
hyperpoint H = ypush(vid.camera) * xpush(d) * ypush(zl) * C0;
ld tzh = pconf.ballproj + H[LDIM];
ld ax = H[0] / tzh;
ld ay = H[1] / tzh;
ld ca = cos(alpha), sa = sin(alpha);
ret[0] = ax * ca;
ret[1] = ay;
ret[2] = ax * sa;
models::apply_ball(ret[2], ret[1]);
void apply_depth(hyperpoint &f, ld z) {
f[2] = z;
else {
z = z * current_display->radius;
ld mul = current_display->radius / (current_display->radius + z);
f[0] = f[0] * mul;
f[1] = f[1] * mul;
f[2] = vid.xres * current_display->eyewidth() / 2 / current_display->radius + vid.ipd * mul / 2;
bool hypot_zlev(ld zlev, ld& d, ld& df, ld& zf) {
if(zlev == 1) {
df = 1; zf = 0;
return false;
else {
// (0,0,1) -> (0, sin z, cos z) -> (sin d cos z, sin z, cos d cos z)
ld z = geom3::factor_to_lev(zlev);
ld tz = sin_auto(z);
ld td = sin_auto(abs(d)) * cos_auto(z);
ld h = hypot(td, tz);
zf = tz / h, df = td / h;
if(d > 0)
d = hypot_auto(d, z);
d = -hypot_auto(d, z);
return true;
int twopoint_sphere_flips;
bool twopoint_do_flips;
ld find_zlev(hyperpoint& H) {
if(spatial_graphics) {
ld zlev = zlevel(H);
if(zlev > 1-1e-6 && zlev < 1+1e-6) return 1;
H /= zlev;
return zlev;
return 1;
ld get_tz(hyperpoint H) {
ld tz = pconf.alpha+H[LDIM];
return tz;
EX ld atan2(hyperpoint h) {
return atan2(h[1], h[0]);
pair<ld, ld> move_z_to_y(hyperpoint& H) {
if(GDIM == 2) return make_pair(0, 0);
ld R = hypot(H[1], H[2]);
pair<ld, ld> res = { H[1] / R, H[2] / R };
H[1] = R; H[2] = 0;
return res;
void move_y_to_z(hyperpoint& H, pair<ld, ld> coef) {
if(GDIM == 3) {
H[2] = H[1] * coef.second;
H[1] = H[1] * coef.first;
H[3] = 1;
template<class T> void makeband(hyperpoint H, hyperpoint& ret, const T& f) {
ld zlev = find_zlev(H);
models::apply_orientation_yz(H[1], H[2]);
models::apply_orientation(H[0], H[1]);
auto r = move_z_to_y(H);
ld x, y, yf, zf=0;
y = asin_auto(H[1]);
x = asin_auto_clamp(H[0] / cos_auto(y));
if(sphere) {
if(H[LDIM] < 0 && x > 0) x = M_PI - x;
else if(H[LDIM] < 0 && x <= 0) x = -M_PI - x;
x += band_shift;
hypot_zlev(zlev, y, yf, zf);
f(x, y);
ld yzf = y * zf; y *= yf;
ret = hpxyz(x / M_PI, y / M_PI, 0);
move_y_to_z(ret, r);
models::apply_orientation(ret[1], ret[0]);
models::apply_orientation_yz(ret[2], ret[1]);
if(zlev != 1 && current_display->stereo_active())
apply_depth(ret, yzf / M_PI);
void band_conformal(ld& x, ld& y) {
switch(cgclass) {
case gcSphere:
y = atanh(sin(y));
x *= 2; y *= 2;
case gcHyperbolic:
y = 2 * atan(tanh(y/2));
x *= 2; y *= 2;
case gcEuclid:
// y = y;
y *= 2; x *= 2;
void make_twopoint(ld& x, ld& y) {
auto p = pconf.twopoint_param;
ld dleft = hypot_auto(x-p, y);
ld dright = hypot_auto(x+p, y);
if(sphere) {
int tss = twopoint_sphere_flips;
if(tss&1) { tss--;
dleft = 2*M_PI - 2*p - dleft;
dright = 2*M_PI - 2*p - dright;
swap(dleft, dright);
y = -y;
while(tss) { tss -= 2;
dleft = 2*M_PI - 4*p + dleft;
dright = 2*M_PI - 4*p + dright;
x = (dright*dright-dleft*dleft) / 4 / p;
y = (y>0?1:-1) * sqrt(dleft * dleft - (x-p)*(x-p) + 1e-9);
hyperpoint mobius(hyperpoint h, ld angle, ld scale = 1) {
h = perspective_to_space(h * scale, 1, gcSphere);
h = cspin(1, 2, angle * degree) * h;
return space_to_perspective(h, 1) / scale;
hyperpoint compute_hybrid(hyperpoint H, int rootid) {
auto& t = pconf.twopoint_param;
hyperpoint Hl = xpush(+t) * H;
hyperpoint Hr = xpush(-t) * H;
ld g = (Hl[0] + 1e-7) / (Hl[1] + 1e-8);
ld d = hdist0(Hr);
hyperpoint spinned = spintox(Hl) * xpush0(2*t);
if(Hl[0] < 0) spinned = pispin * spinned;
ld y = asin_auto(spinned[1]);
ld x = asin_auto_clamp(spinned[0] / cos_auto(y));
int sign = (Hl[0] > 0 ? 1 : -1) * hdist0(Hl) < x ? -1 : 1;
switch(rootid & 3) {
case 1: sign = -sign; break;
case 2: sign = 1; break;
case 3: sign = -1; break;
// (x + t) / g = y
// yy + (x-t)(x-t) = dd
// (x+t)*(x+t)/g*g + x*x + t*t - 2*x*t = dd
// x*x*(1+1/g*g) + t*t*(1+1/g*g) + 2xt (1/gg-1) = dd
// xx + 2xt (1/gg-1) / (1+1/gg) = dd / (1+1/gg) - tt
ld b = t*(1/g/g - 1) / (1+1/g/g);
ld c = d*d / (1+1/g/g) - t*t;
// xx + 2bx = c
// xx + 2bx + bb = c + bb
// (x+b)^2 = c+bb
// x = +/- sqrt(c+bb) - b
ld a = c+b*b;
hyperpoint ret;
ret[0] = (a > 0 ? sign * sqrt(a) : 0) - b;
ret[1] = (ret[0] + t) / g;
ret[2] = 0;
return ret;
EX ld signed_sqrt(ld x) { return x > 0 ? sqrt(x) : -sqrt(-x); }
EX void applymodel(hyperpoint H, hyperpoint& ret) {
hyperpoint H_orig = H;
if(models::product_model(pmodel)) {
ld zlev = zlevel(H);
H /= exp(zlev);
hybrid::in_underlying_geometry([&] { applymodel(H, ret); });
ret[2] = zlev * pconf.product_z_scale;
ret = NLP * ret;
switch(pmodel) {
case mdPerspective: {
ld ratio = vid.xres / current_display->tanfov / current_display->radius / 2;
if(prod) H = product::inverse_exp(H);
H = lp_apply(H);
if(H[2] == 0) { ret[0] = 1e6; ret[1] = 1e6; ret[2] = 1; return; }
ret[0] = H[0]/H[2] * ratio;
ret[1] = H[1]/H[2] * ratio;
ret[2] = 1;
case mdGeodesic: {
auto S = lp_apply(inverse_exp(H, pNORMAL | pfNO_DISTANCE));
ld ratio = vid.xres / current_display->tanfov / current_display->radius / 2;
ret[0] = S[0]/S[2] * ratio;
ret[1] = S[1]/S[2] * ratio;
ret[2] = 1;
case mdPixel:
ret = H / current_display->radius;
case mdBall: {
ld zlev = find_zlev(H);
ld zl = vid.depth-geom3::factor_to_lev(zlev);
ballmodel(ret, atan2(H), hdist0(H), zl);
case mdDisk: {
if(nonisotropic) {
ret = lp_apply(inverse_exp(H, pNORMAL | pfNO_DISTANCE));
ld w;
if(sn::in()) {
