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synced 2025-03-09 21:18:18 +00:00
793 lines
26 KiB
793 lines
26 KiB
// Hyperbolic Rogue -- achievements
// Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
namespace hr {
#define NUMLEADER 78
bool offlineMode = false;
const char* leadernames[NUMLEADER] = {
"Score", "Diamonds", "Gold", "Spice", "Rubies", "Elixirs",
"Shards100", "Totems", "Daisies", "Statues", "Feathers", "Sapphires",
"Hyperstones", "Time to Win-71", "Turns to Win-71",
"Time to 10 Hyperstones-103", "Turns to 10 Hyperstones-103", "Orbs of Yendor",
"Fern Flowers",
"Royal Jellies", "Powerstones", "Silver", "Wine", "Emeralds", "Grimoires",
"Holy Grails", "Red Gems", "Pirate Treasures",
"Shmup Score", "Shmup Time to Win", "Shmup Knife to Win",
"Bomberbird Eggs", // 31
"Ambers", // 32
"Pearls", // 33
"Hypersian Rugs", // 34
"Garnets", // 35
"Princess Challenge", // 36
"Ivory Figurines", // 37
"Elemental Gems", // 38
"Onyxes", // 39
"Yendor Challenge", // 40
"Pure Tactics Mode", // 41
"Mutant Saplings", // 42
"Fulgurites", // 43
"Shmup Score 2p", // 44
"Coop Shmup Time to Win", // 45
"Black Lotuses", // 46
"Mutant Fruits", // 47
"White Dove Feathers", // 48
"Pure Tactics Mode (shmup)", // 49
"Pure Tactics Mode (2p)", // 50
"Corals", // 51
"Thornless Roses", // 52
"Chaos Mode", // 53
"Tortoise points", // 54
"Dragon Scales", // 55
"Apples", // 56
"Heptagonal Mode", // 57
"Sunken Treasures", // 58
"Ancient Jewelry", // 59
"Golden Eggs", // 60
"Multiplayer Score", // 61
"Statistics", // 62
"Halloween", // 63
"Amethysts", // 64
"Slime Molds", // 65
"Dodecahedra", // 66
"Green Grass", // 67
"Spinel", // 68
"Orb Strategy Score", // 69
"Real time to Win-OS", // 70
"Turns to Win-OS", // 71
"Ancient Weapons", // 72
"Forgotten Relics", // 73
"Lava Lilies", // 74
"Turquoises", // 75
"Chrysoberyls", // 76
"Tasty Jellies" // 77
#define LB_STATISTICS 62
#define LB_HALLOWEEN 63
void upload_score(int id, int v);
string achievementMessage[3];
int achievementTimer;
vector<string> achievementsReceived;
bool wrongMode(char flags) {
if(cheater) return true;
if(flags == rg::global) return false;
if(CHANGED_VARIATION != (flags == rg::special_variation)) return true;
if(GOLDBERG) return true;
if(IRREGULAR) return true;
if((geometry != gNormal) != (flags == rg::special_geometry)) return true;
if(shmup::on != (flags == rg::shmup)) return true;
if(daily::on != (flags == rg::daily)) return true;
if(randomPatternsMode) return true;
if(yendor::on) return true;
if(peace::on) return true;
if(tactic::on) return true;
if(tour::on) return true;
if(chaosmode != (flags == rg::chaos)) return true;
if((numplayers() > 1) != (flags == rg::multi)) return true;
return false;
void achievement_log(const char* s, char flags) {
printf("achievement = %s [%d]\n", s, wrongMode(flags));
if(wrongMode(flags)) return;
for(int i=0; i<isize(achievementsReceived); i++)
if(achievementsReceived[i] == s) return;
FILE *f = fopen(scorefile, "at");
if(!f) return;
int t = (int) (time(NULL) - timerstart);
time_t timer = time(NULL);
char buf[128]; strftime(buf, 128, "%c", localtime(&timer));
fprintf(f, "ACHIEVEMENT %s turns: %d time: %d at: %d ver: %s c: %d date: %s\n",
