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synced 2025-03-23 20:07:03 +00:00
634 lines
18 KiB
634 lines
18 KiB
#include "../hyper.h"
// A tool to create smooth manually controlled movement animations in 3D geometries.
// Press 'f' to start controlling
// 'qweasdzxc' will move the camera and additionally rotate the view a bit (except 's')
// 'b' goes back 1 frame, 'e' undoes 30 frames
// 'r' starts recording
// 1234 change movement speed (see console for details)
// 67890 change rotation speed (see console for details)
namespace hr {
bool saving_positions;
bool smooth_aim = true;
int next_pos_tick;
struct frame {
transmatrix V;
transmatrix lp;
transmatrix msm;
cell *co;
int steps_to_change;
int step_smoothing;
ld stepdist;
ld stepang;
vector<frame> saved;
int collection;
bool recording;
bool keys_on = false;
ld stepdist = 0.02;
ld stepang = 0.01;
EX int step_smoothing = 1;
EX int steps_to_change;
void move_camera1(transmatrix T);
void recall(frame& f = saved.back()) {
View = f.V;
current_display->local_perspective = f.lp;
stretch::mstretch_matrix = f.msm;
centerover = f.co;
steps_to_change = f.steps_to_change;
step_smoothing = f.step_smoothing;
stepdist = f.stepdist;
stepang = f.stepang;
playermoved = false;
frame saveframe() {
frame f;
f.V = View;
f.lp = current_display->local_perspective;
f.msm = stretch::mstretch_matrix;
f.co = centerover;
f.steps_to_change = steps_to_change;
f.step_smoothing = step_smoothing;
f.stepdist = stepdist;
f.stepang = stepang;
playermoved = false;
return f;
void trailer_frame() {
// if(saving_positions || !isize(saved))
if(!recording && keys_on) queuestr(current_display->xcenter, current_display->ycenter, 0, 16, "+", 0xFFFFFFFF);
if(!recording && keys_on) queuestr(current_display->xcenter/2, current_display->ycenter, 0, 16, "+", 0xFFFFFFFF);
if(!recording && keys_on) queuestr(current_display->xcenter*3/2, current_display->ycenter, 0, 16, "+", 0xFFFFFFFF);
if(!recording && keys_on) queuestr(mousex, mousey, 0, 16, "+", 0xFFFFFFFF);
ld next_stepdist = stepdist;
ld next_stepang = stepang;
void apply_steps_to_change() {
if(steps_to_change) {
stepang = stepang + (next_stepang-stepang) / steps_to_change;
stepdist = stepdist + (next_stepdist-stepdist) / steps_to_change;
bool trailer_turn(int delta) {
if(saving_positions) {
collection += delta * 60;
while(collection > 1000) {
collection -= 1000;
View = cpush(2, -stepdist) * View;
if(smooth_aim) {
ld dx = (mousex - current_display->xcenter) * stepang / -50.;
ld dy = (mousey - current_display->ycenter) * stepang / -50.;
View = cspin(0, 2, dx) * cspin(1, 2, dy) * View;
if(isize(saved) % 100 == 0)
println(hlog, "frames = ", isize(saved));
return true;
ld spin_distance = 0;
bool spinning_around;
bool fixed_orientation;
transmatrix orientation_to_fix;
string videofile;
void move_camera1(transmatrix T) {
// println(hlog, "rayfix: saving frame ", isize(saved));
// optimizeview();
// ray::cast();
if(spinning_around) {
for(int s=0; s<100; s++)
for(int s=0; s<100; s++)
else {
spin_distance += stepdist;
if(fixed_orientation) {
println(hlog, "cat ", inverse(View) * C0);
transmatrix iView = inverse(View);
iView = nisot::translate(iView * C0) * orientation_to_fix;
View = inverse(iView);
println(hlog, "cat ", inverse(View) * C0);
bool move_camera(transmatrix T) {
for(int it=0; it<5; it++)
println(hlog, "frames = ", isize(saved), " distance = ", spin_distance);
playermoved = false;
return true;
template<class Type> bool move_camera_smoothchange(const Type& T) {
for(int it=0; it<5; it++) {
println(hlog, "steps_to_change = ", steps_to_change, " stepdist = ", stepdist);
