mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2024-09-28 22:10:40 +00:00
Arthur O'Dwyer 43cb9c0bf4 Change every "pop this menu" option text to the two words "go back".
And add translations for "go back", copied from the existing translations
for the word "return".
2017-10-30 18:48:14 -07:00

812 lines
23 KiB

/* Missing.
dialog::addItemHelp(16, XLAT("use Shift to decrease and Ctrl to fine tune "));
dialog::addItemHelp(17, XLAT("(e.g. Shift+Ctrl+Z)"));
if(xuni == 'i') {
namespace dialog {
namespace zoom {
int zoomf = 1, shiftx, shifty;
bool zoomoff = false;
void handleZooming(SDL_Event &ev) {
using namespace zoom;
if(zoomoff || (cmode != emOverview && cmode != emTactic)) {
zoomf = 1; shiftx = shifty = 0; zoomoff = false; return;
if(ev.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) {
zoomf = 3;
if(zoomf == 3) {
shiftx = -2*mousex;
shifty = -2*mousey;
if(ev.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP && zoomf > 1) {
zoomoff = true;
inline void handleZooming(SDL_Event &ev) {}
bool displayzoom(int x, int y, int b, int size, const string &s, int color, int align) {
using namespace zoom;
return displayfr(x * zoomf + shiftx, y * zoomf + shifty, b, size * zoomf, s, color, align);
vector<item> items;
item& lastItem() { return items[items.size() - 1]; }
void init() { items.clear(); }
string keyname(int k) {
if(k == 0) return "";
if(k == SDLK_ESCAPE) return "Esc";
if(k == SDLK_F5) return "F5";
if(k == SDLK_F10) return "F10";
if(k == SDLK_HOME) return "Home";
if(k == SDLK_BACKSPACE) return "Backspace";
if(k == SDLK_RETURN) return "Enter";
if(k == 32) return "space";
if(k >= 1 && k <= 26) { string s = "Ctrl+"; s += (k+64); return s; }
if(k < 128) { string s; s += k; return s; }
return "?";
void addSlider(double d1, double d2, double d3, int key) {
item it;
it.type = diSlider;
it.color = 0xC0C0C0;
it.scale = 100;
it.key = key;
it.param = (d2-d1) / (d3-d1);
void addSelItem(string body, string value, int key) {
item it;
it.type = diItem;
it.body = body;
it.value = value;
it.keycaption = keyname(key);
it.key = key;
it.color = 0xC0C0C0;
it.colork = 0x808080;
it.colorv = 0x80A040;
it.colorc = 0xFFD500;
it.colors = 0xFF8000;
if(value == ONOFF(true)) it.colorv = 0x40FF40;
if(value == ONOFF(false)) it.colorv = 0xC04040;
it.scale = 100;
void addBoolItem(string body, bool value, int key) {
addSelItem(body, ONOFF(value), key);
void addColorItem(string body, int value, int key) {
item it;
it.type = diItem;
it.body = body;
it.value = COLORBAR;
it.keycaption = keyname(key);
it.key = key;
it.color = it.colorv = value >> 8;
it.colors = it.color ^ 0x404040;
it.colorc = it.color ^ 0x808080;
it.colork = 0x808080;
it.scale = 100;
void addHelp(string body) {
item it;
it.type = diHelp;
it.body = body;
it.scale = 100;
if(size(body) >= 500) it.scale = 70;
void addInfo(string body, int color) {
item it;
it.type = diInfo;
it.body = body;
it.color = color;
it.scale = 100;
void addItem(string body, int key) {
item it;
it.type = diItem;
it.body = body;
it.keycaption = keyname(key);
it.key = key;
it.color = 0xC0C0C0;
it.colork = 0x808080;
it.colors = 0xFFD500;
it.colorc = 0xFF8000;
it.scale = 100;
void addBigItem(string body, int key) {
