// Hyperbolic Rogue -- land availability // Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file landlock.cpp * \brief unlocking lands, which lands could be found beyond the wall, validity of various lands depending on the settings */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { EX bool in_full_game() { if(ls::single()) return false; return true; } EX bool nodisplay(eMonster m) { return m == moIvyDead || m == moDragonTail || m == moWolfMoved || m == moIvyNext || m == moIvyDead; } /** returns: 2 = treasure increaser, 1 = just appears, 0 = does not appear */ EX int isNative(eLand l, eMonster m) { switch(l) { #define LAND(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) case c: #define NATIVE(x) return x; #include "content.cpp" case landtypes: return 0; } return false; } EX eItem treasureType(eLand l) { return linf[l].treasure; } EX eItem treasureTypeUnlock(eLand l, eItem u) { if(u != itOrbLove && l == laPrincessQuest) return itPalace; return treasureType(l); } EX eLand landof(eItem it) { for(int i=0; i<landtypes; i++) if(treasureType(eLand(i)) == it) return eLand(i); return laNone; } EX int landMultiplier(eLand l) { if(l == laCamelot || l == laPrincessQuest) return 10; return 1; } EX bool isCrossroads(eLand l) { return l == laCrossroads || l == laCrossroads2 || l == laCrossroads3 || l == laCrossroads4 || l == laCrossroads5; } EX bool bearsCamelot(eLand l) { return isCrossroads(l) && l != laCrossroads2 && l != laCrossroads5; } EX bool inmirror(const cellwalker& cw) { return inmirror(cw.at->land); } EX eLand oppositeElement(eLand l, eLand l2) { if(l == laEFire) return laEWater; if(l == laEWater) return laEFire; if(l == laEAir) return laEEarth; if(l == laEEarth) return laEAir; if(l == laMirror && l2 == laMirrored) return laMirrored2; if(l == laMirrored2 && l2 == laMirrored) return laMirror; return l; } // land unlocking EX eLand firstland = laIce; EX eLand specialland = laIce; #if HDR enum eLandStructure { lsNiceWalls, lsChaos, lsPatchedChaos, lsTotalChaos, lsChaosRW, lsWallChaos, lsSingle, lsNoWalls, lsGUARD }; #endif EX eLandStructure land_structure; EX namespace ls { EX bool single() { return land_structure == lsSingle; } EX bool any_chaos() { return among(land_structure, lsChaos, lsPatchedChaos, lsWallChaos, lsTotalChaos, lsChaosRW); } EX bool std_chaos() { return land_structure == lsChaos; } EX bool wall_chaos() { return land_structure == lsWallChaos; } EX bool patched_chaos() { return land_structure == lsPatchedChaos; } EX bool any_order() { return among(land_structure, lsNiceWalls, lsNoWalls); } EX bool nice_walls() { return land_structure == lsNiceWalls; } EX bool no_walls() { return land_structure == lsNoWalls; } EX bool any_nowall() { return no_walls() || std_chaos(); } EX bool any_wall() { return nice_walls() || wall_chaos(); } EX int chaoticity() { if(land_structure == lsTotalChaos) return 100; if(land_structure == lsChaosRW) return 80; if(land_structure == lsPatchedChaos) return 60; if(land_structure == lsChaos) return 40; if(land_structure == lsWallChaos) return 30; if(land_structure == lsSingle) return 0; return 10; } EX bool tame_chaos() { return any_chaos() && chaoticity() < 35; } EX } EX string land_structure_name(bool which) { switch(land_structure) { case lsNiceWalls: return XLAT("standard"); case lsChaos: return XLAT("Chaos mode"); case lsPatchedChaos: return XLAT("patched Chaos"); case lsWallChaos: return XLAT("excessive walls"); case lsTotalChaos: return XLAT("total chaos"); case lsChaosRW: return XLAT("random-walk chaos"); case lsSingle: return which ? XLAT("single land: ") + XLATN(linf[specialland].name) : XLAT("single land"); case lsNoWalls: return XLAT("wall-less"); default: return "error structure"; } } EX void fix_land_structure_choice() { if(bounded) { if(land_structure != lsTotalChaos && land_structure != lsChaosRW) land_structure = lsSingle; } if(tactic::on || princess::challenge) land_structure = lsSingle; if(yendor::on) land_structure = yendor::get_land_structure(); if(!nice_walls_available() && land_structure == lsNiceWalls) land_structure = lsNoWalls; if(!nice_walls_available() && land_structure == lsWallChaos) land_structure = lsChaos; if(walls_not_implemented() && among(land_structure, lsChaos, lsNoWalls)) land_structure = lsSingle; if(land_structure == lsPatchedChaos && !(stdeuc || nil || cryst || (euclid && WDIM == 3))) land_structure = lsSingle; if(bounded && !among(land_structure, lsChaosRW, lsTotalChaos, lsSingle)) land_structure = lsSingle; } EX bool landUnlockedRPM(eLand n) { if(isRandland(n) == 2) return true; if(isRandland(n) == 1) return (autocheat || cheater || hiitemsMax(treasureType(n)) >= 10); return false; } EX int lands_for_hell() { return casual ? 40 : 9; } EX int variant_unlock_value() { return inv::on ? 