mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 18:07:04 +00:00

The "pop this menu" option's *text* is still highly variable among all the different menus, which could make it hard to navigate, but at least if you're using the keyboard it's now easy to "go back". Plus, the rogueviz menu incorrectly reported "(v) exit menu" when actually `v` was already in use by an earlier option. This is now fixed.
1541 lines
41 KiB
1541 lines
41 KiB
// scale the Euclidean
#define EUCSCALE 2.3
#define NUMWITCH 7
// achievements
#define LB_PURE_TACTICS 41
#define NUMLEADER 72
extern int currentscore[NUMLEADER];
extern int syncstate;
// initialize the achievement system.
void achievement_init();
// close the achievement system.
void achievement_close();
// gain the achievement with the given name.
// flags: 'e' - for Euclidean, 's' - for Shmup, '7' - for heptagonal
// Only awarded if special modes are matched exactly.
void achievement_gain(const char*, char flags = 0);
// gain the achievement for collecting a number of 'it'.
void achievement_collection(eItem it, int prevgold, int newgold);
// this is used for 'counting' achievements, such as kill 10
// monsters at the same time.
void achievement_count(const string& s, int current, int prev);
// scores for special challenges
void achievement_score(int cat, int score);
// gain the victory achievements. Set 'hyper' to true for
// the Hyperstone victory, and false for the Orb of Yendor victory.
void achievement_victory(bool hyper);
// gain the final achievements. Called with really=false whenever the user
// looks at their score, and really=true when the game really ends.
void achievement_final(bool really);
// display the last achievement gained.
void achievement_display();
// call the achievement callbacks
void achievement_pump();
// achievements received this game
vector<string> achievementsReceived;
// game forward declarations
typedef int flagtype;
bool mirrorkill(cell *c);
bool isNeighbor(cell *c1, cell *c2);
void checkTide(cell *c);
namespace anticheat { extern bool tampered; }
int numplayers();
void removeIvy(cell *c);
bool cellEdgeUnstable(cell *c, flagtype flags = 0);
int coastvalEdge(cell *c);
typedef int cellfunction(cell*);
int towerval(cell *c, cellfunction* cf = &coastvalEdge);
int hrandpos(); // 0 to HRANDMAX
void restartGame(char switchWhat = 0, bool push = false);
int landMultiplier(eLand l);
eItem treasureType(eLand l);
void buildBarrier(cell *c, int d, eLand l = laNone);
void extendBarrier(cell *c);
bool buildBarrier4(cell *c, int d, int mode, eLand ll, eLand lr);
bool buildBarrier6(struct cellwalker cw, int type);
bool makeEmpty(cell *c);
bool isCrossroads(eLand l);
enum orbAction { roMouse, roKeyboard, roCheck, roMouseForce, roMultiCheck, roMultiGo };
void moveItem (cell *from, cell *to, bool activateYendor);
void uncoverMines(cell *c, int lev, int dist);
bool survivesMine(eMonster m);
void killMonster(cell *c, eMonster who_killed, flagtype flags = 0);
void toggleGates(cell *ct, eWall type, int rad);
bool destroyHalfvine(cell *c, eWall newwall = waNone, int tval = 6);
void buildCrossroads2(cell *c);
bool isHaunted(eLand l);
heptagon *createAlternateMap(cell *c, int rad, hstate firststate, int special=0);
void generateAlts(heptagon *h);
void setdist(cell *c, int d, cell *from);
void checkOnYendorPath();
void killThePlayerAt(eMonster m, cell *c, flagtype flags);
bool notDippingFor(eItem i);
bool collectItem(cell *c2, bool telekinesis = false);
void castLightningBolt(struct cellwalker lig);
bool movepcto(int d, int subdir = 1, bool checkonly = false);
void stabbingAttack(cell *mf, cell *mt, eMonster who, int bonuskill = 0);
bool earthMove(cell *from, int dir);
void messageKill(eMonster killer, eMonster victim);
void moveMonster(cell *ct, cell *cf);
int palaceHP();
void placeLocalOrbs(cell *c);
int elementalKills();
bool elementalUnlocked();
bool trollUnlocked();
bool isMultitile(eMonster m);
void checkFreedom(cell *cf);
int rosedist(cell *c);
bool canPushStatueOn(cell *c);
namespace hive { void createBugArmy(cell *c); }
namespace whirlpool { void generate(cell *wto); }
namespace whirlwind { void generate(cell *wto); }
namespace mirror {
static const int SPINSINGLE = 1;
static const int SPINMULTI = 2;
static const int GO = 4;
static const int ATTACK = 8;
void act(int dir, int flags);
int neighborId(cell *c1, cell *c2);
struct movedir {
int d; // 0 to 6, or one of the following -- warning: not used consistently
#define MD_WAIT (-1)
#define MD_DROP (-2)
#define MD_UNDECIDED (-3)
#define MD_USE_ORB (-4)
int subdir; // for normal movement (0-6): turn left or right
cell *tgt; // for MD_USE_ORB: target cell
inline bool movepcto(const movedir& md) { return movepcto(md.d, md.subdir); }
void activateActiv(cell *c, bool msg);
// shmup
struct charstyle {
int charid;
unsigned skincolor, haircolor, dresscolor, swordcolor, dresscolor2, uicolor;
string csname(charstyle& cs);
void initcs(charstyle& cs);