item it;
it.type = diBigItem;
it.body = body;
it.keycaption = keyname(key);
it.key = key;
it.color = 0xC06000;
it.colors = 0xFFD500;
it.colorc = 0xFF8000;
it.scale = 150;
int addBreak(int val) {
item it;
it.type = diBreak;
it.scale = val;
return items.size()-1;
void addTitle(string body, int color, int scale) {
item it;
it.type = diTitle;
it.body = body;
it.color = color;
it.scale = scale;
void init(string title, int color, int scale, int brk) {
addTitle(title, color, scale);
int dcenter, dwidth;
int dialogflags;
int displayLong(string str, int siz, int y, bool measure) {
int last = 0;
int lastspace = 0;
int xs, xo;
xs = dwidth - vid.fsize*2, xo = vid.yres + vid.fsize;
xs = vid.xres * 618/1000, xo = vid.xres * 186/1000;
for(int i=0; i<=size(str); i++) {
int ls = 0;
int prev = last;
if(str[i] == ' ') lastspace = i;
if(textwidth(siz, str.substr(last, i-last)) > xs) {
if(lastspace == last) ls = i-1, last = i-1;
else ls = lastspace, last = ls+1;
if(str[i] == 10 || i == size(str)) ls = i, last = i+1;
if(ls) {
if(!measure) displayfr(xo, y, 2, siz, str.substr(prev, ls-prev), 0xC0C0C0, 0);
if(ls == prev) y += siz/2;
else y += siz;
lastspace = last;
y += siz/2;
return y;
int tothei, dialogwidth, dfsize, dfspace, leftwidth, rightwidth, innerwidth, itemx, keyx, valuex;
string highlight_text;
void measure() {
tothei = 0;
dialogwidth = 0;
innerwidth = 0;
int N = items.size();
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
if(items[i].type == diHelp)
tothei += displayLong(items[i].body, dfsize * items[i].scale / 100, 0, true);
else {
tothei += dfspace * items[i].scale / 100;
if(items[i].type == diItem)
innerwidth = max(innerwidth, textwidth(dfsize * items[i].scale / 100, items[i].body));
if(items[i].type == diTitle || items[i].type == diInfo || items[i].type == diBigItem)
dialogwidth = max(dialogwidth, textwidth(dfsize * items[i].scale / 100, items[i].body) * 10/9);
leftwidth = ISMOBILE ? 0 : textwidth(dfsize, "MMMMM") + dfsize/2;
rightwidth = textwidth(dfsize, "MMMMMMMM") + dfsize/2;
int fwidth = innerwidth + leftwidth + rightwidth;
dialogwidth = max(dialogwidth, fwidth);
itemx = dcenter - fwidth / 2 + leftwidth;
keyx = dcenter - fwidth / 2 + leftwidth - dfsize/2;
valuex = dcenter - fwidth / 2 + leftwidth + innerwidth + dfsize/2;
void display() {
int N = items.size();
dfsize = vid.fsize;
dfsize *= 3;
dfspace = dfsize * 5/4;
dcenter = vid.xres/2;
dwidth = vid.xres;
if(sidescreen) {
dwidth = vid.xres - vid.yres;
dcenter = vid.xres - dwidth / 2;
while(tothei > vid.yres - 5 * vid.fsize) {
int adfsize = int(dfsize * sqrt((vid.yres - 5. * vid.fsize) / tothei));
if(adfsize < dfsize-1) dfsize = adfsize + 1;
else dfsize--;
dfspace = dfsize * 5/4;
while(dialogwidth > dwidth) {
int adfsize = int(dfsize * sqrt(vid.xres * 1. / dialogwidth));
if(adfsize < dfsize-1) dfsize = adfsize + 1;
else dfsize--; // keep dfspace
tothei = (vid.yres - tothei) / 2;
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
item& I = items[i];
if(I.type == diHelp) {
tothei = displayLong(items[i].body, dfsize * items[i].scale / 100, tothei, false);
int top = tothei;
tothei += dfspace * I.scale / 100;
int mid = (top + tothei) / 2;
I.position = mid;
