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// implementation of the Solv space
// Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
#include "extra/solv/common.cpp"
namespace hr {
namespace solv {
const int PRECX = 64;
const int PRECZ = 32;
const ld SXY = 32.;
const ld SZ = 8.;
using pt = hyperpoint;
using ptlow = array<float, 3>;
ptlow inverse_exp_table[PRECZ][PRECX][PRECX];
bool table_loaded;
void load_table() {
if(table_loaded) return;
FILE *f = fopen("soltable.dat", "rb");
if(!f) f = fopen("/usr/lib/soltable.dat", "rb");
if(!f) { addMessage(XLAT("geodesic table missing")); pmodel = mdPerspective; return; }
fread(inverse_exp_table, sizeof(inverse_exp_table), 1, f);
table_loaded = true;
void step2(ld& x, ld &y, ld &z, ld &vx, ld &vy, ld &vz) {
ld ax = -2 * vx * vz;
ld ay = 2 * vy * vz;
ld az = exp(2*z) * vx * vx - exp(-2*z) * vy * vy;
// ld x2 = x + vx/2;
// ld y2 = y + vy/2;
ld z2 = z + vz/2;
ld vx2 = vx + ax/2;
ld vy2 = vy + ay/2;
ld vz2 = vz + az/2;
ld ax2 = -2 * vx2 * vz2;
ld ay2 = 2 * vy2 * vz2;
ld az2 = exp(2*z2) * vx2 * vx2 - exp(-2*z2) * vy2 * vy2;
x += vx + ax/2;
y += vy + ay/2;
z += vz + az/2;
vx += ax2;
vy += ay2;
vz += az2;
pt direct_exp(pt v, int steps) {
pt at = hpxy(0, 0);
v[0] /= steps;
v[1] /= steps;
v[2] /= steps;
for(int i=0; i<steps; i++) step2(at[0], at[1], at[2], v[0],v[1],v[2]);
return at;
void parallel(ld x, ld y, ld z, ld vx, ld vy, ld vz, ld& wx, ld& wy, ld& wz, ld t) {
// ld dax = -dz * gxyz * ay;
ld dwx = -vz * wx - vx * wz;
ld dwy = vz * wy + vy * wz;
ld dwz = vx * wx * exp(2*z) - vy * wy * exp(-2*z);
wx += dwx * t;
wy += dwy * t;
wz += dwz * t;
pt direct_exp(pt v, int steps, vector<pt> transported) {
ld x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
v[0] /= steps;
v[1] /= steps;
v[2] /= steps;
for(int i=0; i<steps; i++) {
for(auto t: transported) parallel(x,y,z, v[0],v[1],v[2], t[0], t[1], t[2], 1);
step2(x,y,z, v[0],v[1],v[2]);
return hpxy3(x, y, z);
pt inverse_exp(pt h) {
ld sx = 1, sy = 1;
bool nz = false;
ld ix = asinh(h[0]) * SXY;
ld iy = asinh(h[1]) * SXY;
ld iz = h[2] * SZ / log(2);
if(ix < 0) ix = -ix, sx = -sx;
if(iy < 0) iy = -iy, sy = -sy;
if(iz < 0) iz = -iz, nz = true, swap(ix, iy);
if(ix >= PRECX-1) ix = PRECX-2;
if(iy >= PRECX-1) iy = PRECX-2;
if(iz >= PRECZ-1) iz = PRECZ-2;
int ax = ix, bx = ax+1;
int ay = iy, by = ay+1;
int az = iz, bz = az+1;
pt res;
// println(hlog, "inv_table", make_tuple(iz,iy,ix), " = ", make_tuple(inverse_exp_table[z][y][x][0], inverse_exp_table[z][y][x][1], inverse_exp_table[z][y][x][2]));
#define S0(x,y,z) inverse_exp_table[z][y][x][t]
#define S1(x,y) (S0(x,y,az) * (bz-iz) + S0(x,y,bz) * (iz-az))
#define S2(x) (S1(x,ay) * (by-iy) + S1(x,by) * (iy-ay))
for(int t=0; t<3; t++)
res[t] = S2(ax) * (bx-ix) + S2(bx) * (ix-ax);
if(nz) swap(res[0], res[1]), res[2] = -res[2];
res[0] *= sx; res[1] *= sy;
res[3] = 1;
#undef S0
#undef S1
#undef S2
// println(hlog, kz(h), " => ", kz(res), " => ", kz(direct_exp(res, 1000)), " [", ix, ",", iy, ",", iz, " | ", sx, "/", sy, "/", nz, "]");