void savecs(FILE *f, charstyle& cs, int vernum);
void loadcs(FILE *f, charstyle& cs, int vernum);
#define MAXPLAYER 7
#define MAXJOY 8
#define MAXBUTTON 64
#define MAXAXE 16
#define MAXHAT 4
namespace multi {
extern bool shmupcfg;
extern bool alwaysuse;
void recall();
extern cell *origpos[MAXPLAYER], *origtarget[MAXPLAYER];
extern int players;
extern cellwalker player[MAXPLAYER];
extern bool flipped[MAXPLAYER];
cell *mplayerpos(int i);
extern vector<int> revive_queue; // queue for revival
extern movedir whereto[MAXPLAYER]; // player's target cell
extern int cpid; // player id -- an extra parameter for player-related functions
extern int cpid_edit; // cpid currently being edited
// treasure collection, kill, and death statistics
extern int treasures[MAXPLAYER], kills[MAXPLAYER], deaths[MAXPLAYER];
struct config {
int players;
int subconfig;
int setwhat;
char keyaction[512];
char joyaction[MAXJOY][MAXBUTTON];
char axeaction[MAXJOY][MAXAXE];
char hataction[MAXJOY][MAXHAT][4];
int deadzoneval[MAXJOY][MAXAXE];
void saveConfig(FILE *f);
void loadConfig(FILE *f);
void initConfig();
charstyle scs[MAXPLAYER];
bool playerActive(int p);
int activePlayers();
cell *multiPlayerTarget(int i);
void checklastmove();
void leaveGame(int i);
void showShmupConfig();
namespace shmup {
using namespace multi;
void recall();
extern bool on;
extern bool safety;
extern int curtime;
void clearMonsters();
void clearMemory();
void init();
void teleported();
extern struct monster* mousetarget;
extern eItem targetRangedOrb(orbAction a);
void degradeDemons();
void killThePlayer(eMonster m);
void killThePlayer(eMonster m, int i);
void visibleFor(int t);
bool verifyTeleport();
bool dragonbreath(cell *dragon);
void shmupDrownPlayers(cell *c);
cell *playerpos(int i);
bool playerInBoat(int i);
void destroyBoats(cell *c);
bool boatAt(cell *c);
void virtualRebase(cell*& base, transmatrix& at, bool tohex);
void virtualRebase(shmup::monster *m, bool tohex);
void fixStorage();
void addShmupHelp(string& out);
// graph
extern int msgscroll;
void showMissionScreen();
void restartGraph();
void resetmusic();
void drawFlash(cell* c);
void drawBigFlash(cell* c);
void drawParticle(cell *c, int col, int maxspeed = 100);
void drawParticles(cell *c, int col, int qty, int maxspeed = 100);
void drawFireParticles(cell *c, int qty, int maxspeed = 100);
int firecolor(int phase);
void drawLightning();
void drawSafety();
void restartGraph();
void movepckeydir(int);
void centerpc(ld aspd);
void displayButton(int x, int y, const string& name, int key, int align, int rad = 0);
void displayColorButton(int x, int y, const string& name, int key, int align, int rad, int color, int color2 = 0);
inline string ONOFF(bool b) { return XLAT(b ? "ON" : "OFF"); }
int darkened(int c);
extern int getcstat;
bool displaychr(int x, int y, int shift, int size, char chr, int col);
bool displayfr(int x, int y, int b, int size, const string &s, int color, int align);
bool displayfrSP(int x, int y, int sh, int b, int size, const string &s, int color, int align, int p);
bool outofmap(hyperpoint h);
void applymodel(hyperpoint H, hyperpoint& Hscr);
void drawCircle(int x, int y, int size, int color);
void fixcolor(int& col);
int displaydir(cell *c, int d);
hyperpoint gethyper(ld x, ld y);
void resetview(); extern heptspin viewctr; extern cell *centerover;
void drawthemap();
void drawfullmap();
bool displaystr(int x, int y, int shift, int size, const char *str, int color, int align);
bool displaystr(int x, int y, int shift, int size, const string& str, int color, int align);
extern int darken, inmirrorcount;
void calcparam();
int& qpixel(SDL_Surface *surf, int x, int y);
void setvideomode();
void saveHighQualityShot(const char *fname = NULL, const char *caption = NULL, int fade = 255);
void saveConfig();
extern hyperpoint mouseh;
extern hyperpoint ccenter;
extern ld crad;
extern bool mousepressed, anyshiftclick;
extern string help;
extern function<void()> help_delegate;
#define HELPFUN(x) (help_delegate = x, "HELPFUN")
struct videopar {
ld scale, eye, alpha, sspeed, mspeed, yshift, camera_angle;
ld ballangle, ballproj;
int mobilecompasssize;
int aurastr, aurasmoothen;
bool full;
bool goteyes; // for rendering
bool goteyes2; // for choosing colors
int graphglyph; // graphical glyphs
bool darkhepta;
int shifttarget;
int xres, yres, framelimit;
int xscr, yscr;
// paramaters calculated from the above
int xcenter, ycenter;
int radius;
ld alphax, beta;
bool grid;
int particles;
int fsize;
int flashtime;
int wallmode, monmode, axes;
bool revcontrol;
// for OpenGL
float scrdist;
bool usingGL;
int antialias;
#define AA_NOGL 1
#define AA_VERSION 2
#define AA_LINES 4
#define AA_POLY 8
#define AA_LINEWIDTH 16
#define AA_FONT 32
#define AA_MULTI 64
#define AA_MULTI16 128 // not configurable
ld linewidth;
int joyvalue, joyvalue2, joypanthreshold;
ld joypanspeed;
charstyle cs;
bool samegender; // same gender for the Princess?