if(I.type == diTitle || I.type == diInfo) {
displayfr(dcenter, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, I.body, I.color, 8);
else if(I.type == diItem || I.type == diBigItem) {
bool xthis = (mousey >= top && mousey < tothei);
if(xthis && mousepressed)
I.color = I.colorc;
if(xthis && mousemoved) {
highlight_text = I.body;
mousemoved = false;
if(highlight_text == I.body) {
I.color = (xthis&&mousepressed&&actonrelease) ? I.colorc : I.colors;
if(I.type == diBigItem) {
displayfr(dcenter, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, I.body, I.color, 8);
else {
displayfr(keyx, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, I.keycaption, I.colork, 16);
displayfr(itemx, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, I.body, I.color, 0);
displayfr(valuex, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, I.value, I.colorv, 0);
if(xthis) getcstat = I.key;
else if(I.type == diSlider) {
bool xthis = (mousey >= top && mousey < tothei);
int sl, sr;
sl = vid.yres + vid.fsize*2, sr = vid.xres - vid.fsize*2;
sl = vid.xres/4, sr = vid.xres*3/4;
int sw = sr-sl;
displayfr(sl, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, "(", I.color, 16);
displayfr(sl + double(sw * I.param), mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, "#", I.color, 8);
displayfr(sr, mid, 2, dfsize * I.scale/100, ")", I.color, 0);
if(xthis) getcstat = I.key, inslider = true;
bool isitem(item& it) {
return it.type == diItem || it.type == diBigItem;
void handleNavigation(int &sym, int &uni) {
if(uni == '\n' || uni == '\r' || sym == SDLK_KP5)
for(int i=0; i<size(items); i++)
if(items[i].body == highlight_text) {
uni = sym = items[i].key;
if(sym == SDLK_PAGEDOWN || sym == SDLK_KP3) {
for(int i=0; i<size(items); i++)
highlight_text = items[i].body;
if(sym == SDLK_PAGEUP || sym == SDLK_KP9) {
for(int i=0; i<size(items); i++)
if(isitem(items[i])) {
highlight_text = items[i].body;
if(sym == SDLK_UP || sym == SDLK_KP8) {
string last = "";
for(int i=0; i<size(items); i++)
last = items[i].body;
uni = sym = 0;
for(int i=0; i<size(items); i++)
if(isitem(items[i])) {
if(items[i].body == highlight_text) {
highlight_text = last; return;
else last = items[i].body;
highlight_text = last;
if(sym == SDLK_DOWN || sym == SDLK_KP2) {
int state = 0;
for(int i=0; i<size(items); i++)
if(isitem(items[i])) {
if(state) { highlight_text = items[i].body; return; }
else if(items[i].body == highlight_text) state = 1;
for(int i=0; i<size(items); i++)
highlight_text = items[i].body;
uni = sym = 0;
unsigned int colorhistory[10] = {
0x202020FF, 0x800000FF, 0x008000FF, 0x000080FF,
0x404040FF, 0xC0C0C0FF, 0x804000FF, 0xC0C000FF,
0x408040FF, 0xFFD500FF
}, lch;
unsigned int *palette;
int colorp = 0;
unsigned int *colorPointer;
bool handleKeyColor(int sym, int uni) {
unsigned& color = *colorPointer;
if(uni >= 'A' && uni <= 'D') {
int x = (mousex - vid.xres/4) * 510 / vid.xres;
if(x < 0) x = 0;
if(x > 255) x = 255;
unsigned char* pts = (unsigned char*) &color;
pts[uni - 'A'] = x;
else if(uni == ' ') {
bool inHistory = false;
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) if(colorhistory[i] == (unsigned) color)
inHistory = true;
