
469 lines
13 KiB

namespace hr {
namespace synt {
#define SDEBUG(x) if(debug_geometry) { doindent(); x; fflush(stdout); }
// Marek-snub
vector<int> faces = {3, 6, 6, 6};
vector<int> adj = {1, 0, 2, 3};
vector<bool> invert = {false, false, true, false};
int repetition = 1;
int N;
vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> adjacent;
vector<vector<pair<ld, ld>>> triangles;
// id of vertex in the syntetic tiling
// odd numbers = reflected tiles
// 0, 2, ..., 2(N-1) = as in the symbol
// 2N = bitruncated tile
short& id_of(heptagon *h) {
return h->zebraval;
// which index in id_of's neighbor list does h->move[0] have
short& parent_index_of(heptagon *h) {
return h->emeraldval;
// total number of neighbors
int neighbors_of(heptagon *h) {
return isize(triangles[id_of(h)]);
ld edgelength;
vector<ld> inradius, circumradius, alphas;
void prepare() {
/* build the 'adjacent' table */
N = isize(faces);
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
for(int oi=0; oi<1; oi++) {
int at = (i+oi)%N;
int inv = oi;
printf("vertex ");
for(int z=0; z<faces[i]; z++) {
printf("[%d %d] " , at, inv);
adjacent[2*i+oi].emplace_back(2*N+int(inv), inv ? (2*at+2*N-2) % (2*N) : 2*at);
if(invert[at]) inv ^= 1;
at = adj[at];
if(inv) at = (at+1) % N;
else at = (at+N-1) % N;
printf("-> [%d %d]\n", at, inv);
if(faces[at] != faces[i]) printf("error!\n");
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
adjacent[2*N].emplace_back(2*i, 0);
int ai = (i+1) % N;
adjacent[2*N].emplace_back(2*N+int(invert[ai]), (2*adj[ai]+2*N-1) % (2*N));
for(int i=0; i<2*N+2; i++) {
printf("prelim adjacent %2d:", i);
for(int j=0; j<isize(adjacent[i]); j++) {
auto p = adjacent[i][j];
printf(" (%d,%d)", p.first, p.second);
for(int d=0; d<=2*N; d+=2) {
int s = isize(adjacent[d]);
for(int i=0; i<s; i++) {
auto& orig = adjacent[d][s-1-i];
adjacent[d+1].emplace_back(orig.first ^ 1, orig.second);
for(int d=0; d<2*N+2; d++) {
int s = isize(adjacent[d]);
for(int i=0; i<s; i++) {
auto& orig = adjacent[d][i];
if(orig.first & 1) orig.second = isize(adjacent[orig.first]) - 1 - orig.second;
for(int i=0; i<2*N+2; i++) {
printf("adjacent %2d:", i);
for(int j=0; j<isize(adjacent[i]); j++) {
auto p = adjacent[i][j];
printf(" (%d,%d)", p.first, p.second);
auto q = adjacent[p.first][p.second];
printf(" <%d,%d>", q.first, q.second);
if(isize(adjacent[q.first]) != isize(adjacent[i])) printf(" {error}");
/* verify all the triangles */
for(int i=0; i<2*N+2; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<isize(adjacent[i]); j++) {
int ai = i, aj = j;
printf("triangle ");
for(int s=0; s<3; s++) {
printf("[%d %d] ", ai, aj); fflush(stdout);
tie(ai, aj) = adjacent[ai][aj];
aj++; if(aj >= isize(adjacent[ai])) aj = 0;
printf("-> [%d %d]\n", ai, aj);
if(isize(adjacent[ai]) != isize(adjacent[i])) printf("error!\n");
ld sum = 0;
for(int f: faces) sum += (f-2.) / f;
if(sum < 1.999999) ginf[gSyntetic].cclass = gcSphere;
else if(sum > 2.000001) ginf[gSyntetic].cclass = gcHyperbolic;
else ginf[gSyntetic].cclass = gcEuclid;
printf("sum = %lf\n", double(sum));
dynamicval<eGeometry> dv(geometry, gSyntetic);
/* compute the geometry */
ld elmin = 0, elmax = hyperbolic ? 10 : sphere ? M_PI : 1;
for(int p=0; p<100; p++) {
edgelength = (elmin + elmax) / 2;
ld alpha_total = 0;
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
ld crmin = 0, crmax = sphere ? M_PI : 10;
for(int q=0; q<100; q++) {
circumradius[i] = (crmin + crmax) / 2;
hyperpoint p1 = xpush(circumradius[i]) * C0;
hyperpoint p2 = spin(2 * M_PI / faces[i]) * p1;
inradius[i] = hdist0(mid(p1, p2));
if(hdist(p1, p2) > edgelength) crmax = circumradius[i];
else crmin = circumradius[i];
hyperpoint h = xpush(edgelength/2) * spin(M_PI/2) * xpush(inradius[i]) * C0;
alphas[i] = atan2(-h[1], h[0]);
alpha_total += alphas[i];