int language;
int killreduction, itemreduction, portreduction;
multi::config scfg;
int steamscore;
bool drawmousecircle; // draw the circle around the mouse
bool skipstart; // skip the start menu
int quickmouse; // quick mouse on the map
extern videopar vid;
extern vector< function<void()> > screens;
template<class T> void pushScreen(T& x) { screens.push_back(x); }
inline void popScreen() { screens.pop_back(); }
inline void popScreenAll() { while(size(screens)>1) popScreen(); }
extern transmatrix View; // current rotation, relative to viewctr
extern transmatrix cwtV; // player-relative view
extern cell *mouseover, *mouseover2;
extern string mouseovers;
extern struct SDL_Surface *s;
namespace mapeditor {
extern bool drawplayer;
extern char whichPattern, whichShape;
extern char whichCanvas;
extern int displaycodes;
int generateCanvas(cell *c);
void applyModelcell(cell *c);
int realpattern(cell *c);
int patterndir(cell *c, char w = whichPattern);
int subpattern(cell *c);
extern cell *drawcell;
void initdraw(cell *c);
void showMapEditor();
void showDrawEditor();
namespace rug {
extern bool rugged;
extern bool renderonce;
extern bool rendernogl;
extern int texturesize;
extern ld scale;
void show();
void init();
void close();
void actDraw();
void select();
void buildVertexInfo(cell *c, transmatrix V);
namespace conformal {
extern bool on;
extern vector<pair<cell*, eMonster> > killhistory;
extern vector<pair<cell*, eItem> > findhistory;
extern vector<cell*> movehistory;
extern bool includeHistory;
extern int rotation;
extern bool autoband;
extern bool autobandhistory;
extern bool dospiral;
extern ld lvspeed;
extern int bandsegment;
extern int bandhalf;
void create();
void clear();
void show();
void apply();
void movetophase();
void renderAutoband();
extern vector<shmup::monster*> v;
extern double phase;
void applyIB();
namespace polygonal {
static const int MSI = 120;
extern int SI;
extern ld STAR;
extern int deg;
extern ld coefr[MSI], coefi[MSI];
extern int maxcoef, coefid;
void solve();
pair<ld, ld> compute(ld x, ld y);
void selectEyeGL(int ed);
void selectEyeMask(int ed);
extern int ticks;
void setGLProjection();
// passable flags
#define P_MONSTER (1<<0) // can move through monsters
#define P_MIRROR (1<<1) // can move through mirrors
#define P_REVDIR (1<<2) // reverse direction movement
#define P_WIND (1<<3) // can move against the wind
#define P_GRAVITY (1<<4) // can move against the gravity
#define P_ISPLAYER (1<<5) // player-only moves (like the Round Table jump)
#define P_ONPLAYER (1<<6) // always can step on the player
#define P_FLYING (1<<7) // is flying
#define P_BULLET (1<<8) // bullet can fly through more things
#define P_MIRRORWALL (1<<9) // mirror images go through mirror walls
#define P_JUMP1 (1<<10) // first part of a jump
#define P_JUMP2 (1<<11) // second part of a jump
#define P_TELE (1<<12) // teleport onto
#define P_BLOW (1<<13) // Orb of Air -- blow, or push
#define P_AETHER (1<<14) // aethereal
#define P_FISH (1<<15) // swimming
#define P_WINTER (1<<16) // fire resistant
#define P_USEBOAT (1<<17) // can use boat
#define P_NOAETHER (1<<18) // disable AETHER
#define P_FRIENDSWAP (1<<19) // can move on friends (to swap with tem)
#define P_ISFRIEND (1<<20) // is a friend (can use Empathy + Winter/Aether/Fish combo)
#define P_LEADER (1<<21) // can push statues and use boats
#define P_MARKWATER (1<<22) // mark Orb of Water as used
#define P_EARTHELEM (1<<23) // Earth Elemental
#define P_WATERELEM (1<<24) // Water Elemental
#define P_IGNORE37 (1<<25) // ignore the triheptagonal board
#define P_CHAIN (1<<26) // for chaining moves with boats
#define P_DEADLY (1<<27) // suicide moves allowed
#define P_ROSE (1<<28) // rose smell
#define P_CLIMBUP (1<<29) // allow climbing up
#define P_CLIMBDOWN (1<<30) // allow climbing down
#define P_REPTILE (1<<31) // is reptile
bool passable(cell *w, cell *from, flagtype flags);
bool isElemental(eLand l);
int coastval(cell *c, eLand base);
int getHauntedDepth(cell *c);
eLand randomElementalLand();
extern eLand euland[65536];
bool notDippingForExtra(eItem i, eItem x);
void placePrizeOrb(cell *c);
int hivehard();
eMonster randomHyperbug();
void wandering();
bool isSealand(eLand l);
int newRoundTableRadius();
bool grailWasFound(cell *c);
extern bool buggyGeneration;
int buildIvy(cell *c, int children, int minleaf);
int celldistAltRelative(cell *c);
int roundTableRadius(cell *c);
cell *chosenDown(cell *c, int which, int bonus, cellfunction* cf = &coastvalEdge);
eLand pickLandRPM(eLand old);
bool bearsCamelot(eLand l);
extern bool safety;
#define SAGEMELT .1
#define TEMPLE_EACH 6
#define PT(x, y) ((tactic::on || quotient == 2) ? (y) : inv::on ? min(2*(y),x) : (x))
#define WORMLENGTH 15
#define PRIZEMUL 7
#define INF 9999
#define INFD 20
#define PINFD 125
#define BARLEV ((ISANDROID||ISIOS||ISFAKEMOBILE||purehepta)?9:10)
#define BUGLEV 15
// #define BARLEV 9
bool isKillable(cell *c);
bool isKillableSomehow(cell *c);
bool isAlchAny(eWall w);
bool isAlchAny(cell *c);
#define YDIST 101
#define MODECODES 255
extern cellwalker cwt; // player character position
extern int sval;
extern int items[ittypes], kills[motypes], explore[10], exploreland[10][landtypes], landcount[landtypes];
typedef int modecode_t;
extern map<modecode_t, array<int, ittypes> > hiitems;
extern eLand firstland, specialland;
bool pseudohept(cell *c);
bool pureHardcore();
extern int cheater;
int airdist(cell *c);
bool eq(short a, short b);
extern vector<cell*> dcal; // queue for cpdist
bool isPlayerOn(cell *c);
bool isFriendly(eMonster m);
bool isFriendly(cell *c);
bool isChild(cell *w, cell *killed); // is w killed if killed is killed?