s, turncount, t, int(timerstart), VER, anticheat::certify(s, turncount, t, (int) timerstart, 0), buf);
void improveItemScores();
#include "private/hypersteam.cpp"
void achievement_init() {}
void achievement_close() {}
void achievement_gain(const char* s, char flags) {
achievement_log(s, flags);
void achievement_collection(eItem it, int prevgold, int newgold) {
if(cheater) return;
if(randomPatternsMode) return;
int q = items[it];
if(it == itTreat && q == 50 && (geometry == gSphere || geometry == gElliptic))
achievement_gain("HALLOWEEN1", rg::special_geometry);
if(it == itTreat && q == 100 && (geometry == gSphere || geometry == gElliptic))
achievement_gain("HALLOWEEN2", rg::special_geometry);
if(q == 1) {
if(it == itDiamond) achievement_gain("DIAMOND1");
if(it == itRuby) achievement_gain("RUBY1");
if(it == itHyperstone) achievement_gain("HYPER1");
if(it == itGold) achievement_gain("GOLD1");
if(it == itStatue) achievement_gain("STATUE1");
if(it == itShard) achievement_gain("MIRROR1");
if(it == itBone) achievement_gain("TOTEM1");
if(it == itSpice) achievement_gain("SPICE1");
if(it == itElixir) achievement_gain("ELIXIR1");
if(it == itHell) achievement_gain("DAISY1");
if(it == itFeather) achievement_gain("FEATHER1");
if(it == itSapphire) achievement_gain("SAPPHIRE1");
if(it == itFernFlower) achievement_gain("FERN1");
if(it == itRoyalJelly) achievement_gain("JELLY1");
if(it == itWine) achievement_gain("WINE1");
if(it == itPower) achievement_gain("POWER1");
if(it == itEmerald) achievement_gain("EMERALD1");
if(it == itSilver) achievement_gain("SILVER1");
if(it == itGrimoire) achievement_gain("GRIMOIRE1");
if(it == itRedGem) achievement_gain("REDGEM1");
if(it == itPirate) achievement_gain("PIRATE1");
if(it == itCoast) achievement_gain("COAST1");
// if(it == itWhirlpool) achievement_gain("WHIRL1"); // requires escape
if(it == itBombEgg) achievement_gain("MINE1");
if(it == itPalace) achievement_gain("RUG1");
if(it == itFjord) achievement_gain("GARNET1");
if(it == itIvory) achievement_gain("TOWER1");
if(it == itElemental) achievement_gain("ELEMENT1");
if(it == itZebra) achievement_gain("ZEBRA1");
if(it == itMutant) achievement_gain("MUTANT1");
if(it == itFulgurite) achievement_gain("FULGUR1");
if(it == itMutant2) achievement_gain("FRUIT1");
if(it == itWindstone) achievement_gain("DOVE1");
if(it == itCoral) achievement_gain("CORAL1");
if(it == itRose) achievement_gain("ROSE1");
if(it == itBabyTortoise) achievement_gain("TORTOISE1");
if(it == itDragon) achievement_gain("DRAGON1");
if(it == itApple) achievement_gain("APPLE1");
if(it == itKraken) achievement_gain("KRAKEN1");
if(it == itBarrow) achievement_gain("BARROW1");
if(it == itTrollEgg) achievement_gain("TROLL1");
if(it == itAmethyst) achievement_gain("MOUNT1");
if(it == itSlime) achievement_gain("DUNG1");
if(it == itDodeca) achievement_gain("DOD1");
if(it == itGreenGrass) achievement_gain("PRAIR1");
if(it == itBull) achievement_gain("BULL1");
if(it == itHunting) achievement_gain("TURQ1");
if(it == itBlizzard) achievement_gain("BLIZZ1");
if(it == itLavaLily) achievement_gain("LILY1");
if(it == itTerra) achievement_gain("TERRAC1");
if(it == itRuins) achievement_gain("RUIN1");
if(it == itSwitch) achievement_gain("JELLZ1");
// 32
if(it == itHolyGrail) {