// w = 1 / sqrt(1 - sqhypot_d(3, ret));
// w = w / (pconf.alpha + w);
w = 1 / (sqrt(1 - sqhypot_d(3, ret)) * pconf.alpha + 1);
else {
w = hypot_d(3, ret);
w = sinh(w) / ((pconf.alpha + cosh(w)) * w);
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) ret[i] *= w;
ret[3] = 1;
ld tz = get_tz(H);
if(!pconf.camera_angle) {
ret[0] = H[0] / tz;
ret[1] = H[1] / tz;
if(GDIM == 3) ret[2] = H[2] / tz;
else ret[2] = vid.xres * current_display->eyewidth() / 2 / current_display->radius - vid.ipd / tz / 2;
if(MAXMDIM == 4) ret[3] = 1;
else {
ld tx = H[0];
ld ty = H[1];
ld cam = pconf.camera_angle * degree;
GLfloat cc = cos(cam);
GLfloat ss = sin(cam);
ld ux = tx, uy = ty * cc - ss * tz, uz = tz * cc + ss * ty;
ret[0] = ux / uz;
ret[1] = uy / uz;
ret[2] = vid.xres * current_display->eyewidth() / 2 / current_display->radius - vid.ipd / uz / 2;
case mdCentralInversion: {
ld tz = get_tz(H);
for(int d=0; d<GDIM; d++) ret[d] = H[d] / tz;
for(int d=GDIM; d<MAXMDIM; d++) ret[d] = 1;
ld r = 0;
for(int d=0; d<GDIM; d++) r += ret[d]*ret[d];
for(int d=0; d<GDIM; d++) ret[d] /= r;
case mdHalfplane: {
// Poincare to half-plane
ld zlev = find_zlev(H);
H = space_to_perspective(H);
models::apply_orientation_yz(H[1], H[2]);
models::apply_orientation(H[0], H[1]);
H[1] += 1;
double rad = sqhypot_d(GDIM, H);
H /= -rad;
H[1] += .5;
if(GDIM == 3) {
// a bit simpler when we do not care about 3D
H *= pconf.halfplane_scale;
ret[0] = -H[0];
ret[1] = 1 + H[1];
ret[2] = H[2];
ret[3] = 1;
models::apply_orientation(ret[1], ret[0]);
models::apply_orientation_yz(ret[2], ret[1]);
models::apply_orientation(H[0], H[1]);
H *= pconf.halfplane_scale;
ret[0] = -models::osin - H[0];
if(zlev != 1) {
if(abs(models::ocos) > 1e-5)
H[1] = H[1] * pow(zlev, models::ocos);
if(abs(models::ocos) > 1e-5 && models::osin)
H[1] += H[0] * models::osin * (pow(zlev, models::ocos) - 1) / models::ocos;
else if(models::osin)
H[1] += H[0] * models::osin * log(zlev);
ret[1] = models::ocos + H[1];
ret[2] = GDIM == 3 ? H[2] : 0;
if(MAXMDIM == 4) ret[3] = 1;
if(zlev != 1 && current_display->stereo_active())
apply_depth(ret, -H[1] * geom3::factor_to_lev(zlev));
case mdHorocyclic: {
models::apply_orientation_yz(H[1], H[2]);
models::apply_orientation(H[0], H[1]);
ret = hyperbolic ? deparabolic10(H) : H;
ret *= .5;
ret[LDIM] = 1;
models::apply_orientation(ret[1], ret[0]);
models::apply_orientation_yz(ret[2], ret[1]);
if(nonisotropic) ret = lp_apply(ret);
case mdHemisphere: {
switch(cgclass) {
case gcHyperbolic: {
ld zl = zlevel(H);
ret = H / H[2];
ret[2] = sqrt(1 - sqhypot_d(2, ret));
ret = ret * (1 + (zl - 1) * ret[2]);
case gcEuclid: default: {
// stereographic projection to a sphere
auto hd = hdist0(H) / pconf.euclid_to_sphere;
if(hd == 0) ret = hpxyz(0, 0, -1);
else {
ld x = 2 * hd / (1 + hd * hd);
ld y = x / hd;
ret = H * x / hd / pconf.euclid_to_sphere;
ret[2] = (1 - y);
ret = ret * (1 + (H[2]-1) * y / pconf.euclid_to_sphere);
case gcSphere: {
ret = H;
swap(ret[1], ret[2]);
models::apply_ball(ret[2], ret[1]);
case mdHyperboloidFlat:
case mdHyperboloid: {
if(nonisotropic) {
// if(nisot::local_perspective_used()) H = NLP * H;
ret = lp_apply(H);
if(prod) {
ret = H;
if(pmodel == mdHyperboloid) {
ld& topz = pconf.top_z;
if(H[2] > topz) {
ld scale = sqrt(topz*topz-1) / hypot_d(2, H);
H *= scale;
H[2] = topz;
else {
H = space_to_perspective(H, pconf.alpha);
H[2] = 1 - pconf.alpha;
ret[0] = H[0] / 3;
ret[1] = (1 - H[2]) / 3;
ret[2] = H[1] / 3;
models::apply_ball(ret[2], ret[1]);
case mdFisheye: {
ld zlev;
if(nonisotropic) {
H = lp_apply(inverse_exp(H));
zlev = 1;
else {
zlev = find_zlev(H);
H = space_to_perspective(H);
H /= pconf.fisheye_param;
H[LDIM] = zlev;
ret = H / sqrt(1 + sqhypot_d(GDIM+1, H));
if(GDIM == 3) ret[LDIM] = zlev;
case mdSimulatedPerspective: {
models::apply_orientation_yz(H[1], H[2]);
models::apply_orientation(H[0], H[1]);
auto yz = move_z_to_y(H);
hyperpoint Hl = xpush(-pconf.twopoint_param) * H;
hyperpoint Hr = xpush(+pconf.twopoint_param) * H;
ld lyx = (Hl[1] + 1e-7) / (Hl[0] + 1e-8);
ld ryx = (Hr[1] + 1e-7) / (Hr[0] + 1e-8);
// (r.x + t) * lyx = (r.x - t) * ryx = r.y
// r.x * lyx + t * lyx = r.x * ryx - t * ryx
// r.x * (lyx-ryx) = - t * (ryx + lyx)
// r.x = -t * (ryx+lyx) / (lyx-ryx)
// r.x = - 2 * t * lyx * ryx / lyx / ryx
ret[0] = -pconf.twopoint_param * (ryx + lyx) / (lyx - ryx);
ret[1] = (ret[0] + pconf.twopoint_param) * lyx;
ret[2] = 0;
move_y_to_z(ret, yz);
models::apply_orientation(ret[0], ret[1]);
models::apply_orientation_yz(ret[2], ret[1]);
case mdTwoHybrid: {
models::apply_orientation_yz(H[1], H[2]);
models::apply_orientation(H[0], H[1]);
auto yz = move_z_to_y(H);
ret = compute_hybrid(H, whateveri[0]);
move_y_to_z(ret, yz);
models::apply_orientation(ret[0], ret[1]);
models::apply_orientation_yz(ret[2], ret[1]);
case mdJoukowsky:
case mdJoukowskyInverted: {
models::apply_orientation_yz(H[1], H[2]);
models::apply_orientation(H[0], H[1]);
// with equal speed skiprope: models::apply_orientation(H[1], H[0]);
if(pconf.skiprope) {
static ld last_skiprope = 0;
static transmatrix lastmatrix;
if(pconf.skiprope != last_skiprope) {
ret = mobius(C0, -pconf.skiprope, 2);
const cld c1(1, 0);
const cld c2(2, 0);
const cld c4(4, 0);
cld w(ret[0], ret[1]);
cld z = sqrt(c4*w*w-c1) + c2*w;
if(abs(z) > 1) z = c1 / z;
hyperpoint zr = hpxyz(real(z), imag(z), 0);
