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// Hyperbolic Rogue -- dialogs
// Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
/** \file dialogs.cpp
* \brief Implementation of various generic dialogs and elements of dialog windows
#include "hyper.h"
namespace hr {
EX const char* COLORBAR = "###";
EX namespace dialog {
#if HDR
#define IFM(x) (mousing?"":x)
static constexpr int DONT_SHOW = 16;
enum tDialogItem {diTitle, diItem, diBreak, diHelp, diInfo, diIntSlider, diSlider, diBigItem, diKeyboard, diCustom, diColorItem, diListStart, diListEnd, diMatrixItem};
struct item {
tDialogItem type;
string body;
string value;
key_type key;
color_t color, colorv, colork, colors, colorc;
int scale;
double param;
int p1, p2, p3;
int position;
void *ptr;
reaction_t customfun;
item(tDialogItem t = diBreak);
struct scaler {
ld (*direct) (ld);
ld (*inverse) (ld);
bool positive;
static inline ld identity_f(ld x) { return x; }
const static scaler identity = {identity_f, identity_f, false};
const static scaler logarithmic = {log, exp, true};
const static scaler asinhic = {asinh, sinh, false};
const static scaler asinhic100 = {[] (ld x) { return asinh(x*100); }, [] (ld x) { return sinh(x)/100; }, false};
/** extendable dialog */
struct extdialog : funbase {
string title, help;
int dialogflags;
reaction_t reaction;
reaction_t reaction_final;
reaction_t extra_options;
virtual void draw() = 0;
void operator() () { draw(); }
virtual ~extdialog() {};
/** Pop screen, then call the final reaction. A bit more complex because it eeds to backup reaction_final due to popScreen */
void popfinal() { auto rf = std::move(reaction_final); popScreen(); if(rf) rf(); }
/** number dialog */
struct number_dialog : extdialog {
ld *editwhat;
string s;
ld vmin, vmax, step, dft;
scaler sc;
int *intval; ld intbuf;
bool animatable;
bool *boolval;
void draw() override;
void apply_edit();
void apply_slider();
string disp(ld x);
void reset_str() { s = disp(*editwhat); }
/** bool dialog */
struct bool_dialog : extdialog {
bool *editwhat, dft;
reaction_t switcher;
void draw() override;
EX number_dialog& get_ne() {
auto ptr = dynamic_cast<number_dialog*> (screens.back().target_base());
if(!ptr) throw hr_exception("get_ne() called without number dialog");
return *ptr;
EX extdialog& get_di() {
auto ptr = dynamic_cast<extdialog*> (screens.back().target_base());
if(!ptr) throw hr_exception("get_di() called without extdialog");
return *ptr;
EX void scaleLog() { get_ne().sc = logarithmic; }
EX void scaleSinh() { get_ne().sc = asinhic; }
EX void scaleSinh100() { get_ne().sc = asinhic100; }
EX color_t dialogcolor = 0xC0C0C0;
EX color_t dialogcolor_clicked = 0xFF8000;
EX color_t dialogcolor_selected = 0xFFD500;
EX color_t dialogcolor_key = 0x808080;
EX color_t dialogcolor_value = 0x80A040;
EX color_t dialogcolor_off = 0x40FF40;
EX color_t dialogcolor_on = 0xC04040;
EX color_t dialogcolor_big = 0xC06000;
/** pick the correct dialogcolor, based on whether mouse is over */
EX color_t dialogcolor_over(bool b) {
if(!b) return dialogcolor;
if(actonrelease) return dialogcolor_clicked;
return dialogcolor_selected;
EX void addBack() {
addItem(XLAT("go back"),
(cmode & sm::NUMBER) ? SDLK_RETURN :
EX void addHelp() {
addItem(XLAT("help"), SDLK_F1);
EX namespace zoom {
int zoomf = 1, shiftx, shifty;
bool zoomoff = false;
void nozoom() {
zoomf = 1; shiftx = 0; shifty = 0; zoomoff = false;
void initzoom() {
zoomf = 3;
shiftx = -2*mousex;
if(mousex < vid.xres / 6) shiftx = 0;
if(mousex > vid.xres * 5 / 6) shiftx = -2 * vid.xres;
shifty = -2*mousey;
if(mousey < vid.yres / 6) shifty = 0;
if(mousey > vid.yres * 5 / 6) shifty = -2 * vid.yres;
void stopzoom() { zoomoff = true; }
EX bool displayfr(int x, int y, int b, int size, const string &s, color_t color, int align) {
return hr::displayfr(x * zoomf + shiftx, y * zoomf + shifty, b, size * zoomf, s, color, align);
EX bool displayfr_highlight(int x, int y, int b, int size, const string &s, color_t color, int align, int hicolor IS(0xFFFF00)) {
bool clicked = hr::displayfr(x * zoomf + shiftx, y * zoomf + shifty, b, size * zoomf, s, color, align);
if(clicked) hr::displayfr(x * zoomf + shiftx, y * zoomf + shifty, b, size * zoomf, s, hicolor, align);
return clicked;
EX }
EX void handleZooming(SDL_Event &ev) {
using namespace zoom;
if(zoomoff || !(cmode & sm::ZOOMABLE)) {
nozoom(); return;
if(ev.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) initzoom();
if(ev.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP && zoomf > 1) stopzoom();
EX void handleZooming(SDL_Event &ev) {}
EX vector<item> items;
EX item& lastItem() { return items[items.size() - 1]; }
EX item& titleItem() { return items[0]; }
EX map<key_type, reaction_t> key_actions;
EX void add_key_action(key_type key, const reaction_t& action) {
key_actions[key] = action;
EX void add_key_action_adjust(key_type& key, const reaction_t& action) {
while(key_actions.count(key)) key++;
add_key_action(key, action);
EX void extend() {
items.back().key = items[isize(items)-2].key;
EX void add_action(const reaction_t& action) {
add_key_action_adjust(lastItem().key, action);
EX void add_action_push(const reaction_t& action) { add_action([action] { pushScreen(action); }); }
EX void add_action_push_clear(const reaction_t& action) { add_action([action] { clearMessages(); pushScreen(action); }); }
EX void handler(int sym, int uni) {
if(cmode & sm::PANNING) handlePanning(sym, uni);
dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni);
if(doexiton(sym, uni)) popScreen();
EX int list_size_min, list_size_max, list_fake_key;
EX const int first_list_fake_key = 10000;
EX void init() {
list_size_min = list_size_max = 0;
list_fake_key = first_list_fake_key;
keyhandler = dialog::handler;
EX string keyname(key_type k) {
if(k == 0) return "";
if(k == SDLK_ESCAPE) return "Esc";
if(k == SDLK_F1) return "F1";
if(k == SDLK_F2) return "F2";
if(k == SDLK_F3) return "F3";
if(k == SDLK_F4) return "F4";
if(k == SDLK_F5) return "F5";
if(k == SDLK_F6) return "F6";
if(k == SDLK_F7) return "F7";
if(k == SDLK_F8) return "F8";
if(k == SDLK_F9) return "F9";
if(k == SDLK_F10) return "F10";
if(k >= 10000 && k < 10500) return "";
if(k == SDLK_HOME) return "Home";
if(k == SDLK_BACKSPACE) return "Backspace";
if(k == SDLK_RETURN) return "Enter";