static const int NO_TREASURE = 1;
static const int NO_YENDOR = 2;
static const int NO_GRAIL = 4;
static const int NO_LOVE = 8;
int gold(int no = 0);
int tkills();
bool hellUnlocked();
bool markOrb(eItem it); // mark the orb as 'used', return true if exists
bool markEmpathy(eItem it); // mark both the given orb and Empathy as 'used', return true if exists
bool markEmpathy2(eItem it); // as above, but next turn
bool isMimic(eMonster m);
bool isMimic(cell *c);
void fallMonster(cell *c, flagtype flags = 0); // kill monster due to terrain
bool attackMonster(cell *c, flagtype flags, eMonster killer);
bool isWorm(eMonster m);
bool isWorm(cell *c);
void empathyMove(cell *c, cell *cto, int dir);
bool isIvy(eMonster m);
bool isIvy(cell *c);
#define GUNRANGE 3
// 0 = basic treasure, 1 = other item, 2 = power orb, 3 = not an item
#define IC_TREASURE 0
#define IC_OTHER 1
#define IC_ORB 2
#define IC_NAI 3
bool playerInPower();
void activateFlash();
void activateLightning();
bool markOrb(eItem it);
bool markOrb2(eItem it);
void drainOrb(eItem it, int target = 0);
void useupOrb(eItem it, int qty);
void initgame();
bool haveRangedTarget();
eItem targetRangedOrb(cell *c, orbAction a);
void reduceOrbPowers();
int realstuntime(cell *c);
extern bool invismove, invisfish;
bool attackingForbidden(cell *c, cell *c2);
void killOrStunMonster(cell *c2, eMonster who_killed);
void useup(cell *c); // useup thumpers/bonfires
cell *playerpos(int i);
bool makeflame(cell *c, int timeout, bool checkonly);
void bfs();
bool isPlayerInBoatOn(cell *c);
bool isPlayerInBoatOn(cell *c, int i);
void destroyBoats(cell *c, cell *cf, bool strandedToo);
extern bool showoff;
extern int lastexplore;
extern int truelotus;
extern eLand lastland;
extern time_t timerstart;
extern bool timerstopped;
bool againstRose(cell *cfrom, cell *cto);
bool withRose(cell *cfrom, cell *cto);
// loops
#define fakecellloop(ct) for(cell *ct = (cell*)1; ct; ct=NULL)
#define forCellIdAll(ct, i, cf) fakecellloop(ct) for(int i=0; i<(cf)->type && (ct=(cf)->mov[i],true); i++)
#define forCellIdCM(ct, i, cf) fakecellloop(ct) for(int i=0; i<(cf)->type && (ct=createMov((cf),i),true); i++)
#define forCellIdEx(ct, i, cf) forCellIdAll(ct,i,cf) if(ct)
#define forCellEx(ct, cf) forCellIdEx(ct,forCellEx ## __LINE__,cf)
#define forCellCM(ct, cf) forCellIdCM(ct,forCellCM ## __LINE__,cf)
#define forCellAll(ct, cf) forCellIdCM(ct,forCellAll ## __LINE__,cf)
// canAttack/moveval flags
#define AF_TOUGH (1<<0) // tough attacks: Hyperbugs
#define AF_MAGIC (1<<1) // magical attacks: Flash
#define AF_STAB (1<<2) // stabbing attacks (usually ignored except Hedgehogs)
#define AF_LANCE (1<<3) // lance attacks (used by Lancers)
#define AF_ONLY_ENEMY (1<<4) // only say YES if it is an enemy
#define AF_ONLY_FRIEND (1<<5) // only say YES if it is a friend
#define AF_ONLY_FBUG (1<<6) // only say YES if it is a bug_or friend
#define AF_BACK (1<<7) // backward attacks (ignored except Viziers and Flailers)
#define AF_APPROACH (1<<8) // approach attacks (ignored except Lancers)
#define AF_IGNORE_UNARMED (1<<9) // ignore the UNARMED flag
#define AF_NOSHIELD (1<<10) // ignore the shielded status
#define AF_GETPLAYER (1<<11) // check for player (replace m2 with moPlayer for player position)
#define AF_GUN (1<<12) // revolver attack
#define AF_FAST (1<<13) // fast attack
#define AF_EAT (1<<17) // eating attacks from Worm-likes
#define MF_NOATTACKS (1<<14) // don't do any attacks
#define MF_PATHDIST (1<<15) // consider pathdist for moveval
#define MF_ONLYEAGLE (1<<16) // do this only for Eagles
#define MF_MOUNT (1<<18) // don't do
#define MF_NOFRIEND (1<<19) // don't do it for friends
#define AF_SWORD (1<<20) // big sword
#define AF_SWORD_INTO (1<<21) // moving into big sword
#define AF_MSG (1<<22) // produce a message
#define AF_ORSTUN (1<<23) // attackMonster: allow stunning
#define AF_NEXTTURN (1<<24) // next turn -- don't count shield at power 1
#define AF_FALL (1<<25) // death by falling
#define MF_STUNNED (1<<26) // edgeunstable: ignore ladders (as stunned monsters do)
#define MF_IVY (1<<27) // edgeunstable: ignore ivy (ivy cannot climb ivy)
#define AF_HORNS (1<<28) // spear attack (always has APPROACH too)
#define AF_BULL (1<<29) // bull attack
bool canAttack(cell *c1, eMonster m1, cell *c2, eMonster m2, flagtype flags);
extern bool chaosmode;
extern bool chaosUnlocked;
extern bool chaosAchieved;
bool isTechnicalLand(eLand l);
int getGhostcount();