hyperpoint inhyp = perspective_to_space(zr, 1, gcHyperbolic);
last_skiprope = pconf.skiprope;
lastmatrix = rgpushxto0(inhyp);
H = lastmatrix * H;
H = space_to_perspective(H);
auto yz = move_z_to_y(H);
ld r = hypot_d(2, H);
ld c = H[0] / r;
ld s = H[1] / r;
ld& mt = pconf.model_transition;
ld a = 1 - .5 * mt, b = .5 * mt;
swap(a, b);
ret[0] = (a * r + b/r) * c / 2;
ret[1] = (a * r - b/r) * s / 2;
ret[2] = 0;
ret = mobius(ret, pconf.skiprope, 2);
if(pmodel == mdJoukowskyInverted) {
ld r2 = sqhypot_d(2, ret);
ret[0] = ret[0] / r2;
ret[1] = -ret[1] / r2;
move_y_to_z(ret, yz);
models::apply_orientation(ret[1], ret[0]);
ret[0] += 1;
ld alpha = atan2(ret[1], ret[0]);
ld mod = hypot(ret[0], ret[1]);
// ret[0] = cos(alpha/2) * sqrt(mod);
// ret[1] = sin(alpha/2) * sqrt(mod);
ret[0] = alpha;
ret[1] = log(mod); */
else {
move_y_to_z(ret, yz);
models::apply_orientation(ret[0], ret[1]);
models::apply_orientation_yz(ret[2], ret[1]);
case mdPolygonal: case mdPolynomial: {
H = space_to_perspective(H);
models::apply_orientation(H[0], H[1]);
pair<long double, long double> p = polygonal::compute(H[0], H[1]);
models::apply_orientation(p.second, p.first);
ret[0] = p.first;
ret[1] = p.second;
ret[2] = 0;
case mdBand:
if(pconf.model_transition != 1) {
ld& mt = pconf.model_transition;
H = space_to_perspective(H);
models::apply_orientation(H[0], H[1]);
H[0] += 1;
double rad = H[0]*H[0] + H[1]*H[1];
H[1] /= rad;
H[0] /= rad;
H[0] -= .5;
ld phi = atan2(H);
ld r = hypot_d(2, H);
r = pow(r, 1 - mt);
phi *= (1 - mt);
ret[0] = r * cos(phi);
ret[1] = r * sin(phi);
ret[2] = 0;
ret[0] -= pow(0.5, 1-mt);
ret[0] /= -(1-mt) * M_PI / 2;
ret[1] /= (1-mt) * M_PI / 2;
models::apply_orientation(ret[1], ret[0]);
makeband(H, ret, band_conformal);
case mdTwoPoint:
makeband(H, ret, make_twopoint);
case mdMollweide:
makeband(H, ret, [] (ld& x, ld& y) {
ld theta =
hyperbolic ? min(y / 2 + 0.572365, y * 0.78509) :
euclid ? y :
y > 0 ? max(y * 0.012/0.015, M_PI/2 - (M_PI/2-y) * 0.066262/0.015708) :
min(y * 0.012/0.015, -M_PI/2 + (M_PI/2+y) * 0.066262/0.015708);
if(sphere && abs(theta) >= M_PI/2 - 1e-6) ;
else {
for(int it=0; it<4; it++) {
auto a = (sin_auto(2*theta) +2*theta - M_PI * sin_auto(y));
auto b = (2 + 2 * cos_auto(2*theta));
theta = theta - a / b;
} }
y = M_PI * sin_auto(theta) / 2;
x = x * cos_auto(theta);
case mdCentralCyl:
makeband(H, ret, [] (ld& x, ld& y) { y = tan_auto(y); ld top = vid.yres * M_PI / current_display->radius; if(y>top) y=top; if(y<-top) y=-top; });
case mdCollignon:
makeband(H, ret, [] (ld& x, ld& y) {
ld sgn = 1;
if(pconf.collignon_reflected && y > 0) y = -y, sgn = -1;
y = signed_sqrt(sin_auto(y) + pconf.collignon_parameter);
x *= y / 1.2;
y -= signed_sqrt(pconf.collignon_parameter);
y *= sgn;
y *= M_PI;
case mdBandEquiarea:
makeband(H, ret, [] (ld& x, ld& y) { y = sin_auto(y); });
case mdBandEquidistant:
makeband(H, ret, [] (ld& x, ld& y) { });
case mdSinusoidal:
makeband(H, ret, [] (ld& x, ld& y) { x *= cos_auto(y); });
case mdEquidistant: case mdEquiarea: case mdEquivolume: {
if(nonisotropic || prod) {
ret = lp_apply(inverse_exp(H));
ret[3] = 1;
ld zlev = find_zlev(H);
ld rad = hypot_d(GDIM, H);
if(rad == 0) rad = 1;
ld d = hdist0(H);
ld df, zf;
hypot_zlev(zlev, d, df, zf);
// 4 pi / 2pi = M_PI
if(pmodel == mdEquivolume)
d = pow(volume_auto(d), 1/3.) * pow(M_PI / 2, 1/3.);
else if(pmodel == mdEquiarea && sphere)
d = sqrt(2*(1 - cos(d))) * M_PI / 2;
else if(pmodel == mdEquiarea && hyperbolic)
d = sqrt(2*(cosh(d) - 1)) / 1.5;
ret = H * (d * df / rad / M_PI);
if(GDIM == 2) ret[2] = 0;
if(MAXMDIM == 4) ret[3] = 1;
if(zlev != 1 && current_display->stereo_active())
apply_depth(ret, d * zf / M_PI);
case mdRotatedHyperboles: {
// ld zlev = <- not implemented
find_zlev(H); // + vid.depth;
models::apply_orientation(H[0], H[1]);
ld y = asin_auto(H[1]);
ld x = asin_auto_clamp(H[0] / cos_auto(y));
// ld z = zlev == 1 ? 0 : geom3::factor_to_lev(zlev);
ld factor = geom3::lev_to_factor(y + vid.depth);
ret[0] = sinh(x) * factor;
ret[1] = cosh(x) * factor;
ret[2] = 0;
if(pconf.use_atan) {
ret[0] = atan(ret[0]);
ret[1] = atan(ret[1]);
case mdFormula: {
dynamicval<eModel> m(pmodel, pconf.basic_model);
applymodel(H, ret);
exp_parser ep;
ep.extra_params["z"] = cld(ret[0], ret[1]);
ep.extra_params["cx"] = ret[0];
ep.extra_params["cy"] = ret[1];
ep.extra_params["cz"] = ret[2];
ep.extra_params["ux"] = H[0];
ep.extra_params["uy"] = H[1];
ep.extra_params["uz"] = H[2];
ep.s = pconf.formula;
cld res;
try {
res = ep.parse();
catch(hr_parse_exception&) {
res = 0;
ret[0] = real(res);
ret[1] = imag(res);
ret[2] = 0;
case mdSpiral: {
cld z;
if(hyperbolic || sphere) makeband(H, ret, band_conformal);
else ret = H;
z = cld(ret[0], ret[1]) * models::spiral_multiplier;
if(pconf.spiral_cone < 360) {
ld alpha = imag(z) * 360 / pconf.spiral_cone;
ld r = real(z);
r = exp(r);
ret[0] = -sin(alpha) * r;
ret[1] = cos(alpha) * r;
if(euclid) ret = models::euclidean_spin * ret;
ret[2] = (r-1) * sqrt( pow(360/pconf.spiral_cone, 2) - 1);
models::apply_ball(ret[2], ret[1]);
else {
z = exp(z);
ret[0] = real(z);
ret[1] = imag(z);
if(euclid) ret = models::euclidean_spin * ret;
ret = mobius(ret, pconf.skiprope, 1);
case mdGUARD: case mdManual: break;
// game-related graphics
EX transmatrix sphereflip; // on the sphere, flip
EX bool playerfound; // has player been found in the last drawing?
