mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2024-06-29 08:33:25 +00:00
Arthur O'Dwyer 43cb9c0bf4 Change every "pop this menu" option text to the two words "go back".
And add translations for "go back", copied from the existing translations
for the word "return".
2017-10-30 18:48:14 -07:00

3456 lines
97 KiB

// Hyperbolic Rogue
// Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
// implementation of the shoot'em up mode
extern int mousex, mousey;
extern bool clicked;
// joysticks for controlling the mobile shmup mode
namespace shmupballs {
int xmove, xfire, yb, rad;
void calc() {
rad = vid.radius * (vid.mobilecompasssize ? vid.mobilecompasssize : 14) / 100;
xmove = max(vid.xcenter - vid.radius - rad, rad);
xfire = min(vid.xcenter + vid.radius + rad, vid.xres - rad);
yb = vid.ycenter + vid.radius - rad;
namespace multi {
int players = 1;
cellwalker player[MAXPLAYER];
vector<int> revive_queue; // queue for revival
cell *origpos[MAXPLAYER], *origtarget[MAXPLAYER];
bool flipped[MAXPLAYER];
int treasures[MAXPLAYER], kills[MAXPLAYER], deaths[MAXPLAYER];
bool alwaysuse = false;
void recall() {
for(int i=0; i<numplayers(); i++) {
int idir = (3 * i) % cwt.c->type;
cell *c2 = cwt.c->mov[idir];
if(!passable(c2, NULL, P_ISPLAYER)) c2 = cwt.c;
multi::player[i].c = c2;
multi::player[i].spin = 0;
multi::flipped[i] = true;
multi::whereto[i].d = MD_UNDECIDED;
transmatrix whereis[MAXPLAYER];
transmatrix crosscenter[MAXPLAYER];
double ccdist[MAXPLAYER];
cell *ccat[MAXPLAYER];
bool combo[MAXPLAYER];
int cpid; // player id -- an extra parameter for player-related functions
int cpid_edit; // cpid currently being edited
movedir whereto[MAXPLAYER]; // player's target cell
double mdx[MAXPLAYER], mdy[MAXPLAYER]; // movement vector for the next move
static const int CMDS = 15;
static const int CMDS_PAN = 11;
const char* playercmds_shmup[15] = {
"forward", "backward", "turn left", "turn right",
"move up", "move right", "move down", "move left",
"throw a knife", "face the pointer", "throw at the pointer",
"drop Dead Orb", "center the map on me", "Orb power (target: mouse)",
"Orb power (target: facing)"
const char* playercmds_turn[15] = {
"move up-right", "move up-left", "move down-right", "move down-left",
"move up", "move right", "move down", "move left",
"stay in place (left + right)", "cancel move", "leave the game",
"drop Dead Orb (up + down)", "center the map on me", "",
const char* pancmds[11] = {
"pan up", "pan right", "pan down", "pan left",
"rotate left", "rotate right", "home",
"world overview", "review your quest", "inventory", "main menu"
#define SHMUPAXES_CUR ((SHMUPAXES_BASE) + 4 * vid.scfg.players)
const char* axemodes[SHMUPAXES] = {
"do nothing",
"rotate view",
"panning X",
"panning Y",
"player 1 X",
"player 1 Y",
"player 1 go",
"player 1 spin",
"player 2 X",
"player 2 Y",
"player 2 go",
"player 2 spin",
"player 3 X",
"player 3 Y",
"player 3 go",
"player 3 spin",
"player 4 X",
"player 4 Y",
"player 4 go",
"player 4 spin",
"player 5 X",
"player 5 Y",
"player 5 go",
"player 5 spin",
"player 6 X",
"player 6 Y",
"player 6 go",
"player 6 spin",
"player 7 X",
"player 7 Y",
"player 7 go",
"player 7 spin"
int centerplayer = -1;
int shmupnumkeys;
const char** shmupcmdtable;
char* axeconfigs[24]; int numaxeconfigs;
int* dzconfigs[24];
string listkeys(int id) {
string lk = "";
for(int i=0; i<512; i++)
if(vid.scfg.keyaction[i] == id)
lk = lk + " " + SDL_GetKeyName(SDLKey(i));
for(int i=0; i<numsticks; i++) for(int k=0; k<SDL_JoystickNumButtons(sticks[i]) && k<MAXBUTTON; k++)
if(vid.scfg.joyaction[i][k] == id) {
lk = lk + " " + cts('A'+i)+"-B"+its(k);
for(int i=0; i<numsticks; i++) for(int k=0; k<SDL_JoystickNumHats(sticks[i]) && k<MAXHAT; k++)
for(int d=0; d<4; d++)
if(vid.scfg.hataction[i][k][d] == id) {
lk = lk + " " + cts('A'+i)+"-"+"URDL"[d];
return lk;
return "";
#define SCJOY 16
string dsc(int id) {
char buf[64];
sprintf(buf, " (%d $$$, %d kills, %d deaths)",
return buf;
void resetScores() {
for(int i=0; i<MAXPLAYER; i++)
multi::treasures[i] = multi::kills[i] = multi::deaths[i] = 0;
bool shmupcfg;
bool configdead;
void handleConfig(int sym, int uni);
void showShmupConfig() {
cmode = sm::SHMUPCONFIG;
int sc = vid.scfg.subconfig;
if(sc == 1 || sc == 2 || sc == 4 || sc == 5 || sc == 6 || sc == 7 || sc == 8) {
shmupnumkeys = CMDS;
shmupcmdtable = shmup::on ? playercmds_shmup : playercmds_turn;
else if(sc == 3) {
shmupnumkeys = CMDS_PAN;
shmupcmdtable = pancmds;
else if(sc == SCJOY) {
getcstat = ' ';
numaxeconfigs = 0;
for(int j=0; j<numsticks; j++) {
for(int ax=0; ax<SDL_JoystickNumAxes(sticks[j]) && ax < MAXAXE; ax++) if(numaxeconfigs<24) {
int y = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(sticks[j], ax);
string buf = " ";
buf += its(y);
else {
while(y > 10000) buf += "+", y -= 10000;
while(y < -10000) buf += "-", y += 10000;
if(y>0) buf += "+";
if(y<0) buf += "-";
axeconfigs[numaxeconfigs] = &(vid.scfg.axeaction[j][ax]);
dzconfigs[numaxeconfigs] = &(vid.scfg.deadzoneval[j][ax]);
char aa = *axeconfigs[numaxeconfigs];
string what = configdead ? its(vid.scfg.deadzoneval[j][ax]) : XLAT(axemodes[aa%SHMUPAXES]);
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("Joystick %1, axis %2", cts('A'+j), its(ax)) + buf,
what, 'a'+numaxeconfigs);
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("Configure dead zones"), (configdead), 'z');
else if(sc == 0) {
vid.scfg.players == 2 ? "two players" :
vid.scfg.players == 3 ? "three players" :
vid.scfg.players == 4 ? "four players" :
vid.scfg.players == 5 ? "five players" :
vid.scfg.players == 6 ? "six players" :
vid.scfg.players == 7 ? "seven players" :
"one player"), 'n');
dialog::addItem(XLAT(shmupcfg ? "shoot'em up mode" : "turn-based mode"), 's');
dialog::addItem(XLAT(shmup::on == shmupcfg && players == vid.scfg.players ?
"continue playing"
: "start a new game"), '0');
if(shmupcfg || multi::alwaysuse || vid.scfg.players > 1)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 1") + dsc(0), '1');
if(vid.scfg.players > 1)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 2") + dsc(1), '2');
else if(vid.scfg.players == 1 && !shmupcfg)
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("input"), XLAT(multi::alwaysuse ? "config" : "default"), 'a');
if(vid.scfg.players > 2)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 3") + dsc(2), '3');
else if(vid.scfg.players == 1 && !shmupcfg && !shmupcfg && !multi::alwaysuse)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("old style joystick configuration"), 'b');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(vid.scfg.players > 3)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 4") + dsc(3), '4');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(vid.scfg.players > 4)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 5") + dsc(4), '5');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(vid.scfg.players > 5)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 6") + dsc(5), '6');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(vid.scfg.players > 6)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 7") + dsc(6), '7');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(shmupcfg || multi::alwaysuse || vid.scfg.players > 1)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure panning and general keys"), 'p');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(numsticks > 0) {
if(shmupcfg || multi::alwaysuse || vid.scfg.players > 1)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure joystick axes"), 'j');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(multi::players > 1)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("reset per-player statistics"), 'r');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
dialog::addItem(XLAT("save the configuration"), 'c');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("help"), 'h');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("go back"), ' ');
if(sc >= 1 && sc <= MAXPLAYER + 1) {
XLAT(sc == 1 ? "configure player 1" :
sc == 2 ? "configure player 2" :
sc == 3 ? "configure panning" :
sc == 4 ? "configure player 3" :
sc == 5 ? "configure player 4" :
sc == 6 ? "configure player 5" :
sc == 7 ? "configure player 6" :
sc == 8 ? "configure player 7" : ""
getcstat = ' ';
for(int i=0; i<shmupnumkeys; i++) if(shmupcmdtable[i][0])
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT(shmupcmdtable[i]), listkeys(16*sc+i),
vid.scfg.setwhat ? (vid.scfg.setwhat>1 && i == (vid.scfg.setwhat&15) ? '?' : 0) : 'a'+i);
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(vid.scfg.setwhat == 1)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("press a key to unassign"), 0);
else if(vid.scfg.setwhat)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("press a key for '%1'", XLAT(shmupcmdtable[vid.scfg.setwhat&15])), 0);
dialog::addItem(XLAT("unassign a key"), 'z');
keyhandler = handleConfig;
void handleConfig(int sym, int uni) {
if(!vid.scfg.setwhat) dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni);
int sc = vid.scfg.subconfig;
if(sc == 0) {
if(uni == '1') vid.scfg.subconfig = 1;
else if(uni == '2') vid.scfg.subconfig = 2;
else if(uni == 'p') vid.scfg.subconfig = 3;
else if(uni == '3') vid.scfg.subconfig = 4;
else if(uni == '4') vid.scfg.subconfig = 5;
else if(uni == '5') vid.scfg.subconfig = 6;
else if(uni == '6') vid.scfg.subconfig = 7;
else if(uni == '7') vid.scfg.subconfig = 8;
else if(uni == 'j') vid.scfg.subconfig = SCJOY;
else if(uni == 'a') multi::alwaysuse = !multi::alwaysuse;
else if(uni == 'b') pushScreen(showJoyConfig);
else if(uni == 'r')
for(int i=0; i<MAXPLAYER; i++)
kills[i] = deaths[i] = treasures[i] = 0;
else if(uni == 's' || uni == 't')
shmupcfg = !shmupcfg;
else if(uni == 'c')
else if(uni == 'n' || uni == 'N') {
vid.scfg.players += shiftmul > 0 ? 1 : -1;
vid.scfg.players %= MAXPLAYER;
if(vid.scfg.players <= 0) vid.scfg.players += MAXPLAYER;
else if(sym == SDLK_F1 || uni == '?' || uni == 'h') {