void raiseBuggyGeneration(cell *c, const char *s);
void verifyMutantAround(cell *c);
#include "savepng.h"
#define IMAGEEXT ".png"
void IMAGESAVE(SDL_Surface *s, const char *fname);
#define IMAGEEXT ".bmp"
void drawscreen();
void buildAirmap();
// currently works for worms only
bool sameMonster(cell *c1, cell *c2);
cell *wormhead(cell *c);
eMonster getMount(int player_id);
eMonster haveMount();
bool isDragon(eMonster m);
// for some reason I need this to compile under OSX
extern "C" { void *_Unwind_Resume = 0; }
extern bool autocheat;
extern bool inHighQual;
void mountmove(cell *c, int spin, bool fp);
void mountmove(cell *c, int spin, bool fp, cell *ppos);
void mountswap(cell *c1, int spin1, bool fp1, cell *c2, int spin2, bool fp2);
template<class T> struct dynamicval {
T& where;
T backup;
dynamicval(T& wh, T val) : where(wh) { backup = wh; wh = val; }
dynamicval(T& wh) : where(wh) { backup = wh; }
~dynamicval() { where = backup; }
struct stalemate1 {
eMonster who;
cell *moveto;
cell *killed;
cell *pushto;
cell *comefrom;
cell *swordlast[2], *swordtransit[2], *swordnext[2];
bool isKilled(cell *c);
stalemate1(eMonster w, cell *mt, cell *ki, cell *pt, cell *cf) : who(w), moveto(mt), killed(ki), pushto(pt), comefrom(cf) {}
namespace stalemate {
vector<stalemate1> moves;
bool nextturn;
bool isKilled(cell *c);
bool anyKilled();
bool isMoveto(cell *c);
bool isKilledDirectlyAt(cell *c);
bool isPushto(cell *c);
extern int turncount;
bool reduceOrbPower(eItem it, int cap);
bool checkOrb(eMonster m1, eItem orb);
movedir vectodir(const hyperpoint& P);
namespace sword {
extern int angle[MAXPLAYER];
cell *pos(cell *c, int s);
cell *pos(int id);
bool at(cell *where, bool noplayer = false);
int shift(cell *c1, cell *c2);
void killThePlayer(eMonster m, int id, flagtype flags);
bool attackJustStuns(cell *c2);
bool isTargetOrAdjacent(cell *c);
bool warningprotection();
bool mineMarked(cell *c);
bool minesafe();
bool hasSafeOrb(cell *c);
void placeWater(cell *c, cell *c2);
bool againstCurrent(cell *w, cell *from);
#define DEFAULTCONTROL (multi::players == 1 && !shmup::on && !multi::alwaysuse)
#define DEFAULTNOR(sym) (DEFAULTCONTROL || multi::notremapped(sym))
extern bool timerghost;
#define displayfrZ dialog::displayzoom
#define displayfrZ displayfr
namespace dialog {
enum tDialogItem {diTitle, diItem, diBreak, diHelp, diInfo, diSlider, diBigItem};
struct item {
tDialogItem type;
string body;
string value;
string keycaption;
int key;
int color, colorv, colork, colors, colorc;
int scale;
double param;
int position;
extern vector<item> items;
item& lastItem();
extern unsigned int *palette;
string keyname(int k);
void addSelItem(string body, string value, int key);
void addBoolItem(string body, bool value, int key);
void addColorItem(string body, int value, int key);
void openColorDialog(unsigned int& col, unsigned int *pal = palette);
void addHelp(string body);
void addInfo(string body, int color = 0xC0C0C0);
void addItem(string body, int key);
int addBreak(int val);
void addTitle(string body, int color, int scale);
void init();
void init(string title, int color = 0xE8E8E8, int scale = 150, int brk = 60);
void display();
void editNumber(ld& x, ld vmin, ld vmax, ld step, ld dft, string title, string help);
void editNumber(int& x, int vmin, int vmax, int step, int dft, string title, string help);
void scaleLog();
void scaleSinh();
void handleNavigation(int &sym, int &uni);
bool displayzoom(int x, int y, int b, int size, const string &s, int color, int align);
bool editingDetail();
int handlePage(int& nl, int& nlm, int perpage);
void displayPageButtons(int i, bool pages);
bool handlePageButtons(int uni);
extern bool sidedialog;
void checkStunKill(cell *dest);
void clearMessages();
void resetGeometry();
namespace svg {
void circle(int x, int y, int size, int col);
void polygon(int *polyx, int *polyy, int polyi, int col, int outline);
void text(int x, int y, int size, const string& str, bool frame, int col, int align);
extern bool in;
extern string *info;
void render(const char *fname = NULL);
extern int sightrange;
namespace halloween {
void getTreat(cell *where);
// just in case if I change my mind about when Orbs lose their power
#define ORBBASE 0
transmatrix mscale(const transmatrix& t, double fac);
transmatrix mzscale(const transmatrix& t, double fac);
extern bool ivoryz;
#define mmscale(V, x) (mmspatial ? (ivoryz ? mzscale(V,x) : mscale(V, x)) : (V))