EX bool outofmap(hyperpoint h) {
if(GDIM == 3)
return false;
else if(euclid)
return h[2] < .5; // false; // h[0] * h[0] + h[1] * h[1] > 15 * cgi.crossf;
else if(sphere)
return h[2] < .1 && h[2] > -.1 && h[1] > -.1 && h[1] < .1 && h[0] > -.1 && h[0] < .1;
return h[2] < .5;
EX hyperpoint mirrorif(const hyperpoint& V, bool b) {
if(b) return Mirror*V;
else return V;
EX transmatrix mirrorif(const transmatrix& V, bool b) {
if(b) return V*Mirror;
else return V;
// -1 if away, 0 if not away
EX int away(const transmatrix& V2) {
return (intval(C0, V2 * xpush0(.1)) > intval(C0, tC0(V2))) ? -1 : 0;
/* double zgrad(double f1, double f2, int nom, int den) {
using namespace geom3;
ld fo1 = factor_to_lev(f1);
ld fo2 = factor_to_lev(f2);
return lev_to_factor(fo1 + (fo2-fo1) * nom / den);
} */
EX double zgrad0(double l1, double l2, int nom, int den) {
using namespace geom3;
return lev_to_factor(l1 + (l2-l1) * nom / den);
EX bool behindsphere(const hyperpoint& h) {
if(!sphere) return false;
if(mdBandAny()) return false;
if(pconf.alpha > 1) {
if(h[LDIM] > -1/pconf.alpha) return true;
if(pconf.alpha <= 1) {
if(h[LDIM] < .2-pconf.alpha) return true;
return false;
ld to01(ld a0, ld a1, ld x) {
if(x < a0) return 0;
if(x > a1) return 1;
return (x-a0) / (a1-a0);
EX ld spherity(const hyperpoint& h) {
if(!sphere) return 1;
if(pconf.alpha > 1) {
return to01(1/pconf.alpha, 1, abs(h[2]));
if(pconf.alpha <= 1) {
return to01(-1.5, 1, h[2]);
return 1;
EX bool behindsphere(const transmatrix& V) {
return behindsphere(tC0(V));
EX ld spherity(const transmatrix& V) {
return spherity(tC0(V));
EX bool confusingGeometry() {
#if MAXMDIM >= 4
if(reg3::ultra_mirror_in()) return true;
return quotient || elliptic || (fake::in() && fake::multiple);
EX ld master_to_c7_angle() {
if(hybri) return hybrid::in_underlying_geometry(master_to_c7_angle);
if(WDIM == 3) return 0;
ld alpha = 0;
#if CAP_GP
if(cgi.gpdata) alpha = cgi.gpdata->alpha;
return (!BITRUNCATED && !bt::in() && !arcm::in()) ? M_PI + alpha : 0;
EX transmatrix actualV(const heptspin& hs, const transmatrix& V) {
if(prod) return PIU(actualV(hs, V));
if(WDIM == 3) return V;
return V * spin(M_PI + 2 * M_PI / S7 * (hs.spin + irr::periodmap[hs.at].base.spin));
if(arcm::in()) return V * spin(-arcm::current.triangles[arcm::id_of(hs.at)][hs.spin].first);
#if CAP_BT
if(bt::in()) return V;
if(kite::in()) return V;
return (hs.spin || !BITRUNCATED) ? V * spin(hs.spin*2*M_PI/hs.at->type + master_to_c7_angle()) : V;
EX bool point_behind(hyperpoint h) {
if(sphere) return false;
if(!in_perspective()) return false;
if(pmodel == mdGeodesic) h = inverse_exp(h, pQUICK);
if(pmodel == mdPerspective && prod) h = product::inverse_exp(h);
h = lp_apply(h);
return h[2] < 1e-8;
void raise_error() {
println(hlog, "something wrong");
EX bool invalid_matrix(const transmatrix T) {
for(int i=0; i<GDIM; i++) for(int j=0; j<GDIM; j++)
if(std::isnan(T[i][j]) || T[i][j] > 1e8 || T[i][j] < -1e8 || std::isinf(T[i][j]))
return true;
if(prod || (cgflags & qAFFINE)) {
for(int i=0; i<GDIM; i++) for(int j=0; j<GDIM; j++) if(abs(T[i][j]) > 1e-60) return false;
for(int i=0; i<GDIM; i++) for(int j=0; j<GDIM; j++) if(T[i][j] > .5 || T[i][j] < -.5) return false;
return true;
EX bool invalid_point(const hyperpoint h) {
return std::isnan(h[LDIM]) || h[LDIM] > 1e8 || std::isinf(h[LDIM]);
EX bool in_smart_range(const transmatrix& T) {
hyperpoint h = tC0(T);
if(invalid_point(h)) return false;
if(nil || nih) return true;
if(pmodel == mdGeodesic) return sn::in_table_range(h);
hyperpoint h1;
applymodel(h, h1);
if(invalid_point(h1)) return false;
ld x = current_display->xcenter + current_display->radius * h1[0];
ld y = current_display->ycenter + current_display->radius * h1[1] * pconf.stretch;
if(x > current_display->xtop + current_display->xsize * 2) return false;
if(x < current_display->xtop - current_display->xsize * 1) return false;
if(y > current_display->ytop + current_display->ysize * 2) return false;
if(y < current_display->ytop - current_display->ysize * 1) return false;
if(GDIM == 3) {
if(-h1[2] < pconf.clip_min * 2 - pconf.clip_max) return false;
if(-h1[2] > pconf.clip_max * 2 - pconf.clip_min) return false;
ld epsilon = 0.01;
ld dx = 0, dy = 0, dz = 0, dh[MAXMDIM];
for(int i=0; i<GDIM; i++) {
hyperpoint h2;
applymodel(T * cpush0(i, epsilon), h2);
ld x1 = current_display->radius * abs(h2[0] - h1[0]) / epsilon;
ld y1 = current_display->radius * abs(h2[1] - h1[1]) * pconf.stretch / epsilon;
dx = max(dx, x1); dy = max(dy, y1);
if(GDIM == 3) dz = max(dz, abs(h2[2] - h1[2]));
dh[i] = hypot(x1, y1);
if(GDIM == 3) {
if(-h1[2] + 2 * dz < pconf.clip_min || -h1[2] - 2 * dz > pconf.clip_max) return false;
sort(dh, dh+GDIM);
ld scale = sqrt(dh[1] * dh[2]) * cgi.scalefactor * hcrossf7;
if(scale <= (WDIM == 2 ? vid.smart_range_detail : vid.smart_range_detail_3)) return false;
else {
ld scale = sqrt(dh[0] * dh[1]) * cgi.scalefactor * hcrossf7;
if(scale <= vid.smart_range_detail) return false;
x - 2 * dx < current_display->xtop + current_display->xsize &&
x + 2 * dx > current_display->xtop &&
y - 2 * dy < current_display->ytop + current_display->ysize &&
y + 2 * dy > current_display->ytop;
#if CAP_GP
namespace gp {
void drawrec(cell *c, const transmatrix& V) {
drawcell(c, V, 0, false);
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->move(i);
if(!c2) continue;
if(c2->move(0) != c) continue;
if(c2 == c2->master->c7) continue;
transmatrix V1 = V * ddspin(c, i) * xpush(cgi.crossf) * iddspin(c2, 0) * spin(M_PI);
drawrec(c2, V1);
} */
bool drawrec(cell *c, const transmatrix& V, gp::loc at, int dir, int maindir) {
bool res = false;
transmatrix V1 = V * cgi.gpdata->Tf[draw_li.last_dir][at.first&31][at.second&31][fixg6(dir)];
if(do_draw(c, V1)) {
/* auto li = get_local_info(c);
if((dir - li.total_dir) % S6) printf("totaldir %d/%d\n", dir, li.total_dir);
if(at != li.relative) printf("at %s/%s\n", disp(at), disp(li.relative));
if(maindir != li.last_dir) printf("ld %d/%d\n", maindir, li.last_dir); */
draw_li.relative = at;
draw_li.total_dir = fixg6(dir);
drawcell(c, V1);
res = true;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->move(i);
if(!c2) continue;
if(c2->move(0) != c) continue;
if(c2 == c2->master->c7) continue;
res |= drawrec(c2, V, at + eudir(dir+i), dir + i + SG3, maindir);
return res;
bool drawrec(cell *c, const transmatrix& V) {
draw_li.relative = loc(0,0);
draw_li.total_dir = 0;
draw_li.last_dir = -1;
bool res = false;
if(do_draw(c, V))
drawcell(c, V), res = true;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->move(i);
if(!c2) continue;
if(c2->move(0) != c) continue;
if(c2 == c2->master->c7) continue;
draw_li.last_dir = i;
res |= drawrec(c2, V, gp::loc(1,0), SG3, i);
return res;
vector<tuple<heptspin, hstate, transmatrix, ld> > drawn_cells;
bool in_multi = false;
EX bool drawcell_subs(cell *c, transmatrix V) {
#if CAP_GP
return gp::drawrec(c, V);
bool draw = false;
auto& hi = irr::periodmap[c->master];
auto& vc = irr::cells_of_heptagon[hi.base.at];
for(int i=0; i<isize(vc); i++) {
cell *c = hi.subcells[i];
transmatrix V1 = V * irr::cells[vc[i]].pusher;
if(do_draw(c, V1))
draw = true,
drawcell(hi.subcells[i], V * irr::cells[vc[i]].pusher);
return draw;
if(do_draw(c, V)) {
draw = true;
drawcell(c, V);
if(BITRUNCATED) forCellIdEx(c1, d, c) {
if(c->c.spin(d) == 0) {
transmatrix V2 = V * currentmap->adj(c, d);
if(do_draw(c1, V2))
draw = true,
drawcell(c1, V2);
return draw;