if(k == 32) return "space";
if(k >= 1 && k <= 26) { string s = "Ctrl+"; s += (k+64); return s; }
if(k < 128) { string s; s += k; return s; }
if(k == 508) return "Alt+8";
return "?";
item::item(tDialogItem t) {
type = t;
color = dialogcolor;
colorc = dialogcolor_clicked;
colors = dialogcolor_selected;
colork = dialogcolor_key;
colorv = dialogcolor_value;
scale = 100;
EX void addSlider(double d1, double d2, double d3, key_type key) {
item it(diSlider);
it.key = key;
it.param = (d2-d1) / (d3-d1);
EX void addIntSlider(int d1, int d2, int d3, key_type key) {
item it(diIntSlider);
it.key = key;
it.p1 = (d2-d1);
it.p2 = (d3-d1);
EX void addSelItem(string body, string value, key_type key) {
item it(diItem);
it.body = body;
it.value = value;
it.key = key;
if(value == ONOFF(true)) it.colorv = dialogcolor_off;
if(value == ONOFF(false)) it.colorv = dialogcolor_on;
EX void addBoolItem(string body, bool value, key_type key) {
addSelItem(body, ONOFF(value), key);
EX int displaycolor(color_t col) {
int c = col >> 8;
if(!c) return 0x181818;
return c;
EX void addKeyboardItem(string keys) {
item it(diKeyboard);
it.body = keys;
it.scale = 150;
EX void addCustom(int size, reaction_t custom) {
item it(diCustom);
it.scale = size;
it.customfun = custom;
EX void addColorItem(string body, int value, key_type key) {
addSelItem(body, COLORBAR, key);
auto& it = items.back();
it.type = diColorItem;
it.colorv = displaycolor(value);
it.param = value & 0xFF;
ld as_degrees(transmatrix T) {
hyperpoint h = T * point31(1, 0, 0);
ld alpha = atan2(-h[1], h[0]);
if(alpha == 0) alpha = 0;
return alpha / degree;
EX void addMatrixItem(string body, transmatrix& value, key_type key, int dim IS(GDIM)) {
addSelItem(body, COLORBAR, key);
auto& it = items.back();
it.type = diMatrixItem;
it.ptr = &value;
it.value = "";
if(dim == 2) it.value = fts(as_degrees(value)) + "°";
if(dim == 3) {
for(int k=0; k<3; k++) {
if(value[k][k] != 1) continue;
int i=(k+1)%3;
int j=(i+1)%3;
if(i > j) swap(i, j);
hyperpoint h = Hypc; h[i] = 1;
h = value * h;
ld alpha = atan2(-h[j], h[i]);
if(alpha == 0) alpha = 0;
it.value = fts(alpha / degree) + "° ";
it.value += ('X' + i);
it.value += ('X' + j);
if(eqmatrix(value, Id)) it.value = "Id";
it.p1 = dim;
EX void addHelp(string body) {
item it(diHelp);
it.body = body;
if(isize(body) >= 500) it.scale = 70;
EX void addInfo(string body, color_t color IS(dialogcolor)) {
item it(diInfo);
it.body = body;
it.color = color;
EX void addItem(string body, key_type key) {
item it(diItem);
it.body = body;
it.key = key;
EX void addBigItem(string body, key_type key) {
item it(diBigItem);
it.body = body;
it.key = key;
it.color = dialogcolor_big;
it.scale = 150;
EX int addBreak(int val) {
item it(diBreak);
it.scale = val;
return items.size()-1;
EX void start_list(int size_min, int size_max, int key_start IS(0)) {
item it(diListStart);
it.key = key_start;
it.scale = 0;
it.param = size_min;
list_size_min = size_min;
list_size_max = size_max;
EX void end_list() {
item it(diListEnd);
it.scale = 0;
EX void addTitle(string body, color_t color, int scale) {
item it(diTitle);
it.body = body;
it.color = color;
it.scale = scale;
EX void init(string title, color_t color IS(0xE8E8E8), int scale IS(150), int brk IS(60)) {
addTitle(title, color, scale);
EX int dcenter, dwidth;
EX int displayLong(string str, int siz, int y, bool measure) {
int last = 0;
int lastspace = 0;
int xs, xo;
xs = dwidth - vid.fsize*2, xo = vid.yres + vid.fsize;
xs = vid.xres * 618/1000, xo = vid.xres * 186/1000;
int last_i = 0;
for(int i=0; i<=isize(str); i++) {
int ls = 0;
int prev = last;
if(str[i] == ' ') lastspace = i;
unsigned char ch = str[i];
if(ch >= 128 && ch < 192) continue;
if(i < isize(str)) {
char *ch = &str[i];
if(*ch == ')') continue;
if(starts_with(ch, "")) continue;
if(i > 0) {
char *ch = &str[i - utfsize_before(str,i)];
if(*ch == '(') continue;
if(starts_with(ch, "")) continue;
if(textwidth(siz, str.substr(last, i-last)) > xs) {
if(lastspace == last) ls = last_i, last = last_i;
else ls = lastspace, last = ls+1;
if(str[i] == 10 || i == isize(str)) ls = i, last = i+1;
if(ls) {
if(!measure) displayfr(xo, y, 2, siz, str.substr(prev, ls-prev), dialogcolor, 0);
if(ls == prev) y += siz/2;
else y += siz;
lastspace = last;
last_i = i;
y += siz/2;
return y;
EX int tothei, dialogwidth, dfsize, dfspace, odfspace, leftwidth, rightwidth, innerwidth, itemx, keyx, valuex, top, list_starts_at, list_ends_at, list_full_size, list_actual_size, list_skip, fwidth;
EX string highlight_text;
EX int highlight_key;
EX bool is_highlight(item& I) { return I.body == highlight_text && among(highlight_key, I.key, PSEUDOKEY_SELECT); }
EX void set_highlight(item& I) { highlight_text = I.body; highlight_key = I.key; }
EX void find_highlight(const string& s) {
println(hlog, "highlight_text set to ", s);
highlight_text = s; highlight_key = PSEUDOKEY_SELECT;
EX void measure() {
tothei = 0;
dialogwidth = 0;
innerwidth = 0;
int N = items.size();
list_starts_at = list_ends_at = list_actual_size = 0;
bool autoval = cmode & sm::AUTO_VALUES;
rightwidth = 0;
if(!autoval) rightwidth = textwidth(dfsize, "MMMMMMMM") + dfsize/2;
if(cmode & sm::DIALOG_WIDE)
innerwidth = textwidth(dfsize, "MMMMM") * 7;
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
if(items[i].type == diListStart)
list_starts_at = tothei;
else if(items[i].type == diListEnd) {
list_full_size = tothei - list_starts_at;
list_actual_size = min(odfspace * list_size_max / 100, max(odfspace * list_size_min / 100, list_full_size));
if(list_full_size < list_actual_size) list_full_size = list_actual_size;
tothei = list_ends_at = list_starts_at + list_actual_size;
else if(items[i].type == diHelp)
tothei += displayLong(items[i].body, dfsize * items[i].scale / 100, 0, true);
else {
tothei += dfspace * items[i].scale / 100;
if(among(items[i].type, diItem, diColorItem))
innerwidth = max(innerwidth, textwidth(dfsize * items[i].scale / 100, items[i].body));
if(among(items[i].type, diItem))
rightwidth = max(rightwidth, textwidth(dfsize * items[i].scale / 100, items[i].value) + dfsize);
if(items[i].type == diTitle || items[i].type == diInfo || items[i].type == diBigItem)
dialogwidth = max(dialogwidth, textwidth(dfsize * items[i].scale / 100, items[i].body) * 10/9);
