mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2024-06-23 13:43:19 +00:00
Arthur O'Dwyer 43cb9c0bf4 Change every "pop this menu" option text to the two words "go back".
And add translations for "go back", copied from the existing translations
for the word "return".
2017-10-30 18:48:14 -07:00

774 lines
26 KiB

// Hyperbolic Rogue -- the Tutorial/presentation
// Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
namespace tour {
bool on;
bool texts = true;
string tourhelp;
int currentslide;
// modes:
// 1 - enter the slide
// 2 - each frame
// 3 - leave the slide
// 4 - quicken or modify the slide
// 5 - on initgame
void setCanvas(presmode mode, char canv) {
static char wc;
static eLand ld;
if(mode == pmStart) {
wc = mapeditor::whichCanvas;
mapeditor::whichCanvas = canv;
ld = firstland;
firstland = laCanvas;
restartGame(0, true);
if(mode == pmStop) {
mapeditor::whichCanvas = wc;
firstland = ld;
bool sickmode;
function<eLand(eLand)> getNext;
function<bool(eLand)> quickfind;
function<bool(eLand)> showland;
#define GETNEXT getNext = [](eLand old)
#define QUICKFIND quickfind = [](eLand l)
#define SHOWLAND(f) showland = [](eLand l) { return f; }
string slidecommand;
void presentation(presmode mode) {
cheater = 0;
if(mode == pmStart) tourhelp = XLAT(slides[currentslide].name);
if(sickmode && !items[itOrbTeleport]) items[itOrbTeleport] = 1;
if(mode == pmStart) slidecommand = "";
GETNEXT { return laNone; };
QUICKFIND { return false; };
void slidehelp() {
if(texts && slides[currentslide].help[0])
help =
helptitle(XLAT(slides[currentslide].name), 0xFF8000) +
bool handleKeyTour(int sym, int uni) {
if(!tour::on) return false;
if(!(cmode & sm::DOTOUR)) return false;
bool inhelp = cmode & sm::HELP;
int flags = slides[currentslide].flags;
if((sym == SDLK_RETURN || sym == SDLK_KP_ENTER) && (!inhelp || (flags & QUICKSKIP))) {
if(geometry || purehepta) {
if(!(flags & QUICKGEO)) return true;
if(flags & FINALSLIDE) return true;
return true;
if(sym == SDLK_BACKSPACE) {
if(geometry || purehepta) {
if(!(flags & QUICKGEO)) return true;
if(currentslide == 0) { slidehelp(); return true; }
if(inhelp) popScreen(), slidehelp();
else popScreenAll();
return true;
if(sym == '1' || sym == '2' || sym == '3') {
int legal = slides[currentslide].flags & 7;
if(legal == LEGAL_NONE) {
addMessage(XLAT("You cannot change geometry in this slide."));
return true;
if(legal == LEGAL_UNLIMITED && sym == '1') {
addMessage(XLAT("This does not work in bounded geometries."));
return true;
if(legal == LEGAL_NONEUC && sym == '2') {
addMessage(XLAT("This does not work in Euclidean geometry."));
return true;
if(legal == LEGAL_HYPERBOLIC && sym != '3') {
addMessage(XLAT("This works only in hyperbolic geometry."));
return true;
if(sym == '2') {
bool ok = cwt.c->land == laCanvas;
for(int i=0; i<LAND_EUC; i++) if(land_euc[i] == cwt.c->land) ok = true;
if(!ok) {
addMessage(XLAT("This land has no Euclidean version."));
return true;
if(sym == '1') {
bool ok = cwt.c->land == laCanvas;
for(int i=0; i<LAND_SPH; i++) if(land_sph[i] == cwt.c->land) ok = true;
if(!ok) {
addMessage(XLAT("This land has no spherical version."));
return true;
if(geometry || purehepta) {
return true;
if(sym == '1') targetgeometry = gSphere;
if(sym == '2') targetgeometry = gEuclid;
firstland = specialland = cwt.c->land;
restartGame(sym == '3' ? '7' : 'g', true);
return true;
if(sym == '4') {
if(items[itOrbTeleport]) goto give_aether;
items[itOrbTeleport] = 1;
if(!canmove) {
if(items[itOrbAether]) goto give_flash;
items[itOrbAether] = 10;
if(!canmove) {
canmove = true;
else addMessage(
(vid.shifttarget&1) ?
