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// RogueViz -- SAG embedder: implementation of SAG method evaluation
// Copyright (C) 2011-24 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
#include "../rogueviz.h"
#include "../dhrg/dhrg.h"
#include "../statistics.cpp"
namespace rogueviz {
namespace sag {
enum eSagMethod { smClosest, smLogistic, smMatch };
eSagMethod method;
vector<string> method_names = {"closest", "logistic", "match"};
int method_count = 3;
/* parameters for smMatch */
ld match_a = 1, match_b = 0;
/* parameters for smLogistic */
dhrg::logistic lgsag(1, 1), lgsag_pre(1, 1);
vector<ld> loglik_tab_y, loglik_tab_n;
dhrg::logistic best;
bool opt_debug = false;
bool should_good = false;
double costat(int vid, int sid) {
if(vid < 0) return 0;
double cost = 0;
switch(method) {
case smLogistic: {
auto s = sagdist[sid];
for(auto j: edges_yes[vid]) if(sagid[j] >= -1)
cost += loglik_tab_y[s[sagid[j]]];
for(auto j: edges_no[vid]) if(sagid[j] >= -1)
cost += loglik_tab_n[s[sagid[j]]];
return -cost;
case smMatch: {
for(auto& e: edge_weights[vid]) {
auto t2 = e.first;
if(sagid[t2] != -1) {
ld cdist = sagdist[sid][sagid[t2]];
ld expect = match_a / e.second + match_b;
ld dist = cdist - expect;
cost += dist * dist;
return cost;
case smClosest: {
for(auto& e: edge_weights[vid]) {
auto t2 = e.first;
if(sagid[t2] != -1) cost += sagdist[sid][sagid[t2]] * e.second;
if(!hubval.empty()) {
for(auto sid2: neighbors[sid]) {
int vid2 = sagnode[sid2];
if(vid2 >= 0 && (hubval[vid] & hubval[vid]) == 0)
cost += hub_penalty;
return cost;
throw hr_exception("unknwon SAG method");
double cost;
double best_cost = 1000000000;
void compute_cost() {
int DN = isize(sagid);
cost = 0;
for(int i=0; i<DN; i++)
cost += costat(i, sagid[i]);
cost /= 2;
void compute_loglik_tab() {
for(int i=0; i<max_sag_dist; i++) {
loglik_tab_y[i] = lgsag.lyes(i);
loglik_tab_n[i] = lgsag.lno(i);
void compute_auto_rt() {
ld sum0 = 0, sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0;
for(auto i: sagdist) {
sum0 ++;
sum1 += i;
sum2 += i*i;
lgsag.R = sum1 / sum0;
lgsag.T = sqrt((sum2 - sum1*sum1/sum0) / sum0);
println(hlog, "automatically set R = ", lgsag.R, " and ", lgsag.T, " max_sag_dist = ", max_sag_dist);
if(method == smLogistic) compute_loglik_tab();
void optimize_sag_loglik_logistic() {
vector<int> indist(max_sag_dist, 0);
const int mul = 1;
int N = isize(sagid);
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<i; j++) {
int d = sagdist[sagid[i]][sagid[j]];
vector<int> pedge(max_sag_dist, 0);
for(int i=0; i<isize(sagedges); i++) {
edgeinfo& ei = sagedges[i];
// if(int(sagdist[sagid[ei.i]][sagid[ei.j]] * mul) == 136) printf("E %d,%d\n", ei.i, ei.j);
if(ei.i != ei.j)
if(ei.weight >= sag_edge->visible_from)
pedge[sagdist[sagid[ei.i]][sagid[ei.j]] * mul]++;
if(opt_debug) for(int d=0; d<max_sag_dist; d++)
printf("%2d: %7d/%7d %7.3lf\n",
d, pedge[d], indist[d], double(pedge[d] * 100. / indist[d]));
ld loglik = 0;
for(int d=0; d<max_sag_dist; d++) {
int p = pedge[d], pq = indist[d];
int q = pq - p;
if(p && q) {
loglik += p * log(p) + q * log(q) - pq * log(pq);
if(opt_debug) println(hlog, tie(d, p, q), loglik);
if(opt_debug) println(hlog, "loglikelihood best = ", fts(loglik));
auto logisticf = [&] (dhrg::logistic& l) {
ld loglik = 0;
for(int d=0; d<max_sag_dist; d++) {
int p = pedge[d], pq = indist[d];