return res;
transmatrix local_perspective, ilocal_perspective;
bool geodesic_movement = true;
struct hrmap_sol : hrmap {
hrmap *binary_map;
unordered_map<pair<heptagon*, heptagon*>, heptagon*> at;
unordered_map<heptagon*, pair<heptagon*, heptagon*>> coords;
heptagon *origin;
heptagon *getOrigin() override { return origin; }
heptagon *get_at(heptagon *x, heptagon *y) {
auto& h = at[make_pair(x, y)];
if(h) return h;
h = tailored_alloc<heptagon> (S7);
h->c7 = newCell(S7, h);
coords[h] = make_pair(x, y);
h->distance = x->distance;
h->dm4 = 0;
h->zebraval = x->emeraldval;
h->emeraldval = y->emeraldval;
h->fieldval = 0;
h->cdata = NULL;
return h;
hrmap_sol() {
heptagon *alt;
if(true) {
dynamicval<eGeometry> g(geometry, gBinary4);
alt = tailored_alloc<heptagon> (S7);
alt->s = hsOrigin;
alt->alt = alt;
alt->cdata = NULL;
alt->c7 = NULL;
alt->zebraval = 0;
alt->distance = 0;
alt->emeraldval = 0;
binary_map = binary::new_alt_map(alt);
origin = get_at(alt, alt);
heptagon *altstep(heptagon *h, int d) {
dynamicval<eGeometry> g(geometry, gBinary4);
dynamicval<hrmap*> cm(currentmap, binary_map);
return h->cmove(d);
heptagon *create_step(heptagon *parent, int d) override {
auto p = coords[parent];
auto pf = p.first, ps = p.second;
auto rule = [&] (heptagon *c1, heptagon *c2, int d1) {
auto g = get_at(c1, c2);
parent->c.connect(d, g, d1, false);
return g;
switch(d) {
case 0: // right
return rule(altstep(pf, 2), ps, 4);
case 1: // up
return rule(pf, altstep(ps, 2), 5);
case 2: // front left
return rule(altstep(pf, 0), altstep(ps, 3), ps->zebraval ? 7 : 6);
case 3: // front right
return rule(altstep(pf, 1), altstep(ps, 3), ps->zebraval ? 7 : 6);
case 4: // left
return rule(altstep(pf, 4), ps, 0);
case 5: // down
return rule(pf, altstep(ps, 4), 1);
case 6: // back down
return rule(altstep(pf, 3), altstep(ps, 0), pf->zebraval ? 3 : 2);
case 7: // back up
return rule(altstep(pf, 3), altstep(ps, 1), pf->zebraval ? 3 : 2);
return NULL;
~hrmap_sol() {
delete binary_map;
transmatrix adjmatrix(int i, int j) {
ld z = log(2);
ld bw = vid.binary_width * z;
ld bwh = bw / 4;
switch(i) {
case 0: return xpush(+bw);
case 1: return ypush(+bw);
case 2: return xpush(-bwh) * zpush(+z) * ypush(j == 6 ? +bwh : -bwh);
case 3: return xpush(+bwh) * zpush(+z) * ypush(j == 6 ? +bwh : -bwh);
case 4: return xpush(-bw);
case 5: return ypush(-bw);
case 6: return ypush(-bwh) * zpush(-z) * xpush(j == 2 ? +bwh : -bwh);
case 7: return ypush(+bwh) * zpush(-z) * xpush(j == 2 ? +bwh : -bwh);
default:return Id;
virtual transmatrix relative_matrix(heptagon *h2, heptagon *h1) override {
for(int i=0; i<h1->type; i++) if(h1->move(i) == h2) return adjmatrix(i, h1->c.spin(i));
if(gmatrix0.count(h2->c7) && gmatrix0.count(h1->c7))
return inverse(gmatrix0[h1->c7]) * gmatrix0[h2->c7];
return Id; // not implemented yet
void draw() override {
transmatrix T = eupush( tC0(inverse(View)) );
local_perspective = View * T;
ilocal_perspective = inverse(local_perspective);