"Shift-click a location to teleport there."
: "Click a location to teleport there."
return true;
if(sym == '5') {
return true;
if(sym == '6') {
sickmode = !sickmode;
static ld spd;
if(sickmode == true) {
spd = vid.sspeed, vid.sspeed = 5;
addMessage("Static mode enabled.");
else {
vid.sspeed = spd;
addMessage("Static mode disabled.");
return true;
if(sym == '7') {
texts = !texts;
if(texts) slidehelp();
else addMessage("Help texts disabled.");
return true;
if(sym == '8') {
conformal::includeHistory = !conformal::includeHistory;
return true;
if(sym == '9') {
return true;
return false;
void checkGoodLand(eLand l) {
if(!showland(l) && texts)
"This tutorial is different than most other game tutorials -- "
"you are not forced to do anything, and you can go wherever you want.\n\n"
"However, %the1 is not what we are talking about now. "
"We will not explain this land at the moment, and you could ponentially "
"get lost there.\n\n"
"Remember that you can get to the next slide by pressing Enter.",
namespace ss {
vector<slide*> slideshows;
slide *wts;
void list(slide *ss) {
for(auto s: slideshows) if (s == ss) return;
int sssize;
void showMenu() {
if(!wts) wts = slides;
dialog::init(XLAT("slides"), forecolor, 150, 100);
for(sssize=0;; sssize++) {
int i = sssize;
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT(wts[i].name), wts == slides && i == currentslide, 'a'+i);
if(wts[i].flags & FINALSLIDE) break;
if(size(slideshows) > 1) dialog::addItem(XLAT("change slideshow"), '1');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("go back"), ' ');
keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) {
if(uni >= 'a' && uni < 'a' + sssize) {
if(geometry || purehepta) {
if(slides != wts) {
while(tour::on) restartGame('T', false);
slides = wts;
currentslide = uni - 'a';
else if(uni == '1') {
for(int i=0; i<size(slideshows)-1; i++) if(slideshows[i] == wts) {
wts = slideshows[i+1]; return;
wts = slideshows[0];
else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) { wts = NULL; popScreen(); }
void start() {
currentslide = 0;
vid.scale = 1;
vid.alpha = 1;
pmodel = mdDisk;
if(!tour::on) presentation(pmStartAll);
else {
firstland = specialland = laIce;
if(tour::on) {
slide default_slides[] = {
{"Note for mobiles", 10, LEGAL_ANY | QUICKSKIP,
"This tutorial is designed for computers, "
"and keys are given for all actions. It will "
"work without a keyboard though, although less "
"comfortably -- just ignore the keys "
"given and select options from MENU.\n\n"
"Select 'next slide' from MENU.",
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == pmStartAll) firstland = specialland = laIce;
if(mode == 1) {
if(tour::texts) addMessage(XLAT("Welcome to the HyperRogue tutorial!"));
else clearMessages();
SHOWLAND( l == laIce );
{"Introduction", 10, LEGAL_ANY | QUICKSKIP,
"This tutorial is mostly aimed to show what is "
"special about the geometry used by HyperRogue. "
"It also shows the basics of gameplay, and "
"how is it affected by geometry.\n\n"
"You decide when you want to stop playing with the "
"current \"slide\" and go to the next one, by pressing Enter. You can also "
"press ESC to see a "
"menu with other options.",
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == pmStartAll) firstland = specialland = laIce;
if(mode == 1) {
if(tour::texts) addMessage(XLAT("Welcome to the HyperRogue tutorial!"));
else clearMessages();
SHOWLAND( l == laIce );
slidecommand = "RogueViz presentation";
if(mode == 1)
help +=
"\n\nYour version of HyperRogue is compiled with RogueViz. "
"Press '5' to switch to the RogueViz slides. Watching the "
"common HyperRogue tutorial first is useful too, "
"as an introduction to hyperbolic geometry.";
if(mode == 4) {
slides = rogueviz::rvtour::rvslides;
while(tour::on) restartGame('T', false);
{"Basics of gameplay", 11, LEGAL_ANY,
"The game starts in the Icy Lands. Collect the Ice Diamonds "
"(press F1 if you do not know how to move). "
"After you collect many of them, monsters will start to pose a challenge.\n"
"As is typical in roguelikes and other games based on tactical skill rather "
"than story, if you lose, you have to start a new one from the start. "
"However, in this tutorial, you can simply press '4' "
"to teleport away from a bad situation."