// printf("el = %lf alpha = %lf\n", double(edgelength), double(alpha_total));
if(sphere ^ (alpha_total > M_PI)) elmin = edgelength;
else elmax = edgelength;
if(euclid) break;
printf("computed edgelength = %lf\n", double(edgelength));
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) for(int j=0; j<2; j++)
for(int k=0; k<faces[i]; k++)
triangles[2*i+j].emplace_back(2*M_PI/faces[i], circumradius[i]);
for(int k=0; k<N; k++) {
triangles[2*N].emplace_back(alphas[k], circumradius[k]);
triangles[2*N].emplace_back(alphas[(k+1)%N], edgelength);
triangles[2*N+1].emplace_back(alphas[N-1-k], edgelength);
triangles[2*N+1].emplace_back(alphas[N-1-k], circumradius[N-1-k]);
for(auto& ts: triangles) {
ld total = 0;
for(auto& t: ts) tie(t.first, total) = make_pair(total, total + t.first);
// printf("total = %lf\n", double(total));
for(auto& ts: triangles) {
for(auto& t: ts) printf(" %lf@%lf", double(t.first), double(t.second));
map<heptagon*, vector<pair<heptagon*, transmatrix> > > altmap;
map<heptagon*, pair<heptagon*, transmatrix>> syntetic_gmatrix;
void initialize(heptagon *h) {
/* initialize the root */
parent_index_of(h) = 0;
id_of(h) = 0;
h->c7 = newCell(isize(adjacent[0]), h);
heptagon *alt = NULL;
if(hyperbolic) {
dynamicval<eGeometry> g(geometry, gNormal);
alt = new heptagon;
alt->s = hsOrigin;
alt->emeraldval = 0;
alt->zebraval = 0;
alt->distance = 0;
alt->c7 = NULL;
alt->alt = alt;
alt->cdata = NULL;
transmatrix T = xpush(.01241) * spin(1.4117) * xpush(0.1241) * Id;
syntetic_gmatrix[h] = make_pair(alt, T);
altmap[alt].emplace_back(h, T);
base_distlimit = 0;
celllister cl(h->c7, 1000, 200, NULL);
base_distlimit = cl.dists.back();
transmatrix adjcell_matrix(heptagon *h, int d);
heptagon *build_child(heptagon *parent, int d, int id, int pindex) {
indenter ind;
auto h = buildHeptagon1(new heptagon, parent, d, hstate(1), 0);
SDEBUG( printf("NEW %p.%d ~ %p.0\n", parent, d, h); )
id_of(h) = id;
parent_index_of(h) = pindex;
int nei = neighbors_of(h);
h->c7 = newCell(nei, h);
h->distance = parent->distance + 1;
return h;
void connectHeptagons(heptagon *h, int i, heptspin hs) {
SDEBUG( printf("OLD %p.%d ~ %p.%d\n", h, i, hs.at, hs.spin); )
if(h->move(i) == hs.at && h->c.spin(i) == hs.spin) {
SDEBUG( printf("WARNING: already connected\n"); )
if(h->move(i)) {
SDEBUG( printf("ERROR: already connected left\n"); )
if(hs.peek()) {
SDEBUG( printf("ERROR: already connected right\n"); )
h->c.connect(i, hs);
pair<int, int>& get_adj(heptagon *h, int cid);
pair<ld, ld>& get_triangle(heptagon *h, int cid);
pair<ld, ld>& get_triangle(const pair<int, int>& p, int delta = 0);
void create_adjacent(heptagon *h, int d) {
SDEBUG( printf("%p.%d ~ ?\n", h, d); )
auto& t1 = get_triangle(h, d);
// * spin(-tri[id][pi+i].first) * xpush(t.second) * pispin * spin(tri[id'][p'+d'].first)
auto& p = syntetic_gmatrix[h];
heptagon *alt = p.first;
transmatrix T = p.second * spin(-t1.first) * xpush(t1.second);
if(hyperbolic) {
dynamicval<eGeometry> g(geometry, gNormal);
virtualRebaseSimple(alt, T);
alt = encodeId(pair_to_vec(int(T[0][2]), int(T[1][2])));
SDEBUG( printf("look for: %p / %s\n", alt, display(T * C0)); )
for(auto& p: altmap[alt]) if(intval(p.second * C0, T * C0) < 1e-6) {
SDEBUG( printf("cell found: %p\n", p.first); )
for(int d2=0; d2<p.first->c7->type; d2++) {
auto& t2 = get_triangle(p.first, d2);
transmatrix T1 = T * spin(M_PI + t2.first);
SDEBUG( printf("compare: %s", display(T1 * xpush(1) * C0)); )
SDEBUG( printf(":: %s\n", display(p.second * xpush(1) * C0)); )
if(intval(T1 * xpush(1) * C0, p.second * xpush(1) * C0) < 1e-6) {
connectHeptagons(h, d, heptspin(p.first, d2));
SDEBUG( printf("but rotation not found\n"));
auto& t2 = get_triangle(get_adj(h, d));
transmatrix T1 = T * spin(M_PI + t2.first);