void hrmap_standard::draw() {
if(sphere && pmodel == mdSpiral && !in_multi) {
in_multi = true;
if(models::ring_not_spiral) {
int qty = ceil(1. / pconf.sphere_spiral_multiplier);
if(qty > 100) qty = 100;
for(int i=-qty; i < qty; i++) {
band_shift = 2 * M_PI * i;
else {
if(vid.use_smart_range) for(int i=1;; i++) {
int drawn = cells_drawn;
band_shift = 2 * M_PI * i;
band_shift = -2 * M_PI * i;
if(drawn == cells_drawn) break;
in_multi = false;
drawn_cells.emplace_back(centerover->master, hsOrigin, cview() * master_relative(centerover, true), band_shift);
for(int i=0; i<isize(drawn_cells); i++) {
// prevent reallocation due to insertion
if(drawn_cells.capacity() < drawn_cells.size() + 16)
drawn_cells.reserve(max<size_t>(2 * drawn_cells.size(), 128));
const auto& dc = drawn_cells[i];
auto& hs = get<0>(dc);
auto& s = get<1>(dc);
auto& V = get<2>(dc);
dynamicval<ld> bs(band_shift, get<3>(dc));
cell *c = hs.at->c7;
transmatrix V10;
const transmatrix& V1 = hs.mirrored ? (V10 = V * Mirror) : V;
bool draw = drawcell_subs(c, actualV(hs, V1));
if(sphere) draw = true;
if(draw) for(int d=0; d<c->master->type; d++) {
hstate s2 = transition(s, d);
if(s2 == hsError) continue;
heptspin hs2 = hs + d + wstep;
transmatrix Vd;
if(inforder::mixed()) {
int d1 = gmod(hs.spin+d, c->type);
Vd = V * spin(-2*M_PI*d/c->type) * xpush(spacedist(c, d1)) * spin(M_PI);
Vd = V * cgi.heptmove[d];
bandfixer bf(Vd);
drawn_cells.emplace_back(hs2, s2, Vd, band_shift);
EX bool keep_vertical() {
if(CAP_ORIENTATION) return false;
if((WDIM == 2 || prod) && GDIM == 3 && vid.fixed_yz) return true;
if(downseek.qty) return true;
return false;
EX hyperpoint vertical_vector() {
auto& ds = downseek;
if((WDIM == 2 || prod) && GDIM == 3 && vid.fixed_yz)
return get_view_orientation() * ztangent(1);
else if(ds.qty && prod)
return get_view_orientation() * product::inverse_exp(ds.point);
else if(ds.qty)
return ds.point;
return C0;
EX void spinEdge(ld aspd) {
ld downspin = 0;
auto& ds = downseek;
if(dual::state == 2 && (dual::one_euclidean ? !euclid : dual::currently_loaded != dual::main_side)) {
transmatrix our = dual::get_orientation();
transmatrix their = dual::player_orientation[dual::main_side];
if(GDIM == 2) {
transmatrix T = their * inverse(our);
hyperpoint H = T * xpush0(1);
downspin = -atan2(H[1], H[0]);
else rotate_view(their * inverse(our));
else if(playerfound && vid.fixed_facing) {
hyperpoint H = gpushxto0(playerV * C0) * playerV * xpush0(5);
downspin = atan2(H[1], H[0]);
downspin += vid.fixed_facing_dir * degree;
if(flipplayer) downspin += M_PI;
cyclefix(downspin, 0);
aspd = (1 + 2 * abs(downspin)) * aspd;
else if(keep_vertical()) {
hyperpoint h = vertical_vector();
downspin = -atan2(h[0], h[1]);
if(ds.qty && GDIM == 2) {
downspin += models::rotation * degree;
if(ds.qty) {
cyclefix(downspin, 0);
downspin = downspin * min(ds.speed, (double)1);
else aspd = 999999;
if(downspin > aspd) downspin = aspd;
if(downspin < -aspd) downspin = -aspd;
EX void centerpc(ld aspd) {
if(subscreens::split([=] () {centerpc(aspd);})) return;
if(dual::split([=] () { centerpc(aspd); })) return;
if(racing::on && racing::set_view()) return;
#if MAXMDIM >= 4
if(shmup::on && vid.sspeed > -5 && GDIM == 3) {
int id = subscreens::in ? subscreens::current_player : 0;
auto& pc = shmup::pc[id];
centerover = pc->base;
transmatrix T = pc->at;
int sl = snakelevel(cwt.at);
if((sl || vid.eye) && WDIM == 2) T = T * zpush(cgi.SLEV[sl] - cgi.FLOOR + vid.eye);
View = inverse(T);
if(prod) NLP = inverse(pc->ori);
if(WDIM == 2) rotate_view( cspin(0, 1, M_PI) * cspin(2, 1, M_PI/2 + shmup::playerturny[id]) * spin(-M_PI/2) );
if(ors::mode == 2 && vid.sspeed < 5) return;
if(vid.sspeed >= 4.99) aspd = 1000;
DEBBI(DF_GRAPH, ("center pc"));
auto& W = current_display->which_copy;
ors::unrotate(W); ors::unrotate(View); ors::unrotate(cwtV);
/* what should we center? */
transmatrix T;
if(multi::players > 1)
T = cwtV; /* do not even try */
else {
T = W;
T = T * shmup::pc[0]->at;
if(invalid_matrix(T)) return;
#if MAXMDIM >= 4
if(GDIM == 3 && WDIM == 2) {
int sl = snakelevel(cwt.at);
if(isWorm(cwt.at->monst) && sl < 3) sl++;
if(sl || vid.eye) T = T * zpush(cgi.SLEV[sl] - cgi.FLOOR + vid.eye);
hyperpoint H = inverse(actual_view_transform) * tC0(T);
ld R = (zero_d(GDIM, H) && !prod) ? 0 : hdist0(H);
if(R < 1e-9) {
// either already centered or direction unknown
/* if(playerfoundL && playerfoundR) {
} */
current_display->which_copy = gmatrix[cwt.at];
else {
aspd *= euclid ? (2+3*R*R) : (1+R+(shmup::on?1:0));
if(R < aspd && gmatrix.count(cwt.at) && eqmatrix(gmatrix[cwt.at], current_display->which_copy)) {
current_display->which_copy = gmatrix[cwt.at];
if(R < aspd)
shift_view_towards(H, aspd);
ors::rerotate(W); ors::rerotate(cwtV); ors::rerotate(View);
EX void optimizeview() {
if(subscreens::split(optimizeview)) return;
if(dual::split(optimizeview)) return;
transmatrix iView = inverse(View);
virtualRebase(centerover, iView);
View = inverse(iView);
if(centerover && inmirror(centerover)) {
void addball(ld a, ld b, ld c) {
hyperpoint h;
ballmodel(h, a, b, c);
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) h[i] *= current_display->radius;
void ballgeometry() {
queuereset(mdPixel, PPR::CIRCLE);
for(int i=0; i<60; i++)
addball(i * M_PI/30, 10, 0);
for(double d=10; d>=-10; d-=.2)
addball(0, d, 0);
for(double d=-10; d<=10; d+=.2)
addball(0, d, vid.depth);
addball(0, 0, -vid.camera);
addball(0, 0, vid.depth);
addball(0, 0, -vid.camera);
addball(0, -10, 0);
addball(0, 0, -vid.camera);
queuecurve(darkena(0xFF, 0, 0x80), 0, PPR::CIRCLE);
queuereset(pmodel, PPR::CIRCLE);
EX void resetview() {
DEBBI(DF_GRAPH, ("reset view"));
NLP = Id;
auto lView = View;
if(cwt.at) {
centerover = cwt.at;
View = iddspin(cwt.at, cwt.spin);
if(!flipplayer) View = pispin * View;
if(cwt.mirrored) View = Mirror * View;
if(centering) {
hyperpoint vl = View * get_corner_position(cwt.at, cwt.spin);
hyperpoint vr = View * get_corner_position(cwt.at, (cwt.spin+1) % cwt.at->type);
hyperpoint vm = (centering == eCentering::edge) ? mid(vl, vr) : vl;
transmatrix rm = gpushxto0(vm);
View = spintox(rm*vr) * rm * View;
if(GDIM == 2) View = spin(M_PI + vid.fixed_facing_dir * degree) * View;
if(GDIM == 3 && !prod) View = cspin(0, 2, M_PI/2) * View;
if(prod) NLP = cspin(0, 2, M_PI/2);
if(cheater && eqmatrix(View, lView) && !centering) {
View = Id;
static ld cyc = 0;
cyc += 90 * degree;
View = spin(cyc) * View;
if(GDIM == 2) View = spin(M_PI + vid.fixed_facing_dir * degree) * View;
if(GDIM == 3 && !prod) View = cspin(0, 2, M_PI/2) * View;
else if(currentmap) {
centerover = currentmap->gamestart();
View = Id;
cwtV = View;
current_display->which_copy =
nonisotropic ? gpushxto0(tC0(inverse(View))) :
// SDL_LockSurface(s);
// SDL_UnlockSurface(s);
EX void panning(hyperpoint hf, hyperpoint ht) {
View =
rgpushxto0(hf) * rgpushxto0(gpushxto0(hf) * ht) * gpushxto0(hf) * View;
playermoved = false;
EX int cells_drawn, cells_generated;
EX void fullcenter() {
if(history::saved_ends == 0)
if(playerfound && false) centerpc(INF);
else {
if(!centering) centerpc(INF);
centerover = cwt.at;
playermoved = !centering;
transmatrix screenpos(ld x, ld y) {
transmatrix V = Id;
V[0][2] += (x - current_display->xcenter) / current_display->radius * (1+pconf.alpha);
V[1][2] += (y - current_display->ycenter) / current_display->radius * (1+pconf.alpha);
return V;
In 3D, we use the standard translation matrices to place stuff on the screen.