help =
"Shmup (shoot'em up) mode: You can play a hyperbolic shoot'em up game. The game is based "
"on the usual turn-based grid-based HyperRogue, but there are some changes. You fight by "
"throwing knives, and you have three extra lives. There are no allies, so all Orbs "
"related to allies give you extra lives instead (up to 5). Some other rules have been "
"adapted too.\n\n");
help += XLAT(
"Multiplayer: Play cooperatively (locally); treasures, kills, and deaths are calculated "
"for each player too, for more competitive play. Orbs and treasures are shared, orbs drain "
"faster, knives recharge slower, and player characters are not allowed to separate.\n\n");
help += XLAT(
"Turn-based multiplayer: Turns are executed in parallel. A player can leave the game "
"by pressing a designated key (useful when about to get killed or lost). The following "
"Orbs work to bring such players back: ");
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbLife].name); help += ", ";
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbFriend].name); help += ", ";
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbUndeath].name); help += ", ";
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbTeleport].name); help += ", ";
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbSafety].name); help += "\n\n";
help += XLAT("This menu can be also used to configure keys.\n\n");
else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) {
if(shmup::on != shmupcfg) { restartGame('s'); resetScores(); }
else if(vid.scfg.players != players) { restartGame(); resetScores(); }
else if(sc == SCJOY) {
if(sym) {
char xuni = uni | 96;
if(xuni >= 'a' && xuni < 'a' + numaxeconfigs) {
if(configdead) {
int& dz = (*dzconfigs[xuni - 'a']);
dz += int(shiftmul * 100);
if(dz < 0) dz = 0;
if(dz > 65000) dz = 65000;
else {
int v = (*axeconfigs[xuni - 'a']);
v += (shiftmul>0?1:-1);
(*axeconfigs[xuni - 'a']) = v;
else if(xuni == 'z')
configdead = !configdead;
else if(doexiton(sym, uni))
vid.scfg.subconfig = 0;
else {
if(sym) {
if(vid.scfg.setwhat) {
vid.scfg.keyaction[sym] = vid.scfg.setwhat;
vid.scfg.setwhat = 0;
else if(uni >= 'a' && uni < 'a' + shmupnumkeys && shmupcmdtable[uni-'a'][0])
vid.scfg.setwhat = 16*sc+uni - 'a';
else if(uni == 'z')
vid.scfg.setwhat = 1;
else if(uni || sym == SDLK_F10)
vid.scfg.subconfig = 0;
#define NUMACT 128
enum pcmds {
pcForward, pcBackward, pcTurnLeft, pcTurnRight,
pcMoveUp, pcMoveRight, pcMoveDown, pcMoveLeft,
pcFire, pcFace, pcFaceFire,
pcDrop, pcCenter, pcOrbPower, pcOrbKey
int actionspressed[NUMACT], axespressed[SHMUPAXES], lactionpressed[NUMACT];
void pressaction(int id) {
if(id >= 0 && id < NUMACT)
bool notremapped(int sym) {
int k = vid.scfg.keyaction[sym];
if(k == 0) return true;
k /= 16;
if(k > 3) k--; else if(k==3) k = 0;
return k > multi::players;
void initConfig() {
vid.scfg.players = 1;
char* t = vid.scfg.keyaction;
t['w'] = 16 + 4;
t['d'] = 16 + 5;
t['s'] = 16 + 6;
t['a'] = 16 + 7;
t[SDLK_KP8] = 16 + 4;
t[SDLK_KP6] = 16 + 5;
t[SDLK_KP2] = 16 + 6;
t[SDLK_KP4] = 16 + 7;
t['f'] = 16 + pcFire;
t['g'] = 16 + pcFace;
t['h'] = 16 + pcFaceFire;
t['r'] = 16 + pcDrop;
t['t'] = 16 + pcOrbPower;
t['y'] = 16 + pcCenter;
t['i'] = 32 + 4;
t['k'] = 32 + 5;
t['j'] = 32 + 6;
t['l'] = 32 + 7;
t[';'] = 32 + 8;
t['\''] = 32 + 9;
t['p'] = 32 + 10;
t['['] = 32 + pcCenter;
t[SDLK_UP] = 48 ;
t[SDLK_RIGHT] = 48 + 1;
t[SDLK_DOWN] = 48 + 2;
t[SDLK_LEFT] = 48 + 3;
t[SDLK_PAGEUP] = 48 + 4;
t[SDLK_PAGEDOWN] = 48 + 5;
t[SDLK_HOME] = 48 + 6;
vid.scfg.joyaction[0][0] = 16 + pcFire;
vid.scfg.joyaction[0][1] = 16 + pcOrbPower;
vid.scfg.joyaction[0][2] = 16 + pcDrop;
vid.scfg.joyaction[0][3] = 16 + pcCenter;
vid.scfg.joyaction[0][4] = 16 + pcFace;
vid.scfg.joyaction[0][5] = 16 + pcFaceFire;
vid.scfg.joyaction[1][0] = 32 + pcFire;
vid.scfg.joyaction[1][1] = 32 + pcOrbPower;
vid.scfg.joyaction[1][2] = 32 + pcDrop;
vid.scfg.joyaction[1][3] = 32 + pcCenter;
vid.scfg.joyaction[1][4] = 32 + pcFace;
vid.scfg.joyaction[1][5] = 32 + pcFaceFire;
vid.scfg.axeaction[0][0] = 4;
vid.scfg.axeaction[0][1] = 5;
vid.scfg.axeaction[0][3] = 2;
vid.scfg.axeaction[0][4] = 3;
vid.scfg.axeaction[1][0] = 8;
vid.scfg.axeaction[1][1] = 9;
vid.scfg.hataction[0][0][0] = 16 + 0;
vid.scfg.hataction[0][0][1] = 16 + 3;
vid.scfg.hataction[0][0][2] = 16 + 1;
vid.scfg.hataction[0][0][3] = 16 + 2;
vid.scfg.hataction[0][1][0] = 16 + 4;
vid.scfg.hataction[0][1][1] = 16 + 7;
vid.scfg.hataction[0][1][2] = 16 + 5;
vid.scfg.hataction[0][1][3] = 16 + 6;
vid.scfg.hataction[1][0][0] = 32 + 0;
vid.scfg.hataction[1][0][1] = 32 + 3;
vid.scfg.hataction[1][0][2] = 32 + 1;
vid.scfg.hataction[1][0][3] = 32 + 2;
vid.scfg.hataction[1][1][0] = 32 + 4;
vid.scfg.hataction[1][1][1] = 32 + 7;
vid.scfg.hataction[1][1][2] = 32 + 5;
vid.scfg.hataction[1][1][3] = 32 + 6;
int charidtable[MAXPLAYER] = {0, 1, 4, 6, 2, 3, 0};
for(int i=0; i<MAXPLAYER; i++) {
multi::scs[i].charid = charidtable[i];
multi::scs[0].uicolor = 0xC00000FF;
multi::scs[1].uicolor = 0x00C000FF;
multi::scs[2].uicolor = 0x0000C0FF;
multi::scs[3].uicolor = 0xC0C000FF;
multi::scs[4].uicolor = 0xC000C0FF;
multi::scs[5].uicolor = 0x00C0C0FF;
multi::scs[6].uicolor = 0xC0C0C0FF;
addsaver(vid.scfg.players, "mode-number of players");
addsaver(alwaysuse, "use configured keys");
// unfortunately we cannot use key names here because SDL is not yet initialized
for(int i=0; i<512; i++)
addsaver(vid.scfg.keyaction[i], string("key:")+its(i));
for(int i=0; i<MAXJOY; i++) {
string pre = "joystick "+cts('A'+i);
for(int j=0; j<MAXBUTTON; j++)
addsaver(vid.scfg.joyaction[i][j], pre+"-B"+its(j));
for(int j=0; j<MAXAXE; j++) {
addsaver(vid.scfg.axeaction[i][j], pre+" axis "+its(j));
addsaver(vid.scfg.deadzoneval[i][j], pre+" deadzone "+its(j));
for(int j=0; j<MAXHAT; j++) for(int k=0; k<4; k++) {
addsaver(vid.scfg.hataction[i][j][k], pre+" hat "+its(j)+" "+"URDL"[k]);
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) addsaver(multi::scs[i], "player"+its(i));
void scanchar(FILE *f, char& c) {
int i = c;
int err = fscanf(f, "%d", &i);
if(err == 1) c = i;
void loadConfig(FILE *f) {
int xvernum;
int err = fscanf(f, "%d %d", &xvernum, &vid.scfg.players);
if(vid.scfg.players < 1 || vid.scfg.players > MAXPLAYER)
vid.scfg.players = 1;
if(err != 2) return;
if(xvernum >= 8990) { int b=alwaysuse; err=fscanf(f, " %d", &b); alwaysuse = b; }
for(int i=0; i<512; i++) scanchar(f, vid.scfg.keyaction[i]);
for(int i=0; i<MAXJOY; i++) for(int j=0; j<MAXBUTTON; j++) scanchar(f, vid.scfg.joyaction[i][j]);
for(int i=0; i<MAXJOY; i++) for(int j=0; j<MAXAXE; j++) scanchar(f, vid.scfg.axeaction[i][j]);
if(xvernum >= 9007)
for(int i=0; i<MAXJOY; i++) for(int j=0; j<MAXAXE; j++) err = fscanf(f, " %d", &vid.scfg.deadzoneval[i][j]);
for(int i=0; i<MAXJOY; i++) for(int j=0; j<MAXHAT; j++) for(int k=0; k<4; k++)
scanchar(f, vid.scfg.hataction[i][j][k]);
for(int i=0; i<(xvernum < 8990 ? 4 : 7); i++) loadcs(f, scs[i], xvernum);
void handleInput(int delta) {
double d = delta / 500.;
Uint8 *keystate = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL);
for(int i=0; i<NUMACT; i++)
lactionpressed[i] = actionspressed[i],
actionspressed[i] = 0;
for(int i=0; i<SHMUPAXES; i++) axespressed[i] = 0;
for(int i=0; i<SDLK_LAST; i++) if(keystate[i])
for(int j=0; j<numsticks; j++) {
for(int b=0; b<SDL_JoystickNumButtons(sticks[j]) && b<MAXBUTTON; b++)
if(SDL_JoystickGetButton(sticks[j], b))
for(int b=0; b<SDL_JoystickNumHats(sticks[j]) && b<MAXHAT; b++) {
int stat = SDL_JoystickGetHat(sticks[j], b);
if(stat & SDL_HAT_UP) pressaction(vid.scfg.hataction[j][b][0]);
if(stat & SDL_HAT_RIGHT) pressaction(vid.scfg.hataction[j][b][1]);
if(stat & SDL_HAT_DOWN) pressaction(vid.scfg.hataction[j][b][2]);
if(stat & SDL_HAT_LEFT) pressaction(vid.scfg.hataction[j][b][3]);
for(int b=0; b<SDL_JoystickNumAxes(sticks[j]) && b<MAXAXE; b++) {
int value = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(sticks[j], b);
int dz = vid.scfg.deadzoneval[j][b];
if(value > dz) value -= dz; else if(value < -dz) value += dz;
else value = 0;
axespressed[vid.scfg.axeaction[j][b] % SHMUPAXES] += value;
if(keystate[SDLK_LCTRL] || keystate[SDLK_RCTRL]) d /= 5;
double panx =
actionspressed[49] - actionspressed[51] + axespressed[2] / 32000.0;
double pany =
actionspressed[50] - actionspressed[48] + axespressed[3] / 20000.0;
double panspin = actionspressed[52] - actionspressed[53] + axespressed[1] / 20000.0;
if(actionspressed[54]) { centerplayer = -1, playermoved = true; centerpc(100); }
if(actionspressed[55] && !lactionpressed[55])
if(actionspressed[56] && !lactionpressed[56])
if(actionspressed[57] && !lactionpressed[57])
if(actionspressed[58] && !lactionpressed[58])
if(panx || pany || panspin) {
View = xpush(-panx * d) * ypush(-pany * d) * spin(panspin * d) * View;
playermoved = false;
int tableid[7] = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
void leaveGame(int i) {
multi::player[i].c = NULL;
bool playerActive(int p) {
if(multi::players == 1 || shmup::on) return true;
return player[p].c;
int activePlayers() {
int q = 0;
for(int i=0; i<players; i++) if(playerActive(i)) q++;
return q;
cell *multiPlayerTarget(int i) {
cellwalker cwti = multi::player[i];
if(!cwti.c) return NULL;
int dir = multi::whereto[i].d;
if(dir == MD_UNDECIDED) return NULL;
if(dir == MD_USE_ORB) return multi::whereto[i].tgt;
if(dir >= 0) { cwspin(cwti, dir); cwstep(cwti); }
return cwti.c;
void checklastmove() {
for(int i=0; i<numplayers(); i++) if(playerActive(i)) {
multi::cpid = i;
cwt = multi::player[i]; break;
if(multi::activePlayers() == 1) {
multi::checkonly = true;
multi::checkonly = false;
bool needinput = true;
void handleMulti(int delta) {
transmatrix bcwtV = cwtV;
cellwalker bcwt = cwt;
bool alldecided = !needinput;
if(multi::players == 1) {
multi::cpid = 0;
multi::whereis[0] = cwtV;
multi::player[0] = cwt;
for(int i=0; i<numplayers(); i++) if(playerActive(i)) {
using namespace multi;
// todo refactor
cpid = i;