"In general, the tutorial is rigged to show you what it "
"wants -- for example, in this slide, you can press '5' to get "
"lots of Ice Diamonds quickly.",
[] (presmode mode) {
slidecommand = "gain Ice Diamonds";
if(mode == 4)
forCellEx(c2, cwt.c)
forCellEx(c3, c2)
if(c3->wall == waNone && c3->item == itNone && c3->monst == moNone && c3 != cwt.c)
c3->item = itDiamond;
SHOWLAND( l == laIce );
{"Hypersian Rug model", 21, LEGAL_HYPERBOLIC,
"New players think that the action of HyperRogue takes place on a sphere. "
"This is not true -- the Tutorial in the native desktop version shows "
"the surface HyperRogue actually takes place on.",
"This is not true -- the next slide will show the surface HyperRogue "
"actually takes place on.\n\n"
"Use arrow keys to rotate the model, and Page Up/Down to zoom.\n\n"
"If you do not see anything, press '5' to try a safer renderer.",
[] (presmode mode) {
static int wm, mm;
if(mode == 1) {
wm = vid.wallmode;
mm = vid.monmode;
vid.wallmode = 3;
vid.monmode = 2;
if(mode == 3) {
vid.wallmode = wm;
vid.monmode = mm;
slidecommand = "switch renderer";
if(mode == 4) {
rug::rendernogl = !rug::rendernogl;
SHOWLAND( l == laIce );
{"Expansion", 22, LEGAL_ANY,
"The next slide shows the number of cells in distance 1, 2, 3, ... from you. "
"It grows exponentially: there are more than 10^100 cells "
"in radius 1000 around you, and you will move further away during the game!\n\n"
"This is extremely important in the design of HyperRogue. "
"HyperRogue has many navigational puzzles -- what would be simple in Euclidean world "
"is extremely tricky "
"in hyperbolic geometry (you want to reach a specific location 20 cells away, "
"which of the thousands of possible directions should you take?); however, other things virtually impossible in Euclidean "
"world become easy in HyperRogue. "
"HyperRogue had to be specially designed so that it is impossible to grind the "
"infinite world. There are almost no permanent upgrades; collecting treasures "
"brings you benefits, but trying to get too many of the same kind is extremely dangerous.",
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == 1) viewdists = true;
if(mode == 2) viewdists = canmove; // disable when killed
if(mode == 3) viewdists = false;
SHOWLAND( l == laIce );
{"Tiling and Tactics", 23, LEGAL_ANY,
"The tactics of fighting simple monsters, such as the Yetis from the Icy Lands, "
"might appear shallow, but hyperbolic geometry is essential even there. "
"In the next slide, you are attacked by two monsters at once. "
"You can make them line up simply by "
"running away in a straight line. "
"Press '2' to try the same in the Euclidean world -- it is impossible.",
[] (presmode mode) {
setCanvas(mode, 'F');
if(mode == 5) {
cwt.c->mov[0]->monst = moRunDog;
cwt.c->mov[1]->monst = moGoblin;
SHOWLAND( l == laCanvas );
{"Straight Lines", 24, LEGAL_ANY,
"Hyperbolic geometry has been discovered by the 19th century mathematicians who "
"wondered about the nature of paralellness. Take a line L and a point A. "
"Can a world exist where there is more than one line passing through A "
"which does not cross L?\n\n"
"The Icy Land will be very dangerous if you have lots of Ice Diamonds -- "
"lots of Yetis and Ice Wolves hunting you! But the other lands, where "
"you have no treasures yet, will still be (relatively) safe.\n\n"
"Wander further, and you should find Crossroads quickly -- "
"the Great Walls are straight lines, and indeed, they work differently than in "
"Euclidean. On the other side of Great Walls, you see other lands -- "
