// Hyperbolic Rogue -- memory saving // Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file memory.cpp * \brief memory saving: memory saving mode, memory warnings, etc. */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { #if HDR static const int PSEUDOKEY_MEMORY = 16397; #endif EX bool memory_saving_mode = true; EX bool show_memory_warning = true; EX bool ignored_memory_warning; static const int LIM = 150; EX heptagon *last_cleared; EX void destroycellcontents(cell *c) { c->land = laMemory; c->wall = waChasm; c->item = itNone; if(!isMultitile(c->monst) && c->monst != moPair) c->monst = moNone; } void degrade(cell *c) { c->mpdist++; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->mpdist < c->mpdist - 1) degrade(c2); destroycellcontents(c); } EX vector<cell*> removed_cells; void slow_delete_cell(cell *c) { while(c->mpdist < BARLEV) degrade(c); for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(c->move(i)) c->move(i)->move(c->c.spin(i)) = NULL; removed_cells.push_back(c); destroy_cell(c); } void delete_heptagon(heptagon *h2) { cell *c = h2->c7; if(BITRUNCATED) { for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(c->move(i)) slow_delete_cell(c->move(i)); } slow_delete_cell(c); for(int i=0; i<S7; i++) if(h2->move(i)) h2->move(i)->move(h2->c.spin(i)) = NULL; tailored_delete(h2); } void recursive_delete(heptagon *h, int i) { heptagon *h2 = h->move(i); { for(int i=1; i<S7; i++) if(h2->move(i) && h2->move(i)->move(0) == h2) recursive_delete(h2, i); } if(h2->alt && h2->alt->alt == h2->alt) { DEBB(DF_MEMORY, ("destroying alternate map ", h2->alt)); for(hrmap *& hm: allmaps) { if(hm->getOrigin() == h2->alt) { delete hm; hm = allmaps.back(); allmaps.pop_back(); DEBB(DF_MEMORY, ("map found (", isize(allmaps), " altmaps total)")); break; } } } if(h2->alt) { h2->alt->cdata = NULL; } delete_heptagon(h2); h->move(i) = NULL; } bool unsafeLand(cell *c) { return isCyclic(c->land) || isGravityLand(c->land) || isHaunted(c->land) || among(c->land, laCaribbean, laOcean, laGraveyard, laPrincessQuest); } EX void save_memory() { if(quotient || !hyperbolic || NONSTDVAR) return; if(!memory_saving_mode) return; if(unsafeLand(cwt.at)) return; int d = celldist(cwt.at); if(d < LIM+10) return; heptagon *at = cwt.at->master; heptagon *orig = currentmap->gamestart()->master; if(recallCell.at) { if(unsafeLand(recallCell.at)) return; heptagon *at2 = recallCell.at->master; int t = 0; while(at != at2) { t++; if(t > 10000) return; if(celldist(at->c7) > celldist(at2->c7)) at = at->move(0); else at2 = at2->move(0); } } while(celldist(at->c7) > d-LIM) at = at->move(0); // go back to such a point X that all the heptagons adjacent to the current 'at' // are the children of X. This X becomes the new 'at' if(true) { heptagon *allh[9]; int hcount = 0; allh[hcount++] = at; for(int j=0; j<S7; j++) if(allh[0]->move(j)) allh[hcount++] = at->move(j); int deuniq_steps = 0; int i = 1; while(i < hcount) { if(allh[i] == allh[0]) allh[i] = allh[hcount-1], hcount--; else if(celldist(allh[i]->c7) > celldist(allh[0]->c7)) allh[i] = allh[i]->move(0); else { if(allh[0] == orig) return; allh[0] = allh[0]->move(0); i = 1; deuniq_steps++; if(deuniq_steps == 10) return; } } at = allh[0]; } if(last_cleared && celldist(at->c7) < celldist(last_cleared->c7)) return; DEBB(DF_MEMORY, ("celldist = ", make_pair(celldist(cwt.at), celldist(at->c7)))); heptagon *at1 = at; while(at != last_cleared && at != orig) { heptagon *atn = at; at = at->move(0); for(int i=1; i<S7; i++) if(at->move(i) && at->move(i) != atn) recursive_delete(at, i); } last_cleared = at1; DEBB(DF_MEMORY, ("current cellcount = ", cellcount)); sort(removed_cells.begin(), removed_cells.end()); callhooks(hooks_removecells); removed_cells.clear(); } EX purehookset hooks_removecells; EX bool is_cell_removed(cell *c) { return binary_search(removed_cells.begin(), removed_cells.end(), c); } EX void set_if_removed(cell*& c, cell *val) { if(is_cell_removed(c)) c = val; } typedef array<char, 1048576> reserve_block; EX int reserve_count = 0; EX int reserve_limit = 128; const int max_reserve = 4096; array<reserve_block*, max_reserve> reserve; std::new_handler default_handler; EX purehookset hooks_clear_cache; void reserve_handler() { if(reserve_count) { reserve_count--; delete reserve[reserve_count]; } if(reserve_count < 32) callhooks(hooks_clear_cache); if(!reserve_count) std::set_new_handler(default_handler); } EX void apply_memory_reserve() { #if CAP_MEMORY_RESERVE if(reserve_count > 0) std::set_new_handler(default_handler); if(reserve_limit > max_reserve) reserve_limit = max_reserve; if(reserve_limit < 0) reserve_limit = 0; while(reserve_count > reserve_limit) { reserve_count--; delete reserve[reserve_count]; } try { while(reserve_count < reserve_limit) { reserve[reserve_count] = new reserve_block; /* only if successful */ reserve_count++; } } catch(std::bad_alloc&) {} #if ISWINDOWS // no get_new_handler on this compiler... default_handler = [] { throw std::bad_alloc(); }; #else default_handler = std::get_new_handler(); #endif if(reserve_count > 0) std::set_new_handler(reserve_handler); #endif } EX void memory_for_lib() { if(reserve_count) { reserve_count--; delete reserve[reserve_count]; } } EX void show_memory_menu() { gamescreen(); dialog::init(XLAT("memory")); dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "HyperRogue takes place in a world that is larger than anything Euclidean. " "Unfortunately, in some cases running it on an Euclidean computer might be " "a problem -- the computer could simply run out of memory. Some lands (such as the Ocean or the Brown Islands) " "may use up memory very fast!\n\n" )); if(sizeof(void*) <= 4) dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "You are playing a 32-bit HyperRogue executable, which can only use 4GB of memory.\n\n")); dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "Although you are extremely unlikely to return to a place you have already been to, " "the game never forgets these areas, unless you start a new game, use an Orb of " "Safety (found in Land of Eternal Motion, the Prairie, and the Ocean), or activate the memory " "saving mode, which tries to intelligently predict which cells you will never find " "again and can be safely forgotten.\n\n") ); if(cheater) dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("cells in memory"), its(cellcount) + "+" + its(heptacount), 0); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("memory saving mode"), memory_saving_mode, 'f'); dialog::add_action([] { memory_saving_mode = !memory_saving_mode; if(memory_saving_mode) save_memory(), apply_memory_reserve(); }); dialog::addBoolItem_action(XLAT("show memory warnings"), show_memory_warning, 'w'); #if CAP_MEMORY_RESERVE if(reserve_limit > 0 && reserve_count < reserve_limit) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("just let me find Orb of Safety or finish the game"), 'l'); dialog::add_action([] { ignored_memory_warning = true; popScreen(); }); } dialog::addSelItem("memory reserve", its(reserve_count) + "/" + its(reserve_limit) + " MB", 'r'); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(reserve_limit, 0, max_reserve, 16, 128, XLAT("memory reserve"), XLAT("When to show a memory warning.") ); dialog::bound_low(0); dialog::bound_up(max_reserve); dialog::get_di().reaction = apply_memory_reserve; }); #endif dialog::addItem(XLAT("clear caches"), 'c'); dialog::add_action([] { callhooks(hooks_clear_cache); }); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } EX bool protect_memory() { #if CAP_MEMORY_RESERVE apply_memory_reserve(); if(reserve_limit && reserve_count < reserve_limit && !ignored_memory_warning) { pushScreen(show_memory_menu); return true; } if(reserve_limit && reserve_count < 8) { pushScreen(show_memory_menu); return true; } #endif return false; } EX bool memory_issues() { return reserve_limit && reserve_count < 16; } }