if(!inHistory) { colorhistory[lch] = color; lch++; lch %= 10; }
else if(uni >= '0' && uni <= '9') {
color = colorhistory[uni - '0'];
else if(palette && uni >= 'a' && uni < 'a'+(int) palette[0]) {
color = palette[1 + uni - 'a'];
else if(sym == SDLK_DOWN || sym == SDLK_KP2) {
colorp = (colorp-1) & 3;
else if(sym == SDLK_UP || sym == SDLK_KP8) {
colorp = (colorp+1) & 3;
else if(sym == SDLK_LEFT || sym == SDLK_KP4) {
unsigned char* pts = (unsigned char*) &color;
pts[colorp] -= abs(shiftmul) < .6 ? 1 : 17;
else if(sym == SDLK_RIGHT || sym == SDLK_KP6) {
unsigned char* pts = (unsigned char*) &color;
pts[colorp] += abs(shiftmul) < .6 ? 1 : 17;
else if(doexiton(sym, uni))
return false;
void drawColorDialog() {
int color = *colorPointer;
int ash = 8;
for(int j=0; j<10; j++) {
int x = vid.xres / 2 + vid.fsize * 2 * (j-5);
int y = vid.yres / 2- 5 * vid.fsize;
string s0 = ""; s0 += ('0'+j);
vid.fsize *= 2;
displayColorButton(x, y, s0, '0'+j, 0, 0, colorhistory[j] >> ash);
vid.fsize /= 2;
if(palette) {
int q = palette[0];
for(int i=0; i<q; i++) {
int x = vid.xres / 2 + vid.fsize * (2 * i-q);
int y = vid.yres / 2- 7 * vid.fsize;
string s0 = ""; s0 += ('a'+i);
vid.fsize *= 2;
displayColorButton(x, y, s0, 'a'+i, 0, 0, palette[i+1] >> ash);
vid.fsize /= 2;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
int y = vid.yres / 2 + (2-i) * vid.fsize * 2;
int col = ((i==colorp) && !mousing) ? 0xFFD500 : forecolor;
displayColorButton(vid.xres / 4, y, "(", 0, 16, 0, col);
string rgt = ") "; rgt += "ABGR" [i];
displayColorButton(vid.xres * 3/4, y, rgt, 0, 0, 0, col);
displayColorButton(vid.xres /4 + vid.xres * ((color >> (8*i)) & 0xFF) / 510, y, "#", 0, 8, 0, col);
if(mousey >= y - vid.fsize && mousey < y + vid.fsize)
getcstat = 'A' + i, inslider = true;
displayColorButton(vid.xres/2, vid.yres/2+vid.fsize * 6, XLAT("select this color") + " : " + itsh(color), ' ', 8, 0, color >> ash);
keyhandler = handleKeyColor;
void openColorDialog(unsigned int& col, unsigned int *pal) {
colorPointer = &col; palette = pal;
struct numberEditor {
ld *editwhat;
string s;
ld vmin, vmax, step, dft;
string title, help;
ld (*scale) (ld);
ld (*inverse_scale) (ld);
int *intval; ld intbuf;
bool positive;
} ne;
bool editingDetail() {
return ne.editwhat == &geom3::highdetail || ne.editwhat == &geom3::middetail;
ld identity(ld x) { return x; }
void scaleSinh() {
ne.scale = ASINH;
ne.inverse_scale = sinh;
void scaleLog() {
ne.scale = log;
ne.inverse_scale = exp;
ne.positive = true;
string disp(ld x) { if(ne.intval) return its((int) (x+.5)); else return fts(x); }
typedef function<void()> reaction_t;
reaction_t reaction;
void affect(char kind) {
if(ne.intval) {
if(kind == 's') sscanf(ne.s.c_str(), "%d", ne.intval), *ne.editwhat = *ne.intval;
if(kind == 'v') *ne.intval = (int) (*ne.editwhat + .5), ne.s = its(*ne.intval);
else {
if(kind == 's') {
ld x;
sscanf(ne.s.c_str(), LDF, &x);
if(ne.positive && x <= 0) return;
*ne.editwhat = x;
if(kind == 'v') ne.s = fts(*ne.editwhat);
if(reaction) reaction();
if(ne.intval == &musicvolume) {
if(musicvolume < 0)
*ne.editwhat = musicvolume = 0, affect('v');
else if(musicvolume > MIX_MAX_VOLUME)
*ne.editwhat = musicvolume = MIX_MAX_VOLUME, affect('v');