#define SHADOW_WALL 0x60
#define SHADOW_SL 0x18
#define SHADOW_MON 0x30
bool drawMonsterType(eMonster m, cell *where, const transmatrix& V, int col, double footphase);
void drawPlayerEffects(const transmatrix& V, cell *c, bool onPlayer);
// monster movement animations
struct animation {
int ltick;
double footphase;
transmatrix wherenow;
// we need separate animation layers for Orb of Domination and Tentacle+Ghost,
// and also to mark Boats
#define ANIMLAYERS 3
#define LAYER_BIG 0 // for worms and krakens
#define LAYER_SMALL 1 // for others
#define LAYER_BOAT 2 // mark that a boat has moved
extern map<cell*, animation> animations[ANIMLAYERS];
extern unordered_map<cell*, transmatrix> gmatrix, gmatrix0;
void animateMovement(cell *src, cell *tgt, int layer);
// for animations which might use the same locations,
// such as replacements or multi-tile monsters
void indAnimateMovement(cell *src, cell *tgt, int layer);
void commitAnimations(int layer);
void animateReplacement(cell *a, cell *b, int layer);
void fallingFloorAnimation(cell *c, eWall w = waNone, eMonster m = moNone);
void fallingMonsterAnimation(cell *c, eMonster m, int id = multi::cpid);
// ranks:
enum PPR {
void ShadowV(const transmatrix& V, const struct hpcshape& bp, int prio = PPR_MONSTER_SHADOW);
#define OUTLINE_NONE 0x000000FF
#define OUTLINE_ENEMY 0xFF0000FF
#define OUTLINE_ORB 0xFF8000FF
#define OUTLINE_DEAD 0x800000FF
#define OUTLINE_DEFAULT ((bordcolor << 8) + 0xFF)
#define OUTLINE_FORE ((forecolor << 8) + 0xFF)
#define OUTLINE_BACK ((backcolor << 8) + 0xFF)
extern bool audio;
extern string musiclicense;
extern string musfname[landtypes];
extern int musicvolume, effvolume;
void initAudio();
bool loadMusicInfo();
void handlemusic();
void playSeenSound(cell *c);
void playSound(cell *c, const string& fname, int vol = 100);
inline string pick123() { return cts('1' + rand() % 3); }
inline string pick12() { return cts('1' + rand() % 2); }
bool playerInBoat(int i);
extern int lowfar;
extern bool wmspatial, wmescher, wmplain, wmblack, wmascii;
extern bool mmspatial, mmhigh, mmmon, mmitem;
extern int maxreclevel, reclevel;
string explain3D(ld *param);
extern int detaillevel;
extern bool quitmainloop;
enum eGlyphsortorder {
gsoFirstTop, gsoFirstBottom,
gsoLastTop, gsoLastBottom,
gsoLand, gsoValue,
extern eGlyphsortorder glyphsortorder;
namespace rogueviz {
extern bool on;
string describe(shmup::monster *m);
void describe(cell *c);
void activate(shmup::monster *m);
void drawVertex(const transmatrix &V, cell *c, shmup::monster *m);
bool virt(shmup::monster *m);
void turn(int delta);
void drawExtra();
void fixparam();
int readArgs();
void close();
void mark(cell *c);
void showMenu();
string makehelp();
void explodeMine(cell *c);
bool mayExplodeMine(cell *c, eMonster who);
int gravityLevel(cell *c);
void fullcenter();
void movecost(cell* from, cell *to);
void checkmove();
transmatrix eumove(int x, int y);
transmatrix eumovedir(int d);
int reptilemax();
extern bool mousing;
#define IFM(x) (mousing?"":x)
extern cell *recallCell;
extern eLand cheatdest;
void cheatMoveTo(eLand l);
extern unsigned backcolor, bordcolor, forecolor;
extern bool overgenerate;
void doOvergenerate();
void collectMessage(cell *c2, eItem which);
namespace quotientspace {
void build();
void clear();
extern vector<int> connections;
void killFriendlyIvy();
void pushdown(cell *c, int& q, const transmatrix &V, double down, bool rezoom, bool repriority);
extern bool viewdists;
void preventbarriers(cell *c);
bool passable_for(eMonster m, cell *w, cell *from, flagtype extra);
void beastcrash(cell *c, cell *beast);
int angledist(int t, int d1, int d2);
int angledist(cell *c, int d1, int d2);
void setcameraangle(bool b);
enum eModel {
mdDisk, mdHalfplane, mdBand, mdPolygonal, mdPolynomial,
mdEquidistant, mdEquiarea, mdBall, mdHyperboloid, mdGUARD, mdUnchanged };
#define MODELCOUNT ((int) mdGUARD)
void drawShape(pair<ld,ld>* coords, int qty, int color);
extern eModel pmodel;
int darkena(int c, int lev, int a);
#define SHSIZE 16
extern cell *shpos[MAXPLAYER][SHSIZE];
extern int cshpos;
namespace arg {
extern int argc; extern char **argv;
inline void lshift() {
argc--; argv++;
inline void shift() {
lshift(); if(!argc) { printf("Missing parameter\n"); exit(1); }
inline char* args() { return *argv; }
inline int argi() { return atoi(*argv); }
inline ld argf() { return atof(*argv); }
inline bool argis(const char *s) { return strcmp(*argv, s) == 0; }
