// Hyperbolic Rogue -- the history mode // Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file history.cpp * \brief Implementation of the history mode, including the long band and long spiral. */ namespace hr { #if CAP_SDL namespace spiral { typedef long double ld; typedef complex cxld; int shiftx, shifty, velx, vely; vector > quickmap; int CX, CY, SX, SY, Yshift; vector band; SDL_Surface *out; bool displayhelp = true; color_t& bandpixel(int x, int y) { int i = 0; while(i < isize(band) && x >= band[i]->w) x -= band[i]->w, i++; return qpixel(band[i], x, y); } void precompute() { CX = 0; for(int i=0; iw; if(CX == 0) { printf("ERROR: no CX\n"); return; } CY = band[0]->h; SX = out->w; SY = out->h; ld k = -2*M_PI*M_PI / log(2.6180339); // cxld mnoznik = cxld(0, M_PI) / cxld(k, M_PI); cxld factor = cxld(0, -CY/2/M_PI/M_PI) * cxld(k, M_PI); Yshift = CY * k / M_PI; quickmap.clear(); double xc = ((SX | 1) - 2) / 2.; double yc = ((SY | 1) - 2) / 2.; for(int y=0; y p = quickmap[c++]; int cx = p.first + shiftx; int cy = p.second + + shifty; int d = cy / CY; cy -= d * CY; cx -= d * Yshift; if(cy<0) cy += CY, cx += Yshift; cx %= CX; if(cx<0) cx += CX; qpixel(out, x, y) = bandpixel(cx, cy); } } void loop(vector _band) { band = _band; out = s; precompute(); if(CX == 0) return; shiftx = shifty = 0; velx=1; vely=1; bool dosave = false; bool saveGL = vid.usingGL; if(saveGL) switchGL(); // { vid.usingGL = false; setvideomode(); } while(true) { time_t timer; timer = time(NULL); char buf[128]; strftime(buf, 128, "spiral-%y%m%d-%H%M%S" IMAGEEXT, localtime(&timer)); SDL_LockSurface(s); draw(); if(dosave) { dosave = false; IMAGESAVE(s, buf); } SDL_UnlockSurface(s); if(displayhelp) { displaystr(SX/2, vid.fsize*2, 0, vid.fsize, "arrows = navigate, ESC = return, h = hide help", forecolor, 8); displaystr(SX/2, SY - vid.fsize*2, 0, vid.fsize, XLAT("s = save to " IMAGEEXT, buf), forecolor, 8); } SDL_UpdateRect(s, 0, 0, 0, 0); shiftx += velx; shifty += vely; SDL_Event event; while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) switch (event.type) { case SDL_VIDEORESIZE: { resize_screen_to(event.resize.w, event.resize.h); precompute(); break; } case SDL_QUIT: case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: goto breakloop; case SDL_KEYDOWN: { int sym = event.key.keysym.sym; int uni = event.key.keysym.unicode; numlock_on = event.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_NUM; if(DKEY == SDLK_RIGHT) velx++; if(DKEY == SDLK_LEFT) velx--; if(DKEY == SDLK_UP) vely++; if(DKEY == SDLK_DOWN) vely--; if(sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) goto breakloop; if(uni == 'h') displayhelp = !displayhelp; if(uni == 's') dosave = true; } } } breakloop: quickmap.clear(); if(saveGL) switchGL(); // { vid.usingGL = true; setvideomode(); } } } #endif EX namespace history { void handleKeyC(int sym, int uni); int lastprogress; EX void progress_screen() { gamescreen(0); mouseovers = ""; } EX void progress(string str) { #if CAP_SDL int tick = SDL_GetTicks(); if(tick > lastprogress + 250) { lastprogress = tick; msgs.clear(); addMessage(str); drawscreen(); } #endif } EX bool on; EX vector v; int llv; EX double phase; EX vector > killhistory; EX vector > findhistory; EX vector movehistory; EX bool includeHistory; EX ld lvspeed = 1; EX int bandhalf = 200; EX int bandsegment = 16000; EX bool autoband = false; EX bool autobandhistory = false; EX bool dospiral = true; EX ld extra_line_steps = 0; EX vector path_for_lineanimation; EX void clear() { on = false; int N = isize(v); for(int i=0; i 1)) { addMessage("Must go a distance from the starting point"); return; } on = true; if(!quotient) try { path_for_lineanimation = build_shortest_path(start, target); } catch(hr_shortest_path_exception&) { addMessage("Error: could not build a path"); return; } for(cell *c: path_for_lineanimation) { shmup::monster *m = new shmup::monster; m->at = Id; m->base = c; v.push_back(m); } v.back()->at = last; int Q = isize(v)-1; // virtualRebase(v[0], false); // virtualRebase(v[Q], false); for(int i=0; i<1000; i++) { progress(XLAT("Preparing the line (%1/1000)...", its(i+1))); for(int j=1; jbase, v[j]->base, C0) * v[j-1]->at * C0; hyperpoint next = calc_relative_matrix(v[j+1]->base, v[j]->base, C0) * v[j+1]->at * C0; hyperpoint hmid = mid(prev, next); transmatrix at = rgpushxto0(hmid); v[j]->at = at * rspintox(inverse(at) * next); fixmatrix(v[j]->at); } } hyperpoint next0 = calc_relative_matrix(v[1]->base, v[0]->base, C0) * v[1]->at * C0; v[0]->at = v[0]->at * rspintox(inverse(v[0]->at) * next0); llv = ticks; phase = 0; } EX void create_playerpath() { create(currentmap->gamestart(), cwt.at, Id); } EX void create_recenter_to_view(bool precise) { cell *c = centerover.at ? centerover.at : cwt.at; create(path_for_lineanimation[0], c, precise ? inverse(ggmatrix(c)) : Id); } EX void movetophase() { int ph = int(phase); int siz = isize(v); if(ph<0) ph = 0; if(ph >= siz-1) ph = siz-2; heptagon *old = viewctr.at; viewctr.at = v[ph]->base->master; viewctr.spin = 0; ld angle = 0; if(WDIM == 3) { hyperpoint h = inverse(models::rotmatrix()) * View * hpxy3(1,2,3); angle = atan2(h[1], h[2]); } View = inverse(master_relative(v[ph]->base) * v[ph]->at); hyperpoint now = v[ph]->at * C0; hyperpoint next = calc_relative_matrix(v[ph+1]->base, v[ph]->base, C0) * v[ph+1]->at * C0; View = xpush(-(phase-ph) * hdist(now, next)) * View; if(WDIM == 2) { View = models::rotmatrix() * View; } else { if(celldistance(v[ph]->base, old->c7) <= 2) { hyperpoint h1 = View * currentmap->relative_matrix(old, viewctr.at) * hpxy3(1,2,3); ld angle1 = atan2(h1[1], h1[2]); View = cspin(2, 1, angle1 - angle) * View; } View = models::rotmatrix() * View; } playermoved = false; centerover.at = v[ph]->base; compute_graphical_distance(); } EX void apply() { int t = ticks; phase += (t-llv) * lvspeed / 400.; llv = t; int siz = isize(v); while(phase > siz-1 + extra_line_steps) phase -= (siz + 2 * extra_line_steps-1); while(phase < - extra_line_steps) phase += (siz + 2 * extra_line_steps-1); movetophase(); } ld measureLength() { ld r = bandhalf * vid.scale; ld tpixels = 0; int siz = isize(v); for(int j=0; jat) * calc_relative_matrix(v[j+1]->base, v[j]->base, C0) * v[j+1]->at * C0; hyperpoint nextscr; applymodel(next, nextscr); tpixels += nextscr[0] * r; if(j == 0 || j == siz-2) tpixels += nextscr[0] * r * extra_line_steps; } return tpixels; } void restore(); void restoreBack(); #if CAP_SDL void createImage(bool dospiral) { int segid = 1; if(includeHistory) restore(); int bandfull = 2*bandhalf; ld len = measureLength(); time_t timer; timer = time(NULL); char timebuf[128]; strftime(timebuf, 128, "%y%m%d-%H%M%S", localtime(&timer)); vector bands; resetbuffer rbuf; if(1) { // block for RAII dynamicval dv(vid, vid); dynamicval dr(models::rotation, 0); dynamicval di(inHighQual, true); renderbuffer glbuf(bandfull, bandfull, vid.usingGL); vid.xres = vid.yres = bandfull; glbuf.enable(); current_display->radius = bandhalf; calcparam(); ld xpos = 0; int seglen = min(int(len), bandsegment); SDL_Surface *band = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, seglen, bandfull,32,0,0,0,0); if(!band) { addMessage("Could not create an image of that size."); } else { int siz = isize(v); int bonus = ceil(extra_line_steps); cell *last_base = NULL; hyperpoint last_relative; for(int j=-bonus; jradius = bandhalf; phase = j; movetophase(); glbuf.clear(backcolor); drawfullmap(); if(last_base) { hyperpoint last = ggmatrix(last_base) * last_relative; hyperpoint hscr; applymodel(last, hscr); ld bwidth = -current_display->radius * hscr[0]; print(hlog, "bwidth = ", bwidth, "/", len); drawsegment: SDL_Surface *gr = glbuf.render(); for(int cy=0; cy bandsegment) { char buf[154]; sprintf(buf, "bandmodel-%s-%03d" IMAGEEXT, timebuf, segid++); IMAGESAVE(band, buf); if(dospiral) bands.push_back(band); else SDL_FreeSurface(band); len -= bandsegment; xpos -= bandsegment; seglen = min(int(len), bandsegment); band = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, seglen, bandfull,32,0,0,0,0); goto drawsegment; } xpos += bwidth; } last_base = viewcenter(); last_relative = inverse(ggmatrix(last_base)) * C0; } } char buf[154]; sprintf(buf, "bandmodel-%s-%03d" IMAGEEXT, timebuf, segid++); IMAGESAVE(band, buf); addMessage(XLAT("Saved the band image as: ") + buf); if(dospiral) bands.push_back(band); else SDL_FreeSurface(band); } rbuf.reset(); if(includeHistory) restoreBack(); if(dospiral) { spiral::loop(bands); for(int i=0; i= 5 && pmodel <= 6) && !euclid; // bool notconformal = notconformal0 || abs(vid.alpha-1) > 1e-3; dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("projection"), current_proj_name(), 'm'); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("animate from start to current