dq::enqueue(viewctr.at, cview());
while(!dq::drawqueue.empty()) {
auto& p = dq::drawqueue.front();
heptagon *h = get<0>(p);
transmatrix V = get<1>(p);
cell *c = h->c7;
if(!do_draw(c, V)) continue;
drawcell(c, V, 0, false);
for(int i=0; i<S7; i++) {
// note: need do cmove before c.spin
heptagon *h1 = h->cmove(i);
dq::enqueue(h1, V * adjmatrix(i, h->c.spin(i)));
hrmap *new_map() { return new hrmap_sol; }
bool in_table_range(hyperpoint h) {
ld ix = asinh(h[0]) * SXY;
ld iy = asinh(h[1]) * SXY;
ld iz = h[2] * SZ / log(2);
return abs(ix) <= PRECX && abs(iy) <= PRECX && abs(iz) <= PRECZ + 1e-2;
transmatrix get_solmul(const transmatrix T, const transmatrix V) {
if(!geodesic_movement) return V * eupush(inverse(V) * T * V * C0);
transmatrix push_back = eupush( tC0(inverse(V)) );
transmatrix space_to_view = V * push_back;
transmatrix view_to_space = inverse(space_to_view);
using namespace hyperpoint_vec;
hyperpoint shift = /* inverse(V) * T * V * C0; */ view_to_space * T * C0;
transmatrix push_to = inverse(push_back);
int steps = 100;
hyperpoint units[3] = { point3(1,0,0), point3(0,1,0), point3(0,0,1) };
println(hlog, "shift = ", kz(shift));
println(hlog, "space_to_view = ", kz(space_to_view));
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
println(hlog, "view_to_space[", i, "] = ", kz(view_to_space * units[i]));
for(int s=0; s<3; s++) shift[s] /= steps;
ld x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
for(int i=0; i<steps; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
parallel(x, y, z, shift[0], shift[1], shift[2], view_to_space[0][j], view_to_space[1][j], view_to_space[2][j], -1);
step2(x, y, z, shift[0], shift[1], shift[2]);
space_to_view = inverse(view_to_space);
println(hlog, "arrive at = ", kz(pt({x, y, z})), " with vel = ", (shift * steps));
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
println(hlog, "view_to_space[", i, "] = ", kz(view_to_space * units[i]));
println(hlog, "space_to_view = ", kz(space_to_view));
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
print(hlog, (view_to_space*units[i] | view_to_space*units[j]), " | ");
// println(hlog, "view_to_space = ", view_to_space);
transmatrix npush = Id;
npush[0][GDIM] = x;
npush[1][GDIM] = y;
npush[2][GDIM] = z;
// println(hlog, "result = ", space_to_view * npush * push_to);
// println(hlog, "naive = ", V * eupush(inverse(V) * T * V * C0));
return space_to_view * npush * push_to;
string solshader =
"uniform mediump sampler3D tInvExpTable;"
"uniform mediump mat4 uILP;"
"vec4 inverse_exp(vec4 h) {"
"float ix = asinh(h[0]) * 32.;"
"float iy = asinh(h[1]) * 32.;"
"float iz = h[2] * 8. / log(2.);"
"if(ix < 0.) ix = -ix;"
"if(iy < 0.) iy = -iy;"
"if(iz < 0.) { iz = -iz; float s = ix; ix = iy; iy = s; }"
"vec4 res = texture3D(tInvExpTable, vec3((ix + 0.5) / 64., (iy + 0.5) / 64., (iz + 0.5) / 32.));"
"if(h[2] < 0.) { res.xy = res.yx; res[2] = -res[2]; }"
"if(h[0] < 0.) res[0] = -res[0];"
"if(h[1] < 0.) res[1] = -res[1];"
"return res;"