75 : 30; } EX bool landUnlocked(eLand l) { if(randomPatternsMode) { return landUnlockedRPM(l); } if(all_unlocked) { if(autocheat || hiitemsMax(treasureType(l)) >= 10) return true; } back: if(princess::challenge) return among(l, laPalace, laPrincessQuest); switch(l) { #define LAND(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) case c: #define REQ(x) x return true; #define REQAS(x,y) l = x; goto back; #define GOLD(x) if(gold() < x) return false; #define ITEMS(kind, number) if(items[kind] < number) return false; #define NEVER if(1) return false; #define ALWAYS ; #define KILLS(x) if(tkills() < x) return false; #define KILL(x, where) if(!kills[x]) return false; #define AKILL(x, where) if(kills[x]) return true; #define ORD(a, b) a b #define NUMBER(val, required, description) if(val < required) return false; #define COND(x,y) if(!(x)) return false; #define ITEMS_TOTAL(list, z) { int total = 0; for(eItem x: list) total += items[x]; if(total < z) return false; } #define ACCONLY(x) #define ACCONLY2(x,y) #define ACCONLY3(x,y,z) #define ACCONLYF(x) #include "content.cpp" case landtypes: return false; } return false; } EX bool required_for_hyperstones(eItem ttype) { if(ttype == itHyperstone) return false; if(among(ttype, itHolyGrail, itSavedPrincess)) return false; if(euclid && among(ttype, itBabyTortoise, itHunting)) return false; return true; } EX void countHyperstoneQuest(int& i1, int& i2) { i1 = 0; i2 = 0; generateLandList(isLandIngame); for(eLand l: landlist) { eItem ttype = treasureType(l); if(!required_for_hyperstones(ttype)) continue; i2++; if(items[ttype] >= R10) i1++; } } EX bool hyperstonesUnlocked() { int i1, i2; if(ls::single() && isCrossroads(specialland)) return true; countHyperstoneQuest(i1, i2); return i1 == i2; } // 2 = always available, 1 = highscore required, 0 = never available EX int isRandland(eLand l) { if(l == laIce || l == laDesert || l == laCaves || l == laWildWest || l == laDocks) return 2; for(eLand ll: randlands) if(l == ll) return 1; return 0; } EX bool incompatible1(eLand l1, eLand l2) { if(isCrossroads(l1) && isCrossroads(l2)) return true; if(l1 == laJungle && l2 == laMotion) return true; if(l1 == laMirrorOld && l2 == laMotion) return true; if(l1 == laPower && l2 == laWineyard) return true; if(l1 == laPower && l2 == laDryForest) return true; if(l1 == laVolcano && l2 == laDryForest) return true; if(l1 == laVolcano && l2 == laWineyard) return true; if(l1 == laDragon && l2 == laDryForest) return true; if(l1 == laEFire && l2 == laWineyard) return true; if(l1 == laEFire && l2 == laDryForest) return true; if(l1 == laGraveyard && l2 == laDryForest) return true; if(l1 == laGraveyard && l2 == laDice) return true; if(l1 == laGraveyard && l2 == laRuins) return true; if(l1 == laGraveyard && l2 == laRedRock) return true; if(l1 == laGraveyard && l2 == laEmerald) return true; if(l1 == laDeadCaves && l2 == laEmerald) return true; if(l1 == laDeadCaves && l2 == laCaves) return true; if(l1 == laWarpSea && l2 == laKraken) return true; if(l1 == laPrairie && l2 == laCrossroads3) return true; if(l1 == laPrairie && l2 == laCrossroads4) return true; if(l1 == laWet && l2 == laDesert) return true; if(l1 == laFrog && l2 == laMotion) return true; if(isElemental(l1) && isElemental(l2)) return true; return false; } EX eLand randomElementalLand() { int i = hrand(4); eLand t[4] = { laEFire, laEWater, laEAir, laEEarth }; return t[i]; } EX int elementalKills() { return kills[moAirElemental] + kills[moWaterElemental] + kills[moEarthElemental] + kills[moFireElemental]; } EX eLand randomElementalLandWeighted() { if(all_unlocked) return pick(laEAir, laEWater, laEEarth, laEFire); int i = hrand(elementalKills()); i -= kills[moAirElemental]; if(i<0) return laEAir; i -= kills[moWaterElemental]; if(i<0) return laEWater; i -= kills[moEarthElemental]; if(i<0) return laEEarth; i -= kills[moFireElemental]; if(i<0) return laEFire; printf("elemental bug\n"); return laElementalWall; } EX bool incompatible(eLand nw, eLand old) { return (nw == old) || incompatible1(nw, old) || incompatible1(old, nw); } EX bool rlyehComplete() { if(ls::any_chaos()) return items[itStatue] >= 1; return items[itStatue] >= 10 || items[itGrimoire] >= 10; } bool lchance(eLand l) { if(ls::single() || racing::on || ((geometry || GOLDBERG) && specialland == laElementalWall)) return true; if(ls::any_chaos()) return hrand(100) < 25; return hrand(100) >= 40 * kills[elementalOf(l)] / (elementalKills()+1); } EX eLand pickLandRPM(eLand old) { while(true) { eLand n = randlands[hrand(isize(randlands))]; if(incompatible(n, old)) continue; if(landUnlockedRPM(n)) return n; } } EX eLand pickluck(eLand l1, eLand l2) { int t1 = items[treasureType(l1)]; int t2 = items[treasureType(l2)]; if(t1 < t2) return l1; if(t2 < t1) return l2; if(isCrossroads(l1)) return l1; return l2; } #define LIKELY for(int u=0; u<5; u++) #define LIKELY2 for(int u=0; u<2; u++) /* bool noChaos(eLand l) { if(l == laOcean || l == laTemple) return false; return isCrossroads(l) || isCyclic(l) || isHaunted(l) || l == laCaribbean || isGravityLand(l) || l == laPrincessQuest || l == laPrairie || l == laHalloween; } */ EX eLand getNewSealand(eLand old) { while(true) { eLand p = pick(laOcean, pick(laCaribbean, laLivefjord, laWarpSea, laKraken, laDocks)); if(p == laKraken && !landUnlocked(p)) continue; if(p == laKraken && peace::on) continue; if(incompatible(old, p)) continue; if(p == old) continue; if(!isLandIngame(p)) continue; return