leftwidth = ISMOBILE ? 0 : textwidth(dfsize, "MMMMM") + dfsize/2;
fwidth = innerwidth + leftwidth + rightwidth;
if(list_actual_size) fwidth += dfsize;
dialogwidth = max(dialogwidth, fwidth);
itemx = dcenter - fwidth / 2 + leftwidth;
keyx = dcenter - fwidth / 2 + leftwidth - dfsize/2;
valuex = dcenter - fwidth / 2 + leftwidth + innerwidth + dfsize/2;
EX purehookset hooks_display_dialog;
EX vector<int> key_queue;
EX void queue_key(int key) { key_queue.push_back(key); }
EX int uishape() {
int a = S7;
if(a < 3) a = 3;
if(a > 36) a = 36;
return a;
EX void draw_list_slider(int x, int yt) {
int a = uishape();
flat_model_enabler fme;
ld pix = 1 / (2 * cgi.hcrossf / cgi.crossf);
shiftmatrix V = shiftless(atscreenpos(0, 0, pix));
color_t col = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ld siz = dfsize / 2;
ld si = siz / 2;
int yb = yt + list_actual_size;
curvepoint(hyperpoint(x-si, yt, 1, 1));
for(int i=0; i<=a/2; i++)
curvepoint(hyperpoint(x - si * cos(i*TAU/a), yb + si * sin(i*TAU/a), 1, 1));
for(int i=(a+1)/2; i<=a; i++)
curvepoint(hyperpoint(x - si * cos(i*TAU/a), yt + si * sin(i*TAU/a), 1, 1));
queuecurve(V, col, 0x80, PPR::LINE);
int yt1 = yt + (list_actual_size * list_skip) / list_full_size;
int yb1 = yt + (list_actual_size * (list_skip + list_actual_size)) / list_full_size;
curvepoint(hyperpoint(x-siz, yt1, 1, 1));
for(int i=0; i<=a/2; i++)
curvepoint(hyperpoint(x - siz * cos(i*TAU/a), yb1 + siz * sin(i*TAU/a), 1, 1));
for(int i=(a+1)/2; i<=a; i++)
curvepoint(hyperpoint(x - siz * cos(i*TAU/a), yt1 + siz * sin(i*TAU/a), 1, 1));
queuecurve(V, col, 0x80, PPR::LINE);
EX void draw_slider(int sl, int sr, int y, item& I) {
int sw = sr-sl;
int mid = y;
if(!wmascii) {
int a =uishape();
flat_model_enabler fme;
ld pix = 1 / (2 * cgi.hcrossf / cgi.crossf);
shiftmatrix V = shiftless(atscreenpos(0, 0, pix));
color_t col = addalpha(I.color);
ld siz = dfsize * I.scale / 150;
ld si = siz / 2;
if(I.type == diIntSlider && I.p2 < sw/4) {
for(int a=0; a<=I.p2; a++) {
ld x = sl + sw * a * 1. / I.p2;
curvepoint(hyperpoint(x, y-si, 1, 1));
curvepoint(hyperpoint(x, y+si, 1, 1));
queuecurve(V, col, 0, PPR::LINE);
curvepoint(hyperpoint(sl, y-si, 1, 1));
for(int i=0; i<=a/2; i++)
curvepoint(hyperpoint(sr + si * sin(i*TAU/a), y - si * cos(i*TAU/a), 1, 1));
for(int i=(a+1)/2; i<=a; i++)
curvepoint(hyperpoint(sl + si * sin(i*TAU/a), y - si * cos(i*TAU/a), 1, 1));
queuecurve(V, col, 0x80, PPR::LINE);
ld x = sl + sw * (I.type == diIntSlider ? I.p1 * 1. / I.p2 : I.param);
if(x < sl-si) {
curvepoint(hyperpoint(sl-si, y, 1, 1));
curvepoint(hyperpoint(x, y, 1, 1));
queuecurve(V, col, 0x80, PPR::LINE);
if(x > sr+si) {
curvepoint(hyperpoint(sr+si, y, 1, 1));
curvepoint(hyperpoint(x, y, 1, 1));
queuecurve(V, col, 0x80, PPR::LINE);
for(int i=0; i<=a; i++) curvepoint(hyperpoint(x + siz * sin(i*TAU/a), y - siz * cos(i*TAU/a), 1, 1));
queuecurve(V, col, col, PPR::LINE);
else if(I.type == diSlider) {
displayfr(sl, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, "(", I.color, 16);
displayfr(sl + double(sw * I.param), mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, "#", I.color, 8);
displayfr(sr, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, ")", I.color, 0);
else {
displayfr(sl, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, "{", I.color, 16);
if(I.p2 < sw / 4) for(int a=0; a<=I.p2; a++) if(a != I.p1)
displayfr(sl + double(sw * a / I.p2), mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, a == I.p1 ? "#" : ".", I.color, 8);
displayfr(sl + double(sw * I.p1 / I.p2), mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, "#", I.color, 8);
displayfr(sr, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, "}", I.color, 0);
EX void visualize_matrix(const trans23& T, ld x, ld y, ld r, int dim, ld tsize) {
vector<hyperpoint> pts;
for(int a=0; a<dim; a++) {
hyperpoint h = C0; h[a] = r;
pts.push_back(T.get() * h);
flat_model_enabler fme;
ld pix = 1 / (2 * cgi.hcrossf / cgi.crossf);
shiftmatrix V = shiftless(atscreenpos(x, y, pix));
for(int i=0; i<=360; i++)
curvepoint(hyperpoint(r * sin(i*degree), r*cos(i*degree), 1, 1));
queuecurve(V, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x202020FF, PPR::LINE);
color_t cols[3] = {0xFF8080FF, 0x80FF80FF, 0x8080FFFF};
for(int a=0; a<dim; a++) {
auto pt = pts[a]; pt[2] = 1; pt[3] = 1;
// queueline(V * hyperpoint(0,0,1,1), V * pt, cols[a], 0);
queuecurve(V, cols[a], 0, PPR::LINE);
if(dim == 3) for(int a=0; a<dim; a++) {
auto pt = pts[a]; ld val = -pt[2] * tsize / r / 5;
curvepoint(hyperpoint(pt[0], pt[1]+val, 1, 1));
curvepoint(hyperpoint(pt[0]-val, pt[1]-val*sqrt(3)/2, 1, 1));
curvepoint(hyperpoint(pt[0]+val, pt[1]-val*sqrt(3)/2, 1, 1));
curvepoint(hyperpoint(pt[0], pt[1]+val, 1, 1));
queuecurve(V, cols[a], cols[a] & 0xFFFFFF80, PPR::LINE);
EX void draw_side_shade() {
int steps = menu_darkening - darken;
color_t col = (backcolor << 8) | (255 - (255 >> steps));
if(svg::in || !(auraNOGL || vid.usingGL)) {
flat_model_enabler fme;
ld pix = 1 / (2 * cgi.hcrossf / cgi.crossf);
curvepoint(hyperpoint(vid.xres-dwidth, -10, 1, 1));
curvepoint(hyperpoint(vid.xres + 10, -10, 1, 1));
curvepoint(hyperpoint(vid.xres + 10, vid.yres + 10, 1, 1));
curvepoint(hyperpoint(vid.xres-dwidth, vid.yres + 10, 1, 1));
curvepoint(hyperpoint(vid.xres-dwidth, -10, 1, 1));
shiftmatrix V = shiftless(atscreenpos(0, 0, pix));
queuecurve(V, 0, col, PPR::LINE);
#if CAP_GL
else {
auto full = part(col, 0);
static vector<glhr::colored_vertex> auravertices;
ld width = vid.xres / 100;
for(int i=4; i<steps && i < 8; i++) width /= sqrt(2);
for(int x=0; x<16; x++) {
for(int c=0; c<6; c++) {
int bx = (c == 1 || c == 3 || c == 5) ? x+1 : x;
int by = (c == 2 || c == 4 || c == 5) ? vid.yres : 0;
int cx = bx == 0 ? 0 : bx == 16 ?vid.xres :
vid.xres - dwidth + width * tan((bx-8)/8. * 90._deg);
part(col, 0) = lerp(0, full, bx / 16.);
auravertices.emplace_back(hyperpoint(cx - current_display->xcenter, by - current_display->ycenter, 0, 1), col);
current_display->next_shader_flags = GF_VARCOLOR;
dynamicval<eModel> m(pmodel, mdPixel);
current_display->set_all(0, 0);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, isize(auravertices));
EX void display() {
if(just_refreshing) return;
int N = items.size();
dfsize = vid.fsize;
dfsize *= 3;