println(hlog, "frames = ", isize(saved), " distance = ", spin_distance);
playermoved = false;
return true;
bool spin_around(transmatrix T) {
for(int it=0; it<5; it++) {
println(hlog, "frames = ", isize(saved), " spinning");
playermoved = false;
return true;
namespace sn { pair<heptagon*,heptagon*> getcoord(heptagon *h); }
bignum bdiff(heptagon *h1, heptagon *h2) {
if(h1 == h2) return 0;
auto p = bdiff(h1->move(3), h2->move(3));
int d = h1->c.spin(3) - h2->c.spin(3);
println(hlog, "d=", d, " p = ", p.get_str(10000));
return p + p + bignum(d);
#define BASE 10
void o_addmul(bignum& b0, const bignum& b, int factor) {
int K = isize(b.digits);
if(K > isize(b0.digits)) b0.digits.resize(K);
int carry = 0;
for(int i=0; ; i++) {
bool cnt = (i<K || (carry > 0 && carry < -1) || (carry == -1 && i < isize(b0.digits)));
println(hlog, "cnt = ", cnt, " carry = ", carry
if(!cnt) break;
println(hlog, "i=", i, " carry start=", carry);
if(i >= isize(b0.digits)) b0.digits.push_back(0);
long long l = b0.digits[i];
l += carry;
if(i < K) l += b.digits[i] * factor;
carry = 0;
if(l >= BASE) carry = l / BASE;
if(l < 0) carry = -(BASE-1-l) / BASE;
l -= carry * BASE;
b0.digits[i] = l;
println(hlog, "carry=", carry);
println(hlog, "carry end=", carry);
if(carry < 0) b0.digits.back() -= BASE;
while(isize(b0.digits) && b0.digits.back() == 0) b0.digits.pop_back();
} */
void get_b4_distance() {
heptagon *h1 = currentmap->gamestart()->master;
heptagon *h2 = centerover->master;
if(h1->distance != h2->distance)
println(hlog, "Z difference: ", h2->distance - h1->distance);
else if(sn::in()) {
auto c1 = sn::getcoord(h1);
auto c2 = sn::getcoord(h2);
println(hlog, "X difference: ", bdiff(c1.first, c2.first).get_str(10000));
println(hlog, "Y difference: ", bdiff(c1.second, c2.second).get_str(10000));
println(hlog, "X difference> ", bdiff(c2.first, c1.first).get_str(10000));
println(hlog, "Y difference> ", bdiff(c2.second, c1.second).get_str(10000));
void load_animation(string fname) {
fhstream f(fname, "r");
int siz;
for(int i=0; i<isize(saved); i++) {
auto& s = saved[i];
hread_raw(f, s.V);
hread_raw(f, s.lp);
int tmp = 0; hread_raw(f, tmp);
if(cryst) {
crystal::coord co;
hread_raw(f, co);
s.co = crystal::get_heptagon_at(co)->c7;
if(nil) {
nilv::mvec co;
hread_raw(f, co);
s.co = nilv::get_heptagon_at(co)->c7;
else if(bounded) {
auto ac = currentmap->allcells();
int i;
hread_raw(f, i);
s.co = ac[i];
else s.co = cwt.at;
println(hlog, "loaded animation of ", isize(saved), " frames");
EX transmatrix spintox_good(const hyperpoint& H) {
if(GDIM == 2 || prod) return spintox(H);
double v = -atan2(H[2], H[1]);
return cspin(2, 1, -v) * spintoc(cspin(2, 1, v) * H, 0, 1) *cspin(2, 1, v);
// cspin(2, 1, v) * spintoc(cspin(2, 1, -v) * H, 0, 1);
void denan() {
for(int i=1; i<isize(saved)-1; i++) {
auto& s = saved[i];
if(isnan(s.V[0][0])) {
println(hlog, "nan at ", i, " @ ", s.co);
saved[i] = saved[i-1];
transmatrix relm(cell *a, cell *b) {
forCellIdEx(c, id, b) if(c == a) return currentmap->adj(b, id);
forCellIdEx(c, id, b)
forCellIdEx(d, id2, c) if(d == a) return currentmap->adj(b, id) * currentmap->adj(c, id2);
return currentmap->relative_matrix(a, b, C0);
void smoothen() {
ld total = 0;
for(int a=1; a<3; a++)
for(int i=1; i<isize(saved)-1; i++) if((a^i)&1) {
auto& s = saved[i];
auto& sl = saved[i-1];
auto& sn = saved[i+1];
forCellCM(c, s.co);
hyperpoint hl = s.V * relm(sl.co, s.co) * inverse(sl.V) * C0;
hyperpoint hn = s.V * relm(sl.co, s.co) * inverse(sn.V) * C0;
hyperpoint hm = mid(hl, hn);
if(isnan(hm[0])) {
println(hlog, "Vl = ", sl.V);
println(hlog, "V = ", s.V);
println(hlog, "Vn = ", sn.V);
println(hlog, "cells ", sl.co, s.co, sn.co);