p; } } EX bool createOnSea(eLand old) { return old == laWarpSea || old == laCaribbean || old == laKraken || (old == laLivefjord && hrand(2)) || (old == laDocks && hrand(2)) || (old == laOcean && (ls::any_chaos() ? hrand(2) : !generatingEquidistant)); } EX hookset<eLand(eLand)> hooks_nextland; EX bool all_unlocked = false; EX eLand getNewLand(eLand old) { eLand l = callhandlers(laNone, hooks_nextland, old); if(l) return l; if(cheatdest != old) if(!isCyclic(cheatdest) && !isTechnicalLand(cheatdest)) return cheatdest; if(old == laTortoise) return laDragon; if(yendor::on && ls::any_chaos()) { while(true) { eLand n = eLand(hrand(landtypes)); if(n == old) continue; if(incompatible(n,old)) continue; if(!isLandIngame(n)) continue; if(n == laElementalWall || isTechnicalLand(n)) continue; if(n == laWildWest) continue; if(isElemental(n) && hrand(100) >= 25) continue; return n; } } if(markOrb(itOrbLuck)) { int i = items[itOrbLuck]; items[itOrbLuck] = 0; eLand l1 = getNewLand(old); for(int i=1; i<3; i++) l1 = pickluck(l1, getNewLand(old)); items[itOrbLuck] = i; return l1; } if(randomPatternsMode) return pickLandRPM(old); if(old == laEEarth && lchance(old)) return hrand(2) ? laEWater : laEFire; if(old == laEAir && lchance(old)) return hrand(2) ? laEWater : laEFire; if(old == laEWater && lchance(old)) return hrand(2) ? laEEarth : laEAir; if(old == laEFire && lchance(old)) return hrand(2) ? laEEarth : laEAir; #if CAP_RACING if(racing::on && old != laElementalWall) { eLand l = old; using racing::race_lands; while(l == old) l = race_lands[hrand(16)]; // fixed at 16 if(l == laElementalWall) l = randomElementalLand(); if(l == laMirror) l = laCrossroads; return l; } #endif if(tactic::on) return specialland; if(specialland != old && easy_to_find_specialland) return specialland; if(yendor::on && (yendor::clev().flags & YF_WALLS)) { if(old != yendor::clev().l) return yendor::clev().l; else if(old == laOcean) return pick(laLivefjord, laCaribbean); } if(yendor::on && yendor::nexttostart) { eLand l = yendor::nexttostart; if(!(yendor::clev().flags & YF_REPEAT)) yendor::nexttostart = laNone; return l; } if(old == laDragon && tortoise::seek() && hrand(100) < 50) return laTortoise; if(isWarpedType(old) && (hrand(100) < 25) && ls::std_chaos()) return eLand(old ^ laWarpCoast ^ laWarpSea); if(createOnSea(old)) return getNewSealand(old); if(old == laGraveyard && generatingEquidistant) return laHaunted; if(old == laOcean && gold() >= R60 && hrand(100) < 75 && !rlyehComplete() && !all_unlocked) return laRlyeh; if(old == laRlyeh && !rlyehComplete() && !all_unlocked) return laOcean; eLand tab[16384]; int cnt = 0; // return (hrand(2)) ? laMotion : laJungle; for(eLand l: { laCrossroads, laIce, laDesert, laJungle, laMotion, laHunting, laAlchemist, laCaves, laMinefield, laPalace, laReptile, laSwitch, laBurial, laDungeon, laRuins, laZebra, laStorms, laWhirlwind, laOvergrown, laBlizzard, laDryForest, laWineyard, laVolcano, laDeadCaves, laRedRock, laVariant, laHell, laCocytus, laPower, laBull, laTerracotta, laRose, laGraveyard, laHive, laDragon, laTrollheim, laWet, laFrog, laEclectic, laCursed, laDice, laCrossroads5, }) if(landUnlocked(l)) tab[cnt++] = l; struct clos { eLand l1; eLand l2; int f1; int f2; }; for(clos c: { clos{laZebra, laMotion, 2, 2}, {laZebra, laHunting, 2, 2}, {laDragon, laReptile, 5, 5}, {laVariant, laRuins, 5, 5}, {laVariant, laEmerald, 5, 5}, {laVariant, laGraveyard, 5, 5}, {laPalace, laDungeon, 5, 0}, {laJungle, laOvergrown, 5, 5}, {laIce, laBlizzard, 5, 5}, {laCocytus, laBlizzard, 5, 5}, {laHell, laCocytus, 5, 5}, {laIce, laCocytus, 5, 5}, {laWhirlwind, laBlizzard, 5, 5}, {laAlchemist, laVolcano, 5, 5}, {laDesert, laRedRock, 5, 5}, {laFrog, laReptile, 2, 2}, {laFrog, laSwitch, 2, 2}, {laFrog, laZebra, 2, 2}, {laEclectic, laStorms, 3, 3}, {laEclectic, laIce, 3, 3}, {laEclectic, laPalace, 3, 3}, {laEclectic, laDeadCaves, 3, 3}, {laEFire, laDragon, 5, 5}, {laEWater, laLivefjord, 5, 5}, {laEEarth, laDeadCaves, 5, 5}, {laEAir, laWhirlwind, 5, 5}, }) { if(old == c.l1 && landUnlocked(c.l2)) for(int i=0; i<c.f1; i++) tab[cnt++] = c.l2; if(old == c.l2 && landUnlocked(c.l1)) for(int i=0; i<c.f2; i++) tab[cnt++] = c.l1; } // these lands tend to crash while generating equidistant for(eLand l: {laIvoryTower, laEndorian, laWestWall}) if(landUnlocked(l) && !generatingEquidistant) tab[cnt++] = l; // the intermediate lands if(all_unlocked || gold() >= R30) { tab[cnt++] = laCrossroads; tab[cnt++] = geometry ? laMirrorOld : laMirror; tab[cnt++] = laOcean; tab[cnt++] = laLivefjord; if(all_unlocked || kills[moVizier]) tab[cnt++] = laEmerald; tab[cnt++] = laWarpCoast; if(euclid) tab[cnt++] = laWarpSea; tab[cnt++] = laDocks; } // the advanced lands if(all_unlocked || gold() >= R60) { tab[cnt++] = laCrossroads; if(!generatingEquidistant) tab[cnt++] = laCrossroads2; if(all_unlocked || rlyehComplete()) tab[cnt++] = laRlyeh; else if(ls::std_chaos() && (old == laWarpCoast || old == laLivefjord || old == laOcean)) tab[cnt++] = laRlyeh; if((all_unlocked || items[itStatue] >= U5) && ls::std_chaos()) tab[cnt++] = laTemple; if(old == laCrossroads || old == laCrossroads2) tab[cnt++] = laOcean; if(old == laOcean) tab[cnt++] = laCrossroads; if(items[itGold] >= U5 && items[itFernFlower] >= U5 && !kills[moVizier] && !all_unlocked) tab[cnt++] = laEmerald; } if(all_unlocked || gold() >= R90) { if(!ls::std_chaos()) tab[cnt++] = laPrairie; if(old == laPrairie) LIKELY tab[cnt++] = laBull; if(old == laBull && !ls::any_chaos()) LIKELY tab[cnt++] = laPrairie; if(ls::std_chaos() && geometry) tab[cnt++] = laDual; if(ls::std_chaos() && geosupport_threecolor()) tab[cnt++] = laSnakeNest; } if(landUnlocked(laTrollheim)) { if(isTrollLand(old)) LIKELY tab[cnt++] = laTrollheim; if(old == laTrollheim) for(int i=0; i<landtypes; i++) { eLand l2 = eLand(i); if(isTrollLand(l2)) LIKELY tab[cnt++] = l2; } } if(landUnlocked(laElementalWall)) { tab[cnt++] = randomElementalLandWeighted(); } if(landUnlocked(laHell)) { if(!generatingEquidistant && old != laPrairie) tab[cnt++] = laCrossroads3; } if(items[itHell] >= U10) { if(old == laCrossroads || old == laCrossroads2) tab[cnt++] = laOcean; if(old == laOcean) tab[cnt++] = laCrossroads2; } eLand n = old; while(incompatible(n, old) || !isLandIngame(n)) { n = tab[hrand(cnt)]; if(weirdhyperbolic && specialland == laCrossroads4 && isCrossroads(n)) n = laCrossroads4; } return n; } EX vector<eLand> land_over = { laIce, laCaves, laDesert, laHunting, laMotion, laJungle, laAlchemist, laCrossroads, laMirror, laMirrorOld, laMinefield, laPalace, laPrincessQuest, laZebra, laSwitch, laReptile, laWet, laOcean, laDocks, laWarpCoast, laLivefjord, laKraken, laCaribbean, laBrownian, laWhirlpool, laRlyeh, laTemple, laIvoryTower, laEndorian, laWestWall, laDungeon, laMountain, laCrossroads2, laDryForest, laWineyard, laDeadCaves, laGraveyard, laHaunted, laHive, laRedRock, laVolcano, laDragon, laTortoise, laDice, laOvergrown, laClearing, laStorms, laBurial, laWhirlwind, laBlizzard, laFrog, laEclectic, laCursed, laRuins, laEmerald, laVariant, laCamelot, laPrairie, laBull, laTerracotta, laRose, laElementalWall, laTrollheim, laHell, laCrossroads3, laCocytus, laPower, laCrossroads4, laCrossroads5, // EXTRA laWildWest, laHalloween, laDual, laSnakeNest, laMagnetic, laCA, laAsteroids }; EX vector<eLand> landlist; #if HDR template<class T> void generateLandList(T t) { landlist.clear(); for(auto l: land_over) if(t(l)) landlist.push_back(l); } #endif #if HDR namespace lv { static const flagtype appears_in_geom_exp = 1; static const flagtype display_error_message = 2; static const flagtype appears_in_full = 4; static const flagtype appears_in_ptm = 8; static const flagtype display_in_help = 16; static const flagtype one_and_half = 32; } struct land_validity_t { int quality_level; // 0 (dont show), 1 (1/2), 2 (ok), 3(1!) flagtype flags; string msg; }; #endif EX eLand getLandForList(cell *c) { eLand l = c->land; if(isElemental(l)) return laElementalWall; if(l == laWarpSea) return laWarpCoast; if(l == laMercuryRiver) return laTerracotta; if(l == laBarrier) return laCrossroads; if(l == laOceanWall) return laOcean; if(l == laPalace && princess::dist(cwt.at) < OUT_OF_PRISON) l = laPrincessQuest; // princess? return l; } EX bool isLandIngame(eLand l) { if(isElemental(l)) l = laElementalWall; if(dual::state == 2 && !dual::check_side(l)) return false; if((eubinary || sol) && isCyclic(l) && l != specialland) return false; if(l == laCamelot && hyperbolic && WDIM == 3) return false; return land_validity(l).flags & lv::appears_in_full; } namespace lv { flagtype q0 = lv::display_error_message | lv::display_in_help | lv::appears_in_geom_exp; flagtype q1 = lv::display_error_message | lv::appears_in_geom_exp | lv::appears_in_full | lv::display_in_help; flagtype q2 = lv::appears_in_geom_exp | lv::appears_in_full | lv::display_in_help | lv::appears_in_ptm; flagtype q3 = lv::appears_in_geom_exp | lv::appears_in_full | lv::display_in_help | lv::appears_in_ptm; flagtype qm2= q2 | lv::display_error_message; flagtype qm3= q3 | lv::display_error_message; land_validity_t hedgehogs = { 1, qm2 &~ lv::appears_in_full, "Cannot kill Hedgehog Warriors in this geometry."}; land_validity_t no_randpattern_version = { 0, q0, "No random pattern version."}; land_validity_t no_great_walls = { 0, q0, "Great Walls not implemented."}; land_validity_t pattern_incompatibility = { 0, q0, "Pattern incompatible."}; land_validity_t pattern_not_implemented_random = { 1, q1 | one_and_half, "Pattern not implemented -- using random."}; land_validity_t pattern_not_implemented_weird = { 1, q1, "Pattern not implemented."}; land_validity_t pattern_not_implemented_exclude = { 1, q1 & ~ lv::appears_in_full, "Pattern not implemented."}; land_validity_t not_enough_space = { 0, q0, "Not enough space."}; land_validity_t dont_work = { 0, q0, "Does not work in this geometry."}; land_validity_t bounded_only = { 0, q0, "This land is designed for bounded worlds."}; land_validity_t unbounded_only = { 0, q0, "This land is designed for infinite worlds."}; land_validity_t unbounded_only_except_bigsphere = { 0, q0, "This land is designed for infinite worlds or big spheres."