if(p) loglik += p * l.lyes(d);
if(pq > p) loglik += (pq-p) * l.lno(d);
return loglik;
if(opt_debug) println(hlog, "cost = ", cost, " logisticf = ", logisticf(lgsag), " R= ", lgsag.R, " T= ", lgsag.T);
if(should_good && abs(cost + logisticf(lgsag)) > 0.1) throw hr_exception("computation error");
dhrg::fast_loglik_cont(lgsag, logisticf, nullptr, 1, 1e-5);
if(opt_debug) println(hlog, "loglikelihood logistic = ", logisticf(lgsag), " R= ", lgsag.R, " T= ", lgsag.T);
if(method == smLogistic) {
if(opt_debug) println(hlog, "cost = ", cost);
void optimize_sag_loglik_match() {
if(state &~ SS_WEIGHTED) return;
stats::leastsquare_solver<2> lsqs;
for(auto& ei: sagedges) {
ld y = sagdist[sagid[ei.i]][sagid[ei.j]];
ld x = 1. / ei.weight;
lsqs.add_data({{x, 1}}, y);
array<ld, 2> solution = lsqs.solve();
match_a = solution[0];
match_b = solution[1];
println(hlog, "got a = ", match_a, " b = ", match_b);
if(method == smMatch)
void optimize_sag_loglik_auto() {
if(method == smLogistic) optimize_sag_loglik_logistic();
if(method == smMatch) optimize_sag_loglik_match();
pair<ld, ld> compute_mAP() {
int DN = isize(sagid);
ld meanrank = 0;
int tgood = 0;
ld maprank = 0;
for(int i=0; i<DN; i++) {
vector<int> alldist(max_sag_dist, 0);
for(int j=0; j<DN; j++) if(i != j) alldist[sagdist[sagid[i]][sagid[j]]]++;
vector<int> edgedist(max_sag_dist, 0);
for(auto j: edges_yes[i]) edgedist[sagdist[sagid[i]][sagid[j]]]++;
int pgood = 0;
ld bad = 0;
ld ap = 0;
ld pall = 0;
for(int j=0; j<max_sag_dist; j++) {
ld good = edgedist[j];
ld all = alldist[j];
ld err = all - good;
bad += err / 2.;
meanrank += bad * good;
bad += err / 2.;
for(int k=0; k<good; k++) {
pgood++, pall++;
pall += err/2 / good;
ap += pgood / pall;
pall += err/2 / good;
if(!good) pall += err;
tgood += pgood;
if(pgood) maprank += ap / pgood;
return make_pair(maprank / DN, meanrank / tgood);
ld kendall;
void compute_kendall() {
compute_cost(); println(hlog, "cost = ", cost);
vector<vector<ld> > weights;
int DN = isize(sagid);
for(int i=0; i<DN; i++) weights[i].resize(DN, 0);
for(auto& e: sagedges) weights[e.i][e.j] += e.weight2, weights[e.j][e.i] += e.weight2;
vector<pair<int, ld>> kdata;
for(int i=0; i<DN; i++) for(int j=0; j<i; j++) kdata.emplace_back(sagdist[sagid[i]][sagid[j]], -weights[i][j]);
kendall = stats::kendall(kdata);
void prepare_method() {
if(method == smLogistic) compute_loglik_tab();
if(method == smClosest) compute_cost();
bool known_pairs = false;
int function_read_args() {
using namespace arg;
if(0) ;
else if(argis("-sagrt")) {
shift(); sag::lgsag.R = argf();
shift(); sag::lgsag.T = argf();
if(method == smLogistic) compute_loglik_tab();
else if(argis("-sagmatch-ab")) {
shift(); sag::match_a = argf();
shift(); sag::match_b = argf();
if(method == smMatch) prepare_graph();
else if(argis("-sagrt-auto")) {
else if(argis("-sag-kendall")) {
println(hlog, "kendall = ", kendall);
else if(argis("-sag-method-closest")) {
method = smClosest; prepare_method();
else if(argis("-sag-method-logistic")) {
method = smLogistic; prepare_method();
else if(argis("-sag-method-match")) {
method = smMatch; prepare_method();
else if(argis("-sag-logistic-recalc")) {
method = smLogistic; prepare_method();
else if(argis("-sagloglik-l")) {
else if(argis("-sagloglik-m")) {
else if(argis("-sagloglik-a")) {
else return 1;
return 0;
int ahfun = addHook(hooks_args, 100, function_read_args);