if(q == 1) achievement_gain("GRAIL2"), achievement_gain("GRAILH", rg::special_variation);
if(q == 3) achievement_gain("GRAIL3");
if(q == 8) achievement_gain("GRAIL4");
if(q == (inv::on ? 25 : 10)) {
if(it == itDiamond) achievement_gain("DIAMOND2");
if(it == itRuby) achievement_gain("RUBY2");
if(it == itHyperstone) achievement_gain("HYPER2");
if(it == itGold) achievement_gain("GOLD2");
if(it == itStatue) achievement_gain("STATUE2");
if(it == itShard) achievement_gain("MIRROR2");
if(it == itBone) achievement_gain("TOTEM2");
if(it == itSpice) achievement_gain("SPICE2");
if(it == itElixir) achievement_gain("ELIXIR2");
if(it == itHell) achievement_gain("DAISY2");
if(it == itFeather) achievement_gain("FEATHER2");
if(it == itSapphire) achievement_gain("SAPPHIRE2");
if(it == itFernFlower) achievement_gain("FERN2");
if(it == itRoyalJelly) achievement_gain("JELLY2");
if(it == itWine) achievement_gain("WINE2");
if(it == itPower) achievement_gain("POWER2");
if(it == itEmerald) achievement_gain("EMERALD2");
if(it == itSilver) achievement_gain("SILVER2");
if(it == itGrimoire) achievement_gain("GRIMOIRE2");
if(it == itRedGem) achievement_gain("REDGEM2");
if(it == itPirate) achievement_gain("PIRATE2");
if(it == itCoast) achievement_gain("COAST2");
if(it == itWhirlpool) achievement_gain("WHIRL2");
if(it == itBombEgg) achievement_gain("MINE2");
if(it == itPalace) achievement_gain("RUG2");
if(it == itFjord) achievement_gain("GARNET2");
if(it == itIvory) achievement_gain("TOWER2");
if(it == itElemental) achievement_gain("ELEMENT2");
if(it == itZebra) achievement_gain("ZEBRA2");
if(it == itMutant) achievement_gain("MUTANT2");
if(it == itFulgurite) achievement_gain("FULGUR2");
if(it == itMutant2) achievement_gain("FRUIT2");
if(it == itWindstone) achievement_gain("DOVE2");
if(it == itCoral) achievement_gain("CORAL2");
if(it == itRose) achievement_gain("ROSE2");
if(it == itBabyTortoise) achievement_gain("TORTOISE2");
if(it == itDragon) achievement_gain("DRAGON2");
if(it == itApple) achievement_gain("APPLE2");
if(it == itKraken) achievement_gain("KRAKEN2");
if(it == itBarrow) achievement_gain("BARROW2");
if(it == itTrollEgg) achievement_gain("TROLL2");
if(it == itAmethyst) achievement_gain("MOUNT2");
if(it == itSlime) achievement_gain("DUNG2");
if(it == itDodeca) achievement_gain("DOD2");
if(it == itGreenGrass) achievement_gain("PRAIR2");
if(it == itBull) achievement_gain("BULL2");
if(it == itHunting) achievement_gain("TURQ2");
if(it == itBlizzard) achievement_gain("BLIZZ2");
if(it == itLavaLily) achievement_gain("LILY2");
if(it == itTerra) achievement_gain("TERRAC2");
if(it == itRuins) achievement_gain("RUIN2");
if(it == itSwitch) achievement_gain("JELLZ2");
if(q == (inv::on ? 50 : 25)) {
if(it == itDiamond) achievement_gain("DIAMOND3");
if(it == itRuby) achievement_gain("RUBY3");
if(it == itHyperstone) achievement_gain("HYPER3");
if(it == itGold) achievement_gain("GOLD3");
if(it == itStatue) achievement_gain("STATUE3");
if(it == itShard) achievement_gain("MIRROR3");
if(it == itBone) achievement_gain("TOTEM3");
if(it == itSpice) achievement_gain("SPICE3");
if(it == itElixir) achievement_gain("ELIXIR3");
if(it == itHell) achievement_gain("DAISY3");
if(it == itFeather) achievement_gain("FEATHER3");
