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// Hyperbolic Rogue -- rule generator
// Copyright (C) 2011-2021 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
/** \file rulegen3.cpp
* \brief An algorithm to create strict tree rules for arb tessellations -- 3D parts
#include "hyper.h"
namespace hr {
EX namespace rulegen {
struct road_shortcut_trie_vertex {
set<vector<int>> backpaths;
map<int, shared_ptr<struct road_shortcut_trie_vertex>> children;
EX map<int, shared_ptr<struct road_shortcut_trie_vertex>> road_shortcuts;
int qroad;
map<int, int> qroad_for;
map<tcell*, int> qroad_memo;
EX void add_road_shortcut(tcell *s, tcell *t) {
shared_ptr<road_shortcut_trie_vertex> u;
vector<int> tpath;
if(!road_shortcuts.count(s->id)) road_shortcuts[s->id] = make_shared<road_shortcut_trie_vertex>();
u = road_shortcuts[s->id];
while(true) {
// println(hlog, s, " dist=", s->dist, " parent = ", s->parent_dir, " vs ", t, " dist=", t->dist, " parent = ", t->parent_dir);
if(s == t) {
reverse(tpath.begin(), tpath.end());
auto& ba = u->backpaths;
if(!ba.count(tpath)) qroad++, qroad_for[s->id]++;
if(s->dist >= t->dist) {
twalker sw = s;
if(s->parent_dir == MYSTERY) throw hr_exception("unknown parent_dir (s) in add_road_shortcut");
if(!u->children.count(s->parent_dir)) u->children[s->parent_dir] = make_shared<road_shortcut_trie_vertex>();
u = u->children[s->parent_dir];
s = s->move(s->parent_dir);
if(t->dist > s->dist) {
twalker tw = t;
if(t->parent_dir == MYSTERY) throw hr_exception("unknown parent_dir (t) in add_road_shortcut");
t = t->move(t->parent_dir);
EX int newcon;
EX void apply_road_shortcut(tcell *s) {
auto& mem = qroad_memo[s];
if(mem == qroad_for[s->id]) return;
mem = qroad_for[s->id];
shared_ptr<road_shortcut_trie_vertex> u;
if(!road_shortcuts.count(s->id)) return;
u = road_shortcuts[s->id];
int q = tcellcount;
while(true) {
for(auto& v: u->backpaths) {
auto s1 = s;
for(auto x: v) {
s1 = s1->cmove(x);
twalker s0 = s; get_parent_dir(s0);
if(!u->children.count(s->parent_dir)) break;
u = u->children[s->parent_dir];
s = s->move(s->parent_dir);
static int qmax = 0;
newcon += tcellcount - q;
if(tcellcount > q + qmax) println(hlog, "road shortcuts created ", qmax = tcellcount-q, " new connections");
/** next roadsign ID -- they start at -100 and go downwards */
int next_roadsign_id = -100;
/** get the ID of a roadsign path */
EX map<vector<int>, int> roadsign_id;
EX int get_roadsign(twalker what) {
int dlimit = what.at->dist - 1;
tcell *s = what.at, *t = what.peek();
vector<int> result;
while(s->dist > dlimit) {
twalker s0 = s;
if(s->parent_dir == MYSTERY) throw hr_exception("parent_dir unknown");
result.push_back(s->parent_dir); s = s->move(s->parent_dir);
result.push_back(s->dist - dlimit);
vector<int> tail;
while(t->dist > dlimit) {
twalker t0 = t;
if(t->parent_dir == MYSTERY) throw hr_exception("parent_dir unknown");
tail.push_back(t->dist - dlimit);
t = t->move(t->parent_dir);
map<tcell*, int> visited;
queue<tcell*> vqueue;
auto visit = [&] (tcell *c, int dir) {
if(visited.count(c)) return;
visited[c] = dir;
visit(s, MYSTERY);
while(true) {
if(vqueue.empty()) throw hr_exception("vqueue empty");
tcell *c = vqueue.front();
if(c == t) break;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++)
if(c->move(i) && c->move(i)->dist <= dlimit)
visit(c->move(i), c->c.spin(i));
while(t != s) {
add_road_shortcut(s, t);
int d = visited.at(t);
tail.push_back(t->dist - dlimit);
t = t->move(d);
reverse(tail.begin(), tail.end());
for(auto t: tail) result.push_back(t);
if(roadsign_id.count(result)) return roadsign_id[result];
return roadsign_id[result] = next_roadsign_id--;
map<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int>> > all_edges;
EX vector<pair<int, int>>& check_all_edges(twalker cw, analyzer_state* a, int id) {
auto& ae = all_edges[{cw.at->id, cw.spin}];
if(ae.empty()) {
set<tcell*> seen;
vector<pair<twalker, transmatrix> > visited;
vector<pair<int, int>> ae1;
auto visit = [&] (twalker tw, const transmatrix& T, int id, int dir) {
if(seen.count(tw.at)) return;
auto& sh0 = currentmap->get_cellshape(tcell_to_cell[cw.at]);
auto& sh1 = currentmap->get_cellshape(tcell_to_cell[tw.at]);
int common = 0;
vector<hyperpoint> kleinized;
vector<hyperpoint> rotated;
for(auto v: sh0.vertices_only) kleinized.push_back(kleinize(sh0.from_cellcenter * v));
for(auto w: sh1.vertices_only) rotated.push_back(kleinize(T*sh1.from_cellcenter * w));
for(auto v: kleinized)
for(auto w: rotated)
