mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2024-10-06 09:30:41 +00:00
2022-04-30 12:01:18 +02:00

332 lines
10 KiB

namespace nilrider {
void level::init() {
if(initialized) return;
initialized = true;
unil_texture = new texture::texture_data;
auto& tex = *unil_texture;
real_minx = HUGE_VAL;
real_miny = HUGE_VAL;
real_maxx = -HUGE_VAL;
real_maxy = -HUGE_VAL;
if(flags & nrlPolar)
scale = 1;
scale = abs(maxx - minx) / isize(map_tiles[0]);
println(hlog, "SCALE IS ", this->scale);
int tY = isize(map_tiles);
int tX = isize(map_tiles[0]);
tex.twidth = tex.tx = tX * 64;
tex.theight = tex.ty = tY * 64;
tex.stretched = false;
tex.strx = tex.tx;
tex.stry = tex.ty;
tex.base_x = 0;
tex.base_y = 0;
println(hlog, "tX=", tX, " tY=", tY, " tex=", tex.tx, "x", tex.ty);
for(int y=0; y<tex.ty; y++)
for(int x=0; x<tex.tx; x++) {
int bx = x / 64;
int by = y / 64;
char bmch = map_tiles[by][bx];
int sx = (x % 64) / 4;
int sy = (y % 64) / 4;
if(bmch == '!') continue;
char smch = submaps[bmch][sy][sx];
tex.get_texture_pixel(x, y) = bcols[smch];
tex.get_texture_pixel(x, y) |= 0xFF000000;
tex.get_texture_pixel(x, y) ^= hrand(0x1000000) & 0xF0F0F;
// (x * 256 / TEXSIZE + (((y * 256) / TEXSIZE) << 8)) | 0xFF000000;
start.where = mappt(startx+.5, starty+.5, 1);
start.t = 0;
current = start;
println(hlog, "start.where = ", start.where);
println(hlog, "current.where = ", current.where, " : ", format("%p", &current));
for(int s=0; s<2; s++) {
cgi.bshape(s == 0 ? shFloor : shPlanFloor, PPR::WALL);
shFloor.flags |= POLY_TRIANGLES;
shPlanFloor.flags |= POLY_TRIANGLES;
auto pt = [&] (int x, int y) {
if(s == 0) uniltinf.tvertices.push_back(glhr::makevertex(x * 1. / tX / 16, y * 1. / tY / 16, 0));
hyperpoint h = mappt(x, y, 16);
real_minx = min(real_minx, h[0]);
real_maxx = max(real_maxx, h[0]);
real_miny = min(real_miny, h[1]);
real_maxy = max(real_maxy, h[1]);
if(s == 1) h[2] = h[3] = 1;
// h[2] = h[0] * h[1] / 2 + .1;
// h[3] = 1;
// println(hlog, "entered ", h);
// cgi.hpcpush(hyperpoint(rand() % 10 - 5, rand() % 10 - 5, rand() % 10 - 5, 1));
for(int y=0; y<tY * 16; y++)
for(int x=0; x<tX * 16; x++) {
char bmch = map_tiles[y/16][x/16];
if(bmch == '!') continue;
pt(x, y);
pt(x, y+1);
pt(x+1, y);
pt(x+1, y+1);
pt(x+1, y);
pt(x, y+1);
if(1) {
cgi.bshape(shField, PPR::WALL);
shField.flags |= POLY_TRIANGLES;
auto pt = [&] (hyperpoint p) {
hyperpoint h = mappt(p[0], p[1], 16);
h[2] += p[2];
// cgi.hpcpush(hyperpoint(rand() % 10 - 5, rand() % 10 - 5, rand() % 10 - 5, 1));
for(int y=0; y<tY * 16; y++)
for(int x=0; x<tX * 16; x++) {
int bx = x / 16;
int by = y / 16;
char bmch = map_tiles[by][bx];
if(bmch == 'f' && (x&1) && (y&1)) {
for(int s=0; s<4; s++) {
hyperpoint st = point3(x+.1, y+.1, 0);
hyperpoint a = spin(90*degree*s) * point3(.1, .1, 0);
hyperpoint b = spin(90*degree*(s+1)) * point3(.1, .1, 0);
hyperpoint hi = point3(0, 0, 1);