else Mix_VolumeMusic(musicvolume);
settingsChanged = true;
if(ne.intval == &effvolume) {
if(effvolume < 0)
*ne.editwhat = effvolume = 0, affect('v');
else if(effvolume > MIX_MAX_VOLUME)
*ne.editwhat = effvolume = MIX_MAX_VOLUME, affect('v');
settingsChanged = true;
if(ne.intval == &vid.framelimit && vid.framelimit < 5)
*ne.editwhat = vid.framelimit = 5, affect('v');
if(ne.intval == &fontscale && fontscale < 50)
*ne.editwhat = fontscale = 50, affect('v');
// if(ne.editwhat == &whatever) resetGeometry();
if(ne.intval == &sightrange && sightrange < 4)
*ne.editwhat = sightrange = 4, affect('v');
int msr = allowIncreasedSight() ? 15 : 7;
if(ne.intval == &sightrange && sightrange > msr)
*ne.editwhat = sightrange = msr, affect('v');
if(ne.intval == &conformal::bandhalf && conformal::bandhalf < 5)
*ne.editwhat = *ne.intval = 5, affect('v');
if(ne.intval == &conformal::bandsegment && conformal::bandsegment < 500)
*ne.editwhat = *ne.intval = 500, affect('v');
if(ne.intval == &polygonal::coefid && polygonal::coefid < 0)
*ne.editwhat = *ne.intval = 0, affect('v');
if(ne.intval == &polygonal::coefid && polygonal::coefid >= polygonal::MSI)
*ne.editwhat = *ne.intval = polygonal::MSI-1, affect('v');
if(ne.intval == &polygonal::deg && polygonal::deg < 0)
*ne.editwhat = *ne.intval = polygonal::MSI-1, affect('v');
if(ne.intval == &polygonal::deg && polygonal::deg >= polygonal::MSI)
*ne.editwhat = *ne.intval = polygonal::MSI-1, affect('v');
if(ne.intval == &polygonal::SI) polygonal::solve();
if(ne.editwhat == &polygonal::STAR) polygonal::solve();
if(ne.editwhat == &geom3::highdetail && geom3::highdetail > geom3::middetail)
geom3::middetail = geom3::highdetail;
if(ne.editwhat == &geom3::middetail && geom3::highdetail > geom3::middetail)
geom3::highdetail = geom3::middetail;
if(cmode & sm::A3) {
#if CAP_GL
void drawNumberDialog() {
cmode = sm::NUMBER | dialogflags;
gamescreen((cmode & sm::SIDE) ? 0 : 2);
addSlider(ne.scale(ne.vmin), ne.scale(*ne.editwhat), ne.scale(ne.vmax), 500);
addHelp("You can scroll with arrow keys -- Ctrl to fine-tune");
addItem("go back", ' ');
addSelItem("default value", disp(ne.dft), SDLK_HOME);
if(cmode & sm::A3) ne.help = explain3D(ne.editwhat);
if(ne.help != "") {
bool scal = !ISMOBILE && !ISPANDORA && size(ne.help) > 160;
if(scal) lastItem().scale = 30;
if(ne.editwhat == &vid.alpha) {
addSelItem(sphere ? "stereographic" : "Poincaré model", "1", 'p');
addSelItem(sphere ? "gnomonic" : "Klein model", "0", 'k');
addItem(sphere ? "towards orthographic" : "towards Gans model", 'o');
if(ne.editwhat == &ne.intbuf && ne.intval == &sightrange && cheater)
addBoolItem("overgenerate", overgenerate, 'o');
if(ne.editwhat == &vid.linewidth)
addBoolItem("finer lines at the boundary", vid.antialias & AA_LINEWIDTH, 'o');
keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) {
handleNavigation(sym, uni);
if((uni >= '0' && uni <= '9') || (uni == '.' && !ne.intval) || (uni == '-' && !ne.positive)) {
ne.s += uni;
else if(uni == '\b' || uni == '\t') {
ne.s = ne.s. substr(0, size(ne.s)-1);
sscanf(ne.s.c_str(), LDF, ne.editwhat);
else if(sym == SDLK_RIGHT || sym == SDLK_KP6) {
if(ne.intval && abs(shiftmul) < .6)