In 2D, this does not work (as HyperRogue reduces matrices to 3x3) so we use the native disk projection
EX eModel flat_model() { return MDIM == 4 ? mdPixel : mdDisk; }
/** \brief enable the 'flat' model for drawing HUD. See hr::flat_model_enabler */
EX void enable_flat_model() {
#if CAP_GL
pmodel = flat_model();
pconf.alpha = 1;
pconf.scale = 1;
pconf.camera_angle = 0;
pconf.stretch = 1;
if(prod) pconf.alpha = 30, pconf.scale = 30;
#if HDR
/** \brief enable the 'flat' model for drawing HUD. Use RAII so it will be switched back later */
struct flat_model_enabler {
projection_configuration bak;
flat_model_enabler() { bak = pconf; enable_flat_model(); }
~flat_model_enabler() { pconf = bak; calcparam(); }
EX transmatrix atscreenpos(ld x, ld y, ld size) {
transmatrix V = Id;
if(pmodel == mdPixel) {
V[0][3] += (x - current_display->xcenter);
V[1][3] += (y - current_display->ycenter);
V[0][0] = size * 2 * cgi.hcrossf / cgi.crossf;
V[1][1] = size * 2 * cgi.hcrossf / cgi.crossf;
if(WDIM == 3) V[2][2] = -1;
else {
V[0][2] += (x - current_display->xcenter);
V[1][2] += (y - current_display->ycenter);
V[0][0] = size * 2 * cgi.hcrossf / cgi.crossf;
V[1][1] = size * 2 * cgi.hcrossf / cgi.crossf;
V[2][2] = current_display->radius;
if(S3 >= OINF) V[0][0] /= 5, V[1][1] /= 5;
return V;
void circle_around_center(ld radius, color_t linecol, color_t fillcol, PPR prio) {
if(among(pmodel, mdDisk, mdEquiarea, mdEquidistant, mdFisheye) && !(pmodel == mdDisk && hyperbolic && pconf.alpha <= -1) && pconf.camera_angle == 0) {
hyperpoint ret;
applymodel(xpush0(radius), ret);
ld r = hypot_d(2, ret);
queuecircle(current_display->xcenter, current_display->ycenter, r * current_display->radius, linecol, prio, fillcol);
for(int i=0; i<=360; i++) curvepoint(xspinpush0(i * degree, 10));
auto& c = queuecurve(linecol, fillcol, prio);
if(pmodel == mdDisk && hyperbolic && pconf.alpha <= -1)
if(pmodel == mdJoukowsky)
c.flags |= POLY_ALWAYS_IN;
EX color_t periodcolor = 0x00FF0080;
EX color_t ringcolor = darkena(0xFF, 0, 0xFF);
EX color_t modelcolor = 0;
EX void draw_model_elements() {
dynamicval<ld> lw(vid.linewidth, vid.linewidth * vid.multiplier_ring);
switch(pmodel) {
case mdRotatedHyperboles: {
queuestr(current_display->xcenter, current_display->ycenter + current_display->radius * pconf.alpha, 0, vid.fsize, "X", ringcolor, 1, 8);
case mdTwoHybrid: {
queuereset(mdPixel, PPR::CIRCLE);
for(int mode=0; mode<4; mode++) {
for(int s=-200; s<=200; s ++) {
ld p = tanh(s / 40.);
ld a = pconf.twopoint_param * (1+p);
ld b = pconf.twopoint_param * (1-p);
ld h = ((mode & 2) ? -1 : 1) * sqrt(asin_auto(tan_auto(a) * tan_auto(b)));
hyperpoint H = xpush(p * pconf.twopoint_param) * ypush0(h);
hyperpoint res = compute_hybrid(H, 2 | mode);
models::apply_orientation(res[0], res[1]);
models::apply_orientation_yz(res[2], res[1]);
curvepoint(res * current_display->radius);
queuecurve(ringcolor, 0, PPR::CIRCLE);
queuereset(pmodel, PPR::CIRCLE);
/* fallthrough */
case mdTwoPoint: case mdSimulatedPerspective: {
ld a = -pconf.model_orientation * degree;
queuestr(xspinpush0(a, +pconf.twopoint_param), vid.xres / 100, "X", ringcolor >> 8);
queuestr(xspinpush0(a, -pconf.twopoint_param), vid.xres / 100, "X", ringcolor >> 8);
case mdBall: {
queuecircle(current_display->xcenter, current_display->ycenter, current_display->radius, ringcolor, PPR::OUTCIRCLE, modelcolor);
case mdHyperboloid: {
if(hyperbolic) {
queuecurve(ringcolor, 0, PPR::CIRCLE);
ld& tz = pconf.top_z;
ld z = acosh(tz);
hyperpoint a = xpush0(z);
ld cb = models::cos_ball;
ld sb = models::sin_ball;
a[1] = sb * a[2] / -cb;
a[0] = sqrt(-1 + a[2] * a[2] - a[1] * a[1]);
a[0] = -a[0];
queuecurve(ringcolor, 0, PPR::CIRCLE);
queuecurve(ringcolor, 0, PPR::CIRCLE);
a[1] = sb * tz / -cb;
a[0] = sqrt(tz * tz - a[1] * a[1]);
a[2] = tz - pconf.alpha;
a[0] = -a[0];
queuecurve(ringcolor, 0, PPR::CIRCLE);
default: break;
void queuestraight(hyperpoint X, int style, color_t lc, color_t fc, PPR p) {
hyperpoint H0, H1;
applymodel(X, H0);
H0 *= current_display->radius;
ld mul0 = hypot(vid.xres, vid.yres) / hypot_d(2, H0);
if(style == 1) {
H1 = H0 * -mul0;
else {
applymodel(pispin * X, H1);
H1 *= current_display->radius;
ld mul1 = hypot(vid.xres, vid.yres) / hypot_d(2, H1);
queuereset(mdPixel, p);
curvepoint(H0 + spin(M_PI/2) * H0 * mul0);
curvepoint(H0 - spin(M_PI/2) * H0 * mul0);
curvepoint(H1 + spin(M_PI/2) * H1 * mul1);
curvepoint(H1 - spin(M_PI/2) * H1 * mul1);
curvepoint(H0 + spin(M_PI/2) * H0 * mul0);
queuecurve(lc, fc, p).flags |= POLY_ALWAYS_IN | POLY_FORCEWIDE;
queuereset(pmodel, p);
for(int i=0; i<1; i++) {
hyperpoint h = spin(i * 45 * degree) * X;
hyperpoint res;
applymodel(h, res);
if(hypot2(res) < 1000 && !std::isnan(res[0]) && !std::isnan(res[1]))
queuestr(h, 16, "X", 0xFF0000 + i * 0x20);
} */
EX void draw_boundary(int w) {
if(w == 1) return;
if(nonisotropic || euclid || prod) return;
dynamicval<ld> lw(vid.linewidth, vid.linewidth * vid.multiplier_ring);
color_t lc = ringcolor;
color_t fc = modelcolor;
if(haveaura()) lc = 0;
if(lc == 0 && fc == 0) return;
if(pmodel == mdRotatedHyperboles) return;
ld fakeinf = sphere ? M_PI-1e-5 : hyperbolic ? 10 : exp(10);
dynamicval<ld> dw(vid.linewidth, vid.linewidth * (svg::in ? svg::divby : 1));
if(elliptic && !among(pmodel, mdBand, mdBandEquidistant, mdBandEquiarea, mdSinusoidal, mdMollweide, mdCollignon))
circle_around_center(M_PI/2, periodcolor, 0, PPR::CIRCLE);
switch(pmodel) {
case mdTwoPoint: {
if(twopoint_do_flips || current_display->stereo_active() || !sphere) return;
queuereset(mdPixel, p);
for(int b=-1; b<=1; b+=2)
for(ld a=-90; a<=90+1e-6; a+=pow(.5, vid.linequality)) {
ld x = sin(a * pconf.twopoint_param * b / 90);