}; land_validity_t out_of_theme = { 3, qm2 &~ lv::appears_in_full, "Out of theme for the full game."}; land_validity_t no_game = { 2, q2 &~ lv::appears_in_full, "No game here."}; land_validity_t not_in_chaos = { 0, q0, "Does not work in chaos mode."}; land_validity_t not_in_full_game = {2, qm2 &~ lv::appears_in_full, "Not in the full game."}; land_validity_t not_in_full_game3 = {3, qm2 &~ lv::appears_in_full, "Not in the full game."}; land_validity_t special_chaos = { 2, qm2, "Special construction in the Chaos mode." }; land_validity_t special_euclidean = { 2, qm2, "Special construction in the Euclidean mode." }; land_validity_t special_geo = { 2, qm2, "Special construction in this geometry." }; land_validity_t special_geo3 = { 3, qm2, "Special construction in this geometry." }; land_validity_t not_implemented = {0, q0, "Not implemented."}; land_validity_t partially_implemented = {1, q1 | one_and_half, "Partially implemented."}; land_validity_t ok = {2, q2 &~ lv::display_in_help, "No comments."}; land_validity_t not_in_ptm = {0, q0, "Does not work in pure tactics mode."}; land_validity_t technical = {0, q0 &~ lv::appears_in_geom_exp, "Technical."}; land_validity_t full_game = {3, q3 &~ lv::display_in_help, "Full game."}; land_validity_t inaccurate = {1, q1, "Somewhat inaccurate."}; land_validity_t great_walls_missing = {1, q1 | one_and_half, "Mercury rivers not implemented (or could not work) in this geometry."}; land_validity_t pattern_compatibility = {3, qm3, "Patterns compatible."}; land_validity_t pattern_defined = {3, qm3, "Pattern defined."}; land_validity_t pattern_compatibility_notrec = {2, qm2, "Patterns compatible."}; land_validity_t specially_designed = {3, qm3, "This land is specially designed for this geometry."}; land_validity_t needs_threecolor = {0, q0, "Three-colorability required."}; land_validity_t land_not_implemented = {0, q0 &~ lv::appears_in_geom_exp, "Land not implemented."}; land_validity_t interesting = {3, q3, "Special interest."}; land_validity_t better_version_exists = {0, q0, "Better version exists."}; land_validity_t dont_work_but_ingame = {1, q0 | lv::appears_in_full, "Does not work in this geometry."}; land_validity_t ugly_version_infull = {1, q1 | lv::appears_in_full, "Grid does not work in this geometry."}; land_validity_t ugly_version_nofull = {1, q1, "Grid does not work in this geometry."}; land_validity_t bad_graphics = {1, q1, "Graphics not implemented in this geometry."}; land_validity_t some0 = {0, q0, "This land does not work in the current settings. Reason not available."}; land_validity_t some1 = {1, q1, "This land does not work well in the current settings. Reason not available."}; land_validity_t known_buggy = {1, q1, "This combination is known to be buggy at the moment."}; land_validity_t sloppy_pattern = {1, q1 | one_and_half, "Somewhat sloppy pattern."}; land_validity_t no_fractal_landscapes = {1, q1 | one_and_half, "Fractal landscapes not implemented in this geometry."}; land_validity_t simplified_walls = { 1, q1, "Only simplified walls implemented."}; land_validity_t no_walls = { 0, q0, "No walls implemented."}; land_validity_t disabled = {0, q0, "This land has been disabled with compilation flags."}; land_validity_t pattern_special = {3, qm3, "Special pattern implemented for this geometry."}; land_validity_t not_3d = {0, q0, "This land does not make much sense in 3D."}; land_validity_t not_binary = {0, q0, "This land does not make much sense in binary tiling."}; land_validity_t shmup_only = {0, q0, "This land works only in the shmup mode."}; land_validity_t not_in_shmup = {0, q0, "This land is not available in the shmup mode."}; land_validity_t not_in_multi = {0, q0, "This land is not available in multiplayer."}; } // old Daily Challenges should keep their validity forever // set this number for historical values of land_validity EX int old_daily_id = 1000000; const int landscapes_when = 177; EX const int frog_when = 205; EX const int cursed_when = 9999; /* don't do Dice and Curse for now in daily */ // check if the given land should appear in lists EX land_validity_t& land_validity(eLand l) { bool stdeucx = stdeuc; if(euclid && quotient) stdeucx = false; using namespace lv; if(l == laDice && geometry == gNormal && PURE) return dont_work; if(l == laDice && WDIM == 3) return dont_work; if(old_daily_id < frog_when && among(l, laFrog, laEclectic, laWet)) return not_implemented; if(old_daily_id < cursed_when && among(l, laCursed, laDice)) return not_implemented; if(arb::in() && among(l, laWarpCoast, laDual, laEclectic, laReptile, laKraken)) return not_implemented; if(l == laEclectic && !