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static const int motypes = 152;
struct monstertype {
char glyph;
int color;
const char *name;
const char *help;
enum eMonster {
moYeti, moWolf, moWolfMoved,
moTroll, moGoblin,
moWorm, moWormtail, moWormwait, moHedge,
moIvyRoot, moIvyHead, moIvyBranch, moIvyWait, moIvyNext, moIvyDead,
moMimic, moREMOVED, moGolem, moGolemMoved,
moEagle, moSeep,
moZombie, moGhost, moNecromancer, moShadow,
moTentacle, moTentacletail, moTentaclewait, moTentacleEscaping,
moCultist, moPyroCultist,
moGreater, moGreaterM, moLesser, moLesserM,
moShark, moRunDog, moGreaterShark, moFireFairy,
moCrystalSage, moLancer, moFlailer, moMiner,
moVineBeast, moVineSpirit, moDarkTroll, moEarthElemental,
moBug0, moBug1, moBug2,
moWitch, moWitchSpeed, moWitchFlash, moWitchFire, moWitchWinter, moWitchGhost,
moEvilGolem, moKnight, moCultistLeader, moSlimeNextTurn, moKnightMoved,
moPirate, moCShark, moParrot,
moHexSnake, moHexSnakeTail, moRedTroll, moBomberbird, moAlbatross,
moTameBomberbird, moTameBomberbirdMoved,
moPalace, moFatGuard, moSkeleton, moVizier,
moViking, moFjordTroll, moWaterElemental,
moMouse, moMouseMoved,
moPrincess, moPrincessMoved,
moPrincessArmed, moPrincessArmedMoved,
moFamiliar, moGargoyle, moFireElemental, moAirElemental,
moOrangeDog, moTentacleGhost,
moMetalBeast, moMetalBeast2, moOutlaw, moMutant,
moStormTroll, moForestTroll,
moRedFox, moWindCrow, moFriendlyGhost, moRatling, moFalsePrincess, moRoseLady,
moRoseBeauty, moRatlingAvenger,
moTortoise, moDragonHead, moDragonTail,
moGadfly, moResearcher, moSparrowhawk,
moKrakenH, moKrakenT, moDraugr, moFriendlyIvy,
moVampire, moBat, moReptile,
moHerdBull, moRagingBull, moSleepBull,
moButterfly, moNarciss, moMirrorSpirit,
moHunterDog, moTerraWarrior, moJiangshi, moVoidBeast, moLavaWolf, moHunterGuard,
moIceGolem, moSandBird, moSalamander, moHunterChanging,
// shmup specials
moPlayer, moBullet, moFlailBullet, moFireball, moTongue, moAirball,
// temporary
moDeadBug, moLightningBolt, moDeadBird, moEnergySword, moWarning, moArrowTrap,
struct genderswitch_t {
int gender;
eMonster m;
const char *name;
const char *desc;
#define NUM_GS 6
static const int ittypes = 122;
struct itemtype {
char glyph;
int color;
const char *name;
const char *help;
enum eItem {
itNone, itDiamond, itGold, itSpice, itRuby, itElixir, itShard, itBone, itHell, itStatue,
itFeather, itSapphire, itHyperstone, itKey,
itGreenStone, itOrbYendor,
itOrbLightning, itOrbFlash, itOrbWinter, itOrbSpeed, itOrbLife, itOrbShield, itOrbDigging,
itOrbTeleport, itOrbSafety,
itOrbThorns, itFernFlower,
itWine, itOrbAether, itSilver, itOrbPsi,
itRoyalJelly, itEmerald, itOrbInvis, itPower, itOrbFire,
itHolyGrail, itGrimoire,
itOrbDragon, itOrbIllusion,
itPirate, itCompass,
itRedGem, itOrbTime, itOrbSpace,
itBombEgg, itCoast, itWhirlpool,
itOrbFriend, itOrbWater, itOrbAir,
itPalace, itOrbFrog,
itFjord, itOrbFish,
itSavedPrincess, itOrbLove,
itIvory, itZebra,
itFireShard, itAirShard, itEarthShard, itWaterShard,
itElemental, itOrbSummon, itOrbMatter,
itBounty, itRevolver, itFulgurite, itMutant,
itOrbStunning, itOrbLuck,
itMutant2, itOrbFreedom, itLotus, itOrbUndeath,
itWindstone, itOrbEmpathy, itStrongWind, itBuggy, itBuggy2,
itRose, itCoral, itOrbBeauty, itOrb37, itOrbEnergy,
itBabyTortoise, itOrbShell, itApple, itDragon, itOrbDomination,