inline void init(int _argc, char **_argv) { argc=_argc-1; argv=_argv+1; }
int curphase;
inline void phaseerror(int x) {
printf("Command line error: cannot read command '%s' from phase %d in phase %d\n", args(), x, curphase);
// returned values: 0 = ok, 1 = not recognized, 2 = shift phase
int readCommon();
int readLocal();
// an useful macro
#define PHASE(x) { if(arg::curphase > x) phaseerror(x); else if(arg::curphase < x) return 2; }
#define PHASEFROM(x) { if(arg::curphase < x) return 2; }
void read(int phase);
inline void read(int phase) { }
extern bool generatingEquidistant;
void clearfrom(heptagon *at);
void clearHexes(heptagon *at);
void verifycells(heptagon *at);
int zebra40(cell *c);
cell *createMov(cell *c, int d);
namespace tour {
extern bool on;
extern string tourhelp;
extern string slidecommand;
extern int currentslide;
enum presmode {
pmStartAll = 0,
pmStart = 1, pmFrame = 2, pmStop = 3, pmKey = 4, pmRestart = 5,
pmAfterFrame = 6,
pmGeometry = 11, pmGeometryReset = 13, pmGeometryStart = 15
void setCanvas(presmode mode, char canv);
void presentation(presmode mode);
void checkGoodLand(eLand l);
int getid();
extern function<eLand(eLand)> getNext;
extern function<bool(eLand)> quickfind;
extern function<bool(eLand)> showland;
void start();
struct slide {
const char *name; int unused_id; int flags; const char *help;
function<void(presmode mode)> action;
} ;
extern slide *slides;
extern slide default_slides[];
static const int LEGAL_NONE=0;
static const int LEGAL_UNLIMITED=1;
static const int LEGAL_HYPERBOLIC=2;
static const int LEGAL_ANY=3;
static const int LEGAL_NONEUC=4;
static const int QUICKSKIP=8;
static const int FINALSLIDE=16;
static const int QUICKGEO=32;
static const int SIDESCREEN = 64;
extern slide slideHypersian;
extern slide slideExpansion;
namespace ss {
void showMenu();
void list(slide*);
namespace rogueviz {
extern bool rog3;
extern bool rvwarp;
namespace rvtour {
extern tour::slide rvslides[];
extern bool doCross;
void optimizeview();
extern int pngres;
extern int pngformat;
extern bool noGUI;
extern bool dronemode;
extern ld whatever;
namespace sm {
static const int NORMAL = 1;
static const int MISSION = 2;
static const int HELP = 4;
static const int MAP = 8;
static const int DRAW = 16;
static const int NUMBER = 32;
static const int SHMUPCONFIG = 64;
static const int OVERVIEW = 128;
static const int SIDE = 256;
static const int DOTOUR = 512;
static const int CENTER = 1024;
static const int A3 = 2048; // affects poly
static const int ZOOMABLE = 4096;
namespace linepatterns {
enum ePattern {
void clearAll();
void setColor(ePattern id, int col);
void drawAll();
void showMenu();
transmatrix ddspin(cell *c, int d, int bonus = 0);
bool doexiton(int sym, int uni);
void switchFullscreen();
string turnstring(int i);
int celldistance(cell *c1, cell *c2);
bool behindsphere(const transmatrix& V);
extern hyperpoint pirateCoords;
bool mouseout();
bool againstWind(cell *c2, cell *c1); // to, from
transmatrix atscreenpos(ld x, ld y, ld size);
hyperpoint mirrorif(const hyperpoint& V, bool b);
#define SETMOUSEKEY 5000
extern char mousekey;
extern char newmousekey;
void displaymm(char c, int x, int y, int rad, int size, const string& title, int align);
bool canPushThumperOn(cell *tgt, cell *thumper, cell *player);
void pushThumper(cell *th, cell *cto);
template<class T> T pick(T x, T y) { return hrand(2) ? x : y; }
template<class T> T pick(T x, T y, T z) { switch(hrand(3)) { case 0: return x; case 1: return y; case 2: return z; } return x; }
template<class T> T pick(T x, T y, T z, T v) { switch(hrand(4)) { case 0: return x; case 1: return y; case 2: return z; case 3: return v; } return x; }
template<class T, class... U> bool among(T x, T y) { return x == y; }
template<class T, class... U> bool among(T x, T y, U... u) { return x==y || among(x,u...); }
eLand getNewSealand(eLand old);
bool createOnSea(eLand old);
namespace inv {
extern bool on;
extern bool usedForbidden;
extern int remaining[ittypes];
void compute();
void applyBox(eItem it);
extern int incheck;
void check(int delta);
void show();
bool drawItemType(eItem it, cell *c, const transmatrix& V, int icol, int ticks, bool hidden);
void initquickqueue();
void quickqueue();
int darkenedby(int c, int lev);
extern int mousex, mousey;
string generateHelpForItem(eItem it);
bool graphglyph();
extern bool hiliteclick;
extern int antialiaslines;
extern int ringcolor;
#include <functional>