dfspace = dfsize * 5/4;
odfspace = dfspace;
dcenter = vid.xres/2;
dwidth = vid.xres;
if(current_display->sidescreen) {
dwidth = vid.xres - vid.yres;
dcenter = vid.xres - dwidth / 2;
else if(cmode & sm::DIALOG_OFFMAP) {
dwidth = vid.xres / 3;
dcenter = vid.xres * 5 / 6;
while(tothei > vid.yres - 5 * vid.fsize) {
int adfsize = int(dfsize * sqrt((vid.yres - 5. * vid.fsize) / tothei));
if(adfsize < dfsize-1) dfsize = adfsize + 1;
else dfsize--;
odfspace = dfspace = dfsize * 5/4;
while(dialogwidth > dwidth) {
int adfsize = int(dfsize * sqrt(vid.xres * 1. / dialogwidth));
if(adfsize < dfsize-1) dfsize = adfsize + 1;
else dfsize--;
// usually we want to keep dfspace, but with NARROW_LINES, just odfspace
if(cmode & sm::NARROW_LINES)
dfspace = (dfsize + 3) * 5 / 4;
tothei = (vid.yres - tothei) / 2;
int list_left = list_actual_size;
int list_next_key;
if(!list_actual_size) {
if(list_skip) println(hlog, "list_skip reset");
list_skip = 0;
if(current_display->sidescreen && darken < menu_darkening) draw_side_shade();
bool inlist = false;
int need_to_skip = 0;
int list_more_skip = list_skip;
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
item& I = items[i];
if(I.type == diHelp) {
tothei = displayLong(items[i].body, dfsize * items[i].scale / 100, tothei, false);
int size = dfspace * I.scale / 100;
dynamicval<int> dkb(I.key);
bool to_highlight = is_highlight(I);
if(I.type == diListStart) {
list_left = list_actual_size;
inlist = true;
list_next_key = I.key;
list_starts_at = tothei;
if(I.type == diListEnd) {
tothei += list_left;
inlist = false;
list_ends_at = tothei;
draw_list_slider(dcenter + fwidth / 2 - dfsize/2, list_starts_at);
if(mousex >= dcenter + fwidth /2 - dfsize && mousey >= list_starts_at && mousey < list_ends_at)
if(list_left > 0) {
list_skip -= list_left;
list_skip -= list_more_skip;
if(list_skip < 0) list_skip = 0;
if(inlist && list_more_skip > 0) {
if(to_highlight) {
list_skip -= list_more_skip;
list_more_skip = 0;
else {
list_more_skip -= size;
if(list_more_skip < 0) { tothei -= list_more_skip; list_left += list_more_skip; list_more_skip = 0; }
if(inlist) {
if(list_left < size) {
tothei += list_left; size -= list_left; need_to_skip += size; list_left = 0;
if(to_highlight) list_skip += need_to_skip;
else list_left -= size;
if(list_next_key) { if(key_actions.count(I.key)) key_actions[list_next_key] = key_actions[I.key]; I.key = list_next_key++; }
top = tothei;
tothei += size;
int mid = (top + tothei) / 2;
I.position = mid;
if(I.type == diTitle || I.type == diInfo) {
bool xthis = (mousey >= top && mousey < tothei && I.key);
if(cmode & sm::DIALOG_STRICT_X)
xthis = xthis && (mousex >= dcenter - dialogwidth/2 && mousex <= dcenter + dialogwidth/2);
displayfr(dcenter, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, I.body, I.color, 8);
if(xthis) getcstat = I.key;
else if(among(I.type, diItem, diBigItem, diColorItem, diMatrixItem)) {
bool xthis = (mousey >= top && mousey < tothei);
if(cmode & sm::DIALOG_STRICT_X)
xthis = xthis && (mousex >= dcenter - dialogwidth/2 && mousex <= dcenter + dialogwidth/2);
if(xthis && mousepressed)
I.color = I.colorc;
if(xthis && mousemoved) {
highlight_key = dkb.backup;
mousemoved = false;
to_highlight = true;
if(to_highlight) {
I.color = (xthis&&mousepressed&&actonrelease) ? I.colorc : I.colors;
if(I.type == diBigItem) {
displayfr(dcenter, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, I.body, I.color, 8);
else {
displayfr(keyx, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, keyname(I.key), I.colork, 16);
displayfr(itemx, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, I.body, I.color, 0);
if(I.type == diColorItem && !wmascii) {
int a = uishape();
flat_model_enabler fme;
ld pix = 1 / (2 * cgi.hcrossf / cgi.crossf);
color_t col = addalpha(I.color);
ld sizf = dfsize * I.scale / 150;
ld siz = sizf * sqrt(0.15+0.85*I.param/255.);
for(int i=0; i<=a; i++) curvepoint(hyperpoint(siz * sin(i*TAU/a), -siz * cos(i*TAU/a), 1, 1));
shiftmatrix V = shiftless(atscreenpos(valuex + sizf, mid, pix));
queuecurve(V, col, (I.colorv << 8) | 0xFF, PPR::LINE);
else {
int siz = dfsize * I.scale/100;
while(siz > 6 && textwidth(siz, I.value) + (I.type == diMatrixItem ? siz*3/2 : 0) >= vid.xres - valuex) siz--;
displayfr(valuex + (I.type == diMatrixItem ? siz*3/2 : 0), mid, 2, siz, I.value, I.colorv, 0);
if(I.type == diMatrixItem) visualize_matrix(*((transmatrix*)I.ptr), valuex + siz/2, mid, siz/2, I.p1, vid.fsize);
if(xthis) getcstat = I.key;
else if(among(I.type, diSlider, diIntSlider)) {
bool xthis = (mousey >= top && mousey < tothei);
int sl, sr;
sl = vid.yres + vid.fsize*2, sr = vid.xres - vid.fsize*2;
sl = vid.xres/4, sr = vid.xres*3/4;
draw_slider(sl, sr, mid, I);
if(xthis) getcstat = I.key, inslider = true, slider_x = mousex;
else if(I.type == diCustom) {
else if(I.type == diKeyboard) {
int len = 0;
for(char c: I.body)
if(c == ' ' || c == '\t') len += 3;
else len++;
int sl, sr;
sl = vid.yres + vid.fsize*2, sr = vid.xres - vid.fsize*2;
sl = vid.xres/4, sr = vid.xres*3/4;
int pos = 0;
for(char c: I.body) {
string s = "";
s += c;
int nlen = 1;
if(c == ' ') s = "SPACE", nlen = 3;
if(c == '\b') s = "", nlen = 1;
if(c == '\r' || c == '\n') s = "", nlen = 1;
if(c == 1) s = "", nlen = 1;
if(c == 2) s = "", nlen = 1;
if(c == 3) s = "π";
if(c == '\t') s = "CLEAR", nlen = 3;
int left = sl + (sr-sl) * pos / len;
pos += nlen;
int right = sl + (sr-sl) * pos / len;
bool in = (mousex >= left && mousex <= right && mousey >= top && mousey < tothei);
int xpos = (left + right) / 2;
if(in) {
if(c == 1) getcstat = SDLK_LEFT;
else if(c == 2) getcstat = SDLK_RIGHT;
else getcstat = c;
displayfr(xpos, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, s, dialogcolor_over(in), 8);
bool isitem(item& it) {
return among(it.type, diItem, diBigItem, diColorItem, diMatrixItem);
EX void handle_actions(int &sym, int &uni) {
if(key_actions.count(uni)) {
sym = uni = 0;
if(key_actions.count(sym)) {
sym = uni = 0;
EX void handleNavigation(int &sym, int &uni) {
if(sym == PSEUDOKEY_LIST_SLIDER) invslider = true;
if(invslider) {
uni = sym = 0;
int max = list_full_size - list_actual_size;
list_skip = (max * (mousey - list_starts_at)) / list_actual_size;
if(list_skip < 0) list_skip = 0;
if(list_skip > max) list_skip = max;