(geometry == gNormal && BITRUNCATED)) return pattern_not_implemented_weird; if(l == laFrog && shmup::on) return not_in_shmup; if(walls_not_implemented() && isCrossroads(l)) return no_walls; if(hybri || hybrid::pmap) { if(among(l, laPrincessQuest, laPrairie, laMirrorOld, laMirror, laDual, laWarpCoast, laKraken, laBrownian, laWhirlpool, laWestWall, laHive, laClearing, laWhirlwind, laBlizzard, laBull, laTerracotta, laCrossroads5, laEndorian, laDungeon, laMountain)) return lv::not_implemented; if(among(l, laReptile, laDragon, laTortoise)) return lv::bad_graphics; if((hybrid::actual_geometry == gRotSpace || geometry == gRotSpace) && l == laDryForest) return lv::hedgehogs; if(hybri && hybrid::underlying && hybrid::underlying_cgip) { return *PIU(&land_validity(l)); } } #if !CAP_FIELD if(among(l, laPrairie, laBlizzard, laVolcano)) return disabled; #endif #if !CAP_COMPLEX2 if(among(l, laBrownian, laWestWall, laVariant)) return disabled; #endif if(l == laMinefield && bounded) return special_geo3; if(l == laAsteroids) { if(!shmup::on) return shmup_only; if(!bounded) return bounded_only; return specially_designed; } if(nil) { if(among(l, laCrossroads, laCrossroads2, laCrossroads3, laCrossroads4)) return lv::full_game; if(among(l, laPalace, laGraveyard, laWineyard, laElementalWall)) return lv::pattern_special; if(among(l, laEndorian, laCaribbean, laHaunted, laVolcano, laClearing, laStorms, laBlizzard)) return lv::not_implemented; } if(WDIM == 3) { if(l == laWarpCoast) return ugly_version_nofull; if(l == laWineyard && hyperbolic && !bt::in() && S7 == 6) return lv::pattern_special; if(l == laEmerald && hyperbolic && !bt::in() && S7 == 12) return lv::pattern_special; if(l == laZebra) return pattern_not_implemented_random; if(among(l, laWhirlpool, laPrairie, laWestWall, laBull)) return lv::not_3d; if(l == laEndorian && geometry == gKiteDart3) return not_implemented; if(l == laEndorian && sol) return not_implemented; if(l == laEndorian && hyperbolic && !quotient) return lv::pattern_special; if(l == laIvoryTower && hyperbolic && bt::in()) return lv::pattern_special; if(l == laDungeon || l == laBrownian) return not_implemented; if(l == laKraken) return bt::in() ? not_binary : not_implemented; if(l == laBurial && !shmup::on) return not_implemented; if(l == laMirrorOld && !shmup::on) return not_implemented; } if(l == laBrownian) { if(quotient || !hyperbolic || cryst) return dont_work; } if(bt::in()) { if(among(l, laMountain, laTemple)) return lv::pattern_compatibility; if(among(l, laDungeon, laIvoryTower, laOcean, laEndorian)) return lv::pattern_compatibility; if(among(l, laCaribbean, laCamelot)) return lv::pattern_compatibility_notrec; // Clearing -- does not generate /* laCamelot, laCaribbean -> they are OK but not recommended */ } #if CAP_ARCM if(arcm::in()) { if(among(l, laPower, laZebra, laFrog, laWineyard) && arcm::current.have_line) return lv::pattern_defined; // horocycles not implemented if(isCyclic(l)) return not_implemented; } #endif #if CAP_CRYSTAL if(cryst) { if(l == laCamelot) return interesting; if(isCrossroads(l)) return full_game; } #endif // Random Pattern allowed only in some specific lands if(randomPatternsMode && !isRandland(l)) return no_randpattern_version; if(isElemental(l)) { if(l != laElementalWall) return technical; // not good in Field quotient if(geometry == gZebraQuotient) return special_geo3; if(quotient || sol) return no_great_walls; if(weirdhyperbolic) return simplified_walls; // works nice on a big non-tetrahedron-based sphere if(sphere && S3 != 3 && GOLDBERG) return special_geo3; } // not enough space if(l == laStorms && (old_daily_id < 35 ? !BITRUNCATED : PURE) && elliptic) return not_enough_space; if(l == laStorms && WDIM == 3) return not_in_full_game; /* uses too much memory */ if(l == laStorms && S7 == 3) return not_enough_space; // does not agree with the pattern if(l == laStorms && quotient && geometry != gZebraQuotient) return pattern_not_implemented_random; // pattern not implemented if(l == laStorms && S7 == 8) return pattern_not_implemented_random; // mirrors do not work in gp if(among(l, laMirror, laMirrorOld) && (GOLDBERG && old_daily_id < 33)) return dont_work; // mirrors do not work in kite and sol if(among(l, laMirror, laMirrorOld) && (kite::in() || sol)) return dont_work; if(isCrossroads(l) && geometry == gBinary4) return not_implemented; if(bt::in() && among(l, laMirror, laMirrorOld)) return dont_work; if(l == laWhirlwind && hyperbolic_not37) return pattern_incompatibility; // available only in non-standard geometries if(l == laMirrorOld && !geometry && STDVAR) return better_version_exists; // available only in standard geometry if(l == laMirror && (geometry || NONSTDVAR)) return not_implemented; // Halloween needs bounded world (can be big bounded) if(l == laHalloween && !bounded) return bounded_only; // Crystal World is designed for nice_dual geometries if(l == laDual && (!has_nice_dual() || nonisotropic)) return dont_work; if(l == laHaunted && ls::std_chaos()) return not_in_chaos; // standard, non-PTM specific if(l == laCrossroads5 && old_daily_id < 999 && tactic::on) return not_in_ptm; // standard non-PTM non-chaos specific if((l == laCrossroads5 || l == laCrossroads2) && (geometry || ls::any_chaos() || ls::no_walls())) return some0; // special construction in the Chaos mode if(ls::any_chaos() && (l == laTemple || l == laHive || l == laOcean || l == laHaunted)) return special_chaos; if(l == laWhirlpool && a4) return dont_work; if(isWarpedType(l) && a4 && GOLDBERG) return dont_work; #if CAP_IRR if((isWarpedType(l) || l == laDual) && IRREGULAR && !irr::bitruncations_performed) return