if(it == itSapphire) achievement_gain("SAPPHIRE3");
if(it == itFernFlower) achievement_gain("FERN3");
if(it == itRoyalJelly) achievement_gain("JELLY3");
if(it == itWine) achievement_gain("WINE3");
if(it == itPower) achievement_gain("POWER3");
if(it == itEmerald) achievement_gain("EMERALD3");
if(it == itSilver) achievement_gain("SILVER3");
if(it == itGrimoire) achievement_gain("GRIMOIRE3");
if(it == itRedGem) achievement_gain("REDGEM3");
if(it == itPirate) achievement_gain("PIRATE3");
if(it == itCoast) achievement_gain("COAST3");
if(it == itWhirlpool) achievement_gain("WHIRL3");
if(it == itBombEgg) achievement_gain("MINE3");
if(it == itPalace) achievement_gain("RUG3");
if(it == itFjord) achievement_gain("GARNET3");
if(it == itIvory) achievement_gain("TOWER3");
if(it == itElemental) achievement_gain("ELEMENT3");
if(it == itZebra) achievement_gain("ZEBRA3");
if(it == itMutant) achievement_gain("MUTANT3");
if(it == itFulgurite) achievement_gain("FULGUR3");
if(it == itMutant2) achievement_gain("FRUIT3");
if(it == itWindstone) achievement_gain("DOVE3");
if(it == itCoral) achievement_gain("CORAL3");
if(it == itRose) achievement_gain("ROSE3");
if(it == itFulgurite && pureHardcore() && elec::lightningfast == 0)
if(it == itBabyTortoise) achievement_gain("TORTOISE3");
if(it == itDragon) achievement_gain("DRAGON3");
if(it == itApple) achievement_gain("APPLE3");
if(it == itKraken) achievement_gain("KRAKEN3");
if(it == itBarrow) achievement_gain("BARROW3");
if(it == itTrollEgg) achievement_gain("TROLL3");
if(it == itAmethyst) achievement_gain("MOUNT3");
if(it == itSlime) achievement_gain("DUNG3");
if(it == itDodeca) achievement_gain("DOD3");
if(it == itGreenGrass) achievement_gain("PRAIR3");
if(it == itBull) achievement_gain("BULL3");
if(it == itHunting) achievement_gain("TURQ3");
if(it == itBlizzard) achievement_gain("BLIZZ3");
if(it == itLavaLily) achievement_gain("LILY3");
if(it == itTerra) achievement_gain("TERRAC3");
if(it == itRuins) achievement_gain("RUIN3");
if(it == itSwitch) achievement_gain("JELLZ3");
if(q == 50 && !inv::on) {
if(it == itDiamond) achievement_gain("DIAMOND4");
if(it == itRuby) achievement_gain("RUBY4");
if(it == itHyperstone) achievement_gain("HYPER4");
if(it == itGold) achievement_gain("GOLD4");
if(it == itStatue) achievement_gain("STATUE4");
if(it == itShard) achievement_gain("MIRROR4");
if(it == itBone) achievement_gain("TOTEM4");
if(it == itSpice) achievement_gain("SPICE4");
if(it == itElixir) achievement_gain("ELIXIR4");
if(it == itHell) achievement_gain("DAISY4");
if(it == itFeather) achievement_gain("FEATHER4");
if(it == itSapphire) achievement_gain("SAPPHIRE4");
if(it == itFernFlower) achievement_gain("FERN4");
if(it == itRoyalJelly) achievement_gain("JELLY4");
if(it == itWine) achievement_gain("WINE4");
if(it == itPower) achievement_gain("POWER4");
if(it == itEmerald) achievement_gain("EMERALD4");
if(it == itSilver) achievement_gain("SILVER4");
if(it == itGrimoire) achievement_gain("GRIMOIRE4");
if(it == itRedGem) achievement_gain("REDGEM4");
if(it == itPirate) achievement_gain("PIRATE4");
if(it == itCoast) achievement_gain("COAST4");
if(it == itWhirlpool) achievement_gain("WHIRL4");
if(it == itBombEgg) achievement_gain("MINE4");