highlight_text = "//missing";
if(uni == '\n' || uni == '\r' || DIRECTIONKEY == SDLK_KP5) {
for(int i=0; i<isize(items); i++)
if(is_highlight(items[i])) {
uni = sym = items[i].key;
handle_actions(sym, uni);
if(sym == PSEUDOKEY_WHEELUP && list_actual_size) {
sym = 0;
list_skip -= 30;
highlight_text = "//missing";
if(sym == PSEUDOKEY_WHEELDOWN && list_actual_size) {
sym = 0;
list_skip += 30;
highlight_text = "//missing";
uni = sym = 0;
for(int i=0; i<isize(items); i++)
if(isitem(items[i])) {
uni = sym = 0;
for(int i=0; i<isize(items); i++)
if(isitem(items[i])) {
if(DKEY == SDLK_UP) {
uni = sym = 0;
dialog::item *last = nullptr;
for(int i=0; i<isize(items); i++)
if(isitem(items[i])) {
last = &(items[i]);
for(int i=0; i<isize(items); i++)
if(isitem(items[i])) {
if(is_highlight(items[i])) {
else {
last = &(items[i]);
uni = sym = 0;
int state = 0;
for(int i=0; i<isize(items); i++)
if(isitem(items[i])) {
if(state) { set_highlight(items[i]); return; }
else if(is_highlight(items[i])) state = 1;
for(int i=0; i<isize(items); i++)
if(isitem(items[i])) {
handle_actions(sym, uni);
color_t colorhistory[10] = {
0x202020FF, 0x800000FF, 0x008000FF, 0x000080FF,
0x404040FF, 0xC0C0C0FF, 0x804000FF, 0xC0C000FF,
0x408040FF, 0xFFD500FF
}, lch;
EX color_t *palette;
int colorp = 0;
color_t *colorPointer;
struct color_dialog : extdialog {
void draw() override;
EX void handleKeyColor(int sym, int uni, struct color_dialog& ne) {
unsigned& color = *colorPointer;
int shift = colorAlpha ? 0 : 8;
if(uni >= 'A' && uni <= 'D') {
int x = (slider_x - (dcenter-dwidth/4)) * 510 / dwidth;
if(x < 0) x = 0;
if(x > 255) x = 255;
part(color, uni - 'A') = x;
else if(uni == ' ' || uni == '\n' || uni == '\r') {
bool inHistory = false;
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) if(colorhistory[i] == (color << shift))
inHistory = true;
if(!inHistory) { colorhistory[lch] = (color << shift); lch++; lch %= 10; }
if(ne.reaction) ne.reaction();
else if(uni >= '0' && uni <= '9') {
color = colorhistory[uni - '0'] >> shift;
else if(palette && uni >= 'a' && uni < 'a'+(int) palette[0]) {
color = palette[1 + uni - 'a'] >> shift;
else if(DKEY == SDLK_DOWN) {
colorp = (colorp-1) & 3;
else if(DKEY == SDLK_UP) {
colorp = (colorp+1) & 3;
else if(DKEY == SDLK_LEFT) {
unsigned char* pts = (unsigned char*) &color;
pts[colorp] -= abs(shiftmul) < .6 ? 1 : 17;
else if(DKEY == SDLK_RIGHT) {
unsigned char* pts = (unsigned char*) &color;
pts[colorp] += abs(shiftmul) < .6 ? 1 : 17;
else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) ne.popfinal();
EX bool colorAlpha;
void color_dialog::draw() {
cmode = sm::NUMBER | dialogflags;
if(cmode & sm::SIDE) gamescreen();
else emptyscreen();
dcenter = vid.xres/2;
dwidth = vid.xres;
if(current_display->sidescreen) {
dwidth = vid.xres - vid.yres;
dcenter = vid.xres - dwidth / 2;
color_t color = *colorPointer;
int ash = 8;
for(int j=0; j<10; j++) {
int x = dcenter + vid.fsize * 2 * (j-5);
int y = vid.yres / 2- 5 * vid.fsize;
string s0 = ""; s0 += ('0'+j);
vid.fsize *= 2;
displayColorButton(x, y, s0, '0'+j, 0, 0, colorhistory[j] >> ash);
vid.fsize /= 2;
if(palette) {
int q = palette[0];
for(int i=0; i<q; i++) {
int x = dcenter + vid.fsize * (2 * i-q);
int y = vid.yres / 2- 7 * vid.fsize;
string s0 = ""; s0 += ('a'+i);
vid.fsize *= 2;
displayColorButton(x, y, s0, 'a'+i, 0, 0, palette[i+1] >> ash);
vid.fsize /= 2;
item it(diSlider);
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
int y = vid.yres / 2 + (2-i) * vid.fsize * 2;
if(i == 3 && !colorAlpha) continue;
int in = 3 - i - (colorAlpha?0:1);
color_t colors[4] = {0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, 0xFFFFFF};
it.color = colors[in];
it.param = part(color, i) / 255.;
draw_slider(dcenter - dwidth / 4, dcenter + dwidth / 4, y, it);
color_t col = ((i==colorp) && !mousing) ? dialogcolor_selected : dialogcolor;
string rgt; rgt += "RGBA" [in];
displayColorButton(dcenter + dwidth/4 + vid.fsize, y, rgt, 0, 0, 0, col);
if(mousey >= y - vid.fsize && mousey < y + vid.fsize)
getcstat = 'A' + i, inslider = true, slider_x = mousex;
displayColorButton(dcenter, vid.yres/2+vid.fsize * 6, XLAT("select this color") + " : " + hr::format(colorAlpha ? "%08X" : "%06X", color), ' ', 8, 0, color >> (colorAlpha ? ash : 0));
if(extra_options) extra_options();
keyhandler = [this] (int sym, int uni) { return handleKeyColor(sym, uni, self); };
EX void openColorDialog(unsigned int& col, unsigned int *pal IS(palette)) {
color_dialog cd;
colorPointer = &col; palette = pal;
colorAlpha = true;
#if HDR
struct matrix_dialog : extdialog {
transmatrix *edit_matrix;
int dim;
void draw() override;
void large_viz();
void matrix_dialog::large_viz() {
addCustom(500, [this] {
int siz = dfsize * 5;
int mid = (top + tothei) / 2;
vid.linewidth *= 3;
visualize_matrix(*edit_matrix, dcenter, mid, siz/2, dim, vid.fsize * 2);
vid.linewidth /= 3;
void matrix_dialog::draw() {
cmode = dialogflags;
addItem("reset", 'r');
dialog::add_action([this] { *edit_matrix = Id; });
if(dim == 2) {
static ld angle;
angle = as_degrees(*edit_matrix);
addSelItem("enter angle", fts(angle) + "°", 'a');
dialog::add_action([this] {
editNumber(angle, -180, 180, 90, 0, title, help);
auto& ne = get_ne();
auto re = reaction;
ne.extra_options = [this] { large_viz(); };
ne.reaction = [re, this] { *edit_matrix = spin(angle * degree); if(re) re(); };
ne.reaction_final = reaction;
ne.animatable = false;
ne.dialogflags |= dialogflags;
if(dim == 3) {
transmatrix cur = *edit_matrix;
auto rot_but = [this, cur] (int i, int j, string title, char key) {
addItem(title, key);
dialog::add_action([i, j, title, this, cur] {
static ld angle; angle = 0;
editNumber(angle, -180, 180, 90, 0, title, XLAT("Angle to rotate by."));
auto& ne = get_ne();
auto re = reaction;
ne.extra_options = [this] { large_viz(); };
ne.reaction = [re, i, j, this, cur] { *edit_matrix = cspin(i, j, angle * degree) * cur; if(re) re(); };
ne.reaction_final = reaction;
ne.animatable = false;
ne.dialogflags |= dialogflags;
rot_but(0, 2, "rotate in XZ", 'x');
rot_but(1, 2, "rotate in YZ", 'y');
rot_but(0, 1, "rotate in XY", 'z');
addBoolItem("mouse control", dialogflags & sm::MOUSEAIM, 'm');
dialog::add_action([this] { dialogflags ^= sm::MOUSEAIM; });
if(dialogflags & sm::MOUSEAIM) {