heptagon *hnew = build_child(h, d, get_adj(h, d).first, get_adj(h, d).second);
altmap[alt].emplace_back(hnew, T1);
syntetic_gmatrix[hnew] = make_pair(alt, T1);
set<heptagon*> visited;
queue<pair<heptagon*, transmatrix>> drawqueue;
void enqueue(heptagon *h, const transmatrix& T) {
if(visited.count(h)) { return; }
drawqueue.emplace(h, T);
pair<ld, ld>& get_triangle(heptagon *h, int cid) {
return triangles[id_of(h)][(parent_index_of(h) + cid) % neighbors_of(h)];
pair<int, int>& get_adj(heptagon *h, int cid) {
return adjacent[id_of(h)][(parent_index_of(h) + cid) % neighbors_of(h)];
pair<ld, ld>& get_triangle(const pair<int, int>& p) {
return triangles[p.first][p.second];
pair<int, int>& get_adj(const pair<int, int>& p, int delta = 0) {
return adjacent[p.first][(p.second + delta) % isize(adjacent[p.first])];
pair<ld, ld>& get_triangle(const pair<int, int>& p, int delta) {
return triangles[p.first][(p.second + delta) % isize(adjacent[p.first])];
transmatrix adjcell_matrix(heptagon *h, int d) {
auto& t1 = get_triangle(h, d);
heptagon *h2 = h->move(d);
int d2 = h->c.spin(d);
auto& t2 = get_triangle(h2, d2);
return spin(-t1.first) * xpush(t1.second) * spin(M_PI + t2.first);
void draw() {
enqueue(viewctr.at, cview());
int idx = 0;
while(!drawqueue.empty()) {
auto p = drawqueue.front();
heptagon *h = p.first;
transmatrix V = p.second;
int id = id_of(h);
int S = isize(triangles[id]);
if(!nonbitrunc || id < 2*N) {
if(!dodrawcell(h->c7)) continue;
drawcell(h->c7, V, 0, false);
for(int i=0; i<S; i++) {
if(nonbitrunc && id >= 2*N && h->move(i) && id_of(h->move(i)) >= 2*N) continue;
enqueue(h->move(i), V * adjcell_matrix(h, i));
transmatrix relative_matrix(heptagon *h2, heptagon *h1) {
if(gmatrix0.count(h2->c7) && gmatrix0.count(h1->c7))
return inverse(gmatrix0[h1->c7]) * gmatrix0[h2->c7];
transmatrix gm = Id, where = Id;
while(h1 != h2) {
for(int i=0; i<neighbors_of(h1); i++) if(h1->move(i) == h2) {
return gm * adjcell_matrix(h1, i) * where;
else if(h1->distance > h2->distance) {
gm = gm * adjcell_matrix(h1, 0);
h1 = h1->move(0);
else {
where = inverse(adjcell_matrix(h2, 0)) * where;
h2 = h2->move(0);
return gm * where;
int fix(heptagon *h, int spin) {
int type = isize(adjacent[id_of(h)]);
spin %= type;
if(spin < 0) spin += type;
return spin;
void parse_symbol(string s) {
int at = 0;
auto peek = [&] () { if(at == isize(s)) return char(0); else return s[at]; };
auto isnumber = [&] () { char p = peek(); return p >= '0' && p <= '9'; };
auto read_number = [&] () { int result = 0; while(isnumber()) result = 10 * result + peek() - '0', at++; return result; };
while(true) {
if(peek() == ')' || peek() == '^' || (peek() == '(' && isize(faces)) || peek() == 0) break;
else if(isnumber()) faces.push_back(read_number());
else at++;
repetition = 1;
N = isize(faces);
invert.clear(); invert.resize(N, true);
adj.clear(); adj.resize(N, 0); for(int i=0; i<N; i++) adj[i] = i;
while(peek() != 0) {
if(peek() == '^') at++, repetition = read_number();
else if(peek() == '(') {
at++; int a = read_number(); while(!isnumber() && !among(peek(), '(', '[', ')',']', 0)) at++;
if(isnumber()) { int b = read_number(); adj[a] = b; adj[b] = a; invert[a] = invert[b] = false; }
else { invert[a] = false; }
else if(peek() == '[') {
at++; int a = read_number(); while(!isnumber() && !among(peek(), '(', '[', ')',']', 0)) at++;
if(isnumber()) { int b = read_number(); adj[a] = b; adj[b] = a; invert[a] = invert[b] = true; }
else { invert[a] = true; }
else at++;
int readArgs() {
using namespace arg;
if(0) ;
else if(argis("-symbol")) {
targetgeometry = gSyntetic;
if(targetgeometry != geometry)
showstartmenu = false;
shift(); parse_symbol(args());
else if(argis("-dgeom")) debug_geometry = true;
else return 1;
return 0;
auto hook =
addHook(hooks_args, 100, readArgs);