if(it == itPalace) achievement_gain("RUG4");
if(it == itFjord) achievement_gain("GARNET4");
if(it == itIvory) achievement_gain("TOWER4");
if(it == itElemental) achievement_gain("ELEMENT4");
if(it == itZebra) achievement_gain("ZEBRA4");
if(it == itMutant) achievement_gain("MUTANT4");
if(it == itFulgurite) achievement_gain("FULGUR4");
if(it == itMutant2) achievement_gain("FRUIT4");
if(it == itWindstone) achievement_gain("DOVE4");
if(it == itCoral) achievement_gain("CORAL4");
if(it == itRose) achievement_gain("ROSE4");
if(it == itBabyTortoise) achievement_gain("TORTOISE4");
if(it == itDragon) achievement_gain("DRAGON4");
if(it == itApple) achievement_gain("APPLE4");
if(it == itKraken) achievement_gain("KRAKEN4");
if(it == itBarrow) achievement_gain("BARROW4");
if(it == itTrollEgg) achievement_gain("TROLL4");
if(it == itAmethyst) achievement_gain("MOUNT4");
if(it == itSlime) achievement_gain("DUNG4");
if(it == itDodeca) achievement_gain("DOD4");
if(it == itGreenGrass) achievement_gain("PRAIR4");
if(it == itBull) achievement_gain("BULL4");
if(it == itHunting) achievement_gain("TURQ4");
if(it == itBlizzard) achievement_gain("BLIZZ4");
if(it == itLavaLily) achievement_gain("LILY4");
if(it == itTerra) achievement_gain("TERRAC4");
if(it == itRuins) achievement_gain("RUIN4");
if(it == itSwitch) achievement_gain("JELLZ4");
if(it == itOrbYendor) {
if(pureHardcore()) achievement_gain("HARDCORE");
if(shmup::on) achievement_gain("SHMUP", rg::shmup);
void achievement_count(const string& s, int current, int prev) {
if(cheater) return;
if(shmup::on) return;
if(randomPatternsMode) return;
if(s == "GOLEM" && current >= 5)
if(s == "GOLEM" && current >= 10)
if(s == "STAB" && current >= 1)
if(s == "STAB" && current >= 2)
if(s == "SLASH" && current >= 2)
if(s == "STAB" && current >= 4)
if(s == "MIRRORKILL" && current-prev >= 1)
if(s == "MIRRORKILL" && current-prev >= 2)
if(s == "MIRRORKILL" && current-prev >= 3)
if(s == "FLASH" && current-prev >= 1)
if(s == "FLASH" && current-prev >= 5)
if(s == "FLASH" && current-prev >= 10)
if(s == "LIGHTNING" && current-prev >= 1)
if(s == "LIGHTNING" && current-prev >= 5)
if(s == "LIGHTNING" && current-prev >= 10)
if(s == "MIRAGE" && current >= 35 && geometry == gEuclid)
achievement_gain("MIRAGE", rg::special_geometry);
if(s == "ORB" && current >= 10)
if(s == "BUG" && current >= 1000)
if(s == "ELEC" && current >= 10)
int specific_improved = 0;
int specific_what = 0;
void improve_score(int i, eItem what) {
if(offlineMode) return;
if(haveLeaderboard(i)) updateHi(what, get_currentscore(i));
if(items[what] && haveLeaderboard(i)) {
if(items[what] > get_currentscore(i) && score_loaded(i)) {
specific_improved++; specific_what = what;
upload_score(i, items[what]);
void achievement_score(int cat, int number) {
if(offlineMode) return;
if(cheater) return;
if(cat == LB_HALLOWEEN) {
if(geometry != gSphere && geometry != gElliptic)
else if(geometry) return;
if(randomPatternsMode) return;
if(shmup::on && cat != LB_PURE_TACTICS_SHMUP && cat != LB_PURE_TACTICS_COOP) return;
if(yendor::on && cat != LB_YENDOR_CHALLENGE) return;
if(tactic::on && cat != LB_PURE_TACTICS && cat != LB_PURE_TACTICS_SHMUP && cat != LB_PURE_TACTICS_COOP)
upload_score(cat, number);