int b = 16*tableid[cpid];
for(int ik=0; ik<8; ik++) if(actionspressed[b+ik]) playermoved = true;
for(int ik=0; ik<16; ik++) if(actionspressed[b+ik] && !lactionpressed[b+ik])
multi::combo[i] = false;
bool anypressed = false;
int jb = 4*tableid[cpid];
for(int ik=0; ik<4; ik++)
anypressed = true, playermoved = true, multi::combo[i] = false;
double mdx =
(actionspressed[b+0] + actionspressed[b+2] - actionspressed[b+1] - actionspressed[b+3]) * .7 +
actionspressed[b+pcMoveRight] - actionspressed[b+pcMoveLeft] + axespressed[jb]/30000.;
double mdy =
(actionspressed[b+3] + actionspressed[b+2] - actionspressed[b+1] - actionspressed[b+0]) * .7 +
actionspressed[b+pcMoveDown] - actionspressed[b+pcMoveUp] + axespressed[jb+1]/30000.;
if((actionspressed[b+pcMoveRight] && actionspressed[b+pcMoveLeft]) ||
(actionspressed[b+pcMoveUp] && actionspressed[b+pcMoveDown]))
multi::mdx[i] = multi::mdy[i] = 0;
multi::mdx[i] = multi::mdx[i] * (1 - delta / 1000.) + mdx * delta / 2000.;
multi::mdy[i] = multi::mdy[i] * (1 - delta / 1000.) + mdy * delta / 2000.;
if(mdx != 0 || mdy != 0) if(!multi::combo[i]) {
cwtV = multi::whereis[i]; cwt = multi::player[i];
flipplayer = multi::flipped[i];
multi::whereto[i] = vectodir(hpxy(multi::mdx[i], multi::mdy[i]));
if(multi::actionspressed[b+pcFire] ||
(multi::actionspressed[b+pcMoveLeft] && multi::actionspressed[b+pcMoveRight]))
multi::combo[i] = true, multi::whereto[i].d = MD_WAIT;
multi::whereto[i].d = MD_UNDECIDED;
cwt.c = multi::player[i].c;
if(multi::ccat[i] && !multi::combo[i] && targetRangedOrb(multi::ccat[i], roMultiCheck)) {
multi::whereto[i].d = MD_USE_ORB;
multi::whereto[i].tgt = multi::ccat[i];
if(multi::actionspressed[b+pcFaceFire] && activePlayers() > 1) {
addMessage(XLAT("Left the game."));
if(actionspressed[b+pcDrop] ||
(multi::actionspressed[b+pcMoveUp] && multi::actionspressed[b+pcMoveDown]))
multi::combo[i] = true, multi::whereto[i].d = MD_DROP;
if(actionspressed[b+pcCenter]) {
centerplayer = cpid; centerpc(100); playermoved = true;
if(multi::whereto[i].d == MD_UNDECIDED) alldecided = false;
for(int ik=0; ik<16; ik++) if(actionspressed[b+ik]) anypressed = true;
if(anypressed) alldecided = false, needinput = false;
else multi::mdx[i] = multi::mdy[i] = 0;
cwtV = bcwtV;
cwt = bcwt;
if(alldecided) {
// check for crashes
needinput = true;
for(int i=0; i<numplayers(); i++) if(playerActive(i)) {
origpos[i] = player[i].c;
origtarget[i] = multiPlayerTarget(i);
for(int i=0; i<numplayers(); i++) if(playerActive(i))
for(int j=0; j<numplayers(); j++) if(playerActive(j)) if(i != j) {
if(origtarget[i] == origtarget[j]) {
addMessage("Two players cannot move/attack the same location!");
/* if(multiPlayerTarget(i) == multi::player[j].c) {
addMessage("Cannot move into the current location of another player!");
if(celldistance(multiPlayerTarget(i), multiPlayerTarget(j)) > 8) {
addMessage("Players cannot get that far away!");
} */
if(multi::players == 1) {
multi::whereto[0].d = MD_UNDECIDED;
multi::cpid = 0;
if(multimove()) {
multi::aftermove = false;
void mousemovement(cell *c) {
if(!c) return;
int countplayers = 0;
int countplayers_undecided = 0;
for(int i=0; i<multi::players; i++)
if(multi::playerActive(i) && (playerpos(i) == c || isNeighbor(c, playerpos(i)))) {
if(multi::whereto[i].d == MD_UNDECIDED) countplayers_undecided++;
for(int i=0; i<multi::players; i++)
if(multi::playerActive(i) && (playerpos(i) == c || isNeighbor(c, playerpos(i)))) {
int& cdir = multi::whereto[i].d;
int scdir = cdir;
bool isUndecided = cdir == MD_UNDECIDED;
if(countplayers_undecided > 0 && ! isUndecided) continue;
if(playerpos(i) == c)
multi::whereto[i].d = MD_WAIT;
else {
for(int d=0; d<playerpos(i)->type; d++) {
cdir = d;
if(multi::multiPlayerTarget(i) == c) break;
cdir = scdir;
needinput =
((countplayers == 2 && !countplayers_undecided) || countplayers_undecided >= 2);
const char *lastprofile = "";
int lt = 0;
void profile(const char *buf) {
int gt = SDL_GetTicks();
printf("%4d %s\n", gt - lt, lastprofile);
lt = gt;
lastprofile = buf;
#define SCALE (crossf/hcrossf)
namespace shmup {
transmatrix &ggmatrix(cell *c);
using namespace multi;
eItem targetRangedOrbKey(orbAction a);
eItem keyresult[MAXPLAYER];
ld fabsl(ld x) { return x>0?x:-x; }
bool on = false, safety = false;
bool lastdead = false;
struct monster;
multimap<cell*, monster*> monstersAt;
typedef multimap<cell*, monster*>::iterator mit;
vector<monster*> active, nonvirtual, additional;
cell *findbaseAround(hyperpoint p, cell *around) {
cell *best = around;
double d0 = intval(p, ggmatrix(around) * C0);
for(int i=0; i<around->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = around->mov[i];
if(c2) {
double d1 = intval(p, ggmatrix(c2) * C0);
if(d1 < d0) { best = c2; d0 = d1; }
return best;
cell *findbaseAround(const transmatrix& H, cell *around) {
return findbaseAround(tC0(H), around);
cell *findbaseAroundRepeat(hyperpoint p, cell *around) {
while(true) {
cell *c = findbaseAround(p, around);
if(c == around) return c;
around = c;
cell *findbaseAroundRepeat(const transmatrix& H, cell *around) {
return findbaseAroundRepeat(tC0(H), around);
/* double distance(hyperpoint h) {
h = spintox(h) * h;
return asinh(h[2]);
} */
void fixelliptic(transmatrix& at) {
if(elliptic && at[2][2] < 0) {
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
at[i][j] = -at[i][j];
struct monster {
eMonster type;
cell *base;
cell *torigin;
// tortoises: origin
// butterflies: last position
transmatrix at;
transmatrix pat;
eMonster stk;
bool dead;
bool notpushed;
bool inBoat;
monster *parent; // who shot this missile
eMonster parenttype; // type of the parent
int nextshot; // when will it be able to shot (players/flailers)
int pid; // player ID
char hitpoints;
int stunoff;
int blowoff;
double swordangle; // sword angle wrt at
double vel; // velocity, for flail balls
double footphase;
bool isVirtual; // off the screen: gmatrix is unknown, and pat equals at
monster() {
dead = false; inBoat = false; parent = NULL; nextshot = 0;
stunoff = 0; blowoff = 0; footphase = 0;
void store() {
monstersAt.insert(make_pair(base, this));
void findpat() {
isVirtual = !gmatrix.count(base);
if(!isVirtual) pat = gmatrix[base] * at;
else pat = at;
cell *findbase(const transmatrix& T) {
if(isVirtual) {
cell *c = base;
auto cT = T;
virtualRebase(c, cT, true);
return c;
else return findbaseAround(T, base);
void rebasePat(const transmatrix& new_pat) {
if(isVirtual) {
at = new_pat;
virtualRebase(this, true);
fixmatrix(at); pat = at;
if(geometry == gQuotient || geometry == gTorus) {
at = inverse(gmatrix[base]) * new_pat;
virtualRebase(this, true);
pat = new_pat;
cell *c2 = findbase(pat);
// if(c2 != base) printf("rebase %p -> %p\n", base, c2);
base = c2;
at = inverse(gmatrix[c2]) * pat;
/* void rebaseAt(const transmatrix& new_at) {
rebasePat(gmatrix[base] * new_at);
} */
bool trackroute(transmatrix goal, double spd) {
cell *c = base;
// queuepoly(goal, shGrail, 0xFFFFFFC0);
transmatrix mat = inverse(pat) * goal;
transmatrix mat2 = spintox(mat*C0) * mat;
double d = 0, dist = asinh(mat2[0][2]);
while(d < dist) {
d += spd;
transmatrix nat = pat * rspintox(mat * C0) * xpush(d);
// queuepoly(nat, shKnife, 0xFFFFFFC0);
cell *c2 = findbaseAround(nat, c);
if(c2 != c && !passable_for(type, c2, c, P_CHAIN | P_ONPLAYER)) {
return false;
c = c2;
return true;
bool trackrouteView(transmatrix goal, double spd) {
cell *c = base;
queuepoly(goal, shGrail, 0xFFFFFFC0);
transmatrix mat = inverse(pat) * goal;
transmatrix mat2 = spintox(mat*C0) * mat;
double d = 0, dist = asinh(mat2[0][2]);
while(d < dist) {
d += spd;
transmatrix nat = pat * rspintox(mat * C0) * xpush(d);
// queuepoly(nat, shKnife, 0xFFFFFFC0);
cell *c2 = findbaseAround(nat, c);
if(c2 != c) {
if(0) printf("old dist: %lf\n", (double) intval(nat*C0, gmatrix[c]*C0));
if(0) printf("new dist: %lf\n", (double) intval(nat*C0, gmatrix[c2]*C0));
queuepoly(gmatrix[c2], shKnife, 0xFF0000FF);
if(c2 != c && !passable_for(type, c2, c, P_CHAIN))
return false;
c = c2;
if(0) printf("dist = %lf, d = %lf, spd = %lf, lint = %lf, lcd = %lf\n", dist, d, spd,
(double) intval(pat * rspintox(mat * C0) * xpush(d)*C0, goal*C0),
(double) intval(pat * rspintox(mat * C0) * xpush(d)*C0, gmatrix[c]*C0)
return true;
monster *pc[MAXPLAYER], *mousetarget, *lmousetarget;
int curtime, nextmove, nextdragon;
bool isBullet(monster *m) {
return isBulletType(m->type);
bool isPlayer(monster *m) { return m->type == moPlayer; }
bool isMonster(monster *m) { return m->type != moPlayer && m->type != moBullet; }
void killMonster(monster* m, eMonster who_kills, int flags = 0) {
int tk = tkills();
if(m->type == moRogueviz) {
if(m->dead) return;
m->dead = true;
if(isBullet(m) || isPlayer(m)) return;
m->stk = m->base->monst;
if(m->inBoat && isWatery(m->base)) {
m->base->wall = waBoat;
m->base->mondir = 0;
m->inBoat = false;
else if(m->inBoat && m->base->wall == waNone && (
(m->base->land == laOcean || m->base->land == laLivefjord))) {
m->base->wall = waStrandedBoat;
m->base->mondir = 0;
m->inBoat = false;
m->base->monst = m->type;
killMonster(m->base, who_kills, flags);
m->base->monst = m->stk;
if(multi::cpid >= 0)
multi::kills[multi::cpid] += tkills() - tk;
void pushmonsters() {
for(monster *m: nonvirtual) {
m->notpushed = isPlayer(m) || m->dead || (m->base->monst && m->base->monst != m->type);
if(!m->notpushed) {
m->stk = m->base->monst;
m->base->monst = m->type;
void popmonsters() {
for(int i=size(nonvirtual)-1; i>=0; i--) {
monster *m = nonvirtual[i];
if(!m->notpushed) {
if(m->type == m->base->monst)
m->base->monst = m->stk;
else {
m->dead = true; // already killed
// also kill all the other monsters pushed there
for(int j=0; j<i; j++) {
monster *m2 = active[j];
if(m2->base == m->base && !m2->notpushed)
killMonster(m2, moNone);
void degradeDemons() {
for(monster* m: nonvirtual) {
if(m->type == moGreater) m->type = moLesser;
if(m->stk == moGreater) m->type = moLesser;
// we need these for the Mimics!