player position"), (on), 'e'); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("animate from last recenter to current view"), (on), 'E'); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("animate from last recenter to precise current view"), (on), 'E'-64); if(on) dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("animation speed"), fts(lvspeed), 'a'); else dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("extend the ends"), fts(extra_line_steps), 'p'); #if CAP_SDL dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("render bands automatically"), (autoband), 'o'); if(autoband) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("include history when auto-rendering"), (autobandhistory), 'j'); if(band_renderable_now() || autoband) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("band width"), "2*"+its(bandhalf), 'd'); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("length of a segment"), its(bandsegment), 's'); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("spiral on rendering"), (dospiral), 'g'); if(band_renderable_now()) dialog::addItem(XLAT("render now (length: %1)", fts(measureLength())), 'f'); } #endif dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); mouseovers = XLAT("see http://www.roguetemple.com/z/hyper/models.php"); keyhandler = handleKeyC; } void handleKeyC(int sym, int uni) { dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni); if(uni == 'e' || uni == 'E' || uni == 'E'-64) { if(on) clear(); else { if(canmove && !cheater) { addMessage("Enable cheat mode or GAME OVER to use this"); return; } if(canmove && cheater) cheater++; if(uni == 'E') create_recenter_to_view(false); else if(uni == 'E'-64) create_recenter_to_view(true); else create_playerpath(); } } else if(uni == 'o') autoband = !autoband; else if(uni == 'm') pushScreen(models::model_menu); else if(uni == 'a') dialog::editNumber(lvspeed, -5, 5, .1, 1, XLAT("animation speed"), ""); else if(uni == 'd') { dialog::editNumber(bandhalf, 5, 1000, 5, 200, XLAT("band width"), ""); dialog::bound_low(5); } else if(uni == 's') { dialog::editNumber(bandsegment, 500, 32000, 500, 16000, XLAT("band segment"), ""); dialog::bound_low(500); } else if(uni == 'p') dialog::editNumber(extra_line_steps, 0, 5, 1, 1, XLAT("extend the ends"), "0 = start at the game start, endat the end position; " "larger numbers give extra space at the ends." ); else if(uni == 'g') { dospiral = !dospiral; } else if(uni == 'i') { if(canmove && !cheater) { addMessage("Enable cheat mode or GAME OVER to use this"); return; } if(canmove && cheater) cheater++; includeHistory = !includeHistory; } #if CAP_SDL else if(uni == 'f' && band_renderable_now()) createImage(dospiral); #endif else if(uni == 'j') { autobandhistory = !autobandhistory; } else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) popScreen(); } set inmovehistory, inkillhistory, infindhistory; EX void restore() { inmovehistory.clear(); inkillhistory.clear(); infindhistory.clear(); for(int i=0; imonst; killhistory[i].first->monst = m; inkillhistory.insert(killhistory[i].first); } int si = isize(findhistory); for(int i=0; iitem; findhistory[i].first->item = m; infindhistory.insert(findhistory[i].first); } } EX void restoreBack() { int sk = isize(killhistory); for(int i=sk-1; i>=0; i--) { eMonster m = killhistory[i].second; killhistory[i].second = killhistory[i].first->monst; killhistory[i].first->monst = m; } int si = isize(findhistory); for(int i=si-1; i>=0; i--) { eItem m = findhistory[i].second; findhistory[i].second = findhistory[i].first->item; findhistory[i].first->item = m; } } EX void renderAutoband() { #if CAP_SDL if(!cwt.at || celldist(cwt.at) <= 7) return; if(!autoband) return; eModel spm = pmodel; bool ih = includeHistory; includeHistory = autobandhistory; pmodel = mdBand; create_playerpath(); createImage(dospiral); clear(); pmodel = spm; includeHistory = ih; #endif } #if CAP_COMMANDLINE int readArgs() { using namespace arg; if(0) ; else if(argis("-playerpath")) { history::create_playerpath(); } else return 1; return 0; } auto hookArg = addHook(hooks_args, 100, readArgs); #endif auto hooks = addHook(clearmemory, 0, [] () { history::renderAutoband(); history::on = false; history::killhistory.clear(); history::findhistory.clear(); history::movehistory.clear(); history::path_for_lineanimation.clear(); history::includeHistory = false; }); } }