void improveItemScores() {
for(int i=1; i<=12; i++) improve_score(i, eItem(i));
improve_score(17, itOrbYendor);
improve_score(18, itFernFlower);
improve_score(19, itRoyalJelly);
improve_score(20, itPower);
improve_score(21, itSilver);
improve_score(22, itWine);
improve_score(23, itEmerald);
improve_score(24, itGrimoire);
improve_score(25, itHolyGrail);
improve_score(26, itRedGem);
improve_score(27, itPirate);
improve_score(31, itBombEgg);
improve_score(32, itCoast);
improve_score(33, itWhirlpool);
improve_score(34, itPalace);
improve_score(35, itFjord);
improve_score(37, itIvory);
improve_score(38, itElemental);
improve_score(39, itZebra);
improve_score(42, itMutant);
improve_score(43, itFulgurite);
if(!isHaunted(cwt.at->land)) improve_score(46, itLotus);
improve_score(47, itMutant2);
improve_score(48, itWindstone);
improve_score(51, itCoral);
improve_score(52, itRose);
improve_score(54, itBabyTortoise);
improve_score(55, itDragon);
improve_score(56, itApple);
improve_score(58, itKraken);
improve_score(59, itBarrow);
improve_score(60, itTrollEgg);
improve_score(64, itAmethyst);
improve_score(65, itSlime);
improve_score(66, itDodeca);
improve_score(67, itGreenGrass);
improve_score(68, itBull);
improve_score(72, itTerra);
improve_score(73, itBlizzard);
improve_score(74, itLavaLily);
improve_score(75, itHunting);
improve_score(76, itRuins);
improve_score(77, itSwitch);
int next_stat_tick;
void achievement_final(bool really_final) {
if(offlineMode) return;
if(ticks > next_stat_tick) {
upload_score(LB_STATISTICS, time(NULL));
next_stat_tick = ticks + 600000;
if(cheater) return;
if(tour::on) return;
if(randomPatternsMode) return;
if(peace::on) return;
if(yendor::on) return;
if(tactic::on) {
if(daily::on) {
int specialcode = 0;
if(shmup::on) specialcode++;
if(chaosmode) specialcode+=2;
if(PURE) specialcode+=4;
if(numplayers() > 1) specialcode+=8;
if(inv::on) specialcode+=16;
if(sphere && specialland == laHalloween) {
if(specialcode) return;
achievement_score(LB_HALLOWEEN, items[itTreat]);
if(geometry) return;
if(NONSTDVAR) return;
// determine the correct leaderboard ID for 'total score'
// or return if no leaderboard for the current mode
int sid;
switch(specialcode) {
case 0: sid = 0; break;
case 1: sid = 28; break;
case 2: sid = 53; break;
case 4: sid = 57; break;
case 8: sid = 61; break;
case 9: sid = 44; break;
case 16: sid = 69; break;
default: return;
int total_improved = 0;
specific_improved = 0;
specific_what = 0;
if(specialcode == 0) improveItemScores();
int tg = gold();
if(tg && haveLeaderboard(sid)) {
if(tg > get_currentscore(sid) && score_loaded(sid)) {
if(get_currentscore(sid) <= 0) total_improved += 2;
total_improved++; // currentscore[sid] = tg;
upload_score(sid, tg);
if(total_improved >= 2) {
addMessage(XLAT("Your total treasure has been recorded in the " LEADERFULL "."));
else if(total_improved && specific_improved >= 2)
addMessage(XLAT("You have improved your total high score and %1 specific high scores!", its(specific_improved)));
else if(total_improved && specific_improved)
addMessage(XLAT("You have improved your total and '%1' high score!", iinf[specific_what].name));
else if(total_improved) {
addMessage(XLAT("You have improved your total high score on " LEADER ". Congratulations!"));