double playerturn[MAXPLAYER], playergo[MAXPLAYER];
bool playerfire[MAXPLAYER];
void awakenMimics(monster *m, cell *c2) {
for(auto& mi: mirror::mirrors) {
cell *c = mi.second.c;
transmatrix mirrortrans = Id;
if(mi.second.mirrored) mirrortrans[0][0] = -1;
if(!gmatrix.count(c)) continue;
monster *m2 = new monster;
m2->base = c;
if(isBullet(m)) {
m2->parenttype = m->parenttype;
m2->type = m->type;
m2->vel = m->vel;
m2->parent = m->parent;
m2->pid = m->pid;
m2->type = moMimic;
hyperpoint H = inverse(gmatrix[c2]) * gmatrix[c] * C0;
transmatrix xfer = rgpushxto0(H);
if(mi.second.mirrored) {
hyperpoint H2 = spintox(H) * H;
xfer = rspintox(H) * rpushxto0(H2) * mirrortrans * spintox(H);
m2->pat = gmatrix[c2] * xfer * inverse(gmatrix[c2]) * m->pat;
m2->at = inverse(gmatrix[c]) * m2->pat;
m2->pid = cpid;
// if you don't understand it, don't worry,
// I don't understand it either
int visibleAt;
void visibleFor(int t) {
visibleAt = max(visibleAt, curtime + t);
void shootBullet(monster *m) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at;
bullet->type = moBullet;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->pid = m->pid;
bullet->parenttype = m->type;
if(markOrb(itOrbThorns)) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at * spin(M_PI/2);
bullet->type = moBullet;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->pid = m->pid;
bullet->parenttype = m->type;
if(markOrb(itOrbThorns)) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at * spin(-M_PI/2);
bullet->type = moBullet;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->pid = m->pid;
bullet->parenttype = m->type;
if(markOrb(itOrbDash)) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at * spin(M_PI);
bullet->type = moBullet;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->parenttype = m->type;
void killThePlayer(eMonster m) {
pc[cpid]->dead = true;
monster *playerCrash(monster *who, hyperpoint where) {
if(who->isVirtual) return NULL;
for(int j=0; j<players; j++) if(pc[j]!=who) {
if(pc[j]->isVirtual) continue;
double d = intval(pc[j]->pat*C0, where);
if(d < 0.1 * SCALE2 || d > 100) return pc[j];
return NULL;
void oceanCurrents(transmatrix& nat, monster *m, int delta) {
cell *c = m->base;
if(c->land == laWhirlpool) {
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
if(!c2 || !gmatrix.count(c2)) continue;
double spd = 0;
if(celldistAlt(c2) < celldistAlt(c))
spd = SCALE * delta / 3000.;
else if(c2 == whirlpool::get(c, 1))
spd = SCALE * delta / 900.;
if(spd) {
transmatrix goal = gmatrix[c2];
// transmatrix t = spintox(H) * xpush(delta/300.) * rspintox(H);
hyperpoint H = inverse(m->pat) * goal * C0;
nat = nat * rspintox(H);
nat = nat * xpush(spd);
nat = nat * spintox(H);
void airCurrents(transmatrix& nat, monster *m, int delta) {
cell *c = m->base;
if(c->land == laWhirlwind) {
for(int i=0; i<whirlwind::qdirs; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[whirlwind::dto[i]];
if(!c2 || !gmatrix.count(c2)) continue;
double spd = SCALE * delta / 900.;
if(spd) {
transmatrix goal = gmatrix[c2];
// transmatrix t = spintox(H) * xpush(delta/300.) * rspintox(H);
hyperpoint H = inverse(m->pat) * goal * C0;
nat = nat * rspintox(H);
nat = nat * xpush(spd);
nat = nat * spintox(H);
void roseCurrents(transmatrix& nat, monster *m, int delta) {
if(ignoresSmell(m->type)) return;
cell *c = m->base;
int qty = 0;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
if(c2 && rosedist(c2) == 2) qty++;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
if(!c2 || !gmatrix.count(c2)) continue;
if(rosedist(c2) != 2) continue;
double spd = SCALE * delta / 300. / qty;
if(spd) {
transmatrix goal = gmatrix[c2];
// transmatrix t = spintox(H) * xpush(delta/300.) * rspintox(H);
hyperpoint H = inverse(m->pat) * goal * C0;
nat = nat * rspintox(H);
nat = nat * xpush(spd);
nat = nat * spintox(H);
hyperpoint keytarget(int i) {
double d = 2 + sin(curtime / 350.);
return pc[i]->pat * xpush(d) * C0;
/* int charidof(int pid) {
if(players == 1) return bak_charid;
if(players == 2 || players == 4) return pid;
if(players == 3) return pid < 2 ? pid : 2+(bak_charid&1);
return 0;
} */
double getSwordSize() { return 0.7255; }
double getHornsSize() { return 0.33; }
hyperpoint swordpos(int id, bool rev, double frac) {
return pc[id]->pat * spin(pc[id]->swordangle) * xpush((rev?-frac:frac) * getSwordSize()) * C0;
hyperpoint hornpos(int id) {
return pc[id]->pat * tC0(xpush(getHornsSize()));
#define IGO 9
double igospan[IGO+1] = { 0,
M_PI/6, -M_PI/6,
M_PI/4, -M_PI/4,
M_PI/3, -M_PI/3,
M_PI/2.1, -M_PI/2.1,
bool swordKills(eMonster m) {
m != moHedge && m != moMetalBeast && m != moMetalBeast2
&& m != moTortoise && m != moGreater && m != moRoseBeauty
&& m != moReptile && !isBull(m) && m != moButterfly;
bool hornKills(eMonster m) {
m != moHedge && m != moMetalBeast && m != moMetalBeast2
&& m != moTortoise && m != moGreater && m != moSkeleton
&& m != moDraugr && m != moRoseBeauty
&& m != moReptile && !isBull(m) && m != moButterfly && !isBulletType(m)
&& m != moPalace && m != moFatGuard && m != moVizier;
bool hornStuns(eMonster m) {
return !isBulletType(m) && m != moRoseBeauty;
bool noncrashable(monster *m, monster *by) {
eMonster mt = m->type;
if(mt == moGreater) return true;
if(mt == moDraugr && by->type != moDraugr) return true;
if(isBull(mt)) return true;
if(mt == moReptile) return true;
if(mt == moRoseBeauty && by->type != moRoseLady) return true;
if(mt == moTortoise) return true;
if(mt == moSkeleton) return true;
return false;
int bulltime[MAXPLAYER];
void reflect(cell*& c2, monster *m, transmatrix& nat);
// set to P_MIRRORWALL to allow the PCs to go through mirrors
static const int reflectflag = P_MIRRORWALL;
void movePlayer(monster *m, int delta) {
cpid = m->pid;
double mturn = 0, mgo = 0, mdx = 0, mdy = 0;
bool shotkey = false, dropgreen = false, facemouse = false;
if(facemouse) {
// silence warning that facemouse unused
int b = 16*tableid[cpid];
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) if(actionspressed[b+i]) playermoved = true;
int jb = 4*tableid[cpid];
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) if(axespressed[jb+i]) playermoved = true;
mgo = actionspressed[b+pcForward] - actionspressed[b+pcBackward] + axespressed[jb+2]/30000.;
mturn = actionspressed[b+pcTurnLeft] - actionspressed[b+pcTurnRight] + axespressed[jb+3]/30000.;
mdx = actionspressed[b+pcMoveRight] - actionspressed[b+pcMoveLeft] + axespressed[jb]/30000.;
mdy = actionspressed[b+pcMoveDown] - actionspressed[b+pcMoveUp] + axespressed[jb+1]/30000.;
shotkey = actionspressed[b+pcFire] || actionspressed[b+pcFaceFire];
facemouse = actionspressed[b+pcFace] || actionspressed[b+pcFaceFire];
dropgreen = actionspressed[b+pcDrop];
mdx = mdy = mgo = mturn = 0;
facemouse = shotkey = false;
dropgreen = getcstat == 'g';
using namespace shmupballs;
if(clicked && hypot(mousex - xfire, mousey - yb) < rad) {
shotkey = true;
mdx = (mousex - xfire) / (rad/2.);
mdy = (mousey - yb) / (rad/2.);
if(clicked && hypot(mousex - xmove, mousey - yb) < rad) {
mdx = (mousex - xmove) / (rad/2.);
mdy = (mousey - yb) / (rad/2.);
if(actionspressed[b+pcOrbPower] && !lactionpressed[b+pcOrbPower] && mouseover) {
cwt.c = m->base;
targetRangedOrb(mouseover, roKeyboard);
if(haveRangedOrb()) {
cwt.c = m->base;
if(actionspressed[b+pcOrbKey] && !lactionpressed[b+pcOrbKey])
keyresult[cpid] = targetRangedOrbKey(roKeyboard);
keyresult[cpid] = targetRangedOrbKey(roCheck);
keyresult[cpid] = itNone;
if(actionspressed[b+pcCenter]) {
centerplayer = cpid; centerpc(100); playermoved = true;
transmatrix nat = m->pat;
// if(ka == b+pcOrbPower) dropgreen = true;
// if(mturn > 1) mturn = 1;
// if(mturn < -1) mturn = -1;
playerturn[cpid] = mturn * delta / 150.0;
double mdd = hypot(mdx, mdy);
if(mdd > 1e-6) {
hyperpoint jh = hpxy(mdx/100.0, mdy/100.0);
hyperpoint ctr = m->pat * C0;
if(sphere && vid.alphax > 1.001) for(int i=0; i<3; i++) ctr[i] = -ctr[i];
hyperpoint h = inverse(m->pat) * rgpushxto0(ctr) * jh;
playerturn[cpid] = -atan2(h[1], h[0]);
mgo += mdd;
Uint8 *keystate = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL);
bool forcetarget = (keystate[SDLK_RSHIFT] | keystate[SDLK_LSHIFT]);
if(((mousepressed && !forcetarget) || facemouse) && delta > 0 && !mouseout()) {
// playermoved = true;
hyperpoint h = inverse(m->pat) * mouseh;
playerturn[cpid] = -atan2(h[1], h[0]);
// nat = nat * spin(alpha);
// mturn += alpha * 150. / delta;
bool blown = m->blowoff > curtime;
if(playerturn[cpid] && canmove && !blown) {
m->swordangle -= playerturn[cpid];
nat = nat * spin(playerturn[cpid]);
transmatrix nat0 = nat;
if(m->base->land == laWhirlpool && !markOrb(itOrbWater))
oceanCurrents(nat, m, delta);
if(m->base->land == laWhirlwind)
airCurrents(nat, m, delta);
if(rosedist(m->base) == 1)
roseCurrents(nat, m, delta);
if(mgo > 1) mgo = 1;
if(mgo < -1) mgo = -1;
if(!canmove) mgo = 0;
playergo[cpid] = mgo * SCALE * delta / 600;
bool go = false;
cell *c2 = m->base;
if(blown) {
playergo[cpid] = -SCALE * delta / 1000.;
playerturn[cpid] = 0;
m->footphase += playergo[cpid];
if(isReptile(m->base->wall)) m->base->wparam = reptilemax();
for(int igo=0; igo<IGO && !go; igo++) {
go = true;
nat = nat * spin(igospan[igo]) * xpush(playergo[cpid]) * spin(-igospan[igo]);
// spin(span[igo]) * xpush(playergo[cpid]) * spin(-span[igo]);
c2 = m->findbase(nat);
if(reflectflag & P_MIRRORWALL) reflect(c2, m, nat);
// don't have several players in one spot
// also don't let them run too far from each other!
