#include "nilrider.h" #include "statues.cpp" #include "timestamp.cpp" #include "levels.cpp" #include "level.cpp" #include "planning.cpp" #include "solver.cpp" namespace nilrider { /** is the game paused? */ bool paused = false; bool planning_mode = false; bool view_simulation = false; int simulation_start_tick; void frame() { if(planning_mode && !view_simulation) return; shiftmatrix V = ggmatrix(cwt.at); curlev->draw_level(V); curlev->current.draw_unilcycle(V); } bool turn(int delta) { if(planning_mode && !view_simulation) return false; Uint8 *keystate = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); if(keystate[SDLK_RIGHT] && !paused) curlev->current.heading_angle -= delta / 1000.; if(keystate[SDLK_LEFT] && !paused) curlev->current.heading_angle += delta / 1000.; if(keystate[SDLK_UP] && !paused) min_gfx_slope -= delta / 1000.; if(keystate[SDLK_DOWN] && !paused) min_gfx_slope += delta / 1000.; curlev->current.heading_angle += mouseaim_x; min_gfx_slope += mouseaim_y; #if CAP_VR if(vrhr::active()) { curlev->current.heading_angle += vrhr::vraim_x * delta / 400; min_gfx_slope -= vrhr::vraim_y * delta / 400; } #endif if(min_gfx_slope < -90*degree) min_gfx_slope = -90*degree; if(min_gfx_slope > +90*degree) min_gfx_slope = +90*degree; if(!paused && !view_simulation) for(int i=0; ihistory.push_back(curlev->current); bool b = curlev->current.tick(curlev); if(b) timer += 1. / tps; else curlev->history.pop_back(); } if(!paused) curlev->current.centerview(curlev); return false; } void main_menu(); void run() { cmode = sm::MAP; clearMessages(); dialog::init(); if(view_simulation && !paused) { int ttick = gmod(ticks - simulation_start_tick, isize(curlev->history)); timer = ttick * 1. / tps; curlev->current = curlev->history[ttick]; curlev->current.centerview(curlev); } if(planning_mode && !view_simulation) cmode |= sm::SHOWCURSOR; gamescreen(0); if(planning_mode && !view_simulation) { curlev->draw_planning_screen(); if(!holdmouse) { auto t0 = SDL_GetTicks(); while(SDL_GetTicks() < t0 + 100) { if(!curlev->simulate()) break; } } } curlev->current.draw_instruments(timer); if(paused && !planning_mode) { displayButton(current_display->xcenter, current_display->ycenter, mousing ? XLAT("paused -- click to unpause") : XLAT("paused -- press p to continue"), 'p', 8); } int x = vid.fsize; auto show_button = [&] (char c, string s, color_t col = dialog::dialogcolor) { if(displayButtonS(x, vid.yres - vid.fsize, s, col, 0, vid.fsize)) getcstat = c; x += textwidth(vid.fsize, s) + vid.fsize; }; if(planning_mode && !view_simulation) { for(auto& b: buttons) show_button(b.first, b.second, planmode == b.first ? 0xFFD500 : dialog::dialogcolor); show_button('s', "simulation"); } if(planning_mode && view_simulation) { show_button('s', "return"); show_button('p', "pause", paused ? 0xFF0000 : dialog::dialogcolor); } if(!planning_mode) { show_button('p', "pause", paused ? 0xFF0000 : dialog::dialogcolor); } show_button('v', "menu"); dialog::add_key_action('v', [] { paused = true; pushScreen(main_menu); }); dialog::add_key_action('p', [] { paused = !paused; if(view_simulation && !paused) simulation_start_tick = ticks - timer * tps; }); dialog::add_key_action('-', [] { paused = false; }); dialog::add_key_action('b', [] { if(planning_mode) simulation_start_tick += 500; else { for(int i=0; i<500; i++) if(!curlev->history.empty()) curlev->history.pop_back(); curlev->current = curlev->history.back(); timer = isize(curlev->history) * 1. / tps; } }); if(planning_mode) dialog::add_key_action('s', [] { view_simulation = !view_simulation; paused = false; simulation_start_tick = ticks; }); dialog::display(); keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) { if(paused) handlePanning(sym, uni); if(planning_mode && !view_simulation && curlev->handle_planning(sym, uni)) return; dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni); }; } int speedlimit = 0; vector speedlimit_names = {"none", "yellow", "green", "full"}; void pick_level() { clearMessages(); dialog::init(XLAT("select the track"), 0xC0C0FFFF, 150, 100); for(auto l: all_levels) { dialog::addItem(l->name, l->hotkey); dialog::add_action([l] { curlev = l; recompute_plan_transform = true; l->init(); popScreen(); }); } dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } void pick_game() { clearMessages(); dialog::init(XLAT("how do you want to play?"), 0xC0C0FFFF, 150, 100); dialog::addSelItem("selected track", curlev->name, 't'); dialog::add_action_push(pick_level); dialog::addInfo(curlev->longdesc); dialog::addBreak(100); add_edit(speedlimit); add_edit(planning_mode); dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } void settings() { dialog::init(XLAT("settings"), 0xC0C0FFFF, 150, 100); dialog::addItem("RogueViz settings", 'r'); dialog::add_key_action('r', [] { pushScreen(showSettings); }); dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::display(); dialog::addBack(); } reaction_t on_quit = [] { exit(0); }; void main_menu() { clearMessages(); dialog::init(XLAT("Nil Rider"), 0xC0C0FFFF, 150, 100); dialog::addItem("continue", 'c'); dialog::add_action(popScreen); if(!planning_mode) { dialog::addItem("restart", 'r'); dialog::add_action([] { curlev->current = curlev->start; timer = 0; paused = false; popScreen(); }); dialog::addItem("view the replay", 'v'); dialog::add_action([] { }); dialog::addItem("save the replay", 'e'); dialog::add_action([] { }); } else { dialog::addItem("save this plan", 's'); dialog::add_action([] { }); } dialog::addItem("change track or game settings", 't'); dialog::add_action_push(pick_game); dialog::addItem("change other settings", 'o'); dialog::add_action_push(settings); dialog::addItem("quit", 'q'); dialog::add_action([] { on_quit(); }); dialog::display(); } bool on; void initialize() { check_cgi(); cgi.prepare_shapes(); init_statues(); curlev->init(); param_enum(planning_mode, "nil_planning", "nil_planning", false) -> editable({{"manual", "control the unicycle manually"}, {"planning", "try to plan the optimal route!"}}, "game mode", 'p'); param_enum(speedlimit, "nil_speedlimit", "nil_speedlimit", 0) -> editable({ {"no limit", "reach the goals as fast as you wan"}, {"yellow", "your speed must be in the yellow zone to collect"}, {"green", "your speed must be in the green zone to collect"}, {"full", "you must fully stop to collect"} }, "speed limit", 's'); rv_hook(hooks_frame, 100, frame); rv_hook(shmup::hooks_turn, 100, turn); on = true; on_cleanup_or_next([] { on = false; }); pushScreen(run); } auto celldemo = arg::add3("-unilcycle", initialize) + arg::add3("-unilplan", [] { planning_mode = true; }) + arg::add3("-viewsim", [] { view_simulation = true; }) + arg::add3("-oqc", [] { on_quit = popScreenAll; }) + arg::add3("-nilsolve", [] { curlev->solve(); }) + arg::add3("-fullsim", [] { /* for animations */ popScreenAll(); rv_hook(anims::hooks_anim, 100, [] { int ttick = ticks % isize(curlev->history); timer = ttick * 1. / tps; curlev->current = curlev->history[ttick]; curlev->current.centerview(curlev); anims::moved(); }); }) + arg::add3("-unillevel", [] { arg::shift(); for(auto l: all_levels) if(appears(l->name, arg::args())) curlev = l; if(on) curlev->init(); }) + arg::add3("-simplemodel", [] { nisot::geodesic_movement = false; pmodel = mdPerspective; pconf.rotational_nil = 0; }); }