"there are about 50 lands in HyperRogue, based "
"on different mechanics and aspects of hyperbolic geometry.",
[] (presmode mode) {
return pick(
pick(laRedRock, laWarpCoast, laMirror),
pick(laLivefjord, laAlchemist, laHell),
pick(laJungle, laDesert, laRose),
pick(laGraveyard, laMotion, laDryForest)
else return laCrossroads;
SHOWLAND( l == laCrossroads || l == laIce );
{"Running Dogs", 25, LEGAL_ANY,
"To learn more about straight lines, "
"wander further, and you should find the Land of Eternal Motion. "
"Try to run in a straight line, with a Running Dog next to you. "
"Even though the Running Dog runs at the same speed as you, "
"it will appear to go slower -- this is because you are running "
"in a straight line, and the Running Dog has to run in a curve "
"called an equidistant.\n\n"
"Remember that you can click with right Shift on anything to get more information.",
"Remember that you can right click on anything to get more information.",
[] (presmode mode) {
if(isCrossroads(old)) return pick(laMotion, laNone);
else if(old == laMotion) return laCrossroads;
else return laMotion;
SHOWLAND( l == laCrossroads || l == laMotion );
{"Equidistants", 27, LEGAL_ANY,
"Equidistants are curves which are at some fixed distance from a "
"straight line. Some lands in HyperRogue are based on equidistants; "
"you should see them after wandering a bit more.\n\n"
"This tutorial gives you freedom to go wherever you choose, "
"but we do not recommend going deep into the Dungeon or the Ocean -- "
"getting back might be difficult.",
[] (presmode mode) {
return hrand(100) < 20 ? laNone :
pick(laOcean, laIvoryTower, laDungeon, laEndorian);
else return laCrossroads;
SHOWLAND( l == laCrossroads || l == laDungeon || l == laOcean || l == laIvoryTower || l == laEndorian );
{"Circles", 26, LEGAL_ANY,
"Circles are strange in hyperbolic geometry too. "
"Look for the Castle of Camelot in the Crossroads; "
"the Round Table inside is a circle of radius 28. "
"Finding its center is a difficult challenge.\n\n"
"Press '5' to cheat by seeing the smaller circles too.\n\n"
"Note: Camelot and some other lands are unlocked earlier in the Tutorial than in a real game.",
[] (presmode mode) {
slidecommand = "enable the Camelot cheat";
if(mode == 4) camelotcheat = !camelotcheat;
if(!isCrossroads(old)) return laCrossroads;
return laNone;
return (l == laCamelot);
SHOWLAND( l == laCrossroads || l == laCamelot );
{"Horocycles", 28, LEGAL_ANY,
"Horocycles are similar to circles, but you cannot reach their center at all -- "
"they can be understood as limit circles of infinite radius centered in some point "
"in infinity (also called an ideal point).\n\n"
"Go to R'Lyeh, and you should quickly find a Temple of Cthulhu there. "
"Each circle of columns is actually a horocycle. Horocycles in a given "
"temple are concentric, and there is an infinite number of them.",
[] (presmode mode) {
return pick(laRlyeh, laNone, laNone);
else return pick(laCrossroads, old == laRlyeh ? laNone : laRlyeh);
return (l == laTemple);
SHOWLAND ( l == laCrossroads || l == laRlyeh || l == laTemple );
{"Half-plane model", 47, LEGAL_HYPERBOLIC,
"The game is normally displayed in the so called Poincaré disk model, "
"which is a kind of a map of the infinite hyperbolic world. "
"There are many projections of Earth, but since Earth is curved, "
"all of them have to distort distances or angles in some way -- "
"the same is true in hyperbolic geometry. "
"The next slide shows another model, called the Poincaré upper half-plane model. In this model, "