monster* crashintomon = m->isVirtual ? NULL : playerCrash(m, nat*C0);
if(crashintomon) go = false;
if(go && c2 != m->base) {
if(c2->wall == waLake && markOrb(itOrbWinter) && !nonAdjacent(c2, m->base)) {
c2->wall = waFrozenLake;
if(HEAT(c2) > .5) HEAT(c2) = .5;
else if(c2->wall == waBigStatue && canPushStatueOn(m->base) && !nonAdjacent(c2, m->base)) {
c2->wall = m->base->wall;
m->base->wall = waChasm;
else {
m->base->wall = waBigStatue;
animateMovement(c2, m->base, LAYER_BOAT);
else if(m->inBoat && !isWateryOrBoat(c2) && passable(c2, m->base, P_ISPLAYER | P_MIRROR | reflectflag)) {
if(boatGoesThrough(c2) && markOrb(itOrbWater)) {
c2->wall = isIcyLand(m->base) ? waLake : waSea;
else {
m->base->wall = waBoat, m->base->mondir = dirfromto(m->base, c2);
else if(boatStrandable(m->base))
m->base->wall = waStrandedBoat;
else if(boatStrandable(c2))
m->base->wall = waStrandedBoat;
m->inBoat = false;
else if(c2->wall == waThumperOn && !nonAdjacent(c2, m->base)) {
int sd = dirfromto(c2, m->base);
int subdir = 1;
double bestd = 9999;
for(int di=-1; di<2; di+=2) {
cell *c = getMovR(c2, sd+di);
if(!c) continue;
if(m->isVirtual || !gmatrix.count(c)) continue;
double d = intval(gmatrix[c] * C0, m->pat * C0);
// printf("di=%d d=%lf\n", di, d);
if(d<bestd) bestd=d, subdir = di;
cellwalker push(c2, dirfromto(c2, m->base));
cwspin(push, 3 * -subdir); cwstep(push);
if(!canPushThumperOn(push.c, c2, m->base) && c2->type == 7) {
cwspin(push, 1 * -subdir);
if(!canPushThumperOn(push.c, c2, m->base)) {
go = false;
else pushThumper(c2, push.c);
else if(c2->wall == waRose && !nonAdjacent(m->base, c2)) {
m->dead = true;
go = false;
else if(
(blown ? !passable(c2, m->base, P_ISPLAYER | P_BLOW) : !passable(c2, m->base, P_ISPLAYER | P_MIRROR | reflectflag)) &&
!(isWatery(c2) && m->inBoat && !nonAdjacent(m->base,c2)))
go = false;
if(!go || abs(playergo[cpid]) < 1e-3 || abs(playerturn[cpid]) > 1e-3) bulltime[cpid] = curtime;
if(go) {
if(c2 != m->base) {
if(cellUnstable(m->base) && !markOrb(itOrbAether))
if(items[itOrbFire]) {
if(makeflame(m->base, 10, false)) markOrb(itOrbFire);
if(isIcyLand(m->base) && m->base->wall == waNone && markOrb(itOrbWinter)) {
invismove = false;
m->base->wall = waIcewall;
if(items[itOrbDigging]) {
int d = dirfromto(m->base, c2);
if(d >= 0 && earthMove(m->base, d)) markOrb(itOrbDigging);
cwt.c = c2; afterplayermoved();
if(c2->item && c2->land == laAlchemist) c2->wall = m->base->wall;
if(m->base->wall == waRoundTable)
if(c2->wall == waCloud || c2->wall == waMirror) {
cellwalker cw(c2, 0, false);
mirror::createHere(cw, cpid);
mirror::breakMirror(cw, cpid);
awakenMimics(m, c2);
if(c2->wall == waGlass && items[itOrbAether]) {
items[itOrbAether] = 0;
addMessage(XLAT("Your Aether powers are drained by %the1!", c2->wall));
movecost(m->base, c2);
bool nomine = (c2->wall == waMineMine || c2->wall == waMineUnknown) && markOrb(itOrbAether);
if(!nomine) {
items[itBombEgg] < 20 ? 1 :
items[itBombEgg] < 30 ? 2 :
3, 0
if(c2->wall == waMineMine && !markOrb(itOrbWinter)) {
items[itOrbLife] = 0;
m->dead = true;
mayExplodeMine(c2, moPlayer);
if(isWatery(c2) && isWatery(m->base) && m->inBoat)
moveItem(m->base, c2, true);
destroyWeakBranch(m->base, c2, moPlayer);
if(c2->wall == waClosePlate || c2->wall == waOpenPlate)
toggleGates(c2, c2->wall);
if(c2->item == itOrbYendor && !peace::on) yendor::check(c2);
if(go) m->rebasePat(nat);
else m->rebasePat(nat0);
if(m->base->wall == waBoat && !m->inBoat) {
m->inBoat = true; m->base->wall = waSea;
if(m->base->wall == waStrandedBoat && !m->inBoat && markOrb(itOrbWater)) {
m->inBoat = true; m->base->wall = waSea;
if(m->inBoat && boatStrandable(c2)) {
c2->wall = waStrandedBoat;
m->inBoat = false;
if(!markOrb(itOrbAether)) {
if(m->base->wall == waChasm || m->base->wall == waClosedGate)
m->dead = true;
if(isWatery(m->base) && !m->inBoat && !markOrb(itOrbFish))
m->dead = true;
if(isFire(m->base) && !markOrb(itOrbWinter))
m->dead = true;
landvisited[m->base->land] = true;
playerfire[cpid] = false;
if(items[itOrbHorns] && !m->isVirtual) {
hyperpoint H = hornpos(cpid);
for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) {
if(m2 == m) continue;
double d = intval(m2->pat*C0, H);
if(d < SCALE2 * 0.1) {
killMonster(m2, moPlayer);
else if(hornStuns(m2->type))
m2->stunoff = max(m2->stunoff, curtime + 150);
for(int b=0; b<2; b++) if(sword::orbcount(b) && !m->isVirtual) {
for(double d=0; d<=1.001; d += .1) {
hyperpoint H = swordpos(cpid, b, d);
for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) {
if(m2 == m) continue;
double d = intval(m2->pat*C0, H);
if(d < SCALE2 * 0.1) {
if(swordKills(m2->type) && !(isBullet(m2) && m2->pid == cpid))
killMonster(m2, moPlayer);
cell *c3 = findbaseAroundRepeat(H, m->base);
if(c3->wall == waSmallTree || c3->wall == waBigTree || c3->wall == waBarrowDig || c3->wall == waCavewall ||
(c3->wall == waBarrowWall && items[itBarrow] >= 25))
c3->wall = waNone;
else if(isWall(c3)) break;
if(shotkey && canmove && curtime >= m->nextshot) {
if(items[itOrbFlash]) {
killMonster(m->base, moNone);
cwt.c = m->base;
if(items[itOrbLightning]) {
killMonster(m->base, moLightningBolt);
cwt.c = m->base;
playerfire[cpid] = true;
m->nextshot = curtime + (250 + 250 * players);
if(dropgreen && m->base->item == itNone)
monster *getPlayer() {
return pc[cpid];
void virtualize(monster *m) {
if(doall) forCellCM(c2, m->base) if(!gmatrix.count(c2)) {
m->isVirtual = true;
m->pat = m->at;
bool reflectmatrix(transmatrix& M, cell *c1, cell *c2, bool onlypos) {
if(!gmatrix.count(c1) || !gmatrix.count(c2)) return false;
transmatrix H = inverse(gmatrix[c1]) * gmatrix[c2];
transmatrix S = spintox(tC0(H));
ld d = hdist0(tC0(H));
transmatrix T = xpush(-d/2) * S * inverse(gmatrix[c1]) * M;
if(onlypos && tC0(T)[0] < 0) return false;
M = gmatrix[c1] * inverse(S) * xpush(d/2) * MirrorX * T;
return true;
void reflect(cell*& c2, monster *m, transmatrix& nat) {
if(c2 != m->base && c2->wall == waMirrorWall && inmirror(c2)) {
if(reflectmatrix(nat, m->base, c2, false))
c2 = m->base;
if(c2 == m->base && inmirror(c2)) {
forCellEx(c3, c2) if(c3->land == laMirrorWall) {
cell *c1 = m->base;
m->base = c3;
reflect(c3, m, nat);
m->base = c1;
c2 = c3;
if(c2 == m->base && c2->wall == waMirrorWall && c2->land == laMirrorWall) {
int d = mirror::mirrordir(c2);
if(d != -1) {
for(int k=0; k<7; k++) {
cell *ca = createMovR(c2, d-k);
cell *cb = createMovR(c2, d+k);
if(ca->land == laMirror && inmirror(cb)) {
reflectmatrix(nat, ca, cb, true);
else {
for(int k=0; k<6; k++) {
cell *cb = createMovR(c2, k+1);
cell *cc = createMovR(c2, k+2);
if(cb->land != laMirrorWall || cc->land != laMirrorWall) continue;
cell *ca = createMovR(c2, k);
cell *cd = createMovR(c2, k+3);
reflectmatrix(nat, cc, ca, true);
for(int limit=0; limit<10 && reflectmatrix(nat, cb, cd, true) && reflectmatrix(nat, cc, ca, true); limit++);
void moveMimic(monster *m) {
transmatrix nat = m->pat;
cpid = m->pid;
m->footphase = getPlayer()->footphase;
// no need to care about Mirror images, as they already have their 'at' matrix reversed :|
nat = nat * spin(playerturn[cpid]) * xpush(playergo[cpid]);
cell *c2 = m->findbase(nat);
reflect(c2, m, nat);
if(c2 != m->base && !passable(c2, m->base, P_ISPLAYER | P_MIRROR | P_MIRRORWALL))
killMonster(m, moNone);
else {
if(playerfire[cpid]) shootBullet(m);
if(c2->wall == waCloud || c2->wall == waMirror) {
cellwalker cw(c2, 0, false);
mirror::createHere(cw, cpid);
mirror::breakMirror(cw, -1);
awakenMimics(m, c2);
if(!doall && c2->cpdist >= 6)
m->dead = true;
bool isPlayerOrImage(eMonster m) {
return isMimic(m) || m == moPlayer;
monster *parentOrSelf(monster *m) {
return m->parent ? m->parent : m;
bool verifyTeleport() {
if(!on) return true;
if(playerCrash(pc[cpid], mouseh)) return false;
return true;
void destroyMimics() {
for(monster *m: active)
m->dead = true;
void teleported() {
monster *m = pc[cpid];
m->base = cwt.c;
m->at = rgpushxto0(inverse(gmatrix[cwt.c]) * mouseh) * spin(rand() % 1000 * M_PI / 2000);
void shoot(eItem it, monster *m) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at * rspintox(inverse(m->pat) * mouseh);
bullet->type = it == itOrbDragon ? moFireball : it == itOrbAir ? moAirball : moBullet;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->pid = m->pid;
bullet->parenttype = m->type;
eItem targetRangedOrbKey(orbAction a) {
hyperpoint h = mouseh;
cell *b = mouseover;
monster *mt = mousetarget;
mouseh = keytarget(cpid);
mouseover = pc[cpid]->base;
while(true) {
cell *c2 = findbaseAround(mouseh, mouseover);
if(c2 == mouseover) break;
mouseover = c2;
mousetarget = NULL;
for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) {
if(m2->dead) continue;
if(rogueviz::virt(m2)) continue;
if(!mousetarget || intval(mouseh, mousetarget->pat*C0) > intval(mouseh, m2->pat*C0))
mousetarget = m2;
eItem r = targetRangedOrb(mouseover, a);
// printf("A%d i %d h %p t %p ov %s => %s\n", a, cpid, mouseover, mousetarget, display(mouseh), dnameof(r));
mouseh = h;
mousetarget = mt;
mouseover = b;
return r;
eItem targetRangedOrb(orbAction a) {
if(!on) return itNone;
monster *wpc = pc[cpid];
if(a != roCheck && !wpc) return itNone;
if(items[itOrbPsi] && shmup::mousetarget && intval(mouseh, shmup::mousetarget->pat*C0) < SCALE2 * .1) {
if(a == roCheck) return itOrbPsi;
addMessage(XLAT("You kill %the1 with a mental blast!", mousetarget->type));
killMonster(mousetarget, moNone);
items[itOrbPsi] -= 30;
if(items[itOrbPsi]<0) items[itOrbPsi] = 0;
return itOrbPsi;
if(items[itOrbStunning] && shmup::mousetarget && intval(mouseh, shmup::mousetarget->pat*C0) < SCALE2 * .1) {
if(a == roCheck) return itOrbStunning;
mousetarget->stunoff = curtime + 1000;
items[itOrbStunning] -= 10;
if(items[itOrbStunning]<0) items[itOrbStunning] = 0;
return itOrbStunning;
if(on && items[itOrbDragon]) {
if(a == roCheck) return itOrbDragon;
shoot(itOrbDragon, wpc);
return itOrbDragon;
if(on && items[itOrbAir]) {
if(a == roCheck) return itOrbAir;
shoot(itOrbAir, wpc);
return itOrbAir;
if(on && items[itOrbIllusion]) {
if(a == roCheck) return itOrbIllusion;
shoot(itOrbIllusion, wpc);
return itOrbIllusion;
return itNone;
int speedfactor() {
return items[itOrbSpeed]?2:1;
void moveBullet(monster *m, int delta) {
cpid = m->pid;
transmatrix nat0 = m->pat;
transmatrix nat = m->pat;
if(isReptile(m->base->wall)) m->base->wparam = reptilemax();
if(m->type == moFlailBullet) {
m->vel -= delta / speedfactor() / 600000.0;
if(m->vel < 0 && m->parent) {
// return to the flailer!