*ne.editwhat = ne.inverse_scale(ne.scale(*ne.editwhat) + shiftmul * ne.step);
else if(sym == SDLK_LEFT || sym == SDLK_KP4) {
if(ne.intval && abs(shiftmul) < .6)
*ne.editwhat = ne.inverse_scale(ne.scale(*ne.editwhat) - shiftmul * ne.step);
else if(sym == SDLK_HOME) {
*ne.editwhat = ne.dft;
else if(uni == 500) {
int sl, sr;
sl = vid.yres + vid.fsize*2, sr = vid.xres - vid.fsize*2;
sl = vid.xres/4, sr = vid.xres*3/4;
ld d = (mousex - sl + .0) / (sr-sl);
*ne.editwhat =
ne.inverse_scale(d * (ne.scale(ne.vmax) - ne.scale(ne.vmin)) + ne.scale(ne.vmin));
else if(uni == 'o' && ne.editwhat == &ne.intbuf && ne.intval == &sightrange && cheater)
overgenerate = !overgenerate;
else if(uni == 'o' && ne.editwhat == &vid.linewidth)
vid.antialias ^= AA_LINEWIDTH;
else if(uni == 'p' && ne.editwhat == &vid.alpha) {
*ne.editwhat = 1; vid.scale = 1; ne.s = "1";
else if(uni == 'k' && ne.editwhat == &vid.alpha) {
*ne.editwhat = 0; vid.scale = 1; ne.s = "0";
else if((uni == 'i' || uni == 'I' || uni == 'o' || uni == 'O') && ne.editwhat == &vid.alpha) {
double d = exp(shiftmul/10);
vid.alpha *= d;
vid.scale *= d;
ne.s = fts(vid.alpha);
else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) popScreen();
int nlpage = 1;
int wheelshift = 0;
int handlePage(int& nl, int& nlm, int perpage) {
nlm = nl;
int onl = nl;
int ret = 0;
if(nlpage) {
nl = nlm = perpage;
if(nlpage == 2) ret = nlm;
int w = wheelshift;
int realw = 0;
while(w<0 && ret) {
ret--; w++; realw--;
while(w>0 && ret+perpage < onl) {
ret++; w--; realw++;
wheelshift = realw;
if(ret+nl > onl) nl = onl-ret;
return ret;
void displayPageButtons(int i, bool pages) {
int i0 = vid.yres - vid.fsize;
int xr = vid.xres / 80;
if(pages) if(displayfrZ(xr*8, i0, 1, vid.fsize, IFM("1 - ") + XLAT("page") + " 1", nlpage == 1 ? 0xD8D8C0 : 0xC0C0C0, 8))
getcstat = '1';
if(pages) if(displayfrZ(xr*24, i0, 1, vid.fsize, IFM("2 - ") + XLAT("page") + " 2", nlpage == 1 ? 0xD8D8C0 : 0xC0C0C0, 8))
getcstat = '2';
if(pages) if(displayfrZ(xr*40, i0, 1, vid.fsize, IFM("3 - ") + XLAT("all"), nlpage == 1 ? 0xD8D8C0 : 0xC0C0C0, 8))
getcstat = '3';
if(i&1) if(displayfrZ(xr*56, i0, 1, vid.fsize, IFM(keyname(' ') + " - ") + XLAT("go back"), 0xC0C0C0, 8))
getcstat = '0';
if(i&2) if(displayfrZ(xr*72, i0, 1, vid.fsize, IFM("F1 - ") + XLAT("help"), 0xC0C0C0, 8))
getcstat = SDLK_F1;
bool handlePageButtons(int uni) {
if(uni == '1') nlpage = 1, wheelshift = 0;
else if(uni == '2') nlpage = 2, wheelshift = 0;
else if(uni == '3') nlpage = 0, wheelshift = 0;
else if(uni == PSEUDOKEY_WHEELUP) wheelshift--;
else if(uni == PSEUDOKEY_WHEELDOWN) wheelshift++;
else return false;
return true;
void editNumber(ld& x, ld vmin, ld vmax, ld step, ld dft, string title, string help) {
ne.editwhat = &x;
ne.s = fts(x);
ne.vmin = vmin;
ne.vmax = vmax;
ne.step = step;
ne.dft = dft;
ne.title = title;
ne.help = help;
ne.scale = ne.inverse_scale = identity;
ne.intval = NULL;
ne.positive = false;
dialogflags = (cmode & (sm::SIDE | sm::A3));
cmode |= sm::NUMBER;
reaction = reaction_t();
void editNumber(int& x, int vmin, int vmax, int step, int dft, string title, string help) {
editNumber(ne.intbuf, vmin, vmax, step, dft, title, help);
ne.intbuf = x; ne.intval = &x; ne.s = its(x);