template<class T> class hookset : public map<int, function<T>> {};
typedef hookset<void()> *purehookset;
template<class T, class U> int addHook(hookset<T>*& m, int prio, const U& hook) {
if(!m) m = new hookset<T> ();
while(m->count(prio)) {
(*m)[prio] = hook;
return 0;
extern purehookset hooks_frame, hooks_stats, clearmemory, hooks_config;
template<class T, class... U> void callhooks(hookset<T> *h, U... args) {
if(h) for(auto& p: *h) p.second(args...);
template<class T, class V, class... U> V callhandlers(V zero, hookset<T> *h, U... args) {
if(h) for(auto& p: *h) {
auto z = p.second(args...);
if(z != zero) return z;
return zero;
extern hookset<bool(int sym, int uni)> *hooks_handleKey;
extern hookset<void(cell *c, const transmatrix& V)> *hooks_drawcell;
extern hookset<bool(int argc, char** argv)> *hooks_main;
extern hookset<int()> *hooks_args;
extern hookset<eLand(eLand)> *hooks_nextland;
// hooks to extend HyperRogue with an external program
// start compilation from another file which defines EXTRA_..., includes
// hyper.cpp, then defines the necessary functions
extern ld shiftmul;
void initcs(charstyle &cs);
charstyle& getcs(int id = multi::cpid);
struct msginfo {
int stamp;
char flashout;
char spamtype;
int quantity;
string msg;
extern vector<msginfo> msgs;
void flashMessages();
extern int lightat, safetyat;
int watercolor(int phase);
bool doHighlight();
string buildHelpText();
string buildCredits();
void setAppropriateOverview();
bool quitsaves();
extern bool sidescreen;
static const char* COLORBAR = "###";
int textwidth(int siz, const string &str);
#define GLERR(call) glError(call, __FILE__, __LINE__)
extern bool gtouched, mousepressed, mousemoved, actonrelease;
extern bool inslider;
#define DOSHMUP (shmup::on || rogueviz::on)
#define DOSHMUP shmup::on
extern bool outoffocus;
extern int frames;
extern transmatrix playerV;
extern bool didsomething;
extern void drawStats();
extern int calcfps();
extern int distcolors[8];
extern eItem orbToTarget;
extern eMonster monsterToSummon;
void panning(hyperpoint hf, hyperpoint ht);
extern transmatrix sphereflip;
void initConfig();
void loadConfig();
extern bool auraNOGL;
extern void initJoysticks();
extern bool autojoy;
extern int joyx, joyy, panjoyx, panjoyy;
extern movedir joydir;
extern SDL_Joystick* sticks[8];
extern int numsticks;
void closeJoysticks();
void preparesort();
#define SHMUPTITLE "shoot'em up mode"
#define SHMUPTITLE "shoot'em up and multiplayer"
bool dodrawcell(cell *c);
void drawcell(cell *c, transmatrix V, int spinv, bool mirrored);
extern double downspin;
extern int frameid;
extern bool leftclick;
void clearMemory();
extern function <void(int sym, int uni)> keyhandler;
void gmodekeys(int sym, int uni);
void switchGL();
void switchFullscreen();
extern int cmode;
namespace scores { void load(); }
void gotoHelp(const string& h);
void showCustomizeChar();
void showCheatMenu();
void showDisplayMode();
void showChangeMode();
void showEuclideanMenu();
void show3D();
void gameoverscreen();
void showJoyConfig();
void gamescreen(int darken);
void showMission();
void handleKeyQuit(int sym, int uni);
void handlePanning(int sym, int uni);
namespace leader { void showMenu(); void handleKey(int sym, int uni); }
bool needConfirmation();
extern const char* geometrynames_short[gGUARD];
namespace mirror {
cellwalker reflect(const cellwalker& cw);
bool inmirror(eLand l);
bool inmirror(cell *c);
bool inmirror(const cellwalker& cw);
void queuemarkerat(const transmatrix& V, int col);
void check_total_victory();
void applyBoxNum(int& i, string name = "");
extern int hinttoshow;
bool isShmupLifeOrb(eItem it);
int orbcharges(eItem it);
int gradient(int c0, int c1, ld v0, ld v, ld v1);
struct hint {
time_t last;
function<bool()> usable;
function<void()> display;
function<void()> action;
extern hint hints[];
int counthints();
void gainShard(cell *c2, const char *msg);
int textwidth(int siz, const string &str);
#if CAP_GL
int gl_width(int size, const char *s);
extern int andmode;
void addaura(const hyperpoint& h, int col, int fd);
void addauraspecial(const hyperpoint& h, int col, int dir);
void drawBug(const cellwalker& cw, int col);
void mainloop();
void mainloopiter();
extern bool showstartmenu;
void selectLanguageScreen();
bool inscreenrange(cell *c);
bool allowIncreasedSight();
static bool orbProtection(eItem it) { return false; } // not implemented
namespace windmap {
void create();
extern int wavephase;