nat = nat * rspintox(inverse(m->pat) * m->parent->pat * C0) * spin(M_PI);
else if(m->type == moBullet)
m->vel = 1/300.;
else if(m->type == moFireball)
m->vel = 1/500.;
else if(m->type == moAirball)
m->vel = 1/200.;
else if(m->type == moTongue) {
m->vel = 1/1500.;
if(m->isVirtual || !m->parent || intval(nat*C0, m->parent->pat*C0) > SCALE2 * 0.4)
m->dead = true;
nat = nat * xpush(delta * SCALE * m->vel / speedfactor());
cell *c2 = m->findbase(nat);
if(isActivable(c2)) activateActiv(c2, true);
// knives break mirrors and clouds
if(c2->wall == waCloud || c2->wall == waMirror) {
cellwalker cw(c2, 0, false);
mirror::createHere(cw, cpid);
mirror::breakMirror(cw, -1);
awakenMimics(m, c2);
reflect(c2, m, nat);
bool godragon = m->type == moFireball && isDragon(c2->monst);
if(m->type != moTongue && !(godragon || passable(c2, m->base, P_BULLET | P_MIRRORWALL))) {
m->dead = true;
if(m->type != moAirball) killMonster(c2, m->parent ? m->parent->type : moNone);
// cell *c = m->base;
if(m->parent && isPlayer(m->parent)) {
if(c2->wall == waBigTree) {
addMessage(XLAT("You start chopping down the tree."));
c2->wall = waSmallTree;
else if(c2->wall == waSmallTree) {
addMessage(XLAT("You chop down the tree."));
c2->wall = waNone;
else if(isActivable(c2))
activateActiv(c2, true);
if(m->type == moFireball) {
makeflame(c2, 20, false) || makeflame(m->base, 20, false);
// destroy stray bullets
if(!doall) for(int i=0; i<m->base->type; i++)
if(!m->base->mov[i] || !gmatrix.count(m->base->mov[i]))
m->dead = true;
// items[itOrbWinter] = 100; items[itOrbLife] = 100;
if(!m->isVirtual) for(monster* m2: nonvirtual) {
if(m2 == m || (m2 == m->parent && m->vel >= 0) || m2->parent == m->parent) continue;
// Flailers only killable by themselves
if(m2->type == moFlailer && m2 != m->parent) continue;
// be nice to your images! would be too hard otherwise...
if(isPlayerOrImage(parentOrSelf(m)->type) && isPlayerOrImage(parentOrSelf(m2)->type) &&
m2->pid == m->pid)
// fireballs/airballs don't collide
if(m->type == moFireball && m2->type == moFireball) continue;
if(m->type == moAirball && m2->type == moAirball) continue;
double d = intval(m2->pat*C0, m->pat*C0);
if(d < SCALE2 * 0.1) {
if(m->type == moAirball && isBlowableMonster(m2->type)) {
if(m2->blowoff < curtime) {
hyperpoint h = inverse(m2->pat) * nat0 * C0;
m2->swordangle += atan2(h[1], h[0]);
m2->rebasePat(m2->pat * rspintox(h));
m2->blowoff = curtime + 1000;
// Hedgehog Warriors only killable outside of the 45 degree angle
if(m2->type == moHedge && !peace::on) {
hyperpoint h = inverse(m2->pat) * m->pat * C0;
if(h[0] > fabsl(h[1])) { m->dead = true; continue; }
if(peace::on && !isIvy(m2->type)) {
m->dead = true;
m2->stunoff = curtime + 600;
if((m2->type == moPalace || m2->type == moFatGuard || m2->type == moSkeleton ||
m2->type == moVizier || isMetalBeast(m2->type) || m2->type == moTortoise ||
m2->type == moReptile) && m2->hitpoints > 1) {
m2->rebasePat(m2->pat * rspintox(inverse(m2->pat) * nat0 * C0));
if(m2->type != moSkeleton && !isMetalBeast(m2->type) && m2->type != moReptile)
m->dead = true;
if(m2->type == moVizier) ;
else if(m2->type == moFatGuard)
m2->stunoff = curtime + 600;
else if(m2->type == moMetalBeast || m2->type == moMetalBeast2)
m2->stunoff = curtime + 3000;
else if(m2->type == moReptile)
m2->stunoff = curtime + 3000;
else if(m2->type == moTortoise)
m2->stunoff = curtime + 3000;
else if(m2->type == moSkeleton && m2->base->land != laPalace)
m2->stunoff = curtime + 2100;
m2->stunoff = curtime + 900;
// conventional missiles cannot hurt some monsters
bool conv = (m->type == moBullet || m->type == moFlailBullet || m->type == moTongue);
if(m2->type == moGreater && conv) {
m->dead = true;
if(m2->type == moRoseBeauty && conv && !markOrb(itOrbBeauty)) {
m->dead = true;
if(m2->type == moDraugr && conv) {
m->dead = true;
if(isBull(m2->type) && conv) {
m->dead = true;
// enrage herd bulls, awaken sleeping bulls
m2->type = moRagingBull;
// Knights reflect bullets
if(m2->type == moKnight) {
if(m->parent) {
nat = nat * rspintox(inverse(m->pat) * m->parent->pat * C0);
m->parent = m2;
m->dead = true;
if(m->type == moFireball) makeflame(m->base, 20, false);
// Orb of Winter protects from fireballs
if(m->type == moFireball && ((isPlayer(m2) && markOrb(itOrbWinter)) || m2->type == moWitchWinter))
bool revive = m2->type == moMirrorSpirit && !m2->dead;
killMonster(m2, m->parent ? m->parent->type : moNone);
if(revive && m2->dead) {
hyperpoint closerTo;
bool closer(monster *m1, monster *m2) {
return intval(m1->pat*C0, closerTo) < intval(m2->pat*C0, closerTo);
bool dragonbreath(cell *dragon) {
int randplayer = hrand(numplayers());
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = dragon;
bullet->at = rspintox(inverse(gmatrix[dragon]) * pc[randplayer]->pat * C0);
bullet->type = moFireball;
bullet->parent = bullet;
bullet->pid = randplayer;
return true;
#define CHARGING (-777)
#define BULLSTUN (1500)
void moveMonster(monster *m, int delta) {
bool stunned = m->stunoff > curtime || m->blowoff > curtime;
if(stunned && cellUnstable(m->base))
if(isReptile(m->base->wall)) m->base->wparam = reptilemax();
if(m->base->wall == waChasm && !survivesChasm(m->type) && m->type != moReptile)
killMonster(m, moNone, AF_FALL);
if(m->base->wall == waRose && !survivesThorns(m->type))
killMonster(m, moNone);
if(isWatery(m->base) && !survivesWater(m->type) && !m->inBoat && m->type != moReptile)
killMonster(m, moNone);
if(isFire(m->base) && !survivesFire(m->type))
killMonster(m, moNone);
if(m->base->wall == waClosedGate && !survivesWall(m->type))
killMonster(m, moNone);
if(m->dead) return;
cell *c = m->base;
transmatrix goal = gmatrix[c];
bool direct = false; // is there a direct path to the target?
int directi = 0; // which player has direct path (to set as pid in missiles)
double step = SCALE * delta/1000.0;
if(m->type == moWitchSpeed)
step *= 2;
else if(m->type == moEagle)
step *= 1.6;
else if(m->type == moLancer)
step *= 1.25;
else if(isDemon(m->type)) {
if(m->type == moLesserM) m->type = moLesser;
if(m->type == moGreaterM) m->type = moGreater;
step /= 2;
else if(m->type == moMetalBeast || m->type == moMetalBeast2)
step /= 2;
else if(m->type == moTortoise && peace::on)
step = 0;
else if(m->type == moTortoise)
step /= 3;
else if(isBull(m->type))
step *= 1.5;
if(items[itOrbBeauty] && !m->isVirtual) {
bool nearplayer = false;
for(int pid=0; pid<players; pid++) if(!pc[pid]->isVirtual) {
double dist = intval(pc[pid]->pat*C0, m->pat*C0);
if(dist < SCALE2) nearplayer = true;
if(nearplayer) markOrb(itOrbBeauty), step /= 2;
if(m->isVirtual) return;
transmatrix nat = m->pat;
if(stunned) {
if(m->blowoff > curtime) {
step = SCALE * -delta / 1000.;
else if(m->type == moFatGuard || m->type == moTortoise || m->type == moRagingBull)
step = 0;
else if(m->type == moReptile)
step = SCALE * -delta / 1000. * (m->stunoff - curtime) / 3000.;
else step = SCALE * -delta/2000.;
else if(m->type == moRagingBull && m->stunoff == CHARGING) ;
else {
if(m->type == moSleepBull && !m->isVirtual) {
for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) if(m2!=m && m2->type != moBullet) {
double d = intval(m2->pat*C0, nat*C0);
if(d < SCALE2*3 && m2->type == moPlayer) m->type = moRagingBull;
if(m->type == moWitchFlash) for(int pid=0; pid<players; pid++) {
if(pc[pid]->isVirtual) continue;
if(m->isVirtual) continue;
bool okay = intval(pc[pid]->pat*C0, m->pat*C0) < 2 * SCALE2;
for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) {
if(m2 != m && isWitch(m2->type) && intval(m2->pat*C0, m->pat*C0) < 2 * SCALE2)
okay = false;
if(okay) {
addMessage(XLAT("%The1 activates her Flash spell!", m->type));
activateFlashFrom(m->base, moWitchFlash, AF_MAGIC | AF_GETPLAYER | AF_MSG);
m->type = moWitch;
pc[pid]->dead = true;
if(isBug(m->type)) {
vector<monster*> bugtargets;
for(monster *m2: nonvirtual)
if(m2->type != m->type)
if(!isPlayer(m2) || !invismove)
closerTo = m->pat * C0;
sort(bugtargets.begin(), bugtargets.end(), closer);
for(monster *m2: bugtargets)
if(m->trackroute(m2->pat, step)) {
goal = m2->pat;
direct = true;
else if(m->type == moWolf && !peace::on) {
cell *cnext = c;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
if(c2 && gmatrix.count(c2) && HEAT(c2) > HEAT(c) && isIcyLand(c2) && passable(c2, c, 0))
cnext = c2;
goal = gmatrix[cnext];
direct = true;
directi = 0;
else if(m->type == moHerdBull) {
cell *cnext = prairie::next(c);
if(cnext && gmatrix.count(cnext)) {
goal = gmatrix[cnext];
direct = true;
directi = 0;
else m->dead = true;
else if(m->type == moButterfly) {
int d = neighborId(m->base, m->torigin);
cell *cnext = NULL;
for(int u=2; u<m->base->type; u++) {
cell *c2 = createMov(m->base, (d+u) % m->base->type);
if(passable_for(m->type, c2, m->base, P_ONPLAYER)) {
cnext = c2;
if(cnext && gmatrix.count(cnext)) {
goal = gmatrix[cnext];
direct = true;
directi = 0;
else if(!direct && !invismove && !peace::on) {
for(int i=0; i<players; i++)
if(m->trackroute(pc[i]->pat, step) && (!direct || intval(pc[i]->pat*C0, m->pat*C0) < intval(goal*C0,m->pat*C0))) {
goal = pc[i]->pat;
direct = true;
directi = i;
// m->trackrouteView(pc->pat, step);
if(!direct && !peace::on) while(true) {
if(m->trackroute(gmatrix[c], step))
goal = gmatrix[c];
cell *cnext = c;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
if(c2 && gmatrix.count(c2) && c2->pathdist < c->pathdist &&
passable_for(m->type, c2, c, P_CHAIN | P_ONPLAYER))
cnext = c2;
if(cnext == c) break;
c = cnext;
if(m->type == moHedge) {
hyperpoint h = inverse(m->pat) * goal * C0;
if(h[1] < 0)
nat = nat * spin(M_PI * delta / 3000 / speedfactor());
nat = nat * spin(M_PI * -delta / 3000 / speedfactor());
// at most 45 degrees
if(h[0] < fabsl(h[1])) return;
else if(!peace::on) {
nat = nat * rspintox(inverse(m->pat) * goal * C0);
if(m->type == moVampire && !m->isVirtual) for(int i=0; i<players; i++)
if(!pc[i]->isVirtual && intval(m->pat*C0, pc[i]->pat*C0) < SCALE2 * 2) {
for(int i=0; i<ittypes; i++)
if(itemclass(eItem(i)) == IC_ORB && items[i] && items[itOrbTime] && !orbused[i])
orbused[i] = true;
step = 0;
bool carried = false;
if(c->land == laWhirlpool && (m->type == moShark || m->type == moCShark || m->type == moPirate))
oceanCurrents(nat, m, delta), carried = true;
if(m->base->land == laWhirlwind)
airCurrents(nat, m, delta), carried = true;
if(rosedist(m->base) == 1)