if(sqhypot_d(MDIM, v-w) < 1e-6)
if(flags & w_vertex_edges) {
if(common < 1) { ae1.emplace_back(id, dir); return; }
else {
if(common < 2) { ae1.emplace_back(id, dir); return; }
visited.emplace_back(tw, T);
ae.emplace_back(id, dir);
visit(cw, Id, -1, -1);
for(int i=0; i<isize(visited); i++) {
auto tw = visited[i].first;
for(int j=0; j<tw.at->type; j++) {
visit(tw + j + wstep, visited[i].second * currentmap->adj(tcell_to_cell[tw.at], (tw+j).spin), i, j);
if(flags & w_ae_extra_step) for(auto p: ae1) ae.push_back(p);
println(hlog, "for ", tie(cw.at->id, cw.spin), " generated all_edges structure: ", ae, " of size ", isize(ae));
return ae;
EX void cleanup3() {
next_roadsign_id = -100;
int last_qroad;
EX void check_road_shortcuts() {
println(hlog, "road shortcuts = ", qroad, " treestates = ", isize(treestates), " roadsigns = ", next_roadsign_id);
if(qroad > last_qroad) {
println(hlog, "qroad_for = ", qroad_for);
println(hlog, "newcon = ", newcon, " tcellcount = ", tcellcount); newcon = 0;
last_qroad = qroad;
next_roadsign_id = -100;
throw rulegen_retry("new road shortcuts");
void genhoneycomb(string fname) {
if(WDIM != 3) throw hr_exception("genhoneycomb not in honeycomb");
int qc = isize(t_origin);
vector<short> data;
string side_data;
map<int, vector<int>> rev_roadsign_id;
for(auto& rs: roadsign_id) rev_roadsign_id[rs.second] = rs.first;
int N = isize(treestates);
using classdata = pair<vector<int>, int>;
vector<classdata> nclassify(N);
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) nclassify[i] = {{0}, i};
int numclass = 1;
while(true) {
println(hlog, "N = ", N, " numclass = ", numclass);
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
auto& ts = treestates[i];
for(int j=0; j<isize(ts.rules); j++) {
int j1 = gmod(j - ts.giver.spin, isize(ts.rules));
auto r = ts.rules[j1];
if(r < 0) nclassify[i].first.push_back(r);
else nclassify[i].first.push_back(nclassify[r].first[0]);
sort(nclassify.begin(), nclassify.end());
vector<int> last = {}; int newclass = 0;
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
if(nclassify[i].first != last) {
last = nclassify[i].first;
nclassify[i].first = {newclass-1};
sort(nclassify.begin(), nclassify.end(), [] (const classdata& a, const classdata& b) { return a.second < b.second; });
if(numclass == newclass) break;
numclass = newclass;
vector<int> representative(numclass);
for(int i=0; i<isize(treestates); i++) representative[nclassify[i].first[0]] = i;
println(hlog, "Minimized rules (", numclass, " states):");
for(int i=0; i<numclass; i++) {
auto& ts = treestates[representative[i]];
print(hlog, lalign(4, i), ":");
for(int j=0; j<isize(ts.rules); j++) {
int j1 = gmod(j - ts.giver.spin, isize(ts.rules));
auto r =ts.rules[j1];
if(r == DIR_PARENT) print(hlog, " P");
else if(r >= 0) print(hlog, " ", nclassify[r].first[0]);
else print(hlog, " S", r);
vector<int> childpos;
for(int i=0; i<numclass; i++) {
auto& ts = treestates[representative[i]];
for(int j=0; j<isize(ts.rules); j++) {
int j1 = gmod(j - ts.giver.spin, isize(ts.rules));
auto r =ts.rules[j1];
if(r == DIR_PARENT) {
side_data += ('A' + j);
side_data += ",";
else if(r >= 0) {
else {
auto& str = rev_roadsign_id[r];
bool next = true;
for(auto ch: str) {
if(next) side_data += ('a' + ch);
next = !next;
side_data += ",";
shstream ss;
auto& fp = currfp;
hwrite_fpattern(ss, fp);
vector<int> root(qc, 0);
for(int i=0; i<qc; i++) root[i] = nclassify[get_treestate_id(t_origin[i]).second].first[0];
println(hlog, "root = ", root);
hwrite(ss, root);
println(hlog, "data = ", data);
hwrite(ss, data);
println(hlog, "side_data = ", side_data);
hwrite(ss, side_data);
println(hlog, "childpos = ", childpos);
hwrite(ss, childpos);
println(hlog, "compress_string");
string s = compress_string(ss.s);
fhstream of(fname, "wb");
print(of, s);
int readRuleArgs3() {
using namespace arg;
if(0) ;
else if(argis("-gen-honeycomb")) {
shift(); genhoneycomb(args());
else if(argis("-urq")) {
// -urq 7 to prepare honeycomb generation
shift(); int i = argi();
reg3::reg3_rule_available = (i & 8) ? 0 : 1;
fieldpattern::use_rule_fp = (i & 1) ? 1 : 0;
fieldpattern::use_quotient_fp = (i & 2) ? 1 : 0;
reg3::minimize_quotient_maps = (i & 4) ? 1 : 0;
else if(argis("-subrule")) {
shift(); reg3::other_rule = args();
shstream ins(decompress_string(read_file_as_string(args())));
reg3::subrule = true;
else if(argis("-less-states")) {
shift(); rulegen::less_states = argi();
else return 1;
return 0;
auto hook3 = addHook(hooks_args, 100, readRuleArgs3);
} |