*edit_matrix = cspin(0, 2, mouseaim_x) * *edit_matrix;
*edit_matrix = cspin(1, 2, mouseaim_y) * *edit_matrix;
mouseaim_x = mouseaim_y = 0;
static string formula;
formula = "?";
anims::get_parameter_animation(anims::find_param(edit_matrix), formula);
addSelItem("enter formula", formula, 'f');
dialog::add_action([this] {
if(formula == "?") formula = "id";
anims::get_parameter_animation(anims::find_param(edit_matrix), formula);
dialog::edit_string(formula, "formula", XLAT("dxy(n) = rotate n degrees from x to y\n\nd-degree, r-radian, t-turn\n\nexample: dxy(30)*dyz(45)"));
dialog::get_di().extra_options = [this] { large_viz(); };
dialog::get_di().reaction = [this] {
try {
*edit_matrix = parsematrix(formula);
auto p = anims::find_param(edit_matrix);
if(p) p->load_as_animation(formula);
catch(hr_parse_exception&) { }
catch(param_exception&) { }
dialog::get_di().dialogflags |= dialogflags;
if(extra_options) extra_options();
EX void editMatrix(transmatrix& T, string t, string h, int dim) {
matrix_dialog m;
m.edit_matrix = &T;
m.title = t;
m.help = h;
m.dim = dim;
EX bool editingDetail() {
auto ptr = dynamic_cast<number_dialog*> (screens.back().target_base());
if(!ptr) return false;
auto& ne = get_ne();
return ne.editwhat == &vid.highdetail || ne.editwhat == &vid.middetail;
int ldtoint(ld x) {
if(x > 0) return int(x+.5);
else return int(x-.5);
string number_dialog::disp(ld x) {
if(dialogflags & sm::HEXEDIT) return "0x" + itsh((unsigned long long)(x));
if(intval) return its(ldtoint(x));
return fts(x);
void number_dialog::apply_slider() {
auto &ne = self;
if(ne.intval) *ne.intval = ldtoint(*ne.editwhat);
if(ne.reaction) ne.reaction();
if(ne.intval) *ne.editwhat = *ne.intval;
EX void use_hexeditor() {
auto& ne = get_ne();
ne.dialogflags |= sm::HEXEDIT;
void number_dialog::apply_edit() {
auto& ne = self;
try {
exp_parser ep;
ep.s = ne.s;
ld x = ep.rparse();
if(ne.sc.positive && x <= 0) return;
*ne.editwhat = x;
if(ne.intval) *ne.intval = ldtoint(*ne.editwhat);
if(ne.animatable) {
auto p = anims::find_param(ne.intval ? (void*) ne.intval : (void*) ne.editwhat);
if(p) p->load_as_animation(ne.s);
if(reaction) reaction();
catch(const hr_parse_exception&) {
catch(param_exception&) { }
EX void bound_low(ld val) {
auto& ne = get_ne();
auto r = ne.reaction;
ne.reaction = [r, val, &ne] () {
if(*ne.editwhat < val) {
*ne.editwhat = val;
if(ne.intval) *ne.intval = ldtoint(*ne.editwhat);
if(r) r();
EX void bound_up(ld val) {
auto& ne = get_ne();
auto r = ne.reaction;
ne.reaction = [r, val, &ne] () {
if(*ne.editwhat > val) {
*ne.editwhat = val;
if(ne.intval) *ne.intval = ldtoint(*ne.editwhat);
if(r) r();
EX void formula_keyboard(bool lr) {
addKeyboardItem(lr ? " \t\x1\x2" : " \t");
EX bool onscreen_keyboard = ISMOBILE;
struct number_dialog_help {
number_dialog *ptr;
void operator() ();
void number_dialog_help :: operator() () {
auto ne = *ptr;
init("number dialog help");
dialog::addHelp(XLAT("You can enter formulas in this dialog."));
dialog::addHelp(XLAT("Functions available:"));
dialog::addHelp(XLAT("Constants and variables available:"));
if(ptr && ne.animatable) {
dialog::addHelp(XLAT("a..b -- animate linearly from a to b"));
dialog::addHelp(XLAT("a..b..|c..d -- animate from a to b, then from c to d"));
dialog::addHelp(XLAT("a../x..b../y -- change smoothly, x and y are derivatives"));
/* "Most parameters can be animated simply by using '..' in their editing dialog. "
"For example, the value of a parameter set to 0..1 will grow linearly from 0 to 1. "
"You can also use functions (e.g. cos(0..2*pi)) and refer to other parameters."
)); */
auto f = find_edit(!ptr ? nullptr : ne.intval ? (void*) ne.intval : (void*) ne.editwhat);
dialog::addHelp(XLAT("Parameter names, e.g. '%1'", f->name));
dialog::addHelp(XLAT("Parameter names"));
for(auto& ap: anims::aps) {
dialog::addInfo(ap.par->name + " = " + ap.formula);
dialog::addHelp(XLAT("These can be combined, e.g. %1", "projection*sin(0..2*pi)"));
EX void parser_help() {
number_dialog_help ndh;
ndh.ptr = nullptr;
addItem("help", SDLK_F1);
void number_dialog::draw() {
cmode = sm::NUMBER | dialogflags;
auto& ne = self;
if(ne.intval && ne.sc.direct == &identity_f)
addIntSlider(int(ne.vmin), int(*ne.editwhat), int(ne.vmax), 500);
addSlider(ne.sc.direct(ne.vmin), ne.sc.direct(*ne.editwhat), ne.sc.direct(ne.vmax), 500);
addHelp(XLAT("You can scroll with arrow keys -- Ctrl to fine-tune"));
addSelItem(XLAT("default value"), disp(ne.dft), SDLK_HOME);
addItem("help", SDLK_F1);
add_action([this] { number_dialog_help ndh; ndh.ptr = this; pushScreen(ndh); });
if(ne.help != "") {
// bool scal = !ISMOBILE && !ISPANDORA && isize(ne.help) > 160;
// if(scal) lastItem().scale = 30;
if(extra_options) extra_options();
if(onscreen_keyboard) {
#if CAP_SDL2
texthandler = [&ne] (const SDL_TextInputEvent& ev) {
if(key_actions.count(ev.text[0])) return;
ne.s += ev.text;
keyhandler = [this, &ne] (int sym, int uni) {
handleNavigation(sym, uni);
if((uni >= '0' && uni <= '9') || among(uni, '.', '+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '(', ')', ',', '|', 3) || (uni >= 'a' && uni <= 'z')) {
#if !CAP_SDL2
if(uni == 3) ne.s += "pi";
else ne.s += uni;
else if(uni == '\b' || uni == '\t') {
ne.s = ne.s. substr(0, isize(ne.s)-utfsize_before(ne.s, isize(ne.s)));
sscanf(ne.s.c_str(), LDF, ne.editwhat);
else if(DKEY == SDLK_RIGHT) {
if(ne.intval && abs(shiftmul) < .6)
*ne.editwhat = ne.sc.inverse(ne.sc.direct(*ne.editwhat) + shiftmul * ne.step);
if(abs(*ne.editwhat) < ne.step * 1e-6 && !ne.intval) *ne.editwhat = 0;
else if(DKEY == SDLK_LEFT) {
if(ne.intval && abs(shiftmul) < .6)
*ne.editwhat = ne.sc.inverse(ne.sc.direct(*ne.editwhat) - shiftmul * ne.step);
if(abs(*ne.editwhat) < ne.step * 1e-6 && !ne.intval) *ne.editwhat = 0;
else if(sym == SDLK_HOME) {
*ne.editwhat = ne.dft;
else if(uni == 500) {
int sl, sr;
sl = vid.yres + vid.fsize*2, sr = vid.xres - vid.fsize*2;
sl = vid.xres/4, sr = vid.xres*3/4;
ld d = (slider_x - sl + .0) / (sr-sl);
ld val = ne.sc.inverse(d * (ne.sc.direct(ne.vmax) - ne.sc.direct(ne.vmin)) + ne.sc.direct(ne.vmin));
ld nextval = ne.sc.inverse((mousex + 1. - sl) / (sr - sl) * (ne.sc.direct(ne.vmax) - ne.sc.direct(ne.vmin)) + ne.sc.direct(ne.vmin));
ld dif = abs(val - nextval);
if(dif > 1e-6) {
ld mul = 1;
while(dif < 10) dif *= 10, mul *= 10;