ld y = 0;
ld z = -sqrt(1 - x*x);
models::apply_orientation(y, x);
hyperpoint h1;
applymodel(hpxyz(x,y,z), h1);
models::apply_orientation(h1[0], h1[1]);
h1[1] = abs(h1[1]) * b;
models::apply_orientation(h1[1], h1[0]);
queuecurve(lc, fc, p).flags |= POLY_FORCEWIDE;
queuereset(pmodel, p);
case mdBand: case mdBandEquidistant: case mdBandEquiarea: case mdSinusoidal: case mdMollweide: case mdCentralCyl: case mdCollignon: {
if(GDIM == 3) return;
if(pmodel == mdBand && pconf.model_transition != 1) return;
bool bndband = (among(pmodel, mdBand, mdCentralCyl) ? hyperbolic : sphere);
transmatrix T = spin(-pconf.model_orientation * degree);
ld right = M_PI/2 - 1e-5;
queuestraight(T * ypush0(hyperbolic ? 10 : right), 2, lc, fc, p);
ld xperiod = elliptic ? fakeinf/2 : fakeinf;
if(sphere && !bndband) {
queuestraight(T * xpush0(xperiod), 2, periodcolor, 0, PPR::CIRCLE);
if(sphere && bndband) {
ld adegree = degree-1e-6;
for(ld a=-90; a<90+1e-6; a+=pow(.5, vid.linequality)) {
curvepoint(T * xpush(xperiod) * ypush0(a * adegree));
for(ld a=-90; a<90+1e-6; a+=pow(.5, vid.linequality)) {
curvepoint(T * xpush(-xperiod) * ypush0(-a * adegree));
curvepoint(T * xpush(xperiod) * ypush0(-90 * adegree));
queuecurve(periodcolor, 0, PPR::CIRCLE).flags |= POLY_FORCEWIDE;
case mdHalfplane:
if(hyperbolic && GDIM == 2) {
queuestraight(xspinpush0(-pconf.model_orientation * degree - M_PI/2, fakeinf), 1, lc, fc, p);
case mdHemisphere: {
if(hyperbolic) {
queuereset(mdPixel, p);
for(int i=0; i<=360; i++) {
ld s = sin(i * degree);
curvepoint(point3(current_display->radius * cos(i * degree), current_display->radius * s * (models::cos_ball * s >= 0 - 1e-6 ? 1 : abs(models::sin_ball)), 0));
queuecurve(lc, fc, p);
queuereset(pmodel, p);
p = PPR::CIRCLE; fc = 0;
queuereset(mdPixel, p);
for(int i=0; i<=360; i++) {
ld s = sin(i * degree);
curvepoint(point3(current_display->radius * cos(i * degree), current_display->radius * s * models::sin_ball, 0));
queuecurve(lc, fc, p);
queuereset(pmodel, p);
if(euclid || sphere) {
queuereset(mdPixel, p);
for(int i=0; i<=360; i++) {
curvepoint(point3(current_display->radius * cos(i * degree), current_display->radius * sin(i * degree), 0));
queuecurve(lc, fc, p);
queuereset(pmodel, p);
case mdHyperboloid: {
if(hyperbolic) {
ld& tz = pconf.top_z;
ld mz = acosh(tz);
ld cb = models::cos_ball;
ld sb = models::sin_ball;
if(abs(sb) <= abs(cb) + 1e-5) {
ld step = .01 / (1 << vid.linequality);
hyperpoint a;
for(ld t=-1; t<=1; t += step) {
a = xpush0(t * mz);
if(t != 0) {
a[1] = sb * a[2] / -cb;
ld v = -1 + a[2] * a[2] - a[1] * a[1];
if(v < 0) continue;
a[0] = sqrt(v);
if(t < 0) a[0] = -a[0];
if((sb > 0) ^ (cb < 0)) {
ld alpha = M_PI - atan2(a[0], -a[1]);
for(ld t=-1; t<=1; t += step)
curvepoint(xspinpush0(-M_PI/2 - t * alpha, mz));
else {
ld alpha = - atan2(a[0], -a[1]);
for(ld t=-1; t<=1; t += step)
curvepoint(xspinpush0(+M_PI/2 - t * alpha, mz));
queuecurve(lc, fc, p);
fc = 0; p = PPR::CIRCLE;
for(ld t=0; t<=360; t ++)
curvepoint(xspinpush0(t * degree, mz));
queuecurve(lc, fc, p);
case mdSpiral: {
if(euclid) return;
if(models::ring_not_spiral) return;
// if(p == PPR::CIRCLE) p = PPR::OUTCIRCLE;
auto& sm = models::spiral_multiplier;
ld u = hypot(1, imag(sm) / real(sm));
if(real(sm)) {
queuereset(mdPixel, p);
for(ld a=-10; a<=10; a+=0.01 / (1 << vid.linequality) / u) {
cld z = exp(cld(a, a * imag(sm) / real(sm) + M_PI));
hyperpoint ret = point2(real(z), imag(z));
ret = mobius(ret, pconf.skiprope, 1);
ret *= current_display->radius;
queuecurve(ringcolor, 0, p).flags |= POLY_ALWAYS_IN;
queuereset(pmodel, p);
default: break;
if(sphere && pmodel == mdDisk && pconf.alpha > 1) {
double rad = current_display->radius / sqrt(pconf.alpha*pconf.alpha - 1);
queuecircle(current_display->xcenter, current_display->ycenter, rad, lc, p, fc);
if(sphere && !among(pmodel, mdEquidistant, mdEquiarea)) return;
circle_around_center(fakeinf, lc, fc, p);
EX ld band_shift = 0;
EX void fix_the_band(transmatrix& T) {
if(((mdinf[pmodel].flags & mf::uses_bandshift) && T[LDIM][LDIM] > 1e6) || (sphere && pmodel == mdSpiral)) {
T = spin(pconf.model_orientation * degree) * T;
hyperpoint H = tC0(T);
ld y = asin_auto(H[1]);
ld x = asin_auto_clamp(H[0] / cos_auto(y));
if(sphere) {
if(H[LDIM] < 0 && x > 0) x = M_PI - x;
else if(H[LDIM] < 0 && x <= 0) x = -M_PI - x;
band_shift += x;
T = xpush(-x) * T;
T = spin(-pconf.model_orientation * degree) * T;
#if HDR
struct bandfixer {
dynamicval<ld> bw;
bandfixer(transmatrix& T) : bw(band_shift, band_shift) { fix_the_band(T); }
EX namespace dq {
EX queue<tuple<heptagon*, transmatrix, ld>> drawqueue;
EX set<heptagon*> visited;
EX void enqueue(heptagon *h, const transmatrix& T) {
if(!h || visited.count(h)) { return; }
drawqueue.emplace(h, T, band_shift);
EX set<int> visited_by_matrix;
EX void enqueue_by_matrix(heptagon *h, const transmatrix& T) {
if(!h) return;
if(sl2 && T[3][3] < 0) { enqueue_by_matrix(h, centralsym * T); return; }
int b = bucketer(tC0(T));
if(visited_by_matrix.count(b)) { return; }
drawqueue.emplace(h, T, band_shift);
EX queue<tuple<cell*, transmatrix, ld>> drawqueue_c;
EX set<cell*> visited_c;
EX void enqueue_c(cell *c, const transmatrix& T) {
if(!c || visited_c.count(c)) { return; }
drawqueue_c.emplace(c, T, band_shift);
EX void enqueue_by_matrix_c(cell *c, const transmatrix& T) {
if(!c) return;
if(sl2 && T[3][3] < 0) { enqueue_by_matrix_c(c, centralsym * T); return; }
int b = bucketer(tC0(T));
if(visited_by_matrix.count(b)) { return; }
drawqueue_c.emplace(c, T, band_shift);
EX void clear_all() {
while(!drawqueue_c.empty()) drawqueue_c.pop();
while(!drawqueue.empty()) drawqueue.pop();
EX }
EX bool do_draw(cell *c) {