println(hlog, "crl= ", relm(sl.co, s.co));
println(hlog, "crm= ", relm(sn.co, s.co));
total += hdist0(hm);
s.V = gpushxto0(hm) * s.V;
auto xhn = gpushxto0(hm) * hn;
transmatrix T = cspin(0, 2, -M_PI/2) * spintox_good(cspin(0, 2, M_PI/2) * xhn) * cspin(0, 2, M_PI/2);
s.V = T * s.V;
// println(hlog, hn, " -> ", T * xhn);
println(hlog, "total = ", total);
string mrec_file = "devmods/manual/%05d.png";
int mrec_fps = 60;
int mrec_first = 0, mrec_last = 999999;
int mrec_first_opt = 0, mrec_last_opt = 0;
void set_stepdist(ld x) {
println(hlog, "stepdist = ", x);
next_stepdist = x;
steps_to_change = step_smoothing;
void set_stepang(ld x) {
println(hlog, "stepang = ", x);
next_stepang = x;
steps_to_change = step_smoothing;
void do_recording() {
recording = true;
if(mouseaim_sensitivity) {
mouseaim_sensitivity = 0;
println(hlog, "disabled mouseaim");
if(musicvolume) {
println(hlog, "disabled music");
musicvolume = 0;
dynamicval dp(arg::pos, arg::pos);
dynamicval vs(vid, vid);
for(arg::pos=mrec_first_opt; arg::pos < mrec_last_opt; arg::pos++) {
int r = callhandlers(1, hooks_args);
switch (r) {
case 0: arg::lshift(); break;
case 1:
printf("Unknown option: %s\n", arg::argcs()); break;
case 2:
printf("Error\n"); break;
println(hlog, "starting recording");
saving_positions = false;
// vid.cells_drawn_limit = 1000000;
int i = 0;
system("mkdir -p devmods/manual/");
auto f = [&] {
for(auto& p: saved) {
println(hlog, "rayfix: render ", i);
ticks = i * 1000 / mrec_fps;
if(i >= mrec_first && i < mrec_last) {
string s = format(mrec_file.c_str(), i);
println(hlog, "recording frame ", i, "/", isize(saved), " to ", s);
println(hlog, "skipping frame ", i);
return true;
if(videofile != "") {
anims::record_video(videofile, f);
// lasti = i;
recording = false;
void show_man_options() {
dialog::init("manual animation");
dialog::addSelItem("stepdist", fts(next_stepdist), 'd');
dialog::add_action([] {
dialog::editNumber(next_stepdist, 0, 1, 0.001, 0.02, "stepdist", "stepdist");
dialog::reaction = [] { set_stepdist(next_stepdist); };
dialog::addSelItem("stepang", fts(next_stepang), 'a');
dialog::add_action([] {
dialog::editNumber(next_stepang, 0, 1, 0.001, 0.02, "stepang", "stepang");
dialog::reaction = [] { set_stepang(next_stepang); };
dialog::addItem("b4 distance", 'b');
dialog::addSelItem("step smoothing", its(step_smoothing), 's');
dialog::add_action([] {
dialog::editNumber(step_smoothing, 1, 30, 1, 1, "step_smoothing", "step_smoothing");
dialog::reaction = [] { steps_to_change = step_smoothing; };
dialog::addItem("save path", '[');
dialog::add_action([] {
fhstream f("devmods/manan-record.mar", "w");
for(int i=0; i<isize(saved); i++) {
auto& s = saved[i];
hwrite_raw(f, s.V);
hwrite_raw(f, s.lp);
int tmp = 0; hwrite_raw(f, tmp);
if(cryst) {
auto at = crystal::get_coord(s.co->master);
hwrite_raw(f, at);
else if(nil) {
auto at = nilv::get_coord(s.co->master);
hwrite_raw(f, at);
else if(bounded) {
auto ac = currentmap->allcells();
for(int i=0; i<isize(ac); i++) if(ac[i] == s.co)
hwrite_raw(f, i);
println(hlog, "saved animation of ", isize(saved), " frames");
dialog::addItem("load path", ']');
dialog::add_action([] {
dialog::addItem("do record", 'r');
dialog::addItem("clear", 'c');
dialog::add_action([] { saved.clear(); });
bool trailer_handleKey(int sym, int uni) {
if(sym == 'f' && (cmode & sm::NORMAL)) {
keys_on = !keys_on;
println(hlog, "keys_on = ", keys_on);
return true;
if(keys_on && (cmode & sm::NORMAL)) {
if(sym == ',') { vid.fov *= 1.1; mouseaim_sensitivity *= 1.1; println(hlog, "fov = ", vid.fov, " sens = ", mouseaim_sensitivity); }