val *= mul;
val = floor(val + 0.5);
val /= mul;
*ne.editwhat = val;
else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) ne.popfinal();
void bool_dialog::draw() {
cmode = dialogflags;
auto switch_to = [this] (bool b) {
bool do_switch = (*editwhat != b);
auto sw = switcher;
auto re = reaction;
if(do_switch) { sw(); if(re) re(); }
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("disable"), false, '0');
dialog::add_action([switch_to] { switch_to(false); });
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("enable"), true, '1');
dialog::add_action([switch_to] { switch_to(true); });
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("switch"), !*editwhat, 's');
dialog::add_action([switch_to, this] { switch_to(!*editwhat); });
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("set default"), dft, 'd');
dialog::add_action([switch_to, this] { switch_to(dft); });
if(help != "") addHelp(help);
if(extra_options) extra_options();
int nlpage = 1;
int wheelshift = 0;
EX int handlePage(int& nl, int& nlm, int perpage) {
nlm = nl;
int onl = nl;
int ret = 0;
if(nlpage) {
nl = nlm = perpage;
if(nlpage == 2) ret = nlm;
int w = wheelshift;
int realw = 0;
while(w<0 && ret) {
ret--; w++; realw--;
while(w>0 && ret+perpage < onl) {
ret++; w--; realw++;
wheelshift = realw;
if(ret+nl > onl) nl = onl-ret;
return ret;
EX void displayPageButtons(int i, bool pages) {
int i0 = vid.yres - vid.fsize;
int xr = vid.xres / 80;
if(pages) if(displayfrZH(xr*8, i0, 1, vid.fsize, IFM("1 - ") + XLAT("page") + " 1", nlpage == 1 ? 0xD8D8C0 : dialogcolor, 8))
getcstat = '1';
if(pages) if(displayfrZH(xr*24, i0, 1, vid.fsize, IFM("2 - ") + XLAT("page") + " 2", nlpage == 1 ? 0xD8D8C0 : dialogcolor, 8))
getcstat = '2';
if(pages) if(displayfrZH(xr*40, i0, 1, vid.fsize, IFM("3 - ") + XLAT("all"), nlpage == 1 ? 0xD8D8C0 : dialogcolor, 8))
getcstat = '3';
if(i&1) if(displayfrZH(xr*56, i0, 1, vid.fsize, IFM(keyname(SDLK_ESCAPE) + " - ") + XLAT("go back"), dialogcolor, 8))
getcstat = '0';
if(i&2) if(displayfrZH(xr*72, i0, 1, vid.fsize, IFM("F1 - ") + XLAT("help"), dialogcolor, 8))
getcstat = SDLK_F1;
if(i&4) if(displayfrZH(xr*8, i0, 1, vid.fsize, IFM("1 - ") + XLAT("plain"), dialogcolor, 8))
getcstat = '1';
EX bool handlePageButtons(int uni) {
if(uni == '1') nlpage = 1, wheelshift = 0;
else if(uni == '2') nlpage = 2, wheelshift = 0;
else if(uni == '3') nlpage = 0, wheelshift = 0;
else if(uni == PSEUDOKEY_WHEELUP) wheelshift--;
else if(uni == PSEUDOKEY_WHEELDOWN) wheelshift++;
else return false;
return true;
extdialog::extdialog() {
dialogflags = 0;
if(cmode & sm::SIDE) dialogflags |= sm::MAYDARK | sm::SIDE;
reaction = reaction_t();
reaction_final = reaction_t();
extra_options = reaction_t();
EX number_dialog& editNumber(ld& x, ld vmin, ld vmax, ld step, ld dft, string title, string help) {
number_dialog ne;
ne.editwhat = &x;
ne.vmin = vmin;
ne.vmax = vmax;
ne.step = step;
ne.dft = dft;
ne.title = title;
ne.help = help;
ne.sc = identity;
ne.intval = NULL;
ne.animatable = true;
anims::get_parameter_animation(anims::find_param(&x), ne.s);
return get_ne();
EX extdialog& editBool(bool& b, bool dft, string title, string help, const reaction_t& switcher) {
bool_dialog be;
be.editwhat = &b;
be.dft = dft;
be.title = title;
be.help = help;
be.switcher = switcher;
return get_di();
EX number_dialog& editNumber(int& x, int vmin, int vmax, ld step, int dft, string title, string help) {
ld tmp;
auto& ne = editNumber(tmp, vmin, vmax, step, dft, title, help);
ne.editwhat = &ne.intbuf; ne.intbuf = x; ne.intval = &x; ne.s = its(x);
anims::get_parameter_animation(anims::find_param(&x), ne.s);
return ne;
EX void helpToEdit(int& x, int vmin, int vmax, int step, int dft) {
string title = "help";
if(help[0] == '@') {
int iv = help.find("\t");
int id = help.find("\n");
title = help.substr(iv+1, id-iv-1);
help = help.substr(id+1);
editNumber(x, vmin, vmax, step, dft, title, help);
//-- choose file dialog--
#define CDIR dialogcolor
#define CFILE forecolor
bool filecmp(const pair<string,color_t> &f1, const pair<string,color_t> &f2) {
if(f1.first == "../") return true;
if(f2.first == "../") return false;
if(f1.second != f2.second)
return f1.second == CDIR;
return f1.first < f2.first;
string filecaption, cfileext;
string *cfileptr;
bool editext = false;
bool_reaction_t file_action;
void handleKeyFile(int sym, int uni);
bool search_mode;
struct file_dialog : extdialog {
void draw() override;
void file_dialog::draw() {
cmode = sm::NUMBER | dialogflags | sm::DIALOG_WIDE;
string cfile = *cfileptr;
dialog::addItem(cfile, 0);
DIR *d;
struct dirent *dir;
string where = ".";
string what = cfile;
for(int i=0; i<isize(cfile); i++)
if(cfile[i] == '/' || cfile[i] == '\\') {
where = cfile.substr(0, i+1);
what = cfile.substr(i+1);
d = opendir(where.c_str());
if (d) {
while ((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
string s = dir->d_name;
if(s != ".." && s[0] == '.') ;
else if(search_mode) {
if(has_substring(human_simplify(s, true), human_simplify(what, true)))
v.push_back(make_pair(s, CFILE));
else if(isize(s) > 4 && s.substr(isize(s)-4) == cfileext)
v.push_back(make_pair(s, CFILE));
else if(dir->d_type & DT_DIR)
v.push_back(make_pair(s+"/", CDIR));
sort(v.begin(), v.end(), filecmp);
dialog::start_list(2000, 2000);
for(auto& vv: v) {
dialog::addItem(vv.first, list_fake_key++);
dialog::lastItem().color = vv.second;
string vf = vv.first;
bool dir = vv.second == CDIR;
dialog::add_action([vf, dir] {
string& s(*cfileptr);
string where = "", what = s, whereparent = "../";
string last = "";
for(int i=0; i<isize(s); i++)
if(s[i] == '/') {
if(i >= 2 && s.substr(i-2,3) == "../") {
whereparent = s.substr(0, i+1) + "../";
last = "";
else {
last = s.substr(isize(where), i + 1 - isize(where));
whereparent = where;
where = s.substr(0, i+1), what = s.substr(i+1);
string str1;
if(vf == "../") {
s = whereparent + what;
list_skip = 0;
else if(dir) {
s = where + vf + what;
list_skip = 0;
else {
str1 = where + vf;
if(s == str1) {
bool ac = file_action();
if(ac) popScreen();
s = str1;
dialog::addBoolItem_action("extension", editext, SDLK_F4);
dialog::addBoolItem_action("search mode", search_mode, SDLK_F3);
dialog::addItem("choose", SDLK_RETURN);
dialog::addItem("cancel", SDLK_ESCAPE);
#if CAP_SDL2