dont_work; if(IRREGULAR && among(l, laPrairie, laMirror, laMirrorOld)) return dont_work; #endif if(arcm::in() && l == laPrairie) return dont_work; if((IRREGULAR || arcm::in()) && among(l, laBlizzard, laVolcano) && !sphere) return dont_work; if(arcm::in() && DUAL && l == laCrossroads4) return not_implemented; if(geometry == gKiteDart3 && l == laGraveyard) return lv::pattern_special; // equidistant-based lands if(isEquidLand(l)) { // no equidistants supported in chaos mode if(ls::any_chaos()) return not_in_chaos; // the algorithm fails in Archimedean DUAL if(arcm::in() && DUAL) return not_implemented; // the algorithm fails in Binary4 if(geometry == gBinary4) return not_implemented; // no equidistants supported in these geometries (big sphere is OK though) if(bounded && !bigsphere) return unbounded_only_except_bigsphere; // Yendorian only implemented in standard if(l == laEndorian && geometry) return not_implemented; // special Euclidean implementations if(euclid && (l == laIvoryTower || l == laMountain || l == laOcean || l == laMountain)) return special_geo; // in other geometries, it works if(geometry) return ok; } if(l == laPrincessQuest && ls::any_chaos()) return not_in_chaos; if(l == laPrincessQuest && tactic::on) return not_in_ptm; if(l == laPrincessQuest && (!stdeucx || NONSTDVAR)) return not_implemented; if(l == laPrincessQuest && shmup::on) return not_in_shmup; if(l == laPrincessQuest && multi::players > 1) return not_in_multi; if(l == laMountain && ls::any_chaos()) return not_in_chaos; if(l == laBrownian && ls::any_chaos()) return not_in_chaos; // works correctly only in some geometries if(l == laClearing && ls::any_chaos()) return not_in_chaos; if(l == laClearing) if(!(stdeucx || geometry == gBinaryTiling || a38 || (a45 && BITRUNCATED) || (a47 && BITRUNCATED)) || NONSTDVAR) if(!bounded) return not_implemented; // does not work in non-bitrunc a4 if(l == laOvergrown && a4 && !BITRUNCATED) return some0; // does not work in bounded either if(l == laOvergrown && bounded) return some0; // horocycle-based lands, not available in bounded geometries nor in Chaos mode if(l == laWhirlpool || l == laCamelot || l == laCaribbean || l == laTemple || l == laHive) { if(ls::any_chaos()) { if(l == laTemple || l == laHive) return special_chaos; return not_in_chaos; } if(arcm::in() || kite::in()) return not_implemented; if(bounded) return unbounded_only; if(INVERSE) return not_implemented; } if(ls::any_chaos() && isCrossroads(l)) return not_in_chaos; // this pattern does not work on elliptic and small spheres if((l == laBlizzard || l == laVolcano) && elliptic && S7 < 5 && !arcm::in()) return not_enough_space; // ... and it works in gp only partially if((l == laBlizzard || l == laVolcano) && GOLDBERG && (old_daily_id < 33 || !sphere)) return partially_implemented; // Kraken does not really work on odd-sided cells; // a nice football pattern will solve the problem by forbidding the Kraken to go there // (but we do have to allow it in non-bitrunc standard) if(l == laKraken && (S7&1) && !has_nice_dual()) { return dont_work_but_ingame; } // works in most spheres, Zebra quotient, and stdeucx if(l == laWhirlwind) { if(geometry == gZebraQuotient) return pattern_compatibility; if(stdeucx) ; else if(S7 == 4 && BITRUNCATED) return special_geo; else if(bigsphere && !BITRUNCATED && !elliptic) return special_geo; else return dont_work; } // needs standard/Euclidean (needs fractal landscape) if(among(l, laTortoise, laVariant) && !(old_daily_id < landscapes_when ? stdeucx : geometry_supports_cdata())) return not_implemented; // technical lands do not count if(l != laCA && isTechnicalLand(l)) return technical; // only in bounded geometry, and not in PTM if(l == laCA && !bounded) return bounded_only; if(l == laCA && tactic::on) return not_in_ptm; if(l == laCA) return no_game; // Dragon Chasm requires unbounded space [partial] if(l == laDragon && smallbounded) return unbounded_only; // Graveyard pattern does not work on non-bitrunc weird geometries if((l == laGraveyard && !randomPatternsMode) || l == laRuins || l == laRedRock) switch(geosupport_football()) { case 0: return dont_work; case 1: return sloppy_pattern; default: ; } // Warped Coast does not work on non-bitrunc S3s (except standard heptagonal where we have to keep it) if(l == laWarpCoast && (S3==3) && geosupport_football() != 2 && !