roseCurrents(nat, m, delta), carried = true;
step /= speedfactor();
int igo = 0;
transmatrix nat0 = nat;
if(igo == IGO && peace::on)
nat0 = nat0 * spin(rand() % 16);
else if(igo >= IGO) {
if(m->type == moHerdBull) m->type = moRagingBull;
if(igo == 1 && m->type == moRagingBull && m->stunoff == CHARGING) {
m->stunoff = curtime + BULLSTUN;
nat = nat0 * spin(igospan[igo]) * xpush(step) * spin(-igospan[igo]);; // * spintox(wherePC);
if(m->type != moRagingBull && !peace::on)
if(intval(nat*C0, goal*C0) >= intval(m->pat*C0, goal*C0) && !stunned && !carried) {
igo++; goto igo_retry; }
for(int i=0; i<multi::players; i++) for(int b=0; b<2; b++) if(sword::orbcount(b)) {
if(pc[i]->isVirtual) continue;
hyperpoint H = swordpos(i, b, 1);
double d = intval(H, nat*C0);
if(d < SCALE2 * 0.12) { igo++; goto igo_retry; }
m->footphase += step;
monster* crashintomon = NULL;
if(!m->isVirtual) for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) if(m2!=m && m2->type != moBullet) {
double d = intval(m2->pat*C0, nat*C0);
if(d < SCALE2 * 0.1) crashintomon = m2;
for(int i=0; i<players; i++)
if(crashintomon == pc[i])
pc[i]->dead = true;
if(peace::on) ;
else if(crashintomon && isMimic(crashintomon->type)) {
killMonster(crashintomon, m->type);
crashintomon = NULL;
else if(crashintomon && (
items[itOrbDiscord] || isBull(m->type) ||
((isBug(m->type) || isBug(crashintomon->type)) && m->type != crashintomon->type))
&& !isBullet(crashintomon)) {
if(noncrashable(crashintomon, m)) {
if(isBull(crashintomon->type)) crashintomon->type = moRagingBull;
else {
killMonster(crashintomon, m->type, isBull(m->type) ? AF_BULL : 0);
crashintomon = NULL;
if(crashintomon) { igo++; goto igo_retry; }
cell *c2 = m->findbase(nat);
if(reflectflag & P_MIRRORWALL) reflect(c2, m, nat);
if(m->type == moButterfly && !passable_for(m->type, c2, m->base, P_CHAIN | reflectflag)) {
igo++; goto igo_retry;
if(isPlayerOn(c2) && !peace::on) {
bool usetongue = false;
if(isSlimeMover(m->type) || m->type == moWaterElemental) usetongue = true;
if(isWatery(c2) && !survivesWater(m->type) && !m->inBoat) usetongue = true;
if(c2->wall == waChasm && !survivesChasm(m->type)) usetongue = true;
if(isFire(c2) && !survivesFire(m->type) && !m->inBoat) usetongue = true;
if(isBird(m->type) && !passable_for(moEagle, c2, c, 0)) usetongue = true;
if(usetongue) {
if(curtime < m->nextshot) return;
// m->nextshot = curtime + 25;
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at;
bullet->type = moTongue;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->parenttype = m->type;
bullet->pid = whichPlayerOn(c2);
if(!ignoresPlates(m->type)) destroyWeakBranch(m->base, c2, m->type);
if(c2 != m->base && (c2->wall == waClosePlate || c2->wall == waOpenPlate) && !ignoresPlates(m->type))
toggleGates(c2, c2->wall, 3);
if(c2 != m->base && mayExplodeMine(c2, m->type))
killMonster(m, moNone);
if(c2 != m->base && c2->wall == waRose && !nonAdjacent(m->base, c2) && !survivesThorns(m->type))
killMonster(m, moNone);
if(c2 != m->base && cellUnstable(m->base) && !ignoresPlates(m->type))
if(c2 != m->base && m->type == moWitchFire) makeflame(m->base, 10, false);
if(c2 != m->base && m->type == moFireElemental) makeflame(m->base, 20, false);
if(c2 != m->base && m->type == moWaterElemental) placeWater(c2, m->base);
if(c2 != m->base && m->type == moEarthElemental) {
int d = dirfromto(m->base, c2);
if(d >= 0) earthMove(m->base, d);
if(m->type == moReptile && c2 != m->base) {
if(c2->wall == waChasm) {
c2->wall = waReptile;
c2->wparam = reptilemax();
playSound(c, "click");
m->dead = true;
else if(isChasmy(c2) || isWatery(c2)) {
c2->wall = waReptileBridge;
c2->item = itNone;
c2->wparam = reptilemax();
playSound(c, "click");
m->dead = true;
if(c2 != m->base && m->type == moNecromancer && !c2->monst) {
for(int i=0; i<m->base->type; i++) {
cell *c3 = m->base->mov[i];
if(dirfromto(c3, c2) != -1 && c3->wall == waFreshGrave && gmatrix.count(c3)) {
bool monstersNear = false;
for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) {
if(m2 != m && intval(m2->pat*C0, gmatrix[c3]*C0) < SCALE2 * .3)
monstersNear = true;
if(m2 != m && intval(m2->pat*C0, gmatrix[c2]*C0) < SCALE2 * .3)
monstersNear = true;
if(!monstersNear) {
monster* undead = new monster;
undead->base = c2;
undead->at = Id;
undead->type = moZombie;
undead->parent = m;
undead->parenttype = m->type;
undead->pid = 0;
undead = new monster;
undead->base = c3;
undead->at = Id;
undead->type = moGhost;
undead->parent = m;
undead->parenttype = m->type;
undead->pid = 0;
c3->wall = waAncientGrave;
addMessage(XLAT("%The1 raises some undead!", m->type));
if(m->type == moGreaterShark) {
if(c2->wall == waBoat)
c2->wall = waNone;
if(c2->wall == waFrozenLake)
c2->wall = waLake;
if(m->type == moDarkTroll && c2->wall == waCavefloor) {
m->type = moTroll;
if(isLeader(m->type)) {
if(c2 != m->base) {
if(c2->wall == waBigStatue && canPushStatueOn(m->base)) {
c2->wall = m->base->wall;
m->base->wall = waChasm;
m->base->wall = waBigStatue;
animateMovement(c2, m->base, LAYER_BOAT);
if(passable_for(m->type, c2, m->base, P_CHAIN | P_ONPLAYER | reflectflag) && !isWatery(c2) && m->inBoat) {
m->base->wall = waBoat, m->base->mondir = dirfromto(m->base, c2);
else if(boatStrandable(c2)) c2->wall = waStrandedBoat;
else if(boatStrandable(m->base)) m->base->wall = waStrandedBoat;
m->inBoat = false;
if(isWatery(c2) && isWatery(m->base) && m->inBoat)
moveItem(m->base, c2, true);
if(c2->wall == waBoat && !m->inBoat) {
m->inBoat = true; c2->wall = waSea;
m->base = c2;
if(peace::on && c2->mpdist > 7) return;
if(!(m->type == moRoseBeauty && c2->land != laRose)) {
if(stunned ? passable(c2, m->base, P_BLOW | reflectflag) : passable_for(m->type, c2, m->base, P_CHAIN | reflectflag)) {
if(c2 != m->base && m->type == moButterfly)
m->torigin = m->base;
if(m->type == moRagingBull && step > 1e-6) m->stunoff = CHARGING;
else {
if(peace::on) { igo++; goto igo_retry; }
if(m->type == moRagingBull && m->stunoff == CHARGING)
m->stunoff = curtime + BULLSTUN;
if(direct) {
if((m->type == moPyroCultist || m->type == moCrystalSage) && curtime >= m->nextshot) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at;
bullet->type = moFireball;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->pid = directi;
if(m->type == moPyroCultist)
m->type = moCultist;
m->nextshot = curtime + 100;
if(m->type == moOutlaw && curtime >= m->nextshot) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at;
bullet->type = moBullet;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->parenttype = moOutlaw;
bullet->pid = directi;
m->nextshot = curtime + 1500;
for(int i=0; i<players; i++) if(!pc[i]->isVirtual)
if((m->type == moAirElemental) && curtime >= m->nextshot && intval(m->pat*C0, pc[i]->pat*C0) < SCALE2 * 2) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at;
bullet->type = moAirball;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->pid = i;
m->nextshot = curtime + 1500;
for(int i=0; i<players; i++) if(!pc[i]->isVirtual)
if(m->type == moTortoise && tortoise::seek() && !tortoise::diff(getBits(m->torigin)) && intval(m->pat*C0, pc[i]->pat*C0) < SCALE2) {
items[itBabyTortoise] += 4;
m->dead = true;
addMessage(XLAT(playergender() == GEN_F ? "You are now a tortoise heroine!" : "You are now a tortoise hero!"));
for(int i=0; i<players; i++) if(!pc[i]->isVirtual)
if(m->type == moFlailer && curtime >= m->nextshot &&
intval(m->pat*C0, pc[i]->pat*C0) < SCALE2 * 2) {
m->nextshot = curtime + 3500;
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at;
bullet->type = moFlailBullet;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->vel = 1/400.0;
bullet->pid = i;
void activateMonstersAt(cell *c) {
pair<mit, mit> p =
for(mit it = p.first; it != p.second;) {
mit itplus = it;
it = itplus;
if(c->monst && isMimic(c->monst)) c->monst = moNone;
// mimics are awakened by awakenMimics
if(c->monst && !isIvy(c) && !isWorm(c) && !isMutantIvy(c) && !isKraken(c->monst) && c->monst != moPrincess) {
// awaken as a monster
monster *enemy = new monster;
enemy->at = Id;
enemy->base = c;
if(enemy->type == moButterfly)
enemy->torigin = createMov(c, (c->mondir + 419) % c->type);
enemy->torigin = c;
enemy->type = c->monst;
enemy->hitpoints = c->hitpoints;
if(c->wall == waBoat && isLeader(c->monst))
enemy->inBoat = true, c->wall = waSea;
c->monst = moNone;
void fixStorage() {
vector<monster*> restore;
for(auto it = monstersAt.begin(); it != monstersAt.end(); it++)
if(it->second->base != it->first) {
for(monster *m: restore) m->store();
void turn(int delta) {
lmousetarget = NULL;
if(mousetarget && !mousetarget->isVirtual && intval(mouseh, mousetarget->pat*C0) < 0.1)
lmousetarget = mousetarget;
if(delta > 1000) delta = 1000;
if(delta > 200) { turn(200); delta -= 200; if(!delta) return; }
curtime += delta;
invismove = (curtime >= visibleAt) && markOrb(itOrbInvis);
// detect active monsters
for(cell *c: currentmap->allcells()) activateMonstersAt(c);
for(unordered_map<cell*, transmatrix>::iterator it = gmatrix.begin(); it != gmatrix.end(); it++)
/* printf("size: gmatrix = %ld, active = %ld, monstersAt = %ld, delta = %d\n",
gmatrix.size(), active.size(), monstersAt.size(),
delta); */
bool exists[motypes];
for(int i=0; i<motypes; i++) exists[i] = false;
for(monster *m: active) {
if(m->isVirtual) continue;
else nonvirtual.push_back(m);
exists[movegroup(m->type)] = true;
for(monster *m: active) {
switch(m->type) {
case moPlayer:
movePlayer(m, delta);
case moBullet: case moFlailBullet: case moFireball: case moTongue: case moAirball:
moveBullet(m, delta);
default: ;
for(monster *m: active) {
for(int t=1; t<motypes; t++) if(exists[t]) {
// build the path data
int pqs = size(pathq);
for(int i=0; i<pqs; i++) {
pathq[i]->pathdist = PINFD;
for(int i=0; i<size(targets); i++) {
targets[i]->pathdist = isPlayerOn(targets[i]) ? 0 : 1;
int qb = 0;
for(qb=0; qb < size(pathq); qb++) {
cell *c = pathq[qb];
int d = c->pathdist;
if(d == PINFD-1) continue;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
// printf("i=%d cd=%d\n", i, c->mov[i]->cpdist);
if(c2 && c2->pathdist == PINFD && gmatrix.count(c2) &&
(passable_for(eMonster(t), c, c2, P_CHAIN | P_ONPLAYER) || c->wall == waThumperOn)) {
c2->pathdist = d+1;
// printf("time %d, t=%d, q=%d\n", curtime, t, qb);
// move monsters of this type
for(monster *m: nonvirtual)
if(movegroup(m->type) == t)
moveMonster(m, delta);