texthandler = [this] (const SDL_TextInputEvent& ev) {
int i = isize(*cfileptr) - (editext?0:4);
cfileptr->insert(i, ev.text);
keyhandler = handleKeyFile;
EX void handleKeyFile(int sym, int uni) {
handleNavigation(sym, uni);
string& s(*cfileptr);
int i = isize(s) - (editext?0:4);
if(sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) {
else if(sym == SDLK_RETURN || sym == SDLK_KP_ENTER) {
bool ac = file_action();
if(ac) popScreen();
else if(sym == SDLK_BACKSPACE && i) {
int len = utfsize_before(s, i);
s.erase(i-len, len);
highlight_text = "//missing";
list_skip = 0;
#if !CAP_SDL2
else if(uni >= 32 && uni < 127) {
s.insert(i, s0 + char(uni));
highlight_text = "//missing";
list_skip = 0;
EX void openFileDialog(string& filename, string fcap, string ext, bool_reaction_t action) {
file_dialog fd;
cfileptr = &filename;
filecaption = fcap;
cfileext = ext;
file_action = action;
// infix/v/vpush
EX string infix;
string foreign_letters = "ÁÄÇÈÉÍÎÖÚÜßàáâãäçèéêìíîïòóôõöøùúüýąćČčĎďĘęĚěğİıŁłńňŘřŚśŞşŠšŤťůŹźŻżŽž";
EX string human_simplify(const string &s, bool include_symbols) {
string t = "";
for(int i=0; i<isize(s); i++) {
char c = s[i];
char tt = 0;
if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') tt += c - 32;
else if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') tt += c;
else if(c == '@') tt += c;
else if(include_symbols && c > 0) tt += c;
if(tt == 0) for(int k=0; k<isize(latin_letters); k++) {
if(s[i] == foreign_letters[2*k] && s[i+1] == foreign_letters[2*k+1]) {
if(latin_letters[k] == 's') t += "SS";
else tt += latin_letters[k];
if(tt) t += tt;
return t;
EX bool hasInfix(const string &s) {
if(infix == "") return true;
return human_simplify(s, false).find(infix) != string::npos;
EX bool has_substring(const string &s, const string& needle) {
int spos = 0, npos = 0;
while(true) {
if(npos == isize(needle)) return true;
if(spos == isize(s)) return false;
if(s[spos++] == needle[npos]) npos++;
EX bool editInfix(int uni) {
if(uni >= 'A' && uni <= 'Z') infix += uni;
else if(uni >= 'a' && uni <= 'z') infix += uni-32;
else if(infix != "" && uni == 8) infix = infix.substr(0, isize(infix)-1);
else if(infix != "" && uni != 0) infix = "";
else return false;
return true;
EX vector<pair<string, color_t> > v;
EX void vpush(color_t color, const char *name) {
string s = XLATN(name);
if(!hasInfix(s)) return;
dialog::v.push_back(make_pair(s, color));
EX void vpush2(color_t color, const string& name, const string& extra) {
if(!hasInfix(extra)) return;
dialog::v.push_back(make_pair(name, color));
EX string editchecker(int sym, int uni) {
if(uni >= 32 && uni < 127) return string("") + char(uni);
return "";
#if HDR
struct string_dialog : extdialog {
int editpos = 0;
string *edited_string;
string view_edited_string();
void draw() override;
void start_editing(string& s);
bool handle_edit_string(int sym, int uni, function<string(int, int)> checker = editchecker);
void handle_textinput();
string string_dialog::view_edited_string() {
string cs = *edited_string;
if(editpos < 0) editpos = 0;
if(editpos > isize(cs)) editpos = isize(cs);
cs.insert(editpos, "°");
return cs;
void string_dialog::start_editing(string& s) {
edited_string = &s;
editpos = isize(s);
bool string_dialog::handle_edit_string(int sym, int uni, function<string(int, int)> checker) {
auto& es = *edited_string;
string u2;
if(DKEY == SDLK_LEFT) editpos -= utfsize_before(es, editpos);
else if(DKEY == SDLK_RIGHT) editpos += utfsize(es[editpos]);
else if(uni == 8) {
if(editpos == 0) return true;
int len = utfsize_before(es, editpos);
es.replace(editpos-len, len, "");
editpos -= len;
if(reaction) reaction();
else if((u2 = checker(sym, uni)) != "") {
#if !CAP_SDL2
for(char c: u2) {
es.insert(editpos, 1, c);
editpos ++;
if(reaction) reaction();
else return false;
return true;
void string_dialog::handle_textinput() {
#if CAP_SDL2
texthandler = [this] (const SDL_TextInputEvent& ev) {
auto& es = *edited_string;
string txt = ev.text;
es.insert(editpos, txt);
editpos += isize(txt);
if(reaction) reaction();
void string_dialog::draw() {
cmode = sm::NUMBER | dialogflags;
if(help != "") {
if(extra_options) extra_options();
keyhandler = [this] (int sym, int uni) {
handleNavigation(sym, uni);
if(handle_edit_string(sym, uni)) ;
else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) popfinal();
EX void edit_string(string& s, string title, string help) {
string_dialog ne;
ne.title = title;
ne.help = help;
EX void confirm_dialog(const string& text, const reaction_t& act) {
cmode = sm::DARKEN;
dialog::init(XLAT("WARNING"), 0xFF0000, 150, 100);
dialog::addItem(XLAT("YES"), 'y');
auto yes = [act] () { popScreen(); act(); };
dialog::add_key_action(SDLK_RETURN, yes);
dialog::addItem(XLAT("NO"), 'n');
dialog::add_action([] () { popScreen(); });
EX void addBoolItem_action(const string& s, bool& b, int c) {
dialog::addBoolItem(s, b, c);
dialog::add_action([&b] { b = !b; });
EX void addBoolItem_action_neg(const string& s, bool& b, int c) {
dialog::addBoolItem(s, !b, c);
dialog::add_action([&b] { b = !b; });
EX void addItem_mouse(const string& s, key_type c) {
dialog::addBoolItem(s, mousekey == c, c);
EX bool cheat_forbidden() {
if(tactic::on && !cheater) {
addMessage(XLAT("Not available in the pure tactics mode!"));
return true;
if(daily::on) {
addMessage(XLAT("Not available in the daily challenge!"));
return true;
return false;
EX void add_action_confirmed(const reaction_t& act) {
#if HDR
template<class T> void addBoolItem_choice(const string& s, T& b, T val, char c) {
addBoolItem(s, b == val, c);
add_action([&b, val] { b = val; });
inline void cheat_if_confirmed(const reaction_t& act) {
if(needConfirmationEvenIfSaved()) pushScreen([act] () { confirm_dialog(XLAT("This will enable the cheat mode, making this game ineligible for scoring. Are you sure?"), act); });
else act();
inline void do_if_confirmed(const reaction_t& act) {
if(needConfirmationEvenIfSaved()) pushScreen([act] () { confirm_dialog(XLAT("This will end your current game and start a new one. Are you sure?"), act); });
else act();
inline void push_confirm_dialog(const reaction_t& act, const string& s) {
pushScreen([act, s] () { confirm_dialog(s, act); });
inline reaction_t add_confirmation(const reaction_t& act) {
return [act] { do_if_confirmed(act); };