(old_daily_id >= 33 && geosupport_chessboard())) { return ugly_version_infull; } if(l == laWarpCoast && quotient && geometry != gZebraQuotient && !randomPatternsMode) return pattern_incompatibility; if(among(l, laEmerald, laCamelot, laDryForest) && valence() != 3 && old_daily_id >= 65) return hedgehogs; // laPower and laEmerald and laPalace -> [partial] in quotients and hyperbolic_non37 if((l == laPower || l == laEmerald || l == laPalace || l == laWildWest) && !randomPatternsMode) { if(euclid || bigsphere) ; else if(old_daily_id <= 65 && a45) ; else if(!hyperbolic_37) return l == laWildWest ? some0 : pattern_not_implemented_random; else if(quotient) return pattern_incompatibility; } if(among(l, laEmerald, laCamelot, laDryForest) && valence() != 3) return hedgehogs; if(l == laWineyard && sol) return lv::pattern_special; // ... wineyard pattern is GOOD only in the standard geometry or Euclidean if(l == laWineyard && (NONSTDVAR || sphere) && !randomPatternsMode) return pattern_not_implemented_random; if(l == laTrollheim && quotient == qFIELD) return not_enough_space; if(l == laStorms && hyperbolic_not37) return pattern_not_implemented_random; if(l == laTrollheim && !stdeucx && !bounded) return some1; if(l == laReptile && sol) return ugly_version_nofull; if(l == laReptile) { if(old_daily_id <= 64) { if(l == laReptile && (a38 || a4 || sphere || !BITRUNCATED || (quotient && !euclid && geometry != gZebraQuotient))) return bad_graphics; } else { bool reptile_good = false; if(hyperbolic_37 && BITRUNCATED) reptile_good = true; if(euc::in(2,6)) reptile_good = true; if(quotient && geometry != gZebraQuotient && !euclid) reptile_good = false; if(!reptile_good) return bad_graphics; } } if((l == laDragon || l == laReptile) && !stdeucx && !smallbounded && !randomPatternsMode) return no_fractal_landscapes; if(l == laCrossroads && smallsphere) return not_enough_space; if(l == laCrossroads3 && !stdeucx && !bigsphere) return not_enough_space; if(among(l, laCrossroads, laCrossroads2, laCrossroads3, laCrossroads5) && weirdhyperbolic) return no_great_walls; // Crossroads IV is great in weird hyperbolic if(l == laCrossroads4 && weirdhyperbolic && !quotient) return full_game; // OK in small bounded worlds, and in Euclidean if(l == laCrossroads4 && quotient) return some0; if(among(l, laZebra, laFrog) && quotient && geometry != gZebraQuotient && !randomPatternsMode) return pattern_incompatibility; if(among(l, laZebra, laFrog) && !(stdeucx || (a4 && !BITRUNCATED) || a46 || (geometry == gZebraQuotient && old_daily_id > 106)) && !randomPatternsMode) return pattern_not_implemented_weird; if(l == laCrossroads3 && euclid) return inaccurate; // because it is not accurate if(l == laPrairie) { if(GOLDBERG) return not_implemented; else if(stdeucx || (bigsphere && BITRUNCATED && !elliptic) || (geometry == gFieldQuotient)) ; else if(!bounded) return not_implemented; else return unbounded_only; } if(l == laTerracotta && !stdeucx && !(bigsphere)) return great_walls_missing; // highlight Crossroads on Euclidean if(euclid && !quotient && (l == laCrossroads || l == laCrossroads4) && !kite::in()) return full_game; if(sol && among(l, laCrossroads, laCrossroads4)) return full_game; if(sol && l == laCamelot) return not_implemented; if(euclid && quotient && !bounded && l == laCrossroads && euc::sdxy().second == -2 * euc::sdxy().first) return full_game; if(euclid && quotient && !bounded && l == laCrossroads4 && euc::sdxy().second == 0) return full_game; // highlight Zebra-based lands on Zebra Quotient! if(among(l, laZebra, laWhirlwind, laStorms, laWarpCoast, laWarpSea, laFrog) && geometry == gZebraQuotient) return pattern_compatibility; // highlight FP-based lands on Field Quotient! if((l == laPrairie || l == laVolcano || l == laBlizzard) && geometry == gFieldQuotient) return pattern_compatibility; // highlight Docks-based lands on Bolza and Bolza x2! if(l == laDocks && among(geometry, gBolza, gBolza2)) return pattern_compatibility; // these are highlighted whenever allowed if(l == laHalloween) return specially_designed; if(l == laDual && geosupport_threecolor() == 2) return specially_designed; if(l == laDual && !geometry && !GOLDBERG) return hyperbolic_37 ? not_in_full_game3 : not_in_full_game; if(l == laSnakeNest && WDIM == 2) { if(geosupport_threecolor() < 2) return needs_threecolor; else return specially_designed; } if(l == laDocks && !randomPatternsMode) { if(a38 && !GOLDBERG && !nonisotropic) return specially_designed; if(a38 && !nonisotropic) return pattern_not_implemented_weird; return pattern_not_implemented_exclude; } if(l == laStorms && euclid && bounded) return interesting; if(l == laMagnetic) return land_not_implemented; if(shmup::on && among(l, laMirror, laMirrorOld) && among(geometry, gElliptic, gZebraQuotient, gKleinQuartic, gBolza, gBolza2, gMinimal)) return known_buggy; // these don't appear in normal game, but do appear in special modes if(l == laWildWest && !randomPatternsMode) return out_of_theme; if(l == laIce && STDVAR && hyperbolic_37 && !quotient && !arcm::in() && !bt::in()) return full_game; return ok; } /* int checkLands() { for(int i=0; i<landtypes; i++) { eLand l = eLand(i); char inover = 'N'; for(int i=0; i<LAND_OVERX; i++) if(land_over[i] == l) inover = 'X'; for(int i=0; i<LAND_OVER; i++) if(land_over[i] == l) inover = 'Y'; char ineuc = 'N'; for(int i=0; i<LAND_EUC; i++) if(land_euc[i] == l) ineuc = 'Y'; char insph = 'N'; for(int i=0; i<LAND_SPH; i++) if(land_sph[i] == l) insph = 'Y'; char inoct = 'N'; for(int i=0; i<LAND_OCT; i++) if(land_oct[i] == l) inoct = 'Y'; char intac = 'N'; for(auto ti: land_tac) if(l == ti.l) intac = 'Y'; printf("%c %c %c %c %c %c %c :: %s\n", isTechnicalLand(l) ? 'T' : 'R', inover, ineuc, insph, inoct, intac, noChaos(l) ? 'N' : 'Y', linf[i].name); } exit(0); } auto hookcl = addHook(hooks_args, 100, checkLands); */ }