if(shmup::on) {
bool tick = curtime >= nextmove;
keepLightning = ticks <= lightat + 1000;
cwt.c = pc[0]->base;
bfs(); moverefresh(tick);
for(int i=0; i<players; i++)
heat::processheat(delta / 350.0);
if((havewhat&HF_DRAGON) && curtime >= nextdragon) {
groupmove(moDragonHead, 0);
nextdragon = curtime + 1500;
if(tick) {
nextmove += 1000;
if(items[itOrbBull]) for(int p=0; p<players; p++)
if(bulltime[p] < curtime - 600) orbbull::gainBullPowers();
if(!((items[itOrbSpeed]/players) & 1)) {
if(havewhat&HF_KRAKEN) kraken::attacks(), groupmove(moKrakenH, 0);
if(havewhat&HF_HEX) movehex(false);
if(havewhat&HF_WHIRLPOOL) whirlpool::move();
if(havewhat&HF_WHIRLWIND) whirlwind::move();
if(havewhat&HF_RIVER) prairie::move();
if(recallCell && !markOrb(itOrbRecall)) activateRecall();
if(elec::havecharge) elec::act();
bool lastcanmove = canmove;
canmove = true;
for(int i=0; i<players; i++) {
if(pc[i]->dead && items[itOrbShield]) {
pc[i]->dead = false;
orbused[itOrbShield] = true;
if(pc[i]->dead && items[itOrbFlash]) {
pc[i]->dead = false;
killMonster(pc[i]->base, moNone);
if(pc[i]->dead && items[itOrbLightning]) {
pc[i]->dead = false;
killMonster(pc[i]->base, moLightningBolt);
if(pc[i]->dead && items[itOrbShell]) {
pc[i]->dead = false;
useupOrb(itOrbShell, 10);
items[itOrbShield] = 1;
orbused[itOrbShield] = true;
if(pc[i]->dead && items[itOrbLife]) {
items[itOrbShield] += 3;
items[itOrbAether] += 3;
pc[i]->dead = false;
orbused[itOrbShield] = true;
if(pc[i]->dead && !lastdead) {
lastdead = pc[i]->dead;
if(lastcanmove && pc[i]->dead) showMissionScreen();
canmove = canmove && !pc[i]->dead;
for(monster *m: additional)
// deactivate all monsters
for(monster *m: active)
if(m->dead && m->type != moPlayer) {
for(monster *m2: active) if(m2->parent == m)
m2->parent = m->parent;
if(m == mousetarget) mousetarget = NULL;
if(m == lmousetarget) lmousetarget = NULL;
delete m;
else {
if(safety) {
safety = false;
void recall() {
for(int i=0; i<players; i++) {
pc[i]->base = cwt.c;
if(players == 1)
pc[i]->at = Id;
pc[i]->at = spin(2*M_PI*i/players) * xpush(firstland == laMotion ? .5 : .3) * Id;
/* ggmatrix(cwt.c);
pc[i]->findpat(); */
void init() {
for(int i=0; i<players; i++) pc[i] = NULL;
for(int i=0; i<players; i++) {
pc[i] = new monster;
pc[i]->type = moPlayer;
pc[i]->pid = i;
if(players == 1)
pc[i]->at = Id;
pc[i]->at = spin(2*M_PI*i/players) * xpush(firstland == laMotion ? .5 : .3) * Id;
pc[i]->base = cwt.c;
pc[i]->inBoat = (firstland == laCaribbean || firstland == laOcean || firstland == laLivefjord ||
firstland == laWhirlpool);
if(!safety) {
items[itOrbLife] = 3;
addMessage(XLAT("Welcome to the Shoot'em Up mode!"));
// addMessage(XLAT("F/;/Space/Enter/KP5 = fire, WASD/IJKL/Numpad = move"));
else safety = false;
bool boatAt(cell *c) {
pair<mit, mit> p =
for(mit it = p.first; it != p.second; it++) {
monster* m = it->second;
if(m->inBoat) return true;
return false;
bool drawMonster(const transmatrix& V, cell *c, const transmatrix*& Vboat, transmatrix& Vboat0, ld zlev) {
pair<mit, mit> p =
vector<monster*> monsters;
for(mit it = p.first; it != p.second; it++) {
monster* m = it->second;
if(c != m->base) continue; // may happen in RogueViz Collatz
m->pat = ggmatrix(m->base) * m->at;
transmatrix view = V * m->at;
if(!mouseout()) {
if(rogueviz::virt(m)) ; else
if(mapeditor::drawplayer || m->type != moPlayer)
if(!mousetarget || intval(mouseh, mousetarget->pat*C0) > intval(mouseh, m->pat*C0))
mousetarget = m;
if(m->inBoat) {
view = m->pat;
Vboat = &(Vboat0 = view);
if(m->type == moPlayer && items[itOrbWater]) {
queuepoly(m->pat, shBoatOuter, watercolor(0));
queuepoly(m->pat, shBoatInner, 0x0060C0FF);
else {
queuepoly(m->pat, shBoatOuter, 0xC06000FF);
queuepoly(m->pat, shBoatInner, 0x804000FF);
poly_outline =
isBullet(m) ? 0x00FFFFFF :
(isFriendly(m->type) || m->type == moPlayer) ? 0x00FF00FF : 0xFF0000FF;
int q = ptds.size();
if(q != size(ptds) && !m->inBoat) pushdown(c, q, view, zlev, true, false);
switch(m->type) {
case moPlayer:
cpid = m->pid;
drawPlayerEffects(view, c, true);
if(m->inBoat) m->footphase = 0;
if(mapeditor::drawplayer) drawMonsterType(moPlayer, c, view, 0xFFFFFFC0, m->footphase);
if(keyresult[cpid]) {
hyperpoint h = keytarget(cpid);
queuechr(h, vid.fsize, '+', iinf[keyresult[cpid]].color);
case moBullet: {
int col;
cpid = m->pid;
if(m->parenttype == moPlayer)
col = getcs().swordcolor;
else if(m->parenttype == moMimic)
col = (mirrorcolor(det(view) < 0) << 8) | 0xFF;
col = (minf[m->parenttype].color << 8) | 0xFF;
if(getcs().charid >= 4) {
queuepoly(mmscale(view, 1.15), shPHead, col);
ShadowV(view, shPHead);
else if(peace::on) {
queuepolyat(mmscale(view, 1.15), shDisk, col, PPR_MISSILE);
ShadowV(view, shPHead);
else {
transmatrix t = view * spin(curtime / 50.0);
queuepoly(mmscale(t, 1.15), shKnife, col);
ShadowV(t, shKnife);
case moTongue: {
queuepoly(mmscale(view, 1.15), shTongue, (minf[m->parenttype].color << 8) | 0xFF);
ShadowV(view, shTongue);
case moFireball: case moAirball: { // case moLightningBolt:
queuepoly(mmscale(view, 1.15), shPHead, (minf[m->type].color << 8) | 0xFF);
ShadowV(view, shPHead);
case moFlailBullet: {
transmatrix t = view * spin(curtime / 50.0);
queuepoly(mmscale(t, 1.15), shFlailMissile, (minf[m->type].color << 8) | 0xFF);
ShadowV(view, shFlailMissile);
case moRogueviz:
rogueviz::drawVertex(V, c, m);
if(m->inBoat) m->footphase = 0;
int col = minf[m->type].color;
if(m->type == moMimic)
col = mirrorcolor(det(view) < 0);
if(m->type == moSlime) {
col = winf[c->wall].color;
col |= (col >> 1);
cpid = m->pid;
if(m->stunoff > curtime)
c->stuntime = 1 + (m->stunoff - curtime-1)/300;
c->hitpoints = m->hitpoints;
if(m->type == moTortoise) tortoise::emap[c] = m->torigin;
drawMonsterType(m->type, c, view, col, m->footphase);
if(m->type == moTortoise) tortoise::emap.erase(c);
return false;
void clearMonsters() {
for(mit it = monstersAt.begin(); it != monstersAt.end(); it++)
for(monster *m: active) delete m;
mousetarget = NULL;
lmousetarget = NULL;
void clearMemory() {
curtime = 0;
nextmove = 0;
nextdragon = 0;
visibleAt = 0;
cell *playerpos(int i) {
return pc[i]->base;
bool playerInBoat(int i) {
return pc[i]->inBoat;
void destroyBoats(cell *c) {
for(monster *m: active)
if(m->base == c && m->inBoat)
m->inBoat = false;
transmatrix calc_relative_matrix(cell *c, heptagon *h1) {
transmatrix gm = Id;
heptagon *h2 = c->master;
transmatrix where = Id;
for(int d=0; d<7; d++) if(h2->c7->mov[d] == c)
where = hexmove[d];
// always add to last!
//bool hsol = false;
//transmatrix sol;
while(h1 != h2) {
for(int d=0; d<7; d++) if(h2->move[d] == h1) {
int sp = h2->spin(d);
return gm * heptmove[sp] * spin(2*M_PI*d/7) * where;
if(h1->distance < h2->distance) {
int sp = h2->spin(0);
h2 = h2->move[0];
where = heptmove[sp] * where;
else {
int sp = h1->spin(0);
h1 = h1->move[0];
gm = gm * invheptmove[sp];
/*if(hsol) {
transmatrix sol2 = gm * where;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
if(fabs(sol2[i][j]-sol[i][j] > 1e-3)) {
} */
return gm * where;
transmatrix &ggmatrix(cell *c) {
transmatrix& t = gmatrix[c];
if(t[2][2] == 0) {
if(sphere && gmatrix0.count(c))
t = gmatrix[cwt.c] * inverse(gmatrix0[cwt.c]) * gmatrix0[c];
else if(sphere) {
printf("error: gmatrix0 not known\n");
else if(torus) {
forCellIdEx(c2, i, c)
if(celldistance(c2, centerover) < celldistance(c, centerover))
t = ggmatrix(c2) * eumovedir(3+i);
else if(euclid) {
eucoord xh, yh, xc, yc;
decodeMaster(c->master, xh, yh);
decodeMaster(centerover->master, xc, yc);
short xd(xh-xc), yd(yh-yc);
t = gmatrix[centerover] * eumove(xd, yd);
/* printf("H[%d,%d] C[%d,%d] ", int(xh),int(yh), int(xc),int(yc));
printf("%d,%d t = \n", xd, yd); display(t);
printf("gmatrix0 = \n");
display(gmatrix0[c]); */
else {
t =
View * spin(viewctr.spin * 2 * M_PI / S7) * calc_relative_matrix(c, viewctr.h);
if(purehepta) t = t * pispin;
return t;
transmatrix calc_relative_matrix_help(cell *c, heptagon *h1) {
transmatrix gm = Id;
heptagon *h2 = c->master;
transmatrix where = Id;
if(!purehepta) for(int d=0; d<7; d++) if(h2->c7->mov[d] == c)
where = hexmove[d];
// always add to last!
while(h1 != h2) {
for(int d=0; d<7; d++) if(h1->move[d] == h2) printf("(adj) ");
if(h1->distance < h2->distance) {
int sp = h2->spin(0);
printf("A%d ", sp);
h2 = h2->move[0];
where = heptmove[sp] * where;
else {
int sp = h1->spin(0);
printf("B%d ", sp);
h1 = h1->move[0];
gm = gm * invheptmove[sp];
display(gm * where);
return gm * where;
void virtualRebase(cell*& base, transmatrix& at, bool tohex) {
if(euclid || sphere) {
if(torus) for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
transmatrix newat = eumovedir(3+i) * at;
if(hdist0(tC0(newat)) < hdist0(tC0(at))) {
at = newat;
base = createMov(base, i);
goto again;
else forCellCM(c2, base) {
transmatrix newat = inverse(ggmatrix(c2)) * ggmatrix(base) * at;
if(hypot(tC0(newat)[0], tC0(newat)[1])
< hypot(tC0(at)[0], tC0(at)[1])) {
at = newat;
base = c2;
goto again;
while(true) {
if(base->type == 6) {
cell *c7 = base->master->c7;
for(int d=0; d<7; d++) if(c7->mov[d] == base)
at = hexmove[d] * at;
base = c7;
double currz = (at * C0)[2];
heptagon *h = base->master;
cell *newbase = NULL;
transmatrix bestV;
for(int d=0; d<7; d++) {
heptspin hs;
hs.h = h;
hs.spin = d;
heptspin hs2 = hsstep(hs, 0);
transmatrix V2 = spin((purehepta?M_PI:0)-hs2.spin*2*M_PI/7) * invheptmove[d];
if(purehepta) V2 = V2 * spin(M_PI);
double newz = (V2 * at * C0) [2];
if(newz < currz) {
currz = newz;
bestV = V2;
newbase = hs2.h->c7;
if(!newbase) {
if(tohex && !purehepta) for(int d=0; d<7; d++) {
cell *c = createMov(base, d);
transmatrix V2 = spin(-base->spn(d)*2*M_PI/6) * invhexmove[d];
double newz = (V2 *at * C0) [2];
if(newz < currz) {
currz = newz;
bestV = V2;
newbase = c;
if(newbase) {
base = newbase;
at = bestV * at;
base = newbase;
at = bestV * at;
void virtualRebase(shmup::monster *m, bool tohex) {
virtualRebase(m->base, m->at, tohex);
void addShmupHelp(string& out) {
if(shmup::mousetarget && intval(mouseh, tC0(shmup::mousetarget->pat)) < .1) {
out += ", ";
if(shmup::mousetarget->type == moRogueviz) {
help = XLAT(minf[shmup::mousetarget->type].help);
out += rogueviz::describe(shmup::mousetarget);
out += XLAT1(minf[shmup::mousetarget->type].name);
help = generateHelpForMonster(shmup::mousetarget->type);
auto hooks = addHook(clearmemory, 0, shmup::clearMemory);