itOrbSword, itKraken, itOrbSword2, itBarrow,
itTrollEgg, itWarning, itOrbStone, itOrbNature, itTreat,
itSlime, itAmethyst, itOrbRecall, itDodeca, itOrbDash, itGreenGrass, itOrbHorns,
itOrbBull, itBull, itOrbMirror,
itLavaLily, itHunting, itBlizzard, itTerra,
itOrbSide1, itOrbSide2, itOrbSide3,
itOrbLava, itOrbMorph, itGlowCrystal
static const int walltypes = 105;
struct walltype {
char glyph;
int color;
const char *name;
const char *help;
enum eWall { waNone, waIcewall, waBarrier, waFloorA, waFloorB, waCavewall, waCavefloor, waDeadTroll, waDune,
waMirror, waCloud, waThumperOff, waFire, waAncientGrave, waFreshGrave, waColumn, waSulphurC, waSulphur,
waLake, waFrozenLake, waChasm, waChasmD, waBigTree, waSmallTree,
waVinePlant, waVineHalfA, waVineHalfB, waPartialFire,
waDeadwall, waDeadfloor, waDeadfloor2, waWaxWall, waGlass, waCamelot, waRoundTable,
waSea, waBoat, waCIsland, waCIsland2, waCTree,
waRed1, waRed2, waRed3,
waMineUnknown, waMineMine, waMineOpen,
waPalace, waClosedGate, waOpenGate, waClosePlate, waOpenPlate, waTrapdoor,
waPlatform, waGargoyle, waGargoyleFloor, waRubble, waLadder, waStone,
waBonfireOff, waThumperOn, waEternalFire,
waTempWall, waTempFloor, waTempBridge,
waCharged, waGrounded, waSandstone, waSaloon, waMetal,
waDeadTroll2, waFan,
waTemporary, waEarthD, waElementalTmp, waElementalD,
waSlime1, waSlime2, waRose, waWarpGate,
waTrunk, waSolidBranch, waWeakBranch, waCanopy,
waBarrowWall, waBarrowDig,
waPetrified, waTower,
waBigBush, waSmallBush,
waReptile, waReptileBridge,
waTerraWarrior, waBubble,
waArrowTrap, waMercury, waMagma
static const int landtypes = 78;
struct landtype {
int color;
const char *name;
const char *help;
enum eLand { laNone, laBarrier, laCrossroads, laDesert, laIce, laCaves, laJungle, laAlchemist, laMirror, laGraveyard,
laRlyeh, laHell, laCocytus, laMotion, laDryForest, laEmerald, laWineyard, laDeadCaves,
laHive, laPower, laCamelot, laTemple,
laCrossroads2, laCaribbean, laRedRock, laMinefield, laOcean, laWhirlpool,
laPalace, laLivefjord,
laIvoryTower, laZebra, laEFire, laEAir, laEEarth, laEWater, laCrossroads3,
laOceanWall, laElementalWall,
laCanvas, laPrincessQuest,
laWildWest, laStorms, laOvergrown, laClearing,
laHaunted, laHauntedWall, laHauntedBorder,
laWhirlwind, laRose, laWarpCoast, laWarpSea, laCrossroads4,
laEndorian, laTortoise, laDragon,
laKraken, laBurial, laTrollheim,
laHalloween, laDungeon, laMountain, laReptile,
laPrairie, laBull, laCrossroads5, laCA,
laMirrorWall, laMirrored, laMirrorWall2, laMirrored2,
laVolcano, laBlizzard, laHunting, laTerracotta, laMercuryRiver,
enum eGeometry {gNormal, gEuclid, gSphere, gElliptic, gQuotient, gQuotient2, gTorus, gOctagon, g45, g46, g47, gSmallSphere, gTinySphere, gGUARD};
struct geometryinfo {
const char* name;
const char* shortname;
int sides;
int vertex;
int quotientstyle;
int cclass; // 0-hyperbolic, 1-Euclidean, 2-spherical
int distlimit[2]; // truncated, non-truncated
static const int qZEBRA = 1;
static const int qFIELD = 2;
static const int qELLIP = 4;
static const int qTORUS = 8;
// note: dnext assumes that x&7 equals 7
static const int SEE_ALL = 15;
static const int FORBIDDEN = -1;
extern eGeometry geometry;
extern geometryinfo ginf[gGUARD];
extern monstertype minf[motypes];
extern itemtype iinf[ittypes];