"horocycles centered at one specific ideal point are drawn as straight lines.",
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == 1)
pmodel = mdHalfplane;
if(mode == 2)
conformal::rotation = cwt.c->land == laDungeon ? 0 : 2;
if(mode == 3) pmodel = mdDisk, conformal::rotation = 0;
{"Curvature", 29, LEGAL_ANY,
"Now, go to the Burial Grounds and find an Orb of the Sword. The Sword appears to "
"always be facing in the same direction whatever you do, and it appears that "
"you have to rotate the sword to excavate the treasures; "
"yet, it is possible to excavate them! You migth have already noticed "
"that the world rotates after you move around a loop and return to an old "
"This is related to the fact that the world of HyperRogue is curved, and "
"the sum of angles in a triangle is not equal to 180 degrees.",
[] (presmode mode) {
slidecommand = "gain Orb of the Sword";
if(mode == 4)
items[itOrbSword] = 90;
return pick(laBurial, laNone, laNone);
else return pick(laCrossroads, old == laBurial ? laNone : laBurial);
return (l == laBurial && !items[itOrbSword]);
SHOWLAND ( l == laCrossroads || l == laBurial );
{"Periodic patterns", 30, LEGAL_UNLIMITED,
"Hyperbolic geometry yields much more interesting periodic patterns "
"than Euclidean.",
[] (presmode mode) {
setCanvas(mode, 't');
if(mode == 1)
mapeditor::displaycodes = 2,
mapeditor::whichPattern = 'z';
if(mode == 3)
mapeditor::displaycodes = 0,
mapeditor::whichPattern = 0;
SHOWLAND ( l == laCanvas );
{"Periodic patterns: application", 31, LEGAL_ANY,
"Many lands in HyperRogue are based around periodic patterns. "
"For example, both Zebra and Windy Plains are based on the pattern "
"shown in the previous slide. "
"Such lands often have tree-like nature.",
[] (presmode mode) {
return pick(
pick(laWineyard, laEmerald, laPower),
pick(laZebra, laWhirlwind),
laPalace, laNone
else return laCrossroads;
SHOWLAND ( l == laCrossroads ||
l == laZebra || l == laWhirlwind || l == laPalace || l == laPrairie ||
l == laEmerald || l == laWineyard || l == laPower );
{"Fractal landscapes", 32, LEGAL_UNLIMITED,
"On the following slide, the colors change smoothly in the whole infinite world. "
"Again, this works better than in Euclidean geometry.",
[] (presmode mode) {
setCanvas(mode, 'l');
SHOWLAND ( l == laCanvas );
{"Fractal landscapes: application", 33, LEGAL_ANY,
"This is applied in HyperRogue to create landscapes, such as the chasms in the "
"land of Reptiles or the Dragon Chasms, which you should find quickly. "
"Also in the Dragon Chasms, you can find a Baby Tortoise, and try to find "
"a matching adult tortoise in the Galápagos. "
"There are over two millions of species, but since there is so much space in "
"hyperbolic geometry, finding a matching tortoise is possible. The brighter "
"the color in Galápagos is, the more aspects of the tortoises in the given "
"area are matching.",
[] (presmode mode) {
slidecommand = "create a baby tortoise";
if(mode == 4) {
cell *c = cwt.c->mov[0];
c->item = itBabyTortoise;
tortoise::babymap[c] = getBits(c) ^ tortoise::getRandomBits();
if(old == laDragon) return pick(laTortoise, laTortoise, laCrossroads);
else if(isCrossroads(old))
return pick(laDragon, laReptile, laNone);
return laNone;
return l == laTortoise && !items[itBabyTortoise];
SHOWLAND ( l == laCrossroads || l == laReptile || l == laDragon || l == laTortoise );
{"Poincaré Ball model", 41, LEGAL_HYPERBOLIC,
"The Poincaré disk model is a model of a hyperbolic *plane* -- you "
"might wonder why are the walls rendered in 3D then.\n\n"
"HyperRogue actually assumes that the floor level is an equidistant surface "