for(int z=0; z<3; z++) {
ld z1 = (3-z) / 3.;
ld z2 = (2-z) / 3.;
pt(st + a * z1 + hi*z);
pt(st + b * z1 + hi*z);
pt(st + a * z2 + hi*(z+1));
pt(st + a * z2 + hi*(z+1));
pt(st + b * z1 + hi*z);
pt(st + b * z2 + hi*(z+1));
if(1) {
cgi.bshape(shCastle, PPR::WALL);
shCastle.flags |= POLY_TRIANGLES;
for(int y=0; y<tY; y++)
for(int x=0; x<tX; x++) {
char bmch = map_tiles[y][x];
if(bmch == 'r') {
for(int s=0; s<4; s++) {
hyperpoint ctr = mappt(x+.5, y+.5, 1);
ctr[2] += safe_alt(ctr) + .5 * scale;
ld need = safe_alt(ctr, -1) / scale / scale;
int max_y = need * 2 + 1;
hyperpoint a = spin(90*degree*s) * point3(1, 0, 0);
hyperpoint b = spin(90*degree*s) * point3(0, 1, 0);
auto pt = [&] (ld af, ld bf, ld yf) {
hyperpoint ha = a * af * scale; ha[3] = 1;
hyperpoint hb = b * bf * scale; hb[3] = 1;
hyperpoint res = rgpushxto0(ctr) * rgpushxto0(ha) * rgpushxto0(hb) * point31(0, 0, yf * scale * scale);
auto ptf = [&] (ld af, ld bf, ld yf) {
pt(af, bf, yf);
castle_tinf.tvertices.push_back(glhr::makevertex(bf, yf*4, 0));
auto ptc = [&] (ld af, ld bf, ld yf, ld xt, ld yt) {
pt(af, bf, yf);
castle_tinf.tvertices.push_back(glhr::makevertex(xt, yt, 0));
for(int w=0; w<2; w++)
for(int as=0; as<8; as++)
for(int y=0; y<max_y; y++) {
ld xf = w ? .4 : .5;
ld y1 = -y/2.;
ld y2 = -(y+1)/2.;
ld asd = (as-4) / 8.;
ld asd1 = (as-3) / 8.;
auto oasd = asd / 4;
if(w) asd *= .8, asd1 *= .8, oasd *= .8 * .8;
ptf(xf, asd, y1 - oasd);
ptf(xf, asd1, y1 - oasd);
ptf(xf, asd, y2 - oasd);
ptf(xf, asd, y2 - oasd);
ptf(xf, asd1, y1 - oasd);
ptf(xf, asd1, y2 - oasd);
ld x1 = 1/32.;
ld x2 = 1/4. + x1;
ld y1 = 1/32.;
ld y2 = 1/8. + x1;
for(int as=0; as<8; as++) {
ld asd = (as-4) / 8.;
ld asd1 = (as-3) / 8.;
ld asdw = asd * .8;
ld asdw1 = asd1 * .8;
ld asd2 = (as-5) / 8.;
//ld asdw2 = asd2 * .8;
ld oasd = asd / 4;
ld oasdw = oasd * .8 * .8;
ld oasd2 = asd2 / 4;
ld oasdw2 = oasd2 * .8 * .8;
/* tops */
ptc(.5, asd, -oasd, x1, y1);
ptc(.5, asd1, - oasd, x1, y2);
ptc(.4, asdw, -oasdw, x2, y1);
ptc(.4, asdw, -oasdw, x2, y1);
ptc(.5, asd1, - oasd, x1, y2);
ptc(.4, asdw1, -oasdw, x2, y2);
/* sides */
ptc(.5, asd, -oasd, x1, y1);
ptc(.5, asd, -oasd2, x1, y2);
ptc(.4, asdw, -oasdw, x2, y1);
ptc(.4, asdw, -oasdw, x2, y1);
ptc(.5, asd, -oasd2, x1, y2);
ptc(.4, asdw, -oasdw2, x2, y2);
if(bmch == 'o') {
hyperpoint h = mappt(x+.5, y+.5, 1);
h[2] += safe_alt(h) + 1;
statues.emplace_back(statue{rgpushxto0(h), &shBall, 0xFFFFFFFF});
if(bmch == 'x') {
hyperpoint h = mappt(x+.5, y+.5, 1);
statues.emplace_back(statue{rgpushxto0(h), &shGeostatue, 0xFFFFFFFF});
if(bmch == '*') {
hyperpoint h = mappt(x+.5, y+.5, 1);
h[2] += safe_alt(h, .5, .85);
triangledata d;
d.where = h;
d.x = x;
d.y = y;
for(int i=0; i<7; i++)
d.colors[i] = gradient(0xFFD500FF, 0xFF, 0, i, 8);
// println(hlog, shFloor[i].s, " to ", shFloor[i].e);
/* convert ASCII map coordinates to Heisenberg coordinates */