else if(specific_improved >= 2)
addMessage(XLAT("You have improved %1 of your specific high scores!", its(specific_improved)));
else if(specific_improved) {
addMessage(XLAT("You have improved your '%1' high score on " LEADER "!", iinf[specific_what].name));
bool hadtotalvictory;
void check_total_victory() {
if(!inv::on) return;
if(hadtotalvictory) return;
if(!items[itOrbYendor]) return;
if(!items[itHolyGrail]) return;
if(items[itHyperstone] < 50) return;
if(!princess::reviveAt) return;
hadtotalvictory = true;
void achievement_victory(bool hyper) {
DEBB(DF_STEAM, (debugfile,"achievement_victory\n"))
if(offlineMode) return;
if(cheater) return;
if(geometry) return;
if(randomPatternsMode) return;
if(hyper && shmup::on) return;
if(yendor::on) return;
if(peace::on) return;
if(tactic::on) return;
if(chaosmode) return;
DEBB(DF_STEAM, (debugfile,"after checks\n"))
int t = getgametime();
if(hyper && shmup::on) return;
if(hyper && inv::on) return;
int ih1 = hyper ? 15 : inv::on ? 70 : shmup::on ? (numplayers() > 1 ? 45 : 29) : 13;
int ih2 = hyper ? 16 : inv::on ? 71 : shmup::on ? 30 : 14;
int improved = 0;
if(score_loaded(ih1) && score_loaded(ih2)) {
if(get_currentscore(ih1) == score_default(ih1) || get_currentscore(ih2) == score_default(ih2))
improved += 4;
if(get_currentscore(ih1) > t) {
if(get_currentscore(ih2) > turncount) {
addMessage(XLAT("You have collected 10 treasures of each type."));
if(improved) {
if(improved >= 4) {
if(!hyper) addMessage(XLAT("This is your first victory!"));
addMessage(XLAT("This has been recorded in the " LEADERFULL "."));
addMessage(XLAT("The faster you get here, the better you are!"));
else if(improved >= 3) {
addMessage(XLAT("You have improved both your real time and knife count. Congratulations!"));
addMessage(XLAT("You have improved both your real time and turn count. Congratulations!"));
else if(improved == 1)
addMessage(XLAT("You have used less real time than ever before. Congratulations!"));
else if(improved == 2) {
addMessage(XLAT("You have used less knives than ever before. Congratulations!"));
addMessage(XLAT("You have used less turns than ever before. Congratulations!"));
DEBB(DF_STEAM, (debugfile, "uploading scores\n"))
upload_score(ih1, t);
upload_score(ih2, turncount);
void achievement_pump();
void achievement_pump() {}
void achievement_display() {
if(achievementTimer) {
int col = (ticks - achievementTimer);
if(col > 5000) { achievementTimer = 0; return; }
if(col > 2500) col = 5000 - col;
col /= 10; col *= 0x10101;
displayfr(vid.xres/2, vid.yres/4, 2, vid.fsize * 2, achievementMessage[0], col & 0xFFFF00, 8);
int w = 2 * vid.fsize;
while(w>3 && textwidth(w, achievementMessage[1]) > vid.xres) w--;
displayfr(vid.xres/2, vid.yres/4 + vid.fsize*2, 2, w, achievementMessage[1], col, 8);
w = vid.fsize;
while(w>3 && textwidth(w, achievementMessage[2]) > vid.xres) w--;
displayfr(vid.xres/2, vid.yres/4 + vid.fsize*4, 2, w, achievementMessage[2], col, 8);
bool isAscending(int i) {
return i == 13 || i == 14 || i == 15 || i == 16 || i == 29 || i == 30 || i == 45;
int score_default(int i) {
if(isAscending(i)) return 1999999999;
else return 0;
int get_sync_status() { return 0; }
void set_priority_board(int) { }