"in a three-dimensional hyperbolic world, and the camera is placed above the "
"plane that the surface is equidistant to (which boils down to showing "
"the floor level in Poincaré disk model).\n\n"
"This is shown on the next slide, in the Poincaré ball model, which is "
"the 3D analog of the Poincaré disk model.",
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == 1) pmodel = mdBall;
if(mode == 3) pmodel = mdDisk;
{"Hyperboloid model", 42, LEGAL_ANY,
"Let's see more models of the hyperbolic plane. "
"This model uses a hyperboloid in the Minkowski geometry; "
"it is used internally by HyperRogue.",
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == 1) pmodel = mdHyperboloid;
if(mode == 3) pmodel = mdDisk;
{"Beltrami-Klein model", 43, LEGAL_ANY,
"This model renders straight lines as straight, but it distorts angles.",
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == 1) vid.alpha = 0;
if(mode == 3) vid.alpha = 1;
{"Gans model", 44, LEGAL_ANY,
"Yet another model, which corresponds to orthographic projection of the "
"sphere. Poincaré disk model, Beltrami-Klein model, and the Gans "
"model are all obtained by looking at either the hyperboloid model or an "
"equidistant surface from various distances.",
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == 1) vid.alpha = 400, vid.scale = 150;
if(mode == 3) vid.alpha = vid.scale = 1;
{"Band model", 45, LEGAL_NONEUC,
"The band model is the hyperbolic analog of the Mercator projection of the sphere: "
"a given straight line is rendered as a straight line, and the rest of the "
"world is mapped conformally, that is, angles are not distorted. "
"Here, we take the straight line connecting your starting point and your "
"current position -- usually the path taken by the player is surprisingly "
"close to a straight line. Press '8' to see this path.\n\n"
"If you want, press '5' to see it rendered as a spiral, although it takes lots of time and "
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == 1) pmodel = mdBand, conformal::create(), conformal::rotation = 0;
if(mode == 3) {
conformal::clear(), pmodel = mdDisk;
conformal::includeHistory = false;
slidecommand = "render spiral";
if(mode == 4) conformal::createImage(true);
if(mode == 11) conformal::create();
if(mode == 13) conformal::clear();
{"Conformal square model", 46, LEGAL_HYPERBOLIC,
"The world can be mapped conformally to a square too.",
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == 1) pmodel = mdPolygonal, polygonal::solve();
if(mode == 3) pmodel = mdDisk;
#if !ISWEB
{"Shoot'em up mode", 52, LEGAL_NONE,
"In the shoot'em up mode, space and time is continuous. "
"You attack by throwing knives. "
"Very fun with two players!\n\n"
"There are other special modes too which change the gameplay or "
"focus on a particular challenge.",
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == 1) {
firstland = cwt.c->land;
restartGame('s', true);
if(mode == 3) {
"This tour shows just a small part of what you can see in the world of HyperRogue. "
"For example, "
"hyperbolic mazes are much nicer than their Euclidean counterparts. "
"Have fun exploring!\n\n"
"Press '5' to leave the tutorial mode.",
[] (presmode mode) {
slidecommand = "leave the Tutorial";
if(mode == 4) restartGame('T');
slide *slides = default_slides;
auto a1 = addHook(hooks_frame, 100, [] () { if(tour::on) tour::presentation(tour::pmFrame); });
auto a2 = addHook(hooks_handleKey, 100, handleKeyTour);
auto a3 = addHook(hooks_nextland, 100, [] (eLand l) { return tour::on ? getNext(l) : laNone; });