hyperpoint level::mappt(ld x, ld y, int s) {
int tY = isize(map_tiles);
int tX = isize(map_tiles[0]);
x /= s;
y /= s;
hyperpoint h;
h[0] = lerp(minx, maxx, x / tX);
h[1] = lerp(miny, maxy, y / tY);
if(flags & nrlPolar)
tie(h[0], h[1]) = make_pair(h[1] * sin(h[0]), h[1] * cos(h[0]));
h[2] = surface(h);
h[3] = 1;
return h;
plan.emplace_back(start.where, hpxy(0, 1));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(4.5, 10.5), hpxy(1, 1));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(0.01, 3, 1), hpxy(0, -2));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(2, 3.99, 1), hpxy(4, 0));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(42, 3.99, 1), hpxy(4, 0));
void level::init_plan() {
plan.emplace_back(start.where, hpxy(0, -1));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(6.8, 10.2, 1), hpxy(1.5, -1.5));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(10.5, 10.5, 1), hpxy(1.5, 1.5));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(10.5, 4.5, 1), hpxy(-1.5, 1.5));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(4.5, 4.5, 1), hpxy(-1.5, 1.5));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(4.5, 2, 1), hpxy(1.5, 0.5));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(10.5, 2, 1), hpxy(1.5, -0.5));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(10.5, 4.5, 1), hpxy(-2, 0));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(6.5, 6.5, 1), hpxy(-1.5, -1.5));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(4.5, 10.5, 1), hpxy(1.5, -1.5));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(10.5, 9.5, 1), hpxy(1.5, 1.5));
/* plan.emplace_back(mappt(0.01, 3, 1), hpxy(0, -2));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(2, 3.99, 1), hpxy(4, 0));
plan.emplace_back(mappt(42, 3.99, 1), hpxy(4, 0));
current = start;
timer = 0;
ld level::safe_alt(hyperpoint h, ld mul, ld mulx) {
ld maxv = 0;
for(int x: {-1, 0, 1})
for(int y: {-1, 0, 1}) {
hyperpoint c = sym_to_heis(point31(x*.5*scale*mulx, y*.5*scale*mulx, 0));
hyperpoint j = rgpushxto0(h) * c;
maxv = max(maxv, mul * (surface(j) - j[2]));
return maxv;
void level::draw_level(const shiftmatrix& V) {
int id = 0;
for(auto& t: triangles) {
bool gotit = current.collected_triangles & Flag(id);
if(!gotit) {
for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
auto &poly = queuepoly(V * rgpushxto0(t.where) * cpush(2, abs(0.2 * sin(timer * 5))), shMini[i], t.colors[i]);
poly.tinf = &floor_texture_vertices[cgi.shFloor.id];
ensure_vertex_number(*poly.tinf, poly.cnt);
if(true) {
auto& poly = queuepoly(V, shCastle, 0xC02020FF);
poly.tinf = &castle_tinf;
castle_tinf.texture_id = castle_texture->textureid;
for(auto st: statues) queuepoly(V * st.T, *st.shape, st.color);
queuepoly(V, shField, 0xFFFF00FF);
auto& poly = queuepoly(V, shFloor, 0xFFFFFFFF); // 0xFFFFFFFF);
poly.tinf = &uniltinf;
uniltinf.texture_id = unil_texture->textureid;