if(sym == '.') { vid.fov /= 1.1; mouseaim_sensitivity /= 1.1; println(hlog, "fov = ", vid.fov, " sens = ", mouseaim_sensitivity); }
if(sym == 't') {
if(!saved.empty()) {
println(hlog, "frames = ", isize(saved));
if(!saved.empty()) {
return true;
/* if(sym == 'e') {
dialog::editNumber(stepdist, 0, 1, 0.1, 0.1, "", "");
} */
if(sym == 's') return move_camera_smoothchange([&] { return Id; });
if(sym == 'a') return move_camera_smoothchange([&] { return cspin(0, 2, stepang); });
if(sym == 'd') return move_camera_smoothchange([&] { return cspin(0, 2, -stepang); });
if(sym == 'q') return move_camera_smoothchange([&] { return cspin(0, 2, stepang) * cspin(1, 2, stepang); });
if(sym == 'w') return move_camera_smoothchange([&] { return cspin(1, 2, stepang); });
if(sym == 'e') return move_camera_smoothchange([&] { return cspin(0, 2, -stepang) * cspin(1, 2, stepang); });
if(sym == 'z') return move_camera_smoothchange([&] { return cspin(0, 2, stepang) * cspin(1, 2, -stepang); });
if(sym == 'x') return move_camera_smoothchange([&] { return cspin(1, 2, -stepang); });
if(sym == 'c') return move_camera_smoothchange([&] { return cspin(0, 2, -stepang) * cspin(1, 2, -stepang); });
if(sym == '1') { set_stepdist(0); return true; }
if(sym == '2') { set_stepdist(0.005); return true; }
if(sym == '3') { set_stepdist(0.02); return true; }
if(sym == '5') { set_stepang(0); return true; }
if(sym == '6') { set_stepang(0.001); return true; }
if(sym == '7') { set_stepang(0.003); return true; }
if(sym == '8') { set_stepang(0.01); return true; }
if(sym == '9') { set_stepang(0.03); return true; }
if(sym == '0') { set_stepang(0.1); return true; }
if(sym == 'o') {
println(hlog, "spin_distance = ", spin_distance, " reset to 0, i to spin");
spin_distance = 0;
return true;
if(sym == 'j') {
fixed_orientation = !fixed_orientation;
orientation_to_fix = inverse(inverse(nisot::translate(inverse(View) * C0)) * inverse(View));
transmatrix iView = inverse(View);
orientation_to_fix = inverse(nisot::translate(iView * C0)) * iView;
println(hlog, "fixed_orientation = ", orientation_to_fix);
return true;
if(sym == 'i') {
spinning_around = !spinning_around;
if(spinning_around) println(hlog, "spinning mode");
else println(hlog, "tank mode");
if(sym == SDLK_F4) {
saving_positions = !saving_positions;
next_pos_tick = ticks;
println(hlog, "saving_positions = ", saving_positions);
mouseaim_sensitivity = 0;
return true;
if(sym == 'b' && isize(saved) > 1) {
println(hlog, "back to ", isize(saved), " frames");
return true;
if(sym == 'u') {
for(int i=0; i<30; i++) if(isize(saved)) saved.pop_back();
println(hlog, "back to ", isize(saved), " frames");
if(isize(saved)) recall();
return true;
if(sym == 'r') pushScreen(show_man_options);
return false;
int ma_readArgs() {
using namespace arg;
if(0) ;
else if(argis("-loada")) {
shift(); load_animation(args());
else if(argis("-smoothen")) {
shift(); int nsm = argi();
for(int i=0; i<nsm; i++) smoothen();
else if(argis("-mrecf")) {
shift(); mrec_first = argi();
else if(argis("-mrecl")) {
shift(); mrec_last = argi();
else if(argis("-mrec-to")) {
shift(); mrec_file = args();
else if(argis("-mrecv")) {
shift(); videofile = args();
else if(argis("-mrec-fps")) {
shift(); mrec_fps = argi();
else if(argis("-shot-half")) {
shot::shotx /= 2;
shot::shoty /= 2;
else if(argis("-mrec-opt")) {
shift(); string cap = args();
shift(); mrec_first_opt = pos;
while(args() != cap) shift();
mrec_last_opt = pos;
else return 1;
return 0;
auto mahook =
addHook(hooks_handleKey, 100, trailer_handleKey)
+ addHook(hooks_drawmap, 100, trailer_frame)
+ addHook(shmup::hooks_turn, 100, trailer_turn)
+ addHook(hooks_args, 100, ma_readArgs)
+ 0;