// do not display out of range cells, unless on torus
if(c->pathdist == PINFD && !(euclid && quotient) && vid.use_smart_range == 0)
return false;
// do not display not fully generated cells, unless changing range allowed
if(c->mpdist > 7 && !allowChangeRange()) return false;
// in the Yendor Challenge, scrolling back is forbidden
if(c->cpdist > 7 && (yendor::on || isHaunted(cwt.at->land)) && !cheater && !autocheat) return false;
return true;
EX ld extra_generation_distance = 99;
// returns false if limited
bool limited_generation(cell *c) {
if(c->mpdist <= 7) return true;
if(cells_generated > vid.cells_generated_limit) return false;
setdist(c, 7, c);
return true;
EX bool do_draw(cell *c, const transmatrix& T) {
if(WDIM == 3) {
// do not care about cells outside of the track
if(GDIM == 3 && racing::on && c->land == laMemory && cells_drawn >= S7+1) return false;
if(cells_drawn > vid.cells_drawn_limit) return false;
if(cells_drawn < 50) { limited_generation(c); return true; }
if(nil && pmodel == mdGeodesic) {
ld dist = hypot_d(3, inverse_exp(tC0(T), pQUICK));
if(dist > sightranges[geometry] + (vid.sloppy_3d ? 0 : 0.9)) return false;
if(dist <= extra_generation_distance && !limited_generation(c)) return false;
else if(pmodel == mdGeodesic && sol) {
if(!nisot::in_table_range(tC0(T))) return false;
if(!limited_generation(c)) return false;
else if(pmodel == mdGeodesic && nih) {
hyperpoint h = inverse_exp(tC0(T), pQUICK);
ld dist = hypot_d(3, h);
if(dist > sightranges[geometry] + (vid.sloppy_3d ? 0 : cgi.corner_bonus)) return false;
if(dist <= extra_generation_distance && !limited_generation(c)) return false;
else if(pmodel == mdGeodesic && sl2) {
if(hypot(tC0(T)[2], tC0(T)[3]) > cosh(slr::range_xy)) return false;
if(!limited_generation(c)) return false;
else if(vid.use_smart_range) {
if(cells_drawn >= 50 && !in_smart_range(T)) return false;
if(!limited_generation(c)) return false;
else {
ld dist = hdist0(tC0(T));
if(dist > sightranges[geometry] + (vid.sloppy_3d ? 0 : cgi.corner_bonus)) return false;
if(dist <= extra_generation_distance && !limited_generation(c)) return false;
return true;
if(just_gmatrix && sphere) return true;
if(!do_draw(c)) return false;
if(euclid && pmodel == mdSpiral) {
hyperpoint h = tC0(T);
cld z(h[0], h[1]);
z = z * models::spiral_multiplier;
ld iz = imag(z) + 1.14279e-2; // make it never fall exactly on PI
if(iz < -M_PI || iz >= M_PI) return false;
if(pmodel == mdSpiral && models::ring_not_spiral) {
cld z;
hyperpoint H = tC0(T);
hyperpoint ret;
makeband(H, ret, band_conformal);
z = cld(ret[0], ret[1]) * models::spiral_multiplier;
if(imag(z) < -models::spiral_cone_rad/2-1e-5 || imag(z) >= models::spiral_cone_rad/2-1e-5) return false;
if(cells_drawn > vid.cells_drawn_limit) return false;
bool usr = vid.use_smart_range || quotient;
if(usr && cells_drawn >= 50 && !in_smart_range(T) && !(WDIM == 2 && GDIM == 3 && hdist0(tC0(T)) < 2.5)) return false;
if(vid.use_smart_range == 2 && !limited_generation(c)) return false;
return true;
EX int cone_side(const hyperpoint H) {
hyperpoint ret;
if(hyperbolic) makeband(H, ret, band_conformal);
else ret = H;
cld z = cld(ret[0], ret[1]) * models::spiral_multiplier;
auto zth = [&] (cld z) {
ld alpha = imag(z) * 360 / pconf.spiral_cone;
ld r = real(z);
r = exp(r);
hyperpoint ret;
ret[0] = -sin(alpha) * r;
ret[1] = cos(alpha) * r;
ret[2] = (r-1) * sqrt( pow(360/pconf.spiral_cone, 2) - 1);
models::apply_ball(ret[2], ret[1]);
return ret;
hyperpoint ret0 = zth(z);
hyperpoint ret1 = zth(z + cld(1e-3, 0));
hyperpoint ret2 = zth(z + cld(0, 1e-3));
return (ret1[1] - ret0[1]) * (ret2[0] - ret0[0]) < (ret2[1] - ret0[1]) * (ret1[0] - ret0[0]) ? 1 : -1;
/** get the current orientation of the view */
EX transmatrix& get_view_orientation() {
return prod ? NLP : View;
EX hookset<bool(const transmatrix&)> hooks_rotate_view;
EX hookset<bool(const hyperpoint&)> hooks_shift_view;
/** rotate the view using the given rotation matrix */
EX void rotate_view(transmatrix T) {
if(callhandlers(false, hooks_rotate_view, T)) return;
transmatrix& which = get_view_orientation();
which = T * which;
if(!prod && !nonisotropic && !rug::rugged) current_display->which_copy = T * current_display->which_copy;
/** shift the view according to the given tangent vector */
EX transmatrix get_shift_view_of(const hyperpoint H, const transmatrix V) {
if(!nonisotropic && !stretch::in()) {
return rgpushxto0(direct_exp(lp_iapply(H))) * V;
else if(!nisot::geodesic_movement) {
transmatrix IV = inverse(V);
const transmatrix V1 = inverse(IV);
return V1 * eupush(IV * eupush(H) * V1 * C0);
else {
return inverse(nisot::parallel_transport(inverse(V), -H));
/** shift the view according to the given tangent vector */
EX void shift_view(hyperpoint H) {
if(callhandlers(false, hooks_shift_view, H)) return;
auto oView = View;
View = get_shift_view_of(H, View);
auto& wc = current_display->which_copy;
if(nonisotropic || stretch::in()) {
transmatrix ioldv = eupush(tC0(inverse(oView)));
transmatrix newv = inverse(eupush(tC0(inverse(View))));
wc = newv * ioldv * wc;
wc = get_shift_view_of(H, wc);
void multiply_view(transmatrix T) {
View = T * View;
auto& wc = current_display->which_copy;
wc = T * wc;
EX void shift_view_to(hyperpoint H) {
if(!nonisotropic) multiply_view(gpushxto0(H));
else shift_view(-inverse_exp(H));
EX void shift_view_towards(hyperpoint H, ld l) {
if(!nonisotropic && !prod)
multiply_view(rspintox(H) * xpush(-l) * spintox(H));
else if(nonisotropic && !nisot::geodesic_movement)
shift_view(tangent_length(H-C0, -l));
else {
hyperpoint ie = inverse_exp(H, pNORMAL | pfNO_DISTANCE);
if(prod) ie = lp_apply(ie);
shift_view(tangent_length(ie, -l));